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by Bob Morris
Monday, Sep. 29, 2003 at 7:44 PM
Photos from the End the Occupations march and rally in Hollywood on Sunday.
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ANSWER LA is at http://answerla.org The extraordinarily eloquent Fernando Suarez addresses the rally. His son was killed in Iraq, and he has become a tireless spokesperson for ending the war now. He is on the left, next to him is a translator, seated to the far right is Ron Kovic. Behind him, out of view, stood 25 members of Military Families Speak Out, an organization of 1,000 families with children in Iraq who oppose the war.
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by Bob Morris
Monday, Sep. 29, 2003 at 7:50 PM
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by Bob Morris
Monday, Sep. 29, 2003 at 7:53 PM
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by Bob Morris
Monday, Sep. 29, 2003 at 7:54 PM
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by Bob Morris
Monday, Sep. 29, 2003 at 7:59 PM
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by cranky
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:43 AM
I doubt if this event was more than 4000 people. Why are these demos so small? It seems like a meeting of LA organizers, not a mass march.
The whole marching aspect is weird too. I walked on the route, toward the march (again) and (again) the businesses were closed or vacated, the sidewalks cleared of people. It's a street party disguised as a protest. Preaching to the choir.
Where's the real protest?
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by nonanarchist
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:49 AM
Because Los Angelenos aren't interested.
Because they aren't interested in the "Marxism Lite" ANSWER is selling.
Because they know the war was fought for a good reasons.
Because they're sick and tired of every yo-yo with a sign disrupting traffic.
Because they know that demonstrations never produce their stated goals.
LA just isn't interested.
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by cranky
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:59 AM
There are probably 2,000 people in the LA region who protest against the war, holding signs on street corners every week.
Factor in the fact that many come only once a month or so, and it's probably closer to 6,000 individuals willing to come out and turn their sentiment into action.
At each demonstration, there are hundreds of individual drivers who honk in support, and hundreds more too chicken to make a peep.
The discontent exists, but it's not going to the demonstrations.
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by counter
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 2:35 AM
Population = 8,000,000 - 10,000,000 Greater LA Area
6000 divided by 8,000,000 = 0.00075%
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by nonanarchist
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 6:37 AM
"At each demonstration, there are hundreds of individual drivers who honk in support, and hundreds more too chicken to make a peep."
You've asked them all? Every one of them? You know they're honking in support, and not telling you to get your loser hippie butts out of the way?
And the ones too chicken...I suppose they were "intimidated by Fox News and the Bush administration", just like Saddam's mistress Amanpour?
So, according to the infinite wisom of cranky:
If you honk, you're against the war.
If you don't honk, you're against the war.
Got that, LA? Those are your options.
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by Paul
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 7:11 AM
Lovely to hear from the racist trolls who think the Iraq genocide of 50,000 innocent people was justified by Saddam's use of biological and chemical weapons supplied to him by the Reagan administration, and by Donald Rumsfeld in his corporate role as an aide to terrorists.
1,000s of dead children spit their innocent blood in your lying faces.
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by t
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 7:39 AM
No. The murder of Iraqi citizens by Saddam rests solely upon the shoulders of Saddam, no one else.
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by Paul
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 7:46 AM
Lovely to hear from the racist trolls who think the Iraq genocide of 50,000 innocent people was justified by Saddam's use of biological and chemical weapons supplied to him by the Reagan administration, and by Donald Rumsfeld in his corporate role as an aide to terrorists.
1,000s of dead children spit their innocent blood in your lying faces.
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by Paul
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 7:54 AM
Oh, so supplying botulism and VX nerve gas to a mass murderer is OK? Blocking UN action against that mass murderer, and rather supporting him with even greater grants and materiel...that's just fine with you, eh?
Prescott Bush had his company taken away from him by Harry Truman during WWII, for doing business with Hitler. But that's OK...after all, Hitler's crimes are his own alone. Is that what you're saying?
When Henry Kissinger's secret war on Cambodia dropped 3/4 million tons of bombs on innocent villagers, to the point that their society collapsed, he bore no responsibility for Pol Pot killing 4 million people, is that right?
When Not-W Bush told the marsh Iraqis to rebel and the US would support them, leading to their slaughter while the US did nothing, that is still just SH's guilt. The US President who lied to those people, inciting them and them leaving them to hang, he's a great statesman, right?
You white supremacists are all the same. Human rights only belong to you and people like you--that's your position, that's always been your position, and these deaths like the others you have condoned, they are sitting on your head. YOU are guilty of Saddam's crimes.
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by thanx
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 8:05 AM
That's great! Some of the best mind-dilluted entertainment we've seen today. We'll see how it holds out , but you've got some tough competition from your comrades happening this week you can count on that, so don't bank on the grand prize just yet.
Please keep it going and thank you for mindless spattering of non-sense. EV is the name of the game (EV= Entertainment Value). You did your part for the moment. That was good!
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by Paul
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 8:10 AM
How pathetic YOU are to troll a message board in order to pretend that your views are superior, while the obvious fact of your amorality and racism are clear.
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by yo mamma
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 8:40 AM
yo nonanarchist tell your mom to stop fucking u up the ass which is making you so pessimistic. or maybe u like it?
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by t
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 9:14 AM
Yeah. Whatever. Just get with the EV.
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by fresca
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 9:19 AM
This is GREAT.
This paul fool is actually trying to weasel out of his and his ilks clear and obvious support of Sadam and ALL of Sadam's murders by feebly using typical buzzphrases like "white supremecy" and the time-honored "Bush is a NAzi".
This is really great stuff.
Excellent use of non-sequitors and party line mantras in order to try and dodge responsibility.
Squirm and squeal all you want but OTHING will change the fact that if anyone besides Sadam is responsible for his atrocities, it is the selfish leftist trolls of this country, like paul, who have supported him through the years with their insane practice of appeasement and fear of action.
Keep up the great work Paul, it's led DIRECTLY to EVERYTHING that is going on in the world today.
I'm proud of you.
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by fresca
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 9:22 AM
The wacko left is always good for a dodge and a cower. This should be a good week for EV. The desperate are getting desperate.
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by love is your weakness
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 9:46 AM
its funny how people who talk about the numbers at protest and compare them to the cities population. When antiwar protesters meet, they meet in the thousands. But when yuppie sheep supporters organize, its only about 15. Why is it they can only bring a handful?
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by right-winger
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 9:53 AM
If you were to tell me there was a call for a pro-Bush rally this week, I wouldn't go. Protesting is a left-wing thing and the numbers clearly show the full support for any particular cause in comparison of the population of the area. Right-wingers don't gather for protests. We don't have the need to congregate together in support groups and mutually console each other and have a "feel good" party. We are confident in our own individuality and in knowing what we are doing is the right thing for ourselves and everyone.
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by love is your weakness
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 11:06 AM
Of course you wouldnt go. Nobody of a right-wing would go. Right-wingers dont think. They just follow along what ever they say. Its sad to think that such people are mindless and so manipulated. If you ask any protester out their why they are out they would give you a logical reason. On the other hand, you ask any bush supporter why they like him, they would give you the same answer : his approach to the war on terror. Yet you ask them questions about his policies, and fuck ups on the economy and every (accept his criminal buddies) citizen, they just simple stare at you with an ambigious look in their face. Confident i think not, uneducated i think so
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by thanx
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 11:12 AM
Nice attempt at a rant, but you're going to have to get a lot better. Try going all caps, LIKE THIS. Might score more points. Otherwise, it was the typical liberal sub-par effort we've come to grow and love.
Don't give up just yet. A little more anger and disillusionment and you'll be competing for the grand prize. You're not far away.
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by fresca
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 11:30 AM
"They just follow along what ever they say. Its sad to think that such people are mindless and so manipulated. "
This coming from one of the flock who herded themselves together for a "march".
Save your breath.
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by fascist
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 11:59 AM
I'm with you fresca. Fuck the First amendment and anyone who uses their civil rights peacefully. I hate those people that blindly follow the constitution and think for themselves.
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by Public Service Announcement
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:01 PM
This message brought to you courtesy of the First Amendment.
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by You are so wrong
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:05 PM
How many times do you have to be wrong, before you will start reading on your own, and actually start learning rather than just repeating what your liberal self-loathing idiot leaders tell you.
"Saddam's use of biological and chemical weapons supplied to him by the Reagan administration"
Although the US did supply Iraq with 1% of its weapons arsenal, the mustard gas used by Saddam was East German.
When Henry Kissinger's secret war on Cambodia dropped 3/4 million tons of bombs on innocent villagers
The region between Cambodia and Vietnam is almost not populated. So durning the "secret war" there were next to no cilivan deaths due to bombing
"to the point that their society collapsed, he bore no responsibility for Pol Pot killing 4 million people, is that right?"
Pol pot was first supported by the Commies and people like Chomsky hailed Pol Pot as the creator of an "ideal society" and incouraged the "useful idiots" not to stop his regin of terror. (these are the same people that by listen to Chomsky now)
"marsh Iraqis to rebel and the US would support them, leading to their slaughter while the US did nothing"
nice re-writing of history, infact many of the international community demanded that the Iraqis liberate themselves, (you know, the crap the anti-war movement was spreading before the war) Well that is what happens! Oh right, you guys never said "Saddam is bad, but that is a problem for the Iraqis" you are the scrum of the earth.
Human rights is universal, and every one will have them in less than two weeks, Syria is on the job don't worry about it. HAHA
Sorry to use facts to get in the way of your misinfomation. But remember your leader Goebels said it best, you just need to say it often enough and loud enough and it becomes the "truth". Keep up the good work, your make great nazis one day, until they kill you for being "useful idiots".
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by true
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:13 PM
>>until they kill you for being "useful idiots". <<
Very true. The one thing these self-proclaimed revolutiontionaries haven't figured out from history is that the ones who bring about the revolution are the first ones that are sent to the gulog.
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by napoleon
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:27 PM
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stupid americans
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by history reader
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:31 PM
you are SO FULL OF SHIT like this v 'Pol pot was first supported by the Commies and people like Chomsky hailed Pol Pot as the creator of an "ideal society" and incouraged the "useful idiots" not to stop his regin of terror. (these are the same people that by listen to Chomsky now)' [like what? talk about pulling opinions out of your ass - show me a "like Chomsky" quote, idiot] The US not only helped create conditions that brought Cambodia's Khmer Rouge to power in 1975, but actively supported the genocidal force, politically and financially. By January 1980, the US was secretly funding Pol Pot's exiled forces on the Thai border. The extent of this support-$85 million from 1980 to 1986-was revealed six years later in correspondence between congressional lawyer Jonathan Winer, then counsel to Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation. Winer said the information had come from the Congressional Research Service (CRS). When copies of his letter were circulated, the Reagan administration was furious. Then, without adequately explaining why, Winer repudiated the statistics, while not disputing that they had come from the CRS. In a second letter to Noam Chomsky, however, Winer repeated the original charge, which, he confirmed to me, was "absolutely correct." Washington also backed the Khmer Rouge through the United Nations, which provided Pol Pot's vehicle of return. Although the Khmer Rouge government ceased to exist in January 1979, when the Vietnamese army drove it out, its representatives continued to occupy Cambodia's UN seat. Their right to do so was defended and promoted by Washington as an extension of the Cold War, as a mechanism for US revenge on Vietnam, and as part of its new alliance with China (Pol Pot's principal underwriter and Vietnam's ancient foe). In 1981, President Carter's national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said, "I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot." The US, he added, "winked publicly" as China sent arms to the Khmer Rouge through Thailand. http://www.users.bigpond.com/nlevine/khmer_alliance.htm
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by thanx
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:35 PM
Bad posting. No EV whatsoever. Talk it over with Josephine next time before you post.
Don't give up. You still have till Saturday to be this weeks winner.
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by so wrong is so f-ing wrong
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:38 PM
Typical right wing moron.
Dont ask him to tell you the history of East Timor Chile what happened to the Shaw of Iran. El salvador
the list is continuous
right wing fascists are stupid brainwashed idiots.
George Bush Uber Alles
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by yes
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:41 PM
Any postings and/or articles from those leaning left of center should and will be immediately ignored. There's no way someone with such an opinion could observe and report objectively on any subject.
Carry on.
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Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:46 PM
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by history reader
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:46 PM
To hear Henry Kissinger deny recently that the United States and especially the Nixon Administration bore any responsibility for Cambodia's horror was to hear truth denigrated and our intelligence insulted. For Cambodia's nightmare did not begin with Year Zero but on the eve of the U.S. land invasion of neutral Cambodia in 1970. The invasion provided a small group of extreme ethnic nationalists with Maoist pretensions, the Khmer Rouge, with a catalyst for a revolution that had no popular base among the Cambodian people. Between 1969 and 1973, U.S. bombers killed perhaps three-quarters of a million Cambodian peasants in an attempt to destroy North Vietnamese supply bases, many of which did not exist. During one six-month period in 1973, B-52s dropped more bombs on Cambodians, living mostly in straw huts, than were dropped on Japan during all of World War II, the equivalent of five Hiroshimas. Evidence from U.S. official documents, declassified in 1987, leaves no doubt that this U.S. terror was critical in Pol Pot's drive for power. "They are using [the bombing] as the main theme of the propaganda," reported the C.I.A. Director of Operations on May 2, 1973. "This approach has resulted in the successful recruitment of a number of young men [and] the propaganda has been most effective among refugees subjected to B-52 strikes." http://www.users.bigpond.com/nlevine/khmer_polpot.htm
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by thanx
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:51 PM
You did better on the other thread. This one was uneventful. No EV points.
reader -
Continual reposting of leftish gibberish is not eventful. No points.
Pay attention. The name of the game is ENTERTAINMENT. Liberals/ Anarchist are here to entertain. Please be more conscience of what you are to be doing.
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by history reader
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 12:58 PM
n the Dock With Pol Pot: Uncle Sam By Robert Scheer Published June 24, 1997 in the Los Angeles Times Up here in the northwest corner of Cambodia, 40 miles from where Pol Pot was cornered, there is no escaping the genocidal legacy of the man. Until recently, his Khmer Rouge controlled much of this area, and the evidence of their work abounds: the maimed beggars, the local killing field, the land mines that make most of the temples inaccessible, the knowledge that smiling Buddha heads from the famed ruins around Angkor Wat were smashed to be used in building roads. But it is also strange to be watching televised international news reports that depict Pol Pot as an aberrant force, a monster of his own creation. Does no one recall or care that Pol Pot's continued ability to wreak havoc for two decades is a direct result of an immoral connivance between China and the U.S.? Or is it just too inconvenient to remember this as the media get set to celebrate the return of Hong Kong to the rule of Beijing? What hypocrisy for Madeleine Albright to now proclaim that "we will be seeking to make sure that there is international justice carried out against this major war criminal." Pol Pot's major war crimes were committed between 1975 and 1979 and the U.S. government knew the full extent of that horror during all the ensuing years in which it tried to bring him back to power as part of the U.S.-China sponsored coalition. http://www.robertscheer.com/1_natcolumn/97_columns/062497.htm
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by history reader
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 1:02 PM
I think you're looseing it 'Please be more conscience' now THAT'S entertainment.
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by The US did it!
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 2:19 PM
"The US not only helped create conditions that brought Cambodia's Khmer Rouge to power in 1975"
Although the US did give finaical support after his ouster, by his old commie friends, and throughout the 80's. Under the my emenies, enemy is my friend doctorine. But rest assured, it was the comies who helped his rise to power. Chomsky after refusing to admit for the longest time that Pol Pot was klling millions of his own people, rather than admit he was wrong about Pol Pot, changed his tune and blamed the whole mess on the US. Like with FARC in Columbia. After all, you don't need to come up with solutions if you can blame all the problems on one group, the nazis figured this out too. And guess what, Hitler got his foot in the door, by the very same "useful idiots" of the left. (yet they have not learned their lessons, ie Ramsay Clark.)
As for the 750,000 bougus FBI figure, it is based on the amount of tons of bombs dropped, in camprasion to that of europe in WW2 and doesn't take into account that the border regions were not heavily populated urban areas.
Thus to cover up its own mistakes the left, restorted to the old, blame the US for everything and get off scott free, which many liberals have become very good at over time.
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 4:27 PM
would it be too much too support your statement that Chomsky ever supported Pol Pot? This would be information. thank you.
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by history reader
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 5:31 PM
but since we're at it. Some more on Pol Pot A CIA directed military coup installed General Lon Nol into power and sent Sihanouk into exile in Beijing. Nixon then announced the invasion of Cambodia by 20,000 US and Vietnamese troops. Cambodia was transformed into a massive battlefield. Lon Nol's troops fought the Khmer Rouge, and American and Saigon troops fought the NLF and regular North Vietnamese forces. The United States conducted the most intensive saturation bombing in world history on the people of Cambodia. Some 532,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Cambodia. By 1974, the bombing had caused, two million to be homeless. Annual rice production had plunged from 3.8 million tons to only 655,000 tons. Much of Cambodia's farmland remains even today untillable because of bomb craters and unexploded ordnance. When the Khemer Rouge came to power in 1975, Pol Pot, started to transform the country into his vision of an agrarian utopia. The cities were emptied, money abolished, private property was not allowed, and religion banned. People thought to be an intellectual were killed. People were sometimes killed for wearing glasses or knowing a foreign language. http://www.paralumun.com/warpolpot.htm http://www.namebase.org/main1/CIA-in-Cambodia.html http://www.wsws.org/news/1998/apr1998/plpt-a18.shtml
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by Paul
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 9:23 PM
3,000 person protests aren't small. There are a lot more members of the 'church' than show up every time...that's entirely normal.
Too bad more people didn't get to see the Butoh performance. I would like more information on these performers, if any of you have it.
Butoh is a sacred dance form (made sacred by the deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki), and the three Butoh dancers are exquisitely talented. It is a great experience to watch, though the LAPD insisted on gunning their motorcycle engines during the performance, and almost running the performers over at several points.
And this is perhaps as it would be, since intimidation and terrorism is the very basis of the repressive militaristic states that would nuke civilian populations, and many cops definitely have a place in that spectrum of intolerance and 'shoot-first, ask questions later' racism and criminality. Butoh is about nothing if not the total helplessness of human beings in the face of violence, in the moment of violence.
The LAPD have no idea of the irony of their boorishness, the clownishness of the ignorant and aggressive. It's like busting Picasso because he refuses to move until his chessgame is over. No respect for people much greater than themselves. And near total worship of the bottom dregs of humankind.
Excellent protest, my friends. You are great Americans, that participated in this dissent from crimes against our own families. Bravo!
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by Paul
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 10:00 PM
It might be construed that Noam Chomsky, a great American, 'supported' Pol Pot. What he really did was reflect ignorance of the true situation in Cambodia...which is not surprising, since no one knew what went on there in full until the Vietnamese invaded and found all the evidence. So Chomsky's error, which he would I'm sure freely admit, was that he took the view that Ford's statements on the genocide, themselves based on sketchy survivor reports, as further anti-imperialist spin.
There was plenty of reason to suspect the US gov't reports and positions, then as now. And there is a great gulf of infinite magnitude between misinterpreting events and instigating them. The Kissinger illegal genocide on Cambodia was the proximal cause of the Khmer Rouge rise to power and genocide. Dropping 3/4 million tons of bombs on civilians is an outright violation of the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions, the Genocide convention (which the US hadn't signed at that point, but did thereafter), and every ounce of real morality.
He even got a Nobel Peace prize for his Vietnam peace treaty, which we now know was a lie. Nixon and Kissinger intended to continue the N. Vietnam bombing campaign after the midterm elections.
For the record, Carter's administration fought hard to get the Khmer Rouge back into power, an echo of the Cold War domino theory (that uniformly projected violence and distrust onto the Vietnamese, in the false idea of a monolithic Communist movement).
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by Paul
Tuesday, Sep. 30, 2003 at 10:05 PM
Oops, that's 'imperialist spin.' The US government lied to get the US into Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin incident never took place), and lied incessantly thereafter. The entire Kissinger policy in Cambodia and Laos was UTTERLY ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL and he should have been put in prison for his warcrimes.
We have the chance to finally imprison a US ruler who is guilty of warcrimes, to demonstrate to the world that this is a nation of laws that upholds the theory that ALL persons have equal rights, not just white rich people who say they are a nation of laws, but always fail to prosecute their own state crimes.
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by John, George & Ringo
Wednesday, Oct. 01, 2003 at 8:41 AM
>3,000 person protests aren't small.
In a greater metro area of 8-10 million, yeah, it's pretty piss poor.
>There are a lot more members of the 'church' than show up every time
Actually, you were pulling much bigger numbers in February and March. Though, you weren't getting that many even then. So, no, you've declined in number.
>It might be construed that Noam Chomsky, a great American,
That's enough to tell us just how morally bankrupt you are.
>We have the chance to finally imprison a US ruler.............
Balh, blah, blah.. Thank the First Amendment for your right to your own beliefs. Now, go to the back of the bus where you belong. It doesn't matter if you want to or not, we're putting you there anyway.
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by Paul
Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 at 11:35 AM
Thanks to the First Amendment for the right to have my own opinions? What a bonehead. Check out the meaning of 'inalienable' some time.
The size of the protests is a function of their advertizement. Since a lot of people did not hear about this protest, surprise, surprise, they didn't turn out. That does not mean they aren't protesting; that certainly doesn't mean that they have decided to support the war criminal in chief.
Trolls are as cheap as pennies.
Noam Chomsky is a great American, just as Albert Einstein was, just as Miles Davis was. He is a liberal, which is the basis of Americanism, he is a genius, which is a credit to our society, and he has fought long and hard for the rights of others.
Trolls, by comparison, are not.
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by nonanarchist
Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 at 12:55 PM
I freely admit to being a troll.
However, I defy you to find a single post of mine that is racist.
Search the archives. Look for comments by "daveman", "mr wilson", "tpfkamw", and "nonanarchist".
Good luck; you'll need it.
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