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by Joaquin Avila, Esq. c/o Apache
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 2:07 PM
The UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center has just released a Latino Policy and Issues Brief entitled "Political Apartheid in California: Consequences of Excluding a Growing Noncitizen Population," authored by Joaquin Avila, Esq., which touches upon the ramifications of the current anti-immigrant sentiment in the state, including the recent repeal of SB 60.
The document can be downloaded as a PDF file at the address below and is a must read for those invested in the current controversy over the repeal of SB 60. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/esp/csrc/policybriefs/PB09.pdf please also visit: www.SaveSB60.com/
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by nonanarchist0620
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 3:28 AM
...are all concerned about being excluded, perhaps they shouldn't have illegally entered this country.
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by more rational
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 at 12:45 AM
The reason many enter illegally goes back to the problem of immigration law. The current law allows only those individuals who have a job waiting for them to immigrate. This means that most professionals (doctors, technical workers) are eligible. It also means that people who are doing manual labor have no way in, except illegally. So they enter illegally, and get a job.
Once this "illegal" is integrated into the economy, the boss is dependent on the cheap labor (illegal immigrant = bigger profit margin = house payment for the boss) and thus will sponsor said person to become a legal immigrant.
Meanwhile, citizens who work for a living are going to suffer because they are in competition with workers who have no rights. Once upon a time, these workers without rights were called slaves. Today, they are called illegal immigrants.
One possible tactic is to create a category for immigrant labor from Mexico. Legalize de-facto behavior. Give them equal rights and a green card, and their wages will go up. Once the wages go up, they will become less employable due to competition from citizens, and the influx will reach some kind of stasis. Why only Mexico? Because that's where most of the immigration is from.
Also, as a concession, we'd need to be quicker about deporting people and placing fines on companies that violate the law. This will ultimately be subverted by pro-business judges, but, it'll be in force for a little while and scare business into compliance.
The newly legal immigrant labor can become the strongest force in compliance, because they will be in competition with the "illegal" immigrants for jobs. By creating a new class of legal labor from Mexico, you set up a dynamic where it's easier to enforce immigration laws, because some of the "legals" will rat out the "illegals". The only Mexican Americans who'd really want the "illegals" around would be business owners.
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by more rational
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 at 12:59 AM
The paper is not about undocumented or "illegal" residents, but noncitizens. That's yet another issue.
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by Ignatius 67
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 6:30 AM
I thought this scholarly work saying we should give the vote in local school board elections, etc. was from the CHICAGO studies department. My bad. What in the world else should we expect from a pack of professional Mexican college assholes? Vote for illegals? Oh, my valve.
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by David C. Beall
Monday, Dec. 29, 2003 at 11:41 PM
dcb0319@comcast.net yeah right ditto
It is not the responsibility of the American taxpayer to subsidize the corruption and inadequacies of the Mexican government. There are very strict guidlines for entering the United States as a legal immigrant. Those who enter illegally should be arrested and deported. Those who do so twice should receive lengthy jail terms. The very idea that we should allow citizens of other countries to vote in our elections is so ridiculously stupid that anyone who proposes it cannot be described any other way except to say: "Idiot!" Let them stay at home and improve their country, or else get in line and go throught the LEGAL process of applying for citizenship.
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