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by Bob Morris
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 7:16 AM
Federal authorities arrested a Pomona solar panel installer Friday in connection with the firebombing of a West Covina Hummer dealership last month, an attack linked to the radical environmental group Earth Liberation Front.
More from the LA Times article http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-hummer13sep13,1,2102845.story?coll=la-headlines-california
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by fresca
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 7:42 AM
If this is one of the guys, this is great.
If not, it sure is a great article. It's almost too unbelievable to be true. It sorta turns into an Onion story towards the end.
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by .
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 10:10 AM
Hey "fresca", why don't you go jump in a ditch and rot? Im shure your protein-rich corpse would be put to good use by several insect species...
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by fresca
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 12:46 PM
So you actually think this guy is in some way a hero?
I mean if he IS guilty don't you agree that the moron should pay a very heavy price?
Or are you of the opinion that burning buildings, cars and tires is a GOOD thing for the environment?
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by myself talk
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 1:33 PM
Like anyone really gives a fuck what fresca thinks.
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by hootie
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 1:55 PM
it was good like your suggestion that the firebombing of the King david Hotel was good because the they had a phone call. Noone was injured. SO now you can go ahead an reverse your logic because it dosent support israel ...its bad.
ha ha what a loser.
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by fresca
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 2:04 PM
"it was good like your suggestion that the firebombing of the King david Hotel was good because the they had a phone call. Noone was injured. SO now you can go ahead an reverse your logic because it dosent support israel ...its bad.
ha ha what a loser. "
I'm sure you have a point in here somewhere. But can you please paa this gibberish through some sort of filtering device (maybe hexie can build you one!).
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by Ralph
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 3:17 PM
They were probably looking for WMDs in Pomona., eh?
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by Joe
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 7:58 PM
Set an example with this nutcase. ELF is going down!
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by Josef
Sunday, Sep. 14, 2003 at 11:20 PM
I'm glad the government is cracking down on these degenerates, these kind of scumbags are no good for anything.
I hope he gets a long stretch to clear the dope out of his mind.
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by Elsie
Monday, Sep. 15, 2003 at 7:25 PM
They'll both be getting some solid loving from the inmates, lol.
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by thomaston
Monday, Sep. 15, 2003 at 8:09 PM
suvs are kind of ugly, too bad he got caught. Maybe he shouldve hit up more freeway underpasses , blank billboards, sporadic parking lots spread out over distance and time.
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by friend of regen
Wednesday, Sep. 17, 2003 at 5:05 AM
As a friend of those who had their homes ransacked and a coworker of Josh's, I would like to make it clear that this is an issue about unchecked federal power and an accountability that they don't have. Josh was released yesterday for lack of evidence and now the authorities are backpedalling trying to save whatever reputation they have because they have realized that Josh is innocent. What are left now are dozens of residents who are trying to pick up after the mess, intrusion, emotional trauma of FBI arrogance, and confiscated items that resulted in the careless handling in this case. Please check out http://'www.regen.org for more details.
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by tiTle
Wednesday, Sep. 17, 2003 at 5:18 AM
Lucky for you that outside a small amount of people in LA who probably read the small newspaper column about Josh's release buried in the LA Times and have since forgotten about it, and the very few people who read Indymedia, the rest of the country wasn't even aware of what happened and could care less.
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by debate coach's mentor
Wednesday, Sep. 17, 2003 at 7:15 AM
"...the rest of the country wasn't even aware of what happened and could care less."
Unsubstantiated Allegations For more on logic at YOUR level, try reading "Logic for Idiotic Rightwing Cyberterrorists (pardon the redundancies)."
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by dc
Wednesday, Sep. 17, 2003 at 7:19 AM
Then substantiate it.
Provide the links where thousands upon thousands of people outside LA were aware and cared.
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Wednesday, Sep. 17, 2003 at 7:21 AM
The burden of proof is on YOU.
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by dc
Wednesday, Sep. 17, 2003 at 7:27 AM
No problem.
Below are a list of the links demonstrating where people outside LA or the activists community have even heard of Josh and what happened and/or even care:
Thank You for visiting all the numerous site listed above.
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by Ken Hunter
Thursday, Sep. 18, 2003 at 6:52 PM
I don't know why I am replying, many who reply don't even know that one is innocent until proven guilty in this country. I don't like to see this happen to anyone but if it happens many more times Ashcroft's Patriot Act will sink like the detritus it is. While Ashcroft was busy promoting his Patriot Act II to 150 in Boston there were 1200 demonstrators outside protesting. And this is hapening all over the country. There is a movement to impeach Bush, www.votetoimpeach.org, a movement to fire Rumsfeld and many other protest movements. This adds wood to the fire. As a matter of fact I can not think of one successful thing Bush has done.
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by Bobby
Saturday, Sep. 20, 2003 at 9:40 AM
While the government is carelessly locking up innocent American's for being liberal, I have a suggestion to fight back against the corporate criminals in charge. Let's sue them for the same crimes with which they are charging us: vandalismterrorism, etc. I suggest that we sue general motors, the maker of the Hummer for vandalizing our homes, offices, and public buildings with the damage caused by the smog from the exhaust from their needlessly large vehicles. Then we should sue them for terrorizing us, as we, at least, should be afraid to go outside and breathe their exhaust/get under the narrowly filtered sun, to drink tap water, and to be liberal. P.s. let's take back America from this bastard, Bush.
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by Bobby
Saturday, Sep. 20, 2003 at 9:41 AM
While the government is carelessly locking up innocent American's for being liberal, I have a suggestion to fight back against the corporate criminals in charge. Let's sue them for the same crimes with which they are charging us: vandalismterrorism, etc. I suggest that we sue general motors, the maker of the Hummer for vandalizing our homes, offices, and public buildings with the damage caused by the smog from the exhaust from their needlessly large vehicles. Then we should sue them for terrorizing us, as we, at least, should be afraid to go outside and breathe their exhaust/get under the narrowly filtered sun, to drink tap water, and to be liberal. P.s. let's take back America from this bastard, Bush.
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by attorney.com
Saturday, Sep. 20, 2003 at 9:45 AM
Hang in there. I'm sure it won't be long until some nutso lawyer who's sympathetic to fruitcakes like you and your ilk will bring forward in court a lawsuit claiming that the Constitution is unconstitutional.
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by nonanarchist
Saturday, Sep. 20, 2003 at 12:56 PM
...you need to sue the morons of ELF for burning stuff and causing more pollution than the vehicles burned ever would in their normal operations.
ELF's modus operandi is analogous to PETA protesting animal abuse by sacrificing animals.
In other words, pretty freakin' stupid.
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by KPC
Saturday, Sep. 20, 2003 at 1:38 PM
 fidonormal.jpg, image/jpeg, 228x300
Suddenly, the drunken doggie is concerned about the environment...
....whadda fuckin' butwrinkle....
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by Reality Check
Sunday, Sep. 21, 2003 at 3:45 PM
If Josh Connole is guilty he should do serious time. Property rights are one of the foundations of liberty in this country and arson is a serious violation of those rights. Josh Connole will be judged by a jury, not the police.
That said, ELF is a terrorist group and will eventually be brought down. The FBI is not stupid... they have some very smart people looking into ELF. But the ELF people need to understand that as they continue with these activities people WILL become more defensive (many businesses already are). Eventually one of these ELF yahoos is going to try and start a fire and get shot or beaten by a property owner. It may turn out that the FBI is the least of their worries. One thing people in this country will not tolerate is someone messing with their property.
Lastly, how would an ELF member feel if someone burned his home down? Or that of his parents?
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by nonanarchist
Sunday, Sep. 21, 2003 at 3:49 PM
How could you possibly have gotten the impression that I never cared about the environment before?
You moron...you're just making stuff up.
Oh, by the way...way to soak up bandwidth!
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by nonanarchist
Sunday, Sep. 21, 2003 at 3:54 PM
Good post.
Trouble is, if widdle Joshy is convicted, the hue and cry around here will be "He's a political prisoner!"
imc dictionary, "political prisoner": anyone doing time for doing anything stupid and illegal, who happens to be politically aligned with the liberal looney left or the running joke known as anarchy. Never mind the fact that said person actually performed an illegal act. See "Mumia".
ELF is indeed a terrorist group, and you know what that means.
Can you say, "prosecution under the Patriot Act"?
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by nonanarchy
Sunday, Sep. 21, 2003 at 4:08 PM
I agree nonanarchy, he will be martyred as a 'political prisoner, just as Mumia has. But I no longer waste breath arguing with leftists (read: Socialists and Marxists) that there is no such thing in the US as a political prisoner because it NEVER sinks in.
People in this country can hold any political view they want. Every single person who is in prison today in the US is there because of an ACTION they took, not a political position they hold. The violation of US laws is predicated on an action, not an opinion.
Nevertheless, he will be called a political prisoner... not because such a thing exists but because the political left is completely submerged in a victim psychology. They are NEVER the perpetrators, they are ALWAYS the victims. Its an infantile and sad position, but they'll never be thrown in prison for it.
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by Reality Check
Sunday, Sep. 21, 2003 at 4:31 PM
Correction... I mistakenly put 'nonanarchy' (the person I am agreeing with) in the author field of my last post when I intended to use my own authoring name. Simple error and my apologies to nonanarchy.
...Reality Check
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by nonanarchist
Monday, Sep. 22, 2003 at 3:26 AM
But of course, this will give ammo to those who are afraid we're NOT more than one person.
In their fear of differing opinions, they cannot imagine there being more than one conservative here at good ol' la-imc.
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by nonanarchist= daveman
Monday, Sep. 22, 2003 at 5:01 PM
once i am proven wrong i change my handle
i have zero credibility seig heil!!
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by nonanarchist
Tuesday, Sep. 23, 2003 at 3:53 PM
Well, well, looky here!
Still posting under the same handle.
How about that!
I guess you and I have different ideas about what constitutes losing an argument.
Yours seems to be "whenever I say so".
Too bad for you it doesn't work that way in the real world.
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by Reality Check
Tuesday, Sep. 23, 2003 at 8:17 PM
nonanarchist... You were correct (once again). Leftists will stop at NOTHING to hurl an insult.
...Reality Check
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by earth saver
Saturday, Nov. 01, 2003 at 9:10 AM
I think we should all ride bikes and walk, fat lazy americans
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