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by charles amsellem Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003 at 1:40 AM

This article and cartoon were originally posted in July 2002 soon after the Donovan Jackson incident. The work has precient relevency in light of the recent mistrial. cartoon © 2002 by charles amsellem. activists may reproduce for non profit use only. all other rights reserved.

brutality_web_final.jpg, image/jpeg, 571x1800


by charles amsellem
comic c 2002 all rights reserved

"Handcuff them! Handcuff them!" shouted more than 100 protesters who gestured to the police shadowing them on Tuesday July 9, 2002. The group gathered at Inglewood City Hall demanding that they wouldn't leave until they spoke to the mayor. Their outrage was about the videotaped police brutality in their city involving 3 year inglewood police dept veteran, Jeremy J. Morse, 24, and a 16 year old boy named Donovan Jackson. The already famous footage, which has many remembering the battery that Rodney King recieved in 1991 continues to galvanize the community as more videotaped beatings and assaults are surfacing in other parts of the country.

According the the police, Jackson and his father Coby Chavis Jr were investigated for expired licence tags while stopping at a local gas station. The ensuing events culminated in the 16 year old being slammed against a police cruiser and punched by Morse while he was subdued and handcuffed. The Sherriff's dept denies his father's claim that they were racially profiled.

Deputy Carlos Lopez's written report, failed to record Morse's blows or his allegations that Jackson squeezed his testicles. It did record the policemen's frustration with the teenager for not complying with their commands. Jackson's cousin, Talibah Shakir, a sixth grade teacher, says that because of his impairment, "You tell him something and he doesn't get it right then...He's slow to react." Jackson's disability makes it very difficult to process more than one statement at a time.

Jackson was arrested for interfering with a police officer, treated for injuries and subsequently released. Morse was suspended with pay since the incident and was recently brought up on charges. Najee Ali, one of the organizers of the demonstration claimed that the rally at city hall wasn't about race so much as a pattern of police abuse where they feel free to beat up anybody in minority neighborhoods.

Erin Aubry, a writer published in the LA Weekly, had this to say about the uproar surrounding the videotape: "It's become the natural order of things; in the police-abuse equasion, we always seem to end up with zero or less. I say we as an inglewood resident and black person who knows more black males with unpleasant police encounters than I can count on two hands."

Another thing this incident has in common with the Rodney King one, is Morse's attorney, John Barnett, who defended Theodore Bresino and got him a state court aquittal on charges stemming from his role in the savage King beating. Jeremy Morse's record has a history of violence. In his 3 year history at the Inglewood police dept., at least six other people accused him of misconduct. One involved Neilson Williams, who says he was beaten by Morse and other cops after attending a picnic in Ashwood Park. "They almost beat me to death," said Williams, who is a gang councilor.

Roberto Fransisco Willis and Lance Elliot Eaton were arrested by Morse and his partner on drug charges. Allegedly, they were both beaten, also while handcuffed, and Willis had his eye teeth knocked out. After reporting these incidents to the watch commander, no action was taken.

This police culture of silence is what allows crimes like the Rodney King travesty, the Rampart scandal, and now this cowardly incident involving a handcuffed kid. These crimes go on unchecked all the time until they are videotaped or uncovered when a corrupt police officer is busted and cops a plea. Examining the events surrounding the Rampart scandal illustrate this point perfectly.

Ex-Rampart cop, Raphael Perez was arrested in 1998 for stealing 8 pounds of cocaine from a police evidence locker. In exchange for a lighter sentence, Perez plead guilty and cut a deal where he alleges improper shootings, evidence planting, false arrests, witness intimidation, beatings, theft, drug dealing, and perjury were rampant at Rampart.

It was uncovered that Javier Ovando was paralyzed when Perez and his partner repeatedly shot him while he was unarmed. He was framed and convicted and a firearm was planted at the scene. The resulting perjuries in court sealed his fate to 24 years in prison. Although some cops were fired, 40 others were disciplined, many with mere reprimands or other light actions, and over 100 convictions were overturned, these actions were responding to only the tip of the iceberg according to police misconduct experts.

Misconduct and brutality were so routine that Rampart cops developed their own language for the activities. "Thumpings" were what they refered to beatings. If you were, "in the loop," that meant that you were willing to plant evidence and commit perjury to secure a conviction and "banana knocks" was the name for nightsticks. Mr Perez stated that most Rampart CRASH (the anti-gang unit) cops were totally in the loop.

It's ironic that former police chief Bernard Parks was widely disregarded by the police dept for being too much of a disciplinarian. Ironic, since he did a masterful job of containing the Rampart Scandal. Parks made no attempts to catch other corrupt cops in the act. Parks offered no immunity for any cops that came forward. Both of those tactics are central to any effective police corruption probe, and Parks knew it, since he came from internal affairs.

Thus, the Rampart scandal was nipped in the bud. The former chief gave the primary role for investigating the Rampart crimes to a former Rampart lieutenant who kept quiet about what was going on at the station house. Erwin Chemerinsky, USC professor of law, researched the scandal and came to the conclusion that, "Every attempt to have a better investigation, Parks thwarted." Professor Chemerinsky said that Parks and then mayor Richard Riordon couldn't have done a better job of preventing a wider investigation into the affair. As a matter of fact, prosecutors from the district attorney's office flatly accused the LAPD in court filings of withholding key documents such as arrest reports and witness statements.

Remarkably, the Police Protective League accused Parks of being too tough in disciplining cops and going overboard in investigating the Rampart scandal. In fact, his disbanding of the CRASH unit on March 3, 2000 may be the only above board thing that he did in the whole mess.

Parks was promoted to the chief of police from the internal affairs division. While dispised by much of the LAPD, internal affairs doesnt enforce as much as it should. You dont move up in the office unless you play ball up to a point. But that can also be said of the entire criminal justice system.

US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals judge, Alex Kozinski admits that perjury and other misconduct in the singleminded zeal to convict are, "an open secret long shared by prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges." Defense attorneys call the frequent perjury elicited by police officers 'testilying'. That's why the police can so easily get away with crimes that they are paid to stamp out with our tax dollars.

The only reason that this routine brutalization of a person of color has gotten the recent attention of the attorney general John Ashcroft, is because it was captured on video and made headlines. Where was his office when mentally impared, Samuel Rangel, was beaten to a pulp by a half dozen LA County Sherriffs while he was handcuffed? Where was our illustrious attorney general, or even our state or our county attorney general when Rangel was suffocated to death a month later by mental hospital orderlies? Some of the orderlies were moonlighting corrections officers as well.

Ismael Jimeniz, also while handcuffed was given such a savage beating by CRASH cop Brian Hewitt, that his blood splattered on Rampart walls; his bloodied vomit soaked a piece of carpet. True to Park's administrative rather than criminal slant in dealing with felonies committed by cops, Hewitt was quietly fired in 1999 with no charges filed.

The cowardly practice of torturing subdued, and handcuffed suspects is hardly uncommon. In 1997m Abner Louima was raped with a broken broom handle and recieved massive internal injuries while being held down, only to see most of the officers involved aquitted even after the story saw wide circulation. Officer Justin Volpe, who plead guilty for the crime and was allegedly the primary participant in this crime was sentenced to 30 years. This is an extremely rare instance of the courts acting harshly against police misconduct and was heavily dependent on Volpe's conceding guilt. While the conviction and sentencing of officer Charles Schwarz, who assisted Volpe in the crime was sentenced to 5 years, ALL of the other officers that also participated or conspired to conceal the crime got off scott free. It's true that officers Thomas Wiese and Thomas Bruder were convicted of obstructing justice, those convictions were eventually overturned.

While researching and composing this article and accompanying graphic, Jeremy Morse and his partner were brought up on charges and released on bail while, Mitchell Crooks, the amateur videographer that shot the footage of the misconduct, is in custody, allegedly on previous warrants. Through his attorney, he has made complaints of beatings and mistreatment while in police custody.
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Teen in L.A. Beating Case Punched Deputy - Witness

by Enforcer Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003 at 2:20 PM

Teen in L.A. Beating Case Punched Deputy - Witness
Mon Jul 14, 9:04 PM ET Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Gina Keating

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A black teenager at the center of a trial over alleged police brutality caught on videotape in a Los Angeles suburb may have started the altercation by punching a sheriff's deputy in the face, a prosecution witness testified on Monday.

Slideshow: Calif. Police Brutality Trial

Jury Deadlocked in Police Brutality Case
(AP Video)

The testimony by Inglewood policeman Willie Crook followed a prosecution expert who tempered his criticism of the officers involved, prompting a defense attorney to suggest that the case against his client was crumbling in court.

"These have been very good experts for the defense," John Barnett, lawyer for former Inglewood police officer Jeremy Morse said. "When their own experts say this is not a crime it takes the mystery out of the case. The only mystery is, what are we doing here?"

A bystander's videotape that showed then-Inglewood police officer Jeremy Morse slamming 16-year-old Donovan Jackson onto the hood of a police car and punching him in the face at a gas station enraged the Los Angeles black community last summer and drew comparisons to the 1991 beating of Rodney King.

Morse, 25, is charged with assault under the color of authority. His partner, Bijan Darvish, is charged with filing a false police report.

Crook testified that he was driving past the gas station and saw Inglewood police and Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies involved in a "commotion." He said he saw part of the incident as he pulled into the station to assist them.

"I saw two Inglewood officers and a sheriff's deputy trying to place Donovan into the car and I saw Donovan leap out of the vehicle ... it looked like he made contact with the deputy," Crook said in response to questions from Deputy District Attorney Max Huntsman.


"When you say make contact, do you mean (Jackson) punched him?" Huntsman asked. Crook responded "It appeared to me, yes."

Crook said Jackson also appeared at times to be resisting and "trying to get free" as he was taken to the ground and handcuffed in the moments before a bystander began videotaping the incident. Crook said he did not see Morse slam Jackson onto the squad car because he was concentrating on the teen's father, who was cursing at the officers.

Earlier on Monday, a use-of-force expert for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department testified that Morse used more force than was "reasonable" for the situation.

But Cmdr. Charles Heal, who was called as a prosecution witness, conceded under cross-examination that he would not have disciplined one of his deputies for the same offense.

He added: "If that had been my deputy he would have gotten his chain rattled in my office. Would I have filed (a disciplinary action) on him? No."

The treatment of Jackson, who suffers from a learning disability, triggered comparisons to the videotaped beating of Rodney King -- who is also black -- by white police officers.

The 1992 acquittal of four Los Angeles Police officers on criminal charges in King's beating sparked some of the worst riots in modern U.S. history, leaving more than 50 people dead and resulting in billions of dollars in damage.

The officers were put on trial again, this time in federal court, where two of them were convicted and sent to prison.

The videotape of Jackson's arrest prompted protests in the streets of Inglewood and brought black activists Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III to the city. The officers were also condemned by Inglewood Mayor Roosevelt Dorn and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, a Democrat who represents the area.

Jackson's family sued the city and police department and retained as their attorney Johnnie Cochran, the attorney famous for winning an acquittal on double murder charges for former football star O.J. Simpson.

Morse, who was fired from the Inglewood police department after the incident, and Darvish have attended the trial accompanied by bodyguards.

Prosecutors were expected to rest their case on Tuesday.
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by Enforcer Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003 at 2:22 PM

Officers accused in videotaped beating case file racial discrimination suit

LOS ANGELES – Two white police officers facing criminal charges in the videotaped beating of a handcuffed 16-year-old sued the city of Inglewood, claiming they are victims of racial discrimination.

In the lawsuit filed Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court, the officers contend they were treated more harshly than a black officer involved in the case.

The officers' colleague, Antoine Crook, was "simply suspended for four days without pay," according to the lawsuit.

A message left after business hours at the Inglewood city attorney's office was not immediately returned Thursday.

Inglewood police Officer Jeremy Morse was fired last October for allegedly assaulting Donovan Jackson, a black teen, who was riding in a car with his father when police stopped them July 6. Morse's partner, Bijan Darvish, was suspended.

A bystander's videotape showed Morse lifting a handcuffed Jackson to his feet, slamming his head on a squad car and punching and choking him.

Morse faces criminal assault charges, while Darvish is charged with filing a false police report. He is still part of the Inglewood police force, but has been "relegated to washing city cars," according to the lawsuit.

Both defendants have pleaded innocent.
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jeremy morse is still broke

by mitchell crooks Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 1:09 AM

jeremy morse is a child abuser.

jeremy morse is a coward.

jeremy morse is a chickenshit.

jeremy morse got hit by his own officers.

jeremy morse beat several people up before this incident.

jeremy morse is a racsist.

jeremy morse is no longer on the streets.

jeremy morse is a terrorist.

jeremy morse is a liar.

jeremy morse is a steroid user.

jeremy morse is a wimp who punches handcuffed children.

jeremy morse could'nt catch a real criminal.

jeremy morse has a red neck.

jeremy morse has a collection of Alan Jackson CD's.

jeremy morse is gay. He winked at me in court.

jeremy morse beats his family.

jeremy morse was fired.

jeremy morse is broke.

jeremy morse's mom, Robin Pettit sold her 150,000 dollar shack to pay for his "professional lawyer".

jeremy morse's lives with his mommy in Torrance.

jeremy morse needs a body guard.

jeremy morse cannot beat anyone but his family now.

jeremy morse is still broke.
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mitchell is still white trash...

by djhava Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 4:53 AM

mitchell crooks stole two vcr's from his mother....

mitchell crooks drinks and drives.....

mitchell crooks has been convicted of 2 DUI's

mitchell crooks runs into other people on the road then flees the scene......

mitchell crooks has been convicted of a hit and run.....

mitchell cries like a bitch when arrested for these crimes.......

although he's nearly 30 yrs old he dresses like he's 15

Mitchell makes really crappy videos and music?
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what about you dad?

by jenna bush Monday, Aug. 18, 2003 at 10:37 PM

didnt you get arrested for DUI?
possession of cocaine?
werent you repremanded for being AWOL?
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djhava is stupid

by mitchell Monday, Oct. 20, 2003 at 10:50 PM

I was arrested for one dui and can't wait for the next! LOL. I was not drunk. I was high on drugs and sleepy. I bent a bumper on my car as a result. I am 29 years old and I refuse to "SELL OUT" like you facist nazi fuckin pigs do. I think you should get it str8 you fuckin cunt. You obvioulsy have nothin. CUNT.
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by john Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003 at 6:24 PM

your an Idiot....I am sorry....if you study real hard maybe you can become an Idiot.....this thread was two months old but you brought it back because you are an ego have to see your name in print
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An egomaniac...

by Parry Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2003 at 4:08 AM

...AND a lowlife. What an appealing combination, available only here at Indymedia. How's things working out mowing Granny Maxine's lawn, Mitchie?

Carry high the banner of revolution, Mitchie, you little douchebag. Someday you'll see the light, if only in the muzzle flash.
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Citizens for police

by Mitchell crooks Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 at 5:27 AM
? ? ?

Citizens for police...
ipd4.jpgdcnnqz.jpg, image/jpeg, 220x168

This is in protest towards the organization "citizens for police" who are constant "trolls" on this site. This organization is formed by ignorant racist white people in favor of jeremy morse. Jeremy morse is the "cowardly" officer from inglewood california who is on trial for the chickenshit beating of an innocent child last july 6th 2002.

These images were captured by mitchell crooks who was present at a hotel nearby the gas station where, Coby chavis the father of 16 year old donovan jackson was parked pumping gas. Several LA county sheriff cars descended to a "parked car" and found a black man driving a "taurus" (found to be too good a car for a black man by racist police) with unregistered tags.

As mitchell crooks found in his young life, Cops have a hatred towards black people and whites who think about living in a unified world. This is how they (cops and law enforcement) infiltrate our way of being. Anyone who has ever been in prison knows how the cops keep order because of the hate they spread. They could not maintain control of the prisons or society's without spreading the racism. This is the ONLY reason they remain in control and corrupt.

So back to the incident. 16 year old special Ed student Donovan jackson purchases a bag of chips with the money left over by paying to fill his fathers tank. Meanwhile after drinking heinekens all 4th of july weekend, mitchell crooks is laying down in his hotel room. Donovan walks out of the small little convenience store to find his dad in a police car for unregistered tags on his car. All this time, a young man from New zealand is taking pics of the arrest from the balcony of the hotel. (this man was flown in by the jeremy morse defense to testify against Donovan jackson) After returning to his fathers car, a hothead pig asks donovan to get out the car and put his hands up. An innocent teen who goes to church and is respectful to all? Donovan was scared to death because he knew he did nothing wrong. But, when your black, pigs hate you regardless. This pig was threatened by donovans black skin. He ordered him to stand still and not move. Donovan then put his hands in his pocket. Having nothing to fear (why wouldn't he?) he reached for his pocket and thats when the inglewood PD showed up at the scene. 5 police cars total. For unregistered tags?

Inglewood PD had been briefed earlier that a "GANG" was planning a hit on a cop. And sadaam had weapons of mass destruction too? This is the excuse by the department for their actions this day. Donovan is NO gang member. His father had plates on his car, I m sorry a sticker on his car that was expired. (prolly due to the outrageous cost of registering a car which the majority is fully aware of. No officers in inglewood were "HIT" on that day or since?

So on this Holiday weekend, when amerikkka is celebrating it's independence from europe, A "terrorist" opens fire at the el al terminal at Los Angeles international airport (LAX) killing two people. He was shot and killed by airport security. The Homeland Security was on high alert since the terrorist attack on 912. Shouldn't we be more concerned about protecting the citizens from terrorists? An unregistered car is hardly a terrorist threat. All this time mitchell crooks is about to uncover a terrorist plot himself.

Alot of different stories about what happened after donovan put his hands in his pocket have emerged. first, nobody found a gun or a weapon on donovan. That is fact. Donovan did nothing wrong. In fact, his father was detained over an unregistered tag. That is fact. Now if donovan jackson was going to put a hit on a cop, i am the fuckin pope.

Donovan was "ATTACKED" by several officers and dragged by his "bling" (a necklace to the ignorant) across the ground by jeremy morse and bijan darvish. He was assaulted by carlos lopez (the sheriff sergeant on scene) as well as all the others. Donovan fearful For his life and knowing he was innocent, struggled to keep free from the Harassment of these pigs. He did nothing wrong. He was afraid of them. They were bigger and threatening HIM. Donovan was hit over the head with a flashlight and punched several times in the head. He was BEATEN by the LA sheriff and inglewood PD. All because his father did not fill some paperwork out at DMV.

This entire time, the man from new zealand (is that fag country) was taking pics of the arrest. Yet he was nowhere to be found once mitchell crooks started shooting the incident. A woman was watching the whole scene and was screaming and yelling during the whole scene. Now this woman is the true hero. She had the presence to yell the keywords out. "Dont resist" & "Stop hurting him" & "help"! she is the true hero of the day! Those keywords gave me the knowledge that pigs were hurting yet another human being. She was also not asked to testify during the trial of jeremy morse? Why? Because the District Attorney is in bed with the Police (fags). They are working together on many issues. Thats why we need a separate police prosecutor to get these pigs when they are out of line. PIGS NEED TO POLICE THEMSELVES! We need alot of extra shit like a police prosecutor and a new justice department. "You are so out bush it's not even funny". You can see my statements on that @ at the october 22 2003 protest against police brutality

So as this woman was screaming I looked out my window and thought it was a fight at the hotel. When she said "RESIST" I knew it was my clue to grab my Sony digital8 camcorder from my backpack. The citizens for police org have stated "why do we pander to these lawless individuals?" I had been on a trip around the divided states of embarrassment. or watch the flash movie here
I was traveling around the states to film a documentary about america and it's rave culture. I had no idea the project would turn into a political one.

I raced out to see this woman in panic. She was keeping her kids inside the hotel room so they couldn't see the police terror going on across the street. I flipped open the view finder on my camera and started filming the incident.

When I saw donovan laying there I just started to cringe. I thought "what could he have done to deserve that treatment?" I had no idea he was a child. I thought he was a 19 or 20 something. I was freaked out by the fact that if I was filming police doing wrong I would be targeted next. As I said on my Videotape. I was told by the woman, you can hear on the tape, "they are not going to come after you". Huh I knew better!
You can see the video for yourself unedited at the above link or at

So, as I was filming this "terrorist attack" by police, I thought "they are going to arrest me and punish me for doing so". I was right. More on that later. I was shocked by the coward doing this in broad daylight! There were about 20 witnesses on scene and not one of them was asked to testify at jeremy Morse's first mistrial. The DA is in bed with pigs remember?

So after I videotaped the incident I gave the tape to friends cause I knew the cops would confiscate the tape and that would be the end of that. I also separated the camera from myself and changed my clothes. I knew these foreign backpackers only a little but they knew what they had seen on the videotape was wrong. The pigs came into the hotel and asked alot of people "who was the one who videotaped the incident?" Nobody snitched. Even though 90% of them knew I was the one. I grabbed a heineken and went down by the pool where people are still enjoying their fourth of july weekend. I sure as fuck did! After 912, police were regarded as heroes and shit cause a couple of the died at the trade center. So I reminded the entire world how fucked up our police Still are. haha.

I went to NBC 4 and showed them the tape. They were not interested. Because I had seen police brutality all the time in LA, I thought the media was not going to take on the situation. I went back to the hotel. Later that next day, I had an appointment to see a potential loft in downtown LA. I went to that and on the way back, I went to UPN and thought they would like a copy for the news. I was happy if they showed it. When they offered 150 dollars I was excited. The News director told me to keep the rights and sell it to as many news outlets as possible. Thats when the inglewood PD was informed. I sold this tape for 150 dollars to several local news outlets. Which is a rip-off considering that the guy who videotaped the rodney king video made 50,000 dollars initially. So to those who say I did it for money, "FUCK YOU" I did it cause it should be done. The world wind of media kept calling from all over the world and wanted the permission to show this video.


So as soon as the police did a search on me and my name they found a misdemeanor warrant for petty theft and Dui. What you do not know, is that the patriot act has been used so many times against people it was not designed to do. For instance, I was arrested in front of CNN for misdemeanor crimes out of placer county. I was staying in a hotel (leparc in west hollywood) when a DA (steve cooley) from LA tried to illegally supeona me on a radio show. He wanted the video. When I refused to give up my location to him he enacted the patriot act. Actually to be even more honest, FBI or "whoever" were parked outside my hotel room w/ headphones on, listening to me and a friend inside the hotel the night before. When I refused to accept this Illegal supeona to testify before the grand jury, I left the hotel for fear of what I saw the night before. I was appearing on BET w/ Ed Gordon That night (w/congresswoman maxine waters). Twice that night and in the morning, my friend was approached in the hotel, by plain clothes and actual officers demanding him to tell me where I was. How did they know where I was? They had to have illegally tapped the land line inside my hotel during the radio interview. I was not registered at the hotel? I then went to a different friends house in long beach when I noticed cops casing his apartment even before we got there! Tell me how they could know this? Later that night after going to a bar, two undercover cops sat next to me and my friend till we left. They left. I stayed at his house all night long and heard people outside his door all night. Then, the next morning I call my original friend on a cell phone and he is scared to death. I call from CNN inside the building on a land line. He had a cell phone. I told him to bring the tape to CNN and the camera because I was to go onto another BET show taping out of the CNN building.

As soon as he showed up, I mean within seconds, I was standing outside smoking. He dropped off the tape and 7 or so plain clothes officers assaulted me and threw me in a unmarked suv w/ tinted windows. CNN later came out and Showed the world my arrest for misdemeanor crimes that WERE NOT IMPORTANT UNTILL Capturing police doing wrong. At least 5 DOCUMENTED times, I was let go cause the warrant was not that big a deal. Now the whole world knows.

So many of these "PIG LOVERS & RACIST TERRORISTS" have pointed out that I stole VCRS from my mom and had a DUI. Why is that important? Because the LADA used this to arrest me. I refused to testify to the grand jury w/o a lawyer. These warrants were not a big deal until I came forward with the tape. That is FACT. I was stopped in sacramento (one county over from Placer county) Albakurkee NM and in New york and by LAPD in fall 2003 for jaywalking by ofc. v.perez. I was let go after being booked at the culver city police department. I have proof. He should be in jail according to DA steve cooleys explanation to the LA city council that it is illegal to let someone go with knowledge of a warrant. I was refused entry to canada because of the warrant and was let go? If this warrant for misdemeanor crimes was so awful then, why didn't they arrest me then? Cause I did not film police brutality till I returned to my home LA. The charges were so PETTY that my mother was upset about the focus being turned onto me and not the pig jeremy morse. I had pawned a VCR that was in my room at my moms house in 1999. The cops had found the pawn slips in my car and trumped the charges in order to secure giving me more time in placer county jail. See I was the victim of a police attack in placer county CA as a youth (16 too?) and they hated me for it. Since I was not at fault (and the officer) they had a deep-seeded hatred towards me. If I had a competent public pretender at the time I would have beat all the charges. I was duly convicted and plead guilty at the first court hearing. (never do that) My lawyers wanted to appeal the original plea to try it again cause the charges were so weak but that would take 6 months or more. I was sentenced to six months in jail for a 0.08% dui and a petty theft w/ prior.

Even tho the LA county jail had a program were they were kicking out inmates w/ misdemeanor crimes, a private jet flew me to placer county jail the day after the LADA and sheriff assaulted me for videotaping their own "terrorists". I was beaten severely by LADA's and handcuffed for 24 hours str8. That is illegal. That is fact. I was refused a visit from my lawyers and kept in a cell handcuffed to the outside of the cell all night. I was hospitalized for my injuries by the LADA.

I had to serve my six month sentence anyways. I was let go on Jan. 4 2003. I have no charges and no probation/fines/classes so that is good. It worked I am no criminal. I had been turning my life around since 1999. I appeared on the TV show 7th heaven 3 times and turned it around. (check out the episode when the oldest son left the show after getting hitched to a Jew.) Even though, the judge couzins wanted to give me 2 years for bringing attention to the most racist jail in amerikka. Placer county is so corrupt. They have a 92 % white population and have the largest republican county in Califas. They were so pissed off to see the public focusing in me. Congresswoman maxine waters along with democrat candidate al sharpton called them and threatened them that if anything was to happen to me, they would be in serious trouble. So they put me on 23 hour lock-down for 6 months. They said they needed to protect me from White power inmates? These same white power inmates I got along with and were happy to see the pigs in trouble and sweat-in.

So jeremy morse was put on trial at the end of july 2003 (a year after) and was found basically guilty 7 to 5. The jury was not even given a good case but LADA's max huntsman and mikey petterson blew the case on purpose to satisfy the public. The trial was held in a courthouse nowhere near the crime scene in inglewood. The DA called all the defenses witnesses (the cops) and not a single other witness involved. they used the tape but did not supply the jury with ALL THE FACTS. The other officer Bijan darvish who beat donovan jackson was let off because the current footage does not show him beating him. He was charged with filing a false police report. That child abuser jeremy morse goes back on trial in january 2004. The trial was to start oct 22 but was moved yet again.

The media was hoping for a riot and thats the only reason why they even bought my tape in the first place. They were hoping for the bigger picture. They were disappointed that inglewood did not respond by burning their own businesses and homes. This is what the citizens for police (jeremy morse pig lovers) says is the reason for the retrial. "To award a community for not burning their homes down is crazy" is what they and jeremy morse attorney john barnett (defended the rodney king pigs) is saying? That is sooooo ignorant! Barnett argued that the one black man on the original jury resembled donovan too much to be included. What a racist! He thinks all blacks look alike? What a nazi! To think that a retrial is only important because of not burning a house down is so 20 century. You nazi fucks need to come to the realization that jeremy morse crossed the supposed line. He beat a handcuffed 16 year old defenseless child! He was not a danger to these pigs he was a 100 pound child. Jeremy morse is about 220#. WTF? You harping on me and my situation is so funny to me. I am going places and doing whatever the fuck I want. Don't be jealous cause in inglewood you will not get 5 white jurors who will refuse to convict jeremy morse cause of 912. Fuck You. You nazi racist people are so fuckin hilarious to defend such a coward! What's next Ok' in a priest to fuck little children? You fuckin nazi's are powerless you have NO control. Jeremy morse is the one on trial not me.

The LADA might be overmatched (on purpose) by barnett but. not Johnny cochran and milton grimes. Oh yeah jeremy can't afford barnett for that. His mother lori pettit of torrance had to sell her home in Seattle just to pay for her nazi sons mistakes. Boo fuckin hoo. Jeremy morse will be broke and will have to hide in his home forever. I on the other hand have a lawsuit against the LADA and the media that will set me up for life. I have no worries. I am not a criminal. I have turned the corner and jeremy morse is just beginning to have his life turned around.

So to all those who support police no matter what (including the 5 old white jurors) who think that a cop can do no wrong, I say FUCK YOU. You mean shit to me.

You ain't seen nothing yet pigs.


Mitchell Crooks

PS. Your assumption that donovan was a violent subject is based merely on your hatred towards blacks and young america. You do not know donovan jackson and you do not know what happened before I arrived (yet). You are truly ignorant and hate-mongers. People like you make me so happy I Came forward. The world laughs at you. I really could care less about you or your chickenshit army occupying OUR streets.

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