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by Ce Coatl
Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003 at 4:19 PM
see below
Protest the Repeal of SB60 December 12 in Costa Mesa On Friday, December 12, 2003, a coalition of Orange County human rights advocates will converge upon Assemblymember Ken Maddox's Costa Mesa office to protest against the repeal of SB60. SB60 would have allowed all eligible applicants to obtain a CA driver's license, irrespective of their immigration status. Ken Maddox voted against SB60, along with Orange County Republican Assemblymembers Lynn Daucher, Tom Harman, Todd Spitzer, Patricia Bates, John Campbell, and Senators Dick Ackerman, Ross Johnson and Bill Morrow. Our elected officials must hear loud and clear: We will not tolerate institutional racism and the systematic denial of human dignity and livelihood to any human beings, regardless of their immigration status. Save SB60 now! The protest will begin at 4:00 P.M. Ken Maddox's office is located at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205, in Costa Mesa. The crowd will gather in front of the building. This will be a peaceful demonstration, in solidarity with the economic strike to be held concurrently on December 12. Participants are requested not to go to work, school, or buy anything that day as part of a statewide effort to shutdown the CA economy. For more information about the protest, e-mail atlachinolli_front@yahoo.com For more information about SB60 or the economic strike, visit www.savesb60.com
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by Good Target!
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2003 at 9:30 AM
Ken Maddox was the keynote speaker at a recent meeting of California's most vocal hate group, the CCIR. How can he be trusted to represent non-white voters when he allies himself with racists?- Click here for more info- http://ccir.net/MEETINGS/030924.html
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by voter
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 at 11:30 AM
Can I, a US citizen, work in Mexico? No. Can I vote in Mexico? No. Can I get a Mexican driver's license? No. Well, tit for tat,babe. No illegal alien in this country is being denied dignity; they are being told to go back to their country of residence and seek it there. The government cheese has run out, comrades, and the pantry is bare.
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by Bigfoot
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 at 1:32 PM
See how they like it when thier country is overrun by forners speaking an annoying language which sounds like they're saying the same thing over and over again.
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by Meyer London
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 at 4:32 PM
Well, voter baby, if you are posting from California you are already living, voting and working in an area that is rightfully part of Mexico. It was seized in the 1840's by groups of pirates calling themselves Captain Morgan and Francis Drake - oops, I mean the US Army and US Navy. The main purpose of stealing it was the desire of the Polk Administration, which was dominated by slaveholders, was to bring what were hoped to be future slave states into the union. So if it were not for President James "Blackbeard the Pirate" Polk we never would have had such wonders as Ronnie Reagan or Governor Schwartzengroper.
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by fresca897087
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 at 7:55 PM
Absolutely we should give California back to Mexico. I mean look how far Mexican's have taken Mexico. Now there's a culture and society to model yourselves after.
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by Javier
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 12:56 AM
The general conservative infintilism that is being presented about immigrants represents nothing new or insightful. There isnt any parrelel between Americans not being able to vote in Mexico and the degradation that Mexican immigrants face here. American industry and banking capital overwhelmingly dominate the political and economic life of Mexico while the reverse is obviously not true. I remeber reading about how the Mexican government had a direct attack against the Zapatistas in 1994 based off of an order Citi-bank made. Americans are treated like royal guest in Mexico based on their ecomomic privaledge while Mexican immigrants deal with the worst conditions possible here in the USA. There is constant murders around the border done by INS, rapes are prevelant, many immigrants are the base of the economy and the lowest sector of labor. Becuase of this, they often recieve less then minimum wage. Los Angeles has more garmet industry then anywhere else in the country and immigrants are the labor for this industry. One third of workers in this industry get paid less then minimum wage. These places produce the nice clothes that Forever 21 and other fancy stores have for sale. The California economy is the 5th strongest in the world (I think, im not sure) and over 60 billion dollars a year is produced from immigrant labor. The California economy has a dependency on immigrant labor and would never really remove immigrants from California for that reason. The hysteria about how immigrants are criminals and they are stealing american jobs is a form of political scapegoating to continue and reafirm this exploitative relationship to maximize profits. Kind of like how the NAZI party insisited that the Jews control the economic life of Germany only to reafirm their genocidal purges.
Taking the drivers lincence away from immigrants only artificially criminalizes them to a high degree so they stay in a subordinate position in society in a state of terror. Now if I also have to argue against the notion that the bill aids terrorist, you should be shot for your idiocy.
But the debt of California and the development of our society should not take place by extending the exploitation of immigrants, it should come from redistributing the profits of Major corporations and Banks that accumulate billions in profit based off the labor of the working class especially the immigrant sector. The more capitalist industry can rely on immigrant labor and less on "native" labor, the less security everyone has with their jobs. The goal needs to be to unite the division in the working class and fight as one force to achieve security in the work place, democratic rights and a living wage. These chuavinist prejudices only work against this.
The awakening of immigrant labor is important becuase before the political groups that represent this constincuency, only pushed for Latino politicians to get a position in office which didnt really achieve anything becuase of the nature of the Democratic party. But now they are developing their militancy and want show the world the real power they have. By launching the Dec 12 action, they want to show California that they will not be the invisible cloud anymore and that everyone deserves democratic rights. We should be supporting this shift rather then insulting it.
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by Meyer London
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 9:07 AM
Maybe we should look how far they have taken California, whose economy could not function without them. They do a huge percentage of the physically hard, exhausting, hot, dirty work without which the agri-business companies could not make their huge profits and whithout which yuppies and corporate executives might have to do their own gardening, care for their own children, and replace their own broken doors, windows and plumbing.
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by Meyer London
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 9:09 AM
Fresca's above comments were sufficiently crude and racist to have been removed from most web boards; even many "conservative" sites would have removed them, if only because the right code words were not used.
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by Max
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 9:32 AM
I find it difficult to believe that someone with numerous graduate degrees doesn't know, and is too ignorant to look up, the meaning of the word "racist".
Tell us Meyer, because I can't make it out on my own: whicc race is Fresca claiming to be the superior one?
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by klhammy
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 10:49 AM
It's true that you, a US citizen, can't work in Mexico. But have you tried lately? Perhaps you should think about why so many undocumented workers come to this country. If you were born on the other side of the imaginary line, you would still want to be able to feed your children and pay your bills. If it were you in their shoes simply trying to find work, you would deserve dignity as well.
They willingly give up their rights when they come here, knowing that they will be discriminated against by nationalists like yourself, because they have no other options. If they could become citizens and immigrate here legally they would; the process takes over 10 years most of the time!
Educate yourself about the reasons behind the outcomes before you point fingers. You could have been born in Mexico, and I'm sure that you feel lukcy you weren't. But it's not their fault that they were.
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by klhammy
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 10:52 AM
It's true that you, a US citizen, can't work in Mexico. But have you tried lately? Perhaps you should think about why so many undocumented workers come to this country. If you were born on the other side of the imaginary line, you would still want to be able to feed your children and pay your bills. If it were you in their shoes simply trying to find work, you would deserve dignity as well.
They willingly give up their rights when they come here, knowing that they will be discriminated against by nationalists like yourself, because they have no other options. If they could become citizens and immigrate here legally they would; the process takes over 10 years most of the time!
Educate yourself about the reasons behind the outcomes before you point fingers. You could have been born in Mexico, and I'm sure that you feel lukcy you weren't. But it's not their fault that they were.
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by Parry
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 11:22 AM
So the F what, they were born on the other side of the "imaginary" line? That means we have to pay to educate their children, provide medical care, and generally take care of them and their whole family from now on? I am well aware how bad things are in Mexico for the lower classes, but the United States did not create the Mexican political system. They should work to fix their own beautiful, resource rich, but criminally mismanaged country before they scoot across the border, expecting us to take care of them.
Driver's licenses? Voting in local elections (an all Mexican school board? Can you imagine?) I don't think so. Gil Cedillo and Comrade Nativo can say it is about road safety from now till next Tuesday, but we ALL know it is to have illegals eventually be able to vote.
Meyer Dickweed should stlck to talking about his favorite subhuman subculture, the Paleostinians, and leave the Mexicans to us. They have their faults, but they are not climbinmg onto buses and blowing themselves up. Think how happy THAT would make our Meyer.
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by Meyer London
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 12:47 PM
See what you are dealing with here? There is no sense trying to reason with right wing neanderthals.
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by Ramsey Clark
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 3:29 PM
info@activistsandiego.org 619 692-4422
Komrades, socialism is a better system. The stupid and illiterate deserve the free's of our country
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by hox
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 3:40 PM
Meyer London has never once tried to reason with anyone. He came to indymedia day one and started preaching Marxism. He's an avowed socialist and an America hater. Go back and read his posts...
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by klhammy
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 6:18 PM
If you were "well aware" of how bad things are in Mexico for the lower classes, you would know that the US has had a huge role in getting it there.
How can you argue against educating the children of undocumented immigrants. If you were brought here when you were young, say 6 years old, what should we do with you if we're not going to let you attend school? Force you to work so we can exploit you as well?
Even if you are against their parents' choice to come here, you cannot blame the children. They had no choice! So we shouldn't educate them? What would that solve? Then it would be even harder for them to get jobs. If we treated them like humans and allowed them basic human rights, it would be cheaper for all in the long run.
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