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by charles amsellem
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 3:53 AM
Reporting on a recent speech by Sirhan Sirhan Lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, in Los Angeles.
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Sirhan Sirhan Is An Innocent Man
by charles amsellem.
Lawrence Teeter, Sirhan's lawyer, is trying to get the word out that an innocent victim of a government plot has been in jail for more than three and a half decades.
The gathering at the Unitarian Universalist Society on Tuesday evening, December 9th, was the latest attempt by Sirhan Sirhan lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, to call public attention to the enormous evidence that his client is an innocent man. The following is a partial list of the facts that support the claim that Sirhan Sirhan was a victim of a government plot to kill Robert Kennedy. This was accomplished, in part, by making Sirhan into a subject of a mind control program; A true Manchurian Candidate that was used to halt Kennedy's stance on the issues of his day. A stance that was popular with the public and included his actively campaigning to end the Vietnam War:
Grant Cooper, Sirhan's first attorney, conceded to Sirhan's guilt.
He didn't use the prodigious forensic evidence or witness testimony that would have cleared Sirhan (discussed in more detail below). He announced he was ready for trial after only 30 days, which Teeter describes as "preposterous" for any lawyer genuinely concerned with protecting his client's interests in a case that would result in the death penalty if his defense was inadequate.
His defense was inadequate. Several prominent Hollywood lawyers were compromised in an entrapment effort involving stolen federal grand jury transcripts, including Cooper. The press and prosecutors made a big deal out of it, and Cooper was thus leveraged to cooperate with the prosecution, in exchange for leniency, while other prominent Los Angeles attorneys would be complicit or remain silent
Los Angeles County Coroner Thomas Noguchi proved that the bullets hit RFK from behind him and at an upward angle. The first shot was the fatal one and was fired at just three inches away from the back of his head. All witnesses confirm that Sirhan was in front of Kennedy at all times, and was firing at a horizontal trajectory. The witnesses claim Sirhan was approximately three feet in front of the Senator at their nearest proximity.
True prime suspect, Thane Eugene Cesar, acting as a security guard, admits that he was behind Kennedy kneeling with his gun drawn. Cesar's gun was not examined by the LAPD to determine if it had been fired that day.
Cesar was a supporter of segregationist Governor George Wallace, foresaw a racist civil war, and despised the Kennedys. He was an employee of Lockheed which would gain lucrative military contracts if the Vietnam War would continue.
The LAPD cooperated with the conspiracy by incinerating 2410 photographs taken of the murder scene. They also destroyed other physical evidence that together would prove that there were a minimum of ten shots fired in the pantry on June 5th, 1968 (the day of the assassination after the Senator's victory at the California Presidential Primary). There were only eight bullets in Sirhan's gun.
Sirhan was a remarkably good subject for hypnosis. His examiners were unanimous in the claim that he was subjected to previous programming. They were unable to unlock the hypno-psychological mechanisms that concealed what happened on the day of the assassination. To this day, Sirhan claims that a girl said to him, "Could you pour me a cup of coffee with a lot of cream and a lot of sugar?" The next thing he remembers is being strangled in the Ambassador Hotel pantry where RFK lay dying from gunshot wounds.
The assassination of Robert Kennedy and subsequent go ahead for the war in Vietnam was relegated to an act of arab extremism. Does that theme sound familiar to anyone? Teeter has been stonewalled all the way up to the Supreme Court in his efforts to exhonerate Sirhan and get him a new federal trial. His current efforts are directed towards getting Sirhan a new trial in California courts. For more information on Sirhan Sirhan and the events associated with the assassination of Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, link to the following interactive expose.
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by more rational
Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003 at 9:33 PM
That word sets off a red flag. Everyone I've met who claims they're having their mind controlled seemed to be mentally imbalanced and not really "all there." Is the argument here that Sirhan is insane, or that he's actually been having his mind controlled?
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by more rational
Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003 at 10:14 PM
I just read through the flash presentation, and it doesn't seem plausible. I even read up about PsyOps at nessie's page.
The idea that one can be hypnotized makes sense. The idea that radio waves can alter moods also makes sense, but the idea that you can control via radio waves seems impossible.
Hypnosis is suggestion by voice (or sight). It's not electronic, but, suggestive. Someone relaxes you, and then tells you what to think, and also tells you that you'll feel normal or good. People willingly induce these mental states in themselves regularly -- they go to religious revivals, join cults, get into weird politics, join the military, etc. It's a process of dismantling the "self" to take on a persona of sorts.
The PsyOps material I read indicates that the electronic "mind control" devices could make you depressed or tired. I could see that as a possiblity -- depression seems to be tied to decreased mental function, and perhaps by disrupting the functioning of brain signals, you can induce it. Exhaustion is also commonly related to depression. Notably, it's not stated anywhere I read that the machines could make someone happy, confident, or even intoxicated.
Based on these two facts (assuming my BSing is right), there's no logical leap I can make about the possiblity of radio mind control. I think if it were possible, the diet industry would already be using it, and I'd be using it to lose weight.
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by charles a
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 at 3:08 AM
I really appreciate you taking the time to read my flash expose about Sirhan and making your reasonable coments. My flash presentation doesn't make the claim that the frequencies used in behavior modification can produce TOTAL REMOTE CONTROL likened to driving a toy car with a remote control unit. What it refers to is undeniable proof via declassfied CIA and DIA documents that these frequencies have been developed and used to INFLUENCE behavior in the direction the handlers want. For example, there is undeniable proof that these frequencies can at least produce a general irritablity, a state of tension, and lack of concentration in the individual. This can and does cause the individual to be isolated in the social group. People will feel uncomfortable about the individual, often for good reasons, and the handlers can influence them to self destruct. For example, the subject could be fired from their work for inability to concentrate in their job and for 'personality and relational problems' stemming from being in such a state for sustained periods. Depression, as has been shown and you've been gracious enogh to concede, CAN and DOES ensue from sustained assaults. The symptoms of depression can also cause self destructive behavior. This is certainly a form of control via behavior modification, even if it's more generalized than if the person was a full blown robot. Does that make sense? If an implant can be deployed, remote hypnosis, via signals directly administered to the brain and nervous system, CAN make the control and behavior modification far more like that of a remote control robot. Furthermore, a mind control program rarely uses only one method. The project ARTICHOKE method where the subject is drugged to neutralize the concious mind and then hypnosis is adminstered can absolutely cause automatic behavior; even behavior otherwise repugnant or unacceptable to the subject. This is how I answer your question about Sirhan being controlled: All psychiatrists and hypnotists who questioned Sirhan under hypnosis are unanimous in the claim that he was hypnotized BEFORE the assassination. They examined him under hypnosis because he consistently stated, then and now, that he doesnt remember what happened. They discovered a hypnotic memory block of the event of the assassination and the previous programming for that event. ALL experts who examined Sirhan concede that he was subjected to previous programming via hynosis (not radio waves,etc). This area of science and technology is cloaked in secrecy so that people such as police and intel agencies can neutralize people such as whistleblowers, political dissidents, and people who offend the rich men that pay for their services under the table. In the ongoing quest for total control of the individual and society, certain people are selected for experimentation that are not even in the category of 'angering the rich and powerful'. People have been entrianed to throw up red flags when words such as conspiracy, propoganda, and mind control are mentioned (all of which are going on on a vast scale). My qestion to you is this: If you were subjected to electronic manipulation for a long period of time(or even abduction and hypnosis without your knowledge since they can induce amnesia), wouldn't you seem 'not all there' to some people? Here is another link I wish you would check out if you have a moment (its an online video about the history of mind control): http://www.guerrillanews.com/dangerous/
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by more rational
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 at 6:26 AM
I came across a few interesting articles about hypnosis, each with its own perspective. The third one is most interesting to me. http://www.parascope.com/ds/articles/hypnosisInterrogation.htm http://skepdic.com/hypnosis.html http://www.asch.net/genpubinfo.htm Regarding your reply: I don't get the sense that mind control is widespread at all. As far as Sirhan goes, perhaps he was hypnotized to be the fall guy, and there was a plot, but that doesn't imply that there's an existing radio mind control program. I don't understand why they'd need to make someone depressed. They should be able to find them by going to far right or far left groups, churches, cults, militia groups, drug abuse centers, and other places where a disproportionate number of depressed or unstable people congregate. From there, just pick out someone, and then mess with their heads. Better yet, just find someone who wants to try hypnosis to feel better. That second-to-last paragraph about mass mind control to control dissent is a real stretch. There are plenty of people around who have mild or severe depression, schizophrenia, and other mental issues. That doesn't mean that some government or other authority is doing it. It just seems, to me, like it's something that a lot of people live with. Look at someone like nonanarchist. I swear, I get the depression and mental instability vibe from him big time. Same for devoy and kobe sbm. They all seem angry, but, anger is usually a mask for sadness or unhappiness. Hell, even me - when I get on here to bust out some flames, it's usually because I'm not feeling so great. (This is not to discount the actions of the CIA and FBI against the left and moderates critical of America. It's well documented that they were out there making trouble for progressives.)
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by charles
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 at 8:09 AM
In answer to your further comments: 1)"I don't get the sense that mind control is widespread at all." That depends on what you call widespread. According to psychiatrist and mind control whistleblower Dr. Colin Ross, "...there have been thousands, and thousands, and thousands of people that have been subjected to [this] really damaging experimentation." Just look up his name along with 'mind control' in any search engine. 2)"I don't understand why they'd need to make someone depressed..." As Ive explained to you, and you've thankfully admitted yourself, the police and intel agencies are actively looking to make trouble for progressives, whistleblowers and dissidents alike. If they are capable of harrassing, burglarizing, fraudulently jailing, and killing people they dont like, do you really believe that they would stop short of covert manipulation that leaves no trace other than the subject's bizarre or self destrucive behavior? They would be very enthusiastic to use such technology and to keep it a secret as well! They also actively infiltrate the cult groups you've mentioned as well. The influence and control of human behavior is something they are naturally interested in by nature. You dont see it, you just see someone who seems 'not all together there' act like an asshole and you dont see what's going on behind the scenes. You and others therefore come to the conclusion that mind control is rare and mental illness is commonplace instead of the other way around. Here's a direct quote from an interview about mind control with Colin Ross that may shed some light: "It's a very strange story. It tells us that there is something going on in our culture and in the mental health field that is hidden and secret. This is another kind of incest secret in the field of psychiatry that all of these people who have been running psychiatry in the latter half of the 20th century are either directly or loosely connected to a whole huge universe of covert hidden secretly funded mind control research, and as I emphasized, that's a fact.... " http://www.datafilter.com/mc/scienceAbuse.html 3) You made a point that mental illness exists and you stated that it doesnt mean the government is doing it. True, but it's a beautiful cover for a lot of the abuse that goes on. The trial psychiatrists tried to diagnose Sirhan as a paranoid schizophrenic. In fact, schizophrenic's have a low level of hypnotizability so it's clear that some of those 'doctors' were assisting to do Sirhan in (because they also admitted that he was a phenomenal subject that has been subjected to previous programming). Why do I say that? Eduard Simson, the psychologist that examined Sirhan at San Quentin called their diagnosis 'embarassing and discrediting psychiatry and psychology as a profession'. He stated that Sirhan was definitely not paranoid or schizophrenic.
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by richard
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 at 2:14 PM
It has been documented for years that an implant in the outer ear can act as an antenna and receive a carrier wave containing voice changed to infrasound. The infrasound transmits the "broadcast" to the mind of the target. Such technique is alos known as "subliminal"
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