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by mitchell crooks
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 3:40 AM
Inglewood beating in Comparison to rodney king is Worse.
Some people say to me that this upcoming trial of jeremy morse for hitting a black teenager (16) is comparable to the rodney king situation. I say no! It's far worse! First, donovan jackson is 16. Rodney was 33 or so. Second, rodney kept getting up which leads to speculation and was NOT in handcuffs when that was video taped. Donovan had been subdued (by the time the tape started) and was lifeless and in custody. This would give donovan many more rights than a normal citizen. Both these two incidents are by far, not the worse beatings the pigs have handed out to people. But, they were videotaped nontheless. Third, to pat myself on the back, the video of donavan was clearer (thanks to technology) than rodney king. The defendant jeremy morse only claimed that donovan grabbed his balls AFTER john barnett (lawyer for morse and the rodney king pigs) came up with the solution. I have seen this video prolly more than anyone. And with state of the art technology. I can see in no way that donovan grabbed his testicles. This IS the cunundrum! Happens to be that I happen to focus in on situation as the supposed testicle grabbing took place. So the pig lawyer (who is a real ass) wants to make it my fault for using my focus. Thereby getting his client off. You are going to hear alot of stuff in the coming weeks that is simply untrue and drifty. The lawyer is tricky. But more important is that the Los Angeles District Attorney's are prosecuting a cop! They won't try hard! They will do just enough to satisfy the public. The DA would never ever try to convict a cop. They need cops to do their thing. Now if you've seen "training day" or "dark blue" you know how corrupt cops are. Have you seen "biggie & tupac"? Geez the entire world knows how corrupt the LA system is. The feeling you get when donovan is slamed on the car still sickens and disturbs me to this day. People around the world feel the same way. It was wrong. Period. The jury selection process is still going on this week. the actual trial will start soon and the media is all over it again. I have a book, dvd, cd and documentary that I am working on. Another major difference between rodney king's videographer is he made a bundle of cash. I did not. After the lawyers, court fees, fines I was able to buy a few clothes and cds. The guy who filmed rodney king was able to start a business. I have said before, It's not about the money. Now the possible riot looming. If there is a riot, I hope people will get lots of cool stuff and loot the corporations and not the mom and pop. I would hope that people in LA have grown as a result but then again, You just signed Gary Payton to the LAKERS. I really don't wanna see a riot happen but what can you do to get justice anymore? I have friends that were present in LA during the 92 riots and they were scared to death. I doubt any of those people want to see anything like that again. Bush has his ARMY ready and it would justify more attacks on civilians and looters/rioters. Ever since the last riot police and republicans have been hard at work to create crowd control weaponry that is considerbly less lethal. The LAPD will bus in Cops from the midwest who still have a chip on there shoulder about september 11th 2001. They will never forget they say. So the opportunity to crack some skulls is what we see at every protest nowadays. Because republicans, Cops and crazed cristians feel WE are to blame. The youth, blacks, asians, anarchists, blac bloc, mexicans, rockers, hip hoppers, taggers, muslims, browns, yellows and puples ect. ect. This shit is going to stop. By any means necessary. Keep you cool and watch the video here at my site noreversal.com http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/iMovieTheater11.html mitchell crooks. Sift thru all the bullshit.
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by mitchell
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 3:49 AM
 donovan_j_assault_000054_.png, image/png, 720x480
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by nigga please
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 5:58 AM
it's time to let it go you've had your 15 now your just getting annoying. Particularly the crappy little video on your website which is more about featuring you as doing something more than sitting in your apartment giggling and hoping you get some money than actually caring that someone's civil rights have been violated. p.s. rodney king was easily a hundred times worse how can you even compare the two. rodney was in friggin traction after his run-in. this poor dude might have a bruise on his cheek. nonetheless i hope that copper is out of a job.
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by mitchell crooks
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 10:54 AM
15 minutes? U are fuckin jealous. maybe you should tune in to Cbs early show (monday) and keep tuned bitch. 16 minutes and counting. Don't be jealous cause you will never do anything to help out a fellow human being. keep your fucked up opinions to yourself. Your ignorance shows. 15 minutes my ass. You have no idea whats next. Go fuck yourself PIG lover.
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by jury
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 11:15 AM
So, what's the crime?
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by Ignatius
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 11:20 AM
Geez, buddy, you put your self serving horseshit out on Indymedia twice, get responses, and your answer to both is "fuck you." So, why don't you go home and get back in bed? Maybe tomorrow will be better, and happier for you.
You little lefty scumbag.
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by FluxRostrum
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 1:26 PM
Good work Mitchell.
.... to the haters.... yeah, he's a little cocky.
If we can not learn to look past "appearance" and stay focused on "issues" then we'll always be easily lead down the dark hall by a pretty face with a smooth voice that tells u.s. only what we want to hear.
The IndyMedia cry of "Be The Media!" has FAILED many activists. Worthy story's getting trashed not only by KNOWN TROLLS but by "our own people" anytime someone steps up with a strong commited INDIVIDUAL action they are ridiculed, accused of just wanting the fame or just ignored until they shut up. I've seen this happen repeatedly and not just at LA Indymedia. We apparently want our independence only with the approval of our established Progressive ORGANIZTIONS. Anyone acting outside the box of organizational control is marginalized as a fame seeker or nut case.
How hypocritical.
Some of us don't do meetings. Some of us just DO.
We all have something to offer the world to make it better. Our organizations play a very important part in rallying people and deceminating information and are to be praised for their work as well... but ... It didn't take an organization for a tired old black woman to sit down on the bus... it didn't take an organization for Peace Pilgrim or Jeanette Wallis to walk across our country... I didn't take an organization for Mike Ruppert, Larken Rose or Jared Israel to expose governmental lies.
All who work for freedom (a largely unpaid job) deserve respect and gratitude; Even those with too much attitude.
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by fred
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 6:24 PM
...of the video is when he shows a picture of himself and flashes the word "hero" across the screen. I'm glad you have a healthy self image of yourself. You should have done another one with the word genious or maybe douchebag. p.s. you should edit out the audio of you laughing and hoping you get money out of it. It kind of taints your activist image. please make another one soon it was great fun to watch. psps. are you going to be on the morningshow in person?
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by john
Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 7:16 PM
What color is the sky in your world. You go nuts because these cops hit this kid but you become profane when someone challenges you. You of course would please in preventing him from using his First Ammendment Right of free speech.
I would love to be in court room when they get you on the stand. By the way, is there a gag order in place on this trial. I certainly hope so, because if there is you might have just violated it.
By the way, did you get all those legal trouble taken care of? What was the crime, theft or something like that? Then skipping bail? You are just a paragon of virtue.
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by mitchell
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 3:48 AM
To the trolls on indymedia who can't stand to see activism,
fuck you. Do you really think I am not aware of your facsist right wing pig loving anti-leftist posts on here. 90% percent of you trolls are only here to get an argument out of the left. Your losing. Your tired souls who have nothing better to do in their lives but come here to retract back to the rascist right wing agenda.
Some of you are too stupid to know right to left. You just love to be anti everything. Don't be jealous that you can't do the things I can. Don't be mad that it wasn't you who had the forethought to ask for money on the videotape. You right wing crybabies forget this is a capitalist society. Wait let me say that clearly.
When you pig loving bush supportin terrorists say we are the communists I fuckin laugh. listen to yourselves! You don't know your head from your ass! It pisses you off to know that people can make money however they can. I bet you really got pissed about Ice - T' s "cop killer" song huh? You fuck. You cannot possibly realize that I can do whatever I want. And I will continue to do just the thing that pisses you hijackers of democracy an FREE SPEECH off. You right wing nazi fucks may intimidate some "leftists" from posting but do you really think your truly winning that battle? You really think we are hurtin for a place to put our agenda? You are pissed that nobody goes to your hatefilled nazi right wing cristian pig lovin sites. You truly beleive this is the only forum for the left? Its truly a device to waste your time and expose the fuckin jerks you "PLAYER HATERS" are.
And finnally, If you honestly think I put my site up blindly with no help? You have more serious ignorance issues than I thought. I have about 15 attorneys I am on a daily basis with. You think I would just do that just cause? Without knowledge of gag orders or the advice from attorneys and record labels? Come on your ignorance is bliss. You have to have a judge put a gag order if you are going to testify. I ain't going to testify regardless and nobody has contacted me about a gag order so I will continue to sell my footage and continue working w/ Bodycount, Ice cube, slayer, rick rubin and zack del la rocha and KRS ONE and lions gate films and mike moore to fucking end police corruption. Talk about activism! You idea of activism is, tearing down the posts on this site so fuck off dimwits. Your internet trolls. People see "right" thru your bullshit. Its cheap entertainment and only helps further the peoples beleif your control freaks. Nobody wants to hear about ann coulters new book you fuck.
Oh to reply to HUh. "Assault under the color of authority" is the charge and carries a 3 year minimum in state prison.
Go back to your cave you BB terrorists. Do something constructive like a video about how clinton destoyed the military or some shit.
You people are a joke. I can assume that your all LAW enforcement who monitor the posts on here cause you can't solve a fuckin crime if your life depended on it.
Point is your jealous. It makes me so happy to know.
mitchell noreversal.com
PS. If you did'nt feel threatened by my posts you wouldn't respond at all jackass. Oh as far as this tiny medium to get my message out, you have no idea what kind of oppotunities are coming..... Bill maher for one example. July 24 for example but you prolly don't have HBO Cause you hate free speech. You may have killed this thread with your viscious attacks but thats all you can do.
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by mitchell
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 3:58 AM
There is no such thing as bad publicity. To respond to "fred", out of all the names I been called hero is the one I like most. Have you been called a hero by any congresswoman or the only black democratic nominee? Or maybe even the mayor of inglewood? Or by rappers or actors or anyone?
Quit player hatin.
It makes my fuckin day.
mitchell noreversal.com
PS. Better comb the web.
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by invoice
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:05 AM
--I have about 15 attorneys I am on a daily basis with--
15 attorneys?? WOW!! You better sell a lot of videos because conversing with 15 attorneys a day can get real expensive. Those guys charge by the syllable, you know.
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by A Supporter of mitchell
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:05 AM
Mitchell Did a brave thing. As a member of the green party we salute mitchell for coming forward with the tape. You people should just ignore the posts if you don't like what he is trying to do. Mitchell has the support of a great many people and is working hard to make something of his life which is not what i can say about most of you people.
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by mitchell
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:10 AM
<15 attorneys?? WOW!! You better sell a lot of videos because conversing with 15 attorneys a day can get real expensive. Those guys charge by the syllable, you know.>
Tell me about it. Thats the most truthfull thing anybody has said so far. Yeah but when you have so many people involved, they all have thier own attorneys. Yeah it cost alot but good thing Congresswoman maxine waters is paying for them.
Syllable. Thats funny and the truth.
Mitchell noreversal.com
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by invoice
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:25 AM
Maxine Waters is a racist of the worst kind. She's hardly in a position to be calling anyone anything.
This whole case is some smart-assed kid who, while being arrested, figured he'd get smart and grab a law officers gonads. They should lock him up in jail and throw away the key. Put Maxine in there with him.
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by mitchell
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:38 AM
Wow so much hate on the indymedia site. Maxine is a great person and has been like a grandma to me. If I thought she was a racsist I would never have spoken to her.
Wow this is so great! I am so glad I pissed off so many people by videotaping that and showing it to the world.
I mean you can't put a $ sign on that! PRICELESS!!
Don't be jealous that nobody cares about what you got to say. And the only way you'll ever be able to say it is only a website.
I got to go. This is too much fun! I love to hear from all the people who hate what I've done. But, I got work to do and as much fun as this is, I have a life and work to do.
I just wanted to let indymedia trolls have it first. You people truly mean alot to me. You make me feel as if this was all worth the trouble. I can't express what that means to you.
To know I have angered you that much, really is more impressive than I could ever imagine.
Get a job you trolls.
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by anti-racist
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 4:43 AM
That you don't recognize Maxine Waters as a racist says more about you than it does about anyone else.
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by in need of a true american hero
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 7:54 AM
is this really the brave guy who videotaped the police brutality. The same worthy soul who laughed and hoped for money while videotaping a violation of a persons civil rights. You sir, just as you call yourself, are a hero. My dad told me once true heroes will always tell you they are heroes so you won't have to think about. I think your right these "playa haters" are just jealous that you've made a wonderful life for yourself. I certainly hope one day I manage to move into an apartment building in a ghetto overlooking a gas station. And I can't wait for your collaborations with cutting edge artist like body count, slayer, and krs-one. If you added the beegee's, and jefferson starship I would be positively slobbering at the mouth. Also i thinks it's good you write with the clarity and skill of a 10 yr. old. If your going to be communicating with these "haters" you need to get on their level.
p.s. FUCK the police .......unless something happens to you and you need somebodies help ...and stuff
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by mitchell
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:06 AM
unxzlsalbdl .//?///
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by remember
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:18 AM
i thought you had a life filled with working? maybe talking to one of your 15 lawyers? hammering out an album with slayer maybe? co-directing a film with mikey moore? hanging out with an openly racist congresswoman? blowing bill maher? patiently awaiting your standard "fuck you your jealous" response
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by mitchell
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:19 AM
Your jealous. Digging and digging and trying so hard to point this out, point that out. Just cause none of you will ever be in a position to help anyone out. Keep dreaming of doing anything but drinking jolt cola and ranting and raving on BB's. Here just go to ANY search engine. Preferably dogpile.com and type Mitchell crooks in. Its all there. Everything you need. I am sorry you can't type in your name and find 27,000 sites. You people are so jealous you "wanna be" activists. You will never do what I have.
This is so great. Keep em comin. The ultimate reward is knowing I pissed off so many of you people. I mean this is addicting. I totally get off on your player hatin jealousy.
This is so cool.
I could never imagine I made that many people mad!
My life is a success story regardless of your opinions.
Don't be jealous.
As far as cocky, You try doing it.
As long as you respond, you keep my thread alive!!
thats priceless!!!
Keep up the hard work!!
Your all jealous cops and wanna be activists.
Fuck you have all made my day!! Thanks.
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by remember
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 8:39 AM
I think their making fun of you. Pissed off would be "you fuckin fag". making fun of would be " when is body count coming out with you collaborative song". understand? definition of a real activist. boring activist "quick get the video camera we have to tape this brutality and use the tape to go public and do something about stopping it forever." real activist(mitchy" "I hope i get some money out of this"giggle giggle. boring activist "i'm not a hero i'm just doing my part to improve the world we live in" real activist(mitchy) "I'm a hero"
hahahahahahahahahahahah you tool
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by drunky drunkerton
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 9:39 AM
The man who videotaped a police beating near Los Angeles that enraged black leaders and then dodged a grand jury inquiry into the matter was arrested on Thursday as he prepared to grant a television interview.
Mitchell Crooks was taken into custody on warrants issued in northern California for petty theft and drunken driving. Authorities also served him with a subpoena to testify before the Los Angeles County grand jury.
Crooks' arrest was videotaped and broadcast on local KCAL-TV, showing undercover officers hustling him into a sports utility vehicle with tinted windows outside the studios of CNN as the 27-year-old man repeatedly screamed for help.
what a scumbag.
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by fresca
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 5:19 PM
Maybe the cops went overboard. And maybe they didn't. Who knows what the guy was saying to them. Regardless, it certainly wasn't that much of a "beating".
I think the real beauty of the tape is the asshole filming it and his moronic running commentary.
My favorite line...."They were kicking his ass pretty good there for awhile..yeah, but I got the good stuff!"
or maybe it's "Dude! I'm tapin' over my New York trip. I better get paid for this."
This Mitchell fuck is a TOTAL ass.
I love how he refers to himself in the third person and as a "hero" in his little video.
He really deserves to be soundly beat. Alot harder than that Donovan guy.
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by call me jealous
Friday, Jul. 11, 2003 at 7:59 PM
The Placer County sheriff's office said Crooks was arrested in February 1999 for stealing two VCRs from his mother's home. On his way to steal them, he was in a traffic accident and fled the scene; he was later charged with hit and run and driving under the influence for that wreck.
Crooks was convicted of the three crimes in March 1999 and sentenced to seven months in jail, but failed to report for the sentence, leading to the warrant for his arrest, the Placer County sheriff's office said.Friday
what's the matter cat got your tongue?
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by thomaston
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 1:37 AM
Good job, every person deserves their day. Let people be people ya cynical disatisfied wankers. Shouldnt you guys be watching endless hours of american idol or something?
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by mitchell
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:34 AM
Are you by chance gay? If so, I think that we could be great together!
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by Ignatius
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:40 AM
But why should I watch American Idol, when the fearless mitch has lots of tape of American Asshole?
The little fuck. My fondest hope is on day he runs into Jeremy Morse in a dark alley. But who would mitchie call for help?
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by Ignatius
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:44 AM
Thank God Maxine is not MY Congressthing, but if she was, you can be damned sure I'd want to find out why she is spending MY tax money on lawyers for this little rodent. Or is Grandma Maxine spending her own cash? Oh, yeah I'm sure that's the case.
If things are so good with your new grandma, mitchie, did your mother ever get her VCRs back? Enquiring minds want to know.
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by mitchell
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 4:51 AM
The only thing that I want to know is if you're gay. If so, how big is your penis?
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by Ignatius
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 7:50 AM
This last bogus asshole to the side, where's mitchie? I thought we made his day. Is he out counting his capitalist money? Mowing Grannie Maxine's lawn, or what? Where are ya, dude?
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by circle
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 7:52 AM
circle circle going nowhere circle stuck in neutral
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by john
Saturday, Jul. 12, 2003 at 9:26 AM
Hey mitch, you still have not answered the question, are all you legal problems cleared up. And can you answer a question for me, what kind of a piece of work do you have to be to get your mother to, not only get you arrested, but follow through with prosecution.
Make sure Grandma Maxxy doesnt let you in the house after you mow the lawn. Have her bring the lemonade out to you, and dont forget to do the edging and sweep up.
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by Ignatius
Sunday, Jul. 13, 2003 at 8:32 AM
Come on, man, speak up! What's up. did your mom get a new VCR, or what?
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by dave
Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003 at 11:54 AM
So he's done some stuff in the past. Who hasn't. That doesn't change the fact he managed to catch something as heinous on tape as this. That's the big issue, not a couple of VCRs. Grow up. And stop with the gay jokes - you just make yourself look stupid.
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by fresca
Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003 at 12:31 PM
"That doesn't change the fact he managed to catch something as heinous on tape as this."
Actually he was at an impossible angle to catch the truly heinous moment when the street thug assualted Morse by grabbing his balls.
However, he did a fine job of filming an entirely justified and amazingly self-controlled bit of reflexive defense.
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by thevoice
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:26 PM
What did you accomplish? Absolutely nothing. Your tape did nothing but help the police officers get off. If you hadn't shot any film at all, the same results would have taken place. You changed nothing because you are nothing. Get over yourself. The rest of us have.
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by mitchell
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:26 PM
Jeremy morse's mother, robin pettit had to sell her home to pay for jeremy's Professional Liar. The police union is not defending morse. Morse's mothers tires were flatened outside the courtroom. Cheerz to black Bloc for their work. Morse lives in torrance with his mommy. Inglewood police cheif Banks and City councilman Bernard parks both admitted to me it was "his officers who messed up not me". I hope Darvish is not so eager to be on the streets. I would hope he is pushing a pen instead.
My life is great. just like morse, I had to face up to my crime. He should have to do the same. I have 0 empathy for "rogue cops".
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by camcorder
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:35 PM
For what it's worth, I'm a staunch rightwing routine contributor here, and I disagree with Fresca on this one. That cop used excessive force and does not deserve to keep his badge. Doesn't make a difference if that kid was a brutal thug or sunday school teacher. Once an offender is cuffed and subdued, that's the end of the use of force. PERIOD. It is difficult enough for people to support the actions of the police, without rogue officers pounding 16 year-old kids faces on trunks and with their fists. I personally hope that cop never wears his badge again. MC did what we should all do when we see a struggle between crooks and cops, video tape it. It shows us all who is right and who is wrong, and maybe it'll keep the cops on their best behaviours.
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by mitchell crooks
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 3:45 PM
>>>>>>>What did you accomplish?
The fact that he is being retried in inglewood. The fact that he was fired. The fact that he was in a court room for a year. The fact that every home in america has seen my video and is taking a closer look at police brutality. The fact that the community was brought even closer as a result. The fact that Everywhere I go in the black community, I am praised. The fact that I was on TV. The fact that I got to settle things with my Moms. The fact I helped donovans family out. The fact that Maxine Waters, Al sharpton, Peter Camejo and mayor Dorn all ran for office on the issue. The fact attention was brought to placer county and their corruption. The fact that the DA office is Ignorant. The fact that Steve Cooley is up for re-election. The many other cases my attorneys got because of me. The thousands of media people employed by this issue. The 7 or so videotapes that have caught police fuckin up since. The fact That the rest of the world all got another laugh at the current state of american politics. The fact that you people are all jealous. The fact I shut down KFI live after the verdict. The fact I got to laugh at morse and darvish in the courtroom face to face. The fact I was on Many TV shows. The fact i am working with Rick Rubin. The fact I am signed to RAWKUS records. The fact I met several celebrities. The fact that I Stood up for what I feel strongly against. The fact that you I was able to help keep the peace in inglewood an LA. The fact I was on KJLH. The fact I was on KPFK. The fact several documentary's are in the works. The fact Bill Maher stated "I was his favorite person in the whole world." The fact I have accomplished way more than any of you haterz ever will. And I am not even done yet. I am only getting started. I ain't going anywhere. Get used to it.
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by The Logic of Aldo
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 4:14 PM
Haha, "Mitchell", if you really gave a shit about the kid you're supposedly doing justice for, that list would be reduced by three quarters. I honestly hope that you're just trying to parody yourself, because otherwise, any self-respecting "hero" wouldn't be all over the media acting like some righteous . But don't ask me, I'm not following this case at all.
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by time
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 5:40 PM
your 15 minutes is up
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by Curious george
Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003 at 6:23 PM
Is Rodney King the best that the Black Race can come up with for inspiration?
That's pathetic.
MLK must be rolling in his grave.
You have the same opportunity as Collin Powell.
What have YOU done with it?
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by KPC
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 2:17 PM
...well, Georgie...you can't be too curious or you woulda read the fuckin' thread. RK is not being held up as a source of "inspiration", but as an example of a victim of a fucked up system...
....oh, unless someone is looking to become a superfluous sellout, I can't imagine them thinking of Collin Powell as any kind of role model....
...curious allright...curiously fuckin' ignorant...
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by just great
Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at 3:16 PM
"....oh, unless someone is looking to become a superfluous sellout"
That's right! If you are black and don't "tow the line", if you dare to have "independent thoughts", then you are a "superfluous sellout".
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by KPC
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 1:34 PM
...yeah, your right...I guess I did go to far...
...in order to be a sellout...you have to have been pricipaled to begin with, so that leaves Powell OUT!
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by just great
Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 2:38 PM
That's right! If you are black and don't "tow the line", if you dare to have "independent thoughts", then you have no "principles". Way to go!
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by KPC
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 10:40 AM
...do you have a point? Are you trying to say that Collin Powell is thought of as anything in this mis-administration other than token cover for obvious racist policies?
And Condi? What an idiot! I saw her press conference, my maid could have done better! I think you idiot Republicans (pardon the redundancy) think of her as "bright" only in comparison to your smirking chimp pResident....
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by Rodney
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 11:17 AM
Hey, guys, can't we all just talk about Mitch?
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by jon
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 11:18 AM
because people of color are only good enough to be your maid. You're a fucking racist and a misogynist. What kind of asshole has a maid anyways? can't clean up after yourself?
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by KPC
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 11:20 AM
...well, technically, she's my mom's maid.....
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by mitchell crooks
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 2:56 PM
your 15 minutes is up by MC.
You know thats what they said when I went to jail. Thats what they said when I was released from jail. Thats what they said during the trial of morse. Thats what they said after the verdict. Thats what they said after all the interveiws I did. Thats what they said before a retrial was announced. Now thats what your saying now? Huh? Get it right man. You are such a sellout ignorant fuck. So many people are hoping for my 20 minutes and counting to be up. WoW I hope you all buy my book and come see me dj. look for my album to come out next year and keep tuned to the radio dial for my upcoming hourly show as well. If you think I care about 15 minutes of fame as much as you think I do, well you are more interested in me than I thought. Maybe you should not be so jealous. You will never get your 15 minutes so FUCK off. Your 15 minutes will be one interveiw about a fire on your block and you will never help out even! So Quit with the 15 minutes allready. You make yourself sound ignorant. You have no idea what I have done or will continue to do. So just wait for my book and keep tuned to the tele come sept 22nd for my fifth go round. I am afraid I am here to stay punk.
mitchell crooks
Ps. A new movie will be up saturday aug. 9th. This will be very informative. Several issues to be shown on this mini documentary. Just one of many many documentary's to come out. This however is a teaser for the actual one I am doing. Check it out at noreversal.com
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by .
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 2:58 PM
Whatever :&
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by hombre
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 3:02 PM
that you are actually writing the book with your own hand. If so I'll be the first in line for some of the best unintentional comedy of all time.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at 3:04 PM
My hand is busy stroking my ego since no one else will. That's when I'm not using it to spank my monkey.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 najee_mitchellverdict.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x384
Saw your mother on the web yesterday.
Does anyone have anything important to say?
Somebody is writing the book for me.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 10:35 PM
hombre@wetback.com 3104208686 Florance & Normandie
 cnnalimc.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x384
Even more material for you jealous wanna be's.
Notice KFI sponging on my celebrity again.
Spittin my "not suprised" statement.
Steve Cooley, Max Huntsman, Mike Petterson are all ignorant. They will fail again. Vote them out. Have them disbarred.
Begin hate now. Now I'm tellin you what to do punks. (thats disrespectfull to actual punks) I mean jealous fucks.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 10:57 PM
coplovers@911.dead century & freeman
 mitchspeaks.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x322
more photos for the jealous types.
In front of inglewood city hall.
The next trial will be held across the street in inglewood. You know what that means. A jury from inglewood. Looks like it ain't over. I don't see you on TV (jealous piglovers).
"this is not a black and white issue. this is a police brutality issue and its a problem all over this nation. It's going to stop by any means necessary" - mitchell crooks
Present behind me: Dick Gregory, Mayor Dorn, Chief Banks, Najee Ali, Ron Kovick, Tom Hayden, Khalid Shah, Donovans Family, Cameron Stewart of Cochrans firm, ect. ect.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 11:12 PM
eyewashers@jealoustypes.com 8878969697680 sunset and sweetzer
 johnnycochran.jpeg, image/jpeg, 122x128
I'm not worried at all.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 11:18 PM
stevecooley@da.co.la.ca.us 8697677575 crenshaw
 bigmoney2.jpg, image/jpeg, 384x576
big money tellin it like it is.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 1:20 AM
jmorse@inglewoodpd.gov (oops he don't work their) santa monica
 stopbush.jpgyftzfw.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x433
jeremy morse is a child abuser.
jeremy morse is a coward.
jeremy morse is a chickenshit.
jeremy morse got hit by his own officers. (lol)
jeremy morse beat several people up before this incident.
jeremy morse is a racsist.
jeremy morse is no longer on the streets.
jeremy morse is a terrorist.
jeremy morse is a liar.
jeremy morse is a steroid user.
jeremy morse is a wimp who punches handcuffed children.
jeremy morse could'nt catch a real criminal.
jeremy morse has a red neck.
jeremy morse has a collection of Alan Jackson CD's.
jeremy morse is gay. He winked at me in court.
jeremy morse beats his family.
jeremy morse was fired.
jeremy morse is broke.
jeremy morse's mom, Robin Pettit sold her 150,000 dollar shack to pay for his "professional liar".
jeremy morse's lives with his mommy in Torrance.
jeremy morse needs a body guard.
jeremy morse cannot beat anyone but his family now.
jeremy morse is still broke.
jeremy morse did what he did because bush told him too.
jeremy morse is a republican.
jeremy morse "will never forget"
jeremy morse wants to be just like the "MONSTER" below.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 1:20 AM
jmorse@inglewoodpd.gov (oops he don't work their) santa monica
 stopbush.jpgjvv6sm.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x433
jeremy morse is a child abuser.
jeremy morse is a coward.
jeremy morse is a chickenshit.
jeremy morse got hit by his own officers. (lol)
jeremy morse beat several people up before this incident.
jeremy morse is a racsist.
jeremy morse is no longer on the streets.
jeremy morse is a terrorist.
jeremy morse is a liar.
jeremy morse is a steroid user.
jeremy morse is a wimp who punches handcuffed children.
jeremy morse could'nt catch a real criminal.
jeremy morse has a red neck.
jeremy morse has a collection of Alan Jackson CD's.
jeremy morse is gay. He winked at me in court.
jeremy morse beats his family.
jeremy morse was fired.
jeremy morse is broke.
jeremy morse's mom, Robin Pettit sold her 150,000 dollar shack to pay for his "professional liar".
jeremy morse's lives with his mommy in Torrance.
jeremy morse needs a body guard.
jeremy morse cannot beat anyone but his family now.
jeremy morse is still broke.
jeremy morse did what he did because bush told him too.
jeremy morse is a republican.
jeremy morse "will never forget"
jeremy morse wants to be just like the "MONSTER" below.
Report this post as:
by mitchell crooks
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 1:21 AM
jmorse@inglewoodpd.gov (oops he don't work their) santa monica
 stopbush.jpgrl50ws.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x433
jeremy morse is a child abuser.
jeremy morse is a coward.
jeremy morse is a chickenshit.
jeremy morse got hit by his own officers. (lol)
jeremy morse beat several people up before this incident.
jeremy morse is a racsist.
jeremy morse is no longer on the streets.
jeremy morse is a terrorist.
jeremy morse is a liar.
jeremy morse is a steroid user.
jeremy morse is a wimp who punches handcuffed children.
jeremy morse could'nt catch a real criminal.
jeremy morse has a red neck.
jeremy morse has a collection of Alan Jackson CD's.
jeremy morse is gay. He winked at me in court.
jeremy morse beats his family.
jeremy morse was fired.
jeremy morse is broke.
jeremy morse's mom, Robin Pettit sold her 150,000 dollar shack to pay for his "professional liar".
jeremy morse's lives with his mommy in Torrance.
jeremy morse needs a body guard.
jeremy morse cannot beat anyone but his family now.
jeremy morse is still broke.
jeremy morse did what he did because bush told him too.
jeremy morse is a republican.
jeremy morse "will never forget"
jeremy morse wants to be just like the "MONSTER" below.
Report this post as:
by dave
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 4:46 AM
are you not the guy who stole his own mothers vcr's? Then got a dui after a hit and run? You dare to pass judgement on others when it is patently obvious that you are the scum of the earth. I'd let morse into my house before you, you fucking thief.
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by KPC
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 10:09 AM
So....you'd rather be beaten than robbed?
...fuckin' masocist!
Report this post as:
by %
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 at 10:12 AM
is this supposed to be some type of moral judgement over which is more prefered? cause its dumb
Report this post as:
by Mitchell crooks
Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 at 5:29 AM
? ? ?
 ipd4.jpguvia10.jpg, image/jpeg, 220x168
This is in protest towards the organization "citizens for police" who are constant "trolls" on this site. This organization is formed by ignorant racist white people in favor of jeremy morse. Jeremy morse is the "cowardly" officer from inglewood california who is on trial for the chickenshit beating of an innocent child last july 6th 2002. These images were captured by mitchell crooks who was present at a hotel nearby the gas station where, Coby chavis the father of 16 year old donovan jackson was parked pumping gas. Several LA county sheriff cars descended to a "parked car" and found a black man driving a "taurus" (found to be too good a car for a black man by racist police) with unregistered tags. As mitchell crooks found in his young life, Cops have a hatred towards black people and whites who think about living in a unified world. This is how they (cops and law enforcement) infiltrate our way of being. Anyone who has ever been in prison knows how the cops keep order because of the hate they spread. They could not maintain control of the prisons or society's without spreading the racism. This is the ONLY reason they remain in control and corrupt. So back to the incident. 16 year old special Ed student Donovan jackson purchases a bag of chips with the money left over by paying to fill his fathers tank. Meanwhile after drinking heinekens all 4th of july weekend, mitchell crooks is laying down in his hotel room. Donovan walks out of the small little convenience store to find his dad in a police car for unregistered tags on his car. All this time, a young man from New zealand is taking pics of the arrest from the balcony of the hotel. (this man was flown in by the jeremy morse defense to testify against Donovan jackson) After returning to his fathers car, a hothead pig asks donovan to get out the car and put his hands up. An innocent teen who goes to church and is respectful to all? Donovan was scared to death because he knew he did nothing wrong. But, when your black, pigs hate you regardless. This pig was threatened by donovans black skin. He ordered him to stand still and not move. Donovan then put his hands in his pocket. Having nothing to fear (why wouldn't he?) he reached for his pocket and thats when the inglewood PD showed up at the scene. 5 police cars total. For unregistered tags? Inglewood PD had been briefed earlier that a "GANG" was planning a hit on a cop. And sadaam had weapons of mass destruction too? This is the excuse by the department for their actions this day. Donovan is NO gang member. His father had plates on his car, I m sorry a sticker on his car that was expired. (prolly due to the outrageous cost of registering a car which the majority is fully aware of. No officers in inglewood were "HIT" on that day or since? So on this Holiday weekend, when amerikkka is celebrating it's independence from europe, A "terrorist" opens fire at the el al terminal at Los Angeles international airport (LAX) killing two people. He was shot and killed by airport security. The Homeland Security was on high alert since the terrorist attack on 912. Shouldn't we be more concerned about protecting the citizens from terrorists? An unregistered car is hardly a terrorist threat. All this time mitchell crooks is about to uncover a terrorist plot himself. Alot of different stories about what happened after donovan put his hands in his pocket have emerged. first, nobody found a gun or a weapon on donovan. That is fact. Donovan did nothing wrong. In fact, his father was detained over an unregistered tag. That is fact. Now if donovan jackson was going to put a hit on a cop, i am the fuckin pope. Donovan was "ATTACKED" by several officers and dragged by his "bling" (a necklace to the ignorant) across the ground by jeremy morse and bijan darvish. He was assaulted by carlos lopez (the sheriff sergeant on scene) as well as all the others. Donovan fearful For his life and knowing he was innocent, struggled to keep free from the Harassment of these pigs. He did nothing wrong. He was afraid of them. They were bigger and threatening HIM. Donovan was hit over the head with a flashlight and punched several times in the head. He was BEATEN by the LA sheriff and inglewood PD. All because his father did not fill some paperwork out at DMV. This entire time, the man from new zealand (is that fag country) was taking pics of the arrest. Yet he was nowhere to be found once mitchell crooks started shooting the incident. A woman was watching the whole scene and was screaming and yelling during the whole scene. Now this woman is the true hero. She had the presence to yell the keywords out. "Dont resist" & "Stop hurting him" & "help"! she is the true hero of the day! Those keywords gave me the knowledge that pigs were hurting yet another human being. She was also not asked to testify during the trial of jeremy morse? Why? Because the District Attorney is in bed with the Police (fags). They are working together on many issues. Thats why we need a separate police prosecutor to get these pigs when they are out of line. PIGS NEED TO POLICE THEMSELVES! We need alot of extra shit like a police prosecutor and a new justice department. "You are so out bush it's not even funny". You can see my statements on that @ http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/Personal22.html at the october 22 2003 protest against police brutality http://www.october22.org/index.php So as this woman was screaming I looked out my window and thought it was a fight at the hotel. When she said "RESIST" I knew it was my clue to grab my Sony digital8 camcorder from my backpack. The citizens for police org have stated "why do we pander to these lawless individuals?" I had been on a trip around the divided states of embarrassment. http://www.angelfire.com/hiphop/edog/lyrics/2.html or watch the flash movie here http://www.sundanceonlinefilmfestival.com/animation01_15.html I was traveling around the states to film a documentary about america and it's rave culture. I had no idea the project would turn into a political one. I raced out to see this woman in panic. She was keeping her kids inside the hotel room so they couldn't see the police terror going on across the street. I flipped open the view finder on my camera and started filming the incident. When I saw donovan laying there I just started to cringe. I thought "what could he have done to deserve that treatment?" I had no idea he was a child. I thought he was a 19 or 20 something. I was freaked out by the fact that if I was filming police doing wrong I would be targeted next. As I said on my Videotape. http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/iMovieTheater14.html I was told by the woman, you can hear on the tape, "they are not going to come after you". Huh I knew better! You can see the video for yourself unedited at the above link or at www.noreversal.com So, as I was filming this "terrorist attack" by police, I thought "they are going to arrest me and punish me for doing so". I was right. More on that later. I was shocked by the coward doing this in broad daylight! There were about 20 witnesses on scene and not one of them was asked to testify at jeremy Morse's first mistrial. The DA is in bed with pigs remember? So after I videotaped the incident I gave the tape to friends cause I knew the cops would confiscate the tape and that would be the end of that. I also separated the camera from myself and changed my clothes. I knew these foreign backpackers only a little but they knew what they had seen on the videotape was wrong. The pigs came into the hotel and asked alot of people "who was the one who videotaped the incident?" Nobody snitched. Even though 90% of them knew I was the one. I grabbed a heineken and went down by the pool where people are still enjoying their fourth of july weekend. I sure as fuck did! After 912, police were regarded as heroes and shit cause a couple of the died at the trade center. So I reminded the entire world how fucked up our police Still are. haha. I went to NBC 4 and showed them the tape. They were not interested. Because I had seen police brutality all the time in LA, I thought the media was not going to take on the situation. I went back to the hotel. Later that next day, I had an appointment to see a potential loft in downtown LA. I went to that and on the way back, I went to UPN and thought they would like a copy for the news. I was happy if they showed it. When they offered 150 dollars I was excited. The News director told me to keep the rights and sell it to as many news outlets as possible. Thats when the inglewood PD was informed. I sold this tape for 150 dollars to several local news outlets. Which is a rip-off considering that the guy who videotaped the rodney king video made 50,000 dollars initially. So to those who say I did it for money, "FUCK YOU" I did it cause it should be done. The world wind of media kept calling from all over the world and wanted the permission to show this video. IF YOU WANNA BLAME SOMEBODY, BLAME THE "RIGHT WING" MEDIA. NOT ME. lol. So as soon as the police did a search on me and my name they found a misdemeanor warrant for petty theft and Dui. What you do not know, is that the patriot act has been used so many times against people it was not designed to do. For instance, I was arrested in front of CNN for misdemeanor crimes out of placer county. I was staying in a hotel (leparc in west hollywood) when a DA (steve cooley) from LA tried to illegally supeona me on a radio show. He wanted the video. When I refused to give up my location to him he enacted the patriot act. Actually to be even more honest, FBI or "whoever" were parked outside my hotel room w/ headphones on, listening to me and a friend inside the hotel the night before. When I refused to accept this Illegal supeona to testify before the grand jury, I left the hotel for fear of what I saw the night before. I was appearing on BET w/ Ed Gordon That night (w/congresswoman maxine waters). Twice that night and in the morning, my friend was approached in the hotel, by plain clothes and actual officers demanding him to tell me where I was. How did they know where I was? They had to have illegally tapped the land line inside my hotel during the radio interview. I was not registered at the hotel? I then went to a different friends house in long beach when I noticed cops casing his apartment even before we got there! Tell me how they could know this? Later that night after going to a bar, two undercover cops sat next to me and my friend till we left. They left. I stayed at his house all night long and heard people outside his door all night. Then, the next morning I call my original friend on a cell phone and he is scared to death. I call from CNN inside the building on a land line. He had a cell phone. I told him to bring the tape to CNN and the camera because I was to go onto another BET show taping out of the CNN building. As soon as he showed up, I mean within seconds, I was standing outside smoking. He dropped off the tape and 7 or so plain clothes officers assaulted me and threw me in a unmarked suv w/ tinted windows. CNN later came out and Showed the world my arrest for misdemeanor crimes that WERE NOT IMPORTANT UNTILL Capturing police doing wrong. At least 5 DOCUMENTED times, I was let go cause the warrant was not that big a deal. Now the whole world knows. So many of these "PIG LOVERS & RACIST TERRORISTS" have pointed out that I stole VCRS from my mom and had a DUI. Why is that important? Because the LADA used this to arrest me. I refused to testify to the grand jury w/o a lawyer. These warrants were not a big deal until I came forward with the tape. That is FACT. I was stopped in sacramento (one county over from Placer county) Albakurkee NM and in New york and by LAPD in fall 2003 for jaywalking by ofc. v.perez. I was let go after being booked at the culver city police department. I have proof. He should be in jail according to DA steve cooleys explanation to the LA city council that it is illegal to let someone go with knowledge of a warrant. I was refused entry to canada because of the warrant and was let go? If this warrant for misdemeanor crimes was so awful then, why didn't they arrest me then? Cause I did not film police brutality till I returned to my home LA. The charges were so PETTY that my mother was upset about the focus being turned onto me and not the pig jeremy morse. I had pawned a VCR that was in my room at my moms house in 1999. The cops had found the pawn slips in my car and trumped the charges in order to secure giving me more time in placer county jail. See I was the victim of a police attack in placer county CA as a youth (16 too?) and they hated me for it. Since I was not at fault (and the officer) they had a deep-seeded hatred towards me. If I had a competent public pretender at the time I would have beat all the charges. I was duly convicted and plead guilty at the first court hearing. (never do that) My lawyers wanted to appeal the original plea to try it again cause the charges were so weak but that would take 6 months or more. I was sentenced to six months in jail for a 0.08% dui and a petty theft w/ prior. Even tho the LA county jail had a program were they were kicking out inmates w/ misdemeanor crimes, a private jet flew me to placer county jail the day after the LADA and sheriff assaulted me for videotaping their own "terrorists". I was beaten severely by LADA's and handcuffed for 24 hours str8. That is illegal. That is fact. I was refused a visit from my lawyers and kept in a cell handcuffed to the outside of the cell all night. I was hospitalized for my injuries by the LADA. I had to serve my six month sentence anyways. I was let go on Jan. 4 2003. I have no charges and no probation/fines/classes so that is good. It worked I am no criminal. I had been turning my life around since 1999. I appeared on the TV show 7th heaven 3 times and turned it around. (check out the episode when the oldest son left the show after getting hitched to a Jew.) Even though, the judge couzins wanted to give me 2 years for bringing attention to the most racist jail in amerikka. Placer county is so corrupt. http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/iMovieTheater15.html They have a 92 % white population and have the largest republican county in Califas. They were so pissed off to see the public focusing in me. Congresswoman maxine waters along with democrat candidate al sharpton called them and threatened them that if anything was to happen to me, they would be in serious trouble. So they put me on 23 hour lock-down for 6 months. They said they needed to protect me from White power inmates? These same white power inmates I got along with and were happy to see the pigs in trouble and sweat-in. So jeremy morse was put on trial at the end of july 2003 (a year after) and was found basically guilty 7 to 5. The jury was not even given a good case but LADA's max huntsman and mikey petterson blew the case on purpose to satisfy the public. The trial was held in a courthouse nowhere near the crime scene in inglewood. The DA called all the defenses witnesses (the cops) and not a single other witness involved. they used the tape but did not supply the jury with ALL THE FACTS. The other officer Bijan darvish who beat donovan jackson was let off because the current footage does not show him beating him. He was charged with filing a false police report. That child abuser jeremy morse goes back on trial in january 2004. The trial was to start oct 22 but was moved yet again. The media was hoping for a riot and thats the only reason why they even bought my tape in the first place. They were hoping for the bigger picture. They were disappointed that inglewood did not respond by burning their own businesses and homes. This is what the citizens for police (jeremy morse pig lovers) says is the reason for the retrial. "To award a community for not burning their homes down is crazy" is what they and jeremy morse attorney john barnett (defended the rodney king pigs) is saying? That is sooooo ignorant! Barnett argued that the one black man on the original jury resembled donovan too much to be included. What a racist! He thinks all blacks look alike? What a nazi! To think that a retrial is only important because of not burning a house down is so 20 century. You nazi fucks need to come to the realization that jeremy morse crossed the supposed line. He beat a handcuffed 16 year old defenseless child! He was not a danger to these pigs he was a 100 pound child. Jeremy morse is about 220#. WTF? You harping on me and my situation is so funny to me. I am going places and doing whatever the fuck I want. Don't be jealous cause in inglewood you will not get 5 white jurors who will refuse to convict jeremy morse cause of 912. Fuck You. You nazi racist people are so fuckin hilarious to defend such a coward! What's next Ok' in a priest to fuck little children? You fuckin nazi's are powerless http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/Personal22.html you have NO control. Jeremy morse is the one on trial not me. The LADA might be overmatched (on purpose) by barnett but. not Johnny cochran and milton grimes. Oh yeah jeremy can't afford barnett for that. His mother lori pettit of torrance had to sell her home in Seattle just to pay for her nazi sons mistakes. Boo fuckin hoo. Jeremy morse will be broke and will have to hide in his home forever. I on the other hand have a lawsuit against the LADA and the media that will set me up for life. I have no worries. I am not a criminal. I have turned the corner and jeremy morse is just beginning to have his life turned around. So to all those who support police no matter what (including the 5 old white jurors) who think that a cop can do no wrong, I say FUCK YOU. You mean shit to me. You ain't seen nothing yet pigs. Sincerely, Mitchell Crooks PS. Your assumption that donovan was a violent subject is based merely on your hatred towards blacks and young america. You do not know donovan jackson and you do not know what happened before I arrived (yet). You are truly ignorant and hate-mongers. People like you make me so happy I Came forward. The world laughs at you. I really could care less about you or your chickenshit army occupying OUR streets. http://www.stolenlives.org/ http://www.copwatch.com/ http://refuseandresist.org/ http://www.geocities.com/capa_dfp2001/ http://live.axisofjustice.sparkart.net/ www.noreversal.com FOR A GOOD LAUGH http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/Menu1.html ARTISTIC VERSION IN INGLEWOOD http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/iMovieTheater11.html MY WELCOMING BACK TO LA BY SOUTH CENTRAL http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/iMovieTheater9.html OCT 22 2003 MARCH AGAINST POLICE TERROR http://homepage.mac.com/encyte/Personal22.html
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by mitchell crooks
Monday, Nov. 17, 2003 at 10:41 AM
 chickenhawkdown.gifakkxnn.gif, image/gif, 622x578
http://www.copssuck.net/index.html If you hated my site then your going to despise this new one. Browse around and check it out. So really funny shit here. It will make you get over your hatred of corrupt pigs for a little bit anyways. THIS PIC SUMS UP THE HATE ON THIS THREAD
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by mitchell crooks
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 at 12:27 PM
 chatroom.jpgrbyjap.jpg, image/jpeg, 320x408
the trolls look like this too.
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by mitchell crooks
Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003 at 11:24 PM
Karma anyone? Oh how I love to report this! Jeremy morse a drunk driver? Oh my god! What excuses will the cop lovers have now? Especially since I was bashed so hard for driving drunk? Jeremy Morse was arrested and taken to jail after HE was caught by el segundo police driving under the influence of drugs or alchohol. This happened over the thanksgiving holiday. What is it with this guy and american holidays? What a patriot. Tom Payne he is not. I am more like payne! I shot the video! Morse was responsible for the inglewood beating of a handcuffed black child seen all over the world on fourth of july weekend 2002. Morse is facing retrial jan, 5, 2004. He is to appear on the Dui charge Jan, 20, 2004. He was tried once july, 31, 2003 for the abuse of donovan jackson but the case ended 7 guilty 5 not. This was a result of A very poor case by LADA steve cooley (who is up for reelection march 2nd 2004), max huntsman and mikey petterson. I think this will definetly ensure a conviction of jeremy in an inglewood california courthouse. He must be in the area of inglewood if he is getting drunk in el segundo. "I left my wallet in El Segundo" - tribe called quest Jeremy morse bail was set at 5,000 thousand dollars. That seems odd? Anyone who has had a DUI knows that bail is normally not that high. And ALOT of people have had a DUI. ALOT. What is so funny to me is how the jerks on indymedia blasted me so much for being a drunk driver and stealing. Don't you all look like fuckin idiots now! HAHAHAHA Jeremy must have been broken up about the cincinnati beating on TV so he "HIT The Bottle" instead. Does not look good for poor Ol' jeremy. You know how he has been "RAILROADED" and all. lol. How do you defend a drunk driver? don't believe me? http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/7392516.htm So how is it that people can say he was justified for beating donovan yet he cannot follow the LAW? He never followed the law! Thats the entire point! He was and is a lawless thug who used his cute little uniform to take his hatred out on young people and blacks. Like so many white officers do. Especially in LA. SO WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW? Hurry up with your "spin control" cop lovers. Maybe a few of you will finally agree that jeremy morse is a coward thug. He is a monster. A lawless X cop. HOW DO YOU DEFEND HIM NOW? Do you say "It's because of all the media attention he can't handle it?" Thats sounds pretty liberal. That would mean your Hypocrits (which I knew all along) and bleading hearts lefty's. Cool! join us! WHATS YOUR ARGUEMENT NOW? "Well Mitchell stole from his mom" Well, so did Morse. His mother lost her entire home to pay for morse's actions. She sold it to pay for his legal defense or professional liar john barnett. Geez did his mom have to pawn her wedding ring? Or maybe she sold her taurus to bail him out. Time to plea bargain morse. LOL. MITCHELL IS STILL A CRIMINAL Thats why I have not been arrested before morse huh? Thats why I learned my lesson in the spotlight. Morse did not. Thats why I have turned my life around since. (I still drink but, don't drive. Have plenty of friends for that) Thats why Jeremy Morse is on Trial for 2 crimes now. Yet I am free. But yeah I am still a criminal. whatever? Bush Had a DUI and stole the white house. Maybe i will run for Prez? JEREMY MORSE IS NOT GUILTY Yeah it is pretty hard to beat a DUI case. Jeremy refused to take a breathalizer test and that leads to suspicion of Drug use. The results have not been released to the media yet. Jeremy Morse was captured by myself on video violating the rights of a child. He "slammed" donovan on a car then punched him in the face. Hard to argue that. Thats why barnett will argue about every black guy on the jury resembles donovan jackson. again. JEREMY SHOULD'VE KILLED DONOVAN Just like cincinnati? That guy should not have lunged at the cop but he DID NOT DESERVE TO BE BEATEN TO DEATH! You expected that. Some of you prolly been waiting for my post on that. Here we go again! Cops Need to follow the law and back off people a little. We have a terrorist issue to pay attention too. Protect the people at all costs. That is your job. Murdering people is not. We have TEXAS and BUSCH for that. HOW WILL YOU EXPLAIN THIS NOW? Point is I could really give a flying fuck about the fucked up comments from hypocritical jerks on here. You people inspire me in the best possible way. As long as I know ignorant hatefilled people are in the world, I will Fight the good fight! I will not read your excuses or hate. You have nothing. You are forgeting allready that jeremy morse is a drunk driver, drug taking, thug who used his uniform to beat a handcuffed child who did nothing wrong. Where are donovans charges if he was so violent? Jeremy morse is the problem. Video activists are not. ALSO, TO THOSE INTERESTED I WILL BE ON KPFK TUESDAY @ 5:00 PM with MARK SLATE TO DISCUSS THE RECENT FTAA (miami) ASSAULT AND THE INGLEWOOD CASE. TUNE IN TO KPFK.com or 90.7 on your FM DIAL on the drive home. OH YEAH MY 15 MINUTES IS UP. LOL My 15 minutes is not up to you. It is up to me. I decide when I have had enough. I am quite happy chillen on da undaground. I have no regrets. You said that when i was arrested. Then you said it when I was released. Then while the trial is going. Then after the trial. Then yesterday. Then today. You said it before Indymedia put my story on the front page. You must feel really stupid by now. Been to New york. Been all over the west. I like chillen down here where the people really matter. That statement allways cracks me up like I am going to get my feelings hurt cause my 15 minutes a up. Boo fuckin hoo. Its not up to you, It's up to me retard. One more time hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. mitchell crooks revolutionary videographer stay updated here:
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Sunday, Apr. 30, 2006 at 2:22 PM
Why dont everybody shut up!!about hate crime it happens everywhere!!!this is the real world just because it gets caught on tape its worse or better?first of all this 16 year old SEEMED!!!to be in custody which he was in!!!but was still fighting it he grabbed the officers BALLS!!!!! what would you do? just let him do it?no i wouldnt EVEN IF HE WAS WHITE OR BLACK OR MEXICAN
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