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by anti-racist Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 at 7:55 AM

A CALL TO ACTION WHAT: Protest Fox at the annual Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour. WHERE: The Renaissance Hotel at Hollywood and Highland, 1755 North Highland. Hollywood. For directions: WHEN: Thursday, July 17, from 8-10 a.m. WHY: Express your disapproval at the new Fox Television Show, "Banzai."

banzais.gif, image/png, 299x284

Everything is connected. An Asian American soldier placed the U.S. Flag on the statue of Saddam that was pulled down. The whole staged event was broadcast by FOX (and all other corporate media, naturally). That Asian American soldier... when he comes home... IF he comes home... will find FOX broadcasting a show that demeans and mocks Asians, a totally racist show called, "Banzai!"

Racism is evil no matter who it's directed against. If you think protesting a television show is not the thing to be doing while the U.S. is occupying other countries, think again. Everyone, JOIN THIS PROTEST against FOX... racism is NOT funny! This is NOT a protest for Asians... this is a protest by everyone who is against racism!



Asian Americans have had a long history of suffering discrimination and persecution because of the widespread misperception that all ethnic Asians are socially and culturally un-American. Stereotypical media portrayals of manic, socially awkward Asian men with thick glasses and thicker accents reinforce this misperception, as does the near-total absence of countervailing portrayals of Asian Americans functioning as recognizable members of American society.

The FOX television network's decision to broadcast and promote the TV show "Banzai" shows a blatant disregard for the consequences and power of racial media stereotypes. Asian American children are especially susceptible to the taunts and ostracism of their peers, who are likely to be entertained by the show's simplistic comedy premises and fast pace, but are unlikely to have developed the critical facilities necessary to reject the stereotypes presented.

More generally, to date there has been no indication that FOX ever intended the viewers of "Banzai" to question the portrayals of Asian men that constitute the show's signature images. To the contrary, as a patently mindless entertainment vehicle, "Banzai" is not intended for viewing with a socially critical eye.

Some defenders of "Banzai" have suggested that the show doesn't promote stereotypes, but rather makes fun of them. The cartoon at illustrates the absurdity of this premise.

Still other supporters of the show point out that it is based on game shows that were created in Japan. Of course, the show's creative history does not alter the fact that the portrayals in FOX's show are demeaning stereotypes when seen from an American audience's perspective. Nor does it mitigate the consequences of the widespread viewing of these portrayals for Asian Americans, especially our children. Finally, it does not disqualify Asian Americans from criticizing the show, because Asian Americans are no more responsible for Japanese television productions than the Japanese American World War II internees were responsible for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Other defenders of "Banzai" have expressed outrage that Asian Americans should find cause for complaint about anything having to do with race relations in the United States. The voices of Asian Americans are so rarely heard in the mainstream media, and the history of Asian Americans in the United States is so rarely taught, that the relevance of race to the experiences of Asian Americans comes as a surprise to many people.

Many Americans are heavily invested in the stereotype of Asian Americans as "honorary whites" for whom race no longer creates a social stigma. They desperately cling to any anecdotal evidence they can find that will support this investment: the complicity of a few Asian actors in the production of "Banzai" or a few Asian friends who don't find the show offensive. As we bear witness in contradiction of these views, we expect to reap a whirlwind of outrage from those we have surprised with our rejection of the title of "honorary white."

We, the Undersigned, will boycott all FOX Broadcasting Company properties, including FOX, FX, FOX News Channel, FOX Movie Channel, National Geographic Channel, Fox Sports Net, Fox Sports World, and Speed Channel, for a period of two (2) months for each week that "Banzai" remains on the air. We will also support a boycott of prominent sponsors of FOX and Banzai.

For more information on the boycott, visit
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thanks 'anti-racist'....

by lynx-13 Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 at 5:00 PM

here's some useful info from angry asian man (see 07.14.03):

The day-after fallout from Banzai continues. I just want to dismiss it, because it's so stupid to begin with, but the images from the show keep replaying in my head. And it gets me angry. There are so many things wrong about this show. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a Japanese game show—it's nothing like a Japanese game show. It's some white dude's vision of stupidity, dressed up like average joe viewer's limited perception of what foreign TV might look like: The narrator's thick Asian accent. The obnoxious graphics (that's not even real Japanese). The geishas. The gongs. What the hell. These details serve no other function but to laugh at Asian culture. You know what's really funny? Fox's Diversity Statement. Now that's comedy.

Here's a partial list of Banzai sponsor contact information:


Nike Consumer Affairs
1-800-344-6453 - (6:30am - 4:50pm PST, Monday through Friday) php

Nike, Inc.
Consumer Affairs
PO Box 4027
Beaverton, OR 97076-4027

Pizza Hut:

Consumer service representative

Pizza Hut Corporate Office
14841 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75254

Sprint PCS:

World headquarters:
(800) 829-0965

Sprint World Headquarters
6200 Sprint Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66251

National Media, Financial, Corporate Issues
Dan Wilinsky
Director, Media Relations

Robert Kelley
Director of Public Relations

Mary Nell Westbrook
Director of Public Relations

Mark McHale
Director of Public Relations

Larry McDonnell
Director of Public Relations


SBC Public Affairs
Selim Bingol
Phone: (210) 351-3991

And here is contact info for Fox:

FOX Broadcasting Co.
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213
askfox @

Or write to your local Fox affiliate and let them know what you think:

And if you want to get involved in some frustrating conversations (with actual fans) about the show, be sure to peruse Fox's Banzai Forums. But beware, the ignorance runs loose on those boards.

Die, Banzai, die!




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Who are the actors in Bonzai?

by Jess Wonderin. Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 at 7:56 PM

they look Asian to me. Are they the the new Uncle Tomasos....
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by lynx-13 Friday, Jul. 18, 2003 at 12:25 PM

the protest was fun. a lot of drivers honking in support. the show was having a promotional meeting with the press inside the hotel while we protested outside.

many people say the show is doomed. let's rub it in. the protest organizers are planning another protest soon to kill this racist show.

meanwhile checkout some related links:

white privilege
detroit in october
asian fever
race issues at KPFK



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by lynx-13 Friday, Jul. 18, 2003 at 1:55 PM

"First of all, FOX, don't you dare delete this message.....
(1) Sprint is withdrawing the ad.
I spoke with Dan Wilinsky (Dir. of PR for Eastern District) and he was well aware of the issue. He told me that from his understanding, Sprint is pulling out the ad for the show and if FOX is going to continue for fall season, they will not be a part of it
an indy reporter at the protest told me there may be some audio from the protest during the news segment on Aziatik Rhythmz this friday night.
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by Anthony Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003 at 9:09 AM

OH come on, this is NOT racist. This is really funny for god's sake.

Get over it.

What's next? As a white person I should sue Fox for putting on the TV show "The Mullets" because they depict white people are gutter trash with no common sense when they drive muscle cars?

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by you're a racist Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003 at 9:54 AM

anthony you're not only racist and a general asshole but also an idiot. sunrie? if you were trying to write the spaish word for smile, that's sonrie with an o.


get over it? what do you know about getting over anything?

you are a super privileged white male- you get all the perks and none of the discomfort -- except when pesky non-white males raise their voices. what a hassle, huh?

yeah the mullets IS a depiction of white trash and that's a problem too. but along with the mullets come tons of other shows depicting white families..

banzai is the ONLY show with asians featured so predominantly. and the way they ARE featured through such ridiculous and offensive stereotypes....

think outside your little comfort box, idiot-- we'll all be better off.


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Get A life

by SpyD Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003 at 4:23 AM

You all are overly sensitive. If you don't like the show don't watch it. Its as simple as that. America USED to be a place where freedom of speech and expression were encouraged. Now the only people who get to say whatever they want are people like Rush Limbaugh. This is a television show that is not meant to be mean spirited. Its meant to show the stupid things that people will do. Just like Jackass; and those are stupid white guys. People should be able to laugh at each other's differences as well as appreciate them. That's all I have to say about that.
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by its no nip show! Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003 at 6:28 AM

How come these types of shows mostly offend white people, who feel they disresectful to asians. Yet it was an asian friend that first alerted me to the show about a year ago. When I told him about the big anti-bonzai movment. He responded by saying that the characters on the show are so far off the wall how could anyone mistake them for the "average" asian?

All this aside how can anyone not love "mr. handshakeman" Watching silly westerns feeling uncomfortable shaking hands all throughout the converstation as custom in other cultures that we are completely indiffernent too.
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bonzai rocks

by Audrey Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003 at 2:35 PM

You guys are retarded...bonzai is the most hilarious show I have ever seen (and yes, I am asian by the way - chinese.) You honestly need to get over it and start protesting more important things in the world like AIDS, or world poverty. Loosen up.
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oh please

by Riech Wingnut Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2003 at 3:23 PM

Can we all just circle jerk each other off and fall into each other's laps?
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by John Price Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003 at 8:16 AM

I saw part of the show on Sunday, July 20th, 2003. Awesome. Unfortunately, it won't last and will go down just like Michael Moore's TV Nation did. Bummer.

Want to end racism? Stop finger pointing at people and yelling "racist".

From Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Place your bets NOW!"

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by lynx-13 Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 2:53 PM

some of the news:

NCM coverage
Independent (UK) coverage
BBC coverage

many people say the show is doomed. let's rub it in.
the protest organizers are planning another protest soon
to kill this racist show.

meanwhile checkout some related links:

white privilege
detroit in october
asian fever
race issues at KPFK

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by Genghis Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at 4:36 AM

If there is another WTC level attack. You DESERVE TO BE ON THE NEXT FLIGHT. Oh, also....send ME YOUR HOT YOUNG WHITE SISTERS!!!!
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HA! this is laughable.

by Don Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at 5:47 PM

alright i was reading down this for shits and giggles and this is all i have to say to you people that just don't have anything to do but point fingers and say "thats racist" 1 you apperently don't know what RACISM is, My reason for saying this? Racism is when one color of socalism discurrages or holds back another because of their color of skin or beleif. I see no real Screwing of the group all it is doing is basicly poking fun and i don't see any real trouble in that, fact of the matter is if you can't take jokes then you may as well just shut the fuck up and find another world to live in cuz THIS ONES A JOKE, and you either laugh or get laughed at LOL... Now my comment to this:

by you're a racist • Friday July 18, 2003 12:54 PM

you are a super privileged white male- you get all the perks and none of the discomfort -- except when pesky non-white males raise their voices. what a hassle, huh? "

Lets see was this Comment racest? Yes it was because it downgraded one person because he may or may not be a certian color. One comment to this guy. STUPID STUPID STUPID grow up guy LOL because YOUR the one getting laughed at. Simple as that, I myself have tons of respect for the asian americans and Their costums but when something is funny i laugh, its only human nature.. We let stupid shows like JACKASS on the air why f'n argue with yet anther one.

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MANAA updates

by lynx-13 Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 12:27 AM

MANAA updates...
see.jpeg, image/jpeg, 83x58

angry asian man says: "both Sony Pictures and Sprint have pulled ads from the show.... Also, Banzai is apparently undergoing its trial period for the next four weeks. This is the most crucial time for the show's life at Fox..."

here's all the info you need to get rid of this racist show


NEXT MANAA TARGET: NBC and Jay Leno's Tonight Show - - haha! August 21st, NOON at NBC Tonight Show studios (see below)



East Coast Asian American Student Union, Japanese American Citizens League, Korean American Coalition, Kabataang maka-Bayan, Korean Churches for Community Development, Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates, Korean Resource Center, Midwest Asian American Student Union, National Asian American Student Conference, Northwestern Asian American Students United, Pulahari Clear Light for Wisdom Culture Center, in alliance with The Media Action Network for Asian American


A protest in front of the Tonight Show studio for Asian Americans to show displeasure over the following:

* Overall, the Tonight Show’s history of showcasing Asian American talent has been poor.
* February 13, 2003, in a Tonight Show monologue, Jay Leno loosely compares changing dogs and cats from “pets” to “companions” is like North Korea changing dogs and cats from “appetizers” to “entrée!"
* A few days later, the Tonight Show hires a Jewish actor to portray North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, enjoying a plate of dog.
* All this after Jay promised not to make jokes about Asian eating dogs after a meeting a year ago with the Korean American coalition and NAPALC.
* And after several phone calls from MANAA and other organizations, after letters from MANAA, KAC, NAPALC, and others. NBC replied back with a letter saying, “we at NBC are not only cognizant of-- but attempt to be- sensitive to the concerns of individuals and groups within our widely heterogeneous audience. In this instance we believe that the program's satirical sketch was completely within the bounds of appropriateness and consistent with our standards”
* Then on May 20th, comedian Albert Brooks had a message to the people of China, “Stop eating dogs and maybe you would not get SAR’s!!!
* Finally things boiled to a point during NBC’s annual diversity coalition meeting when Jeff Zucker dared Karen Narasaki and NAPALC to approach their sponsors, claiming if any pulls out they have other sponsors lined up to take their place.

August 21, 2003

Protest starts promptly at 12:00 PM - noon

In front of the NBC/Tonight Show studios, 3000 Alameda Blvd (Cross Street - Bob Hope Dr), Burbank, CA.


aziatik rhythmz
bamboo lane
asian american movement
detroit in october
orientalism and indifference at Pacifica
peoples of color at KPFK
bamboo girl's links




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worse than 'Banzai'....?

by lynx-13 Sunday, Aug. 24, 2003 at 1:28 PM

worse than 'Banzai'....
exoticize_my_fist.jpeg, image/jpeg, 215x319

email from anonymous asian: the way i saw this show the other day that's
way worse than "Banzai" - it's called "Most Extreme
Elimination Challenge!"

holy shit this show is by FAR the most offensive
anti-asian show i've seen - because of the extreme
hatefulness of the fake overdubbed "american" english
dialogue. i'm no lawyer but i would guess that there are
probably at least four instances of legally actionable
anti-asian hate speech per minute of this show. it is
showing on the new SpIkE! "tv for men"....

besides the shocking anti-asian racism of this show, the new Spike! network is offensive more generally.

another email excerpt:
.....hatred, violence, meat eating, and misogyny are being characterized as being "for men"..... Part of me wants to go to the headquarters for that station and destroy stuff... to keep in the spirit of things.....

aziatik rhythmz
bamboo lane
asian american movement
detroit in october
orientalism and indifference at Pacifica
peoples of color at KPFK
bamboo girl's links



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Anybody see fox news last night

by O'reilly Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 3:07 AM

They had a screen shot of an IMC web page and called it a "Hate America" organization.
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USA is full of bunch of racists

by Anti-North Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 4:15 AM

First Salavry then the war againsts afghan then palis.. and now Iraq and soon Iran. How more obvious can they make the fact that they are bunch of racist ass-holes!
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by smackdown Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 4:51 AM

Get a clue. It was Arabs on 9-11 that attacked us! America is a multi-cultural society. It is perhaps the most non-racist nation in the world. If Arabs were so non-racist, why aren't they welcoming the Jew into their homes?
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Where are you from Anti-North?

by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 5:09 AM

I'm sure it's the last bastion of racial tolerance and harmony on the planet.

Face it: The US is far less racist than many countries. Ever try being a Jew in Saudi Arabia? Can''s illegal. Ever try being Korean in Japan (or vice versa)? You'll be treated like a dog.

But that's okay; you go ahead and think what you like about America.

Never mind reality.
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by BUT LOOK Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 5:22 AM

yeah I do understand what you guys mean, but have any of you ever seen what goes on down at Palestine. The 11/9 was done just to take revenge for what is going down in Palestine, I bet you guys just dont want to hear anything about your country.

The number of people died on 11/9, well do you know that number of children die every week and what for??
NOTHING!! A STUPID EXUSE TAKING MORE THAN THOUSAND OF LIVES. We cant shut over eyes to the reality.
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Nice religion...

by smackdown Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 5:38 AM

"but have any of you ever seen what goes on down at Palestine."

It's on the news here all the time. Some Arab gets on a bus, blows himself up, kills lots of Jews. Some Arab walks into a pizza shop or a celebration, blows himself up, kills lots of Jews. Jews offer peace plans, Palistinian leadership resolve to accept it then Hamas, Hezzbolah, or Fatah kill lots of jews.

You want peace in Palistine? Get some Palistinian leaders that can control their people. You want war in Palistine? Keep blowing up Jews. You want Jews out of Israel? Fat chance of that ever happening.

"The 11/9 was done just to take revenge for what is going down in Palestine"

Nice religion you got there, Mohammed. "Revenge is mine", said the Lord.

"The number of people died on 11/9, well do you know that number of children die every week and what for?? "

Exactly. For what?
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But look again

by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 5:42 AM

Let's examine this thesis: "9/11 is retribution for the situation in Palestine."

Please list for me the individuals killed in the WTC, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania who were responsible for any small part of the situation in Palestine.

Hmm? What's that? You can't?

Well, then. Sorta blows that theory out of the water, doesn't it?

When you say, "The number of people died on 11/9, well do you know that number of children die every week and what for??
NOTHING!! A STUPID EXUSE TAKING MORE THAN THOUSAND OF LIVES. We cant shut over eyes to the reality.", it sounds an awful lot like "you deserved it."

Well, to hell with that, buddy. We're to blame for Palestine? I don't think so. We give the Palestinians millions in foreign aid. Israel has offered peace over and over. Palestine will accept nothing less than the eradication of all Jews from Israel, and has repeatedly shown it is not interested in peace.

So to hell with Palestine. Their situation is their own damn fault.
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by BUT Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 5:50 AM

Ever seen on TV what happens down at afghanistan?? I dont think so!
"That bunch looks like terroists, lets bomb them"
"gee oops that was just a wedding, o well"

If that kind of thing happened in USA, I bet the same story would have been repeated 100 times and the newspaper would probably be filled with info about the sweet old family and teh children, where as nothing like that at all happens there. Nothing was said to the American people who just keep on killing and killing. Now I dont hate USA but I certainly do HATE KILLING , WARS ETC.
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Yes, I saw it on TV.

by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 6:00 AM

The wedding celebrants were firing weapons into the air.

That's not survival oriented behaviour when there's an AC-130 gunship overhead.

Here's some facts about Americans: We don't like war. We don't like killing.

But some of us (the majority, in fact) realize that sometimes it's necessary.

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
--John Stuart Mill
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by BUT Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 6:11 AM

Its the same matter there at Palestine. WE ALL BELIEVE SOMETIMES IT IS NECESSARY ESPECAILY WHEN IT GETS TOO MUCH. Who wants to die? no one. Am I right? Yes you are Jenni. Now those people take alot of risk than the american people, its their lives which they have to use.
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The problem with the Palestinians...

by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 6:43 AM they see no difference between killing combatants (the IDF) and killing civilians. They condemn the civilians as occupiers and Zionists, and justify their murder. But that's all it is...murder...and therefore unjustified.

Further, the perversion of Isam has led them to believe there is no higher purpose than to die killing Jews...becoming martyrs, and encouraging their children to do so. Golda Meier said something like "There will be no peace in the Middle East as long as Arabs hate Jews more than they love their own children." In other word, as long as Palestinians are willing to sell their children's lives for dead Jews.

I know the Palestinians are desperate. But the desperation is of their own doing.

And innocent civilians are paying the price.
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Can any of you...

by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 7:11 AM

Can any of you......
murderedtoddler.jpg, image/jpeg, 410x314

...defend this?
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by BUT Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 7:17 AM

As far as I know suicide is forbiden in Islam. We cant belame the palestines for all this. In fact we cant blame anyone other than the countrys governments i.e Ariel Sharon and Yasir Arafat and many more who are involed. NO one wants war. Its up to those country owners to grow up! There ain't much we people can do about it, after all its not them who have to suffer its the people who live there. God, John please for once say I'm right.
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Can any of you...

by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 7:48 AM

...tell me why I'm such an Islamophobe?
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by John Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 11:50 AM

I see how the show can be interpreted as offensive, but I never saw it that way. The pokes fun at Todd Bridges (aka "Willis" from Diff'rent Stokes), Lady Di (who is dead), basketball players, midgets and all the famous actors who become the victims of Lady One Question and Mr. Shake Hands Man, not to mention that cash-deparate, in-the-poor-house caucasian female who shoved all that money in her mouth (I was honestly afraid she would choke.). Accents aside, it's the Asian actors who appear to be making a mockery on camera, forcing the likes of Anontio Banderez into unconfortable social situations. When Lady One Question and Mr. Shake Hands Man are on camera, they are clearly the ones manipulating the scene. This does not strike me as a negative stereotype, but rather a tounge-in-cheek inversion of it.
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by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 11:54 AM

You strike me as a moron.
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To my faker

by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 12:44 PM

One: What makes you think I'm an Islamophobe? Feel free to back it up with C&P from my posts.

Two: John does not strike me as a moron.

You, however, do.

And to BUT: Yes, as far as I understand too, suicide is forbidden in Islam. Yet there are imams throughout the world preaching martyrdom as a way to gain Paradise, as a way to strike back at their perceived enemies. We can't blame Palestinians? Then who would you blame? Who has been offered a reasonable, peacful solution many times, only to reject it in favor of more violence? Has Israel commited what may be called war crimes? Yes, it has...but not nearly as many as have the Palestinians. Ariel Sharon is walking a fine line...protecting his country from those who would kill them all, and trying to not commit genocide.

One side in the conflict deliberately targets civilians whose only crime is being Jewish.

The other side targets primarily combatants and leaders of combatants.

Who you choose to support speaks volumes of your character.
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by Mental Health Professional Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 12:46 PM

Why do you respond to your own posts?
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by tpfkamw Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 12:48 PM

I think I just saw the fake guy outside my window! Somebody help me! Am I crazy?
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If you protest this, you ARE RETARDED

by GET A LIFE Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 4:45 PM

Who gives a rats ass about this show, as long as its an asian guy doing the acting, nobody will give a shit. Should we protest a mans right to make fun of himself or his own race? Take a look at halk of the comedy out there morons! All races exploit themselves for the sake of comedy and to make an extra buck! This is America, If a black man wants to use the N word or an Asian man wants to make comedy of his culture, let him----it would be rediculous to be offended by someone of your own race who is only trying to make you laugh. Besides, the Fox Network is exrremely liberal, they love to talk about getting naked, unprotected fucking, doing drugs, and all of the other things that you liberals seem to love so try to understand that they are on your side except for Fox News which wouldn't tell you the time of day and would also not approve of the show! Conservatives are all against any kind of racism, we are for doing what is right in a world where doing the wrong thing becomes more and more popular everyday among the nations youth-teens who will be growing up and talking control of this country someday! So, yeah protest the Fox Network, but do it for the ritght reasons-- we need more censorship to protect the nations children... The liberal hippies of the 60's are all the parents of today who do not believe in supervision.
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by oxo Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 4:11 AM

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by Paul Fillmore Wednesday, Oct. 01, 2003 at 9:02 AM 206-351-5694 Seattle, WA

This is bullshit. let people air what they want. fuck censorship. Why is everyone so terrified of offending someone?
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by Mysterybadger Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 at 4:15 AM

"It's just all the backward images of Asian-American people,"

FACT: Banzai is a British show. No Asian-Americans were harmed in its production. Reminds me of the time the Poughkeepsie Journal described the classical author Terence as an "African American playwright"
FACT: Americans, the world does not revolve around you!
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by no one's business Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2004 at 11:16 AM

Whatever. Get sense of humor or change the channel. You people who have time to picket anything need to get jobs. And not jobs that have access to the internet. I agree maybe they should install something with televisions that won't show racism shows, oh yeah they did, THE REMOTE. duh.
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im so happy!!!

by Abe Saturday, Mar. 13, 2004 at 8:49 PM

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Uneducated Comments

by Mr Ugly Saturday, Jan. 08, 2005 at 1:43 PM

The internet gives us the opportunity to tell the truth and run away, i like it. Well tghe Israelis invaded Palestive so i must ask, should you welcome a robber into your house for tyea after hes killed your family and stolen your property?
Also i see a low supply of aisian people on the television especially indians. Anyway, i dont think anyone like feeling pain so lets not inflict pain on others. I dont like a lot of things like brocoli but i dont go burning down every plant i see, it desrves to exist. I didnt make it God did, not my place to destroy it or overthrow ist goverment. :-)
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To moron who called me Racist

by Sunrie Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 11:00 AM

"anthony you're not only racist and a general asshole but also an idiot. "

Prove it. Where are all the racist comments I had made? Do you know me? Obviously not, because you called me racist.

Also, idiot? Show the idiotic statements I made. I can, however, show the idiotic, uneducated, and moronic statements you have made throughout your post.

"sunrie? if you were trying to write the spaish word for smile, that's sonrie with an o. "

Gee, wow, no shit. Obviously I was not trying to spell a Spanish word for smile. Now who's being the idiot?

"ricebeaterz? "

Yep. If you had gone to the website you would understand what the website was about at the time (it has since changed). Of course, I'm sure you're just assuming it's an anti-Asian thing. Talk about uneducated and moronic of you.

"get over it? what do you know about getting over anything? "

What in the world are you talking about? How long is it supposed to take for this to make sense????

"you are a super privileged white male- you get all the perks and none of the discomfort -- except when pesky non-white males raise their voices. what a hassle, huh? "

HAHAHAHAH!!!! Super priviledged, huh?! So I guess all of the schooling I went through wasn't needed, because I obviously could have everything handed to me!

All the perks with none of the of my favorite lines in all of that! Yeah, I mean, I never went a year eating nothing except for Ramen noodles because I couldn't afford anything else. Not like Peanut Butter and Jelly was ever considered too expensive for me at times. After all, I'm a super priviledegd white male!

Oooh, but yeah, whenthose "non-white males" open their mouths, then it causes me harm. You know why it actually does? Because people like that want all of the world handed to them. It's called EQUAL TREATMENT. Know what that means? It means you are at the fucking bottom before the top and you work your way up just like everyone else!!!!

"yeah the mullets IS a depiction of white trash and that's a problem too. but along with the mullets come tons of other shows depicting white families.. "

Guess who the target audience is? There's not a whole lot of ratings to be made by creating families of any one else, it's proven time and time again. Is it because of racism? Nope, because the audience justisn't there!

This is the same reason you don't see many black people on live shows or cartoons in Japan. It's like asking Americans to watch an Arabian soap opera.

"banzai is the ONLY show with asians featured so predominantly. and the way they ARE featured through such ridiculous and offensive stereotypes.... "

Offensive sterotypes of Asians? Most of the contestants on the show aren't even Asian! They showed Lou Ferigno in a "bike off" against a rabi and a priest for God's sake!

The only "sterotype" is how the show was presented. racism applies to show formats as well?

"think outside your little comfort box, idiot-- we'll all be better off. "

Comfort box? I'm living in REALITY. Glad to know that as one person, I hold the world by the balls, though.

There you go calling names again. This is so typical of your Liberals. I backed you into a corner, so you must assault me directly.


The entire time you make highly uneducated remarks, scream racism when there was never any present, make blanket statements that aren't even true, and call me names directly, yet I am the one who needs to grow up?

I guess I should have known not to go toe-to-toe with you when I started reading your statements. I mean, they are so well thought out, your grammar is incredible, and the use of puncuation is a true testiment of our abilites. Gee, wow, you Liberals sure know how to get us good.

Go back to school, okay? The more educated you are, the better off you will be. Never ceases to amaze me that the more uneducated a person, the broader their statements become. You are the casein point.

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"They had a screen shot of an IMC web page"

by just wondering Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 8:17 AM

Which IMC?
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by just wondering Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 6:44 PM

You mean *this* nessie?
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