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by Marcus
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 7:55 PM
Photos: Striking Grocery Workers March from Century City to Berverly Hills
 curve_march.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x353
Photos: Striking Grocery Workers March from Century City to Berverly Hills
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by Marcus
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 7:55 PM
 hold_the_line.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x331
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by Marcus
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 7:55 PM
 vertical_march.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x600
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by Marcus
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 7:55 PM
 rally_bbb.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x450
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by Marcus
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 7:55 PM
 sun_shade.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x359
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by Marcus
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 7:55 PM
 do_not_shop.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x563
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by Hernesto
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 8:08 PM
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by Sergio Leone
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 3:26 AM
I m aware that pretty much all countries on this planet that don t provide free access to universities to every citizen without distinction, has to provide scholarships to those who can t afford it. (and I know it s the case in the US) If you are so smart and know this system so much better than anyone here, just tell me how light your skin has to be to obtain one of em? can you actually hope to even be accepted by universities if your name is gonzales? There are members of minorities in most faculties, but the proportions never reflect their proportion in the population. I might not know the US as well as you, but I ve seen what is left of the american educational system.
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by nonanarchist0622
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 3:34 AM
Spare me the whiney "white privelige" nonsense.
You have to show up at the admissions board with more than a check. You have to show a willingness to work and study.
Perhaps that's what's missing...?
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by nonanarchist0622
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 3:37 AM
Spare me the whiney "white privelige" nonsense.
You have to show up at the admissions board with more than a check. You have to show a willingness to work and study. White skin is no guarantee. If anything, with Affirmative Action, it can be a liability.
So you can keep your "poor pitiful me" routine. It may play well with imc, but I'm not buying it.
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by Serge-YO! Leone
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 4:08 AM
I d be almost assuming that you declare people from minorities are lazy. (like the exploited workin class).
During the time I lived in the US, I just kept reading about denounciations of the "white privilege" applied for admissions in good universities.
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by Scabbie
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 8:04 AM
Serge, have you considered that Asians are most likely to be admitted to top universities even over the so-called "white privileged" you like to refer to? It's not because of their race, it is because they applied themselves and worked for it plain and simple. I also find it odd that this is a minority that you never see marching and yelling about their rights. They simply work hard to make a better life for themselves. You should take a clue from them.
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by nonanarchist1328
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 10:45 AM
...you'd fit right in at imc.
Every ethnicity and nationality has its lazy people.
Yes, even us "handed everything on a silver platter" whites.
Lazy people are not successful, and successful people are not lazy. The world does not owe you an education or a living. You either work, or you're a drain on public resources. If you're draining public resources, you'd best get back on your feet as soon as possible and contribute to society instead of draining it.
If all you learned from your visit to America is the tired, stale "no war but class war" tripe, you sure as heck didn't pay attention.
You're welcome to come here, make a success of yourself, and contribute to society.
Whining about "whitey keepin' the man of color down" is NOT a contribution to society.
And whining and blaming others for your situation instead of working to better yourself IS lazy. And you don't have to jump to reach that conclusion.
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by Javier
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 4:16 PM
I dont know how this discussion took place based on pictures from a workers rally, but I will still comment on them.
In abstact terms, it is true that people who produce and have ambition should benefit from the fruits of society more so than then one who tries to use the existing safety nets of society for their selfish and lazy aspirations. But I dont think that people of color and the working class fits into this category. If we look at the class make up of society, the richest three americans have the same amount of wealth as the poorest 48 countries of the world. By your logic, these three people work harder than the combined hundereds of millions of people who work an average 50-60 cents an hour with 50-60 hour weeks.
I lectured at UCLA once and I found the under-grad students to be poorly read and not insightful in relation to their major, Mass Communications. But becuase they went to high schools that have connections with Universities and alot of honor classes that would bump up your GPA, they get into schools like UCLA. This sector was dominated by Middle class and mostly anglo at that. I would wish that the educational system would be purely based on achievement and dedication so we wouldnt have all these superficial, oppurtunistic middle class kids dominating the Universities. In order for this to take place, there needs to be a political struggle against the deteriated public school systems that really just funnels kids in working class areas to be laborers, not proffesionals. If one really wants to achieve a fair educational system, we would have to fight collectivly to gain that system. It wouldnt come from whining about the white man or whining about the "lazy" people of color who whine about the white man.
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by rv
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 10:12 AM
Un combaitvo saludo a los compañeros, que en medio de las dificultades, se mantienen, asi sean americanos, mexicanos, afros o asiaticos, e demuestra la unidad de los trabajadores más alla de la raza
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by Randy Grant
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 5:27 PM
One aspect of the grocery worker strike I feel is under reported by the mainstream and even alternative press is the fundamental underlying cause of this strike, Walmart. The CEO's of all the grocery chains involved in this action are seeking to boost their already healthy stock prices. Wall street analyst have informed these CEO's that they will not give the stock of these companies a buy recommendation unless they impose draconian measures upon their workers which are viewed by wall street experts as a needlessly high capital cost. Why pay workers good wages and give them decent benefits when those things affect the bottom line profitablility of already profitable companies? This is the fundamental reason for the hard nosed tactics being used by these morally bankrupt institutions. To a CEO a higher stock price means a potential fortune to be made by exercing the stock options all top management have access to. These CEO's and managers have a direct financial intrest in seeing those stock prices soar which would happen once wall street analyst see that the workers at these companies are being paid as little as walmart employees and have just about the same amount in company paid for benefits...zero.
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by Refused to Pay Union Protection Racket
Sunday, Feb. 08, 2004 at 6:04 PM
FACT: Union grocery store workers make $10 MORE and hour than non-union.
FACT: Union workers refuse to pay a higher amount for health care.
FACT: Worker who WANT to continue at their job are forbidden by federal labor law.
FACT: Organized labor has been using coercive tactics since the 1930's to eliminate black, immigrant, and non-union labor.
Union mob action and the protection given them by the fascist empire of the "New Deal" created an 18.5% unemployment rate for nearly 16 years, while locking out minority and unskilled labor.
It's time to stop paying protection money to a gang of thus.
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