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by Seth D. King
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 2:56 PM
Education working in Los Angeles in spite of itself it would seem...
Dear Teachers, Principals, Faculty, Parents, and concerned people,
I have, over time, as a full-time elementary school substitute teacher in Los Angeles Unified School District developed an idea to give ten fundamental concepts to all my students.
The concepts are: freedom; justice; truth; create; teach; love; unity; peace; intelligence; cooperation; and a Bonus Word which is power.
I call them Superstar Vocabulary Words. Each concept is represented by one of the ten fingers on the student's hands and all together, both hands, represent the concept of "power".
The students use the dictionary to define these terms. Then we read stories (for example, about Gandhi), write stories, write sentences using them, and/or draw pictures including all the concepts or a single concept of our choice.
I draw the words on the board very colorfully and with symbols where possible such as with a peace sign, a light bulb for intelligence, a balance for justice, a heart for love, a broken chain for freedom, and a lightning bolt for power.
I teach them how the concepts are interrelated. For example, "if we lose justice, then we lose peace." I teach them about the concept of "unity" with the world map and that all of mankind are cousins and all ultimately from ONE FAMILY.
I teach them that if we lose all of these concepts in our lives, then our hands turn over, our wrists cross, and we no longer have our power nor freedom. At that point, we become enslaved or locked up even literally.
I teach them that they can create and teach, that they already do, and that they through understanding and the application of these concepts have greater power and freedom in their lives!
I teach them that once they have completed the assignment and "gone free" then they can help others "to go free" and complete the assignment too, but that they must do it "in integrity with truth as teachers do" and not give away answers so that they can truly "get their wings" which are represented by their hands. Those then who help and "get their wings" get to line up first at recess and lunch.
This same fundamental "get your wings" process of having early finishers help others finish can perhaps also then be followed with all diverse assignments all year long reinforcing the ten fundamental concepts represented on the hands.
Sometimes also when I see my students around school lately, I have been giving them a two handed "hello" gesture to easily remind them of these important concepts once again.
Other words can be defined further with this same process as the students learning minds demand it. Thus, a solid foundation of fundamental and universal (yet non-religiously associated) concepts and ideas for them can develop in time.
For example, a word group two which I selected and am exploring currently would include: logic; fun; universe; possibility; service; give; joy; imagination; reality; and communication with a Bonus Word which is life.
The original ten (plus "power") would always however remain symbolic to the hands. Also, entire idea should also be fully made bilingual and in all other languages as necessary also.
For example, in spanish as follows (missing some punctuation): the "Superestrella palabras": libertad; justicia; verdad; crear; ensenar; amar; unir; paz; inteligencia; coperacion; and the "paga extraordinaria" which is "poder."
On August 12, I shared this idea with a coordinator named Ms. Bell at 49th Street elementary school in Central LA, and she was inspired and thought it was "a great idea." She told me that she was going to work on getting this idea integrated into the lessons plans of all classrooms at 49th St. Elementary!!!
I am very excited with the recent development of this spiritually educational tool (which is entirely non-religious and can be taught in public schools for everything is derived from dictionary use and fundamental definitions).
I know that its application has served my students (it worked best with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) and will serve the students in Los Angeles Unified School District on greater and greater levels in time and as it becomes possible.
I am currently committed to its expansion into all LAUSD elementary schools.
Sincerely, Seth D. King Elementary School Substitute Teacher Los Angeles Unified School District 8-13-03
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by Concerned Dad
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 4:11 AM
You work where with this hippy dippy bullshit? Wow, LA Unified is in worse trouble than I thought.
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by LA parent
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 6:12 AM
Seth D. King <------------- another reason I put my kids into private school
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by Hedley
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 12:15 PM
Of course, these kids can't read, add, subtract and don't know anything about science or history or anything of the sort. Thankfully, they're free, have their wings and get to be the first one to recess and lunch.
No wonder California is going down the drain.
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by reality
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 12:51 PM
no money for california schools, but we got plenty of money for wars and prisons.. do we see a pattern forming here?
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by reality "cahllenged"
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 5:07 PM
who waste taxpayer money. I agree with you. Now show me you hypocrite side when i say i dont support Bush because he is also spending money that he dosen't have. which is it?
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by huh!?!
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 5:32 PM
That makes no sesne.
States are required to balance their budgets. The Federal level is not. If you want to do something, then push for passage of a federal level Balance Budget Ammendment.
Davis lied. He said the budget deficit was going to be "X" amount, and it turned out to be double that. Thus, the recall.
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by Seth D. King
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 8:57 PM
Intelligence must be liberal. Truth too.
Using a dictionary.
Actually understanding what words mean. Not just superficially.
My students respond and feed off this idea. It changes the ways in which they interact in my class.
I'm a sub so I have extra space. I'm not there everyday so I can be a little more of a special event.
This idea may evolve into social justice outsourcing program for inner city schools or social justice coaches in schools.
Keep your kids in private school if you can, but for those of us who have to deal with the reality of public schools our kids need to understand some concepts immediately as they confront life changing issues in coming years.
This is a quick and easy way to it done.
I do this or free, and I fully conplete excellently all lessons required by the state.
You should be thanking me, but I don't do what I do for people like yourselves to thank me obviously, and I don't expect you to.
Sincerely, Mr. King
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by Seth D. King
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 5:51 AM
This school is in an area where most people would rather never go because its dangerous there.
Its in an area where I estimate that 65% of my students are Latino, 20% are African-American, 7% are Asian, and the majority are all well below poverty standards. It is in an area where more and more children end up dropping out and never even graduating high school.
Children here face drugs, gangs, repressed conditions. and an inhumane prison system which is profitting immensely off of their incarceration and which is expanding at a rate never before experienced in California history. It is an area experiencing more and more economic cut-backs and facing the prospect of dealing with the Calfornia deficit now in a state and country which demands no tax increases after blowing $80+ Billion on a war which was in my opinion based upon false pretenses.
It is an area that needs and deserves truth (and an education as to what is truth) in a country whose govenment has apparently thrown it away in favor of personal profit for the select and corrupt few.
I will not dispense my own political views in class, but I will share with them the definitions to those words which our society, culture, country, and government has apparently largely ignored and forgotten.
I am here at all to support other countries nor terrorists having their way on American soil, but until we explore the true root causes of terrorism, no matter how many countries we bomb the hell out of unilaterally especially, I feel that ultimately terrorism will not end.
The Bush White House's integrity has been completely lost in my eyes and can no longer be trusted. So, I'm not convinced of a direct link between Al-Queda and Iraq. I've seen too many lies come out over the past 9 months, so I'm not sure we bombed Iraq in order to protect America. I'm more convinced at this point that we bombed Iraq in order to make a bunch a American businesses who hold power in this country richer and richer.
These issues are not ones I get into with my elementary students who aren't ready for them, but I do work to arm them to face all these issues one day with two hands full of knowledge on the meanings of...
...and Cooperation.
It is also my opinion that in order to better face the growing pitfalls and obstacles which they are going to have to face in this society and country today more and more are going to have to have a strong hold on these concepts or they will in greater numbers fall as victims to the ignorance, the repression, the prison system, drugs, gangs, hate, injustice, or violence.
All I ask is, are you somebody helpng to build the safety line, or somebody laying more pitfalls?
Are you building human bonds with your students in order to guide and uplift them, or are you a vehical for extending the repression and perpetuating a system and a way of life on the way towards its own self destruction?
\\/ ////.
Sincerely, Seth D. King
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by victim
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 6:08 AM
"It is in an area where more and more children end up dropping out and never even graduating high school."
That's means whenever they eventually turn to their life of crime, they can first victimize their target with the left fist of freedom, justice, truth, create, and teach, followed by a right fist of love, unity, peace, intelligence, and cooperation. After repeateadly using there fists to emphasize the concepts over and over, they can then demonstrate the "power" by stealing the victims wallet.
Thanx, Teach!!
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by Seth D. King
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 6:28 AM
Dear Hedley,
If Elementary School students "can't read, add, subtract and don't know anything about science or history or anything of the sort," then why don't you do something about it other than criticize and complain?
Become a teacher. No really. I mean it. It might really be good for you.
First, however, please don't pretend to know anything about the students I work with nor what we accomplish together. I suggest that you make a stand yourself for California Education if you really care.
Regarding your statements about them being "free", and having their "wings" etc., realize that these type things work in helping to get CHILDREN to learn how to read, add and subtract, etc.
Some teachers also use tings like stickers, candy, or free time, etc.
This idea is something which I have found works for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN and is more rewarding than the other options I have seen and used at the same time.
Rather than rewarding my students with object or things (a materialistic way), I reward them with the inner reward and good feeling of helping their classmates.
They also get to see how this type of activity changes the way their classmates relate to them. They get to learn how to be teachers themselves in this way, it gives them more responsibility, and they still have to do it in integrity, not cheating or giving away answers, but actually helping their fellow students to learn. This in itself is very very rewarding, and great for them to experience in my experience.
Also, please don't put your foot any further into your mouth.
No one in my class is going down the drain! I'm fighting every day for my students and bonding with them so that they will be more able to avoid the drains which this country is increasingly creating for its children every day.
\\/ ////
Sincerely, Mr. King
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by Mr. King
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 6:37 AM
Dear victim,
First, that appears to be a fitting name for you.
Second, I teach my students at a very young age thoroughly about justice and intelligence, and how to keep your freedom. Many often even draw pictures of jails and themselves free outside of them as firemen or policemen because they used their intelligence. So, you are less likely to be robbed by them than if they had otherwise not experienced what I teach.
Sincerely, Mr. King
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by parent
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 6:37 AM
Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. Thank goodness for private schools. ..............................................................................................
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by Mr. King
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 7:07 AM
Dear Private School Parent,
I'm sorry that you cannot handle being incorrect. I am sorry that you were raised in a society where losing was the ultimate character flaw rather than having no integrity nor truly bonding and caring for your fellow people.
I'm sorry also that your private school will isolate and separate your children from the reality which with guidance could build your child into a strong person of character in touch with the true state of our country.
I'm sorry that your private school may not truly be a solution to the problem that you think your trying to avoid, but rather the further cause, as your children become separated and the divide becomes wider between the have's and the have nots until society becomes shakier and shakier until it finally collapses in a revolution of the disadvantaged.
Perhaps enough people like me will continue to stand up and teach peace, more safety in our streets, intelligence, truth, honesty, justice, freedom, creativity, music, science, math, language, art, cooperation, unity, love, and humanity, but perhaps enough will not.
Someone has got to carry the weight of our society of which the wealthy do not in their privatized economic isolation.
Perhaps enough people however won't stand up, and then our jails will be teaming with insane suffering masses of ignorant and hardened criminals made that way by a cold and violent society who will one day get out.
I and many will continue to stand up for education and our children because its in us, and we have a strong foundation from which to do so in spite of the opposition who would seek to stop us in their isolated un-knowingness to the true conditions of the inner city and public schools.
No one will have peace until we create justice and equal opportunity for all.
Sincerely, Mr. King Teacher/Writer/Poet
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by Reginald
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 7:21 AM
to private school parents... MR. KING looks more like a private school teacher anyway.
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by Reginald
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 7:21 AM
to private school parents... MR. KING looks more like a private school teacher anyway.
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by Private School Parent
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 8:15 AM
Dear Seth,
You can be sorry all you want. You can guess all day as to my reasons for sending my kids to private school and you can conjecture to your hearts content on what the results of that will be. You may paint yourself however you wish to view yourself. You may paint people according to class and label them however you wish based upon what you believe is the case. You can state your causes all you wish. It untimately means nothing to me.
I love my children. I moved my children away from teachers like you for two basic reasons: 1) the public schools are falling down on the job, and 2) I'm interested in my children learning rather than being filled with foolish left-wing indoctrination. Given your postings, I'm even more confident I made the right choice.
Private School Parent Loving Father/Working Class/
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by Mr. S. King
Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 at 8:25 AM
Dear Private School Parent(s) and Mr. Wilson,
You are not my worst nightmare. You are helping me to see and understand more as I am hopefully doing a little of the same for you and anyone out there like you as well.
I completely respect you for your decisions and the responsibility you have taken in your children's education and am learning more as to the problems and solutions necessary in public education and all education.
I completely agree also that "feeling good" is not at all in any way shape or form any replacement for being able to read.
We really need to make improvements in the public educational system. This is very very true, but the problem is not someone else's. It is not something which we can escape from by merely removing our own child from the program. We need to participate more in insuring that all children are educated so that our society doesn't erode entirely, break down, and collapse in upon itself ultimately.
We need to realize the importance of education as a Nation. Funding education and its development is our society and countries first obligation to our children. Education is the transmission of civilization. If we fail to educate then our civilation will fall.
I will continue doing all I can in educating people to that reality and working to reform the system for our children's sake.
I wish you all the best to you and your families.
Sincerely, S. King
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by Nelson Horton
Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 at 9:35 AM
Sorry Folks, In my opinion Seth David King is a rare find in our world. He is concerned with the future of our children and our planet. He is an outstanding and sensitive poet, well versed in world history......and a most outstanding person. For any child to receive instruction from Seth David is a real blessing....and prepares them to face a difficult world with intelligence and guiding principles of honor, compassion and wisdom. If my children were not already grown I would try to get them in any of Seth David's outstanding classes. His teachings will keep children out of prison, away from narcotics....and make outstanding citizens for our Nation and our World. His teachings may well be the beginning of the end for the destructive practice of "war" on our beautiful Planet Earth. We would all be so very fortunate if we had a hundred teachers of the same caliber and ability.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Nelson Horton
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by Nelson Horton
Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 at 9:56 AM
What happened to my post supporting Seth David King's teaching of real principles in public school ??
It is listed in "Comments" but cannot be found.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Nelson Horton
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by Private School Parent
Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 at 2:56 PM
>He is concerned with the future of our children and our planet.
I find the vast majority of the teachers I have met are interested in children. That's why they got into teaching. Like with any occupation, you have your exceptions to the rule.
I just wish the public schools would teach rather than try and push their "feel good" programs on my children. I'm with wilson on this one. For instance, history. I have no desire to send my children to be told that the white man was the evil invaders who stole the land from the peaceful Indians. Just teach what happened. You know; this was the time, here are the players, here are the circumstances, here's what happened. If you are studying the Romans, then here's how they come to power, here was their art and architecture, here was their way of life, here's how they lived, here was their politics, here's the areas they conquered. Just lay out the facts, no judgement calls. Let the kids decide through their own discovery.
And lest we have some who believe that teachers should be able to "guide" the children in their conclusions, you wouldn't like it probably if some teacher glorified the Europeans explorers and vilified the Indians. For the sake of all, just teach the history without political commentary.
Problem is, I have yet to run into a public school teacher who does that. They all feel the need to push their leftist politics.
>We really need to make improvements in the public educational system. This is very very true, but the problem is not someone else's. It is not something which we can escape from by merely removing our own child from the program.
Seth, I must disagree. By removing my children, I left the problem behind.
My children were excelling far beyond most of the other students. But because, some of the children where not keeping up, it held everyone else back. Yes, some teachers try and give the students who are excelling more challenging work, but most of the time they are spending their time trying to get the slower students caught up. I'm betting you've either or experienced the frustration.
And, much of the time, these are children who come from broken homes or simply have a parent or parents who seemingly don't care. Call me selfish, but it's not fair that my children should be kept from doing more challenging assignments and schoolwork that will help them meet their potential just because the parents of some of these kids are simply worthless. I hate it for the kids who are in that situation, but my children should not have to pay the price. Therefore, I moved them to private school.
I assure you there are parents who have kids in public schools who would love to move their kids out but simply are not able. If you wish, feel sorry for them.
Competition would help tremendiously. School vouchers, giving parents the opportunity to use what is allocated their child to go to the school of their choice, would be a great start. Would that allow poor people to go to expensive to Catholic schools? Unlikely. But, at least they could let the schools district or system they are in know that if they don't shape up, they they and a bunch of parents are going to ship out. And other schools offering the parents better opportunities for their children will pop up, and they will go there, and they will be better off and happier. Of that I'm convinced.
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by Mr. S. King
Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at 8:19 PM
Dear Private School Parent,
You say... "I just wish the public schools would teach rather than try and push their "feel good" programs on my children."
At this age, in elementary school, and in these poverty stricken areas at all grade levels, in my opinion we definitely need as much "feeling good" as we can.
Also, I agree with you that we need as much unbiased education as we can, not labelling the Europeans nor the Indians as "good" or "bad" but studying the facts. Then also however studying the differing cultures, the reason why history took the course it did, and also I strive to show a history seen from both sides of the coin, both from the "victorious" and the "defeated" peoples whomever they are.
I also strive to let them know also that they are teachers, not just myself.
We are exploring together and they often give me my most great ideas towards adding to the 10 principles of the hands lesson, among other lessons.
For the sake of all, I strive to teach everything I can in history including political commentary from both sides.
You say... "Problem is, I have yet to run into a public school teacher who does that. They all feel the need to push their leftist politics."
This statement is unfounded in fact and blatantly wrong. I know some who push politics in either direction and many who don't.
You say... "By removing my children, I left the problem behind."
Yet you fail to make the connection that your children are not only your children, but all children. So, you have not left behind the problem. In truth, as a member of the human race, your people are all people, and when one of us goes uneducated then we all suffer the consequences. Like it or not, the human race is one. (But luckily the power is in our hands!)
You say... "My children were excelling far beyond most of the other students. But because, some of the children where not keeping up, it held everyone else back. Yes, some teachers try and give the students who are excelling more challenging work, but most of the time they are spending their time trying to get the slower students caught up. I'm betting you've either or experienced the frustration."
Put your kids in gifted G.A.T.E. classes like the classes I took from middle school up.
You say... "And, much of the time, these are children who come from broken homes or simply have a parent or parents who seemingly don't care. Call me selfish, but it's not fair that my children should be kept from doing more challenging assignments and schoolwork that will help them meet their potential just because the parents of some of these kids are simply worthless. I hate it for the kids who are in that situation, but my children should not have to pay the price. Therefore, I moved them to private school. "
I don't call you selfish. I understand the fact it is not possible to help others if you can't help yourself, but sometimes in helping others and giving to others we find that we truly recieve. We also find that in giving and working for others freely without care of receiving, we actually begin to recieve more than we could ask for. Seriously. Not theoretically.
You say... "Competition would help tremendiously. School vouchers, giving parents the opportunity to use what is allocated their child to go to the school of their choice, would be a great start. Would that allow poor people to go to expensive to Catholic schools? Unlikely. But, at least they could let the schools district or system they are in know that if they don't shape up, they they and a bunch of parents are going to ship out. And other schools offering the parents better opportunities for their children will pop up, and they will go there, and they will be better off and happier. Of that I'm convinced."
Escape is not an answer. Making a stand in the middle of the problem is an answer. Bailing out on truth in America like so many corrupt corporation CEO's right now is not an answer.
Standing up for what is good and right is an answer. People above profit is an answer. Humanity above insanity is an answer.
Standing up for freedom, justice, truth, creating, teaching, love, unity, peace, intelligence, and cooperation is an answer.
Competition and cooperation both are natural aspects life which with integrity get us to our desired destination.
1, Mr. King
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by Kid E Fiddler
Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at 8:25 PM
Seth is sent to these schools because he has a habit of child abuse. Buttjacking a few Hispanics won't lose Bush any votes.
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by Mr. King
Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at 8:35 PM
No actually, a problem is that immature people don't know what is appropriate and what is not, but that's ok... I'm a teacher, and will school you.
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by Only me
Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at 8:40 PM
No need to school me. I get paid a shit load of cash and you are a poorly paid teacher in one of the poorest suburbs in the US. So, who needs the extra schooling, and more to the point; Who advertises themself and their penchant for pedaphilia, me or you? I think you know the answer to that one. What is it the Hispanics kids shout when you have your hands down their pants? Surely not "Oh they joy, oh the freedom" is it?
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by Kid E fiddler
Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at 8:42 PM
Why else has he advertised it as "Give it to your kids." The filthy fucker, he should be whipped with a pistol. Thankfully, we know where he teaches so we'll be able to go onto a few websites and advise some concerned citizens on this filthy fruitcake molesting kids.
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by Mr. King
Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at 8:59 PM
? Obviously, the intention was... Give this to your kids. i.e. This idea. Anyways, good night and I've got just one poem from my book (ages 18 and up) for you available from... http://www.trafford.com/robots/02-1277.html =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INNER CALLING =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Like the philosopher, teacher, and self-proclaimed blastmaster KRS-ONE, i write many different styles of ‘poetry’…/ i guess 'its like that' because i’m a slightly lower-middle class American born in 1970/ and i’ve been greatly influenced by the music pioneered by Afrika Bambaataa and Run DMC…/ speakin' now, however, all 2 often to 2 many byproducts of street or corporate thug mentality, or even extreme religious egocentricity…/ with little concept of time, space, nor history…/ and no basic understanding of relativity/ call this style simply the creative spark of an original hip hop possibility/ realize like hip hop’s Jurassic 5, sometimes 2 move forward you've got 2 go back…/ seeing nature is One son, we are all white, yellow, red, brown, and black…/ eat these words for breakfast and save some 4 your afternoon snack/ you’ve got 2 be a spirit Bulworth, can't be no ghost…/ people keep on havin' interracial babies and at infinity we become the Most/ this is a revelation true and actual…/ God works his greatest wonders thru the natural/ behold space coming into view, microcosmically and macrocosmically…/ both inner, outer, and cyber…/ giant telescopes, electron microscopes, and fiber optics/ follow the silver lining, wake up son, the Sun is shining/ behold a mountain truly worthy of climbing/ Zion is becoming more and more visible made manifest through the One Spirit of all mankind/ while the weak self-medicate, i monitor input channels 2 self elevate…/ i broke the Megiddo: Omega Code 2/ an incredible Light at the end of the tunnel, i show you/ and while fools 'tuned in' out there remain internally blind, i relax and unwind/ following an inner calling…/ some say 'the sky is falling', but i say 'no'/ transcending the past into greater and greater Consciousness i grow/ making a leap of faith into a new mind state, living 2 be great/ in a holy poetic battle for mankind's emancipation and evolution…/ through this format i become the Solution/ fifth element, Supreme Being, don't stand in the Way son/ or face your own fiery f---in’ death by spiritual electrocution/ 1, Mr. King
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by Private School Parent
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 1:51 AM
>>You say... "Problem is, I have yet to run into a public school teacher who does that. They all feel the need to push their leftist politics."
>This statement is unfounded in fact and blatantly wrong. I know some who push politics in either direction and many who don't.
My experiences have been otherwise. If you choose not to believe me, so be it.
>Yet you fail to make the connection that your children are not only your children, but all children.
It's takes a village? No thank you, Hillary. They are my children, not yours. Someone's else's children are not my responsibility.
>Put your kids in gifted G.A.T.E. classes like the classes I took from middle school up.
They were in advanced courses. My decision to move them to private school was the right choice. I only wish I had done it sooner.
>Escape is not an answer.
School vouchers are not an escape. They are giving the parents a choice, which is exactly what we need, more choices.
Private School Parent
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by offended at morons
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 2:10 AM
you are being 'penny wise and pound foolish' and you are going to have to live in this world of class separation. Very short sighted. are you a moron? You really want nearly illiterate and uneducated people as your social base? funny Someone's else's children are not my responsibility. Wrong. And you are an idiot and an elitist. Why am I not surprised?
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by get over it
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 2:25 AM
>you are going to have to live in this world of class separation.
I already live in this world. And class separation is not as prevelant as you paint it. The vast majority of people are middle-class, just like me.
>You really want nearly illiterate and uneducated people as your social base?
Are you admitting that's what the public schools turn out? It sure sounds like you are. Seth made a similar comment (below).
>>as your children become separated and the divide becomes wider between the have's and the have nots
If the public schools are so good, why will there be a separation between the "have's and the have nots"?
>Someone's else's children are not my responsibility.
They aren't. Johnny's parents are responsible for Johnny. They get to make the choices for what is best for Johnny; not me, not you, THEM.
If you want to send your kids to public school, by all means go right ahead. I won't stand in your way. I decided I wanted something better for my children and so I made the choice to send them to private school. If you don't like it, that's not my problem.
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by offended at morons
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 2:40 AM
OK For the sake of diologue. The problems of public education are the result of neglect on many levels in result of decreased parental participation and loss of funding to meet aging and growing demands. I believe what you are promoting is the concept of further class stratification. Good education only for those who can afford it. How libertine. And what a waste.
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by PSP
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 3:07 AM
>The problems of public education are the result of neglect on many levels in result of decreased parental participation......
Not a problem with me. My spouse and I participate. Would it that more people participated the way we did. In fact, it was because I participated that I saw first hand the need to get my children out of public schools and into a school where they can learn.
>...and loss of funding to meet aging and growing demands.
On top of paying for my our children to attend private school, I continue to pay property taxes of which a portion goes to public schools, so I am still paying for a school I'm not using. And my children are better off for me doing so.
In fact, the amount of money per student that is spent by the state I live in is HIGHER than the tuition at the private school. So, it's more than just throwing money at the problem.
>Good education only for those who can afford it.
So, an admission that private schools provide a better education. That's a start. I've shown you that money is not the issue. Now maybe the public schools can look at the private schools and find out why they provide a higher education at a lower cost, and change for the better.
>And what a waste.
If you feel that way, by all means don't send your kids to private school.
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by offended at morons
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 3:25 AM
yes, there are severe structural and administrative problems but privatizing as an only-quality option is destructive for you also. This concept of education needs desperately to be amended into something more than programming by dubious policies to produce a pliant worker-consumer. But these concepts along with channel 1 garbage for the mind and coke machines outside and inside, for the body need to change. Education? Don't make me fu*king laugh.
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by Nelson Horton
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 12:14 PM
Thank you La Indymedia. All my posts are now up and viewable by readers.
You are both kind and considerate.
Sincerely, Nelson Horton
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by Jim Jones
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 4:49 PM
Religious cults for $1000
Take a look at this guys web site:
He's got his own religion.
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by Mr. King
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 9:25 AM
Thank you for bringing this point up for clarification.
This will give me a chance to explain. I wrote a book called The Sun Ascension, and in the front of the book it states...
The following is an artistic presentation towards which various interpretations are welcome and appreciated.
Neither the author nor the publisher of this book shall claim neither liability nor responsibility to any person nor entity with respect to loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained within this book.
So go now in integrity, live long, and prosper.
The book, the Nation of the Sun, and the website that was created out of and for it then all exist within the context of ART!
Paradoxically, however, the art actually may be an alternative basic spiritual foundation which functions better than many of the present religions and philosophies that people adopt for themselves in reality.
Still, to me, it will always just be my art and I am just a writer.
To some people perhaps it may become and mean more, and as long as they do so intelligently that is acceptable to me.
Sincerely, Seth
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by Kool-aid
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 9:29 AM
Thanks Jim for that explantion of "The Nation of the Sun". Punch everyone??
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by Mr. King
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 6:36 PM
Dear kool-aid drinker,
You can label what I do incorrectly if you choose obviously, but that would not be intelligent.
You have no basis in fact for your name-calling.
Yes, it is a fine line these days in between insanity, stupidity, and genius, (just look at Ozzy Osbourne) and it is a line I dance around and define inside of precisely in order to achieve certain goals.
For example... Jim Jones went crazy, your labelling of me is stupidity, and in my opinion Martin Luther King was a genius.
My book is a mind trip intended to take minds like yours on sprititual and intellectual journeys.
It may seem complicated to simple minded folk, but to further explain, the spiritual foundation which my God gave to me in my book The Sun Ascension and via the concept of the Nation of the Sun is to me my "religion" because it works and meets my own standards for what God's Universal Message of freedom, justice, truth, love, unity, peace, intelligence, etc. to humanity should be.
Other religious and spiritual foundations I found did not satisfy me completely, you see. So, I created my own.
The Nation of the Sun is my spiritual foundation.
To others, it is whatever they choose it to be. I require that other people not treat me like anything other than a writer like Stephen King for example. (Just that Stephen is a master of darkness, I aim to be a master about writing about the light.)
To return to your left field position... The actions of a Jim Jones, a Heaven's Gate, or a David Koresh were obviously revealed to be intelligent ultimately, but stupid and insane.
My book was written with the specific intent to avoid stupidity and insanity, and unavoidably become genius.
In order that you see the simplicity and common sense of my "religion" or spiritual life foundation which I have labelled as The Nation of the Sun, I'll share the following from page 65 of my book...
The Ten Fundamental Principles of the Nation of the Sun...
ONE Thou shalt love and respect thyself.
TWO Thou shalt love and respect thy fellow man; thy planet Earth and all of its animals, plants, and creatures; and thy entire Universe.
THREE Thou shalt work hard at what inspires and fulfills thee.
FOUR Thou shalt play at what brings thee happiness and joy.
FIVE Thou shalt live with basic honesty, general decency, obvious integrity, and take responsibility for thyself and in maturity thy family.
SIX Thou shalt be true to thyself, follow thy heart, and know thy God.
SEVEN Thou shalt find a mountain and climb, or find a worthy battle and fight intelligently.
EIGHT Thou shalt use thy common sense and good intelligence.
NINE Thou shalt use thy sense of humor.
TEN Thou shalt do the best that thy art capable, have some faith, let God do the rest, and go break a leg. ...
All thanks and praises are given eternally to the One.
I don't ask that you listen to anything I say necessarily, only that your don't deny me my first amendment right to say it.
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by wow
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 6:42 PM
wow delusional wow
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by Stephen R DeVoy
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 6:46 PM
The loving animals one......
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by Mr. King
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 7:04 PM
Dear Wow,
Examine the world, and mankind, and its religions, and America, and its entertainment icons, and history, and the television news, and our government, and where we are headed as a society and world today.
Then compare to decide who is more deluded.
You may say that what I say, believe, and do is delusion, but many say the same about Christians, and Muslums, and scientists, and Republicans, and Democrats, and artists, and entertainers, and Green Party members, and Presidents, and Cabinets, and they may or may not be correct.
In either case... This conversation is going a long long way, and my voice will be heard and make sense to many.
Peace, Seth
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by wow
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 7:22 PM
wow run,on,sentence wow
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by wow
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 7:30 PM
wow evil wow wow!
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by Seth
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 2:09 PM
Dear Wow, Yeah, it was a run-on sentence, but it still made sense. Also, the "evil" comment was unsubstantiated.
Thanks to Nelson Horton for the great words of encouragement and support!
Thanks also to the rest of you for allowing me more time to elaborate because you took offense to what I did and said.
Today, I have one more verse to share which was taken from page 27 in my book from the poem HOLY ARMAGEDDON WAR GAMES....
Know yourself... Know your planet and all Her People... I am here to help educate and inspire you... Not to judge nor ultimately condemn people and perpetuate evil.
Take an intelligent stand with this Spiritual Hand… And an ever-growing Nation of the Sun…
We are men, women, and children… We are the United Sons and Daughters of Man… We are Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Mormon, Catholic, and Christian... We are Latin, Negro, Native American, Middle Eastern, Australian, Asian, and Caucasian.
We are of All Continents, All Countries, and… We are of ALL People. United as ONE… We shine like the Sun!
For once as children our spirits walked the heavens… And now as adults we walk well grounded upon the Earth.
Once living in darkness, we spent our lives raising hell… Ended up in wisdom, working to bring Heaven to Earth!
Found out Heaven was where we made it… And hell was what we went through to get there.
Realized as well that the truth was everywhere.
1LOVE, Seth
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by Gardener
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 3:55 PM
...eat it.
"God doesn't want you to eat it because He knows you'll be just like Him if you do. So go ahead don't listen to Him... eat it. You'll have the knowlege of good and evil - just like God"
Same old song, "Seth", just a different, tempting, tune.
BTW, "Seth", nice job with the Heavens Gate crowd.
How they doing since you lured them down there?
Those black tennishoes holding up ok in the heat?
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by Bob
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 4:38 PM
Seth's a kiddy fiddler. A dingo may well steal your baby......
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by Seth
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 4:58 PM
Reason and faith can exist simultaneously.
One can pray and take action.
Common sense is obvious and is not something I'm tempting people with.
Intelligence is not separate from the mind of God.
How could I steal anyone when everything is to help you and requires nothing from you.
If you disagree in fact, ignore everything I say.
Enjoy your life.
Be free.
Love yourself.
Use your common sense and intelligence.
If this is the devil's work then the devil needs an advocate.
Peace, Seth
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” -Aristotle
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by LilRedRidingHood
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 5:07 PM
...what big teeth you have!
And why are your ears are so big? And your nose doesn't look like grandmas nose. Oh My! You're not my grandma! You're a Wolf.
================================ Matt 7:15
15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
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by Mr. King
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 8:56 PM
Boo! I didn't mean to scare you there! But seriously... If you're looking for true false prophets and "wolves in sheeps clothing," then look no further than the White House... http://www.bushflash.com/faith.html Now that is something to really worry about if you want to warn people and worry about something. Me... I'm as obvious as the alphabet. Peace, Seth
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by NoBushFan
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 5:37 AM
Why do you assume that everyone who opposes you is a fan of the Bushistas? Since you're so "enlightened", seth, why don't you explain, for the benefit of the class, the symbolism in the story of: "LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD" http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/etext01/grimm10.txt
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by Mr. King
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 2:18 PM
Dear Red,
I don't pretend to be a fairy tail expert, but I do ask that anyone walking on their path who meets me on the road to going where it is they are going, and if I once understood appear as a wrong way, that they definitely continue on their own way an ignore me because my message is and was not meant for that person.
Also, please realize that I don't assume that everyone who opposes me is a fan of the "Bushistas."
That "burning Bush" website merely had biblical quotes like you were using to try to substantiate a case for who I am and what I do, and I thought they were truthfully more appropriate for the warlord G. W. Bush and all his dastardly minions like that website demonstrates.
Other than that, I wish nothing but the best to you and your family, and I support you in your contempt and disgust for our "President."
In peace and truth, Seth
P.S. That statement should bring out the G.W. Radical Right for a fight. Still my message is peace for...
"There is no way to peace. Peace is the way." -I can't remember who.
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by Mr. King
Sunday, Aug. 24, 2003 at 7:22 AM
![ENLIGHTEN-MINT ICE C...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2003/08/peace.jpgsrve6w.jpgmid.jpg) peace.jpgsrve6w.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x614
From pg 155 in THE SUN ASCENSION out of the poem...
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ENLIGHTEN-MINT ICE CREAM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Speakin’ 2 you like out of a Waking Life dream…/ Enlighten-mint like ice cream/
not quite 100% natural like Breyer’s/ but still roasting people like Friar’s/ makin’ honest men out of liars/
i’m dedicated 2 mankind like the Dalai Lama/ runnin’ thru all stops with or without a comma/ while in the hearts and minds of young children the name of God remains ‘Mama’/ i come to increase human knowledge and decrease suffering and drama/
half the story has never been told…/ the love of a mother for her child is true gold/ recognize history is just as much her-story as it is his…/ if not more…/ we must truly now respect and uplift womankind…/ or the future of mankind, like said The Raven, soon may be nevermore/
everything that needs to be said has already been said/ but since very few of us were around 2 hear it then…/ everything must be said again/
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by Ti & Do
Sunday, Aug. 24, 2003 at 7:50 AM
Hale-Bopp was great!! Thanks for keeping us in mind.
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by Seth
Sunday, Aug. 24, 2003 at 8:29 AM
![Kept in mind....](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2003/08/ghome2.jpgxa6b7m.jpg) ghome2.jpgxa6b7m.jpg, image/jpeg, 150x300
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by Mr. King
Sunday, Aug. 24, 2003 at 8:47 AM
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by wow
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 5:47 AM
wow illuminated wow
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by Mr. King
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 12:31 PM
Wow... I guess I passed.
1, Seth Teacher
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by wow
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 12:37 PM
wow Novus Ordo Seclorum wow
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by jb
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 3:07 PM
Excellent lesson, great idea for any subsitute teacher, and an excellent framework to constantly refer to when teaching other "subjects." Education needs to be rooted in values. Value-free education is miseducation, empty "schooling." There's an excellent article in this month's Harpers - "Against School" attacking the entire practice of schooling, as it's been practiced for over a hundred years in this country, as nothing but deliberate enforcement of conformity, boredom, and mediocrity based on the Prussian system - a deliberately repressive measure designed keep the working classes compliant,dull, and unable to either see the truth of the trap they're in, communicate to each other about it, or organize to rise above it. The incredible misuse of technology in the schools particularly bears out this thesis. Good for you! And watch out - you're up against a real monster now.
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by my heart sings
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 4:44 PM
Life is precious to us all on this journey Inside all of us a love that gives exists Brevity of life demands we find our inner peace Everyone must do their part for their fellowman Remember those who have gone on before Always caring for others before self Love that had no beginning and no end Sharing truth with those around us Always pressing onward towards tomorrow Reflecting on the peace we strive onward Ever inching closer to our goal Simply wanting a better world for our children Others may jeer and jest at our motives Saying things to tear and break us down Truth cannot be quiet Upon the mountains and in the valleys we shout Peace to all and love for all mankind Inside us all is love’s abounding message Deliver us all to hope and peace and love.
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by Dead French Grandmother
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 5:57 PM
"Remember those who have gone on before Always caring for others before self "
Prey tell, please name these altruists.
I guess France, that shining example of socialism, is out.
500 unclaimed elderly bodies; waiting for their relatives to return from holliday - and all that...
Name them?
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by Mr. King
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 7:27 PM
![Pass the Torch...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2003/08/burnman.gifiszxu7.gif) burnman.gifiszxu7.gif, image/png, 152x249
Thanks friends for the love... All praise is due to the One.
One more to empower people...
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PASSING THE TORCH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
In my own mind…/ mystically seeing Signs…/ 2 fully appreciate this you’ll perhaps have 2 read in between the lines/
an information supplier in an age of information…/ launching forth truth 2 empower Victory over darkness in every damn direction!/
the spirit of this poetry will echo forth forever after throughout all Creation…/
from mind to mind…/ soul to soul.../ family to family.../ society to society.../ culture to culture.../ network to network.../ country to country.../ continent to continent.../
drifting outwards all across the Universe!/
God gave me as much of a piece of the rock as Chris Rock, Kid Rock, and the Rock…/ upon which 2 build this solid foundation…/ with deep roots holding steady forever after and always ready 4 spiritual confrontation…/
stopping exploitation…/ i remain anti-corporate globalization…/ and against the World Trade Organization without first Universal World Citizenship and the thorough proliferation of Unionization!/
honest and with a blunt attitude like Shrek…/ keeping the greedy in check…/ an alternative philosophy 2 that of Busta Rhymes…/ watch me GIVE you some more…/ a Light quite like this 1 on Earth you’ve never seen before!/
a Mastermind like Nas…/ on a spiritual mission like Bob Marley…/ with a sense of humor like Chris Farley!/ while giving a swift kick in the rear 2 mainstream American media based upon consumption and fear…/ as all of the barriers 2 the creation of a New Spiritual Nation are stomped away into yesteryear!/ i write 2 give life and not just 2 make money…/ make my colostomy bag having granddad feel as much joy for life right now reading this as he did when he was 20!/
this is all about a Message…/ not merely about a messenger…/ recognize that it is the following of our own hearts which leads us 2 become 1 with the Spirit of Life which is Our Savior.../ and it is intelligence, truth, love, and fun which allows us to be an instrument as One with the Creator/
so this torch of truth, i now pass 2 you…/ and if you genuinely receive it, then kindly pass it on too!/
for future generations need 2 know that which the past has revealed…/ so that the wisdom and great light of the past is not inadvertently kept sealed/
1LOVE, Seth
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by Mr. King
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 7:40 PM
Dear Dead French Grandmother, Realize that it is my experience that the Highest Way is to care for others AND myself, and to give to others genuinely without concern for what I shall recieve in doing so. It is also my experience that life just works that when you give greatly and freely without concern for recieving (with a foundation in common sense) you are given from the Universal Spirit greatly and freely in ways a person can only begin to explain. Nevertheless, regarding... "Remember those who have gone on before Always caring for others before self " Here are some good examples for you... http://www.cybersun.org/foundation.html 1, Seth
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by wow
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 7:56 PM
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by Mr. King
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 8:16 PM
Please note that I, Seth King, am not affiliated in any way with Burning Man nor have I ever even been there as of yet.
Also, as another point of fact, I love and respect the French people greatly, and not because I don't love America, but because I love America and the U.S. Constitution, and because I find the recent insane actions of our government regarding war and the destroying of relations with our Allies and the United Nations to be truly abhorrant
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by Mr. King
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 9:19 PM
![Good night......](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2003/08/lightning.gifmid.gif) lightning.gif, image/gif, 937x1494
Ain't no power like the power of the people cause the power of the people don't stop...
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by Mr. King
Thursday, Sep. 04, 2003 at 12:56 PM
First, thanks to all those who supported me and purchased a copy of my book from... http://www.trafford.com/robots/02-1277.html Your support greatly inspires me to keep on fighting for what's good. Also, for those who showed me love, I want to share an update on the Superstar Vocabulary project... Mr. Padilla, a coordinator at Hooper Ave Elementary in Central L.A., took the idea, photocopied all my stuff, took a copy of my book also as a gift, donated $20 to me for the book, had his assistant make packets explaining the project to pass out to coordinators at other schools as I travel on my journey as a substitute, and told me he would be sharing the idea with the teachers at his school. Also, I met Peggy DoBreer from the Center of the Advancement of Non-Violence in Los Angeles at a coffee shop where we were both reading poetry in Santa Monica. She told me about her organization and I shared her the project idea via e-mail. Now she wants to collaborate! After e-mailing her, she e-mailed me back with the following... >Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 14:40:00 EDT > >Seth, > >I love your idea. >I think we could collaborate. >Let's meet. I'll show you our next project. And see how they fit. >Then we can present it to Eisha. > >Peggy >Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence > >P.S. Check out our website @ http://www.nonviolenceworks.com. >You probably would have a great time, meeting much of our ed team at the >workshop next Saturday. >Can you come? So, when I return from my honeymoon at the end of September we are gonna meet. Anyways. Keep the faith. Peace, Mr. King
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by horus
Saturday, Sep. 06, 2003 at 1:16 PM
wow taking them by storm., Set! wow
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by Seth David King
Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003 at 8:40 PM
![The Peace Empowermen...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2003/10/power2.jpgmid.jpg) power2.jpg, image/jpeg, 786x600
The Peace Empowerment Project Copyright October 1, 2003
Table of Contents
I. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) - October 1, 2003.
II. Original Letter to Teachers, Principals, Faculty, Parents, and concerned people - August 13, 2003.
III. The Substitute Teacher who would be King! Written by Seth David King - September 2003. (An original manuscript for a fully illustrated children’s book.)
I. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) – October 1, 2003.
The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) is an organization formed in order to advance the mission of empowering American youth with fundamental understanding.
PEP bases it foundation upon the system drawn forth in the Original Letter to Teachers, Principals, Faculty, Parents, and concerned people from August 13, 2003 by Seth D. King.
PEP is committed to giving young people an increased ability to adjust, survive, and overcome the intense present day challenges and hazards of growing up in a twenty-first century American environment.
PEP is committed to giving young people a solid and fundamental common sense foundation from which to view their lives and the lives that they wish to create and achieve in the future.
PEP is committed to increasing peace, understanding, and justice through research, training, and education.
PEP is committed to the discovery and proliferation of creative and innovative intelligent solutions to all forms of violence, injustice, and crimes against humanity.
PEP is committed to extending our reach in order to further our noble and far-reaching goals
PEP teaches fundamental empowering concepts to all students who go through the program.
PEP teaches the 10 “Superstar Vocabulary Words” of power represented in the “open hands”. PEP teaches the “loss of freedom and power” as represented by the fingers closing the hands into fists, wrists crossing, and then the hands going behind the back and crossing again. PEP initially will teach 20 fundamental concepts of life empowerment. PEP teaches the fundamental “mountain climbing” concept of life. PEP teaches the theoretical concept of “attaining wings” to PEP students which is understood to be “the top of their personally selected mountain.” PEP will also place special emphasis on teaching our students lessons about group, staying present in a group, the power of communication including listening and the speaking voice, and an introduction to public speaking through direct experience.
PEP is committed to cooperating and working with other carefully selected philanthropic organizations to further our mutually humanitarian goals.
PEP presently envisions a PEP Specialist Training Program, which will outsource PEP Specialists to elementary schools and in a second wave secondary schools as well.
PEP presently envisions the future possibility of PEP Specialists who are permanent on-campus employees of the public or private schools or districts to which they are employed and who are trained at a PEP Specialist training facility.
PEP reserves the right to alter this vision for the benefit of PEP and to further the goals of PEP.
PEP works to attain financial grants and does fundraising in order to further our goals.
PEP was founded on September 30, 2003 in Venice, CA.
PEP is a non-profit 501c3 entity.
Sincerely, Seth D. King The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) 10-1-03
II. Original Letter to Teachers, Principals, Faculty, Parents, and concerned people (8-13-03)
Dear Teachers, Principals, Faculty, Parents, and concerned people,
I have, over time, as a full-time elementary school substitute teacher in Los Angeles Unified School District developed an idea to give ten fundamental concepts to all my students.
The concepts are: freedom; justice; truth; create; teach; love; unity; peace; intelligence; cooperation; and a Bonus Word which is power.
I call them “Superstar Vocabulary Words”. Each concept is represented by one of the ten fingers on the student's hands and all together, both hands, represent the concept of "power".
The students use the dictionary to define these terms. Then we read stories (for example, about Gandhi), write stories, write sentences using them, and/or draw pictures including all the concepts or a single concept of our choice.
I draw the words on the board very colorfully and with symbols where possible such as with a peace sign, a light bulb for intelligence, a balance for justice, a heart for love, a broken chain for freedom, and a lightning bolt for power.
I teach them how the concepts are interrelated. For example, "if we lose justice, then we lose peace." I teach them about the concept of "unity" with the world map and that all of mankind are cousins and all ultimately from ONE FAMILY.
I teach them that if we lose all of these concepts in our lives, then our hands close into fists, our wrists cross, our hands go behind our backs, and we no longer have our power nor freedom. At that point, we become enslaved or locked up even literally.
I teach them that they can create and teach, that they already do, and that they through understanding and the application of these concepts have greater power and freedom in their lives! I teach them that once they have completed the assignment and "gone free" then they can help others "to go free" and complete the assignment too, but that they must do it "in integrity with truth as teachers do" and not give away answers so that they can truly "get their wings" which are represented by their hands. Those then who help and "get their wings" get to line up first at recess and lunch.
This same fundamental "get your wings" process of having early finishers help others finish can perhaps also then be followed with all diverse assignments all year long reinforcing the ten fundamental concepts represented on the hands.
Sometimes also when I see my students around school lately, I have been giving them a two handed "hello" gesture to easily remind them of these important concepts once again.
Other words can be defined further with this same process as the students learning minds demand it. Thus, a solid foundation of fundamental and universal (yet non-religiously associated) concepts and ideas for them can develop in time.
For example, a word group two which I selected and am exploring currently would include: logic; fun; universe; possibility; service; give; joy; imagination; reality; and communication with a Bonus Word which is life.
The original ten (plus "power") would always however remain symbolic to the hands. Also, entire idea should also be fully made bilingual and in all other languages as necessary also.
For example, in spanish as follows (missing some punctuation): the "Superestrella palabras": libertad; justicia; verdad; crear; ensenar; amar; unir; paz; inteligencia; coperacion; and the "paga extraordinaria" which is "poder."
On August 12, I shared this idea with a coordinator at 49th Street elementary school in Central LA, and she was inspired and thought it was "a great idea." She told me that she was going to work on getting this idea integrated into the lessons plans of all classrooms at 49th St. Elementary!!! I am very excited with the recent development of this spiritually educational tool (which is entirely non-religious and can be taught in public schools for everything is derived from dictionary use and fundamental definitions).
I know that its application has served my students (it worked best with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) and will serve the students in Los Angeles Unified School District on greater and greater levels in time and as it becomes possible.
I am currently committed to its expansion into all LAUSD elementary schools.
Sincerely, Seth D. King Elementary School Substitute Teacher Los Angeles Unified School District 8-13-03
III. The Substitute Teacher who would be King! Written by Seth David King - September 2003. (An original manuscript for a fully illustrated children’s book.)
Today, Mr. King was our substitute teacher.
He was really tall. He had green eyes. He played happy music for us. He was funny. He impersonated the voices of Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Yogi Bear, Apu from the Simpsons, and he even knew how to laugh like Scooby Doo! He came to our school because our teacher wasn’t feeling good.
He gave us the power!
Today, he taught us about ten important words… He taught us about freedom and how to get more of it. He taught us about justice and about fairness. He taught us about truth and not to lie. He taught us that we could create and make stuff. He taught us to teach and that we already do. He taught us about love and that it is better than hate. He taught us about unity and that we as people are all from the one big family. He taught us about peace and that we can make it. He taught us to think about what we do and to use our intelligence. He taught us about cooperation and how to work together.
We used the dictionary to look up the definition of each word. We talked until we knew what the words meant and how they were related.
He showed us these ten words on his fingers. He showed us these ten words on our fingers.
He showed us that the power was now in our hands! Mr. King asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. He then drew a mountain on the chalkboard with people climbing it.
“A scientist,” said Jula. “A social worker,” said Trish. “A singer,” said Shannon. “A baseball player,” said Chris. “An artist,” said Matthew. “A teacher,” said Rory. “An astronaut,” said Jeff. “A firefighter,” said Ana Maria.
Mr. King said that the people climbing up the mountain represented us.
He said that the top of the mountain represented what we wanted to be when we grew up. “That is your goal,” he said!
He taught us that knowing the ten words and having the power would help us to make it to the top of the mountain and achieve our goals.
Mr. King said that if we understood and used these ten words that we would become powerful people!
He said that if we used our intelligence we would gain more freedom.
He said that if we told the truth and worked to create more justice and fairness that we would create more peace and love in the world.
He told us that we were all cousins, and he explained that when we understood unity we would realize that we were all members of the one human race and all actually from one big family.
He said however that if we did not have justice then we would not have peace.
He also told us that if we did not use our intelligence, nor tell the truth, nor play fair, nor learn how to make peace, nor learn how to cooperate and work together that we would lose our freedom, lose our power, and lose the ability to live happily and achieve our goals. We may end up locked up even literally maybe. He showed us this by folding his fingers into fists, turning them over, and crossing them at the wrists. We listened to Mr. King because we didn’t want to go to jail!
Then we each got to draw pictures about our favorite word that he taught us.
Later, Mr. King slam-dunked the basketball at recess!
Mr. King, he gave us the power.
He was cool.
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by Impressed 1...
Friday, Nov. 07, 2003 at 3:02 PM
I must say that I am very impressed Seth with the focus and determination you have put forth in expressing your ideas and beliefs. Despite many posts trying to bring you down to a level which is inherently destructive and immature, you have stayed your course and never struck back in an ill way.
I believe your ideas would be of great benefit to the children of the LAUSD, and I look forward to hearing of your progress as you work towards making a difference.
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by Seth D. King
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 at 7:20 PM
Presently, this is where we are... The Peace Empowerment Project Copyright November 10, 2003 By Seth David King Contact: unitedpeople4peace@hotmail.com Table of Contents I. THE MISSION STATEMENT II. THE PROJECT OVERVIEW III. THE POWER IV. THE MOUNTAIN V. THE CLASSROOM PROGRAM VI. THE AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION VII. THE VIDEO PRODUCTIONS VIII. THE PUBLICATIONS IX. THE ORGANIZATION I. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) is to empower children with the basic knowledge, life skills, and understandings necessary to create for themselves a powerfully self-determined future. We are committed to giving young people an increased ability to adjust, survive, and overcome the present day challenges and hazards of growing up in a twenty-first century American and world environment. We are committed to giving young people a solid and fundamental common sense foundation from which to view their lives and the lives that they wish to create and achieve in the future. We are committed to our students being and staying drug free, gang free, and enrolled in school. We are committed to assisting within, reforming, and improving upon the learning conditions within all elementary and secondary schools. We are committed to stopping violence and increasing the peace in the lives of all of the people involved (parents, teachers, and students included) in and around PEP. We are committed to the further discovery and proliferation of creative, innovative, and powerful solutions to all forms of violence, injustice, and crimes against humanity. We are committed to the translation of PEP in order that it can be taught to all children in all languages (including Braille and sign language) in all countries on Earth. We are committed to the expansion of PEP and our principles in order that they may be readily available to all 8 to 13 year old children in the USA by the year 2012; and the world by the year 2020. II. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE PROJECT OVERVIEW The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) is an organization formed in order to advance the mission of empowering American youth with fundamental understanding. PEP is founded upon empowering young people with the understanding and inspiration necessary to create peace and justice. PEP is founded upon universal respect for all people of all nationalities, races, religions, and creeds. PEP is founded upon the principle of being non-religious so that it may be taught in all American public schools for it is derived entirely from fundamental dictionary definitions. PEP is founded upon the system first created by Seth D. King to give ten fundamental concepts to all children. PEP is founded upon the teaching of the Webster’s Children’s Dictionary definitions of the following concepts to all of our students: freedom; justice; truth; create; teach; love; unity; peace; intelligence; cooperation; and power. PEP is based on a PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM in which a PEP SPECIALIST or a PEP CERTIFIED TEACHER teaches 8 to 13 year old students the 5-day, 80-minute per day, curriculum of PEP. PEP CLASSROOM SPECIALISTS are full-time exclusive teachers of the 5-day PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM. PEP presently envisions the development of a certified PEP SPECIALIST outsourcing program to contract our PEP SPECIALISTS out to elementary and secondary schools. PEP will develop a 3-day PEP TEACHER CERTIFICATION PROGRAM in which full-time elementary or secondary school teachers will be certified to teach the 5-day PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM to the elementary and secondary school students in their own classrooms. The PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM includes special emphasis on teaching our students lessons on groups, staying present in groups, the power of communication including listening and the speaking voice, and an introduction to public speaking through direct experience. PEP presently envisions the development of a PEP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION for production in elementary and secondary school auditoriums and at youth community centers such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. PEP presently envisions our cooperation with other carefully selected philanthropic organizations to further our mutually humanitarian goals. PEP works diligently to attain financial grants and does fundraising in order to further our goals. PEP reserves the right to expand, alter, and reform its elf in order to further and more precisely and effectively accomplish the mission of PEP. PEP was founded on September 30, 2003 in Venice, CA. PEP will be a non-profit 501c3 entity. In peace, Seth D. King Substitute Teacher Los Angeles Unified School District Founder & Director The Peace Empowerment Project 11-10-03 III. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE POWER PEP is here to empower your child. PEP is here to protect your child. PEP is here to help your child protect him/herself. PEP is committed to your child becoming well versed in simple understandings for life empowerment, protection, and preservation. PEP is committed to your child graduating successfully from the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM in 5 sessions of 80 minutes each. PEP is committed to your child experiencing awesome audio and visual entertaining and educational PEP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATIONS PEP is committed to giving your child fundamental and foundational life understandings that can and will when nurtured last a lifetime. PEP is committed to nurturing through time your child’s PEP education. In PEP, throughout the 5 day, 80-minute per day PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM we teach 22 fundamental concepts of life empowerment. In PEP, the truth that we teach is founded first upon Webster’s Children’s Dictionary definitions of the following concepts: freedom; justice; truth; create; teach; love; unity; peace; intelligence; cooperation; and power. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, the first 11 fundamental and foundational concepts of PEP are displayed on the ink or chalkboard in the colors of blue, green, and red with symbols next to each concept such as with a peace sign, a light bulb for intelligence, a balance for justice, a heart for love, a broken chain for freedom, and a lightning bolt for power. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, we teach our students how these empowering concepts are interrelated via definition and interactive group discussion. In PEP, we teach the concept of truth being defined as integrity, doing “the right thing,” and honoring ourselves by honoring our word. In PEP, a truth that we teach is that we have the power to give love in the form of friendship and make peace. In PEP, a truth that we teach our students is that they can create and teach, that they already do, and that they through understanding and use of their intelligence will have greater power and freedom in their lives. In PEP, a truth that we teach is the concept of unity and that all of mankind are cousins and all ultimately from one family. In PEP, a truth that we teach is that if we lose justice in our classroom, society, country, and world then we lose peace as well. In PEP, a truth that we teach is that the first 11 concepts of PEP are visually represented by each of the ten fingers on a PEP student's hands, and all together both hands represent the concept of power. In PEP, the visual demonstration of our hands closing into fists, our hands going behind our backs, and our wrists crossing is represented to be the loss of freedom and power. In PEP, a truth that we teach is that if we lose all of these concepts in our lives then we become enslaved or maybe even locked up literally. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, the second 11 fundamental concepts of PEP that we teach are: logic; fun; universe; possibility; service; give; joy; imagination; reality; communication and life. In PEP, the original ten concepts of power will always however remain symbolic to the hands. In PEP, a PEP SPECIALIST will be able to give a two handed “who’s got THE POWER?” gesture to easily remind students of the ten concepts at any time when he or she sees them around school. In PEP, all twenty-two life empowering concepts can be taught in only a 5-day, 80-minute per day series of classes. Thus, in PEP, a solid fundamental and universal (yet non-religiously associated) foundation of 22 empowering concepts can be given to PEP students in a matter of hours. IV. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE MOUNTAIN In PEP, a fundamental mountain climbing concept of life is taught. In PEP, THE MOUNTAIN represents the journey of a child to his or her self-chosen goal in life. In PEP, the top of THE MOUNTAIN is explained to be the achievement of an individual student’s life goal. In PEP, a blue mountain with a red sun at the top of it is drawn on the right side of the board next to the PEP vocabulary words with red, green, and blue stick-figure people climbing up it and standing on top of it. In PEP, the PEP CLASSROOM SPECIALIST or PEP CERTIFIED TEACHER asks the students what they want to be when they grow up. In PEP, the student’s life goals are listed just right of THE MOUNTAIN. Doctor, artist, teacher, scientist, police officer, firefighter, athlete, etc. are examples of some of the life goals that students offer. In PEP, “USE YOUR POWER TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!” is written on the board to the upper-left of THE MOUNTAIN. In PEP, understanding and application of the twenty-two concepts of life empowerment are explained as tools to help students climb their own MOUNTAIN in life and attain their goal. In PEP, THE MOUNTAIN is visually represented by the arms and hands held out in front of the PEP SPECIALIST or PEP CERTIFIED TEACHER and then by students by an upside-down “V” from the elbows to the fingertips. In PEP, the concept of THE MOUNTAIN is discussed in an open forum with the children to insure that they are comprehending its meaning as defined by PEP. V. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE CLASSROOM PROGRAM The complete PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM is available to students in five 80-minute classes. PEP teaches THE POWER and THE MOUNTAIN concepts via the live PEP CLASSROOM SPECIALIST or PEP CERTIFIED TEACHER teaching in the classroom for 8 to 13 year old elementary and secondary students. The PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM presently uses the ink and chalkboards in the classrooms we teach in order to teach PEP. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, a special emphasis is also placed on teaching our students lessons on staying present in a group, the power of communication including listening and the speaking voice, and an introduction to public speaking through direct experience. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, after using a dictionary to look up the definitions of PEP concepts, our students get the opportunity to individually read their findings from in front of the class, and lead a discussion on what their concept means to them as guided by specific sets of questions given by a PEP SPECIALIST or a PEP CERTIFIED TEACHER. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, our students draw pictures based upon a concept of their choice that they learned about in PEP. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, our students also expand upon their understandings of PEP concepts by prescribed homework reading assignments on the lives of PEP honored people such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, Jackie Robinson, Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln as examples. In the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, we are committed our own development for the extension and expansion of PEP concepts into the minds and lives of PEP students before, during, and after their participation in PEP. PEP currently envisions our own development so that we utilize an audio-visual PowerPoint presentation via a laptop computer for teaching the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM in the future. PEP will employ audio and visual artists to create and develop a superb and dynamic audio-visual PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM presentation in the future. PEP is dedicated to entertaining our students as well as educating them. PEP works to educate and empower first and foremost. PEP seeks to take full advantage of entertaining our students in order to successfully and more effectively achieve our educational and empowerment goals. VI. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION PEP will teach THE POWER and THE MOUNTAIN concepts via the live PEP SPECIALIST teaching in synergy with an audio and visual PEP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION. PEP will create auditorium size presentations including exciting and entertaining visuals via a live visual operating technician, powerful and impactful music via a live DJ, and educational handouts and testing materials to be given to teachers for use in the classroom. PEP will employ audio and visual artists to create and develop a superb and dynamic PEP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION. PEP will seek to create powerful audio and visual presentations that will not only teach, but also impact PEP students in an artistic way which will maximize learning and long-term retention of the teachings. PEP will carefully select the music and audio portion of PEP to be educational, intelligent, and inspirational. PEP seeks to take full advantage of entertaining our students in order to successfully and more effectively achieve our goals of education and empowerment. VII. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE VIDEO PRODUCTIONS PEP will produce a five tape series of peace empowerment videotapes that will teach the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM on video. PEP will also produce a PEP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION videotape in the future. PEP is committed to creating the highest quality video productions in order to best serve PEP and the goals of our organization. The PEP videotape series will be produced in all languages as it becomes necessary and possible. VIII. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE PUBLICATIONS PEP will create various publications to achieve our ends. PEP will create handouts for our students that will maximize retention of PEP presentation teachings. PEP currently foresees the creation of a PEP TESTING PROGRAM that will include the materials necessary to test students upon completion and for graduation of the PEP CLASSROOM PROGRAM. PEP will create a series of children’s books to highlight concepts taught within the PEP program. One PEP children’s book that will be made available to PEP students is… The Substitute Teacher named Mr. King! Written by Seth David King - Fall 2003. (An original manuscript for a fully illustrated children’s book.) Today, Mr. King was our substitute teacher. He was really tall. He had green eyes. He played happy music for us. He was funny. He was very loud. He impersonated the voices of Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Yogi Bear, Apu from the Simpsons, and he even laughed like Scooby Doo! He came to our school because our teacher wasn’t feeling good. He gave us the power! Today, he taught us about ten important words… He taught us about freedom and how to get more of it. He taught us about justice and about fairness. He taught us about truth and not to lie. He taught us that we could create and make stuff real. He taught us to teach and that we already do. He taught us about love and that it is better than hate. He taught us about unity and that we as people are all from the one big family. He taught us about peace and that we can make it. He taught us to think about what we do and to use our intelligence. He taught us about cooperation and how to work together. We used the dictionary to look up the definition of each word. We talked until we knew what the words meant and how they were related. He showed us these ten words on his fingers. He showed us these ten words on our fingers. He showed us that the power was now in our hands! Mr. King asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. He then drew a mountain on the chalkboard with people climbing it. “A scientist,” said Jula. “A social worker,” said Trish. “A singer,” said Shannon. “A baseball player,” said Chris. “A doctor,“ said Dana. “An artist,” said Matthew. “A teacher,” said Rory. “An astronaut,” said Dedra. “A firefighter,” said Ana Maria. Mr. King said that the people climbing up the mountain represented us. He said that the top of the mountain represented what we wanted to be when we grew up. “That is your goal,” he said! He taught us that knowing the ten words and having the power would help us to make it to the top of the mountain and achieve our goals. Mr. King said that if we understood and used these ten words that we would become powerful people! He said that if we used our intelligence we would gain more freedom. He said that if we told the truth and worked to create more justice and fairness that we would create more peace and love in the world. He told us that we were all cousins, and he explained that when we understood unity we would realize that we were all members of the one human race and all actually from one big family. He said however that if we did not have justice then we would not have peace. He also told us that if we did not use our intelligence, nor tell the truth, nor play fair, nor learn how to make peace, nor learn how to cooperate and work together that we would lose our freedom, lose our power, and lose the ability to live happily and achieve our goals. We may end up locked up even literally maybe. He showed us this by folding his fingers into fists, turning them over, and crossing them at the wrists. We listened to Mr. King because we didn’t want to go to jail! Then we each got to draw pictures about our favorite word that he taught us. Later, Mr. King slam-dunked the basketball at recess! Mr. King, he gave us the power. He was cool. IX. The Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) THE ORGANIZATION Presently, the people of PEP are… Seth D. King - President & Founder Patricia V. King - Vice President Chris A. King - PEP Marketing Director Rod Taylor - PEP Music Director Matthew Clark - PEP Artistic Director
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by S. King
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003 at 8:38 PM
Makin' steps... From: Jill Weaver < jweaver33@yahoo.com> To: sethking70@hotmail.com Subject: PEP submission for creative writing project Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 15:37:47 -0800 (PST) Seth, Thank you for your contribution to our Spirit & Place program focusing on peacemaking. Your Peace Empowerment Project is quite impressive. The program will occur this Saturday, Nov. 15 at the Peace Learning Center here in Indianapolis. Below is a description of the program. - We would like to read an excerpt from the project outline, specifically the text of the children's book that concludes the outline. We will only do so if you give us permission. Thank you for your interest in our program, Jill Weaver program description: A few of the creative writings will be read at a celebration event on Saturday, November 15, 11:30am at Peace Learning Center in Eagle Creek Park, titled “Remembering our Peace Mentors.” Aspiring peacemakers of all ages will be inspired by the written submissions as well as by historical and contemporary peacemakers at this intergenerational celebration. After writings are read, everyone will take part in facilitated dialogue, using the "Conversation Café," model, revealing how we are inspired by peacemaking ideas. Free lunch; please pre-register by calling 317.327.7144 or register on line at www.spiritandplace.org In Peace, Jill Visit daily http://www.thehungersite.com/home Also there: Breast health funding, Rain Forest funding, Animal Rescue, Child Health ..... Dear Jill, I would be honored for you to read that except at your Learning Center event on November 15th. You definitely have my permission. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend because I live in Los Angeles, CA. If you could make my name and e-mail address available to anyone interested after reading the excerpt I would greatly appreciate it. Perhaps a publisher out there might be interested in publishing the story. Thank you very much!
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by YEPP Team
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003 at 12:14 PM
The Youth Empowerment Peace Project Copyright November 18, 2003 By Seth David King unitedpeople4peace@hotmail.com Table of Contents I. THE MISSION STATEMENT II. THE COMMITMENTS III. THE OVERVIEW IV. THE POWER V. THE MOUNTAIN VI. THE CLASSROOM PROGRAM VII. THE AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION VIII. THE VIDEO PRODUCTIONS IX. THE PUBLICATIONS X. THE ORGANIZATION I. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) is to empower 8 to 13 year old children with the basic knowledge, life skills, and understandings necessary to create for themselves a powerfully self-determined future. II. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE COMMITMENTS The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) is committed to giving young people an increased ability to adjust, survive, and overcome the present day challenges and hazards of growing up in a twenty-first century American and world environment. We are committed to giving young people a solid and fundamental common sense foundation from which to view their lives and the lives that they wish to create and achieve in the future. We are committed to our students being and staying drug free, gang free, HIV and STD free, and enrolled in school. We are committed to assisting within, reforming, and improving upon the learning conditions within all elementary and secondary schools. We are committed to stopping violence and increasing the peace in the lives of all of the people involved (parents, teachers, and students included) in and around YEPP. We are committed to the further discovery and proliferation of creative, innovative, and powerful solutions to all forms of violence, injustice, and crimes against humanity. We are committed to the translation of YEPP in order that it can be taught to all children in all languages (including Braille and sign language) in all countries on Earth. We are committed to the expansion of YEPP and our principles in order that they may be readily available to all 8 to 13 year old children in the USA by the year 2012; and the world by the year 2020. III. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE OVERVIEW The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) is an organization formed in order to advance the mission of empowering American youth with fundamental understanding. YEPP is founded upon empowering young people with the understanding and inspiration necessary to create peace and justice. YEPP is founded upon universal respect for all people of all nationalities, races, religions, and creeds. YEPP is founded upon the principle of being non-religious so that it may be taught in all American public schools for it is derived entirely from fundamental dictionary definitions. YEPP is founded upon the system first created by Seth D. King to give ten fundamental concepts to all children. YEPP is founded upon the teaching of the Webster’s Children’s Dictionary definitions of the following concepts to all of our students: freedom; justice; truth; create; teach; love; unity; peace; intelligence; cooperation; and power. YEPP is based on a YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM in which a YEPP SPECIALIST or a YEPP CERTIFIED TEACHER teaches 8 to 13 year old students the 5-day, 60-minute per day, curriculum of YEPP. YEPP CLASSROOM SPECIALISTS are full-time exclusive teachers of the 5-day YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM. YEPP presently envisions the development of a certified YEPP SPECIALIST outsourcing program to contract our YEPP SPECIALISTS out to elementary and secondary schools. YEPP will develop a 3-day YEPP TEACHER CERTIFICATION PROGRAM in which full-time elementary or secondary school teachers will be certified to teach the 5-day YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM to the elementary and secondary school students in their own classrooms. The YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM includes special emphasis on teaching our students lessons on groups, staying present in groups, the power of communication including listening and the speaking voice, and an introduction to public speaking through direct experience. YEPP presently envisions the development of a YEPP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION for production in elementary and secondary school auditoriums and at youth community centers such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. YEPP presently envisions our cooperation with other carefully selected philanthropic organizations to further our mutually humanitarian goals. YEPP works diligently to attain financial grants and does fundraising in order to further our goals. YEPP reserves the right to expand, alter, and/or reform itself in order to further and more precisely and effectively accomplish the mission of YEPP. YEPP was founded as the Peace Empowerment Project (PEP) on September 30, 2003 in Venice, CA. PEP officially changed its name to the Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) on November 14, 2003. YEPP will be a non-profit 501c3 entity. In peace, Seth D. King Substitute Teacher Los Angeles Unified School District President & Founder The Youth Empowerment Peace Project 11-18-03 IV. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE POWER YEPP is here to empower your child. YEPP is here to protect your child. YEPP is here to help your child protect him/herself. YEPP is committed to your child becoming well versed in simple understandings for life empowerment, protection, and preservation. YEPP is committed to your child graduating successfully from the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM in 5 sessions of 60 minutes each. YEPP is committed to your child experiencing awesome audio and visual entertaining and educational YEPP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATIONS YEPP is committed to giving your child fundamental and foundational life understandings that can and will when nurtured last a lifetime. YEPP is committed to nurturing through time your child’s YEPP education. In YEPP, throughout the 5 day, 60-minute per day YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM we teach 22 fundamental concepts of life empowerment. In YEPP, the truth that we teach is founded first upon Webster’s Children’s Dictionary definitions of the following concepts: freedom; justice; truth; create; teach; love; unity; peace; intelligence; cooperation; and power. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, the first 11 fundamental and foundational concepts of YEPP are displayed on the ink or chalkboard in the colors of blue, green, and red with symbols next to each concept such as with a peace sign, a light bulb for intelligence, a balance for justice, a heart for love, a broken chain for freedom, and a lightning bolt for power. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, we teach our students how these empowering concepts are interrelated via definition and interactive group discussion. In YEPP, we teach the concept of truth being defined as integrity, doing “the right thing,” and honoring ourselves by honoring our word. In YEPP, a truth that we teach is that we have the power to give love in the form of friendship and make peace. In YEPP, a truth that we teach our students is that they can create and teach, that they already do, and that they through understanding and use of their intelligence will have greater power and freedom in their lives. In YEPP, a truth that we teach is the concept of unity and that all of mankind are cousins and all ultimately from one family. In YEPP, a truth that we teach is that if we lose justice in our classroom, society, country, and world then we lose peace as well. In YEPP, a truth that we teach is that the first 11 concepts of YEP are visually represented by each of the ten fingers on a YEPP student's hands, and all together both hands represent the concept of power. In YEPP, the visual demonstration of our hands closing into fists, our hands going behind our backs, and our wrists crossing is represented to be the loss of freedom and power. In YEPP, a truth that we teach is that if we lose all of these concepts in our lives then we become enslaved or maybe even locked up literally. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, the second 11 fundamental concepts of YEPP that we teach are: logic; fun; universe; possibility; service; give; joy; imagination; reality; communication and life. In YEPP, the original ten concepts of power will always however remain symbolic to the hands. In YEPP, a YEPP SPECIALIST will be able to give a two handed “who’s got THE POWER?” gesture to easily remind students of the ten concepts at any time when he or she sees them around school. In YEPP, all twenty-two life empowering concepts can be taught in only a 5-day, 60-minute per day series of classes. Thus, in YEPP, a solid fundamental and universal (yet non-religiously associated) foundation of 22 empowering concepts can be given to YEPP students in a matter of hours. V. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE MOUNTAIN In YEPP, a fundamental mountain climbing concept of life is taught. In YEPP, THE MOUNTAIN represents the journey of a child to his or her self-chosen goal in life. In YEPP, the top of THE MOUNTAIN is explained to be the achievement of an individual student’s life goal. In YEPP, a blue mountain with a red sun at the top of it is drawn on the right side of the board next to the YEPP vocabulary words with red, green, and blue stick-figure people climbing up it and standing on top of it. In YEPP, the YEPP CLASSROOM SPECIALIST or YEPP CERTIFIED TEACHER asks the students what they want to be when they grow up. In YEPP, the student’s life goals are listed just right of THE MOUNTAIN. Doctor, artist, teacher, scientist, police officer, firefighter, athlete, etc. are examples of some of the life goals that students offer. In YEPP, “USE YOUR POWER TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!” is written on the board to the upper-left of THE MOUNTAIN. In YEPP, understanding and application of the twenty-two concepts of life empowerment are explained as tools to help students climb their own MOUNTAIN in life and attain their goal. In YEPP, THE MOUNTAIN is visually represented by the arms and hands held out in front of the YEPP SPECIALIST or YEPP CERTIFIED TEACHER and then by students by an upside-down “V” from the elbows to the fingertips. In YEPP, the concept of THE MOUNTAIN is discussed in an open forum with the children to insure that they are comprehending its meaning as defined by YEPP. VI. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE CLASSROOM PROGRAM The complete YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM is available to students in five 60-minute classes. YEPP teaches THE POWER and THE MOUNTAIN concepts via the live YEPP CLASSROOM SPECIALIST or YEPP CERTIFIED TEACHER teaching in the classroom for 8 to 13 year old elementary and secondary students. The YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM presently uses the ink and chalkboards in the classrooms we teach in order to teach YEPP. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, a special emphasis is also placed on teaching our students lessons on staying present in a group, the power of communication including listening and the speaking voice, and an introduction to public speaking through direct experience. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, after using a dictionary to look up the definitions of YEPP concepts, our students get the opportunity to individually read their findings from in front of the class, and lead a discussion on what their concept means to them as guided by specific sets of questions given by a YEPP SPECIALIST or a YEPP CERTIFIED TEACHER. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, our students draw pictures based upon a concept of their choice that they learned about in YEPP. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, our students also expand upon their understandings of YEPP concepts by prescribed homework reading assignments on the lives of YEPP honored people such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa, Jackie Robinson, Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln as examples. In the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM, we are committed our own development for the extension and expansion of YEPP concepts into the minds and lives of YEPP students before, during, and after their participation in YEPP. YEPP currently envisions our own development so that we utilize an audio-visual PowerPoint presentation via a laptop computer for teaching the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM in the future. YEPP will employ audio and visual artists to create and develop a superb and dynamic audio-visual YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM presentation in the future. YEPP is dedicated to entertaining our students as well as educating them. YEPP works to educate and empower first and foremost. YEPP seeks to take full advantage of entertaining our students in order to successfully and more effectively achieve our educational and empowerment goals. VII. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION YEPP will teach THE POWER and THE MOUNTAIN concepts via the live YEPP SPECIALIST teaching in synergy with an audio and visual YEPP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION. YEPP will create auditorium size presentations including exciting and entertaining visuals via a live visual operating technician, powerful and impactful music via a live DJ, and educational handouts and testing materials to be given to teachers for use in the classroom. YEPP will employ audio and visual artists to create and develop a superb and dynamic YEPP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION. YEPP will seek to create powerful audio and visual presentations that will not only teach, but also impact YEPP students in an artistic way which will maximize learning and long-term retention of the teachings. YEPP will carefully select the music and audio portion of YEPP to be educational, intelligent, and inspirational. YEPP seeks to take full advantage of entertaining our students in order to successfully and more effectively achieve our goals of education and empowerment. VIII. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE VIDEO PRODUCTIONS YEPP will produce a five tape series of peace empowerment videotapes that will teach the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM on video. YEPP will also produce a YEPP AUDITORIUM PRESENTATION videotape in the future. YEPP is committed to creating the highest quality video productions in order to best serve YEPP and the goals of our organization. The YEPP videotape series will be produced in all languages as it becomes necessary and possible. IX. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE PUBLICATIONS YEPP will create various publications to achieve our ends. YEPP will create handouts for our students that will maximize retention of YEPP presentation teachings. YEPP currently foresees the creation of a YEPP TESTING PROGRAM that will include the materials necessary to test students upon completion and for graduation of the YEPP CLASSROOM PROGRAM. YEPP will create a series of children’s books to highlight concepts taught within the YEPP program. One YEPP children’s book that will be made available to our students is… The Substitute Teacher named Mr. King! Written by Seth David King - Fall 2003. (An original manuscript for a fully illustrated children’s book.) Today, Mr. King was our substitute teacher. He was really tall. He had green eyes. He played happy music for us. He was funny. He was very loud. He impersonated the voices of Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Yogi Bear, Apu from the Simpsons, and he even laughed like Scooby Doo! He came to our school because our teacher wasn’t feeling good. He gave us the power! Today, he taught us about ten important words… He taught us about freedom and how to get more of it. He taught us about justice and about fairness. He taught us about truth and not to lie. He taught us that we could create and make things real. He taught us how to teach and that we already do. He taught us about love and that it is better than hate. He taught us about unity and that we as people are all from the one big family. He taught us about peace and that we can make it. He taught us to think about what we do and to use our intelligence. He taught us about cooperation and how to work together. We used the dictionary to look up the definition of each word. We talked until we knew what the words meant and how they were related. He showed us these ten words on his fingers. He showed us these ten words on our fingers. He showed us that the power was now in our hands! Mr. King asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. He then drew a mountain on the chalkboard with people climbing it. “A scientist,” said Jula. “A social worker,” said Trish. “A singer,” said Shannon. “A baseball player,” said Chris. “A doctor,“ said Dana. “An artist,” said Matt. “A rapper,” said Derrick. “A teacher,” said Rory. “An astronaut,” said Dedra. “A firefighter,” said Ana Maria. Mr. King said that the people climbing up the mountain represented us. He said that the top of the mountain represented what we wanted to be when we grew up. “That is your goal,” he said! He taught us that knowing the ten words and having the power would help us to make it to the top of the mountain and achieve our goals. Mr. King said that if we understood and used these ten words that we would become powerful people! He said that if we used our intelligence we would gain more freedom. He said that if we told the truth and worked to create more justice and fairness that we would create more peace and love in the world. He told us that we were all cousins, and he explained that when we understood unity we would realize that we were all members of the one human race and all actually from one big family. He said however that if we did not have justice then we would not have peace. He also told us that if we did not use our intelligence, nor tell the truth, nor play fair, nor learn how to make peace that we would lose our freedom, lose our power, and lose the ability to live happily and achieve our goals. We may end up locked up even literally maybe. He showed us this by folding his fingers into fists, turning them over, and crossing them at the wrists. We listened to Mr. King because we didn’t want to go to jail! Then we each got to draw pictures about our favorite word that he taught us. Later, Mr. King slam-dunked the basketball at recess! Mr. King, he gave us the power. He was cool. X. The Youth Empowerment Peace Project (YEPP) THE ORGANIZATION Presently, the YEPP Team is… Seth D. King - President & Founder Patricia V. King - Vice President Anna Guskos - Business Manager Chris A. King - Marketing Director Rod Taylor - Music Director Matthew Clark - Artistic Director To contact the YEPP Team please e-mail us at... unitedpeople4peace@hotmail.com
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by more rational
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003 at 3:10 PM
Hey Private School Parent,
This Mr. King is definitely the ghetto version of a private school teacher. Ghetto teachers are too damn conservative, and treat their students like convicts.
I went to a nice middle class/working class school, and all the toughest teachers were "liberals." They were pro-union, intellectual, gave us a lot of challenging work, and were demanding. The kids hated them because they were so demanding, but, I think they learned something. I don't really remember learning anything from the jaded conservative teachers. They had low expectations from us minority kids, and, frankly, most of us catered to their low standards.
Ms. R---, Mr. B----, Mr. L---- - thanks for treating us like adults, even when we weren't.
Also, PSP - I went to an "elite college" where the vast majority of students came from private prep schools, or elite public schools. Some of them were smart, but a lot of them, frankly, were drug abusing morons, alcoholics, and jerks. They barely did their homework, cheated a lot, whined to profs to get a "B", and some even paid for papers.
I grew up thinking it was the shit to be middle class or rich, but within a year of dealing with the louts at a public ivy, I got a new respect for street intellectuals.
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by Ray Mazon
Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003 at 8:52 AM
ray@AumQi.com (505) 255-0048
Great idea for great and much-needed work in the public school systems! It should be spread throughout the country!
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