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by Daniel Gross
Thursday, Sep. 04, 2003 at 2:32 AM
moneybox@slate.com http://www.danielgross.net
So long as manufacturing executives seek labor arbitrage opportunities, employing U.S. blue-collar workers will be expensive. (American workers, after all, expect such niceties as pensions and health care.)
President Bush's new manufacturing policy is doomed. Daniel Gross, Slate, September 2, 2003
"I want you to understand that I understand that Ohio manufacturers are hurting, that there's a problem with the manufacturing sector," the president told a union gathering in Ohio on Labor Day. "We've lost thousands of jobs in manufacturing."
The truth is we've lost more like thousands of thousands of job
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by Bude Adrian
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 5:10 PM
Well it sounds great, we can all become nurses, vets and morticians. We should all service each other and borrow money from foregin governments. But in the end what do we make? How do we earn the right to consume oxigen on this planet. As the bubble of 2001 has shown, and the ballooning trade deficit, there is no new economy. There is a health economy and a banckrupt economy. Choose yours.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 5:19 PM
We build bugs that you can hide in components and power cords and light boxes and other really technical things that only I know how to make.
We can make things that give people brain cancer, become sterile or get prostate cancer.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 6:33 PM
> stupid!
Well you got that word right at least..
I noticed you didn't mention blue boxes or SSAVI descramblers (from scratch with no plans or technical data) And not power cords, computer cables (you know those cords with the plugs on them with a bunch of pins that all have to be correctly wired - typically 25 pins/wires) I make them because it's cheaper and because I use custom ones for special applications...
I only include such terms as perfboard, cords, light boxes just to throw the trolls a bone so-to-speak.
If you can understand anything I say and attempt to make fun of *things you can't do* you're sure to zero in on what seems like shallow sound bites - no ?
But there's an element of truth there too (within the dim-witted satire) - the US *does* make things that cause cancer...
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by You really do that
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 6:43 PM
You build them with ALL the wires?
You talking parallel port printer cables or RS232
Either way, what a waste of earths natural resources.....
*just smiling*
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 6:56 PM
minimal serial 3 wires standard serial 8 wires (plus null-modem, several types) plus chassis ground my lap-link (interlink) 11 wires
"full" RS-232 - 25 wires
No I don't use all the wires but I like to be able to have extension cables that can be used for anything (serial or parallel) so to ensure this all 25 wires are used.
(over the years I've seen some pretty weird pinouts, there used to be secondary TX & RX, balanced pairs, odd handshaking, etc..)
normally for fully customized cables I use the required number plus 2 to 4 more "spares". If I have the choice I include at least 1 spare in a bundle.
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by Oh...
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 7:08 PM
(you know those cords with the plugs on them with a bunch of pins that all have to be correctly wired - typically 25 pins/wires)
and now you say.. "normally for fully customized cables I use the required number plus 2 to 4 more "spares". If I have the choice I include at least 1 spare in a bundle. "
so you don't sit there making 25 pin cables all day.....
Glad you cleared that up!
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 7:42 PM
Again I typically do use all 25 pins so the cables can be used for anything (this is the only way to ensure that) Cables you'll see at the store also use all 25 pins - for the same reason.. You never really know until you try whether/what pins will be needed.
The 11 pins interlink uses are different from the full serial pinout but between the two about all 25 pins are used..
I don't spend "all day" making cables, it's so easy I don't even have to think about it, I can be watching TV or talking to someone while I'm doing it, like driving a car - you don't have to fully concentrate once you're used to doing it..
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Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 7:52 PM
You make 25 pin cables while watching TV?
What length?.. M-F M-M F-F ???
Straight or full modem?
There is NO ONE 25 to 25 standard cable....
Come on you are living the PAST. That is what you USED to do!!!!!!
Hex you are full of shit. The era you excelled in is long past.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 1:33 AM
I just came back here from some research..
> You make 25 pin cables while watching TV?
Yes I already told you that..
> What length?.. M-F M-M F-F ???
Typically 6 to 8 feet, sometimes longer, varies, mostly M-F (as extensions, I have a bunch of double female adaptors, a few double male, some are serial null-modem, some interlink..)
> There is NO ONE 25 to 25 standard cable
Yes a male to female full 25 pin is considered a "standard" extension and a double male a "standard" printer cable. (I never use the 36 pin centronics connectors - I hate them)
No most of my cables are 25 pin (old style sub-D), I only have a half dozen 9-pin sub-D's, most of my serial and all of my parallel cards are "old style"
I simply have mostly older computers.. Making your own cables doesn't become obsolete - now I'm making USB cables too for example.. When I route serial lines I only use 9 wires, wiring with DPDT relays only TX & RX..
I'll explain what I do, I take external modems and have them handshake as usual (dial-up server requires this) then I throw a switch which patches the serial lines (TX & RX only) directly to the next computer - bypassing the modems. I altered two serial cards by replacing the Xal osc (1.8432 MHz) with 2 or 2.5 MHz (by using a 16 or 20.MHz xal osc with a 7893 counter - divide by 8 output) so I then throw the switches on both cards. This ups the baud rate from 57.6k to 71/78.k allowing streaming at (original target) 48.kbps MP3
A manual baud rate and null-modem hack... (I tried higher baud rates but started getting errors, as you might know the TCP/IP stack doesn't care for errors since normally it's layered over ECC implemented in the modems, so I reduced it to 78.kbps)
This was in preparation for something I haven't mentioned on here before - the free space optical network which is a hybrid analog/digital system consisting of several subcarriers (I've specialized in subcarriers since '81) with audio and data.
This carries audio (for TV) plus internet access (at 78.kbps - that's a new baud rate I decided to use, non-standard)
Hell I could go on all night just describing just this system..
I run 6 TV channels to 2 dozen people with about half of them via optical links
2 - main movie channel 3 - hallway camera 4 - second movie channel 5 - front yard camera 6 - back yard camera 15 - top half of screen a "menu" that I can put messages on plus a VU meter (when I play music it can always be heard on this channel)
the rest of the cable channels are standard - I replaced the VHF-lo (2-6) and added 15.. This was after I stopped transmitting on Ch.4 over-the-air (too many hassles)
"long past" is a matter of perception. If most of your boxes use these connectors then you must have these cables... I am just now starting to collect PCI cards and work with USB - all my cards are ISA and mostly 25 pin connectors, boxes range from '87 to 2000 (newest)
That's the equipment I have. You can get all "elite" and cop an attitude but that doesn't change the situation. They didn't even HAVE computers when I first started working with chips (not PC's with a keyboard, CRT, mouse like today - they only had switches and LEDs, small hex pads and displays like a calculator)
So "long past" to you is like yesterday to me, in the big picture at the hardware level there's little difference. My newest machine being 2000 might even seem old to you (pentium 700) but if you believe excellence is strongly tied into having the very latest computer you're sadly mistaken. I'm not going to drop older connectors an cables just to please you, by my timescale 5 years is as a day. That MP3 I posted I encoded 6 years ago - chances are you knew nothing about MP3's then and don't have any that old yet would you put down MP3's just because they go back several years ? I might since I moved on to MPEG-2 AAC LC (liquid audio) in 2001, then MPEG-4 over the past year now HE-AAC (brand new - just came out)
Chances are you are unaware of these so I could call your lowly MP3's "long past"
I do specialize in audio so I keep quite up-to-date, I even have Matroska and HE-AAC direct show filters - encoded a movie the other day with this container format and HE-AAC isn't even really supported yet (decent stereo soundtrack at 20.kbps !) I also like MP3PRO - make 20 and 40.kbps music blocks with it using the winamp plug-in to play them.
My abilities are timeless - I didn't become locked into an era because I didn't gain my knowledge in one shot - I am constantly learning as I go... But I won't reject or waste good equipment either.
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by the architect
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 3:50 AM
I build molecules of lithium sulfate monohydrate from atoms. I make the atoms from protons, neutrons and electrons. I make those particles from quarks. I make the quarks from mueons, gluons, photons, and various other sub-atomic particles I find scattered about the nexus of oblivion. I make the nexus of oblivion out of the ether of space and I make that out of energy I vibrate really fast with a space-time accelerator I made out of a massless gravitational field.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 3:56 AM
you paste really well
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by the architect
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:00 AM
Prove that I pasted that, geek boy!
That came right out of the old noggin.
You're not as smart as you'd like us to give you credit for being.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:12 AM
> You're not as smart as you'd like us to give you credit for being
Oh really and what practical use is lithium sulfate chemical boy ?
And I don't see anyone (especially you) refuting anything I said - only smarting off
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Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:23 AM
He is still building cables, using (snicker) "perf boards", and probably has a well worn soldering gun and epoxy glue to finish his "creations".
Tell us all, Hex, what do you do for a LIVING? You most certainly do not get paid to tinker around with antiquated components and make cables, RS232 shit (um....the world is DIGITAL these days), and maintain your fossilized base-10 coax home network. You are such a fucking JOKE!
My 9-year old nephew knows more than you. Your verbose 10 paragraph "explanations" do nothing for you except expose the fact that you are stuck in the 1970s. What qualified as technology then is merely hobbyist fodder today. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
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by the architect
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:34 AM
Dude, you are a nerd. I'm not talking about your garden variety, pimple faced horned-rim glasses with tape in the middle type of nerd. I'm talking about your 40+ aging, out-dated washed up geekozoid with acne scars and still can't get a date type of nerd.
Learn to recognize satire and go invent yourself a sense of humor, geek boy.
I know chemistry, physics, math, history, art, etc. am well-rounded. You are a computer nerd.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:53 AM
> You most certainly do not get paid to tinker around with antiquated components
I see so your the judge (having no experience in electronic components) of what's "antiquated" - when in fact what you DO have is elitism.
Well I hate to burst your bubble but I already went over - in detail - exactly how and what people pay for (and pay well - $ 20. worth of parts becomes a $ 150. device) But wait ! Your the "expert" - no an expert on ME, and you know best...
> and make cables, RS232 shit (um....the world is DIGITAL these days)
Now I know just how limited your hardware knowledge really is, RS-232 *is* digital and *is still used* You can walk into any computer shop and buy RS-232 cards/ports, CABLES (at great markups - that's why I make my own, it's a well known way to save money)
The only thing obsolete is the older 25 pin sub-D connector which has been replaced by the smaller 9 pin sub-D. All the signals are still the same - nothings changed...
Are you so stupid that you don't KNOW EVEN THIS ?!?
> and maintain your fossilized base-10 coax home network.
We've covered this ground before - again your true ignorance shows, I already said I *use no NICS* and use *virtual interfaces*. I thought at least you knew software - you claimed you did - if you have a masters you should be well aware that it's DCC and dial-up server.
I had a thought too - you said computer SCIENCE, it struck me that this isn't hardware - that explains why you're so ignorant about hardware...
But chaining proxies - even when I explain it to you and tell you what software I used - that you can't even do that - or even TRY - SPEAKS VOLUMES about what you really know. It's now completely obvious you know next to nothing about hardware (other than how to plug things in - anyone can do that)
Then we're back to *what you spend your time doing* - insulting and hiding from people... You consider material possessions equal with happyness yet you spend your time being an ass...
You can't refute me on hardware much less UNDERSTAND so you now resort to attempting to discredit...
Your personality is false, hollow, shallow.
cheer up
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 5:02 AM
 ungrate.gif, image/png, 480x320
Q. what practical use is lithium sulfate
22 minutes later we're treated to the answer;
A. I know chemistry
Ah but he does know nerds;
pimple faced horned-rim glasses with tape in the middle type of nerd. I'm talking about your 40+ aging, out-dated washed up geekozoid with acne scars and still can't get a date
Sorry - clean miss. Other than the age.
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by the architect
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 5:47 AM
I'd say the "clean miss" was pretty damn close. And I wan't even aiming.
As far as 22 minutes go, well, that's merely micro-seconds in my world.
Here smart ass. Show us all how bright you are. Decipher this code. Bet you can't!
€ → № ┼ ▀ ▄ ▒ ♫ ☻ ♫☻
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by hahahahahahahahaha
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 6:45 AM
if you were joking and that picture is just there to have a little fun then good job. But if that is you and you posted it to prove you aren't a nerd then even funnier. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and i have to agree because the man in that picture is an uber nerd of a special kind. The old nerd that for some reason thinks if you slap on a tye dye and goofy assed cut-off jeans makes you not a nerd. Well you are. Get some longer shorts wierdo. And a pic under 25yrs old.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 6:55 AM
That's a picture of my mother. Don't make fun of her.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 10:23 AM
> Get some longer shorts wierdo. And a pic under 25yrs old.
Well this "wierdo" just happens to ride a bicycle. And before you quip again allow me to quantify - this picture is about 7 years old, is B/W because I only have a B/W hand scanner, taken by my sister at my Grandmother's house (that's a fireplace I'm sitting on). I was riding 30 - 40 miles a day... (now here's the part that will shatter your little image) A few years *after* this I loaded the bike down with camping gear, tools, around 60.lBs of stuff (!), then rode *over 100 miles* a day, for 6 days, from Indiana, *all the way through Kentucky* I don't know if you've ever been to Kentucky but it's hilly as hell - really big hills some people even refer to as mountains (not me - they are small compared to real mountains, like the rocky mountains)
And almost all the way through Tennesse.
(3 states in 6 days WITH 60.lBs of gear OVER very hilly ground.) Matter of fact in Tennesse there's this stretch of highway were there's a sharp grade for miles - it's even dangerous for trucks (they have sand pits to hit in case a truck loses it's brakes)
Including illegally crossing the Louieville bridge in heavy evening traffic (dangerous) and this highway - matter of fact I was stopped once for riding this highway (forced to take the next exit, had to take a smaller state road back into town)
It takes great stamina to even go 40 miles (try it !), especially with the bike loaded down (like carrying a child)
It was well below freezing when I started this trip too.
Cross-country high endurance, with no "support team" - no assistence at all.
This is something I had to train for months before I actualy went..
SHOW ME A NERD that can do this - ride over 100 miles a day with a heavy load in hilly country...
Then let's look at YOUR picture and explain again (dress shirt, polyester slacks, wouldn't make 20 miles under these conditions) how you're NOT a nerd and somehow "better" than me.
I have no reason to lie, I wouldn't have posted to lie. You called ME a nerd -
"pimple faced horned-rim glasses with tape in the middle type of nerd. I'm talking about your 40+ aging, out-dated washed up geekozoid with acne scars and still can't get a date"
Which really isnt too bad - I'm smart like a nerd.. However I'm extremely physical like a jock too.
I'll leave my shorts and shirt to your judgement but I wanted you to see I'm actualy quite strong and *can kick your ass*.
Not to mention fry it...
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by fresca
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 10:58 AM
That I speak for everyone when I say that this latest narcissistic rant is pure bullshit.
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by the laughing duck
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 11:22 AM
I once rode my Big Wheel down a 135 yard 45 degree incline with flip-flops on my feet and and no eye protection.
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by the laughing duck
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 11:25 AM
 big_wheel.jpg, image/jpeg, 175x161
C'mon, I know you had one too...
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 11:46 AM
Well "fresca" I really don't give a shit. At least I'm honest enough to tell the truth and show you what I look like. I bet you wouldn't make even 40 miles either.
You can just go back to your little ball game and play along now...
(and to think your the most physical of the bunch !)
1'st night I stayed at a motel in Columbus, Indiana (I was really tired having rode 116 miles plus the back wheel went bad and I had to locate and stop at a bike shop and replace it)
2'nd night I stayed at a motel in Louieville (just off the bridge - really trashy part of town)
3'rd night I used my tent at "My Old Kentucky Home" campground
4'th night I simply camped off the side of the road (far back enough to not be visible from the road, on an old house foundation - a concrete slab)
5'th night I got a motel room at Lake Cummington (?) state park near the Kentucky border
6'th night at a motel in Crossville, TN
The stretch of sharp graded highway is between Crossville and Cookeville.. (crossville believe it or not doesn't have a single bike shop ! - I had to go to Cookeville to find one)
I could go on all day but that would be "narcissistic".
I've noticed your not "narcissistic" enough to show us what you look like (at least openly hahaha)
Big wheel ? Well I can go into much greater detail "narcissisticly" so it's (once more) damned if you do - damned if you don't..
And you don't of course..
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by what a nerd
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 11:46 AM
if nobody has informed you to this point then i'm afraid i have to. You're a nerd. The simple fact that you don't realize it is one of the symptons. I mean you posted a picture that could be next to the definition of a nerd in a dictionary. pulled up white socks, uncomfortably revealing shorts, nerdbag tye dye, mullet and the telling nerd glasses. I mean come on there really is no argument here. "SHOW ME A NERD that can do this - ride over 100 miles a day with a heavy load in hilly country... " only a nerd would do that "I'll leave my shorts and shirt to your judgement but I wanted you to see I'm actualy quite strong and *can kick your ass*. " i gotta tell you that picture doesn't exactly have me quakin in my boots. as for frying me im not exactly sure what that means but its probably nerd-speak for hacking my computer. In that case do your worst. ps. im using your pick as my desktop background and my roomate just asked me "who's that nerd?"
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 11:57 AM
Until you've rode long distances under grueling conditions.
You will NEVER know what it's like. Hop on your bicycle, air the tires then start riding. See how far YOU get, then get back to me.
(I knew it was only a matter of time before you mentioned my hair as well hahaha)
At least I HAVE HAIR and it's not falling out...
And I have never NEVER worn a dress shirt or polyester slacks, I don't wear glasses anymore either..
If cut-off jeans and (my sister made) tie-dye shirt are what nerds wear then why do you wear DRESS SHIRTS and POLYESTER SLACKS ?
Now THOSE are nerd clothes...
But really I don't mind being "called" a nerd, I just wanted you to see that I don't LOOK like one (dress shirt/slacks)
You are the nerd. Tell me how far YOU can ride.
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by the bro
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:16 PM
ouch, that is the nerdiest picture i have ever seen, i really feel bad for you, i usually dont post in this forum but i am doing a paper on nerd's for school so i was browsing the web and this picture came up. actually maybe you can help me with my paper, would you mind if i called and interviewed you for maybe 20 minutes? im just trying to figure out how you guys (nerds) work, live, play, and nerd out. any information would be greatly appreciated can you link me to the nerd store that you got your cloths from? also you look like a molester and its inspiring me to write a molester paper so if you can give me any input on that subject that would be totally hot. also are you gay? im getting a strong gay vibe from those shorts. ohh and what gives with the socks, is pulling your socks up as close to your taint as possible coming back in style in the nerd/homo/molester community? all these things i need to know asap thanks!
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by the bro
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:18 PM
ouch, that is the nerdiest picture i have ever seen, i really feel bad for you, i usually dont post in this forum but i am doing a paper on nerd's for school so i was browsing the web and this picture came up. actually maybe you can help me with my paper, would you mind if i called and interviewed you for maybe 20 minutes? im just trying to figure out how you guys (nerds) work, live, play, and nerd out. any information would be greatly appreciated can you link me to the nerd store that you got your cloths from? also you look like a molester and its inspiring me to write a molester paper so if you can give me any input on that subject that would be totally hot. also are you gay? im getting a strong gay vibe from those shorts. ohh and what gives with the socks, is pulling your socks up as close to your taint as possible coming back in style in the nerd/homo/molester community? all these things i need to know asap thanks!
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by the bro
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:18 PM
ouch, that is the nerdiest picture i have ever seen, i really feel bad for you, i usually dont post in this forum but i am doing a paper on nerd's for school so i was browsing the web and this picture came up. actually maybe you can help me with my paper, would you mind if i called and interviewed you for maybe 20 minutes? im just trying to figure out how you guys (nerds) work, live, play, and nerd out. any information would be greatly appreciated can you link me to the nerd store that you got your cloths from? also you look like a molester and its inspiring me to write a molester paper so if you can give me any input on that subject that would be totally hot. also are you gay? im getting a strong gay vibe from those shorts. ohh and what gives with the socks, is pulling your socks up as close to your taint as possible coming back in style in the nerd/homo/molester community? all these things i need to know asap thanks!
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by the bro
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:18 PM
ouch, that is the nerdiest picture i have ever seen, i really feel bad for you, i usually dont post in this forum but i am doing a paper on nerd's for school so i was browsing the web and this picture came up. actually maybe you can help me with my paper, would you mind if i called and interviewed you for maybe 20 minutes? im just trying to figure out how you guys (nerds) work, live, play, and nerd out. any information would be greatly appreciated can you link me to the nerd store that you got your cloths from? also you look like a molester and its inspiring me to write a molester paper so if you can give me any input on that subject that would be totally hot. also are you gay? im getting a strong gay vibe from those shorts. ohh and what gives with the socks, is pulling your socks up as close to your taint as possible coming back in style in the nerd/homo/molester community? all these things i need to know asap thanks!
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by Toby
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:33 PM
Hey guys, let me give you some background on why im posting. my name is toby and im working on a very important paper regarding nerds for one of my college classes (Indiana Basin Silt CC) i was surfing around looking for info and this message board came up. i saw your picture and was totally blown away as well as inspired. is there any way i can give you a call and do about a 20 minute interview with you? i really need to figure out what it is you (nerds) do, anything from jobs , family, nerding out, recreation, hobbies would help me out a ton! a few quick questions.... can you send me a link where you bought your cloths ? is there a specific online nerd shop? also im getting a hard gay vibe from your jean shorts, are you gay? those glasses are unreal, i havent seen anything like that in years. they are giving me the giggles....... i feel like there is a strong possibility (from your picture) you are a molester, any truth behind that ? im thinking about writing a paper about molesters and could use your help. (of course i wouldnt mention your name) but i really want to get inside the mind of a butterscotch dealer, and i feel like we are practicly friends already.... so any info you can give me regarding the nerd/homo molester community i would really appreciate it. -toby
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by nerd slayer
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:34 PM
"You will NEVER know what it's like. Hop on your bicycle, air the tires then start riding. See how far YOU get, then get back to me." sorry i've got other non-nerd thing to keep me busy. I have a car and would never get on a 2-wheel nerdmobile. "(I knew it was only a matter of time before you mentioned my hair as well hahaha) " i forgot to mention the molester/nerd/porn stache your sporting. "At least I HAVE HAIR and it's not falling out... " that would be the least of your problems "And I have never NEVER worn a dress shirt or polyester slacks, I don't wear glasses anymore either.." i can see through all your nerd disguises. your like leapards. "If cut-off jeans and (my sister made) tie-dye shirt are what nerds wear then why do you wear DRESS SHIRTS and POLYESTER SLACKS ? " because hot poontang loves a well dressed man. and im all about the tang "But really I don't mind being "called" a nerd, I just wanted you to see that I don't LOOK like one " kind of failed miserably on that count hugh? "You are the nerd. Tell me how far YOU can ride." In my car? probably about 600 miles a day. not bad if i say so myself. it's alot more than your pitiful 100.
can anyone else smell that? smells like nerd in here. like sourmilk and catpiss.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:34 PM
So you "just happened to be" - what a riot
Every one of you are fat & ugly - classic nerds
Beer bellied, fat assed, mommy picked your clothes out (still does by the looks of it), balding ugly assholes.
No sorry I'm not like you
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 12:52 PM
> In my car? probably about 600 miles a day. not bad if i say so myself. it's alot more than your pitiful 100.
Oh wow you have a car. So do I. "pitiful" - nice brushoff.. Sitting on your fat ass pressing a gas petal (if even that - cruise control ?) Is supposed to compare in your wildest wet dreams to pumping petals carrying your own weight plus extra weight up steep hills for hundreds of miles - average 100 a day.. You couldn't even manage 20 - you would be exhausted and your fat ass would be sore as hell from even trying...
So realizing this you post more bile
> sourmilk
I smell sour grapes
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Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 1:11 PM
Okay....if that pic is 25 years old, then you must have glasses which are at least twice a thick now, the dark hair is graying (or completely gray), and you have a paunch.
If the above is NOT true, then you are now a tweaker (after having discovered crystal meth), which would explain the rambling posts about antiquated "technology" which is no longer in use. Ill bet that you still see yourself as that person...and are stuck in the "25 years ago" era of your life. Its sad really.
You dont REALLY believe that your homemade machine even remotely is capable of what the most basic of laptops are capable of....do you? While Im at it, havent you ever heard of WIRELESS or IR connections for your devices? Why would you live in a "nest of wires"? Where does the girlfriend fit in? Even if you're gay...which I bet you are....your boyfriend must not like your diggs there either. I feel sorry for you, and I want to send money to the foundation which raised you.
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by Toby
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 1:17 PM
Hey guys, let me give you some background on why im posting. my name is toby and im working on a very important paper regarding nerds for one of my college classes (Indiana Basin Silt CC) i was surfing around looking for info and this message board came up. i saw your picture and was totally blown away as well as inspired. is there any way i can give you a call and do about a 20 minute interview with you? i really need to figure out what it is you (nerds) do, anything from jobs , family, nerding out, recreation, hobbies would help me out a ton! a few quick questions.... can you send me a link where you bought your cloths ? is there a specific online nerd shop? also im getting a hard gay vibe from your jean shorts, are you gay? those glasses are unreal, i havent seen anything like that in years. they are giving me the giggles....... i feel like there is a strong possibility (from your picture) you are a molester, any truth behind that ? im thinking about writing a paper about molesters and could use your help. (of course i wouldnt mention your name) but i really want to get inside the mind of a butterscotch dealer, and i feel like we are practicly friends already.... so any info you can give me regarding the nerd/homo molester community i would really appreciate it. -toby
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 1:55 PM
> if that pic is 25 years old, then you must have glasses which are at least twice a thick now, the dark hair is graying (or completely gray), and you have a paunch.
Shows what you know. 7 years old, I no longer use vision correction at all - no contacts either. I can see extremely well close-up, my eyes are as good as low powered microscopes, I can see tiny details other people can't see (I've tested them) This makes me a natural for electronics..
My hair is still dark - it is not graying. Sorry but the years are kinder to some people than others (actually it's genetic) - ditto for baldness... I still wear the same size clothes too.
> antiquated "technology" which is no longer in use
Elitism, relative. Sure some boxes are as old as '87 but then some are 2000 - I wouldn't call that "antiquated" - only elitist assholes *who have nothing better to say* do. So be it.
> your homemade machine even remotely is capable of what the most basic of laptops are capable of....do you? While Im at it, havent you ever heard of WIRELESS or IR connections for your devices?
I never specified - only even mentioned CPUs, didn't even bother to say how much memory or cache, what the clock and buss speeds are, etc.
And the free-space optical system I mentioned *is* infrared, but my own design completely different than standard serial/digital (uses a hybrid mix of subcarriers with both analog and digital)
> Why would you live in a "nest of wires"?
Because I'm an inventor/designer - I don't know, my room has always looked that way even as a kid.
> Where does the girlfriend fit in? Even if you're gay...which I bet you are....your boyfriend must not like your diggs there either. I feel sorry for you
In the rest of the house - where else ? (we have a bunch of birds and turtles)
You must feel sorry for me - to take the focus off yourself. Since you spend all your time insulting people and being an ass what woman *would have you* ? The first time she see's what you do on-line she would puke and walk out. The only way you get any is by grabbing one night stands. Who's sad ?
cheer up
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by Forrest Gump
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 2:17 PM
as fast as my magic legs could carry me.
First I was just going to run to the end of fence, but I got to it and decided, "Well, I'm not tired yet. I think I'll keep on going."
I ran and ran, straight through downtown Beluxy, and clear across Crawford county! But I wasn't tired yet.
I just kept right on runin' and runin' and I knew if I kept it up you'd never know what was gonna happen next. Because life is tricky like that. Yep. It sure is. Just like my momma used to say, she'd say "Forrest Gump, life is like a box-a-choc-lats" sumpthin sumpthin, I fergit the rest.
So there I was runnin' and runnin'. When I had to eat, I did. And when I had to go potty, I did. The first night I stay'd at the No-tell Motel, and the second night I stayed at a nice little Bed and Breakfast just off Interstate 26 right outside of Charleston South Carolina.
But by the third night I wasn't tired yet so I just kept on runnin'.
And then, you'll never guess what happened! Nope, you won't you won't you sure won't never guess.
So I'll just tell ya I will I will. There I was, runnin' and all of a sudden, I past this nerd wearing a tie-dye t-shirt and cutoff jeans with camping equipment and I thought to myself, I said "self, there goes the neighborhood!"
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 2:35 PM
Actualy what ended the trip was it was late in Crossville and I was entering the state park. I was going down this hill towards the area where they allow you to camp, there were streetlights along this road, but at the bottom of the hill the streetlight was out. They had a "gate" across the road (a metal pole about 3 feet off the ground)
I was going pretty fast and didn't see it (due to the darkness) until I was about 10 feet from it. I couldn't avoid hitting it and crashed.
The bike was totalled... I holed up in a motel room for 3 days (I was pretty sore) then I grabbed a bus (cost $8.) to Cookeville after looking in the phone book in the room and seeing they had no bike shops at all..
I bought another bike, then rode it back to Crossville (around 30 miles - up that steep grade I mentioned) then transfered all my bike parts (seat, handlebars, seedometer, better brakes, etc to the good bike then threw the old bike in the dumpster. When I was in Cookeville I liked the town (there's a university there) so I decided to stay there awhile. So I rode back there. I tend to blend in with students, scoured the library, etc. As I've done at other universities I won't mention.
But the jist of this is what ended my trip was an accident. I didn't feel like riding cross-country anymore after I was all sore and bruised...
Now since I'm such a total liar - everything I say is a lie, you shouldn't waste your time reading this because you've so much more important and better things to do - RIGHT ?
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by uncomfortably revealing shorts,
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 3:02 PM
uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts,uncomfortably revealing shorts! uncomforably revealing shorts
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 3:21 PM
Who's uncomfortable - you ?
Why ?
So if I posted a picture of me in my underware, what would you do - explode in a fit of babble ?
(what am I saying - you just did !)
MOLE ! We're not supposed to talk about the bloody mole ! There is it - the MOLE. Holy moley !
What would you reveal in shorts like those ?
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by Capn Dan
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:10 PM
[So I'll just tell ya I will I will. There I was, runnin' and all of a sudden, I past this nerd wearing a tie-dye t-shirt and cutoff jeans with camping equipment and I thought to myself, I said "self, there goes the neighborhood!"]
Thanks Private Gump!
I can't remember the last time I had such a good laugh.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:34 PM
> I can't remember the last time I had such a good laugh
cheer up
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by Charlie Chaplin
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 4:44 PM
>Then you need to laugh more often
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by Todworth VonHilldabrand
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 8:18 PM
what gives with nerds these days? why yall have to be acting up like this, let this poor nerd be, didnt we have enough fun "picking" on nerds in high school? they are just like us, only alittle less cool, so back off! let the nerd be Chevits
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by Todworth VonHilldabrand
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 8:20 PM
what gives with nerds these days? why yall have to be acting up like this, let this poor nerd be, didnt we have enough fun "picking" on nerds in high school? they are just like us, only alittle less cool, so back off! let the nerd be Chevits
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:44 AM
Kobe is a group of "nerds" with extremely bad attitudes, who like to spend thier time being abusive, disruptive, distracting. The only nerds that are "poor" are them as I already pointed out (how & why)
Although I've been characterized as a nerd this is relative. As it could be said we are all nerds on some level... However these people are far FAR more nerdish than even a typical nerd. In order to try to hide this fact they accuse other people - much less nerdish than they are - of being (worse) nerds.
It's just a game to them - one they spend considerable time playing. A type of nerd (hate filled - with "issues") I've rarely seen (having been to several universities over the years). MOST nerds are almost the exact opposite of these clowns... They really don't even deserve to be called nerds - it's an insult to nerds everywhere. They are closer to sociopaths "playing" at being nerds (as a step up).
For example in "Revenge of the Nerds" - no nerd is like them - some of the jocks are (abusive dishonest weasles) and they only barely qualify in the brains department as nerds (most nerds are very smart)
So really they only dress/look/act like nerds to some extent - actually we're looking at abusive dysfunctional sociopaths.
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by Larry McJihad
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 9:57 AM
guys with all these amazing things going on int the world right now, why waste your time talking about whos nerdy and who isnt? do we have something more interesting to argue?
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:14 AM
> pimple faced horned-rim glasses with tape in the middle type of nerd. I'm talking about your 40+ aging, out-dated washed up geekozoid with acne scars and still can't get a date
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:14 AM
"do we have something more interesting to argue?"
No. We are liberals/anarchists whose movements are continually going down the sewer everyday. This is what we're been relegated to doing. Leave us alone.
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by smashtheleft
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:19 AM
Okay. Who's sexier, Elton John or George Michael? I vote for Elton.
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by Larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:24 AM
what is it that you do for a living? Im not trying to start static with you im just curious
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by anon
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:27 AM
Well today, I posted under various names like anti-nessie, Darwin, etc... and got my ass handed to me on two seperate IMCs at the same time.
What do you do?
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:28 AM
abusive dysfunctional sociopaths...
Proof ?
"We just come here to piss you off and laugh at you."
cheer up
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:30 AM
I found a great broadcast about the USS Liberty (the spy ship israel attacked knowing full well it was american) It's a bunch of interviews with men *on the ship at the time* talking about how the pilots were buzzing by so close they *even waved at eachother* and so on (the ship was flying an american flag as big as a billboard in BROAD DAYLIGHT) Listening to these men who went through it talking about it in thier own words there's *absolutely no question* israel knew they were attacking an american ship killing 34, injuring 172 http://clients.loudeye.com/imc/mayday/uss_liberty.mp3 (streaming MP3PRO)
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:33 AM
If the "anon" was supposed to be me you should know I *never* post under anyother handle...
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by nerd lover
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:37 AM
it was wrong of me to poke fun at your appearance and the cool calm demeaner you used to respond is proof of that. I have nothing against nerds and try not to judge others based upon appearance. As you can see i failed that with my respnses to the nerd picture above. I even tried a few nerd things today like riding a bike to class ad making my own printer cable. Both were miserable failures. I only made it 3 miles before i blew a love handle and had to hail a cab and the printer cable just made my printer smoke and melt into a lump of plastic. So you could say i have a whole new respect for you nerds hex. I think we can live together dont you. As long as we have respect. p.s. i made my own cutoffs but was forced to change them after i was the victim of a hate crime. intolerables assholes.
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by FBI
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:39 AM
"Hex anon, what is it that you do for a living?"
I think that he's already answered that question in another thread.
He's a common thief.
In the early 80's he built "blue boxes" and sold them to reprobates for a few hundred bucks a pop. (For those of you not familiar with what a "blue box" is, it is a device that thieves used to use to rip the phone companies off by not having to pay long distance charges)
He's also spent a considerable amount of time manufacturing and selling illegal cable descramblers to rip off the cable companies with.
Hex anon is the second most wanted on our top 10, right under bin Laden.
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Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:43 AM
"Well today, I posted under various names like anti-nessie, Darwin, etc... and got my ass handed to me on two seperate IMCs at the same time."
That would be me.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 10:44 AM
I hate to piss in your campfire but;
1.) blue boxes aren't illegal - only USING THEM was (they don't work anymore - the phone system went to ESS in the mid-80's)
2.) ditto for cable descramblers (until recently)
You'd make a great lawyer !
cheer up
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by captain crunch
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:01 AM
I beg to differ...
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by (parenthesis)
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:06 AM
is that it is perfectly acceptable to manufacture and sell devices that are used for illegal purposes, as long as the devices themselves are not illegal.
His creations were only for *educational* purposes.
A likely story hex.
And hex, John Draper (aka captain crunch) did quite a lengthy stretch in prison for "building" blue boxes.
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by anti-smashtheleft
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:07 AM
You should BEG for a brain instead.
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by Agent "B"
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:11 AM
I'm not even on this thread, but just for fun.
smashtheleft is Agent "A". Agent "A" hasn't been posting today.
BTW, I knew you had to get in the last word. It makes you feel like you've won. And of all people, you do need something to feel good about. Especially after having your ass handed to you on two different IMCs at the same time.
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Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:14 AM
"Especially after having your ass handed to you on two different IMCs at the same time."
That would be me, you jackass.
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by Agent "B"
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:17 AM
No. It was you. And you'll come back tomorrow for another dose. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day...................................
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by Agent "B"
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:20 AM
No. It was you. And you'll come back tomorrow for another dose. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day...................................
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Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:21 AM
Another dose of what? Crack? I do hope so!!!
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by anti-smashtheleft
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:26 AM
"And you'll come back tomorrow for another dose."
Thanks, but no thanks. I don't want another dose of utter stupidity from you.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:28 AM
> captain crunch / I beg to differ...
Sorry. I should know. I have direct personal experience, they tried to bust me for possessing one but they couldn't - because they are not illegal to have - only to USE.. (unless you use them no crime has been committed - the crime is toll fraud) Otherwise they are just a tone generator. Tone generators are not illegal. There's software and tape recorders (now solid state voice recorders too) any one of these things can generate the tones... Only USING the tones to place free calls is illegal.
differ all you want but go look it up then get back to me.
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by Larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:30 AM
guys im alittle lost can someone bring me up to speed with this whole convo? and why doesnt Hex ever talk to me? i feel left in the cold lets talk about the state of rap music
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by you must be lost
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:32 AM
 uber-nerd.gif, image/png, 480x320
my friends this is nerd thread now not some other bullshit. start a new thread if you want to argue like a bunch of old women. Either talk about nerds or get the f out. I'll help out this is what one looks like.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:34 AM
> and why doesnt Hex ever talk to me?
because spoofing is a very big problem on here
did you read the entire thread before commenting ?
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:40 AM
 really_ugly_fat_nerds.jpg, image/jpeg, 335x267
Well at least I don't look like kobe's little circle jerk club
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Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:43 AM
I'm the mulatto with the moustache and goatee.
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by larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:00 PM
what are you refering to when you say spoofing?
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by larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:02 PM
and yes i do read all of the forums and messages here
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Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:03 PM
Look it up in the dictionary, asswipe.
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:10 PM
spoofing means not sticking to one handle and intentionally posting using other people's handles to make it appear they said things they didn't...
It's a very bad problem on here.
However since the people doing it have a common agenda all you have to do is post an expose' that's against thier agenda (which is something they'll never do), and actually post original thoughts (as opposed to pasting).
As long as you're creative and REAL no one can effectively spoof you - especially if you attach a price to your replies (as above - posting facts that are damaging to thier agenda which depends on hiding the facts)
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by larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:35 PM
i follow what your saying but i would have to disagree with you thinking that i am a spoof or spoofer any subject you care to chat about im all for it, i dont think you are a nerd and i respect your ability to handle yourself in the forum
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:50 PM
> i would have to disagree with you thinking that i am a spoof or spoofer
Then post some varifiable information.
If you don't feel "safe" doing that (or can't) then this is not the place to be having discussions...
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:59 PM
I would advise against it. As we have seen the weasel cage is open and if you lead them to your door by giving out names or other particulars these hyenas will target you. So curious are these individuals about our private lives that they spend considerable time sniffing out information. WFIW I'm sure it all in good fun...
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by Larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 1:11 PM
let me get this straight , for me to start a new convo i need to post personal info about myself? ok, my name is larry i live in florida i work at a computer repair center at night and i work from home during the day (realestate) i would call myself a open minded republican and i enjoy watching reality tv i have a dog named gates and a cat named jobbs
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 1:32 PM
> i need to post personal info about myself?
No. You need to post the URL's of other forums where your writings can be seen over a period of time as varification that you have a "real history" as a real (as opposed to spoofed) on-line presence.
Spoofers are not prepared to do this because the histories they have (if any) only expose them as not the person they are pretending to be.
This needs not involve any personal information at all (mine doesn't)
@ Sheepdog
I wouldn't even suggest giving out personal info - for exactly the reason you warned about..
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by larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 1:54 PM
 larrystud.jpg, image/jpeg, 196x277
i like riding bikes and making my own electrical equipment. This pic is a few years old and i no longer wear glasses and have gravitated to a wardrobe of entirely of cut-off jeans and tye dye(to hide my true nature) i like to be given butterscotch candy and kicking people's asses. Now can we talk. I mean i thought this was a nerd support thread. Help me out here hex!
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by larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 1:56 PM
i agree with the above post. Hex, your really putting a downer on this whole board , lets spruce it up a bit.......
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 2:16 PM
I've been posting on here awhile and I watch for patterns, you could even say I'm an "expert" at it..
I've noticed a couple of groups of unwanted trolls;
1.) general israel supporters 2.) kobe
An effective method that's common to both of them is simple (but not easy)
There's three aspects to it;
1.) post FACTS that expose thier agendas 2.) control the temptation to become drawn into thier games 3.) when they try to use rhetoric, ignore it and use method #1 insted
With the israel supporters damning FACTS about israel, like the USS Liberty attack, the UN resolution that israel is racist, thier PR documents, and the dancing israelis arrests are the best FACTS we have so far.
Simply talk about one of these subjects *and nothing else* no matter what games they play... If you persist they will withdraw because the damage of exposing these FACTS far exceeds the pleasure they get out of playing thier games.
For kobe, post only thier picture, and information about boycotting and other protest and awareness measures which *legally* damage computers NLA. For my part I had them flagged for an audit.
The pattern I've seen is anytime either thier picture or compnla is brought up, they withdraw because the damage (and fear) this causes outweighs the pleasure they get from playing abusiven games.
When another "spoof" or new handle appears that you even suspect is them, simply do as above, posting thier picture or info about compnla.
I've seen these methods being effective. What's not effective is to argue with them on whatever THEY bring up, unless you lead directly back to the exposure methods above..
Being trolls that not only "We just come here to piss you off and laugh at you." but also have agendas they wish to keep hidden, so if the cost in exposure outweighs the games, they are discouraged...
A policy of posting facts they don't want people to see, in reply to *every* post they make will put an end to both group's activity.
As long as people engage them without this pricetag, they will continue because "it makes them laugh".
It's tempting to think you can out-wit or out-smart them, and often you can, however without this price as cheap insurance on average they (by using different handles and jumping around to different threads) will continue. The price must be too steep.. A combination of posting damning facts AND refusing to play thier games is very effective.
This format tends to encourage simplistic sound bites, name calling and so on. So while it's simple to follow this method it's not easy. they rely on your own weakness - rely on you being like them - rely on dragging you down to thier level, to continue.
Whenever you start to reply think twice, find your damning fact and post it. At the very least post it along with your reply, so that every reply you make *has a price attached to it* for them.
> this whole board
Well "larry" this is not a board - it's a NEWSWIRE.
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by Arab American Institute
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 2:54 PM
from the Arab American Institute's website:
Last week, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean told supporters in New Mexico "it's not our [the United States] place to take sides" in the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. Since, Dean has been harshly criticized by two of his rivals for the Democratic nomination, Senators John Kerry of Massachusetts and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. Responding to their criticism, Dean stated, "Israel has always been a longtime ally with a special relationship with the United States, but if we are going to bargain by being in the middle of the negotiations then we are going to have to take an evenhanded role."
Now it's your turn! Please write to Governor Dean and express your support for a fair and balanced approach to the Palestinian -- Israeli conflict. (see AAI's form letter below)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dear Governor Dean:
Thank you for expressing your support for a balanced U.S. policy in the Middle East. If peace is to be achieved between Israelis and Palestinians, it is essential that the United States be an unbiased arbiter. I hope that your commitment to fairness in U.S. Middle East policy will continue. Thank you again.
Best regards, [ insert your name here ]
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by moderator help please
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 3:25 PM
moderator could you please delete the above post as it has nothing to due with nerding out, riding bikes, or butterscotch candy. It's gonna take away from what we're trying to do here. Hex I want to understand what your trying to say but i don't speak nerdenese so if you could rewrite in a more palatable form please do. thsnks
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by moderator help please
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 3:28 PM
moderator could you please delete the above post as it has nothing to due with nerding out, riding bikes, or butterscotch candy. It's gonna take away from what we're trying to do here. Hex I want to understand what your trying to say but i don't speak nerdenese so if you could rewrite in a more palatable form please do. thsnks
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by Larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 5:00 PM
sorry i didnt realize we are only supposed to talk about nerds... is Hex too nerdy to stay on this board or "newswire" (you call it a newswire why? who gets news from here?)(nerd speak?) is there anyway i can pay you to post another picture? maybe something in the last 2 years, also can you help me out setting the time on my vcr? you seem super smart and i could use a friend like you....
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by Larry
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 5:05 PM
ohh ps does anyone else here hate people that are not white?
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by smashtheleft
Friday, Sep. 12, 2003 at 1:21 PM
Me! I hate anyobe who isn't white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant like me.
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