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by Latuff/Infoshop
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 12:29 AM
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.
 foxnews.gif, image/png, 600x513
Infoshop.org is calling for a boycott of companies that advertise on the Fox News Channel. Fox News is the main purveyor of the right wing agenda in America, which has had a deleterious effect on American politics. Fox News presents itself falsely as a bastion of " fair and balanced" journalism and as an alternative to the "liberal media." Infoshop.org is calling for people to boycott products and services associated with companies that do business with this right wing cable channel. We seek the removal of Fox News from cable services. Check link for details and support Boycott the Fox New Channel campaign: http://www.infoshop.org/boycottfoxnews.html
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by nonanarchist
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 12:51 AM
Yes! We demand ALL non-liberal media be removed from public view! How else can we control what the sheep think?
You libbies are too hilarious. You DEMAND this and you DEMAND that and you never get what you DEMAND.
Gluttons for punishment, apparently.
Anyway: What right have to to demand that a medium be removed? Just because you don't agree with it? Just because it's not Left enough to suit you?
Which naturally brings up this question:
What are you afraid of?
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by .....
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 1:02 AM
fascism similar to1930's italy
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by Max
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 2:26 AM
I tried watching CNN last night and I nearly threw up. Every other reference was to how GWB has recently been complaining about how negative the media has been, that the media should have been more vigiliant in opposing the war, and that GWB was all washed up.
They showed clips from EVERY major television news station anchor saying negative things about the administration, EXCEPT Fox News.
The liberals have a stranglehold on the media and they can't stand it when Fox News puts out the truth.
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by Max
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 3:16 AM
Perhaps Latuff would like to make some satire up about this: http://www.gallup.com/poll/releases/pr031008.asp "PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-five percent of Americans believe the news media in this country are too liberal, while only 14% say the news media are too conservative. These perceptions of liberal inclination have not changed over the last three years. A majority of Americans who describe their political views as conservative perceive liberal leanings in the media, while only about a third of self-described liberals perceive conservative leanings."
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by Deborah
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 4:47 AM
Sad but true. Most EUROamericans do not know about the TRAIL OF TEARS, most euroamericans are too lazy to question anything that does not affect their day to day life. Most euroamericans are stupid not ignorant but down right stupid. We have the internet to investigate what the media keeps cramming down our throats but no lightbulb goes off because the lights are on yet no one is home!!!!
I have since April stopped watching/listening to mainstream media's. I have replaced all my information with XM (SATELLITE LEFT NEWS /RADIO), WHATREALLYHAPPENED (INTERNET NEWS,) FREESPEECH TV/NEWS (SATELLITE). I refuse to give cable my money after they refused to aire PEACE commercials. It's ok to bomb people but don't you dare show peace anything!!!
www.yuricareport.com read this and THINK FOR YOURSELVES!
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by Max
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 5:07 AM
In fact, any American that hyphenates is stupid. Stupid stupid stupid and dumb. Really dumb. That Gallup poll proves it. 45% of Americans are dumber than dirt. Liberals are smart! SMART I TELL YOU! Really smart. Smarter than Einstein.
In summary:
Americans = dumb
Liberals = smart
There you have it folks. Listen to you liberal leaders and boycott Fox News. That's how they deal with non-conformist dissention in the ranks. That's how they deal with fair and blanced free thought. They boycott it. Make it an Orwellian unperson. Big brother style. Yeeeeeha!
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:06 AM
TV this device is a very effective propaganda tool. He who controls the now inter locked media outlets pretty much control the public mindset still. It will take perseverance to get the blindsided people to question the very nervous media. They realize that they are losing credibility. Even with nearly fifty years of development of the science of persuasion the commercial media is fighting the growing suspicions of a discontented mass.
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by remotecontrol
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:18 AM
TV has been the tool of the Democratic Party for so long now they took it for granted. The people were starving for something other than, "Liberals good, conservatives bad" that when Fox came along and didn't insult them, it became immediately successful. No one wants to watch news that constantly tears down their moral beliefs everyday and tells them they're stupid, or that there isn't actually a right and wrong way to behave it's just situation ethics, or that they should just accept without raising a fuss that their children will be taught in school that evolution is real and God doesn't exist , etc.....
So yes, the people did question the liberal propaghanda they were hearing on TV, and in much the opposite way that you wish they would have.
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by be real
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:34 AM
"infoshop.org" is organizing a boycott? Give me a break! The people who frequent that website are all tofu-eating dumpster-divers. They certainly are not purchasing the evil products of our global capitalist culture like SUVs, tampons, and sugary breakfast cereal.
Fox News could care less what Latuff or any of the rest of you Jew hating scumbags think.
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by Meyer London
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:44 AM
Americans know less about international affairs than people in any other industrialized country, and surveys show that Americans who rely primarily upon television for their news know even less than other Americans. While the rest of the world knew long ago that the wmd story was a scam, millions of people here actually believe it to this day, and a majority or close to a majority think that Saddam Hussein helped engineer the 9/11 tragedy. This has been true for many decades; in 1979 Americans, in contrast to the rest of the world, thought that the Shah of Iran was some kind of reformer rather than a mass murderer and that the US was fighting for "democracy" by funding death squads in El Salvador and Guatemala. Millions of Americans actually think that the average Russian today is economically better off than he or she was under the Soviet system, or that the leaders of Israel are enlightened peace lovers opposed by irrational, grim fanatics who refuse to accept the obvious truthfulness of the Bible revelations. Television is largely responsible for this mass ignorance, and the main differerence between Fox and the other networks is one of style rather than substance. It is rather like the difference between the National Enquirer and the New York Daily News.
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by tv
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:50 AM
Tell you what, since you're so smart, I'm sure you'll find a way to make all these revelations known to the masses in a way they can't deny. And if you don't, well........ that's a reflection upon your own incompetence.
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by Real1
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 7:20 AM
Fact-Free News By Harold Meyerson Wednesday, October 15, 2003; Page A23 Ever worry that millions of your fellow Americans are walking around knowing things that you don't? That your prospects for advancement may depend on your mastery of such arcana as who won the Iraqi war or where exactly Europe is? Then don't watch Fox News. The more you watch, the more you'll get things wrong. Researchers from the Program on International Policy Attitudes (a joint project of several academic centers, some of them based at the University of Maryland) and Knowledge Networks, a California-based polling firm, have spent the better part of the year tracking the public's misperceptions of major news events and polling people to find out just where they go to get things so balled up. This month they released their findings, which go a long way toward explaining why there's so little common ground in American politics today: People are proceeding from radically different sets of facts, some so different that they're altogether fiction. In a series of polls from May through September, the researchers discovered that large minorities of Americans entertained some highly fanciful beliefs about the facts of the Iraqi war. Fully 48 percent of Americans believed that the United States had uncovered evidence demonstrating a close working relationship between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. Another 22 percent thought that we had found the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And 25 percent said that most people in other countries had backed the U.S. war against Saddam Hussein. Sixty percent of all respondents entertained at least one of these bits of dubious knowledge; 8 percent believed all three. The researchers then asked where the respondents most commonly went to get their news. The fair and balanced folks at Fox, the survey concludes, were "the news source whose viewers had the most misperceptions." Eighty percent of Fox viewers believed at least one of these un-facts; 45 percent believed all three. Over at CBS, 71 percent of viewers fell for one of these mistakes, but just 15 percent bought into the full trifecta. And in the daintier precincts of PBS viewers and NPR listeners, just 23 percent adhered to one of these misperceptions, while a scant 4 percent entertained all three. Now, this could just be pre-sorting by ideology: Conservatives watch O'Reilly, liberals look at Lehrer, and everyone finds his belief system confirmed. But the Knowledge Network nudniks took that into account, and found that even among people of like mind, where they got their news still shaped their sense of the real. Among respondents who said they would vote for George W. Bush in next year's presidential race, for instance, more than three-quarters of the Fox watchers thought we'd uncovered a working relationship between Hussein and al Qaeda, while just half of those who watch PBS believed this to be the case. Misperceptions can also be the result of inattention, of course. If you nod off for just a nanosecond in the middle of Tom Brokaw intoning, "U.S. inspectors did not find weapons of mass destruction today," you could think we'd just uncovered Hussein's nuclear arsenal. So the wily researchers also controlled for intensity of viewership, and concluded that, "in the case of those who primarily watched Fox News, greater attention to news modestly increases the likelihood of misperceptions." Particularly when that news includes hyping every false lead in Iraq as the certain prelude to uncovering a massive WMD cache. One question inevitably raised by these findings is whether Fox News is failing or succeeding. Over at CBS, the news that 71 percent of viewers hold one of these mistaken notions should be cause for concern, but whether such should be the case at Fox because 80 percent of their viewers are similarly mistaken is not at all clear. Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and the other guys at Fox have long demonstrated a clearer commitment to changing public policy than to reporting it, and an even clearer commitment to reporting it in such a way as to change it. Take a wild flight of fancy with me and assume for just a moment that one major goal over at Fox is to ensure Bush's reelection. Surely, anyone who believes that Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda were in cahoots, that we've found the WMD and that Bush is revered among the peoples of the world -- all of these known facts to nearly half the Fox viewers -- is a good bet to be a Bush voter in next year's contest. By this standard -- moving votes into Bush's column and keeping them there -- Fox has to be judged a stunning success. It's not so hot on conveying information as such, but mere empiricism must seem so terribly vulgar to such creatures of refinement as Murdoch and Ailes. The writer will answer questions about this column during a Live Online discussion at 4 p.m. today at www.washingtonpost.com. meyersonh@washpost.com © 2003 The Washington Post Company
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by Meyer London
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 7:31 AM
The left can't compete with right wing billionaires in having access to the electronic media, but IMC, the Pacifica radio network and magazines like Z and The Progressive are doing their part to make a dent in the wall of ignorance built by clowns like Ruppert Murdock.
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by Max
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 7:40 AM
“And 25 percent said that most people in other countries had backed the U.S. war against Saddam Hussein.”
Where is the evidence that this is, in fact, NOT true? There is absolutely no evidence that MOST people in OTHER countries opposed US entry into Iraq to depose Hussein.
In fact, I’d like to hear someone to provide a valid argument as to why Hussein should not have been deposed.
That study is a complete farce.
I suppose rightwing conspirators and Fox News perpetrated the Gallup poll I provided a link to above?
Screw you sorry liberals. You should all thank your lucky stars that I'm not king, because I'd have all your asses locked in the dungeon. We'd have ourselves a good ole inquisition.
If Americans are so stupid, why don't you all leave? I simply can't understand why you'd insist on surrounding yourselves with idiocy.
But then again, I do it right here at IMC. It's pretty entertaining I guess.
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by Blind Calf
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 7:56 AM
I did you one better, I banned my cable/satellite service from coming into my house.
All the news channels are owned by a few people and you can bet they all own shares of each others companies. As long as you still pay for cable/satellite service they still make money from you no matter what channel you watch.
If the whole country boycotted TV, Americans would not be so stupid, brainwashed, blind, full of hate, and scared of their own dam shadow! "TERROR ALERT!" Watch out!!! Hurry and give up all your constitutional rights....BEFORE ALL THE BROWN SKIN PEOPLE...um....wait.... I MEAN "TERRORIST" GET YOUR SCARED ASSES!!!!" LOOK at all the new shows on prime TV....they are all geared to pump you full of fear and horrible images, these people know how the mind works. Blind Calf
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by Mr Common Sense
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 7:58 AM
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc.... All of the "so called" liberal media outlets are owned by giant mulntinational corporations. For instance, General Electric owns NBC. GE also builds nuclear reactors and jet engines for the pentagon. Why would they allow their network to broadcast a liberal viewpoint which could harm their bottom line? These businesses have only one agenda - making money. Wake up, you fools. The rich are not your friends.
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by blah blah blah
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 7:59 AM
Excuses Excuses Excuses
We can't... We don't...We haven't...We oughta...
Always a reason. And a poor one at that.
What it all it boils down to is their own incompetence and inability to get the job done.
You need to just sit around and talk about it some more.
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by foh
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 8:08 AM
Don't hand me this "full of hate" line. It was a year or so ago I decided to "kill em with kindness" while posting on SF-IMC. I would write my normal disagreements with the articles and no matter how the discussion went, I would remain above it, not get into name calling, just to see what would happen. So I changed my "handle" and went for it.
Immediately I was being called names and everything else in the book. I'd sit there and point out I just wanted to have a discussion and that I wasn't acting hateful towards them and I'd perfer they did the same in return, but to no avail.
So Mr. "full of hate", tell you what, you clean up your own damn aisle of hate before you demand others do the same.
>>stupid, brainwashed, blind, full of hate, and scared of their own dam shadow<<
People who write like that have no business telling others they are "full of hate."
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 8:18 AM
"There is absolutely no evidence that MOST people in OTHER countries opposed US entry into Iraq to depose Hussein."
excuse me. Just because the 'leadership' (elite skunks and child molesters) of the Countries of the UN didn't do more than grumble it was the mass of people through out the world which vehemently opposed this latest military adventure in oil country by majority concensus. suffering spin sickness again?
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by susan
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 8:43 AM
Mr . Murdoch should be ashamed TO have bought so much media to CARRY ONLY his views... Is he not like a Hitler? Controlling the airwaves with such bias news, and let's not forget to mention, Clear Channel, that has a list of certain songs that can be played! He's not even a American....Throw the new "old" daddy bum off the U.S.airwaves!!! AND he wants to buy Direct T.V. Holey Moley !!!
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by Max
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 8:46 AM
"it was the mass of people through out the world which vehemently opposed this latest military adventure in oil country by majority concensus. "
Please provide one single solitary fact-based source for this vehement and bold-faced load of sheep crap.
I'm just asking for one, sheepdog. Spell it out for me. Who took the consensus? Where is the results documented?
I know you're inclined to fade off in your comments now and again, but you seemed fairly lucid today until just now.
Put the joint down and type.
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by regan
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 8:48 AM
i first discovered FNC and o'reilly back during the clintonovich regime. i was very excited to find them since they were so anti-clinton. i mistaken assumed that they were anti-clinton because the were pro-american. now that i see FNC propping up this buschscum president i realized it is not at all pro-american. so i agree with the boycott. and btw i saw the same pattern with FreeRepublic. they are scum too. where is a real american to turn? the CommieNewsChannel is anti-american, the FascistNewsChannel is anti-american. they are ALL anti-american. so far the best i can find is WhatReallyHappened
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by 2
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 9:12 AM
Funny we hear about all this bias with Rupert Murdoch, but for years we never heard any complaints about the left's darling Ted Turner, his left-slanted CNN, or any of the other networks he owned.
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by Canuck
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 9:22 AM
It amazes me that in Canada our Canadian Radio and Television Commission does not allow users to pay for what they watch. We are forced to pay for things that are representative of a pathological, non-humanistic, right wing, pro-war, spit dribbling, frothing at the mouth, murderous, bunch of rich American bastards hung up on mental masturbation. The cable companies call it packaging. I call it otherwise. I get visceral reactions when I surf by CNN and Fox. It is ludicrous that America actually believes the crap on these channels. There should be a law created so that as much time and effort is spent on the airwaves undoing lies and untruths as there was spent making them up. There should also be a test for pathological hypocrisy. Any average person demonstrating the same degree of pathology as the Bush administration and the Zionists would be put in a home for the mentally handicapped. They actually believe what they say. God save the American dissident.
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by Fair and Balanced
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 9:37 AM
The following companies advertise their products and services on the Fox News Channel.
Please feel free to forward this list to email lists.
Version 1.2 / Last updated: October 15, 2003
Primary advertisers
Earthlink Gateway Computers Honda Orbitz Shell Petroleum
Other advertisers
Adobe American Express AMEX AstraZeneca Avaya Ameriquest Mortgage Bayer Bristol-Meyers Squibb CDW Circuit City Direct TV Edward Jones Investments ELoan.com Ensure Evergreen Investments Farmers Insurance GlaxoSmithKline IBM Infiniti Johnson and Johnson Inc. (Aveeno) L.L.Bean MCI Mens Wearhouse Microsoft Olay Priceline.com Procter & Gamble (Swiffer) Suburu Time Warner Cable Toyota Verizon Wireless Walgreens WebMD Xerox XM Satellite Radio
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by Neil
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 9:47 AM
Some may be shocked when they realise how aware many EA's actually are. Others will be terrified. Many will regret their past arrogance.
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by Todd
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 10:21 AM
At least up until now, Canada has had the moral courage to not allow this joke network access to its cable networks.
Mind you, the biased Aspers are lobbying hard...
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by batan
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 10:37 AM
>>There should be a law created so that as much time and effort is spent on the airwaves undoing lies and untruths as there was spent making them up. There should also be a test for pathological hypocrisy. Any average person demonstrating the same degree of pathology as the Bush administration and the Zionists would be put in a home for the mentally handicapped.<<
"Fund the government to re-indoctrinate those who have reached their own conclusions rather than agreeing with our message. And those who can't be re-educated to see things our way are to be sent to the gulog."
Ah, Yes. When angered, the true feelings of the left jumps out.
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by freddy
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 11:05 AM
I don't see why people are so obsessed with their liberal/conservative views...
It doesn't matter whether Fox news is "conservative" or CNN is "liberal"...What really matters is whether they actually criticise the government....That's what I look for in media: CRITICISM...
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance...
Would the U.S. exist if the media back in the 1770's was blatantly pro-government, pro-status quo?
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by Max
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 11:22 AM
This statement sums up leftist thought in general.
Leftists, or "progressives" as they prefer to be called, believe that to achieve "progress" they must stir things up. And what better way to do that than to criticize. They criticize everything from the Government to the way people shave their pubic areas, in an effort to exacerbate the situation and hopefully achieve their desired progress.
But what they've accomplished is the exact opposite of what they set out to do. This is demonstrated by the Republicans taking control of everything from the White House, to Congress, to the Governorship of California, to the television air waves (Fox News).
Why did they fail so miserably? Why have their pathetics schemes to stir up progress been summarily dismissed by the American people?
Imagine if you will, a world where you were criticized for everything you do, continuously called stupid, fascist, nazi, homophobe, warmonger, etc.
You would rebel against this nonesense eventually.
The great revolution that the leftists have long desired is at hand.
Only problem is that they are on the wrong end of the hangman's noose.
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by OldHotRod
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 11:35 AM
My My-- Boycott the Fox News Channel. I would think that "progressives" like yourself would want to keep FOX on the air just to show how "terrible" they are. Whatever happened to the First Amendment??? Oh I guess it only applies to "The Liberal Elite" . It was Fun to watch how effective the "progressive" LA Times was in informing the people of CA about the Awful AHHnold. Keep it !!!! You guys are fun to watch!!!
A FOX Junkie
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 11:36 AM
this is exactly what happens when the social fabric of a society is left threadbare. A government's job is to insure the wellbeing of its citizens. All of them, not only you Sessile Richmen of the world but also the ones who's labor or commonwealth allowed them to accumulate so much. Keep it, but keep your fingers out of the treasury. We are the ones who build, clean and die for you. Don't get us pissed because when it starts it can't be stopped and sometimes the ones who built up the fires get burned. It's ugly but true. The rope feels the same on either one of our necks.
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by David F. DeLuca
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 11:37 AM
If the right wing can call for boycotts, then why can't the left wing?
No matter where you stand on this, the truth is obvious -- liberals and progressives believe in the right to choose. Conservatives and right wing radicals believe in the right to choose FOR you.
Liberals founded America. Conservatives sided with England.
Need I say any more?
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by whoarewe
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 11:57 AM
"We are the ones who build, clean and die for you. Don't get us pissed because when it starts it can't be stopped and sometimes the ones who built up the fires get burned."
The rich, the 1% of those who make over $200K/yr as defined by our gov't, aren't enough to make up the right-wing. The country is basically 50-50 at this point if you consider Democrat vs. Republican. What makes up the other 49%?
What you have yet to realize is that we, the right-wing, ARE the working class.
And we're tired of paying for your socialist social programs and having them be rammed down our throats. We can take care of ourselves and our fellowman without government interference. Leave us alone and let us do our job.
Keep your filthy hands out of the treasury of which we are the sole contributors.
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 12:01 PM
yeah I know, you CAN'T keep your hands out of the public treasury. too bad.
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by woody
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 1:06 PM
I don't watch Fox News. Not because it is conservative, but because they I sat and watched them report badly or totally false information over 30 times before and during the Iraq war. I can't tell you if it's fair and balanced, but I can tell you they aren't very good at checking their facts.
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by Ed Rosen
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 2:26 PM
nesorder@comcast.net none of your business none of your business
Sure, boycott Fox News Channel- only if you're one of those who can't stomach the truth.
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by Dora Treya
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 3:05 PM
Billy O'Reilly is a pathetic crybaby who lies for no good reason. Billy is the guy we all knew in high school who couldn't make the policy debate team cut, so he was relegated to the Extemp team, and even then he never made it past semis at District-Wide, never mind qualifying for State. Billy is the guy who would tell you to f*k off if you offered to help. You know, smart enough and with potential, but brought down by sullenness and petty bitterness. Let us not forget to be totally underwhelmed by Billy's erudite debate technique of - what was it? - oh, yes - hanging up the phone. Bill O'Reilly is a crying, angry loser who can't get anybody to take him seriously except more crying, angry losers like him.
As for me, I'm going to distribute this list of advertisers to every person I can think of, including my beloved parent-in-law who could use a good scrubbing in the cleansing soap of a Fox-free life. I may even consider some minor sabotage of their Dish so that we can share a media free Thanksgiving, and then we would truly have a thankful day.
Bless ye who are speaking the truth as ye are seeking it. No one can understand freedom more than we, because freedom is truth, and the truth will set us free.
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by Max
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 3:25 PM
The rope would feel the same on either or our necks.
But I'm part of the working class too. And the middle class. The two classes have converged in America.
But my views are conservative. And the way I see it, its the liberals that like to raid the cookie jar. Granted, it's a brave new world, what with the war and the terrorists and the homeland security.
A shame that conservatives get a bad rap for protecting our national interests and personal safety.
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by Sam Oehler
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 3:36 PM
take a look at www.pipa.org.... it has research on what TV news Americans watch, and what misperceptions they have about the war in Iraq.
It supported my theory that Fox News will make you STOOOOPID.
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 4:34 PM
- Fox is far and away the very best source of unbiased news reporting in the world today. It's not even close.- It's not even close. Good paragraph.
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by CoIntelPro
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 4:44 PM
I believe almost all here have posted arguments and insights that are viable and should be expressed and debated, ther is one thing that I think has not been touched upon; that at the end of the day, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and the major networks all put out the same tampered watered down Government approved news.
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by Patriot
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 4:48 PM
what are we afraid of? In a nutshell: ill-informed, ignorant of the facts people, who believe without question all the garbage spewed by a bunch of p__d off white men still have the right to vote!
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by hey "Bush Admirer"
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 5:06 PM
"Bush Admirer" might as well be called "Hitler Admirer"
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by Randy
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 5:40 PM
What do you expect from FOX? It's owned and very tightly controlled by Rupert Murdoch who is a card carrying zionist and has been quoted as saying to the effect that he sees no problem with promoting his agenda. So really....what do you expect their slant to be? They are one of the many mouthpieces for the neoconservative coup within the current administration....and by definition (because zionists are a small minority of the US population)...extremist and not representative of the mainstream. Unfortunately, most Americans are too ignorant to understand that they are being spoon fed cows dung.
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by Rush Limbaugh
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 5:51 PM
Faux News is not the best..Oxycontin is.. I can feel the little blues kickin' in even now. Who gives a rats rump about flatly unbalanced reporting when you're soaring on a hillbilly heroin buzz? Sure I'm a pill poppin,' drug addled neo-fascist . But I have an audience of t-w-e-n-t-y m-i-l-l-i-o-n listeners. American's aren't dumb, they just lack critical thinking skills.(truth be known I think they're basically dumb, but I have a 285 million dollar contract to tend to) You liberals just try and sidestep conservative arguements, bluster and hyperbole with facts..and friends, American's don't find facts to be of high entertainment value. For a FAIR look at the issue regarding Faux News reporting methodologies, try href="http://www.fair.org/reports/fox.html">FAIR.org. Until next time, this is (Oh what a) Rush Limbaugh, reporting from the Betty Ford Clinic.
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by buddha
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:33 PM
and it's dangerous.. thankfully the internet opens up great sources of news,, but yeah, Fox is dangerous.. way too many ignorant, selfish, lazy American minds out there..
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by Horn Dog
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 7:57 PM
why would I boycott the beautiful babes of Fox? Perhaps the lesbian and homos on CNN are more to your liking.
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by towser
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 8:15 PM
Man you Americans are a riot! Content of watching sacks of fat while you get raped on a daily basis. You idiots go wreck a country and then get to pay for it with YOUR taxes. Ha! Knock yourselves out! Look at all the wiggling jugs wheeee! When its your water that gets poisonned and your girlfriends that get raped, just think of the boobies. That'll get you through once more right?
""I have this cool rock at my place, it's pretty smart I'll say. It never thought Saddam was behind 911 and it never said there were WMD in Iraq. According to a recent poll, my rock is smarter than 46 % of the american people"
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by wageslavery
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 11:15 PM
Only in America do they call CNN "left wing".
In case you haven't been paying attention during the last 20 years, the media always supports power. There is no left wing, right wing. It's all about power. Even when the media was going after Clinton on something like Lewinsky, they always managed to miss the big picture (ie Kosovo, illegal bombings, growing the police state, raiding social security). Nope to them it was all about blowjobs.
Amazingly enough, Bush is a bigger liar than Clinton. Though you'd never get that watching CNN. No one questions the Patriot Act, or the ongoing raiding of social security. No one questions his motivation. CNN can go for weeks without discussing Cheney and Halliburton, and how it all neatly ties together in Iraq. And this is the left wing?
Take off your blinders and go pick up Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky. There is no left wing and right wing. There is only only money and power. Those with money and power are trying to keep the majority from controlling it. The purpose of the government is to protect the opulent minority from the unaware majority.
CNN and Fox make the same lies on the big issues, but they target different demographics.
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Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 12:20 AM
 republican_id_badage.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x321
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by Punk
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 12:52 AM
That cartoon is funny!! Here some companies to avoid for Clear Channe:
Laptop Training Solutions Reebok Fox Channel 6 purplepill.com Nexium Mylenta maximum strength
Clear Channel is the one who has been encouraging people to cancel their subscriptions to LA Times!
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by st
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 3:11 AM
"yeah I know, you CAN'T keep your hands out of the public treasury."
It's MY public treasury. I contribute. The people who don't contribute don't get a say.
And since I contribute more than you, I get a bigger say than you. I have more a stake.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 3:56 AM
for the curious self deluded here is a good place to start. http://monkeyfist.com/ChomskyArchive/essays note for Bush Admirer. (do not read)
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by Dora Treya
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 6:18 AM
Oh, my gosh. You found my "post to be truly biased and filled with untruths."
I can't believe it - you're half-right! I am biased, I am truly, deeply, and madly biased, and if that bias was apparent in my post, then congratulations! You're literate! What I can't understand is what a brainchild like you is doing watching television at all. You should be out sharing yourself with those in need. Oh, wait, that's right, We Don't Need You, so climb back into your La-Z-Boy and pop a fresh battery in the remote.
And about the "untruths" I posted. There wasn't a single statement in there that could be called false or a lie. I posited opinion and character evaluation, with use of metaphor and analogy.
O'Reilly is a dyed-in-the-wool liar, unrepentant and unashamed. He's no more a blue-collar American than I am Nancy Reagan. He's lied about where he's from, and he lies about winning a Peabody. And just like all intellectually weak a**hats, he lies by virtue of implication and innuendo. With a list of lies like his to keep track of all the time, I imagine he probably wakes up every morning with the same stomachache he took to bed the night before, and I'm not talking about a $10 hooker.
Billy doesn't debate: Billy the Bully only outshouts and offends. What is that brilliant, sensitive, and insightful rejoinder he relies on when faced with an opposing and well-informed perspective? "Shut up!" Billy O'Reilly isn't a journalist, he's a six-year-old.
Oh, and please remember that it was conservatives who boycotted Coke in the 80's because Coke advertised on Fox's "Married With Children" sitcom. Back then, Fox was a dirty word to y'all. What happened? Oh, that's right. Nothing happened. You're all just hypocrites.
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by cramps
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 6:41 AM
Thanx, Dora. It's called Mydol. Take some.
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by Jim
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 7:02 AM
I think that all TV news is misleading and little more than commentary based on the ideology of the person in charge of the content. Therefore I never watch TV news, except for sports news. They have to report the scores and statistics there, so they can be as biased as they want and it still doesn't effect the score.
I get all of my news off the internet now, unless a breaking news report interrupts regular programming. It's faster, in most cases, and I can easily ignore the commentary to get straight to the heart of the matter. I use a variety of sources from all over the world. That way I am assured that I am fully informed of any aspect of an important issue.
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by Ryan
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 7:05 AM
I agree. For instance, I come to Indymedia to read the articles and also the comments from those who would agree with the content of this site, and then I believe the opposite. I've found that to be the most accurate reflection of what is going on.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 7:09 AM
> a dyed-in-the-wool liar, unrepentant and unashamed.
Not only does he lie constantly, but on the extremely rare occasion he admits any truth, within a few days you'll find him backsliding all the way back to square one, re-telling the same lies he was proven wrong about
and he's got an agenda that addresses that ;
he lies in order to counteract the "lies" we tell. when he's already admitted to a lie, he turns it back into a lie again simply because *the game he's playing of distracting/disrupting and his personal morals* are more important than the truth.
the truth has little meaning to him - it's only to be used as a game piece when it's to his advantage - it has no innate value in it'self.
over the past few weeks I've seen him deny anything and everything under the sun no matter what proof was presented including FOIA documents, photographs backed up by video, URL's to web sites to see them, actual testimony of the actual crewmen (USS Liberty) along with the actual radio traffic, etc
you name it - he's denied it
sometimes just to waste even more of your time he'll ask you to post proof, then after you've went to the time & trouble to do it, he'll simply deny the proof it'self
he's simply trying to waste as much of your time as possible
you might be tempted to think that if you post concrete enough proof he'll have to back down and admit
this is where the dyed-in-the-wool, unrepentant and unashamed part comes into play
no matter what proof you post
he'll continue to deny all
he's only here to DENY EVERYTHING - even after proof is posted - then the proof is denied
constant universal denial for fun
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by Canuck
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 7:29 AM
"Bill O'Reilly makes every effort to be truly fair and balanced."
Is your exposure to the news that limited? Spend a little more time looking for the truth. I'm stunned that anyone would actually make such a statement. Wasn't it Bill O'Reilly who said he would quit if no WMD were found? I emailed him on this. It seems that he conveniently forgot about it. So much for integrity. But now, it’s the WMD program not the weapons. And it's also the vial of botoxin found in some Iraqi's refrigerator (maybe Iraqis want to lips like Pamela Anderson). Honestly, you work for Fox right? There's no shame in admitting it. Everyone needs a job. Even if it is working for some pathetic individual who thinks his frontal lobe makes him master of the universe. Bill O’Reilly is the quintessential egomaniac of the neocon media. Trust me, you can actually do psychometric testing on the size of someone's ego.
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by time
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 7:48 AM
>Not only does he lie constantly
Hex, deadline for you was yesterday. why isn't kobe behind bars? LIAR!!
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 7:56 AM
just because you pull some date out of your ass, has no reflection on me
besides I saw the lies already about the fbi fax and so on - all lies. since you lie THIS much it's no wonder nothing you've ever posted can be taken as the truth as DeVoy says
I've posted proof - FOIA documents, photographs backed by video, screen shots backed by URL's, etc
you keep posting under different handles AND IP'S NOW TOO, always hiding yet expect people to trust kobehq.com when you promise no one can ever find you
so when you install a trojan on someone's computer and they try to track kobehq.com down what do they get ?
more lies ?
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by time
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 8:00 AM
"has no reflection on me"
Yes it does. You claim you provided the Feds with documented evidence showing death threats against public figures, and now we are to believe they have all this evidence and didn't act upon it?
You LIED!!
And we'll make it stick.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 8:24 AM
> provided the Feds with documented evidence showing death threats against public figures, and now we are to believe they have all this evidence and didn't act upon it?
oh but they have - that's the whole point. a date you pull out of your ass doesn't grant you protection just because you say it does
and the investigation has *nothing to do with me* - once started they won't even confirm or deny it's taking place. If you get a denial from the "feds" you can fairly safely assume you aren't (the subect of an investigation) but if you can't get a straight answer that's a whole different story.
insted of asking me you should ask them - I have no power or ability to neither control the investigation nor to know it's timescale
the audit is something you CAN hold me to though - I have stated and am repeating now you WILL be audited - in late Jan or during the month of Feb 2004
that I'm sure of
the investigation having not concluded means most likely they are *waiting for you to do another death threat - while they are collecting evidence*
discovery process *has been served* on that biker board - whoever was dumb enough to use kobe/ned lyle/compnla served as the wake-up call to start the investigation
I've confirmed that the process has been started, that it's based on that death threat to Davis.
As far as I know DeVoy didn't/doesn't have evidence as damning and recent as this.
whatever DeVoy has either he didn't gave up enough evidence or the evidence he has isn't compelling enough (maybe - for all you know you could already be under investigation)
but that death threat to Davis was the straw that broke the camel's back
the hundreds of kobe death threats to all manner of people from other kobe members to IMC patrons to Cynthia don't help matters - with any post by "kobe" adding to the case.
but again this is an investigation, they have open-ended time frames.. the audit does not - there is a very strict time frame on tax filings and this audit comes quick enough to legally track kobehq.com and compnla which may help DeVoy in his planned civil suit (?)
actually I'm not sure what he plans to do - maybe nothing. I can't be sure of how investigations are carried out either. but I AM sure about the audit - both the time and the place...
so you can hold me to that
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by time
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 9:30 AM
"the investigation having not concluded means most likely they are *waiting for you to do another death threat - while they are collecting evidence*"
Oh, yeah. the Feds always WAIT, even when they have documented evidence of death threats against public figures (Davis). Tell it somewhere else, asswipe.
Oct 15, 2003 has passed. You had nothing. LIAR!!
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by Dora
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 11:03 AM
Hi, Crampy -
"Bush Admirer" successfully proved his/her literacy skills by discerning the bias in my post. Meanwhile, you've only cast a light on your own vacuous ignorance. Not only are you not able to spell a common and widespread product name that has considerable branding influence, but you obviously don't know what PMS is.
Lesson 1) It's not "Mydol." It's "Midol." Though I don't know the history of the brand, I can theorize that "Midol" is intended as a pun on "my doll." For example, "Instead of knocking my wife around, I dope her up with this when she starts getting uppity and then she becomes my doll."
Lesson 2) PMS is the abbreviation for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. "Pre" means "before." In other words, you numb-brain, is that women who suffer from PMS have not yet started their menstrual cycle.
At least Bush Admirer was half-right. You're all wrong, and you can't even hock up an insipid insult without embarassing yourself. Please, go take a nap or visit a library. Either would do you good.
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by crampy
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 11:08 AM
You were either pre-menstral or post-menstral, so I was coving both bases. That you didn't recognize that reflects on your lack of intelligence. Either way, keep your opinions to yourself, iron my shirts and cook my supper, bitch!
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by crampy
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 11:10 AM
You were either pre-menstral or post-menstral, so I was coving both bases. That you didn't recognize that reflects on your lack of intelligence. Either way, keep your opinions to yourself, iron my shirts and cook my supper, bitch!
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by Dora
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 11:29 AM
Even IF there were such a thing as Post-Menstrual Syndrom (which there is not), you are still wrong.
Whether you mean pre-menstrual or post-menstrual does not matter. Midol is intended to treat discomfort associated with menstruation, which is neither pre-menstrual nor post-menstrual, and is simply and clearly menstrual.
Frankly, it's unimaginative and unredeeming to accuse a person of bitchiness and then blame said bitchiness on a biological construct. You're only further exposing your own inadequacies and you still come out whining like a sore loser. Go watch some television, you goof. At least you know how to do that.
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by nonanarchist
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 11:34 AM
STILL, STILL, STILL waiting for proof that I'm anyone other than who I say I am.
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by Bill
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 12:06 PM
It's not an issue of banning free speech, but of protecting a facet of democracy, an informed public. It's one thing to stop the editorial idiots from fox, which would be wrong. It's another thing entirely to put an end to misinformation being broadcast as truth. The media's function is to INFORM the public reliably. Thinly veiled propaganda is NOT a method of informing, but decieving. I am not a "liberal," nor do you have to be in order to see the lies being brodcast by fox. Their free speech is protected only as far as it does no harm. Coaxing the public into war and idiocy makes them just as culpable as yelling fire in a filled theatre. Are the people in the audience who do not panic simply "liberal" then? Or are they observant?
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by nonanarchist
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 12:31 PM
...if Fox News were the ONLY source of news in America.
It is not.
People have numerous sources of news, of numerous political bents. If you would ban Fox News for "yelling fire in a filled theatre", you must ban liberal media for yelling "ignore the murderer in the neighborhood". If you condemn one source for bias you must condemn all biased sources...and to claim that "liberal" media aren't biased is foolish.
You're not a liberal? You sure do a good imitation.
"Are the people in the audience who do not panic simply "liberal" then? Or are they observant?"
We conservatives were panicking? News to me. I thought we were advocating a reasoned response to a threat.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 3:41 PM
you were'n't just panicing. It was a whimpering and screaming. More like scared rabbits with nuclear weapons.
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by papers
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 3:57 PM
There will never be panicking from people of the likes of you, the know-nothing do-nothing all-talk no-action types. Besides, you take one step outta your bunker and by the time we're done with you it'll be too late for Hospice. Stay put, type your little fingers off, bitch about the trolls, let us laugh at you, and come dance on our strings. That's what you do: yesterday, today and tomorrow. And all at our bidding.
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by nonanarchist
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 3:58 PM
No, that was liberals you were hearing, trying so hard to "understand root causes" and hug terrorists so they'll feel better.
Oh, that's right...you think the only terrorists in the world are in the Bush administration, don't you?
And that, Lambie Pie, is why you are so easily discounted.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 4:11 PM
trembling behind your keyboard ranting about WMDs and acting like a cheerleader for this war using the lie about a threat to the Homeland to persuade others that we were in eminent danger. You were the one hugging Saddam by threatening the people of Iraq, ensuring the support of his people.
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by Scott Rosen
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 8:30 PM
philipperv@yahoo.com Philippines
I watch FOX news EVERY DAY cause it makes me EXTRA GLAD that I don't live in the U.S.!
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by Bill
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 11:49 PM
Are you so certain that I'm doing a good impression of a liberal? Is it because I spell correctly? Don't mistake non-conservative as being liberal! There's a whole world out there of thoughts and ideas that may not be the US approved variety. Conservatives thrive in the polarized world of politics because it follows along with their oversimplified good/evil dichotomy which is so popular among non-thinkers. LIBERAL? If your definition is "not conservative," then perhaps you're right. You're out of your depth and you don't even know it. Every thought you employ has been constructed in this fake world that the common-sense approach has given us, and you can grasp my political stance about as well as you can grasp the idea of a six dimensional object. Keep digging.
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by nonanarchist
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 1:06 AM
LP: "You were the one hugging Saddam by threatening the people of Iraq, ensuring the support of his people."
That makes absolutley NO sense whatsoever. What were you drinking?
Sam: "Is it because I spell correctly?"
No, I think you'll find it's the conservatives here who have a better grasp on spelling and grammar.
"Conservatives thrive in the polarized world of politics because it follows along with their oversimplified good/evil dichotomy which is so popular among non-thinkers."
Ahh, you're an "everything is shades of gray" man. Thought so. That's convenient, isn't it? You don't have to makle value judgements about anything. No thought required. No personal investment of values. Everything is equal. Gotcha.
"You're out of your depth and you don't even know it."
Hee hee! Translation: "You dare disagree with me? You must be an idiot!"
"Every thought you employ has been constructed in this fake world that the common-sense approach has given us..."
"Fake world"? Shades of Michael Moore...
What's wrong with common sense? Is it because you don't have any? Not "intellectual" enough? Poor fellah.
"...and you can grasp my political stance about as well as you can grasp the idea of a six dimensional object."
Sure...you sum up your politics with the phrase "I'm not a liberal" and I'm supposed to figure it out fromt here? Don't be an idiot...unless you can't help it, of course.
You're funny, Bill. Keep up the good work.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 2:39 AM
Or maybe that's a perm dumb. Unless you believe that we can't see that any threat towards the people of a nation impell the people to rally behind their leader. Still can't find ol Saddam can they? Or the Terrible threatening WMDs can they? Yep, you idiot morons really used the fear lash on a frightened public. Unfortunently, most of our citizens were being fed your brand of crap. I'd like to see you spout your insights to an infantry patrol in Iraq. That would be fun to watch.
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by evincreaserequired
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 2:48 AM
Please, up the EV or we'll have to keep hitting the snooze button and filter you out.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 10:14 AM
...that it is seldom that an opposing viewpoint have enough nerve to be interviewed. Their spokes person declines to participate.
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by Fox
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 10:28 AM
Alan Colmes adequately represents the liberal point of view. He is much better versed in argument than anyone of you left-wingers or anarchists here. You dimwits are pathetic when it comes to debate.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 10:31 AM
never heard of him.
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by nonanarchist
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 12:09 PM
"Still can't find ol Saddam can they? Or the Terrible threatening WMDs can they?"
I think I've figured out your problem, Lambie. You have "can't find" confused with "won't find". And, as you guys like to point out (only when it supports your argument, that is), you can't prove a negative.
"I'd like to see you spout your insights to an infantry patrol in Iraq."
I think I'm pretty safe in guaranteeing more soldiers agree with me than with you, Lambie. How would you know how military members think, anyway? You've never served.
Oh, I forgot...you're an expert because you say you are. Gotcha.
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003 at 8:58 AM
you guys work in shifts. Or you have the mental desease. Air pockets between the ears. Obviously the program for you spooks is a combined effort using the team approach. I had a few conversations with the idiot you replaced, aka daveman. He knew I have two honorable discharges, US Army, infantry USAF ,field maintenance squadron. You have Blown Cover again.
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by nonanarchist
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003 at 9:56 AM
You are a total moron.
I have told everyone here that I used to post as daveman.
But if it makes you feel more important to think you're the target of a COINTELPRO operation, go right ahead.
As for your service, I forgot. My bad.
Tell me: did you turn in your balls when you separated?
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003 at 10:03 AM
I call it a cluster fuck. 'daveman' "you forgot" Ha ha. tell me... were you ever issued any balls?
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by nonanarchist
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003 at 10:24 AM
But maybe yours will decend someday.
No, I don't call what I'm doing an oiperation...YOU do. Makes you feel mpore important to think the gubbmint's out to get you, doesn't it?
Yes, I forgot about your service.
You see, what threw me was your typical Lefty military-hating cowardice.
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by Conservative guy
Tuesday, Dec. 02, 2003 at 1:24 PM
Free speech just scares the living S__t out of you...doesn't it?
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by es
Thursday, Mar. 25, 2004 at 5:56 PM
Excuse me? I support the boycott on Fox News Network - especially after today's most incredibly biased presentation and immediate attempt to discredit Richard Clarke.... What a media farce!! The man didn't even testify, and Fox News was already trying to discredit him - to the point that it was airing tapes that were not only "understood" to be background information and off the record, but were to be used only for the show or presentation for which they were provided. Amazing. Fox is so biased it is willing to publicly throw away ANY integrity it might have pretended to retain in order to highlight it's own fanatical right wing agenda.
Oh yes, and by the way, I do not eat tofu, I drive an SUV, have a family, worship God, my spouse is Jewish and we both make good money. Unfortunately for those making crass and intellectually unappealing generalisms in order to label people as unlike themselves (i.e. non-thinking and therefore non-human), I am among those who CAN think for themselves. Grow Up. Unfortunately, I fear that if you continue to watch Fox News, that will never occur - mentally, at least. My condolences.
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by Tym Robbinz
Thursday, Mar. 25, 2004 at 6:11 PM
"It amazes me that in Canada our Canadian Radio and Television Commission does not allow users to pay for what they watch. We are forced to pay for things that are representative of a pathological, non-humanistic, right wing, pro-war, spit dribbling, frothing at the mouth, murderous, bunch of rich American bastards hung up on mental masturbation."
Any average person demonstrating the same degree of pathology as the Bush administration and the Zionists would be put in a home for the mentally handicapped. They actually believe what they say. God save the American dissident.
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by get off the dope
Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 at 4:23 PM
I don't know what Canada this clown lives in but we are not allowed to watch Fox News in Canada because the socialist Liberal party that runs this country does not allow any right wing opinions on television.
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by lucius
Wednesday, May. 19, 2004 at 6:35 AM
>>My My-- Boycott the Fox News Channel. I would think that "progressives" like yourself would want to keep FOX on the air just to show how "terrible" they are. Whatever happened to the First Amendment??? Oh I guess it only applies to "The Liberal Elite" . It was Fun to watch how effective the "progressive" LA Times was in informing the people of CA about the Awful AHHnold. Keep it !!!! You guys are fun to watch!!!
____ Last I checked, people are still allowed to shop as they please. Ergo, the vigilante consumers who choose to boycott Fox sponsors.
Fox News has consistently ignored facts that make the Bush administration look bad, which makes Fox look less than objective. This is not just about who puts a liberal or conservative spin on the facts themselves; it's an issue of an organization which tries to water down public consensus by ignoring pertinent information.
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by lucius
Wednesday, May. 19, 2004 at 6:41 AM
I meant "spin"--sheesh
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