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by Sherman Austin...brought to you by Tendai
Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003 at 4:38 PM
Sherman Austin's Legal Case in his own words.
Sherman Austin's Legal Case in his own words: 1. My name is Sherman Austin. On Jan 24, 2002, I was awaken by my sister while taking a nap. She told me a bunch of "FBI looking people", cop cars, and other individuals standing around, were parked all up and down the street and they were all focusing in on the house. It was 4PM and I was taking a nap. I got up went to the living room to look out the window. At this time our house was already surrounded by some 20-25 FBI agents and secret service armed with sub-machine guns, shot guns, hand guns, bullet proof vests, and what not. I then saw two men in suits approach the door. So I went to the door to see what was up and they asked me if my name was Sherman Austin. I said yes, and they told me to step out side. I asked why, and they grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me out side. I then saw about a dozen FBI agents in blue windbreakers standing on the front-lawn. More began to appear as they emerged from the sides of the house. Every single one of them had their guns drawn and was wearing bullet-proof vests. One of the special agents then handed me a 25 page federal warrant for search and seizure. The rest of the agents came into the house with their guns drawn and searched the entire premises. The two special agents in suits sat me down and began questioning me about my web site, raisethefist.com. They advised me that they were performing a search of the entire house, and were going to seize all of my computer equipment which was being used to run my site. During this process several FBI agents occupied my room as they dismantled my computer network and loaded everything into a big white truck parked out side. They even took my political literature, and protest signs. During this time I was being interrogated by the two special agents and a secret service agent. The Secret Service asked me a number of questions, such as if I'd like to see the president killed. The FBI asked me questions relating back to when I was 14. (I was 18 at the time of the raid). They also asked me a bunch of questions about my site, such as where the log files were stored, if I was the only one who worked on it, if I knew other people who visited it frequently..etc. They advised me that I was not arrested, but was in serious trouble. They also asked if I was planning to go to the World Economic Forum protest in New York on Feb 2nd (which was posted on my site) Finally after approximately 7 hours, the agents left, with my room completely ransacked, and all my equipment loaded into their big white truck. Despite what had happened, I went to the World Economic Forum protest in NY. When I arrived I was standing in Columbus circle waiting for the march to begin. Then all of the sudden I saw a hand of a police officer reach out to grab me as some 20 police charged at us out of nowhere. I was tackled to the ground by 3 officers, and arrested with 26 other people. I sat on a bus for about 7 hours before being taken to Brooklyn Navy Yard Jail, where I was held for about 30 hours before being taken into a back room in hand cuffs and interrogated by an FBI Detective and a Secret Service agent for several hours. They asked me questions such as if I was a terrorist or involved in any terrorist organizations. They also kept asking me questions about the FBI raid at my house in California but I declined to comment. During the whole interrogation process I noticed more and more FBI agents walking in and out of the room. The detective then told me I wasn't going to leave jail until they searched my car. I argued and said they couldn't keep me much longer without charging me. The detective said he didn't care and wanted to search my car. Apparently they thought there were bombs and other weapons in my car. I just wanted to get out of jail and go home so I described him the area of where my car was located and signed over the keys. I was taken back to my cell and 5 minutes later I was taken out again and driven to the court to be released. As the jail guard was escorting me out of the jail facility and into the court hall, 3 FBI agents stopped us and were holding up a photo of me. They asked me if I knew who the person in the photo was, and I said it was me. They then smiled and said , "ok". So I walked on, and was released in the court. I made a phone call for someone to pick me up and waited around for about 30 minutes until about 5 FBI agents came into the building and said I was under arrest for distributing information related to explosives on the internet. They hurried me out of the court into a black SUV as one detective grabbed my neck and told me to "shut the fuck up" as I tried to tell people I was being arrested again. They then drove me to a federal building down the street and attempted to question me. I declined to answer any of their questions. I was then taken to a Federal Jail facility in lower Manhattan and put into a maximum security 24 hour lockdown cell. The next morning I had my arraignment, which was postponed a few days so my lawyer could look through the arrest warrant with me. A few days later I had a bail hearing and my bail was denied as the FBI claimed I was a "man on a mission", and I drove 3,000 miles to carry out my "plot", and on the way back home I was going to "blow up the Olympics". I was rendered a "threat to the community" and was to be transported back to California in custody of the U.S marshals to face my charges. A few days later I was driven to an air-force base in upstate New York to be flown to a federal prison hub in Oklahoma. My ankles were shackled together and my wrists shackled to my waste as I was put onto a plane with other federal inmates while guards stood surrounding us with shot guns and M16's. I felt like a prisoner of war. When I arrived in Oklahoma, I was put in general population, which confused me since the whole time I had been in custody I was kept in 24 hour lockdown. However I didn't care since it was better than spending 24 hours in a small, cold, cockroach-infested cell the size of a bathroom. I then called my mom and she said that the prosecutors decided not to file an indictment and therefore my charges would be dropped. I was relieved knowing I was soon going to be released. The next day two guards called my named and handcuffed me and put me back to the hole (maximum security 24 hour lockdown). I was confused since I was supposed to have been released any minute. 2 hours later they came back to my cell and said I was going to be released. My lawyer had a court order put in to have me immediately released and put on a plane by myself to be flown back to Los Angeles. After spending 13 days in custody I arrived back home. All of my stuff, clothes, wallet, car, etc. Was still in New York. All I got back was my wallet. Everything else was lost. A month after being arrested I got my site back online and continued to do organizing work within the community. 6 months later federal prosecutors called my lawyer and said they didn't find anything on my computers but didn't want to let me off the hook. So they offered me a pre-indictment binding plea which I initially rejected, but then decided to take. The plea was a felony conviction for distributing information related to explosives with intent, 1 month in jail, 5 months community confinement (in a half-way house), and 3 years supervised release. I went to court to enter the plea and the judge immediately rejected it saying I should be serving at least 12 months for such a charge. A trial date was set for March 15th, 2003. I figured what the hell, I'll go to trial. If convicted I thought I would be looking at a maximum of 3-4 years. However after my lawyer consulted the USPO working on the case, she found out that a "terrorism enhancement" is applicable to my charge, which could get me an additional 20 years. I wasn't in the mood to Martyr myself. I decided to try and take any plea possible. My lawyer went back to the drawing board and we worked up a plea with a sentencing range between 6 and 12 months. (note: this range is now 8-14 months due to a recent conviction which brought my criminal history category up another point) We went back to court and the judge accepted it, and my sentencing date was set for June 30th. That is pretty much where my case stands now. I do not know how much time to expect, except a minimum of 4 months in jail, and 4 months community confinement, and 3 years of very intense "supervised release" (probation) according to the USPO's pre-sentencing report which me and my lawyer just received and reviewed. It would be relief to think that a year after the raid, constantly being followed, monitored, harassed, having the nightmares, that all of this will finally be "over" after June 30th, but everything tells me it won't, becoming a young black felon in america only tells me it's just the beginning.
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by lynx-13
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 11:52 AM
i guess we can count on cowardly 'Bubba from cell-block 6' to avoid upsetting the authorities at all times.... women all around the world have infinitely more courage every single day. standing up to oppression takes courage. Austin's enemies have yet to show any understanding of this elementary moral concept. will someone step up and engage in the discussion that 'black-block-head' avoided? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anticrisis lynx latest comments
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by Rich
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:13 PM
Laws are not in place to protect the government. They are there to protect the citizenry. The only thing tragic about Sherman Austin going to the joint is that he chose the path that he did.
There's no disputing that we live in the greatest country on the face of this planet. Austin could have chosen to pursue an education, a rewarding career, or even a political career in an effort to effect change in the system from within.
Instead he chose to devote his time to "anarchism" and causing trouble.
It seems to me, you so called "activists" are your own worst enemies.
Cases in point include Rachel Corrie (run down by a bulldozer in Gaza while protesting Zionist policy against Arab terrorism), Andrew McCrae (in California prison awaiting trial for murdering a police officer in cold blood to protest anti-globalism), David ``Gypsy'' Chain (was killed by a tree felled by a logger), Beth O'Brien (fell to her death from 150 feet up a tree to protest a timber sale), and most recently we have Sherman Austin (for distributing bomb making materials in this time of a terrorism-phobic society).
Do we see a pattern here or what??
The stupid will be punished.
Let's all pray that Sherman Austin uses his year wisely and learns his lesson. Maybe the rest of you bozos can learn from his mistakes as well and get your lives on track.
C'mon people, America affords you tremendous opportunities. If you're preaching your anti-Americanism and your getting a lot of foul scowls and grimaces, don't assume that you're just misunderstood, or that we're all just idiots. You'd better take a second look at your own ideologies.
Perhaps it is YOU that is the idiot.
But like the Chinese say, "The eye can not see itself."
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by Hasan Akbar
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 4:26 PM
Rich sounds like another deluded American living in his little Whitebread world. America--the land of opportunitiy. No, America is more like the Land of Lies where 2 million citizens (mostly black and brown) are imprisoned in your Gulags--the most in the world by far.
************************************* "Anti-Americanism is the Anti-Nazism of Our Times."
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Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 5:35 PM
That's it in a nutshell. The stupid are inherent victims of the intelligent. Even the unwitting participant in the great experiment known as democracy is far more intelligent than the willing antagonist. The only supporters of a failed experiment are those too stupid to learn from the experiment. It failed, move on to a more workable set of variables.
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by borderpatrol
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 5:36 PM
"No, America is more like the Land of Lies where 2 million citizens (mostly black and brown)"
Uhuh, that's whay brown, black, and yellow people from all of the world are trying to come here byt the truck, boat, and plane load.
Why do people still go through enormous hardship to come to America, Akbar?
Answer that.
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by a stupid anarchist
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 7:41 PM
bomb making fliers arn't cool. but speeking for yourself doing for yourself cooking for yourself working for yourself organizing for your comunity not shopping not dividing the ranks of activist and working togather is fucking cool and feels good fuck voting fuck work FUCK CAPITALIST fuck partys (political and beer related) do it yourselfanarchy solidarity if not for love then why
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by agent utah
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 7:52 PM
I bet if you even took the time to talk to an "anarchist", you would be the stupid one. They would school your ass on the aspects of the IMF, the World Bank,the G-8 and the aspects of different political forms of government. They would school your stupid ass on the Bill of Rights, the Constitution , the Federalist Papers. Things you know NOTHING about. Now sit there and scratch your head and run to the search engines to find out these things for yourself... Brainwashed traitor. Its so funny that these people profess the being "real americans", yet know nothing about American History, politics, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Those are the only things that make a person an "American".
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by Hasan Akbar
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 10:59 PM
"Uhuh, that's whay brown, black, and yellow people from all of the world are trying to come here byt the truck, boat, and plane load. Why do people still go through enormous hardship to come to America, Akbar? Answer that. "
Its called Money, jackass. America has it. And the Third World doesn't. That why they come here--believing that they get a piece of that American jack. .
What happens when they arrive here however is a different story.
Not to mention the fact that American wealth is based upon the theft and exploitation of the Third World to begin with...
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by lynx-13
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 11:24 PM
 valdas_anelauskas.jpeg, image/jpeg, 318x215
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by Rich
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 3:28 AM
“America is more like the Land of Lies where 2 million citizens (mostly black and brown) are imprisoned in your Gulags”
All of those people had a choice to make. They chose poorly. The great thing about America is the ultimate freedom Americans enjoy. We can expatriate ourselves any time we choose.
“The stupid are inherent victims of the intelligent.”
The stupid are victims of themselves. PERIOD.
“The only supporters of a failed experiment are those too stupid to learn from the experiment. It failed, move on to a more workable set of variables.”
Exactly. In other words, if you don’t like it here in America, then get on the plane and leave. Report to the nearest American Consulate in the country of your choosing and formally renounce your citizenship. It is just that simple.
“Uhuh, that's whay brown, black, and yellow people from all of the world are trying to come here byt the truck, boat, and plane load.”
No truer statement could be made. Visit an American Embassy during VISA day and see how long the line is. Usually, there are prospective immigrants lined up around the block.
“fuck voting, fuck work”
Words of the naïve. The American system is like the lottery. You may have a 120 Million to 1 chance of winning if you buy a ticket, but if you don’t buy a ticket you chances of winning are exactly zero.
“They would school your ass on the aspects of the IMF, the World Bank,the G-8 and the aspects of different political forms of government.”
What could some little high school drop-out possibly know about these things? About the workings of the world? The truest test of the validity of an organization or a system is the good:bad ratio. “Does it do more good than harm?” is the question one must answer.
For instance, anti-globalists are always complaining about McDonalds. The golden arches have become an icon for America itself. When people see those arches they think about America, whether their thoughts be good or bad. Take all your statistics about the health concerns of fast food, and corporate domination of the world, etc. ad nauseam, and weight that against the billions of people fed efficiently and economically, and see where that gets you. McDonalds does more good than harm. No one forces you to sit there shoving burgers in your mouth, getting fat an lazy. But when you’re hungry, 99 cents of fiat currency for a tangible hamburger is not a bad deal.
“They would school your stupid ass on the Bill of Rights, the Constitution , the Federalist Papers.”
Why not school me on the Bible, or the Koran, or the Code of Hammurabi, the Dead Sea Scrolls, or some other cherished dogmatic relic?
What you Constitution thumpers fail to realize is that it is not the words on the paper that make those things precious. Not by far. Anyone with a brain, a reasonable education, and a desire can formulate moving prose, passion and truth being the conduit to words.
It is the spirit behind those words, the very essence of their substance embedded in each of our hearts and minds that make those documents significant. Your emotion betrays you. We don’t all feel the same way about the Constitution. We don’t all interpret its exactitudes in the same dialect. Ask 10 people how to define a word and you will get 10 different definitions.
The point of this thread has nothing to do with the Constitution,or the Bill of Rights, it has to do with Sherman Austin and Anarchism. Why would an Anarchist care about the Bill of Rights? He wouldn’t. A devoted anarchist would desire nothing more than the complete and utter evisceration of pragmatic political documents such as the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Anarchists and Anti-Americanists simply want to have something to uncurl their pointy, tapered little index fingers at and screech in a shill tone “SEE! HYPOCRITS!!” as if American ideology is akin to being a witch in Salem. Not a very productive fashion of life. Wisdom brings this knowledge, and age brings wisdom. In short, grow up.
“Its so funny that these people profess the being "real americans", yet know nothing about American History, politics, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Those are the only things that make a person an "American".
Bullshit. Being American means way more than knowing American history, or EVER having read the Constitution. Just because you may have done so doesn’t make you any more of an American than anyone else. There are many immigrants where I live, and many people that grew up with little or no education, that I consider far more American than many of those Historians, College Social Science Professors, or educated intellectuals that think they’re so smart.
Being American is about one concept. Only one. It all boils down to, and orbits an amazing and inspirational revelation that ever human brain cogitates at some point during its short lifespan.
That concept is FREEDOM.
Love it. Cherish it. Respect it. Give it. Fight for it. Kill for it. Die for it.
Thank your lucky stars when by some enchantment you possess it.
And if you are Chinese, African European, Antartican, or whatever … and you love freedom, congratulations. You are American.
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by cowlick
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 8:46 AM
Those who choose to use others thereby make the choice to Devolve, to kill what is human in themselves and live like animals.
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by cowlick
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 12:04 PM
Your sky may be fluorescent orange, but if you choose to take a good look around you, I think you will find a system of relations within which you occupy the position of "worker", just like most of the people do in the world I live in, and if you choose to look at the money you use, I think you will find currency stamped with a unit amount, the name of a nation, and a picture of a political landmark or figure--again, just like in the world I live in, where the sky, by the way, is blue.
You may choose to remain unconscious of the rules of the system that you live in and consider them just "natural", or you may choose to take responsibility for the system.
To say that it is natural to use others to evolve is to forget that the rules that obtain in the system that you live in--the rules that necessitate using your neighbor for profit--are rules that are established merely by social convention, rules that can be changed by mutual agreement.
Therefore, to say that we all depend on one another to live, to say that evolution does not necessitate using people is not to be naive; on the contrary, it is to state a very simple and very important fact.
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by Sam
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 12:09 PM
Rich has such hilarious gaffes. He says stuff like:
"We can expatriate ourselves any time we choose."
Ever tried it, Rich? Would Canada, or Sweden, accept you?
Rich says: "The stupid are victims of themselves. PERIOD."
Reconcile this with Rich's later statement:
"Being American means way more than knowing American history, or EVER having read the Constitution. Just because you may have done so doesn’t make you any more of an American than anyone else. There are many immigrants where I live, and many people that grew up with little or no education, that I consider far more American than many of those Historians, College Social Science Professors, or educated intellectuals that think they’re so smart."
So on the one hand Rich would like to declaim the stupid, on the other hand he would defend "them."
Maybe Rich is defending _himself_ here?
Then Rich says:
"The American system is like the lottery. You may have a 120 Million to 1 chance of winning if you buy a ticket, but if you don’t buy a ticket you chances of winning are exactly zero."
And, like the lottery, the odds are stacked quite firmly in favor of the house.
But Rich has foot-in-mouth disease:
"Take all your statistics about the health concerns of fast food, and corporate domination of the world, etc. ad nauseam, and weight that against the billions of people fed efficiently and economically, and see where that gets you. McDonalds does more good than harm. No one forces you to sit there shoving burgers in your mouth, getting fat an lazy. But when you’re hungry, 99 cents of fiat currency for a tangible hamburger is not a bad deal."
How about if we balance out the "good" done in marketing shoddy warmed-over food to those who have neither cooking facilities nor time to do any better, with the immense harm done to the environment in raising cattle, the unsanitary conditions in which cattle are raised, slaughtered, and ground up for ground beef (and here you might check out the amazon.com page for Eric Schlosser's "Fast Food Nation"), the immense amount of grain wasted on beef production (it takes sixteen pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef), and the epidemic of obesity currently sweeping America today, which McDs plays its part in creating?
Finally, Rich asks: "Why would an Anarchist care about the Bill of Rights?"
And I'm thinking: Because anarchists have rights too?
It's hardly sporting to claim to "cherish freedom" while refusing to defend the rights of others...
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by nope
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 12:10 PM
sounds like socialism not interested next
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by nope
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 12:17 PM
sounds like socialism not interested next
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by Legume Sam
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 12:23 PM
The National Socialist Party lost WW2.
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by Rich
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 1:22 PM
Where's the beef, Sam?
This thread is about Sherman Austin and his poor life choices. Why are you attacking me? All you want to discuss is why you're such a fat, lazy sloth from eating Big Macs all day.
"How about if we balance out the "good" done in marketing shoddy warmed-over food to those who have neither cooking facilities nor time to do any better," Who are these people? We've all got the same number of hours in our wallets. It's not like I magically have the ability to create time so my day is somehow longer than yours. And a hot-plate costs $12 at Wal-mart. Don't preach about how you're starving and you don't have money for food. You live in the wealthiest country in the world. Land of opportunity. If you can't afford to eat here, you'd be hurtin' for certain if you lived in the third world. "with the immense harm done to the environment in raising cattle, the unsanitary conditions in which cattle are raised, slaughtered, and ground up for ground beef (and here you might check out the amazon.com page for Eric Schlosser's "Fast Food Nation")," Cavemen used to just rip the flesh off the dinosaurs bone and gnash off a a big, bloody chunk with their teeth. You should consider yourself lucky. "the immense amount of grain wasted on beef production (it takes sixteen pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef)," Goodness gracious. 16 whole pounds of grain per pound of beef? And in this grain famine we've got going on? The nerve of those cattle farmers! "and the epidemic of obesity currently sweeping America today, which McDs plays its part in creating?" Like I said, quit shoveling in the Quarter Pounders and you'll be okay. Don't blame McDonalds for your fat ass. Hamburgerler isn't holding a gun to your head.
Lay off the green eggs and ham and maybe you'll drop a few pounds. And while your on your diet, address the issue of why Sherman Austin should choose to change his evil ways.
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by Legume Sam
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 1:40 PM
Rich says: "Where's the beef, Sam?
This thread is about Sherman Austin and his poor life choices."
And the rest of us are left to ponder: why so whiny? Sherman Austin chose to voice anarchist opinions, opinions legally voiced by others (loompanics.com etc.), and that's why he's going to prison. His "life choice" made him the ideological target of some goon with a robe. The information on his site can be found elsewhere. He did no harm to Rich or me or anyone else, but hey, we'll all still be paying taxes for the next decade or so to keep him locked up.
Rich's image of me is pretty amusing, especially when he says: "Why are you attacking me? All you want to discuss is why you're such a fat, lazy sloth from eating Big Macs all day."
Yep, that's the whole content of my post. But it gets even richer! Later he says:
"Don't preach about how you're starving and you don't have money for food."
Hey Rich, remember? I'm a "fat slob," right?
I really liked this one: "We've all got the same number of hours in our wallets."
Hours in our wallets? What're you on, and what's its market value?
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by KPC
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 1:57 PM
...Caducada cannot tell her right from her left...
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by no -you
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 2:06 PM
"Rich", if you actually had a brain, you'd be dangerous. Your wordiness and mindless conjecture may impress other conservative dolts, but here your arguments just make you look like a fascist. "What you Constitution thumpers fail to realize is that it is not the words on the paper that make those things precious." THis statement make you look foolish indeed. Did you read the two paragraphs of of slime you wrote? I believe you are referring to "the spirit of the law". or maybe you were referring to John Lockes "Natural Rights of Man"?
Then you make such a ignorant claim that the plight of Sherman Austin has NOTHING to do with the Constitution. Ever hear of the 4th AMendment? DIDnt think so. Ever hear of the 1st Amendment? Didnt think so. Ever hear of the right to due process?
Of course, these "words" are what makes a person "American", those "words" are things that OUR Forefathers fought and died trying to defend.
Those "words" are the basis of ALL laws in America.
Too bad traitors (like yourself) tell the citizens that seek to uphold these "words" to get on a plane and go live somewhere else.
Let me school your stupid ass from an "old time" document called the _________________. It described people just like you:
......"and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. "
COme on, smarty pants.... You should recognize this.....righ?
Oh and by the way , you say that being American means "FREEDOM". How would a citizen be able to know that they are free? What rights or liberties should citizens posess to know this? It comes from the "words" of the COnstitution and the Bill of Rights. This is OUR guarantee of FREEDOM from governmental tyranny.
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by Legume Sam
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 2:41 PM
It's really sad... they need to wake up and recognize the current state of emergency... start to prepare for a different world...
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by bye bye shermie
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 3:30 PM
"Austin told the judge Monday he "wasn't really thinking" when he created the Web site. "I'd be devastated if someone used this information to harm others," he said."
He "wasn't really thinking". That pretty much sums up both anarchy and liberalism in a nutshell. "He'd be devistated". Like Hell!! He'd be overjoyed! He's a punk who's getting off easy.
"Austin admitted posting links about bombs to enable people to build and use them during demonstrations against interstate and foreign trade."
But according to the numbskulls here, he didn't do anything wrong. He was a mere uninformed child who didn't understand the consequences of his actions. Baloney!
Shermie knew damn well what he was doing, and he got nailed, and then whined it was youthful indescretion. Boo hoo fucking boo hoo!! Hope he rots!
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by brainwashed
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 4:41 PM
I hate the revolutionary patriots who conspired against the corrupt King of England to secure our modern day freedoms.
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by Rich
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 2:51 AM
Is how you anarchists are the first ones to scream about your "Constitutional rights". It's bizarre, really. I mean, are you or are you not anarchists? Oh goodness gracious, the little bitty anarchist was depwived his wittle bitty Forwth Ammendment wites.
Get real. Get some sack. Get a clue.
You people are anarchists for Christ's sake. You hate America and you hate the Constitution. Anarchists have no rights. Let me repeat that for those with Attention Deficit Disorder: ANARCHISTS HAVE ZERO RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!
Now if the Anarchist happens to be an American, then he has a choice to make. He must choose whether he prefers to pursue being an anarchist, an endeavor which is in direct conflict with being a responsible, law-abiding American, or would he rather have the protection afforded to him by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I mean, lets assume American was a society of anarchists. Would I, as an anarchist have rights? Absolutely I would. I would have the right to do whatever I damned well wanted, at the time I damn well chose, provided there was not another anarachist, or group of anarchists, that could stop me from doing so through the only means available to them. That means being FORCE.
If I were a smart anarchist, I'd realize this fact. Having realized it, I would begin to affiliate myself with, and recruite other like minded anarchsits that felt the same way as me. Anarchists that wanted to do the same things as me, whatever we chose and when we chose to do it. I'd build an army of anarchists so when the opposing anarchists came to stop us, well guess what? Sounds like the first anarchist war to me.
Anarchism is a joke. PERIOD. Where is the "Anarchist's Constitution"? Where are the enumerated "Anarchist's Bill of Rights"? By definition, anarchists can NOT have these things. Having them would imply that some controlling entity was allowing the anarchists to have their freedom, and that there would actually be limitations upon the freedom of these so called anarchists.
Anarchism is the ulimate demented political paradigm. It makes absolutely no sense to call yourself an anarchist.
Sherman Austin is a self-professed anarchist. He made anti-government statements on his website on numerous occasions, and overtly advocated the forcible overthrow of the American govenment.
As an American citizen, I take those actions as a threat against myself, my family, my neighbors, and the citizens of this great country.
But we can let all of that slide. Freedom of speech is virtuous.
But then, after threatening forcible action against this nation, he began distributing bomb making information on his website. Well that would be like me threatening to put a bullet in your head, then showing up on your front porch with my Glock.
The temper tantrums you little children thow are all to amusing. Getting all pouty about being deprived of your rights and then following suit with an anti-government harangue.
And oh yes, I'm a fascist. Love that little leftwing buzzword. It goes well with your overuse of the words racist, sexist, homophobic and of course, nazi. You people sound like spoiled little adolescent teenagers, do you know that?
Oh well, go on up to your rooms now and pout. Just so we're clear, no TV for a week and don't even thing about playing that X-box. You people are grounded.
And if you push it, you'll go straight to be with no dinner.
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by Rich
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 3:04 AM
"Austin told the judge Monday he "wasn't really thinking" when he created the Web site. "I'd be devastated if someone used this information to harm others," he said."
A true anarchist. Wishy-washy. Childish. Non-thinking. Tell it like it is Shermie. Tell it like it is.
You got that right. You sure ain't an American. Tell it like it is anarchist. Tell it like it is.
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by anti-Rich
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 4:06 AM
"You people are anarchists for Christ's sake."
In addition to Christ, what OTHER fairy tales do you believe in? Santa Claus? The Easter bunny? The Tooth Fairy? You're nuttier than a truckload of peanut brittle!!!
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by Legume Sam
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 7:04 AM
Everyone has rights, Rich. Regardless of what they believe. Standing up for them is what ordinary folks call "the duties of citizenship."
The Bill of Rights was intended to protect ordinary people like you and me against the excesses of the government itself. If there were no government, there would be no need for a Bill of Rights, eh? One might need a government of one's own, granted, to protect oneself against marauding governments, but to say so is to admit that government is a problem, and not a solution.
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by average joe
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 3:14 PM
Everyone hating on this guy, you are just making yourself look bad. truth is, 95% of americans are lazy obese conformists, who would rather stuff their face than question authority. remember how this country was created? apparently not, you were too busy eating mcdonalds and watching tv. its truly amazing. the truth is right in front of your eyes, but you just blur your vision and take the easy way out. At least this kid is doing something INSTEAD OF NOTHING. bombs are not the right way to go. he went about it rather harshly, but at least he stands for real american values, which is "always question authority and fight for your personal freedom and privacy".
so go ahead, throw rocks in a glass house, because your world is truly crumbling around you, and you dont even realize it.
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by avg citizen
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 3:17 PM
"At least this kid is doing something"
Only thing Sherman is going to be doing is time.
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by average joe
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 3:24 PM
you think so.... but what really happened is that he has shown that they will go to great lengths, more so than a killer or rapist, to imprison someone speaking their mind or speaking up for that matter. how many people post "how to make bombs" websites?? thousands.
he didnt just go to jail, he showed everyone involved with his ideals that they are truly going out of their way to quell any resistance.
and what do you believe in? im sure you believe everything they want you to believe.
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by avg citizen
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 3:32 PM
"he didnt just go to jail, he showed everyone involved with his ideals that they are truly going out of their way to quell any resistance."
Outside a few activists, the vast majority of people have never heard of this guy, nor do they care about him. Just like most people have never heard of that Mumia guy.
There just aren't enough anarchists for anyone to take notice. They are saying the same thing they've been saying for the last 100+ years, but with no results, "Organize!". People flock to winners, not losers, which is what anarchy has written all over it.
If you want to paint some type of romantic picture of Sherman and truth and justice, go right ahead. No one's taking notice that matters though.
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by average joe
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 3:38 PM
"They are saying the same thing they've been saying for the last 100+ years, but with no results, "Organize!". People flock to winners, not losers"
and i suppose the vietnam war wasnt stopped because of all the protesting? and what is exactly a "winner" in your definition. please enlighten us all. and perhaps you should go into your deep philosophy of how to truly change the world, because the few that try to do anything seem to be worthless in your opinion. lets hear what the armchair quarterback has to say on this topic
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by average joe
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 3:55 PM
i think what ive gathered from this thin conversation is that "average citizen" is truly an average citizen. this is what truly worries me about this country. Small groups of protesters represent a larger number of people that feel the same way. Remember the peace marches for vietnam? it started small, then people realized many shared their view, then it grew larger, until it was inescapable. So what if americans are lethargic and gluttonous. So what if the entire world ridicules us. at least the intellectual minority still voices its opinion. It shows there are a few gems among the cattle, and gives me hope of our future. This poor "average citizen" would find himself quite outraged by being totally controlled, if it were not for groups like the ACLU and protesters in general. unfortunately, people like this dont face the truth until it directly effects them personally.
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by avg citizen
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 4:16 PM
"and i suppose the vietnam war wasnt stopped because of all the protesting?"
That's right. The war was stopped becuase of two main reasons: kids of upper-middle income families coming home in body bags, and the realization by the American people that we weren't in the war to win, it had become political.
"intellectual minority"
Minority, yes. Intellectual, no.
If you were so smart, you'd have convinced everyone to see it your way by now. You haven't.
"if it were not for groups like the ACLU and protesters in general"
Neither of these have ever done anything for me. I am free because of who I am and what I believe and what I do everyday. Whether other people believe I am free or not holds no relevance to what I know to be the truth. I ignore the nay-sayers for the very reason that they are nobodys going nowhere. I don't let the opinions of others effect what I am doing. There are many citizens just like me who do exactly as I do and believe as I believe. That you "worry" is not our concern. Your concerns that we don't "face the truth" as you preceive the truth to be has no bearing on us. We are not motivated by your concerns, nor to we adhere to your beliefs or opinions of us. We are independent. We are FREE MEN!!!! Neither you, nor anyone else, can take that away from us.
You may now resume yelling "The sky is falling" until your hearts content.
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by average joe
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 4:38 PM
quote : "intellectual minority" "Minority, yes. Intellectual, no. If you were so smart, you'd have convinced everyone to see it your way by now. You haven't." what kind of childish win-lose mentality is this? i told you that you were blind to the facts and you are. i will obviously never convince you of anything because you dont understand the possibility of considering another viewpoint. thats ok, you are, after all, the majority. and there is no audience to watch your magnificent "victory" of this conversation. we're just two random people on a dead message board. do you think this is football or something? QUOTE: "if it were not for groups like the ACLU and protesters in general" "Neither of these have ever done anything for me." if you read my last two messages i directly stated that people of your calibre take no action until it directly effects them, affirming what i already said. thank you. quote: "I am free because of who I am and what I believe" no, you are free because "radicals" like the ones you insult made this country. people like you that take no action and wait for things to directly affect them are the real "losers" in this "game" of "life". QUOTE: "Your concerns that we don't "face the truth" as you preceive the truth to be has no bearing on us." right now it doesnt. isnt that great? you have the comfort of letting other people do your work for you. its like seeing a train heading straight for you and looking the other way. QUOTE: "We are FREE MEN!!!! Neither you, nor anyone else, can take that away from us." what do i have to do with it? other than being outraged by all the draconian laws that are being passed right now, ive done nothing to you and im not the one who will swing the gavel over your head. but if this conversation is the "big picture" for you, im envious. intelligent people always wish at some point they could be ignorant of all the knowledge they have learned. but it doesnt work that way. i invite you to open your mind, but im sure youll just look the other way http://www.thememoryhole.org http://www.voxfux.com/ http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ and of course this website, and i still havnt figured out how you got here??? everyone has a right to their opinion though.
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by average joe
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 4:46 PM
since you view this conversation as a sport, I CHALLENGE YOU to view those webpages and try and continue your viewpoint. Also, im going to assume your an intelligent person, ok? what do intelligent people do. if they are told they are missing the facts, what do they do? "ok, let me see the facts and examine it for myself then"
why dont you try that, instead of this babble
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by avg citizen
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 6:37 PM
"i told you that you were blind to the facts and you are" "i directly stated that people of your calibre take no action until it directly effects them" "you are free because "radicals" like the ones you insult made this country" "you have the comfort of letting other people do your work for you"
I repeat: I don't let the opinions of others effect what I am doing.
"i invite you to open your mind, but im sure youll just look the other way " "what do intelligent people do. if they are told they are missing the facts, what do they do? ok, let me see the facts and examine it for myself then"
I have examined these particular websites and find no merit in them. I am not missing any facts.
Now, are you able to allow me to hold the opinion that these things of which you speak hold nothing worth consideration, or will you insult me and others who feel the same way because we have reached a different conclusion than yours? In other words, are you able to say "We can agree to disagree" without harboring emotions and opinions that those who disgree with you are just not as "intelligent" as you? that they don't "see" things the way you believe everyone should "see" them?
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by zero376
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 7:34 PM
I stumbled across this story and I amazed. I dont want to fight with you guys about who is right and who is wrong cause i most likely not win for i dont care about your opinions. But how can you say that he should be in jail if you say he should be in jail so should the people of amazon.com for selling the anarchist cookbook. They make you pay for info on bomb making. There are countless books that can be bought that tell you more. So why pick some kid with a website and not some corporation or internet site that sells bomb making info if you really think about it. Cause i mean isnt amazon.com just another web site? HMMMMM. Interesting. I wonder. And also last time i checked it falls under freedom of speech one of the rights of man. I mean how can we silence one and let the rest go. If this is wrong then Join me in my campain to end all harmfull books and info. If its on a website hack it and delete all text, if its in a book burn it so the words can not be read. Huh why single one out hmm. Come now we must all conform to the greater good and that is President Bush he is a smart man and he knows best. OK sorry i cant write crap like that any more. In case you didnt know I was joking. It was all a joke. But this just goes to show that words still have power and in the right hands words can do great things. If just mirroring that stuff on his site got all this attention then it means people are still reading, and it goes to show that the goverment doesnt want people to know whats out there. If this website is under question for showing how to make bombs there should be a lot more people checking other sites cause i can find a million different sites with bomb making info on them. So go after the other bomb making sites unless your to lazy.
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by no
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 4:18 AM
>>But how can you say that he should be in jail if you say he should be in jail so should the people of amazon.com for selling the anarchist cookbook.<<
The argument that "other people are doing the same thing" just doesn't cut it. Shermie broke the law.
The speed limit says 70. You are doing 80 and occasionally other cars are passing you like you're standing still. Down the road, a law officer catches you doing 80 and pulls you over. It doesn't matter that others passed you going faster. The speed limit was 70. You willingly exceeded it. You broke the law. You pay the price.
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by Drake
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 5:56 AM
Anarchy is viewed from two points. One view sees anarchy and anarchists as those who seek to overthrow the institutions of central control through actions of vandalism, violence and force. I believe this is the popular view. Many angry people can identify with this notion and so this myth has come to pass. You will find violent angry mobs of bottle throwing thugs who identify themselves as anarchists. The other view of anarchy is much neglected. Anarchy is historically and originally about the rule of the individual. It is at the edge of a spectrum of political philosphies that range from centralist planned and controlled societies vs distributed community and village government and embodies the notions of direct democracy. You will find there is still a large number of people who use anarchy as a word to describe a hopeful wish of rule by the people for the people. As a political notion anarchistic thinking was involved when the Americans rallied outside the meetings of Congress to have the Bill of Rights ammended to the Constitution.
The word anarchy is somewhat ambiguous. It is a poor word to use in an open forum outside those who have read the literature. If you are discussing "How democratic should a democracy be?" and people know you are exploring various alternative systems of government or implementations of democracy; anarchy is a useful term. (Have a listen to Noam Chomski's Lecture on "Government of the Future" at Ainfos radio project.)
By the way, a truly functional democracy would be directly democratic where the "people know best". For example, if millions of people wanted to smoke marijuana the goverment would make accomdations to have that happen for everyone's benefit. (more anarcistic) An authoritarian approach would decide for the people what was best and enforce the decision with force. (more centralist)
To sum up I should also point out that political violence in a society indicates a failure of that society to easily adapt to the needs and desires of the people. In theory (I learned this in a government finance class) a society that truly refects the needs of the people would have no politcal protest or violence because one could obtain any needed change through ligitimate process.
This is where I can return you to the matter at hand, our simpathy for Sherman Austin who provided a forum for youth and children to express their concerns while living in a centralist democracy.
Peace and Freedom
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by who
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 4:18 AM
im thoroughly convinced that there are people on here for the sole purpose of validating big brothers viewpoint. read through the forums. sounds like mostly the same guy under different names. lovely
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by Mr No
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 5:08 AM
man, that average citizen guy is a plug. did anyone read that ish that he was saying
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 5:16 AM
and they simply have too much time on their hands. Job growth oppertunities from the new socialism. More government hand outs for worthless toadys. They have their nose planted firmly up the butt of our jelling police state.
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by non bold
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 6:45 AM
testing - testing - testing - 1 2 3
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by jay thomas
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 6:49 AM
amen to that. it is people like that that would fight the very people trying to free them from mental slavery.
remember, the ones that are truly enslaved are those that consider themselves free.
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by your solution
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 6:54 AM
Ok, then. You really want these thing? Become a liberal or an anarchist and all these dreams and asperations of which you just shouted outloud to us all will come true.
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by just wondering
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 6:57 AM
>remember, the ones that are truly enslaved are those that consider themselves free.
Does it follow then that those that are truly free are those that consider themselves enslaved?
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by john jonson
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:05 AM
he surely has a point there. this country is quickly turning into a disaster... i was arrested a week ago for protesting too close to a rally. i guess a mile is too close now.... god forbid anyone important sees me raise my opinion... god bless america?
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by question
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:12 AM
--i was arrested a week ago for protesting too close to a rally--
And the proof of this is..........?
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:17 AM
proof of what? that your 1st amendment right of freedom of speech is supressed? how about the large number of senators and congressmen currently protesting in outrage over all the people who are now routinely put in "freedom of speech" cages, far away from the public places they have a right to be in. Of course, if you support the big message, you can wave your signs right on the front doorsteps, cause it might lead to a media opportunity!
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:35 AM
oh, and i suppose you meant proof of me being in the rally. should i just divuldge my name and address or would you like my social security number also, that way you can harass me at home and financially. that would really add to the insult
police morons should have to pass an emotional apathy and iq test, and weed out all the power mongering mongoloids. think of how much happier everyone would be.
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by Q
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:40 AM
--how about the large number of senators and congressmen currently protesting in outrage over all the people who are now routinely put in "freedom of speech" cages, far away from the public places they have a right to be in.--
What are you talking about?
--proof of what?--
It's too easy for people to anonymously come here and say this happened or that happened. So, you claim to have been arrested just for being too close to a rally? You weren't violating any law or somewhere you weren't supposed to be? And they just decided to arrest you just because? Nope. Not buying it. But there are plenty at this site who'll believe you without question, so you're at the right place.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:44 AM
WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE A SPOOK. of course any american comment made on this indy website has to have a counter opinion right?
get a life
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by Q
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:51 AM
Paranoia will destroya.
--of course any american comment made on this indy website has to have a counter opinion right?--
There are at least two sides to most issues. Usually more.
Have a *lovely* day.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 7:55 AM
do your homework. i was there, among 10 other people who were arrested, and harassed, and we were never mentioned in the media. check public arrest records in the area for that day. here is a quote and link to enlighten you "Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., and 10 other members of Congress have written U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft asking that charges be dropped against a South Carolina activist arrested last October for entering a restricted space around the president. Brett Bursey has argued he was arrested because of his sign's message - "No more war for oil." heres the actual story of what happend, so you can shut your spook face http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20030806/APN/308060983
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Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:06 AM
--for entering a restricted space around the president--
Designating areas for people to be when the President is around is reasonable. Too many Sarah Jane Moore wannabes in your little anti-capitalist movement to risk you nuts getting near the President.
The only thing you proved was that the Secret Service is going to protect the President. What else is new?
If they were wronged, then it will come out in court. Other than that, this is a non-story.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:09 AM
also wanted to comment on sherman but i got sidetracked by these comments. i thnk its absurd that he was given a year. like a previous commenter said, you can buy the anarchist book with those specific bomb instructions, legally, through amazon, through any major us retailer. hypocracy to the ultimate, political for sure. alot of kids go through a phase where they read up on this stuff, but VERY FEW ever use that information for harm. so why does he goto jail for a year, when all he had was a link to the information. he was threatened to be treated as a "terrorist" under our glorious new patriot act, which would give him another 20 years. remember that the definition of a terrorist under that agreement applies to virtually anyone in this country. god bless the aclu for taking big brother to court over this. and if you havnt read the NEW patriot act 2, it makes it ten times worse.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:12 AM
thats an obscure argument. protecting the president is understandable. especially since he is so "loved" among the people. but keeping all protests a mile away and allowing pro-bush to hang out out front? get real. read the article and inform yourself before you spout off about something you know nothing about.
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by repost
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:13 AM
>>But how can you say that he should be in jail if you say he should be in jail so should the people of amazon.com for selling the anarchist cookbook.<<
The argument that "other people are doing the same thing" just doesn't cut it. Shermie broke the law.
The speed limit says 70. You are doing 80 and occasionally other cars are passing you like you're standing still. Down the road, a law officer catches you doing 80 and pulls you over. It doesn't matter that others passed you going faster. The speed limit was 70. You willingly exceeded it. You broke the law. You pay the price.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:17 AM
thanks for reiterating a previous post you made under another alias. yes he broke the law. yes he shouldve been punished. no, he shouldnt have been punished as he was. it was obviously political and a biased outcome was a surety. this is a common understanding. it was meant to be a political message to others who stand against big brother. all the laws are now stating that, and all of their actions are showing that. hell, they are even threatening the headstart program. cmon
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by borderpatrol
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:19 AM
"What happens when they arrive here however is a different story."
Tell that to Arnold, "The Governator", Schwarzenegger. He came here with nothing but a dream and now has $50Million+
Tell that to the generation of Vietnamese who came here in the 70's. They are going just fine.
Common denominator? DEDICATION AND HARD WORK.
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by Q
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:20 AM
--especially since he is so "loved" among the people--
"Loved" or "not-loved" has nothing to do with it. The protection around the President is the same.
--read the article and inform yourself--
I did, goober.
That's why I said, "If they were wronged, then it will come out in court."
Read what I wrote and you won't be making such statements.
What you got to learn to comprehend is that "Freedom of Speech" means you have the right to speak out against whatever policies you want. What it DOESN'T mean is that others must listen to you. That was one of the biggest misunderstanding of all those who protested prior to the Iraq war. They thought just because they protested that others were compeled to actually take them seriously, and many were surprised that their protesting didn't stop the war. How naive is that? It just don't work that way.
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by Q
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:22 AM
I didn't originally post that, but did repost because it made a point with which I agreed.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:25 AM
"I did, goober."
wonderful counterpoint.
"If they were wronged, then it will come out in court"
so you are to believe the court system is just? you are definetely rooting for the wrong team.
"What you got to learn to comprehend is that "Freedom of Speech" means you have the right to speak out against whatever policies you want. What it DOESN'T mean is that others must listen to you."
they dont have to listen but you have a right to voice your opinion. once again you avoid the issue. they didnt even have a right to make their opinion heard, WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF THE 1ST AMENDMENT
if i told you the earth was round, you will reply that it is flat. i expect this. it is your job
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by Q
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:36 AM
--wonderful counterpoint--
It's not a counter-point. Just pay attention. I don't like having to explain something I've already made clear. If I don't make it clear, ask me. I'm not so bad, we just differ on opinions.
--so you are to believe the court system is just?--
Most of the time, yes. Nothing is perfect.
--they dont have to listen but you have a right to voice your opinion. once again you avoid the issue. they didnt even have a right to make their opinion heard, WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF THE 1ST AMENDMENT--
--they didnt even have a right to make their opinion heard--
I believe you meant to say "they didnt even have a right to (have) their opinion heard."
Listen up. You have the right to voice your opinion. You DO NOT have the right to have your opinion heard. If you wish to voice your opinion, and the people around you decide to put cotton in their ears so they can't hear a word you're saying, then you are within your rights to voice your opinion all day long, and they are within their rights to ignore you all day long.
Had they gone to the designated area, they could have voiced their opinion. Because they were out of ear-shot of the President doesn't make it a violation of free-speech.
BTW, the world is round.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 8:44 AM
#1 "--so you are to believe the court system is just?--
Most of the time, yes. Nothing is perfect."
most of the time it isnt perfect. i challenge you to sit in even at your local levels. money buys justice. that is the bottom line. if you are in a political situation, any judge or jury can be bought or manipulated. there is no justice in the court system anymore.
"they didnt even have a right to (have) their opinion heard."
my grammar was incorrect but my point wasnt. but thank you for spell correcting.
Quote: "You DO NOT have the right to have your opinion heard.... Had they gone to the designated area, they could have voiced their opinion"
what, to all the riot police taking pictures of us? there is no voicing of opinion when they throw you in a cage, away from public debate.
quote from Congress Rep Barney Frank : "We have a free speech zone already," Frank said. "It's called the United States of America."
im glad that we agree that the world is round
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by Q
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 9:15 AM
-- i challenge you to sit in even at your local levels. money buys justice. that is the bottom line--
Funny phrasing. I just had jury duty this past June, so I got to sit awhile. I disagree with you, but that's just our seperate opinions.
--there is no voicing of opinion when they throw you in a cage, away from public debate--
What they did was not a violation of free speech. It seems that you hold the position that if the President could not hear them, then they had their ability to express themselves squashed. I disagee. Nothing prevented them from voicing their opinions.
As far as being "away from public debate", there's no guarantee that any particular opinion will be asked to participate in the public debate. By that I mean, there are some opinions that are simply not worth consideration, and it's up to each individual to determine whether or not they wish to consider a particular opinion. And that includes the President deciding what he wants to hear and what he doesn't. If he chooses to ignore a certain opinion, that's a political calculation on his part.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 9:30 AM
I said : --there is no voicing of opinion when they throw you in a cage, away from public debate--
You Said: "What they did was not a violation of free speech. It seems that you hold the position that if the President could not hear them, then they had their ability to express themselves squashed."
no, i hold the position that barring people from public places because of their viewpoint is a violation of that amendment. if you read it verbose you may change your mind. or perhaps you will argue on the spelling. either way, bush supporters were allowed access to the area, and anti-gov were not. you are once again avoiding that issue. the issue that is being discussed is that everyone has an equal right to voice their opinion, therefore, both groups should have had equal access to PUBLIC SPACE. and before you go repeating yourself again, yes i understand that they dont have to listen. but they do have a right to voice their opinion. if you disagree, read the amendment.
quote: "I disagee. Nothing prevented them from voicing their opinions."
only a mile long distance, away from other protesters. yea, they could tell the riot police their viewpoint. i assume thats what you mean, because that was the only audience. and they are a lovely bunch. let us not forget how most of them got their jobs. desire for power and control. they share your viewpoint wholly, and would be very happy to just beat the crap out of us, just for the sport of it. as they have done many times unprovoked. they are the type that just "let the court sort em out".
and that works out wonderfully unless you have a 1 or 2000 dollar retainer. otherwise you get court-appointed attourneys who sleep on the job. money=justice. information= power
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 9:36 AM
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by Q
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 9:38 AM
Then we'll just agree to disagree.
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by big missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 9:48 AM
sherman mentioned being black about his persecution.. i dont necessarily see it that way. i do however come from a diverse area. i know that in other states there is definetely racism and discrimination. after all, my girl is black. but with his punishment, i really dont think its a race issue. its more of being made an example. I think this judge was influenced by others and had a certain opinion of "young radicals" that was heavily biased. that should disqualify his decision wholly, but it doesnt work that way. hopefully he will get a better break at the appeal and lessen his sentence. i dont think anyone agrees with the amount of time he was given.
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by beat missil
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 9:52 AM
from one educated free thinker to another, at this point you will want to focus on getting the best lawyer you can. dont mess around... find someone who is respected within the court system you will be dealing with, and it should roll in your favor. ask for a payment plan if you have to. hopefully youll get enough from donations to defend yourself. i really dont see the decision sticking, if you appeal it with good legal help
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by off
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 11:16 AM
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by bold off
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 11:25 AM
bold off
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by test
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 11:27 AM
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003 at 12:58 PM
That was cool.
Wipe on, wipe off.
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by sash
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003 at 1:39 AM
ever thought they might attempt to come over in the boat/truck load because they are escaping a home that the "land of oppertunity" has pretty much raped, piliged and bombed to smitherines.....hmmmm i wonder why they want to settle in a place where capital is concentrated, shame they don't realise that most of the american population lives in utter poverty.....f**** capitalists...
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by jon alexander
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003 at 5:34 AM
we live in a society now where giving up your liberty is called security, well i wounder what kelly clrckson thinks of that, ah fucker, I mean when you need somthing done do it your self, oh what thats a crime now because of the patriot act man shucks you guys don't let people have any fun, well then lets see how about we protest, what mr. pres we can't do thaT well then I guess that all there is left to do is to take some acid and blow by brains all over the floor because this system won't reform and i won't conform.....................sigh
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by tara lane
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 10:27 PM
i know that i probably shouldn't give jealous attention seekers such as yourself any attention Z, but i just wanted to let you know that i think that no one cares what you think because it is selfish, ignorant, rude and racist. i am sorry that you are insecure about your own abilities in this world, but many more honor those who have a real purpose that has the common good in mind and is worth fighting for. know your history man, check out fred hampton, beautiful true soul, see if you can learn something.
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by Alex S.
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 10:31 AM
The problem with many ppl is that they dont know what anarchism is. they think its the fuck all i do what i want thing. they think anarchy is purely destructive:"DESTROY THE SYSTEM!" well all u, u should read the site i gave as URL. if u really want to discuss politics, be prepared to know ur enemy. if u defend our democracy, then know what anarchy is. otherwise, u will just ridicule urself. again read this page: http://www.diy-punk.org/anarchy/
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by to be european
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 4:25 PM
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by Fuck t'up
Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 at 11:23 PM
America has no middle ages!!! In that time you were europeans like me.. SO FUCK OF!!!
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by Daniel Shays
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 1:39 PM
... that any constitutional right or Declaration are the embodiment of certain fundamental ideas.
It is pure idolatry to think that any system that represents these ideas is A PRIORI to the founding concepts themselves.
The spirit, the Ideas, that shine forth from the Constitution and the Decalaration Of Independence are ones that clearly state that WE THE PEOPLE have certain INALIENANBLE RIGHTS. These rights are being abolished as we speak. These rights are the RIght To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Of Happiness. For instance the patriot act is a formal annulment of the Bill Of Rights. This Bill expounds in detail on the former Rights.
These rights are NOT created or granted by ANY government, as the Declaration of Independence clearly state.
Therefore they are guaranteed by NATURAL LAW and the only role government has is to make sure those rights aren't obscured or suppressed...
Explain to me what part of INALIENABLE do you not understand?
Sherman Austin is a True Patriot in that he adheres to the spirit of the Constitution and Declaration Of Independence rather then the Word. LONG LIVE SUCH PATRIOTS THAT LUMINARIES AS THOMAS JEFFERSON SPOKE OF THAT THEIR BLOOD AND THE BLOOD OF TYRANTS MUST PERENNIALLY WATER THE TREE OF LIBERTY.
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by BlairWitch
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 2:30 PM
Ummm...also...you are taught how to make bombs in the public school system...that class called...uh..chemistry!! And private school (and yes, I have attended both, thatnk you), gives you connections to the upper class folks that have parents in those industries to perfect the art. It is not difficult, I would imagine, I have no inten on making any, but if you take a chemistry leson, read the back of your "cleansing" products, you are halfway there...all that is missing is your intent..think about it....now, off to read his website to see what all the hubub is about....
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by Crush the Left
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 2:38 PM
BUSH RULES!!!!!! (literally)..
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 6:35 PM
The idiots at Raise The Fist can't be easily defended for their notions that violent revolution or anarchy are viable alternatives to the otherwise peaceful pseuco-Democracy we usually have -- when unelected fascist baby killing dictators aren't running rampage in the Whitehouse, of course.
But despite the fact that Raise The Fist and its ower/operator are collectively a bunch of fucking morons, it was within their right to exercise their Constitutionally guarenteed right of free speech. I can't condone at all their advocacy of violence, revolution, or anarchy -- not in the least -- but the fact is that they were targeted solely because America is under the thumb of a fascist dictator and the Costitution of the United States has been suspended.
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by KPC
Saturday, Aug. 16, 2003 at 11:27 PM
Puddin'Head: "Actions have consequences. "
So what should be the consequences say of....oh, I don't know...say of lyin to the American people to get them to support a war they don't want?
...fuckin' meatwhistle....
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Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 1:16 AM
Don't any of you realize it yet? Your opinions do not matter! Nobody cares what any of you think! At least nobody important. You can have a protest with 10 million people, and nobody will care. They will do a media story on it, but it won't have any effect on the government's policies. How did you all get to be so naive?? It does not matter what any of you do. If you run a website like this guy telling how to make a bomb, there is a good chance you might go to jail too. We might even become a dictatorship and stop being a democracy. It all depends on what the people in power decide. And none of them give a damn what any of you think. So go ahead. Support or oppose Bush. Say whatever you think. But realize, that nothing you think or say or do matters, and you are an unimportant pawn in a large and complex world, your life dominated by forces beyond your control, the government being one of these forces. And maybe then you will see the folly in protest. Do not make the assumption that the Bill of Rights or Constitution is enforced. It depends on the judge, and the government. If you are in a military tribunal, don't expect to have any rights at all. The government can take away your citizenship and declare you an enemy combatant, which has already happened to several United States citizens, and you can have a secret trial, and your family will think you are a missing person. They can even execute you after a secret trial, with none of the normal legal protections to save you. This is not make-believe or a joke. Realize the consequences of your actions, and realize that anything involving plans for how to make bombs or something similar could get you into extremely deep trouble, and it is best not to be an anarchist or an activist. That type of activity is like walking down the street in Berlin in Nazi Germany in 1943, yelling out "I am a Jew" without wearing the required Star of David: it is going to get you in deep trouble with the government. Any rational person with a will to live realizes that their dissent must be limited to "civilized" dissent: supporting candidates of the main opposition political party. Anything further than that could severely endanger your health, if you know what I mean. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
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by Sally Mae Alcott
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 6:15 PM
Sherman Austin should have been arrested and tried for high treason, convicted and then put to death by lethal injection.
Another freaking malcontent who wants to trash a country he could not be succcessful and thrive in due to his own bad judgement.
I hope you rot in prison Austin
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by Bigfoot
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 2:34 PM
To think about his crime. I hope he dies in prison,
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by -divib-
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003 at 2:46 PM
uggh - how sick. luckily, every time you people say these disgusting things, you alienate more and more people.
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Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 7:11 PM
Yes yes yes, but does anyone really relize that all these anarchists are, are little babies that live under a blanket of freedom that people have provided for them. Anarchy.. doesn't work..... Austin Sherman isn't a traitor, but he commited crimes.... Speaking out against your country isn't a crime. It isn't patriotic. It is however a crime to violently overthrow your government. I hope he has a long wonderful time being someone's bitch in prison. I hope there he will find true peace with his beliefs
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by Bill
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 7:15 PM
"I am a nigger with no job. I smoke crack and suck white knob. I am gonna get my ass pumped by Bubba, and I'll be screaming like a baby."
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by lynx-13
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 8:58 PM
 stop_rape_now.jpegkkeasu.jpeg, image/jpeg, 220x170
http://www.silcom.com/~paladin/madv/stoprape.html http://www.cwluherstory.com http://www.spr.org imc users should demand and implement freedom AND dignity. women and non-heteros and all marginalized and oppressed people who choose to use the interactive features of the la-imc should not be forced to endure the sewer stench of some LA-IMC posts. we should look into the real possibilities and proposals for non-hierarchical solutions to 'troll' problems that do not involve censorship. -------------------------------------------------------------------- anticrisis lynx latest comments
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by Where did my rights go?
Wednesday, Oct. 01, 2003 at 11:56 AM
"Anarchism is a joke. PERIOD. Where is the "Anarchist's Constitution"?"
So you think the American Constitution doesn't apply to Anarchists? Interesting. Let me guess, you also think the Patriot Acts haven't already overthrown our Constitution?
To protect the world from terrorism, hate, rascism, and destruction, then we, the people, need to persecute the Bush Administration/The Ministry of Truth for their hideous crimes.
Open your eyes. "To protect and serve" has been omitted from police patrol cars in this country. So unless you are a brainwashed sheep or sucking dick for the Administration, then you are an anarchist.
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Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 at 12:35 AM
The MILLIONS of Americans who vote for change, payt their taxes, and raise families in decent environments which are unlikely to produce an anarchist are NOT anarchists. I dont care what kind of a pathetic bubble you are living in, there is perhaps one anarchist to every 15,000th normal American. Sherman Austin is no different than Charles Manson in his ideaology. If you think you can just saunter around putting down your government, and then go as far as to lay out a website which gives instructions on how to make bombs (I know, I know "Sherman did not author the Reclaim Guide, blah blah blah), then he deserved to be jailed. That website also contained some disturbing methods to attach police, and to incite violence in general.
No matter what sort of leftwingnut dribble you write in support of your foolishness, you and your cohorts will ALWAYS be marginalized in American Society. If you cant understand the difference between anarchy and patriotism, then you dont have the right to be among the rest of us who DO.
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by Anarch
Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 at 4:45 AM
I think it would be within the bounds of reason to hunt down and shoot brownshirts. Am I suggesting that anyone do it? No, I'm not. Do I think it would be justified? Yes, I do.
Would I shed a tear if someone hunted down and shot KOBE SBM? No, I wouldn't. I would consider it just. Am I suggesting that anyone do it? No, I'm not.
KOBE SBM rants about the "millions of decent Americans." Those Americans, unlike KOBE SBM, are not prowling around the Internet looking at child pornography, attacking Arabs and Muslims, libeling and defaming anarchists, and make death threats against governtal officials.
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by Penelope
Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 at 4:49 AM
”The MILLIONS of Americans who vote for change, payt their taxes, and raise families in decent environments which are unlikely to produce an anarchist are NOT anarchists”
Americans like you Mr. KOBE professional disrupter and harasser ?
”I dont care what kind of a pathetic bubble you are living in, there is perhaps one anarchist to every 15,000th normal American”
Delightful !! Another magical Gallup poll!!
”Sherman Austin is no different than Charles Manson in his ideaology. If you think you can just saunter around putting down your government, and then go as far as to lay out a website which gives instructions on how to make bombs (I know, I know "Sherman did not author the Reclaim Guide, blah blah blah), then he deserved to be jailed. That website also contained some disturbing methods to attach police, and to incite violence in general. ”
Brilliant!! But you Mr. KOBE defend the BIG BOSS MAFIA. You know you name? … Right, BINGO!!!
”No matter what sort of leftwingnut dribble you write in support of your foolishness, you and your cohorts will ALWAYS be marginalized in American Society.”
American Society like you Mr. KOBE professional disrupter and harasser? What a pitiful and SICK American you represent!! In fact, you’re NOT American , you’re INFRA American!! SAD
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by @
Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 at 4:51 AM
Look at the crap he spews! This man owns a computer store! Only an idiot would take his computer to such a maniac.
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by whatever
Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 at 4:59 AM
Yeah. Whatever.
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by A European
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 5:00 PM
You say your country is the greatest in the world. How come then, 12.7% of your population lives below the UN poverty line, DESPITE the fact that you are the biggest economy in the world? In my country, Denmark, there are no poor people. It is because of the socialistic system we have built. Perhaps you crazy capitalists should try to learn instead of just being arrogant for no reason. You country sucks and still you love it. Kinda like the inheritants of the Soviet Union. You are filled wiht lies.
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by Max
Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003 at 5:12 PM
If we wanted any shit out of you, we'd squeeze you head, Danish dog.
You wouldn't even have a country if it wasn't for us Americans. Hitler and Stalin would have divvied up your land up 60 years ago.
Show some respect.
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by Maria
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 at 11:38 AM
And if it wasn't for America, thousands of Chileans wouldn't have been killed and tortured by Pinochet -- the U.S appointed Capitalist "Messiah."
Same with Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cambodia, Haiti, Iraq, Iran ad infinitum.
I just love it when an American tries to justifies his country's policies. Have you heard of history books? Flip through a couple before you get back to me.
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by prole
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 at 3:32 PM
he just loves the idea.
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by BA
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 at 3:41 PM
Chileans are generally more successful people than are Cubans. The reason is that they enjoy Capitalism and don't have to suffer Socialism. Pinochet set the stage for that by getting rid of Allende and his gang of thieves.
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by Barney
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 at 3:47 PM
It would be no better than Cuba or North Korea by now. Pinochet cleaned up the country and set it back on its feet.
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by prole
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 at 4:27 PM
perhaps you would like to be dropped out of an airplane into the ocean like the other targets of the Pinochet regime. You two are vultures. I can't believe you claim membership in the human race.
both of you are sick evil bastards who not only are stupid and ignorant but without any morals in your twisted selfserving ideology.
congratulations, you would make good hood ornaments in Iraq.
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by prole
Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 at 4:36 PM
this most likely makes you feel proud of yourselves, Enjoy your time in hell.
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