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by Joe Hill
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 1:44 AM
short video of scabs at the check out stand
QuickTime movie at 4.1 kibibytes
In the hearts they know what they are doing is wrong and they are ashamed to be photographed.
No one should hate them. Take pity on them. Let's help them to see that they are working against their own interests. That they are only serving master and helping to divide their class. That they are keeping themselves trapped as wage slaves, living with out healthcare and basic human needs.
That if they were to walk out and ask the strikers on the line for forgiveness and a chance to join the union they would be forgiven and taken in as brothers and sisters.
Let’s build real solidarity and raise class conscience so that we are all united against the corporations and their paid goons in the government and the media. Only then can we free ourselves and build an economy and a civil society that is truly peaceful and just.
“though cowards flinch and traitors sneer we’ll keep the union flag flying here”
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by Ignatius56
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 6:27 AM
It seems to me they would be afraid to be photographed and identified so some union thug could more easily slash their tires or follow them home. What , that's never happened? Oops, sorry I said anything.
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by Scabbie
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 8:02 AM
What the scabs (as you call them) are doing isn't wrong. What you and your fellow socialist union sheep are doing is wrong. Talk about bowing to your master! At least the scabs have enough backbone to work for themselves unlike you union sheep who all work for the Union boss man. Do you think your union boss men are taking home $200 a week strike pay? You poor pathetic sheep are the ones we should take pity on
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by Meyer London
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 9:23 AM
After the strike is finally settled the scabs will be out of a job. I suggest that they apply to the cops, KOBE, or the FBI for jobs as trolls on IMC. The current crew does not seem to be doing a very good job; even their blockhead bosses must realize that all they have done is make themselves into objects of ridicule. Even the grocery scabs could probably do better than that.
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by George Soros
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 9:42 AM
You are definately one of my best flunkies...errr...I mean, operatives. I've reconsidered that little discussion we had, and come to the conclusion that you are in fact worth an extra 30 cents per hour. You should be seeing an extra $12 in your next check. Less taxes of course...
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by Scabbie
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 9:50 AM
Well if I were you I wouldn't be counting on going back to work any time soon. My guess is the store is going to bust your union and fire all of you. Unless of course you union leaders sell you out which should be soon since the strike fund is running a little low.
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by nonanarchist1250
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 10:00 AM
...doesn't do the union any good.
If the members ain't workin', no union dues gettin' paid.
When the fund gets low enough, union leadership will cave...so they can get paid.
Unions are a business like any other.
And that business is extortion.
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by Harry
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 12:03 PM
"They know what they're doing is wrong & and they are ashamed to be photograph." If that pearl of wisdom is true, then it must also apply to all the "courageous" progressives/socialists/anarchists/etc. running around covering their faces at the various anti-everything demonstrations.
What applies to one group, applies to all.
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by weferfrg
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 1:16 PM
... so that we are all united against the corporations and their paid goons in the government and the media."
Typical victim-mentality rant by someone who refuses to take responsibility for his own life and instead prefers to place blame for his failures on the "eeeevil government and KKKorporations".
Dude...grow up, take responsibily for your actions, and get a job.
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by nnjklljn
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 1:17 PM
That was mine, BTW.
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by Randy Grant
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 5:42 PM
The issue of scab workers is indeed an important topic, however I feel its important to mention the real people who will determine who will prevail in the attempt by southern california groceries to replace their middleclass jobs with Walmart Stlye peon's (no offense to anyone fortunate enough to be a part of the Walmart experience). This is what this strike is truely about, can employers force their employees into a wage scale a few rungs lower down the socio-economic ladder. CEO's are not like your typical human being, they are creatures of the financial world. They are slaves to the pursuit of profit and a better bottom line for their share holders at any cost. Paying a good wage and benefits to employees they now view as mere human resources to be used and cast aside at a whim is not the most efficient profit model in existance anymore, the Walmart model is. Thus like mindless lemmings they are willing to hurl their corporation off the cliff and into the new turbulant waters of poverty scale wages, employees on food stamps, social workers in the workplace to assit and provide government subsities to their impoverished work force thus enslaving thier workers not only to the corporation but also to the government. Oh and by the way they also have plans for a cashless society, the underlying infrastructure is already in place, thats why you can slide your drivers license into an ATM machine and it will ask for your pin, they are ready to tie all your financial records to your national ID so they can control you. Have a nice day
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by Scabbie
Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 at 10:19 AM
All good points Randy, and I assume that you do not shop at Wal mart?
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