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by builder123
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003 at 9:48 PM
Bad Boy Bush’s fund raising bender sobers up to a protest verging on ANTIWAR SIZE.
 eimage1203.jpg, image/jpeg, 526x351
Century City - June 27, 2003 Activists from a wide array of backgrounds form a highly charged tapestry.
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by builder123
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003 at 9:48 PM
 eimage501.jpg, image/jpeg, 540x382
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by builder123
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003 at 9:48 PM
 eimage202.jpg, image/jpeg, 544x359
LAPD can get a little kooky when “W” is in town.
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by builder123
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003 at 9:48 PM
 eimage602.jpg, image/jpeg, 520x346
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by builder123
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003 at 9:48 PM
 eimage401.jpg, image/jpeg, 522x349
When will the media smell ratings and go after this guy?
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by builder123
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003 at 9:48 PM
 eimage2804.jpg, image/jpeg, 535x353
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by builder123
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003 at 9:48 PM
 eimage1102.jpg, image/jpeg, 310x460
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by readyman
Monday, Jun. 30, 2003 at 4:35 AM
Any reliable estimate on the numbers of protesters?
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by Smith
Tuesday, Jul. 01, 2003 at 3:37 PM
Who's buying icecream now?
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by x
Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003 at 4:44 AM
guess i am
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by x
Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003 at 4:47 AM
guess i am, shit.
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by x
Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003 at 4:58 AM
guess i am
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by Veronica
Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003 at 2:15 PM
vero_roman47@yahoo.com 323 385 6259
get up stand up don't give up the fight!!
Glad to see the photos because as I was watching the nightly news I could tell the reporter was minimizing the Anti-Bush contingent in the languge he chose. For example when he was reporting he said something like "about a thousand Anti- bush protesters" where at the rally but when he talked about his supporters he refered to them as "hundreds of Bush supporters" This double speak accompanied by a wide shot from a heliocopter showed protestors on a corner- the shot was taken from such an angle that the majority of the protestors were covered by the building and it seemed like fewer people than were really there. Whereas the cameras taping the Pro Bush folks were on the ground and the crowd was "huge" right behind the reporter a la "Good morning america." Those of us unfortunate enough to have gone to film school know how to fill a frame to make it look like a crowd, and we know how to edit and crop to make a place look empty. The only ground shots of the protestors were wide shots with few people in the frame- the stragglers perhaps, or that weird angle from the heli that hid the crowd behind the building. So anyway good job everyone who made it happen. Don't stop!!! The misinformation is astounding and like my good homie Twin says "If you believe everything you hear your a sucker." Stay focused and independent!!! Thanks
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by activist community
Friday, Jul. 04, 2003 at 10:49 AM
Yes, it was grossly underreported, even here at Indymedia. We were out in force. There were probably 10 to 20 million of us that day in LA. Isn't that wonderful? Let's sit around and talk about it.
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by Bush Admirer
Friday, Jul. 04, 2003 at 3:28 PM
Geez, look at those photos. What a collection of losers. Makes me want to puke.
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by Bush Admirer's mother
Friday, Jul. 04, 2003 at 3:31 PM
Try looking in the mirror. You'll puke your lungs out.
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by Joanne Plescia
Saturday, Jul. 05, 2003 at 8:09 AM
I have hope that we may as a country get the courage to reject a government has moved from a republic to an oligarchy. Protest is a right granted to us in the 1st amendment. If the media would expose the truth, protest might not be so necessary.
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by Grim Reaper
Sunday, Jul. 06, 2003 at 6:27 AM
Your death will improve the quality of the US greatly.
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by John Guise
Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 at 12:52 PM
America is sinking into an Imperialistic, Corporate Tyranny, and you want to kick us off the ship? We're bailing water and trying to keep the Republic afloat! Wake up! You remind me of the "Good Germans" who closed their eyes as Hitler took power. What are you trying to do to my beloved country?
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 at 5:35 PM
JG - Did you really say "America is sinking into Imperialistic, Corporate Tyranny?"
HaHaHa - That's funny.
It's only in the spaced out liberal world that corporations are evil. In the real world they are the backbone of our highly successful Capitalistic society.
If you want to get rid of evil and counterproductive elements in our society then I'd suggest getting rid of folks like Ralph Nader and Jesse Jackson. Don't get rid of our corporations -- they produce goods and services that we need -- instead get rid of counterproductive whiner/complainers like Pacific Radio and PBS.
But despite my negative comments about your protests, there is some good news. A close examination of the first photo posted above reveals a couple of decent looking babes. Maybe there is a reason to show up at these protest marches afterall.
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by builder123
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 4:07 PM
You're rights or Wal-Mart's? I think I know BA's answer.
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by Bush Admirer
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 4:15 PM
You are correct. I'm much more concerned about Walmart's rights than I am about the rights of a pack of whacko liberals.
That's a no brainer.
Walmart actually makes a contribution to our society. They create jobs (lots of jobs). They distribute merchandise that we all purchase. They provide a useful service.
Now, contrast that with liberals like X, Builder123, Sheepdog, and Diogenes. What useful services do they provide? What merchandise do they distribute? Do they contribute positively to our society in any way? (I think not). They're your basic parasite. Damn right I value Walmart one hell of a lot more than I value them!
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by Josef
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 4:20 PM
are hoping to impress some radical chick with his 'convictions' and get laid.
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by Josef
Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at 4:23 AM
...I couldn't get laid in a woman's prison, so what do I know?
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by builder123
Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at 5:32 PM
WalMart is a prime example of corporate welfare - workers exploited while states pick up the social services tab. “Wal-Mart refuses to pay their employees a sufficient wage for the work they do. Wal-Mart would not be able to "Rollback" prices the way it does, or pile up its gargantuan profits, without government subsidy.“ See article -- http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16111
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