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by jizzeb
Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 at 8:20 PM
Koo's cafe is the only real all ages venue in Long Beach, CA since the close of the Long Beach infoshop over a year ago. Koo's is now under threat by the Long Beach Police Department of being closed down. Support independent art and gatherings in Long Beach!! Come to the LB city council on Tuesday, January 6th at 5pm and show your support!!
Dear Koo's Supporters,
We need your help!
Koo's has been called to a public hearing at Long Beach City Hall regarding the issuance of an entertainment license that would allow them to have live music performances in their location at 540 E. Broadway in Downtown Long Beach.
Due to erroneous misinformation that has been reported to the City of Long Beach by members of the vice police department, the entertainment license that Koo's was granted back in July 2003 is facing the possibility of being denied.
It is important to the fiscal health of Koo's that they be allowed to continue to hold evening all-ages music performances, as this provides a steady source of revenue to cover the costs of keeping their doors open.
That said, it is important to note that Koo's is much more than a music venue. Koo's is an art center that is home to visual art exhibitions, plays, workshops, and any number of programs that local artists (visual or performing) may propose. It provides a location where artists of all disciplines can come together for a sense of community.
So, please join us at the City Council Meeting on Tuesday, January 6 at 5:00 p.m.
Critical Mass! We want to fill the chambers with as many bodies as possible to visibly represent to the City Council the kind of support Koo's has from the community. We need artists, musicians, actors, dancers, business persons, neighbors, kids, parents and grandparents to show up at the meeting and create a presence.
To get to free parking at the Long Beach City Hall parking structure:
From the 710 S., take the Broadway exit, continue on Broadway a few blocks and pull into the entrance on the right, just past Chestnut and just before Cedar.
>From elsewhere in Long Beach, head west on 3rd St. After you cross Cedar, turn left on Chestnut then left again on Broadway. Pull into the parking structure on the right, just before Cedar.
See MapQuest for general location of City Hall: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp? country=US&countryid=250&addtohistory=&address=33 3+W.+Ocean+Blvd&city=&state=&zipcode=90802&submit =Get+Map
To the Council Chambers:
From the lot, head south towards the tallest building. If you enter on the North side, keep to the left and you will come to the council chambers. If you enter on the East side, keep to the right to find the entrance to council chambers.
We would also like as many people as possible to write letters to Dan Baker's office. His email address is: baker@ci.long-beach.ca.us His mailing address is: Dan Baker, 2nd District Council Person, City of Long Beach, 333 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach 90802. His phone number is (562) 570-6684.
Please join us after the meeting at 6 p.m. for a get-together at Utopia, corner of 1st and Linden., and thanks in advance for your support!
Please forward this email to anyone you think would be interested.
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by Yuppie Dip
Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 at 10:14 PM
Now, now - the City Manager wants to please his billionaire and millionaire backers in the "business community" by clearing all the anarchist types out of downtown Long Beach so that it can be transformed into a second Old Time Pasadena and "urban pioneers" can enrich Long Beach by their very presence. He also wants to please the "business community" parasites by coercing City employees into cancelling their signed labor contract and agreeing to pay their own health insurance - the same thing the supermarkets want their workers to do. This will make the billionaires happy by removing even the hypothetical possibility of having their low taxes raised so that the lower orders can enjoy the undeserved privelege of medical care.
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by Yuppie Dip
Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 at 10:27 PM
I meant Old Town Pasadena. How could I get the name of that Sacred Place wrong. Pilgrimages of yuppies go there from 50 miles away - sort of like the Canterbury Tales.
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by fresca
Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 at 11:48 PM
"agreeing to pay their own health insurance - the same thing the supermarkets want their workers to do. "
It's curious how easy it is for you silly leftists to just flat out lie.
The "supernarkets" do not want their employees to pay for their own health care. They want them to HELP pay SOME of the cost. That is a HUGE difference and one which I'm sure you knew.
But it always sounds better to lie right?
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by Monty Burns
Friday, Jan. 02, 2004 at 1:45 AM
You go, Long Beach! Deny these leftists the right of free music, art, and whatever else they are complaining about!
Like billionaires have any interest at all in fucking Long Beach, let alone anarchist arteests. Get over yourselves, fools.
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by Diogenes
Saturday, Jan. 03, 2004 at 3:21 PM
...venues that supported independant arts simply caught fire and burned to the ground in the middle of the night. So, I guess, denial of an entertainment license is progress, right?
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by more rational
Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004 at 3:10 AM
The supermarkets want to cut health benefits for new employees from an hour to .35 an hour. The "small contribution" they were talking about was just for current employees; this compensation cut is across the board for all new employees. The total effect is that workers are going to suffer a huge net loss in compensation.
As for billionaire's interest in Long Beach - of course they are interested. They want to push community groups out of valuable retail spaces, so those retail spaces can be occupied by chain stores. They should get a new slogan for Long Beach. "Welcome to the New Long Beach: Shut Up and Shop!"
The sheer idiocy of some of the conservatives on this site is comical. The fact that the mainstream media echo these positions is sad, but expected.
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by Meyer London
Tuesday, Jan. 06, 2004 at 6:48 PM
Well, snobbish suburbanite, how about the billionaires who control Boeing, the big waterfront hotels, the supermarkets who want yuppie customers with expensive tastes, the various insurance, real estate, banking and other interests who are in Long Beach? Or businesses that want to cater to the highly affluent Long Beach community of Belmont Shore? Believe it or not, everyone who lives outside the boundaries of your home town of South Pasadena or Beverly Hills is not homeless or a servant in your home. Ask Mommie to take you on a tour of LA County someday. By the way, did you send off your admission application to USC yet?
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by theprimespot.com
Friday, Jan. 09, 2004 at 4:24 AM
theprimespot@aol.com 562-804-5625 PO Box 562 Long Beach 90800
Well the council meeting is over and KOOS.org 's Entertainment License has been granted for another year with stipulations - no dancing, etc. Vote was 8-0, seems there were 3 residents from the building who had complaints. The 50 or so artists that showed up gave their support. (Mayor O'Neill was impressed they weren't watching the Terminator's speech on tV).
See you next year, unless there is misbehavin' between now & then). No Dancing, KaRi
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by Neo
Friday, Jan. 16, 2004 at 8:32 PM
I just moved from Portland from the Alberta St district, and I am looking for a place where i can lay my bones not too expensive and with posibilities of doing some art work i was living in a community house with a lot of progressive and creative people please email me if you know some place. thanx
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by Neo
Friday, Jan. 16, 2004 at 8:34 PM
 lsd.jpg, image/jpeg, 723x542
I just moved from Portland from the Alberta St district, and I am looking for a place where i can lay my bones not too expensive and with posibilities of doing some art work i was living in a community house with a lot of progressive and creative people please email me if you know some place. thanx
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