Dear American People,
We now face a daunting task. An unpleasant and possibly fatal
realization now confronts all of us in our daily lives.
Many of our most powerful leaders need to be arrested for numerous
and continuing crimes against humanity.
The longer this action is postponed, the more harm will be done to
everyone and everything on earth. No redress of our grievances by
them is possible in the current situation. Made mad by power illegally
stolen from the American people, and by successful crimes against
the people that have gone undetected, they listen to nothing except
the homicidal impulses of their own greed.
The sick men who perpetrate these deeds and lie about the reasons
why they do them must be stopped. This is no longer a matter for debate.
The entire world stands stunned as it watches America turn from
Dr. Jekyl into Mr. Hyde.
These criminals must be stopped, or the perils to us all are both
obvious and staggering.
We can no longer consider that this will not be done. Only how much
more devastation we will permit to be inflicted upon us and the world
before we do it.
Whether we will do it must be inevitable, if we are to survive as a nation
and a species. If we don't do this, we all face a future of being impoverished
prisoners with no voice, or we face no future at all.
These crimes, offenses against both the citizens of America and
people in countries all over the world, include making false statements
and perjury; extortion and blackmail; unlawful imprisonment and filing
false charges; massive theft and bribery; obstruction of justice on a
wide scale; criminal conspiracy in many matters, most especially in
the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and the deliberate poisoning
of the American people; espionage; treason; and foremost, mass
murder of innocent people at home and abroad.
With all the lies President George W. Bush and his demented minions
have told about the reasons for wanting to torture the hapless populace
of Iraq, there can be no doubt now of the lies that they told about the
tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001. Most people already know that those killings
were not effected by so-called Muslim terrorists, but by the highest levels
of our own government to advance its evil, police-state agenda. The
so-called war on terror is really nothing but a ruse to enrich those invested
in the industries of the war machine; it is really a war on freedom, as many
people already know.
Our leaders have evinced no hint of willingness to admit their obvious
participation in these crimes, and there is no indication that they are ever
going to tell the God's honest truth about anything. They have been
caught in so many lies to the rest of the world that America is now a
laughing stock to everyone with ears to hear.
But the laughing stops when Bush deploys his nuclear arsenal and
squadrons of mass death.
Suddenly, no one in the world is safe anymore, and America is to blame.
Thinking, feeling, compassionate and humane people have no choice
but to oppose this evil agenda and stop these madmen from what they
are doing, and are about to do.
Impeachment of anyone is no longer a realistic course to follow,
because the level of corporate corruption reaches so deeply into
the ranks of our elected representatives. In all but a few instances
across the entire country, you have to be corrupt and on the take
merely to run for office.
But for a few stellar examples of integrity such as Ron Paul or Dennis
Kucinich, there is no purpose in appealing to the better natures of our
legislators, because they have been bought off and will never challenge
the leadership of the system. Unfortunately, this is exactly what needs
to be challenged, and arrested and jailed, tried and convicted.
Articulate spokespeople from large citizen groups must convince
local and regional authorities to issue arrest warrants for George
W. Bush, members of his Cabinet, and prominent members of the
Congress, for their criminal failure to protect the American people
from the predations of the corporate looters who are actually running
the government now, and telling the president and his gang of moral
thugs what to do.
With adequate evidence, these arrest warrants could include CEOs of
egregiously criminal corporations, such as Enron, Lilly, and HCA Corp.,
who have either shown great disregard for the health and welfare of the
people, or who have clearly been the recipients of illegal federal favoritism.
These warrants also could include judges, like the one who allowed Vice
President Cheney to keep his criminal conspiracy with the energy
companies secret from the American people, or the one who told Fox
news it has no legal obligation to tell the truth. These are both clearly
crimes that were committed by cynical political functionaries wearing
black robes, and betraying their oaths to protect us.
Why we need to do this is obvious.
Because the next level is shooting in the streets, and we don't want
to get there.
From: Dear American People - By John Kaminski *****************************************************
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