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Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 10:46 PM
Posted on behalf of Mind Freedom. Mental health reform activsits are trying to bring to light the quiet state of terror that exists in the so called field of psychiatry today. Educate yourselves about how psychiatrists are an alternative to the police and prisons as a form of repression and social control:
FAST FOR FREEDOM IN MENTAL HEALTH NEWS RELEASE - 16 August 2003 pre-fast David Oaks 541-345-9106 during fast Mickey Weinberg 626-795-5525 A Fast for Human Rights and Choice in Mental Health PASADENA, CALIF: On Sat., 16 August 2003 five psychiatric survivors and a dissident social worker from throughout the United States will arrive in Pasadena, Calif. to begin a hunger strike to press for human rights and choice in psychiatry. Their demand: That the mental health industry produce even one study proving the common industry claim that "mental illness is biologically-based." The hunger strikers charge that the pharmaceutical industry and psychiatry are medicalizing an ever-widening spectrum of human emotion and behavior for financial gain, and are willing to deceive the public while they too frequently humiliate and harm their clients. "The government gives virtually total support to a quick-fix, pill-pushing model of mental health at the expense of alternative, less invasive ways of helping people in emotional distress," asserts David Oaks, hunger striker and Executive Director of MindFreedom Support Coalition International. The hunger strikers will subsist on a liquid only diet until the American Psychiatric Association (APA), The Surgeon General, and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) respond to seven challenges sent to them concurrent with this news release. Fourteen mental health academics and practitioners stand ready to review and reply to responses to the strikers' challenge. One, Loren Mosher, MD, former head of schizophrenia studies at the National Institute of Mental Health said, "What we are dealing with here is fashion, politics, and money... I want no part of a psychiatry of oppression and social control." "The targets of our fast have muddied the waters of mental health for too long," said Mickey Weinberg, hunger striker and MindFreedom board member. "It's time they come clean. They claim science is on their side. We're just saying, 'prove it.'" MindFreedom Support Coalition International is a Non-Governmental Organization with Consultative Roster Status in the United Nations, and a non-profit that unites 100 sponsor groups to win human rights & alternatives in mental health. Pre-strike contact David Oaks (541) 345-9601 or During the hunger strike phone Mickey Weinberg (626) 795-5525. Web site:
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by charles amsellem
Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 at 12:25 AM
 rangel_webed.jpg, image/jpeg, 250x230
graphic © 2003 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved. activists may reproduce for non profit use only
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by David Oaks
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 7:41 PM 541-345-9106 Hunger Strike in Pasadena
YO! Indy Media folks in So. California area, especially PASADENA! We are in DAY THREE of Hunger Strike in this rented building here in Pasadena! We're counting on the folks like you critical of CORPORATE MEDIA to help us get the word out about challenging the RICHEST CORPORATIONS IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD -- the psychiatric drug industry (when measured by investments). BELOW is a quick update on day 3, but see our web site for lots more info, links to photos, etc. Note we need volunteers, and people can drop by -- but best is between 6 and 8 pm (other than that, best to call first). Okay, here you go for FREEDOM! ~~~~~~~ DAY THREE -- Monday, 18 August 2003 - UPDATE ATTENTION -- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS Hi, this is an update from the Hunger Strike Headquarters of the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health ... especially for people in the So. Cal. area. Please forward this to others in the So. Cal area. *** WE'RE ALREADY MAKING SOME NEWS It's only Day Three but we're already making some news... The news conference today good attendance... some of the local media that have done stories or interviews are: KPCC (local NPR), Pasadena Star News (today page 3a), Pasadena Weekly, KCAL-TV, KNX radio.... This is a good time for letters to the editor supporting the hunger strike. Encourage the media to cover it! *** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED -- YOUR HELP NEEDED!!!!!!! Thanks to the volunteers who are helping... but they're stretched thin!!! There are many little and big tasks, both simple and complex, to help out a the hunger strike... if you're ready to help, there's often a way you can assist. Hunger striker Vince says, "Stand up and be counted. We're here, come on out and see us... if you can help out, please help... a computer person would be nice." Vince is right: URGENT!!! -- At this moment we need someone with "pretty good computer skills" to hook up the third computer to the DSL line. We need someone fairly comfortable with DSL, local area network, IP addresses, network, etc. NOW, to help David Gonzalez get onto the Internet, to update his web site. You can phone (626) 795-5525 or e-mail here. If you would like to volunteer to help the hunger strike, please e-mail, drop by or phone (626) 795-5525. *** *EVERY* EVENING AT 6 PM TO 8 PM. All supporters are invited to drop by between 6 pm to 8 pm WITHOUT phoning first... We'll have an open community meeting about the hunger strike and issues we're raising! Come on by: AHIA, 277 North El Molino Ave, Pasadena, Calif. (You can bring water and juice to share, but no food on premises please!) You can also visit at other times, but please phone first, thanks. *** REMEMBER THE FREE LECTURE SERIES!!! What an amazing bunch of speakers we have lined up! From Sat., 23 August to Wed., 27 August 2003: *** HUNGER STRIKE PAGE with lots of updated links, news release, photos, message board to interact with hunger strikers, etc.: AND BE SURE TO PHONE NAMI, APA AND SURGEON GENERAL. DON'T TAKE "HANG UP" FOR AN ANSWER! ~~~~~~~~~~ This is sponsored by MindFreedom Support Coalition International. For more info and to join and/or donate see PLEASE FORWARD, ESPECIALLY TO INTERESTED PEOPLE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AREA. THANK YOU. - end - Forwarded by: -- David Oaks, Executive Director MindFreedom Support Coalition International 454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284 Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA email: fax: (541) 345-3737 phone: (541) 345-9106 toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRIDE Fast for Freedom in Mental Health Scheduled to Start 16 August 2003 in Pasadena, Calif., USA. MindFreedom is a project of Support Coalition International, a Non-Governmental Organization with Consultative Roster Status in the United Nations. SCI is a non-profit that unites 100 sponsor groups to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
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by David Oaks
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 8:39 PM 541-345-9106 Hunger Strike Headquarters
[also on Indy Media - LA -- A day three update for So. Calif. The below is more general, for everyone....] UPDATE: Your Mind & Human Rights - 18 August 2003 * * please forward * * Day 3 of the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health: Successful Press Conference! PASADENA, CALIF.: This is a brief update on daily events of the hunger strike "Fast for Freedom in Mental Health." For background see For new photos of press conference and message board: *** NEWS CONFERENCE A SUCCESS Today, six hunger strikers and three members of the scientific panel held a news conference with good turn-out by media. The last reporter left after more than an hour of presentations, discussion and questions. Some of the media that have done stories or interviews are: KPCC (local NPR), Pasadena Star News (today page 3a), Pasadena Weekly, KCAL-TV, KNX radio, a major magazine reporter, BBC, and film crew ("The Committed"). Romi spoke movingly about how a whole generation may be lost to psychiatric abuse if people don't speak up now. Statements & photos from the news conference are on the Fast for Freedom web sites. The three expert panelists who attended and spoke out: School psychologist Al Galves, PhD flew in from Las Cruses, New Mexico just for the press conference and to support the hunger strikers. Author and psychologist Ty Colbert, PhD and professor of neuroanatomy Jonathon Leo, PhD from Western University of Health Science. ***** Other Fast News ***** DON'T SETTLE FOR HANG-UP! Supporters are calling NAMI, APA and Office of Surgeon General back, until they can leave a message. Don't accept a hang up! Call back until a message is taken! THANKS TO LOCAL VOLUNTEERS! Thanks to visitors and volunteers who dropped by, especially Andy who helped take photos and buy juice. If you live in area, you are welcome to drop by between 6 to 8 pm. You can drop by other times, too, but best to call first then. Hunger strike headquarters phone is 626-795-5525. MICKEY SAID: "David Oaks is making the house smell wonderful with his 'Earth Blood' juice." Recipe: Organic kale, carrots, beets and garlic. Hunger strikers give it a favorable review. Vince wants to call it "Wacko Juice" in honor of a NAMI board member John Milton who called a striker "wacko." (This NAMI board member has since apologized to hunger strike headquarters, but we've asked him to apologize to the solidarity striker he called Wacko: Jerri Lynn.) CONTACT THE MEDIA: You are encouraged to contact both major and alternative media and encourage them to cover the hunger strike. Thanks to Indy Media LA for putting this on the hunger strike on their home page! Ask media to contact the three entities named in the hunger strike -- it's harder to hang up on media. APA MATERIAL ARRIVING TOMORROW: UPS & APA confirmed that a package from American Psychiatric Association is arriving tomorrow, Tues., with a response to the hunger strike. DAVID GONZALEZ said, "Adding another computer to the DSL hub was frustrating because I couldn't get the technical requirements." If you have technical assistance to offer him, or just sympathy for how frustrating that can be, feel free to e-mail to OTHER DAVID G. NEWS: And David G. wants to hear from more "solidarity strikers," he's creating an informal e-mail list to network this international network. If you can fast even for a day, consider being a hunger striker. PLUS, DAVID G. REMINDS WEB MASTERS: If you or your group has a web site, please add an endorsement and link to the hunger strike,, and David G. will add you link to the list of endorsers. AND BE SURE TO PHONE NAMI, APA AND SURGEON GENERAL. DON'T TAKE "HANG UP" FOR AN ANSWER! ~~~~~~~~~~ This is sponsored by MindFreedom Support Coalition International. For more info and to join and/or donate see - end - Forwarded by: -- David Oaks, Executive Director MindFreedom Support Coalition International 454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284 Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA email: fax: (541) 345-3737 phone: (541) 345-9106 toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRIDE Fast for Freedom in Mental Health Scheduled to Start 16 August 2003 in Pasadena, Calif., USA. MindFreedom is a project of Support Coalition International, a Non-Governmental Organization with Consultative Roster Status in the United Nations. SCI is a non-profit that unites 100 sponsor groups to win human rights & alternatives in mental health. PASADENA, CALIF: Hunger strikers for human rights in the mental health system had a jam-packed second day, in the "Fast for Freedom in Mental Health." Hunger striker David Gonzalez who flew in from Brooklyn said, "It was a manic day. It was very productive. We got a lot done." You can now find up-to-the-hour-or-so updates and photos on a web site maintained by David Gonzalez from the hunger strike. See: On this constantly changing web site you will see many new photos from Day 2... Plus use an easy to use MESSAGE BOARD where you can interact "almost live" with hunger strikers... and even read a message from a NAMI board member John Milton calling a striker a "wacko" (more about that hate speech e-mail in a moment). Plus, see a growing list of web pages that are endorsing the Fast! Spirits are high. When hunger striker Romi, 22 years old, was asked how she was doing, she laughed and said: "I'll tell you how I'm doing. I'm hungry!" Here are updates about DAY 2. ( For background about the Fast for Freedom see ) ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** DEALING WITH "THE NAMI HANG-UP" The six core hunger strikers in the Fast for Freedom headquarters began Day 2 with a two-hour strategy meeting. One topic was addressing the main response by NAMI to the PHONE-IN campaign. Hunger strikers have asked everyone to phone NAMI every weekday and ask NAMI for any evidence of "biologically based brain diseases." NAMI has officially decided to hang up on almost anyone who phones them asking about that topic, or who mentions the "Fast for Freedom." The NAMI operators are instructed to turn on a long recording about NAMI that ends with a click, with no chance to leave a message. The NAMI "hang-up" is also happening to NAMI members. NAMI operators are even mistakenly hanging up on some mainstream media who have called them about the hunger strike. The hunger strikers agreed today to a two-part strategy: STRATEGY ONE: KEEP PHONING: APA, NAMI & SURGEON GENERAL The phone-in is obviously having an effect. The hunger strikers ask everyone to RE-DOUBLE efforts to phone NAMI and also the other two entities named in the hunger strike: APA and the US Surgeon General. You can get the basic PHONE-IN contact information here. "We are relying on the creativity and persistence of our supporters to 'get a message to NAMI,'" said David Oaks, faster and director of MindFreedom. "Be civil, but insist that an actual message be taken. Don't settle for a hang-up." Some callers are able to "get around the hang-up" and leave a message with NAMI by leading off with other important topics with the operator -- such as about human rights and advocacy -- and asking for the voice mail of Rick Birkel, director of NAMI; Tom Lane, consumer affairs; or Elizabeth Adams, PR. Phone weekdays (until the hunger strike ends), from 8:45 am to 5:30 pm eastern time (703) 524-7600 or TDD at (703) 516-7227. You may also easily phone any of the hundreds of phone numbers for State and Local NAMI's: STRATEGY TWO: ASK MEDIA TO ASK THE QUESTIONS Hunger strikers ask everyone to contact media -- newspapers, magazines, tv, radio, etc. -- to request that journalists make the request for evidence of "biologically-based brain disease." NAMI, APA and the Surgeon General will have a very hard time hanging up on media. "People can be shy when it comes to contacting the media," said hunger striker Mickey Weinberg. "But they need to get over that." ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** A Press Conference is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, 18 August 2003 at 11 am. See details: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Media begin to visit and interview hunger strike Media who have already visited and/or interviewed hunger strikers include Pasadena Star News, Pasadena Weekly, KPFA radio , a major magazine reporter, and a three-person film crew of "The Committed," led by long-time supporter Beverly Jones. Beverly says, "We've gotten some fantastic material. This will be the 'book-ends' -- the beginning and ending -- for our film 'The Committed,' which we've been working on for 14 years." ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Visit from Dawn Rider, leader of ASPIRE Dawn Rider, founder and director of ASPIRE, drove all the way from Utah with her fiance Timothy Casey to support the hunger strikers today. Dawn, Timothy and Mike Beckler helped hang a beautiful huge banner ASPIRE donated, that says: "Support Human Rights in Mental Health." A group including two hunger strikers then went to downtown Pasadena, where Dawn talked to passers-by about the strike, and gave out literature. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Calling all solidarity strikers & web sites If you do a SOLIDARITY hunger strike -- even for one day -- be sure to register with Please include your location and contact info including e-mail address and -- if you'd like -- a brief statement of solidarity to be listed on the web. IF YOUR WEB SITE home page can include an endorsement and links to the hunger strike at, please inform David G. at He will add you to the list of endorsers on his web site ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Physician Stuart Shipko says American Psychiatric Association has Written Back to Us Psychiatrist Stuart Shipko is one of the 14 on the scientific panel, and is the liaison to receive "scientific evidence" from the APA, NAMI and Surgeon General. Dr. Shipko visited the fast today to say the APA had sent a package, which should be delivered here tomorrow. Stay tuned. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Want to visit, express support, phone? If you are interested in visiting the hunger strike headquarters and offering your support, please contact the Fast for Freedom. If you want to express your support for hunger strikers, or ask a question, or even disagree, you can interact "almost live" by going to the Fast for Freedom MESSAGE BOARD at: At least one NAMI official has sent us hate mail, that you can read on the MESSAGE BOARD. John W. Milton -- -- is a retired business executive who is the 1st vice president of NAMI-Minnesota's board and one of their lobbiests. Mr. Milton wrote to Minnesota solidarity hunger striker Jerri Lynn and said, "You are a wacko. Please do not send any more of this crap to me. The blood of the suicides is on your hands." Hunger striker Romi Sayama replied, "This is hate mail. It's wrong for NAMI to refer to people as 'suicides,' and to refer to anyone as wacko. So much for 'stigma busters.'" You can also e-mail support to If you need to phone, the Fast for Freedom phone number is now up and running at (626) 795-5525. Or you can phone MindFreedom office at (541) 345-9106. Please consider donating and becoming a member, or renewing early, at!! - end - Forwarded: -- David Oaks, Executive Director MindFreedom Support Coalition International 454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284 Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA email: fax: (541) 345-3737 phone: (541) 345-9106 toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRIDE Fast for Freedom in Mental Health Scheduled to Start 16 August 2003 in Pasadena, Calif., USA. MindFreedom is a project of Support Coalition International, a Non-Governmental Organization with Consultative Roster Status in the United Nations. SCI is a non-profit that unites 100 sponsor groups to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
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by David Oaks
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 8:42 PM (541) 345-9106 Hunger Strike Headquarters
UPDATE: Your Mind & Human Rights - 17 August 2003 * * please forward * * Day 2 of the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health: "Productive day" reaches media, puts up photos on web, receives visitors, holds strategy meeting, and begins on-line MESSAGE BOARD where you can interact with hunger strikers & scientific panel. John Milton, NAMI-Minnesota First Vice President Writes to a Hunger Striker: "You are a wacko." PASADENA, CALIF: Hunger strikers for human rights in the mental health system had a jam-packed second day, in the "Fast for Freedom in Mental Health." Hunger striker David Gonzalez who flew in from Brooklyn said, "It was a manic day. It was very productive. We got a lot done." You can now find up-to-the-hour-or-so updates and photos on a web site maintained by David Gonzalez from the hunger strike. See: On this constantly changing web site you will see many new photos from Day 2... Plus use an easy to use MESSAGE BOARD where you can interact "almost live" with hunger strikers... and even read a message from a NAMI board member John Milton calling a striker a "wacko" (more about that hate speech e-mail in a moment). Plus, see a growing list of web pages that are endorsing the Fast! Spirits are high. When hunger striker Romi, 22 years old, was asked how she was doing, she laughed and said: "I'll tell you how I'm doing. I'm hungry!" Here are updates about DAY 2. ( For background about the Fast for Freedom see ) ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** DEALING WITH "THE NAMI HANG-UP" The six core hunger strikers in the Fast for Freedom headquarters began Day 2 with a two-hour strategy meeting. One topic was addressing the main response by NAMI to the PHONE-IN campaign. Hunger strikers have asked everyone to phone NAMI every weekday and ask NAMI for any evidence of "biologically based brain diseases." NAMI has officially decided to hang up on almost anyone who phones them asking about that topic, or who mentions the "Fast for Freedom." The NAMI operators are instructed to turn on a long recording about NAMI that ends with a click, with no chance to leave a message. The NAMI "hang-up" is also happening to NAMI members. NAMI operators are even mistakenly hanging up on some mainstream media who have called them about the hunger strike. The hunger strikers agreed today to a two-part strategy: STRATEGY ONE: KEEP PHONING: APA, NAMI & SURGEON GENERAL The phone-in is obviously having an effect. The hunger strikers ask everyone to RE-DOUBLE efforts to phone NAMI and also the other two entities named in the hunger strike: APA and the US Surgeon General. You can get the basic PHONE-IN contact information here. "We are relying on the creativity and persistence of our supporters to 'get a message to NAMI,'" said David Oaks, faster and director of MindFreedom. "Be civil, but insist that an actual message be taken. Don't settle for a hang-up." Some callers are able to "get around the hang-up" and leave a message with NAMI by leading off with other important topics with the operator -- such as about human rights and advocacy -- and asking for the voice mail of Rick Birkel, director of NAMI; Tom Lane, consumer affairs; or Elizabeth Adams, PR. Phone weekdays (until the hunger strike ends), from 8:45 am to 5:30 pm eastern time (703) 524-7600 or TDD at (703) 516-7227. You may also easily phone any of the hundreds of phone numbers for State and Local NAMI's: STRATEGY TWO: ASK MEDIA TO ASK THE QUESTIONS Hunger strikers ask everyone to contact media -- newspapers, magazines, tv, radio, etc. -- to request that journalists make the request for evidence of "biologically-based brain disease." NAMI, APA and the Surgeon General will have a very hard time hanging up on media. "People can be shy when it comes to contacting the media," said hunger striker Mickey Weinberg. "But they need to get over that." ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** A Press Conference is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, 18 August 2003 at 11 am. See details: ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Media begin to visit and interview hunger strike Media who have already visited and/or interviewed hunger strikers include Pasadena Star News, Pasadena Weekly, KPFA radio , a major magazine reporter, and a three-person film crew of "The Committed," led by long-time supporter Beverly Jones. Beverly says, "We've gotten some fantastic material. This will be the 'book-ends' -- the beginning and ending -- for our film 'The Committed,' which we've been working on for 14 years." ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Visit from Dawn Rider, leader of ASPIRE Dawn Rider, founder and director of ASPIRE, drove all the way from Utah with her fiance Timothy Casey to support the hunger strikers today. Dawn, Timothy and Mike Beckler helped hang a beautiful huge banner ASPIRE donated, that says: "Support Human Rights in Mental Health." A group including two hunger strikers then went to downtown Pasadena, where Dawn talked to passers-by about the strike, and gave out literature. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Calling all solidarity strikers & web sites If you do a SOLIDARITY hunger strike -- even for one day -- be sure to register with Please include your location and contact info including e-mail address and -- if you'd like -- a brief statement of solidarity to be listed on the web. IF YOUR WEB SITE home page can include an endorsement and links to the hunger strike at, please inform David G. at He will add you to the list of endorsers on his web site ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Physician Stuart Shipko says American Psychiatric Association has Written Back to Us Psychiatrist Stuart Shipko is one of the 14 on the scientific panel, and is the liaison to receive "scientific evidence" from the APA, NAMI and Surgeon General. Dr. Shipko visited the fast today to say the APA had sent a package, which should be delivered here tomorrow. Stay tuned. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ***** Want to visit, express support, phone? If you are interested in visiting the hunger strike headquarters and offering your support, please contact the Fast for Freedom. If you want to express your support for hunger strikers, or ask a question, or even disagree, you can interact "almost live" by going to the Fast for Freedom MESSAGE BOARD at: At least one NAMI official has sent us hate mail, that you can read on the MESSAGE BOARD. John W. Milton -- -- is a retired business executive who is the 1st vice president of NAMI-Minnesota's board and one of their lobbiests. Mr. Milton wrote to Minnesota solidarity hunger striker Jerri Lynn and said, "You are a wacko. Please do not send any more of this crap to me. The blood of the suicides is on your hands." Hunger striker Romi Sayama replied, "This is hate mail. It's wrong for NAMI to refer to people as 'suicides,' and to refer to anyone as wacko. So much for 'stigma busters.'" You can also e-mail support to If you need to phone, the Fast for Freedom phone number is now up and running at (626) 795-5525. Or you can phone MindFreedom office at (541) 345-9106. Please consider donating and becoming a member, or renewing early, at!! - end -
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by Sanitized for your Protection
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 8:53 AM
Attention unwashed masses we will protect you from all unauthorized thoughts. We know what is best for you. Let us do your thinking for you
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by mystery of the missing steak.
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 9:24 AM
Is this a Vegan website???
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by Free Speech!!!!
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 8:18 PM
Here is a nice steak!
Editorial note from the IMC: This post is refering to the removal of the picture of a steak on a bbq. The LA IMC has met together and confered with other imc's about the attacks from hostile postings. The IMC network places great value on freedom of expression. It's one of the hallmarks of the indymedia network. Some of us have come the the conclusion that these attacks are orchestrated deliberately from individuals, agencies, or institutions to specifically degrade the newswire to lessen its impact and effectiveness.
It has been decided by consensus that these attacks are degrading the newswire by deliberate hostility that is a turn off to most readers as well as an intentional dumbing down of the messages brought to the newswire that are not seen in any mainstream venue.
But what is wrong with just posting an image of a steak, you may ask? The posting of a steak is meant to taunt the hunger strikers that are moved by our efforts to bring attention to their plight. The editorial collective has been identifying those efforts that are specifically aimed at degrading the newswire content and removing their 'contributions'.
We have collectively decided that this newswire is an uncommon commons where people should feel both welcome to contribute their ideas and not be unduely subject to degrading taunts when they do so. For example, the person who posted the steak is free to post the image in another newswire article and to speak his mind about the removal at this posting. We do not remove conservative or Republican politics or any sarcasm out of hand. If it doesnt violate editorial policy with pornography, harrassing threats, or slander, it will not be removed. The brave hunger strikers, however will be allowed to draw inspiration from our efforts on this post without being taunted in their weakended condition or having the importance of their message dumbed down by a comment that is aimed deliberately at degrading their message or their struggle.
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by David Oaks
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 9:36 PM 541-345-9106 Fast for Freedom
NEWS: Your Mind & Human Rights - 19 August 2003 * * * please forward! * * * Day Four: CALL FOR COMMUNITY ACTION! American Psychiatric Association Responds to Fast for Freedom in Mental Health Hunger Strikers Call on Public to Contact Media, NAMI, APA, Surgeon General Solidarity strikers, endorsers, BBC & more.... PASADENA, CALIF.: This is Day 4 of the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health. As well as six hunger strikers in the hunger strike headquarters, there are a growing number of solidarity hunger strikers internationally who have fasted or are continuing to fast in support. For fast info -- including many new links, a busy message board, many photos, daily updates, and much more -- go to ~~~~~~~~~ *** AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION RESPONDS TO FAST FOR FREEDOM Today, the hunger strikers received a response from James H. Scully, Jr., M.D., Sc.D., Medical Director for the APA. Dr. Scully did not cite any specific evidence in his letter, here: The Fast for Freedom Scientific Panel -- composed of 14 mental health professionals and scientists -- are working on a response at this time. Watch for that soon. ~~~~~~~~~ *** CONTACT THE MEDIA Today, hunger strikers called on *all* supporters to build community -- and turn to media -- both mainstream and alternative. Mental health authorities are unlikely to hang up on the media. Ask the media to request specific evidence of the "biologically-based brain disease" theory that now dominates the mental health system. Hunger strikers asked people to contact both mainstream and alternative media, and also write letters to the editor. Also create your own media using e-mail, web, print-outs, etc. Yesterday's news conference was well attended by print, radio and tv journalists. For more info on that, see Day 3 update on the web site. Today the BBC ran a live interview with a panelist & striker. Don't forget independent media: INDY-LA is giving great coverage. ~~~~~~~~~ *** SOLIDARITY STRIKERS GROWING -- YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN IN! A number of individuals have done support fasts, or are fasting at this time, in solidarity, internationally. If you would like to add your name to the list of public endorsers, e-mail to with your name, e-mail address, intended duration of your fast, and geographic location. If you want to be anonymous, give a pseudonym. Read a partial list of public solidarity fasters here: Even if you intend to do a solidarity fast for just a day, please consider adding your name to the list of solidarity fasters at ~~~~~~~ *** PHONE FOR FREEDOM EVERY WEEKDAY! GETTING AROUND NAMI'S HANG-UP OF 2003 Last week, the Fast for Freedom asked the public to phone NAMI during office hours to support the hunger strike, every weekday until the end of the strike. NAMI responded by creating a special recording that points concerned people to their web site, then HANGS UP. All personnel are instructed to go the HANG UP message. Hunger strikers encourage people *NOT* to take a "hang up" for an answer. Romi, a hunger striker, said, "It's easy to get around the hang-up... if you're creative." Here are some examples of possible ways to get around the NAMI Hang-Up of 2003, and leave a civil but insistent message. TOP FIVE TIPS SO FAR; (1) During office hours, if you reach the operator, be honest but consider asking *first* about any number of other sincere concerns you have such as: advocacy, homelessness, restraints, poverty, funding, alternatives and more. And ask for a staff person such as Rick Birkel, director; Tom Lane, Consumer affairs; Elizabeth Adams, PR. Then include your message about the hunger strike. (2) You can easily leave a message by phoning NAMI before or after office hours, which are 8:45 am to 5:30 pm eastern time. (3) Before or after office hours, you can phone NAMI director Rick Birkel's voice mail by phoning (703) 524-7600 and at the prompt entering his voice mail box number 7977. You can also find other staff voice mail after hours, using the prompts. (4) Before or after office yours, you can phone NAMI toll free at (888) 999-NAMI (6264) or 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), and hit the prompt to receive mailed information about "mental illness," then record your request, or wait to the end and leave a message... include support for the hunger strike. (5) Consider phoning state or local NAMI chapters, who are often more open to dialogue, and ask them to give feedback to the national headquarters: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** DON'T FORGET OTHER PLACES TO CONTACT, E-MAIL, FAX, MAIL AND PHONE. For more info about e-mailing, faxing, mailing and phoning the APA, Surgeon General & NAMI, see: PLEASE POLITELY ASK THIS OR USE YOUR OWN WORDS: "I would like evidence of your claim about the 'biological basis of mental illness.' I support the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health." Please Keep Phoning Every Weekday Until Hunger Strikers Announce That Their Requests Are Met! Note: APA's Dr. Scully went on vacation as the hunger strike began. Ask to speak to the "appropriate deputy medical director." ~~~~~~~~~~ *** SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: FREE LECTURE SERIES, VOLUNTEER Southern California residents, REMEMBER THE FREE LECTURE SERIES! Check out these amazing speakers from the Fast for Freedom Scientific Panel: Thanks to visitors and volunteers who dropped by.You are welcome to drop by between 6 to 8 pm without calling. You can drop by other times, too, but best to call first then. Hunger strike headquarters phone is 626-795-5525. VOLUNTEERS are needed for support, especially outreach to media. Please contact the Fast for Freedom to help. You can also help from where ever you are, via member-only e-mail lists. If you're a member, ask at If you're not a member yet, it's about time! Join: ~~~~~~~~~~ *** WEB ENDORSERS -- SUCH AS GROUP FROM ALASKA The web sites for the hunger strike list a growing number of organizations & individuals WEB SITES that have endorsed the hunger strike. If your web site lists an endorsement of the hunger strike and a link to it on its home page, please send your URL & web site name to: One of these endorsers is from Alaska. The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights),, has joined the growing list of organizations expressing solidarity with the hunger strikers by passing a formal resolution supporting us. The resolution is posted on the Internet at Don Roberts, president of PsychRights, said "We hope this brave action by these courageous people will finally wake people up to the lack of validity to the horrific 'treatments' people diagnosed with mental illness are subjected to and the incredible harm it causes." Mr. Roberts went on to say that "the untruths about mental illness and its 'treatments' are uncritically accepted by the courts to force people to take these dangerous, generally unhelpful and life shortening drugs." ~~~~~~~~~~ RESPOND TO "WEST 47th STREET" Tonight, Tuesday, PBS-TV's POV (Point of View) intends to air a program on psychiatric survivors and mental health consumers. Advanced notice from activists is that the film excludes the views of human rights and choice. Hunger strikers intend to view the film and judge for themselves. If you view the film, you can try to give your feedback to PBS at: ~~~~~~~~~ **** PLEASE FORWARD THIS ALERT TO ALL APPROPRIATE PLACES ON & OFF INTERNET! **** ~~~~~~~~~~ DONATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUPPORT HUNGER STRIKE COSTS... IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO HELP BEGIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN MINDFREEDOM TODAY! MindFreedom Support Coalition International is a non-profit uniting 100 grassroots groups, and is independently funded by group and individual members like you who support human rights. Find out more, and join and/or donate today at Click on join/donate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For occasional updates like this, you may join this dendrite MindFreedom announcement list here for free: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** PLEASE COPY THIS NEWS *** TO ALL APPROPRIATE PLACES ON & OFF THE INTERNET NOW! REMEMBER: PHONE FOR FREEDOM EVERY WEEKDAY
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by David Oaks
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 9:38 PM 541-345-9106 MindFreedom
NEWS: Your Mind & Human Rights - August 20, 2003 - feel free to forward DAY FIVE: Fast for Freedom in Mental Health -- Rest Day -- Ready for Action PASADENA, CALIF.: After four hectic days, the Fast for Freedom had a fairly quiet day today, a day for reflection, walks, rest, strategy meetings... and getting ready for the very busy days ahead. How are they doing? Vince: "I'm hungry." Romi: "I'm hungry... And it's not like that comment is going to change day to day!" To the dismay of some hunger strikers, Mickey occasionally talks about favorite foods, at this moment crackers and cheese. A few brief news items.... *** The Scientific Panel is preparing its response to the American Psychiatric Association letter to the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health. Be prepared to help tell the media when that is finalized. *** Columnist Nicholas Regush published an article about the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health here.... *** More solidarity strikers signed up here.... you can, too! *** More web sites added an endorsement of the hunger strike to their home pages, and e-mailed to be added to the list of web site endorsers. One psychiatric survivor run community center even blacked out his home page, except for the endorsement: *** For Abby in the MindFreedom office, it was not as quiet, with lots of changes to the web site, including an updated media news release and fact sheet (thanks Abby!). *** Check out photo of the "the nerve center" on faster David Gonzalez's: There is a bee hive of five computers buzzing away the whole day amid fasters' comments, jokes, support, and ACTIVISM. And remember the open message board -- there are many new posts, including phone extensions for *dozens* of NAMI staff to leave messages for about the fast -- and to beat the "hang up": *** A number of well-wishers and volunteers called and visited today.... thanks! How to visit or call to help the Fast for Freedom is on the web site. *** PLEASE HELP THE FAST FOR FREEDOM STRATEGY: *ASK* your community to *ASK* the media to *ASK* the APA, NAMI & Surgeon General! For instance: Write a letter to editor! Tell your local paper about this! Call a reporter! And here's an updated news release & fact sheet you can forward to media, friends, relatives, etc.: - end - -- David Oaks, Executive Director MindFreedom Support Coalition International 454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284 Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA email: fax: (541) 345-3737 Fast for Freedom Headquarters Phone: (626) 795-5525 phone: (541) 345-9106 toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRIDE Fast for Freedom in Mental Health Has Started 16 August 2003 in Pasadena, Calif., USA. MindFreedom is a project of Support Coalition International, a Non-Governmental Organization with Consultative Roster Status in the United Nations. SCI is a non-profit that unites 100 sponsor groups to win human rights & alternatives in mental health.
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by Rational Normal Person
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 7:16 PM
What is this "liquid only diet"
""The hunger strikers will subsist on a liquid only diet until the American Psychiatric Association (APA), The Surgeon General, and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) respond to seven challenges sent to them concurrent with this news release.""
What "liquids" are the hunger strikers drinking?
Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.
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by Monitor
Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003 at 5:35 AM
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by David Oaks
Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003 at 6:44 PM 541-345-9106 FAST FOR FREEDOM IN MENTAL HEALTH
22 August 2003 Contact: Mickey Weinberg 626-795-5525 E-mail: NEWS RELEASE: Day Seven of the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health: Scientific Panel Clashes With the American Psychiatric Association PASADENA, CALIF.: On the seventh day of a hunger strike by six psychiatric survivors to oppose human rights violations in the mental health system, the American Psychiatric Association faces a direct and unprecedented challenge from a Scientific Panel of 14 academics and clinicians. The Fast for Freedom in Mental Health had requested that the American Psychiatric Association provide any specific evidence that "mental illness is biologically based." Last week, the APA responded with a two-page letter that simply listed several textbooks and names of journals, but the Medical Director of the APA, James H. Scully, Jr., M.D., was apparently unable to locate even one specific study. The APA letter can be viewed here: SCIENTISTS CHALLENGE PSYCHIATRY What happened next surprised and delighted the hunger strikers. Instead of simply rejecting the APA's letter out of hand, the mental health professionals and scientists on the Panel carefully examined the source material listed by Dr. Scully. What the Scientific Panel found were quotations in each book that backed up hunger striker accusations. For example: "[T]here is no definitive lesion, laboratory test, or abnormality of brain tissue that can identify (a mental) illness" and "[T]he precise causes (etiology) of mental disorders are not known." In their reply to the APA [SEE BELOW], the Scientific Panel expressed dismay at "the contrast between the hunger strikers, who ask clear questions about the science of psychiatry and consciously take risks in the name of protecting the well being of users of psychiatry, and the American Psychiatric Association, which evades revealing what actual scientific evidence justifies its authority." The six hunger strikers said they felt triumphant, and look forward to media asking the APA to comment on the Scientific Panel's reply. The fasters say they will continue to fast until they reach their goals. Mickey Weinberg, who helped organize the fast, said, "The condescending and contemptuous letter from the APA is consistent with its historic behavior. The Panelists' response turns the screws on the APA. It's certainly the first time in my memory when psychiatry has felt forced to answer to the demands of psychiatric survivors." Romi Sayama said: "We're pleased to see that the American Psychiatric Association has confirmed that they could not find any evidence either." David Gonzalez said: "Dr. Scully's letter states that 'the answers to your questions are widely available in the scientific literature.' If this is so -- why did he balk at providing the requested evidence?" Krista Erickson said: "The Panelists provided a thorough and challenging response." Vince Boehm said: "It's the lies that bother me. What makes me unable to sleep at night is to think about the psychiatric drugging of infants, even as young as three months. It's incomprehensible." David Oaks, director of MindFreedom, said: "The only two things missing from Dr. Scully's letter are a blatant admission that there is no evidence, and a public apology to all psychiatric survivors. The Scientific Panel's response is magnificent and historic." For more news and photos of the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health see MindFreedom is a non-profit that unites 100 grassroots groups working for human rights in mental health. BELOW IS THE REPLY OF THE "FAST FOR FREEDOM SCIENTIFIC PANEL" TO THE AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. ~~~~~~~~~~ From: MindFreedom Support Coalition International 454 Willamette, Suite 216 PO Box 11284 Eugene, OR 97440 USA To: James H. Scully, Jr., M.D., Medical Director American Psychiatric Association 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825 Arlington, VA 22209-3901 Dear Dr. Scully: David Oaks, Executive Director of MindFreedom, has forwarded to us your reply dated 12 August 2003 to the hunger strikers involved in a "Fast for Freedom in Mental Health." We are a panel of 14 academics and clinicians who have agreed to review any such reply for scientific validity. The hunger strikers asked your organization, as well as the Surgeon General of the United States, and the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, to provide: 1. evidence that establishes the validity of "schizophrenia," "depression" or other "major mental illnesses" as "biologically-based brain diseases"; 2. evidence for a physical diagnostic exam that can reliably distinguish individuals with these diagnoses (prior to treatment with psychiatric drugs) from individuals without these diagnoses; 3. evidence for a baseline standard of a neurochemically-balanced "normal" individual, against which a neurochemical "imbalance" can be measured; 4. evidence that any psychotropic drug can correct any "chemical imbalance" attributed to a psychiatric diagnosis; 5. evidence that any psychotropic drug can reliably decrease the likelihood of violence or suicide. In your reply, no specific studies of any kind were cited with reference to any of the questions above. You cited three general sources, including the recent Surgeon General's report on mental health and two textbooks of psychiatry. In examining each of these sources, we found numerous statements that invalidate suggestions that behaviors referred to as "mental illnesses" have specific biological bases: _Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General_ (1999) is explicit about the absence of any findings of specific pathophysiology: p. 44: "The diagnosis of mental disorders is often believed to be more difficult than diagnosis of somatic, or general medical, disorders, since there is no definitive lesion, laboratory test, or abnormality in brain tissue that can identify the illness." p. 48: "It is not always easy to establish a threshold for a mental disorder, particularly in light of how common symptoms of mental distress are and the lack of objective, physical symptoms." p. 49: "The precise causes (etiology) of mental disorders are not known." p. 51: "All too frequently a biological change in the brain (a lesion) is purported to be the 'cause' of a mental disorder ... [but] The fact is that any simple association -- or correlation -- cannot and does not, by itself, mean causation." p. 102: "Few lesions or physiologic abnormalities define the mental disorders, and for the most part their causes remain unknown." In the third edition of _Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry_ (1999), we find similar statements: p. 43: "Although reliable criteria have been constructed for many psychiatric disorders, validation of the diagnostic categories as specific entities has not been established." p. 51: Most of these [genetic studies] examine candidate genes in the serotonergic pathways, and have not found convincing evidence of an association." In Andreasen and Black's (2001) _Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry_, we find, in the chapter on schizophrenia: p. 23. "In the areas of pathophysiology and etiology, psychiatry has more uncharted territory than the rest of medicine...Much of the current investigative research in psychiatry is directed toward the goal of identifying the pathophysiology and etiology of major mental illnesses, but this goal has been achieved for only a few disorders (Alzheimer's disease, multi-infarct dementia, Huntington's disease, and substance-induced syndromes such as amphetamine-related psychosis or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)." p. 231: "In the absence of visible lesions and known pathogens, investigators have turned to the exploration of models that could explain the diversity of symptoms through a single cognitive mechanism." p. 450: "Many candidate regions [of the brain] have been explored [for schizophrenia] but none have been confirmed." As you are no doubt familiar with these textbooks you cited, you will agree that such statements invalidate claims for specific, reliable biological causes or signs of "mental illnesses." In the judgment of the panel members, your reply fails to produce or cite any specific evidence of any specific pathophysiology underlying any "mental disorder." You have also referred us to 60 volumes of _Archives of General Psychiatry_ and 160 volumes of _The American Journal of Psychiatry_. The 28 July 2003 cover letter from the hunger strikers and panelists that they sent to you by certified mail stated: "We are aware that research studies can run to thousands of pages. Therefore, please respond only with those studies that you consider the best available in support of your claims and theories in a timely way. When responding with evidence, please send citations for the original publications or copies of the publications you are citing." Like you, we are familiar with the material found in these journals. It is understandable why you did not provide any citations. There is not a single study that provides valid and reliable evidence for the "biological basis of mental illness." The members of the panel wish to make some further observations which we hope will assist the American Psychiatric Association to present an honest scientific stance with respect to the hunger strikers' questions. In the panel's view, the questions posed by the hunger strikers are serious and fair. These questions are legitimate questions that any patient or family member or interested person might ask of any psychiatrist, or a student might ask of a professor. The panel was therefore quite dismayed that you, as Medical Director of the world's largest, wealthiest, and most resourceful psychiatric association, could not provide a more specific or substantial response than the equivalent of, "See our textbook." If, as you state in your letter, "the answers to [the above] questions are widely available in the scientific literature, and have been for years," then it behooves your organization to make these answers and their specific sources -- if they differ from the quotes we present in this letter -- available promptly. The panel members could not help but notice the contrast between the hunger strikers, who ask clear questions about the science of psychiatry and consciously take risks in the name of protecting the well-being of users of psychiatry, and the American Psychiatric Association, which evades revealing what actual scientific evidence justifies its authority. By not giving specific answers to the questions posed by the hunger strikers, you appear to be affirming the very reason for the hunger strike. Sincerely, Fred Baughman, MD Mary Boyle, PhD Peter Breggin, MD David Cohen, PhD Ty Colbert, PhD Pat Deegan, PhD Al Galves, PhD Thomas Greening, PhD David Jacobs, PhD Jay Joseph, PhD Jonathan Leo, PhD Bruce Levine, PhD Loren Mosher, MD Stuart Shipko, MD The hunger strikers endorse the scientific panel's statement. - end - ~~~~~~~~~~ **** PLEASE FORWARD THIS ALERT TO ALL APPROPRIATE PLACES ON & OFF INTERNET! **** ~~~~~~~~~~ DONATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUPPORT HUNGER STRIKE COSTS... IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO HELP BEGIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN MINDFREEDOM TODAY! MindFreedom Support Coalition International is a non-profit uniting 100 grassroots groups, and is independently funded by group and individual members like you who support human rights. Find out more, and join and/or donate today at Click on join/donate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For occasional updates like this, you may join this dendrite MindFreedom announcement list here for free: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** PLEASE COPY THIS NEWS *** TO ALL APPROPRIATE PLACES ON & OFF THE INTERNET NOW!
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by Rational Normal Person
Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003 at 7:02 PM
What is this "liquid diet"
The reason I ask is that I MAY prevent someones DEATH as a result of this "hunger strike"
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by MindFreedom
Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at 10:03 AM
The core strikers have now fasted for nine days.
While they have continued their fast they have answered the phone, send out and read and writen many e-mails as well as trying to get the word out to the media.
So if you can drop in and help them out in any way you can phone this number or post a message to
If nothing else, write a letter to the editor or suggest this story to the local media or call up APA on Monday to save that you support the strike.
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by David oaks
Monday, Aug. 25, 2003 at 10:34 PM 541-345-9106 hunger strike
NOTE TWO LOS ANGELES CONNECTIONS -- PLEASE CONTACT LA TIMES NEWS! AND NOTE PRESIDENT OF APA IS IN LA -- PLEASE PROVIDE *CIVIL* COMMENTS TO HER, THANKS. 22 August 2003 Contact for Hunger Strikers: 626-795-5525 E-mail: DAY 8: "Time to Move our Movement." - Romi Fast For Freedom In Mental Health Hunger Strikers Issue a Challenge to Community, Supporters, Friends & Family "TAKE ACTION: REACH THE MEDIA AND THE AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION" Fasters make personal plea. PASADENA, CALIF.: This is the eighth day of a hunger strike protesting the "takeover of the mental health system by the psychiatric drug industry." Today is a turning point for fasters. The Fast for Freedom in Mental Health is issuing a challenge today to their community, friends, family and all supporters of human rights in the mental health system. REACH THE MEDIA AND THE APA!! This is a special "MindFreedom Dendrite." Immediately following this alert, we will e-mail out three (3) news articles about the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health. The hunger strikers are encouraging you to copy those articles far and wide, ESPECIALLY TO MEDIA, and to friends, colleagues, everyone! If you wish, add a very brief personal note. Here are two key media. At BOTTOM are more. And please get this to all other media -- major or independent: ~~~~~~~~ TWO MAIN MEDIA CONTACTS: Los Angeles Times -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (213) 237-7001 Fax: (213) 237-4712 Website: New York Times -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (212) 556-1234 Fax: (212) 556-7614 Website: [At bottom are more major media contacts.] ~~~~~~~~~ ASK THE APA FOR A COMMENT! The goal: For everyone -- especially the media -- to civily ask the American Psychiatric Association this question: "Please provide an official, meaningful comment on the Fast for Freedom Scientific Panel's Statement to the APA." ~~~~~~~~~ TWO MAIN APA CONTACTS: The Director of APA Public Relations Laurie Oseran Direct phone: (703) 907-8540 E-mail: The President of the APA Board of Trustees Marcia K. Goin, Clinical Professor History & Education University of Southern California Los Angeles, California Direct phone: (323) 226-5755 Fax: (323) 226-6499 E-mail: [AT BOTTOM are contacts for more members of the American Psychiatric Assoociation Board of Trustees.] ~~~~~~~~~ HERE ARE HEARTFELT "DAY 8" MESSAGES FROM THE HUNGER STRIKERS TO THEIR SUPPORTERS ON DAY EIGHT OF THE FAST FOR FREEDOM: Mickey Weinberg: "I'm worried and angry. I'm worried about my 62 year old body. I'm angry that both the APA and most of the media couldn't care less. They couldn't care less about our concern about folks enmeshed in the mental health system... or about my life. "So we need your help. The media shape public perception. If major media cover the hunger strike then to the public we -- and all the users and survivors of psychiatry -- exist. Without that coverage, then to the public none of us exists. "The Fast for Freedom can diminsh the power of psychiatry and enhance the reputation of people labeled by psychiatry. LET'S NOT LOSE THAT OPPORTUNITY! "Demand from major media that they pressure the APA to comment on our Scientific Panel's brilliant refutation of the condescending letter sent us by the medical director of the APA. "Easier still, let the media know that YOU WANT THE HUNGER STRIKE COVERED! "Today, my wife cried. She's worried about me. The physicians represented by the APA can easily end this hunger strike. Call the media." ~~~~~~~~~ Romi Sayama, 22 years old: "I think we need to let our supporters know that this is the time to move our movement, not only by contacting the media, but also by getting our issues off of the back burner in our own lives. This a valuable opportunity to have our voices and activism heard." ~~~~~~~~~ David Gonzalez, 45: "This is an urgent plea for support from someone who entered a 'medical facility' 20 years ago seeking treatment for an emotional crisis. I was re-traumatized by the very system designed to provide that treatment. To this very day I am still recuperating from the after effects of that humiliating, debilitating and harrowing experience. "If you are someone who has entered a mental health facility and found yourself held against your will... If you are someone who has been forced to take powerful psychotropic drugs against your will... Or if you are someone who has a relative who has been exploited under the guise of mental health... I am asking for your support in contacting the media to question the institutions that condone these practices. "What proof do the APA and NAMI have that emotional disorders are biologically based? What proof do they have that powerful psychotropic drugs alleviate, and don't, in fact, exacerbate emotional disorders? And what authority justifies and empowers them to routinely and unilaterally coerce and force people into treatment?" ~~~~~~~~~ Vince Boehm, 64: "Does anyone out there give a hoot? Yes. Support comes from unusual places. From Ausralia we received a page of 'thank you, thank you, thank you.' One mental health consumer was so grateful, she said with lots of emotion, 'You're doing this for me,' and she gave me a little hug.' That's what keeps me going." ~~~~~~~~~ Krista Erickson, 28: "I am asking everyone, especially the disability community, to please contact the APA, and any media -- both local and national. Please ask the APA to provide a substantive comment on the response from the Scientific Panel." ~~~~~~~~~ David Oaks, 47: "One of the reasons I joined the hunger strike in the first place was to galvanize our community, to move from patients to passion. We appreciate every single bit of support, small and large. We are asking for something much more: To dig deep down inside ourselves, and challenge all media -- mainstream and independent -- to do their job: Ask the APA about the Scientific Panel's statement! Also, in the era of the Internet, we are our own media. Break the silence!" ~~~~~~~~~ WEB SITES FOR MORE INFO & TO HELP THE FAST FOR FREEDOM: For the latest news releases, daily updates, solidarity strikers, articles, etc. check For the latest photos, message board, etc. see ~~~~~~~ CONTACT MORE MAJOR MEDIA Chicago Tribune -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (312) 222-3139 Fax: (312) 222-2550 Website: Boston Globe -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (617) 929-3100 Fax: (617) 929-3186 Website: USA Today -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (703) 854-3400 Fax: (703) 854-2078 Website: Washington Post -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (202) 334-7300 Fax: (202) 496-3883 Website: Washington Post -- LA Bureau Phone: (310) 277-4819 - Rene Sanchez Fax: (310) 277-3704 Reporter e-mail: Rene Sanchez Wall Street Journal -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (212) 416-2000 News phone (212) 416-2658 Fax: (212) 416-2733 Website: ABC News -- Headquarters Phone: (212) 456-1000 Fax: (212) 456-5962 Website: CBS News -- Headquarters Phone: (212) 975-4321 Fax: (212) 975-1893 Website: CNN News Group -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (404) 827-1500 Fax: (404) 878-0891 Website: Fox News Channel -- Headquarters E-mail: Phone: (212) 301-3300 Fax: (212) 301-4220 Website: MSNBC -- Headquarters E-mail: Website: Phone: (201) 583-5000 Fax: (201) 583-5584 NBC News -- Headquarters E-mail: Website: Phone: (212) 664-4444 News phone: (201) 583-5222 Fax: (201) 583-5453 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) -- Headquarters E-mail: Website: Phone: (703) 739-5000 Fax: (703) 739-0775 National Public Radio - How To Pitch a Story Remind the national office that NPR-LA's Rachel Myrow is covering the story locally. To hear it: ~~~~~~~~~~~ To e-mail all the above, use bcc to:,,,,,,,,,,,, ~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTACT MORE MEMBERS OF THE APA BOARD OF TRUSTEES: APA President-Elect Michelle B. Riba, M.D., M.S. Dept. Psychiatry University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Office: 734-764-6879 Fax: 734-936-1130 Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~ APA Vice President Pedro Ruiz, M.D. Prof & Vice Chair, Clinical Affairs Dept. Psych & Behav Sci., U Texas Med. Sch. Houston, TX Office: 713-500-2799 Fax: 713-500-2757 Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~ APA Secretary Nada L. Stotland, M.D., M.P.H. Chicago, IL Office: 773-667-6329 Fax: 773-667-6692 Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~ APA Trustee-at-Large Tanya R. Anderson, M.D. Dept. of Psychiatry Univ of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, IL Office: 312-355-4337 Fax: 312-355-4459 Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~ APA Area 1 Trustee Donna M. Norris, M.D. Wellesley, MA Office: 781-237-1778 Fax: 781-235-2954 Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~ APA Area 4 Trustee Sidney H. Weissman, M.D. Chicago, IL Office: 312-781-1144; 708-202-8419 Fax: 708-771-0077 Email: Sidney.Weissman@med.Va ~~~~~~~~~~~ APA Area 7 Trustee Albert V. Vogel, M.D. Univ New Mexico, HSC Office of Assoc Dean for Clinical Affairs Cancer Center Rm B-30 Albuquerque, NM Office: 505-272-0738 Fax: 505-272-6055 Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~ To e-mail all APA officials above use bcc to:,,,,,,, Sidney.Weissman@med.Va, ~~~~~~~~~~ **** PLEASE FORWARD THIS ALERT TO ALL APPROPRIATE PLACES ON & OFF INTERNET! **** ~~~~~~~~~~ DONATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUPPORT HUNGER STRIKE COSTS... BEGIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN MINDFREEDOM TODAY! IF YOU ARE IN LA AREA, VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED. Phone 626-795-5525. Check web for free lecture series on Saturday, Monday & Wednesday. Volunteer and community meeting at 6 pm daily at Hunger Strike Headquarters: 277 North El Molina Ave., Pasadena, Calif., USA. MindFreedom Support Coalition International is a non-profit uniting 100 grassroots groups, and is independently funded by group and individual members like you who support human rights. Find out more, and join and/or donate today at Click on join/donate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For occasional updates like this, you may join this dendrite MindFreedom announcement list here for free: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** PLEASE COPY THIS NEWS *** TO ALL APPROPRIATE PLACES ON & OFF THE INTERNET NOW! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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by Rational Normal Person
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 7:33 PM
Hello???? anybody there?
Did you all starve to death?
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by ken
Tuesday, Sep. 02, 2003 at 9:56 PM
A fact now coming forward is the experimental use of electronic technologies to 'entrain' brainwaves of non-consenting mentally ill to, in effect, produce drug-like effects. An example is 'electrosleep". A microimplant placed covertly near the temporal lobe of the brain can act as a receiver of bioactive frequencies forcing the natural brainwaves to conform to the entrainment and thus produce sleep (or various other mental states). Such techniques are now being used without the consent of the patient. The implany can both monitor brain waves and alter them. All that is necessary is the covert placement of the micro receiving device (often done during a medical procedure for another problem), and the placement of a transmitter near the home of the patient. Covert monitoring of behavior is used to determine the necessity for entrainment. (The entire procedure often referred to as 'mind control'). Another human rights violation brought to you by the University of California.
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by Rational Normal Person
Monday, Sep. 08, 2003 at 9:03 PM
In fact we have had no SPAP postings from the hunger strikers for a while now.
are they dead?
Update please!!!!!!
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Monday, Sep. 08, 2003 at 9:11 PM
Rational Normal Person can't spell....
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by Hex anon w/ encryption
Monday, Sep. 08, 2003 at 9:42 PM
I'm not one to go after people's spelling - I purposely don't use a spell-checker myself because I don't think perfect spelling is either possible or needed. The only time I'll even mention it is if someone cites me and they mis-spell themselves. (that's hypocritical)
But citing yourself seems shallow - eh ?
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by Rational Normal Person
Monday, Sep. 08, 2003 at 9:45 PM
Just a shallow comment about spelling????
Oh well.
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by unbridled
Friday, Sep. 19, 2003 at 8:57 PM
Here are a few other excellent sites taking on these issues in more depth than the psychotherapy-oriented reformers with SCI: (You'll find Dr. Thomas Szasz, MD and a large group of PhD's attacking so-called "mental illness" science; Szasz has been trying to get the word out since the 1950s, but of course, such radicalness as his has been well marginalized, in favor of reformers like SCI whom really only wish to reproduce the existing social order in a new, slightly less coercive form, where hiearchies remain intact, and "consumers" remain subordinated) (includes a very large library of resources, including book titles and online links, and discussion forums--for those of you who are SKEPTICAL)
Utica, NY's non-industry Mental Patient's Liberation Alliance (which runs a toll-free support line for ex-patients of the mental stealth system) (just like it says) (apparently under heavy fire of late)
and many more (just check the links section)
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