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by J
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 at 5:29 AM
Thousands of labor, janitorial, longshoremen and many other unions joined the UCFW union for a massive march in Inglewood. California Attorney General Bill Lockyer repeated Friday's announcement that he plans to sue the grocery store chains that are involved in the strike for allegedly creating a profit sharing pact that violates anti-trust laws.
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by J
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 at 5:29 AM
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by J
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 at 5:29 AM
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by J
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 at 5:29 AM
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by J
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 at 5:29 AM
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by Scabbie
Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2004 at 9:10 PM
I see one of your "Union brothers" has a sign that says crossing the line is hazardous to your health? What a bunch of assholes!
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by JK
Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2004 at 10:53 PM
I think you misunderstand, Scabbie. One of the claims of the grocery strikers is that if they lose their battle and lose their health care, that other employers will follow the same path and cut their employees' health care as well. I think the sign means "cross the line, and you might lose your health care too".
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by Ebruf
Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2004 at 9:50 PM
If you finished reading the sign, you would see that it says "hazardous to your health care plan." I believe it's called humor, perhaps you're familiar with it?
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by anti-scab
Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004 at 5:22 PM
Besides just being a humorous sign.... When you take our families' food off our table we get pissed off. And exactly who are the assholes here: Those already struggling to survive and getting attacked, or those fat assholes on top who make billions but aren't satisfied so they cut into OUR benefits for a few more measly bucks?
And you'd better consider the fact that by crossing the line, you're indirectly taking food off of other people's plates... so when people start to take the gloves off, maybe you shouldn't be so shocked.
If someone walked into your home and started taking your food from your table, I bet you'd do more than make a threatening sign. Alls I have to say is that if you're scabbin', you'd better be worried about more than losin just your health care plan.... if friends, respect, and community mean anything to you, think again before you cross that line... But I doubt scabs care about that kind of thing... that's why we call em scabs... are you a scab?
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by fresca
Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004 at 6:03 PM
"When you take our families' food off our table we get pissed off. "
No on but yourself is to blame.
YOU are giving away the food on your families plates by trading it in for some arrogant, self-inflated idea of how much you're worth.
No one's forcing you to not work...well, except for the rich union leaders who are always around to rip[ you off.
How many times have these laughing bastards fed you're family.
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by gen
Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004 at 7:48 PM
Putz, Your right you are a putz. How are the Ralphs and Albertson's workers suppose to go to work if they've been locked out by their employers! Thanks to the Unions we have good health care and wages. If they weren't around it would be terrible.
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by more rational
Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 2:03 AM
Why do workers need the go-ahead from the union to strike?
Workers should strike at least once a year, to remind the bosses who does the work and makes the business operate.
Before this is safe, though, working people need to get organized and get back some political clout that they gave up during the Reagan administration. In order to make striking safer, workers need the right, after they vote on a strike, to lock the doors of their workplace, so business must stop. If that single action is protected by law, then wages and working conditions will improve.
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by fresca
Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 4:36 AM
"In order to make striking safer, workers need the right, after they vote on a strike, to lock the doors of their workplace, so business must stop."
What the hell are you talking about?
Why would workers have any right in closing a business, even for one minute, that they don't own and have risked nothing to build and start?
How about the owners being allowed to simply take a few weeks pay out of the workers accounts every year when they want to expand or make improvements or simply go on vacation?
How'd that be for you? Sounds fair by your logic.
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by JP
Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 5:47 AM
A scab is someone who lacks the knowledge and understanding of what it's like to hold down a solid job for a long period of time and having morals about a good standard of living and providing for a family.
A scab is someone who is desperate and JELOUS because they never went out and got the job that we have had and are fighting for on their own. They have to go in through a dirty back door to make quick money because they can't get the honest job on their own.
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by fresca
Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 6:04 AM
"they never went out and got the job that we have had "
Turns out, they DID go out and get the job you HAD.
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Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 6:06 AM
End of the Union is near, 3 years from now union will be long gone, you guys are faighting for a short term contract and in 3 years you will be fighting for Walmart jobs, get a life, live like a capitalist and don't wait for the union to decide your working life:(
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by more rational
Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 10:13 AM
"Why would workers have any right in closing a business, even for one minute, that they don't own and have risked nothing to build and start?"
If it were declared a right, protected by law, then it is a right. If an established worker has the right to strike, say for up to one week, that could (by some interpretation) imply that the boss has no right to hire a scab for this time period. By extension, the strikers would have the right to lock up the shop (as long as property is not damaged). This right would also imply that they have the right to a sit-down strike.
You talk so much about the risk incurred by capitalists, but it's mainly the small businesses that incur risk. Once you have enough money, there's a lot less risk to the person who starts the business. Sometimes, it's the worker who faces more risk, for example, because he or she moves to the job, and it's a company town. If the company folds, they're screwed.
"How about the owners being allowed to simply take a few weeks pay out of the workers accounts every year when they want to expand or make improvements or simply go on vacation?"
Some bosses withhold pay, and need to be sued for back pay. These lawsuits happen all the time.
There are also systematic ways to withhold pay. For example, (assuming the business is profitable) it's generally considered good business practice to give bonuses instead of raises. A bonus could have been taken as profit, but given as pay (and declared an expense). If the owner (assuming a sole proprietorship) had a catastrophe at home and needed money, s/he could use the bonus money for that instead, and it would be perfectly legal.
In the corporate world, that bonus money/profit becomes working capital for expansion. Suppose that in the summer, the Board decides that it's vital to expand into a growing market somewhere. That year, the Christmas bonuses will not be so big, because the profits will be directed toward building new business. Where's the "risk" in this? This is a risky venture, but it's a risk that's being mitigated by the fact that the investment capital is money that would have been "profit" or "bonuses".
They can take it to the next level, and declare that they are reinvesting into the business, and cause the stock value to rise, then sell off some stock and raise sufficient cash for expansion. The risk is being spread over the workers and the stock market investors (which includes pension funds, banks, mutual funds, and others).
The risk to the corporation is low. The risk to the CEOs and Board is nil because they get fat paychecks. (Risk is relative. If you make 0k a year as a below average CEO who can't perform, and you get fired, losing your job sucks, but it doesn't mean you go homeless. If you make mil like a real big shot, your risk is pinned at zero for life!)
The risk to investors is relative. The risk to workers, also, is relative.
The proportion of personal risk borne by the small investors and workers, in comparision, is substantially greater than that borne by the top decisionmakers.
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Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 at 10:16 PM
All I see in these pictures are a bunch of stupid brainwashed baby boomers. Those baby boomers are ruining it for everyone.
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by Yup
Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004 at 1:32 AM
so kill the BB culture and refuse to take part in or on or through it. starve it dis it and let it shrivel up. It's mostly BS anyway. back to basics and relationships among people, not things. Competition kills. It is all about being strong above being accepted by the usual gang of idiots and don't ever tell me I have to be like anyone. I'll respect you as much as you respect me.
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Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004 at 2:48 AM
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by BushAdmirerr
Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004 at 3:01 AM
Q. Name something positive that has come from the labor movement in America.
A. Scabs.
Q. Name something else positive tat has come from the labor movement in America.
A. Hmmmm. I give up. I'm stumped. Scabs are the only positive I can think of.
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by Meat Cutter
Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004 at 3:10 AM
Unions built this country. Without them every working American is in trouble. Vote Democratic.
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by knowitall
Sunday, Feb. 08, 2004 at 3:47 AM
are you ignorant or what? Lock the doors of the grocers?....and just who do you think you are, you are an EMPLOYEE, not the owner!!
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by Feeling it too
Sunday, Feb. 08, 2004 at 5:06 PM
Look guy-everyone who works in the industry has been affected by the "peoples vote to strike". Some of us aren't so lucky to have a union fighting for us. Since you guys have been out there has been no vendor work, no manufactor reps needed as well as no third party work. You made this choice that has affected all of us. Question is this did you think all the stores would close because you were not there? I would think not-you should feel blessed there are people working at your stores helping to keep the sales up so you have a job to go back to. Frankly alot of stores look great and the people although not the same are ok too. If things are as bad for you guys as you say for God's sake get another job, at least until this is over. One more comment you all say you appreciate and miss your customers-well who do you think is really paying and will continue to pay for this labor dispute? Yes, good guess-the CONSUMER!
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by me
Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 at 12:25 AM
Idiot we are Consumers too !!!
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by locked out Ralphs employee
Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 at 8:55 AM
WHO IS THE REAL ENEMY? It's not the "replacement workers", they have bills to pay and need to make money, too. It's not the store directors, who have more to do at work now than ever, and would be relieved to see us come back to our jobs. It's not the customers, the only customers we see crossing the picket line are the misinformed who think this strike's outcome won't affect their medical benefits or pensions. It's not the union leaders, it would be in their best interests to negotiate an acceptable contract as soon as possible. It's not the gossip mongers, media, state government , federal goverment, stockholders, or even Wal-Mart. THE REAL ENEMIES ARE THE CEO's AND BOARDS OF DIRECTORS OF KROGER, ALBERTSONS, AND SAFEWAY. They will continue to make MILLIONS of dollars for themselves and will want to make EVEN MORE while trying to pay us THE LEAST AMOUNT THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH. And we workers will never see any of those corporate types face to face, much less see them actually do some work in the markets. They hope we will never recognize them. The best way to fight these corporate leeches is to peacefully keep the customers out of our stores. We need to keep reminding the customers that we need our fair wages, medical benefits and pensions for our families and ourselves. We need to remind the customers of the Millions of dollars the Company Fatcats are doling out to each other, while prices are being raised in all three markets. We need to tell the customers we want the paychecks, benefits and pensions we have earned, and we WILL continue to fight for jobs and our futures. Don't let the company "leaders" rest easy while we're not at our jobs. Again, the best way to fight and win is to encourage the customers to shop elsewhere. Contact your co-workers and encourage them to be on the picket line as often as they can, even if they only can be there one day a week. Keep reminding the customers what we're fighting for, don't let up, and WE WILL WIN ! ! !
WHO IS THE REAL ENEMY? It's not the "replacement workers", most of them have bills to pay and need to make money, too. It's not the Store Directors, who have more to do at work now than ever, and would be relieved to see us back at our jobs. It's not the customers, the only customers we picketers see are the misinformed who think this strike's outcome won't affect their medical benefits or pensions. It's not the union leaders, it would be in their best interests to negotiate an acceptable contract as soon as possible. It's not the gossip mongers, media, state government, federal government, stockholders, or even Wall-Mart. THE REAL ENEMIES ARE THE CEO's AND BOARDS OF DIRECTORS OF SAFEWAY, ALBERTSONS, AND KROGER. They will continue to grab MILLIONS of dollars for themselves and will want EVEN MORE while trying to pay us THE LEAST AMOUNT THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH. And we workers will never see any of those people face to face, much less see them actually do some work in the markets. They hope we will never recognize them. The best way to fight these corporate "leaders" is to peacefully keep the shoppers out of our stores. We picketers must constantly remind the customers that we need our fair wages, affordable medical benefits, and pensions for our families and ourselves. We picketers must constantly remind the customers of the Millions of dollars that the company executives are doling out to each other, while prices are being raised in all three markets. We picketers must constantly remind the company executives that the union members are the people who make these businesses profitable, and that we want the paychecks, benefits, and pensions we have earned, and we WILL continue to FIGHT for our jobs and our futures. Don't let the corporate executives rest easy while we're not at our jobs. Again, the best way to fight and win is to encourage the customers to shop elsewhere. Contact your co-workers and get them to join the picket line as often as they can, even if they can only be there one day a week. Keep reminding the customers what we're fighting for, stay strong, don't let up, and WE WILL WIN !!!
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by Michael V.
Friday, Feb. 20, 2004 at 5:31 PM
You are not seeing the "Forest Trough the Trees"
I am not saying that Unions are Evil, but times have been changing. With labor laws that have been instituted by our Governments, (ie Federal, State, and Local) You the employee have been given huge power to influence your employer. Granted many of these laws are the direct result of Union intervention. I do have to thank the Unions for that. Especially when I was young and growing up, 50 some years ago.
Now it seems that the Unions are only negotiating contract between employees and employers. I do not see the Unions working for employee safety as they once did. I feel that this is wrong. I see the Unions giving the workers the false impression that they could not talk to their employer with out their intervention. The unions are only pointing out how your employers are doing you wrong.
Being self-employed for almost 30 years I do see both sides of the story. I know many of you may argue with me. I have over 100 employees in MY care. With that comes much responsibility. I have a responsibility to all of my employees, I also have to meet all AQMD requirements, Safety requirements, Licenses, Permits, Insurance requirements, Customer satisfaction, and also my needs. (Sometimes I do not pay myself!)
Fortunately I do not have a Union to deal with. I feel if I did I would just close up my business today, and over 100 people would be out of work tomorrow.
Not one of my employees makes the same as another employee. All of my employees receive their raises based on merit. I know if my employees did not work on the Merit basis all incentive to do better would be lost. A hard working employee would be paid the same as an employee that was doing enough just to get by. It is also possible that the hard working employee would not have the seniority of the less productive employee. This is where Unions are ruining America. I would see my customers going to my compeditor.
Now the employers that you work for, You say it is "Corporate Greed" that is the cause of all of this. Keep in mind, your employer has all the responsibility that I have! But! They have one more responsibility! They have to answer to their "Share Holders"! The majority of their Share Holders are investors for retirement accounts! Maybe your retire account is a Mutual Fund that is invested your own employer. You may be hurting your self twice. Also too you have greed. Look what you have done to your community demanding what others do not have.
The majority of my employees are movers and shakers. I have two women who have worked for me for most of the 30 years as secretaries. I have taken care of them to ensure they have a nest egg to take care of them in their later years. I as well as my employees have to take classes bi-annually (Every two years) to stay current in our profession. All of my employees must pay for their own classes and license fees. These classes cost in the thousands, and take them away from their friends and families for three weeks out of the year. One week in the summer and two in the winter. I do give them zero interest loans to help.
I would not be happy being a UFCW worker. My intention in life was to advance as far as I could. I could not work where someone told me how much I am worth and how much I should be paid. I worked hard to get to where I am in life. Neither would any of my employees. Some of my employees have left me and started their own companies. They leave with my blessings. Some have come back. I welcome them when they do.
I know the majority of you do not want to go beyond scanning items into a computer terminal, or stocking shelves. Times are changing you may not have the opportunity to do that job much longer. You will have to re-train yourself for another job. The rail road needed stokers for their trains and one brakeman for each car along with the Engineer. It took sometimes over 20 people to have a train go from place "A" to place "B". Now only one man runs a train. Maybe two. In Japan I saw a robot that stocked shelves and took inventory. This machine worked 24 hours a day. It may be comming here.
It is funny. Before the strike I was friends with many of the Albertson's employees. Now I am hated for trying to keep my life normal. When their life was normal 80% of them drove Japanese, European, or Saturn cars. (Hmmm Non-Union made cars?) Now that they are not working they are telling me to shop Non-Union Stores like "Trader-Joe's" or "Northgate" (Hmmm? Non-Union Stores?) I have no Stater Brother's in my area so I guess it would be hard to go there. But I do have a Wal-Mart!!
Thank you for your time Michael V.
P.S. My wife Just dittoed this letter.
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