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by Marcus
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 3:04 PM
Vons strikers fight against health benefits cuts. They ask the public to support the strike by finding other shopping alternatives than Vons, Albertsons and Ralphs (Check the Daily News Article on the strike) http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~1693253,00.html
 bbb1_mdr_vons.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x359
At Marina Del Rey, Ralphs Strikers said, " please do not shop at Vons, Albertsons and Ralphs. Support our strike. Please do not cross the Picket line." Many shoppers, supportive of the strike, left Vons and went to Trader's Joe, 7 Eleven or their local grocery liquor stores. Some went to Asian, Iranian or Mexican markets. (Check the Daily News Article on the strike) http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~1693253,00.html
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by Marcus
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 3:04 PM
 palm_centinela.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x437
Two top images: Albertsons Market at Palm. Two bottom images: Vons in Mar Vista
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by Marcus
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 3:04 PM
 bbb2_mdr_vons.jpg, image/jpeg, 516x600
Ralphs at Marina Del Rey
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by Marcus
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 3:04 PM
 sepulveda_national.jpg, image/jpeg, 473x441
Two Top images: Vons at Sepulveda and National. Two bottom images: Ralphs at National and Sawtelle
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by Marcus
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 3:04 PM
 albertsons_mdr.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x187
Albertsons in Marina Del Rey
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by Marcus
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 3:04 PM
 flyer.jpg7vz4gk.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x416
Strikers' flyer
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by Marcus
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 3:04 PM
 alternatives.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x425
Alternative shopping possibilities: Local small market, liquors stores, 7 Eleven, Trader's Joe. Asian, Iranian and Mexican Markets.
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Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 5:24 PM
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by Onlooker
Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 5:51 PM
These people are very highly paid for a job that just about anybody can do. If I were the store owners I'd have nothing further to do with unions. I'd make it a policy not to hire Unon members.
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Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 7:34 PM
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by johnk
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003 at 3:59 PM
Unions raise wages. It's a simple fact, and any economist knows this. The idea that a non-union shop will pay more is absurd. Look at the Assi situation. They have no union. People earn $7-$8 there. The company hires undocumented workers, and treats them lousy. They get no health benefits to speak of. The revenues for this non-union store are equal to that of the neighboring Ralph's market, which pays almost three times the wages.
Look at any union supermarket. People make good wages; it's enough to raise families, and have the option of "buying American" or avoiding sweatshop-made goods.
To top it off, think of how much we all spend at the supermarket. It's probably a much smaller fraction of your income than rent, taxes, and auto expenses. We can afford to keep the supermarket jobs as "good jobs"; moreover, we must afford the expense of unionizing Wal Mart, ethnic markets, and all the chain stores that are not yet organized.
UFCW needs to organize better. They're resting on their laurels.
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by gogo
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003 at 5:02 AM
ask any bagger what they make an hour. It is NOT 12$ an hour. that figure is an average of all workers in any given store. keep in mind 80% are kept as part time. So very few people earn that high rate.
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Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003 at 8:23 AM
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by zack wolk
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003 at 12:54 PM
zack@zackwolk.com (310) 938 2269
apparently (as learned in the documentary below) the president of Safeway sold 8 million shares of his company's stock before the workers went on strike, a little fishy, eh? http://www.undergroundfunkstarrailroad.com/ufcw.ram is a documentary made by a 21 year old from Torrance, Ca about the grocery store workers and their struggles, it's an ongoing project. zack wolk 23816 ocean ave apt a torrance, ca 90505 (310) 938-2269 my website is www.funkyrailroad.com a 100% free, independant TV network with no ads. Just documents and art. STOP CORPORATE GREED.
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by sz
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003 at 5:51 PM
For your information baggers in grocery stores do not make $12.00 an hour the most they can make is a little over $7.00 dollars. For your information working with people is not as easy as it sounds. Not every single customer is pleasant. So as far as wages go they are very well suited for a job like that. If you do not know the facts it is better not to say anything.
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by Texas
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:34 AM
All your jobs will be replaced. Most people pay $30 to $50 a week for health care. That isa third of what the company is paying for you. I will be more than happy to pay that and earn your wage. I am in retail in Texas. You really have a sweet deal. No one is making you stay there. Go get another job if your not happy. It's a free country. If you owned that store, do you think your employee would tell you what you were going to pay them. I don't think so. Unions have really gone too far. Give me a break
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by just wondering
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 6:46 AM
>The revenues for this non-union store are equal to that of the neighboring Ralph's market, which pays almost three times the wages.
How is that, johnk? If the payroll expense is 3x's higher, how are revenues the same? Are you saying people are willing to pay more at a unionized grocery store for the same products? or are the prices at the non-union stores lower?
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by me
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 9:59 AM
i work for the money not the benifits ur strike is bs
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by Laid off
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 1:13 PM
California's economy is really bad at the moment. I have been laid off and I cannot believe people are striking these supermarkets for health benefits. I will galdly take your jobs without benefits to feed my kids better as of now! Strikers are lucky they have jobs and are getting paid even as they strike. You are only hurting the economy even more!!!!!!!!
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by Vons Worker
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 1:32 PM
Ned Lyle of Computers NLA brought his entire crew of employees to Vons today. He paid for it himself. I asked him why and he said it was important to teach those colored workers a lesson.
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by 000
Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003 at 1:44 PM
Support Labor Not the Corporate Masters
Laid Off and others posting here are TROLLS looking to confuse people about the nature of the strike.
If you want the true story, call the union, follow the links on the front page story.
This strike is about maintaining benefits, not getting more. This strike is about WalMart moving in with low wage jobs into the area with no benefits, and poverty level wages...The other supermarkets need to downsize to poverty wages to compete with the Wal Mart criminals, a company who actually provides official company memos for workers on how to get food stamps and apply for wealfare! It's a case where the state is sponsoring corporate corruption and criminality.
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by supportthestrike
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 8:33 AM
get your facts right!!!!! courtesy clerk (or what you called them baggers) ONLY make at top paid $7.25!!!!!!!
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by Grass is always greener
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 12:32 PM
I would like to know who can even live on say $15 dollars an hour. I would like to see anyone actually raise a family on $15 dollars an hour. $12-$15 dollars an hour is what a "Student" is and should be making.
This is California...I have a hard time getting by on $40 dollars and hour. I would have to say I am lower middle class.
The unions have raised the bar a little from traditional "minimum wage" jobs for its members...but, it still way behind the scale in compared to health care at say even "Jack in the Box". Compare a standard "KFC" 40HR a week worker to a 40HR worker at Vons. A "KFC" worker has a lot better insurance for a lot less money. Check it out...
Solution: The Union should join together with other Unions and build their own hospitals and clinics...availible only to Union members. Offer employers like Vons better health care for a lower cost.
The Calif Health Insurance system is the one who needs an overhaul...Vons should encourage the Unions to take all that money they get and start building there own health care system. Vons should help the Union help them...work together!
I for one will be supporting the strike!!!
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by Family Supporter
Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 4:50 PM
Get on with your lives and get some real world skills. Even third world countries such as India and Mexico have more engineers and high skilled workers per capita than the United States, even though they make at least 10 times less money than the lowest paid employees at these ridiculous picket lines. You should picket against the real criminals which are the drug companies and the doctors who make at least a quarter million dollars a year without even doing hardly anything.
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by wayne
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003 at 12:28 PM
I wonder how many union "Brothers" shop at Wal Mart? Those that do (and I suspect many ) are supporting these "corporate criminals"
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by Redlands dude
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2003 at 11:22 AM
I just spent over $100 shopping for my family at Albertson's last night - great bargains right now!
They should keep on striking, the honorable replacement workers are doing a great job, lines move faster, prices are lower - what a bargain!
Unions suck and blow
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by Foondio
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2003 at 11:25 PM
Everyone has their opinion about the current strike, and thats fine. But understand that they want to compete with Wal-mart. If you look at the nation top wealthiest people, the Walton family is the third richest in this country. Just that fact makes me sick to my stomach. They treat women poorly and they provide no benefits for the employees. Is that what Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons want??? The grocery companies' goal is to make as much monry as possible. So to do so they need to cut costs such as health care, wages and so on. I want anyone who thinks the strike is wrong to tell all those Employees who have family members in the hospital as we speak that they can't provide them care anymore! I want you to tell those employees who have to put food on the table and pay house mortgages that they make too much and should pay for all the care for their kids. Think about it.....Welfare......taxes..... OUT OF YOUR POCKET!!! So what if you saved some money on groceries. You'll probably pay more in taxes in the long run. Anyways, you tell them those things and enjoy paying on your next income tax.
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by johnk
Thursday, Oct. 23, 2003 at 2:52 AM
Fam Sup - maybe *you* should picket against the drug companies you think are the real culprits. Walk your talk. Boycott drugs! LOL.
I got a little secret info. These supermarket workers... they don't live in India or Mexico. They live in the USA, and pay USA prices to live here. Here, the government doesn't cover your health care, so you gotta fight to retain your insurance benefits.
As for skills... yes, bagging is easy. It also pays for sh-t. Asking them to take fewer benefits, as punishment for not being some kind of genius, or being born into the wrong family, is cold blooded.
Paying well at the bottom of the wage scale makes economic sense, and it's why engineers in America make so much, while engineers in Mexico and India make jack s--t. In those poorer countries, the poor people are so broke that can't buy anything that really requires engineering. Without customers, you have no sales. Without sales, you have no jobs.
To wit - there are a lot of scientists and engineers in Russia. Their problem is that they have these post-industrial workers, but their economy is still in the industrial age, and it's not much of an economy at that, having been raided by the mafia. Same goes for Cuba, where many people have advanced degrees, but work in non-intellectual jobs.
(Regarding the ethnic supermarket figures - I don't know how Ralph's spends it money, but I would imagine that the profit margins at Ralph's are slimmer than those at the ethnic market. The figures I got were from the group organizing the strike.)
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by Lola
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003 at 8:10 AM
True, u cannot raise a family on $15, but dude, what happened to you??? Supermarket jobs are not designed to raise families, they are temporary gigs to find something better. I was a cashier for 3 years on minimum wage and I always knew I had to get out of there and get something better. I went to night school, and now I make $25/hr in advertising. Get real!!!!
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by Truman
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003 at 6:02 PM
Well, simply put, if you are REALLY worth your wages then there certainly
should be open market competition for you as an employee reflective of what you
believe you are worth. In my opinion and based on other industries employing
people to perform identically, you have been OVERPAID for decades - and finally
this trend has witnessed a threat. Personally, I feel that a cashier who works
at McDonalds (minimum wage) throughout all other employment of like minded
should be EQUIVALENT. Your position should NOT be based on what your INDUSTRY
pays on average, but rather based on what your position is worth. This function
is has variables sourced in economics, fair market value, competitive market
place etc. YOU ARE NOT SKILLED. You are an ENTRY level employee who has been
GRACED by an industry that has overpaid for years. Wal-Mart is charging through
(good for them, this is STILL a capitalist marketplace last I checked) like
Napoleon Bonaparte, and business are digging in for the fight. I have friends
that are college educated and extremely intelligent who make less than low
skilled partially versed in English employees make. Here is Vons' listed

offers a 401(k) Plan and Employee Stock Purchase Plan to all employees.
Other benefits listed are generally for non-retail positions and employees
in our Vons division. Check with the Recruiter in your area for specific
benefit information.
- A choice of Medical Plans
- Prescription Drugs
- Vision Care
- Dental and Orthodontia
- Employee Assistance Program
- Health Care and Dependent Day Care Spending
- Paid time off for vacation, funeral leave, jury
duty, sick leave and company recognized holidays
- Company-paid Basic Life Insurance
- Optional life insurance to cover your spouse,
children or additional life insurance for yourself
- Short-term and Long-term disability
- Company-paid business travel accident
- Company-funded Retirement Plan
- 401(k) Plan
- Employee Stock Purchase Plan
The kind of want ad the hopefully soon to be unemployed grocery store workers
would respond is (if they can read that is), Misplaced sense of entitlement, low
IQ, uneducated person wanted for menial labor, great benefits and high pay.
People I know who support the strike have also proven to be SOCIALISTS. They
believe that ALL should be paid more, and minimum wage is a joke. And it is okay
with them that a group of people bully a Corporation (which they uniformly
regard as the social enemy) in to paying something they don't agree to pay
(legally referred to as extortion.)
It is ridiculous that this requires this much explanation, but again, when I
consider WHO it is being explained to (low IQ'd people (dumb for those who don't
know what a low IQ is)) the necessity for over explaining becomes apparent.
The employees site the companies success for grounds of higher pay. Why? They
aren't investors. They are paid whether the visioneers of this company are right
in their investment or wrong. They are paid on time, and can sue if they aren't.
You are NOT in a profit sharing position. Stewards on airlines don't get a "cut"
of the price of an airline ticket any more than they pull money out their
pockets when the airlines lose money. It is HARDLY relevant that they are
successful. The ONLY issue here is what your position is worth which is
established by your skill level, availability, replace ability, the access to
intellectual property, things that are sensitive information and so on.
It is NOT the obligation of ANY corporation to pay you for your presumed cost
of living, the needs of your families medical coverage, of the style you have
grown accustomed to. THIS IS NOT ALIMONY. This is social Darwinism. The
idealist/morons who spearhead this revolt are myopic. The results vary from
inflation to victimization of a single Company, and are completely oblivious to
the central tenet of our country's economics; agreement. If they don't want to
pay you what you are convinced you are worth, QUITE!
The employees of these companies I have known over the years have ranged from
those on mind stabilizing drugs, high school dropouts, the illiterate, and even
those fresh out of jail given a work opportunity. You are not exactly able
minded highly sought after people. You're just a bunch of over paid losers
fighting for the last avenue of a decent life that Darwin say's you shouldn't
have. Personally, my vote is that they NEVER higher another Union employee ...
EVER. I'm glad they locked all of you out. You united, and so did they! Kudos
for them!
I hardly believe that any of you would go to bat for me on getting a raise at
my job. But for some arbitrary reason you want the whole world to support your
plight to remain overpaid - EVEN if it means paying more at other stores and
driving a long way to do so. Who are you again? I forgot already.
Final note; The Census Bureau reported that on average a persons income will
be affected by $660 per year per IQ deviation from the global average which is
100. I.e., a person with an IQ of 90 should make $6,600 less based on statistics
than a person with an IQ of 100. And a person with an IQ of 110 should make
$6,600 MORE than a person with an IQ of 100. Please, if you are an advocate of
the strike, get your IQ tested. If you are a striker, get your IQ tested. Find
out how your salary compares to the Census Bureau's report.
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by Truman
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003 at 6:08 PM
Sorry about my typo's and misspellings such as quite which should read quit. I was hasty, but I hope my message was delivered.
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by Foondio
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003 at 11:10 PM
To make the wages that cashiers do takes years of employment. If someone comes out of college and expects to get paid 50,000 dollars a year is insane. The average grocery worker will make tops 25,000-29,000 dollars a year. This is the highest they will make. When someone starts working when they get out of college, they begin to gain experience which will increase their income over time. My point being that most people will make more than a grocery worker after they "worked" as long as them, but grocery workers will only make up to that part time.
Also, places like Wal-mart that pay minimum wage contribute to the increase in our nations poverty. Who cares if the grocery workers get decent wages and good benefits. It helps you and it helps all those who work there. If you think they have it so good maybe you should work there yourself. I feel sorry for all those cashiers who have to put up with all those punk@#$ customers and yet get only paid minimum wage.
Anyways, ask anyone who works at the grocery store if they are full time. Find out how many hours they work a week. You'll find that the hourly rate of pay is not so good with the amount of hours worked.
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by Foondio
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003 at 11:10 PM
To make the wages that cashiers do takes years of employment. If someone comes out of college and expects to get paid 50,000 dollars a year is insane. The average grocery worker will make tops 25,000-29,000 dollars a year. This is the highest they will make. When someone starts working when they get out of college, they begin to gain experience which will increase their income over time. My point being that most people will make more than a grocery worker after they "worked" as long as them, but grocery workers will only make up to that part time.
Also, places like Wal-mart that pay minimum wage contribute to the increase in our nations poverty. Who cares if the grocery workers get decent wages and good benefits. It helps you and it helps all those who work there. If you think they have it so good maybe you should work there yourself. I feel sorry for all those cashiers who have to put up with all those punk@#$ customers and yet get only paid minimum wage.
Anyways, ask anyone who works at the grocery store if they are full time. Find out how many hours they work a week. You'll find that the hourly rate of pay is not so good with the amount of hours worked.
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by Cal
Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003 at 7:53 AM
Simply put - supporters of Unions are enemies to the USA and it's longevity. I've interviewed many old timers on Detroit and it was unanimous - Unions, not foreign competition DESTROYED Detroit, and thus the country. Unions are unquestionably organized crime and in nature marxists. The only informed supporters of the Unions that I've talked to do not live in reality and at heart are ingrates and ignorant - worthy of low paying jobs and a life of poverty.
There is no debate on the subject of the destruction of the US at the hands of Unions and their ingrate lowly followers – the question is, does the Americans deserve Unions as a result of their spoiled, liberal, and lazy choices.
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by Truman
Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003 at 1:24 PM
You da man cal. I think we would get along phenominally. :-)
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by me
Monday, Oct. 27, 2003 at 3:14 PM
And courtesy clerks don't even get health insurance yet they are charged $50.00 just to join the union (not optional in most states) and can count on $9.00 dollars being taken from their pay each week. For what? Hmmmm. Sounds to me like this could cover something!
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by james
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2003 at 10:25 PM
im a scab worker, i here mostly every day when going to work " your killing my baby" how the hell am i doing that, why dont you get a real job and stop bitching. you had it good enough for to long. i get paid $12 for typing keys on a register, which im sure a train monkey can do just as well. the registers pretty much do everything!!!! no joke how do you guys even have a union? you dont deserve it
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by earle
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003 at 9:44 PM
Sorry Union Strikers, but if I didn't take the scab job to feed my family, someone else would have. The public is getting tired of your whining and then you actually believe that they will return to your store after the strike is over? After what you have caused them? I don't think so. Instead of walking with a silly sign, try looking for a job.
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by Versatile Vinny
Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003 at 4:55 PM
If I went and demanded my wage or benifits I would be laughed at. You negotiate those things not demand them. If you are not happy with what they give you leave your job and get a better one. If your not skilled enough to do that then.... Keep bagging and blooping the groceries and be happy with what your getting. Currently I pay over $350 a month for medical.....
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by da Lipper
Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2003 at 3:14 PM
If you dont like your benefits, get another job!!!!!!!! If you support the strike you support higher prices.
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by Mr. Safeway
Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2003 at 3:41 PM
Please take your picket signs and shove them up your respective a$$es and go get an education
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by Steve Burd (dirty bird)
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 at 3:46 PM
What the f*CK are you all crying about. The Strikers are outside every day just to get their old contract back! They ain't asking for more or less........ And for those who are rich, think about a friend or a family member who works , how will you feel if they were having economical problems? Will you support him or tell him that he's a loser? What if it was your father or mother was working 2 jobs, just to make a living? Most people spend 20 years with the company and are 50 years old they cant be looking for job that easily. Go to School? What if your father or mother had to work as a teenager and not finish school because they were a single parent and needed help paying the bills? People don’t be fucking giving out your opinion if tired of shopping at a different market. What reason do have to shop at them now? Service? Cost? First of all, These people are not giving any customer Service . The stores ain’t cheap compare to Vallarta and food 4 less. I’m just trying to say is that there isn’t much of reason why you shouldn’t support the strikers. If you are not going to support them ,then think what your doing to your friends and family.
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by Steve Burd (dirty bird)
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 at 3:52 PM
What the f*CK are you all crying about. The Strikers are outside every day just to get their old contract back! They ain't asking for more or less........ And for those who are rich, think about a friend or a family member who works , how will you feel if they were having economical problems? Will you support him or tell him that he's a loser? What if it was your father or mother was working 2 jobs, just to make a living? Most people spend 20 years with the company and are 50 years old they cant be looking for job that easily. Go to School? What if your father or mother had to work as a teenager and not finish school because they were a single parent and needed help paying the bills? People don’t be fucking giving out your opinion if tired of shopping at a different market. What reason do have to shop at them now? Service? Cost? First of all, These people are not giving any customer Service . The stores ain’t cheap compare to Vallarta and food 4 less. I’m just trying to say is that there isn’t much of reason why you shouldn’t support the strikers. If you are not going to support them ,then think what your doing to your friends and family.
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by sadam
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 at 4:51 PM
i wiil support the un.
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by more rational
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 at 9:21 PM
There's a lot of talk here about prices going up, but, most people don't care about price. Unless you have a lot of kids, food is a small fraction of your budget compared to rent, and most people don't pay attention when they go shopping.
If you cared, you would be shopping at a cheaper market than Ralph's or Von's or Albertson's. These chains are second only to Gelson's in price. People go to Ralph's because it's nicer than El Cubano or Cali-Mex or Tawa. They want to go to a market with a service deli and bakery rather than one with rubber mats on the floor in the frozen fish section.
The "think about how expensive things will be" argument works only if you simply cannot envision yourself shopping at an ethnic or working class market.
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by Union Buster
Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 at 7:30 AM
Who doesn't look at prices? My wife and I each earn over 50k, but still clip coupons and try and shop on sunday for double coupons. My dad makes 6 figures, but still clips coupon. Prices matter, the last guy probably doesn't ahve any money in the bank.
Unions are WAY outdated, and dont serve the same purpose they used to in the 30's. I also think "Scabs" are much nicer than the usual workers. God bless the scabs...Vons workers gotta know the machine does everything for you. The only thing they offer me is if I need help to my car for 1 or 2 bags of groceries, and I'm 6'2' 220...they just go through the motions of their mindless gig.
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by Scabbie
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 at 7:56 AM
I went to Albertsons Sunday because the Ralphs stores are picked clean. Ever since the unions "Allowed" customers to shop at Ralphs, they have become too crowded. Anyway, the Albertsons shelves were fully stocked, great produce and really helpful and friendly "Scab" workers. I hope those union asshole strike forever, the service and selection have never been better.
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by cf
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 at 11:44 PM
Little do you know about vons employees, much less, the company itself. Uh, there's something called the mystery shopper network, where evaluators shop undercover, secretly jotting down the employees' mistakes..For example, if the worker greeted in a friendly manner or not, helped them find a particular item or not, etc..I know it sounds silly, but theoretically, if employee customer service is rated anywhere from an 8 to a 10, customer service is great and regular customers tell friends about the store in which the store then attracts more customers, bringing in bigger sales. I know this explanation is long but it shows you in detail how the system works. As for the scab workers, they seem nice at the moment, but wait til they've worked there for a longer period of time. Not that customer service should decline, but after a while, I doubt any worker, regardless of where they work, are the same optimistic and enthusiastic people they were 20 years back. Plus, the most obvious reason scabs are happy is...HEY! THEY'RE MAKING BIG MONEY! Who wouldn't be happy?! My mom makes 60K and although she does her job with much effort, she is not the "extra mile" professional she used to be. Her profession is also backed by a union. Most Americans receive their health insurance benefits from their jobs, professional or not. I don't know if you are backed up by a union, but if you are, don't tell me you wouldn't be out there picketing if your health insurance benefits were facing a possible cut. A lot of these supermarket jobs are filled with people who haven't had the opportunity to move beyond their current job positions due to lack of money for an educational route, but I will also say that there are some people who are lazy and don't want to move ahead even though they have the opportunity. But then, everyone wants easy money. That's why scabs exist, among others. If you and your wife have to cut coupons to save money, that should show you just how tough it is to make a living today...same with my mom. But then think about how hard it is for the picketers to make a decent living. Getting by is their everyday struggle. You should be so fortunate. I support the strikers and I won't say you should too because since you don't, you obviously won't change your opinion.
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by Al Demme
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2003 at 10:47 AM
I'm working at a Vons because the unions strike took away all my work. I work in the markets resetting the aisles and shelves they are supposed to take care of. I clean, I arrange everything to the correct schematic....
But with the strike, all my income is gone, how do I pay my mortgage, take care of my handicapped wife? Are the striking UFCW workers going to give me strike pay?
Oddly enough, in the store I am working at, it has improved from the way it was run before the strike. The produce section actually HAS something in it, instead of six islands of beat up apples and oranges (I know, I shopped here before the strike). I've been told that we are better at scanning and placing tags, signs, and performing the various other duties asked than the striking employees we have replaced. I hope the strike ends soon, and that the returning employees take advantage of the well cared for state that THIS particular store is in. In the meantime, shop at Vons, and we will take care of you the way you always *wished* the striking employees would have.
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by haha
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2003 at 12:34 PM
Scabs are better than the strikers! That’s a fucking joke. Were I picket, there is nothing but young thugs hired with a criminal record. Plus they don't even know how to run the register. I had many customers who went in and had to wait 30 minutes in line because the scab checker did not know what to do. I know for sure that their service doesn't compare to the strikers. Oh yeah for that one who is 6'6 who was ask if he wanted help to his car. It is good to know why they asked you. The scabs are dealing with half the trouble of the strikers and getting paid a lot more. I work in the dairy deli and I had to fill the milk, yogurts, butter, sour cream, meats, cheese, and juice. Ok that cool, but if they call you to check because there is a lot of people waiting, and give customer service and finish my job.
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by shopper
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2003 at 1:40 PM
There's a talent to be proud of. Something you could train a monkey to do.
"Hey, I'm union. I can run the registers."
You're a bunch of flunky, drop-outs who can only get jobs working unskilled labor. You should have paid attention when you were in school instead of fucking around. That you can even dress yourselves is a miracle. You're getting paid good money and good benefits even though you spent your formative years being goof-offs while your successful classmates were hitting the books. You even get to work indoors in air-conditioning instead of laboring in the hot sun, and still you complain. Where else but America could individuals, that based upon their own free-will and determination to not prepare for the future and who now because of their foolish decisions are purposely uneducated and unskilled, have it so good?
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by Scabbie
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 at 1:11 PM
Perhaps you can supplement your strike pay by teaching the Scabs the finner points of bagging.... remember eggs on top, meat on the bottom
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by Cal
Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003 at 8:25 AM
From the years I''ve shpped at Vons and Ralphs - their service and friendliness has increased 300%...with the scabs of course.
Prior to the strike I had to deal with ugly people. Ugly on the outside and inside, lazy too, did I mention bad attitudes as well. The scab crew is like a bag of ice in hell.
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by Scabbie
Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003 at 9:44 AM
I agree Cal, since the strike began, the store are offering better discounts and the scabs have been great workers. It's amazing that these union sheep think everyone should support them. Support the scabs, at least they don't give me any shit when I shop at the store, and better service too
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by Cal
Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003 at 11:42 AM
I do not get why Unions are even allowed anymore. Vons is a great example of how Unions are rackets and should be eliminated. As soon as any ingrate employee brings up "union" they need to be fired on the spot, and hire a new person who needs a job and is grateful to have at least something. With the economy the way it is, there are lines of such people.
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by Cal
Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003 at 1:47 PM
I too agree with Cal, my husband is an Albertson's manager here in NJ and he has been in CA for 4 weeks. I wish they would just agree so my husband can come back home.......
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by striker
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 at 4:52 PM
I have to respond to any of the coments that are made about the scabs that work in the grocery stores they are low lifes that can't get anything better than to take over some one elses job that they don't even have all the qaulfications of doing the people that they have replaced worked hard for what they have and where they stand in the company and then we have low lifes come in think that they are hot shit and all they do is say duh what do I do now they just let it ride out they steal the money that they are making they don't earn it remember they are only temps and if you think that they give you better service then you are wrong they will never have the customer service that the employees had NEVER!! the stink and they will always be consider the scabies that will be one history chapter in their book they will never live it down that they are the true low lifes that can't get anymore than a temporary job how SAD is that!!!
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by striker
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 at 5:00 PM
You have no idea what workers are making if you are saying that we get paid to much you have no clue the scabs that are working now they get paid more than any of the union workers so take that and shove it.
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by bacs
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 at 5:13 PM
Grocery store workers are unskilled labor, stuff you can teach a monkey to do. There's noting "special" about your occupation. You're interchangable.
Your union leaders will eventually sell you out. They want their dues so they can go out and buy that new vacation home.
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by health insurance
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 at 5:43 PM
I was reading the New York Times and ran across this passage about self-service supermarket scanners:
"Critics say the machines may also provide an all-too-easy escape from social interactions across class lines that may prompt some shoppers to wonder uncomfortably if a minimum-wage cashier has health insurance."
What planet are these people living on? No normal person in a supermarket checkout line frets over whether the clerk has health insurance. The only people who do are these "critics" who are imbued with a condescending class consciousness. For their purposes, as the Times article demonstrates, a self-serve checkout machine is just as good: Instead of wondering uncomfortably if the cashier has health insurance, they can worry that the machine provides them an all-too-easy escape from such uncomfortable wondering.
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by Cal
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 at 9:51 PM
Just using the word "solidarity" indicates an ignorant marxist minded useful idiot. Enough said on that loser.
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by Scabbie
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 at 5:03 PM
Well if the scabs are getting paid more than the "Mighty" union members, perhaps the union is not so "Mighty" Here's a chant for you.........HEY HEY HO HO UNION SHEEP SURE DO BLOW. Chant that while you are standing in line for free govenment cheese handouts
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by Scabbie
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 at 5:11 PM
Scabs" as you union fools call them are simply people that are willing to work. They consider the job and pay and if they feel it is equitable, they work. You see, in the real world (non union) that’s how it works. Nothing more nothing less. So please spare us all the drama over how horrible these people are. They are horrible in your eyes simply because they demonstrate how replaceable you and your union "Brothers" all are.
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by Adult Supervisor
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 at 8:25 PM
If the guys running Safeway and Krogers (owners of Ralphs and Vons) have any sense they'll hang tough and go with the so-called scabs permanently.
Just let the union hang out to dry. They deserve it.
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by Cal
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 at 9:53 PM
Wow, I want to hang out at Ralph’s now. The scabs are talkative, friendly, ask nice questions, answer my questions - it's like having your *real* neighbors working at my local store.
It's funny, the marxist mobster Union markets that the ingrate trolls (that use to occupy these nice employees positions), are your neighbors, your family. Hahahah, probably is my family, that dysfunctional bunch of slobs. My neighbors, hohohoho, YES, I agree, the illegal invaders that live below me probably are striking right now.
Vons Inc. sort of deserves it though. They've been kissing up to minorities, etc etc and years, funding many anti-American activities. Most of the strikers are the people stupid Vons kissed booty. No offense to the real minorities of California, I'm not a racist, some of my best friends are white.
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by Normal guy
Friday, Nov. 21, 2003 at 10:40 AM
I went to Vons for the first time since the strike...the strikers didnt bother me at all, but inside the place was totally ghetto now, and the register worker had some funky B-O. Bring back the workers!! Bread was kinda stale to boot
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by Normal gal
Friday, Nov. 21, 2003 at 10:48 AM
That's true, I did get used to the odor emitted from the peasants that work at the usual grocery store I frequent. Other than that, I've experienced no problems.
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by tom
Sunday, Nov. 23, 2003 at 7:27 AM
kingcwp@yahoo.com your town usa
streakers yes i spelled it right,i am your neighborhood replacement worker, and im all behind your strike... i thank you for allowing me to make well over 7000.00 so far..... you have been a motley crew lead by union officials that are still recieving a pay check each and every week.. the laugh is on you streakers,if the union told you to walk the line naked you would thus the reason i call you streaker... will union officials have gone without pay or the 250.00 a wk.. or lessssss. for 7 weeks?????NO hate to say it but you streakers have taken your aggressions out on the wrong people. replacement workers and your ex-customers ...drive customers away = layoffs and reduced hours.......you employee with less that 5 years of service- bye bye =unemployment office for you ...again stay stupid,and thanks
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by Scabbie
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003 at 9:37 AM
Don't worry Tom the Union sheep will keep waving their signs and marching as long as the Union "Boss man" tells them to. Eventually the Union will sell them out so they can start collecting those Union dues again. In the meantime, enjoy the $19.00 an hour you earn while these fools march around.
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by soul grinder
Monday, Dec. 01, 2003 at 11:33 AM
soulgrinder NOT@aol.com
tom lykis is right about you strikers. lol. i cross the picket line daily because i hate you strikers. and i will until it is resolved. if you return, i'll stop shopping Vons. if you get fired and replaced, ill still shop vons. either way, i win, you lose and you deserve it. thanks for f*cking up the lives of those who cannot choose where they can shop. now get a real job. who becomes a career checker anyways? you all have reached your level of incompetence. don't blame the stock holders for your demise.go to school. get a degree and stop having kids you can't afford!!! you all need to lose your jobs, then your lazy spouses will quit faking injuries and get a job rather than sapping the benefits package you were promised.
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by deli_gurl
Thursday, Dec. 04, 2003 at 11:51 AM
All of you people who THINK you know what's going on with the strike should really shut your mouth and try reading something other than the lies that the billion dollar corporation paid to put in the newspaper. Because if you all tried to educate yourself you would know that the Union workers aren't asking for anymore or any less than what we've been working for and Mr. Steve Burd, that makes over $1.5 million anually, is the one that is trying to take away what we already have. But I'm sure all you "educated" people think that we've been on the picket line for 8 weeks over $5. Does that make any sense to you idiots????? And as for the scabs, with your cocky ass attitudes, live it up. Steal all the money you can, because once we get back in there all of you will be right back in the homeless shelters downtown.
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by deli_gurl
Thursday, Dec. 04, 2003 at 11:51 AM
All of you people who THINK you know what's going on with the strike should really shut your mouth and try reading something other than the lies that the billion dollar corporation paid to put in the newspaper. Because if you all tried to educate yourself you would know that the Union workers aren't asking for anymore or any less than what we've been working for and Mr. Steve Burd, that makes over $1.5 million anually, is the one that is trying to take away what we already have. But I'm sure all you "educated" people think that we've been on the picket line for 8 weeks over $5. Does that make any sense to you idiots????? And as for the scabs, with your cocky ass attitudes, live it up. Steal all the money you can, because once we get back in there all of you will be right back in the homeless shelters downtown.
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by Cal
Thursday, Dec. 04, 2003 at 7:24 PM
Wow, listen to Deli_Commi squeal like a pig being churned into Salami. The indignant always are the loudest.
Suuuu WEEEEEEEEEE, su we su we, SUUU WEEEEE.
Bottom line, the Scabs are unquestionably friendlier and more appreciative. If I see you-peoples ingrate faces at Vons stores I'll literally NEVER go to a Vons store again. Wait until the next financial crash, you'll be happy to mow lawns for the Scabs.
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by deli_gurl
Friday, Dec. 05, 2003 at 9:31 AM
For all you idiots that complain about the way vons employees treat their customers, why not shop somewhere else? We have a "superior service" program that we have to go by, so I'm sure it's just that you're all assholes and you think we're being sarcastic with our attitudes. But dealing with fucking idiots all day it's not always easy being nice to everyone. You people want to come into a store and act like we're gonna sit there and take shit from you. Guess what? We don't kiss ass, so if you don't like it don't shop at our stores. There are plenty of other markets out there so why not just shop somewhere else.
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by Cal
Friday, Dec. 05, 2003 at 11:33 AM
Deli_Nazi, your choice of words and content say it all, thank you, BRAVO, BRAVO.
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by scabbie
Friday, Dec. 05, 2003 at 11:36 AM
Guess what? We don't want to "sducate" ourselves about your problem. So you shut the fuck up, put the sign up your ass and quit your job if you don't like it.
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by deli_gurl
Saturday, Dec. 06, 2003 at 4:35 PM
Cal, what the hell is your problem???? I don't get why you're so concerned with the whole strike anyway. When I go to work I act very professional, because that's my job. Even when I have to deal with assholes like you, I remain professional, but no, we're not gonna kiss your asses. My question is, do you really have nothing better to do than sit up on this website talking shit to someone that you find to be "uneducated" and "lazy"? And to "scabbie" I wouldn't be so proud of that name if I were you. I mean, if you think about what a scab is it's a nasty little think you get (that would be you) when you hurt yourself( that would be referring to the strike) and it's only temperary. And once you heal you pick the little scab off and throw it away. So don't be sad at all, because like I said soon enough you'll be right back home at the unemployment office, because I'm getting my job back Oh, and I know some of the managers are telling you scabs that you might actually keep your jobs after the strike, but that's a lie. You guys can't work for the company for at least 5 years. So sad, I know how much you guys enjoy pushing your carts.
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by Cal
Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003 at 9:29 AM
Listen Deli_whiner, stop over-rating who and what you are. Your job is for peons, period. The US does not need mexican leaf blowers and lawn mowers, fast food servers, etc, and especially Vons store workers. In other words your disposable.
ANY 3rd world, or 1st work young kid, can do your job. And there are millions of both looking for a job. Your not special, your not needed. In fact your disliked and rejected, primarily due to your rebellious and ungrateful nature. You WILL be replaced one way or another. If you people keep acting like little marxist brats, you will find the corporations working OT to replace you in the ultimate way - MACHINES, computer check out systems, etc. So learn to be humble and kiss serious butt if even you hope to EARN even a lowly job.
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Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003 at 3:36 PM
I really do feel sorry for people like you. Big heads and small minds. You just showed how stupid you really are by throwing race in there. There was no reason for you to put down "mexican leaf blowers". If that's the case, get your white supremist fat ass up and go mow your own lawn. What the hell do you do for a living? Because if you're so concerned with people from third world countries, give them a fucking job. Help them feed there families. Don't just sit around sounding ignorant. And news flash, as long as there are people on this earth there will be a need for food servicers and supermarket clerks. You've been watching too much of "The Jetsons" if you think robots and machines are going to be doing EVERYTHING for us.
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by fresca09-98
Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003 at 4:01 PM
"We can afford to keep the supermarket jobs as "good jobs"; moreover, we must afford the expense of unionizing Wal Mart, ethnic markets, "
Typical and, oh so predictable, nonsense coming from some asshole who feels the need to tell others what to do with THEIR money.
Johnk...here's the deal, If you want to budget your income in order to make sure you can afford higher prices to keep these laborers in steady inflated wages, be my guess. Fiqure out a way to do it privately .
Don't arrogantly expect everyone else to donate to your pet cause.
No one should be forced to "afford" to pay more for food in order to keep a fucking BAGGER and his or her FAMILY (don't even get me started) in a comfortable position.
If you want to carry that burden fine; speak for yourself.
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by deli_gurl
Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 at 9:07 AM
There is no point in arguing with stupid people who choose to not educate themselves. Most of the comments on this page are from people who have been misinformed. The reality of it all is, a lot of people really don't make enough money to live in California, let alone go to school or take care of their families. It is very easy to be judgemental about a fight you're not it. I just hope none of your family members get sick and you can't afford to take them to the the hospital.
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by Cal
Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 at 12:30 PM
Actually it was my friend whose mother told me about the reconquista of the southwestern US States. And how the racist leaf blower lawn mower morons were the true racists, energized with hate and lust for another man's country.
My friend was 100% aztec racially, no Spanish at all. It was quite an experience having my friend and his mother tell me about the "clan with a tan", telling me they left the turd world cesspool called mexico to come here and start a new, better life. I respect them, they were happy to be here and very appreciative of the culture and jobs they were offered. Now they tell me that California is almost mexico and they hate it here.
So do I hate? YES, I hate the white moronic clowns who did nothing while this once beautiful country became infested with every anti-american cow turd the world has to offer. And who champions my opinion? Hindus, Blacks, Koreans, even more so then stupid whitie. Because these peoples know lost freedoms whereas most of white america are fat, lazy, arrogant, Ford Explorer driving pigs.
So am I a white supremacist Deli_imbecil?
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by deli_gurl
Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003 at 10:33 AM
I will pray for your soul because you obviously have a lot of hate and a lot of issues. To play off of someone elses ignorances makes you twice the idiot. You really should try picking up a book every once in a while and forming your own opinion about things.
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by Cal
Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003 at 10:41 PM
Pick up a book and form MY OWN opinion?? Let me get this correct - I need to write said book, then read it, and thus form "my own" opinion. Hmmm, interesting paradox.
Crap, I've been arguing with a retard, I feel bad, like I beat up a 10 year old.
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by deli_gurl
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 at 2:21 PM
You fucking idiot!!!! Who in the hell said anything about you writing SAID book? I said pick up a book, as in to read it and educate yourself, you fucking moron. Then learn how to form your own opinions, because obviously from your arguements you don't have any of your own. You need to get a life. If you think you are so fucking educated and so smart why go tit for tat with me. My job is meaningless and I am obviously beneath you, right? You have absolutely nothing to do with our strike. So how fucking stupid is it to argue with someone you find to be beneath you? Now go write a book about that. I'm sure your purple crayon is nice and sharp for you.
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by Cal
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 at 3:52 PM
Gawd your sentence structure is terrible. And just a note, 4-letter words are not a substitute for intelligence. And excessive use of them, well, shows what your really made of.
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by deli_gurl
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 11:16 AM
WOW! I'm uneducated, ignorant, lazy, and you still find the need to respond to me. So what exactly does that make you????? And as for my mothafuckin' language, I'm 21 goddamn years old and I'll talk any fucking way I choose to. I didn't disrespect my mothers house by using the lanuage before I was 18 and if I fucking choose to talk this fucking way now, I'm gonna use any four letter words I goddamn want. I know when to act proper and since I don't give a flying fuck about you or any of the other assholes on this message board who don't know what the hell you're talking about, you don't get that respect. And as for "Bush Admirer", well the name says it all. You can't be too bright you damn hick. Have a nice fucking day.
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by anti-union
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 11:49 AM
Do you kiss you mother with that potty-mouth?
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by Cal
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 12:14 AM
Deli_mex, you sound like some turd world mexican HICK, actually. Are you? I'm dying to know.
I noticed that ugly hooked nosed aztec in the pics at the top of this web page, is that you? She's uuuuugleeee, woooo weeeeeeee. And short and fat too. That blonde is pretty ugly too, kinda Frankenstein looking.
I have a theory - ugly people are more likely to be marxist and Union members (aka gang banging thugs). They tend to lose their humanity and turn into literal "creatures", like some horrible Sci Fi flick? What you guy think of my theory?
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by deli_gurl
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 at 8:48 PM
WOW!!!! Now you can tell what race someone is by their typing? You're soooo retarded. No, sweetie, I'm not Mexican, but if I was I'd say it proudly. I'm black and proud and educated. Right now I'm in school for business management. And no, I'm not ugly. I've found that ugly people like to sit at home and hide their disfigured faces behind thier computers. If you notice most of your responses come within a half hour of mine, so you must not have a life, ugly. I usually don't even see your messages until the next day when I'm just fucking around on the internet. All of you can say what you want to say and think what you want to think, but in the back of your minds, know that you're wrong. Because you're all idiots. This will probably be the last post you'll see from me unless someone says something very nasty. You all bore me with your simple comments and small minds. I try and try and try to enlighten people but you're all bull headed monkeys who can go eat your own crap for all I care. Stay stupid.
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by Cal
Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003 at 10:12 AM
Got a pic?
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by Scabbie
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 8:09 AM
Well I have to say, after 3 months on strike I don't think your job is comming back. In fact, I will most likely be you boss if you do get rehired. Your Union has fleeced money from you for years, and they will eventually sell your sorry ass down the river. Bet you never thought you would be marching around the store for 3 months when you voted to strike did you? loser
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by deli_gurl
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 8:20 AM
Go to hell you son of a bitch, and when you see the devil down there tell him I said what's up! You simple minded bastard.
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by Scabbie
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 8:57 AM
Aren't you supposed to be out on the picket lines? Run along now, there is a sign waiting for you
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by Cal
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 9:50 PM
I personally requested a meeting with our local Ralphs store Manager. I explained that I spend $700 per month at his store. I then threatened that if I see one filthy marxist ingrate (aka Striker) working in the store I will go to another local store and use the net. To enhance my point, I showed him receipts from internet purchases and local store purchases.
He said he would let corporate know, and SUPPORTED me 100%.
As a funny side note, Deli_X indicates - as a black woman she would support mexicans fully, and that I'm a white supremist. HOLY COW, if she only heard what mexicans say about negros. In an irronic twist, mexican invaders have taken most of the jobs from the struggling african amercians. I guess the stupids' of society deserve to be beaten down.
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by deli_gurl
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 1:20 PM
Before you post, CAL, you really should read each message carefully. Or is it that you just don't understand. I know for a fact that there is racism from every race. I never said either way if I would support Mexicans. I have mexican friends. I have white friends. I have black friends. I have black friends that speak spanish. I have a Salvadorian boyfriend that I've been with for 2 years. Should I go on? I said I wouldn't be ashamed to say I was Mexican if I were, and why should I be. If you lived in a country of poverty and low paying jobs wouldn't you want to be somewhere else, if not for yourself for your children. That was your ignorant ass that brought race into this. And let's not forget, this isn't the white mans land. If whites can come over here and steal land that isn't theirs why can't anyone else come over here and make a better life for themselves. If you had any sense you would've thought about that instead of listening to some senial old broard shooting off at the mouth with predjudice. FUCKING IDIOT.
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by Cal
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 1:35 PM
First off, irronically, my girl friend is from San Salvador, and she hates mexicans because she KNOWS mexicans. But that's a different story. Some day you'll grow up and recognize not all peoples are the same nor are good. No matter how many jobs illegal felons steal from african americans, african americans still dont wake up....you know why....cuz they be racists, 100 fold over whitie.
Whites take lands, crap, you sound like a atzlan leftist, figures. Ignorant rabbit, grow up ASAP. The ONLY peoples that have a complaint MAY be the Indians. But then again, the Indians were constantly killing, raping, and stealing lands from eachother. The ONLY peoples to give rights, money, opportunity, and land has been WHITES, period. The only rights you have are the ones kind, concerned, christain whities have given, period.
Bottom line is, your confused leftist mind goes hand in hand with the Unjion mentality and will be the destruction of your future.
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by deli_gurl
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 8:26 AM
The only rights and opportunities we have are the ones white people have given us?????? Are you even listening to yourself? What the hell are you talking about? Oh, thank you so much for bringing my people to this cou0ntry and ALLOWING them to work in your fields picking cotton. You really shouldn't have. And then all your ancestors having sex with my ancestors just so we can have a little bit of your superior race in us, well that was just lovely. Sorry massa, but I's ain't gone pick yours cotton no mores. I's free! I's free! Get over yourself you jerk. Like I said you were the one that brought race into this. Not all Mexicans are bad, just like not all blacks are bad and not all whites are bad. And I will pray on my bible that you don't have children, because growing up with parents like you would be disgraceful. God don't like ugly and you ain't his friend.
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by Cal
Friday, Dec. 19, 2003 at 8:55 AM
The ONLY rights I have are those the Founding Fathers and other brave souls fought and died for.
So then theres the village idiots, like youself. If you would look at the world with logic instead of out of control emotion you could save your future. Your type is so easy lead around like farm animals that you have made your own jail cells, then shut and locked the door. The "farm" for you are Unions currently, but that getto Farrakhan mentality will build many more jail cells for yourself.
Don't feel bad, I have the same attitude towards the brainless Crackers out there too.
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by Cal
Friday, Mar. 26, 2004 at 10:49 PM
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