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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
Pics from the rally.
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by DonFreak
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003 at 8:07 PM
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by GWB Supporter
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 9:33 AM
What a bunch of loser liberals!!!!!
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by Bush Admirer
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 1:11 PM
You are correct.
It's hard for me to imagine any more insulting label one could be tagged with than "Liberal."
What are some of the worst labels you could be hit with? I would think Nazi, Faggot, Anarchist, Democrat, Hare Krishna, and Retard are all about the same. One step worse would be 'Liberal.'
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by Sy$teMF@iLuRe
Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 11:26 PM
Ha H@ hA SuCkA
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by fresca
Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at 2:48 AM
What a fuckin' moron.
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by fresca
Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003 at 5:13 AM
Wow! fresca is actually correct for once!!! Bush Admirer IS a "fuckin' moron!!!!"
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by C Walsh
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 12:21 PM
What an incredibly beautiful mural. Breathtaking. It's wonderful to see creativity emerging from the depths of insanity.
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by Zoe
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003 at 2:06 PM
It's a little frightening to see these sorts of comments!(I'm referring to Mr No Brain Hick bush supporter) From the other side of the world it's rather disconcerting that the super-power-gone-fucking-mental is doing so largely unchecked by it's own people, or am I misreading the sentiments in your country? (dunno - I'm not there) Bush wouln't even make it off the plane in my country These are world elections but only you can vote!
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by Soldaatvanoranje
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 7:32 AM
Great idea, Zoe! Does this mean I get a vote in North Korea's next "election", or how about China's? Seems like Israelis sure could use a vote in the Palestinian elections too, seeing as how they're so affected by Yasser Arafat (and vice versa!), and why not allow Cubans in Florida a chance to vote in Cuba? Seems like the world is just _SO_ interconnected, why limit non citizens from only being able to vote for the next American president just because you don't like Bush?
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by tpfkamw
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 10:16 AM
"From the other side of the world it's rather disconcerting that the super-power-gone-fucking-mental is doing so largely unchecked by it's own people..."
Uh, no. It's going on largely with the approval and support of most of its citizens.
It is, however, going on unchecked by the Liberal Looney Left, who are incapable of doing anything about it. You see, America is based on the wishes of the majority...not the wishes of the loudest (despite what the loudest say).
You're paying too much attention to the America-hating media (and government too, more than likely) where you're at. Not to mention the America-haters at Indymedia.
The truth is out there; it's just not where you're looking.
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by KPC
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 10:45 AM
"America is based on the wishes of the majority..."
...except in the last presidential election, where the majority voted for someone ELSE....
...fuckin' idiot....
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by sam
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 10:46 AM
how can you say that indymedia is "america-hating"? isn't america based on freedom of speech? the "america-hating" media would surely have to be the "mass" or "corporate" media, because it's only hurting americans as well as the rest of the world to get no truth in their media coverage. it's not freedom of speech when a reporter or station is told by their owners what they can or more realisticlly, what they can't say or cover. but, you just go ahead and keep your naive head in the sand.
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by ec
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 10:51 AM
"America is based on the wishes of the majority..."
...except in the last presidential election, where the majority voted for someone ELSE....
Looks like someone has never heard of the Constitution or the Electoral College.
...fuckin' idiot....
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by tpfkamw
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 10:54 AM
I can say Indymedia hates America because it's true.
"the "america-hating" media would surely have to be the "mass" or "corporate" media, because it's only hurting americans as well as the rest of the world to get no truth in their media coverage."
We agree there; most mass or corporate media is hopelessy biased toward the left, and so does hate America.
And thanks for the typical Indymedia attitude: "You don't agree with me, so there is obviously something wrong with you."
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by thatsit
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 10:54 AM
--because it's only hurting americans as well as the rest of the world to get no truth in their media coverage--
Completely agree. The main stream media is WAY to liberal.
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by KPC
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:07 AM
Some douchebag typed this:
"America is based on the wishes of the majority..."
Then some other douchebag...or the same...doesn't matter 'cause they're completely interchangable...but this other comment from "a" douchebag;
"Looks like someone has never heard of the Constitution or the Electoral College"
Now, I can step away at this point and have these two douchebags argue..or this one schizo douchebag....argue amongst themselves
...if this/these douchebag(s) is/are anything...it's/they're ENTERTAINING.....
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by KPC
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:12 AM
If the majority of media is "liberal", why did the Republican controlled FCC headed by Sonny Powell move to consolidate ownership among those currently dominating the media?
The answer easy...the media ain't liberal....or maybe you wanna start a movement to stop government contracts to that socialist organization known as General Electric....
.....delusional fucks.....
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by yah
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:17 AM
Some douchebag said the majority voted for someone other than Bush. Some douchebag has never heard of the Constitution or the Electoral College.
That douchebag is KPC.
"If the majority of media is "liberal", why did the Republican controlled FCC headed by Sonny Powell move to consolidate ownership among those currently dominating the media?"
Permitting consolidation is not a liberal or conservative thing. It's an American thing. If a bunch of liberal investors want to own and operate a group of TV and radio stations they can. Are you able to comprehend that?
.....delusional fuck.....
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by sam
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:18 AM
let's drop the liberal bull shit. i don't consider myself liberal, i certainly don't see indymedia as "liberal". and whatever you want to consider the mainstream media, the fact is they cover nothing! and the other fact is that they are owned by right wing, fascist republicans. corporations are taking over the world. that's why they cover nothing. they don't want us to actually think, they don't want us to actually know the truth of what is happening in our world. you should thank people like indymedia for offering you coverage that you will never see on television or in the bullshit newspapers. what is it that you don't like about indymedia? is it the truth? or do you in your opinion consider them liberal and therefore automaticlly dispise them? because, i know some people behind indymedia, and i can assure you they are very much not liberal. try just taking the information, do your own research from there if you need to, and drop your assumption of them being "liberal".
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by KPC
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:20 AM
...THAT is your reply? Whaddya packin' cotton balls in your drawers? Consider yourself defeated...
...and of course I've heard of the Electoral College...aren't they in the PAC 10?
...fuckin' loser.....
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by enough
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:28 AM
--i certainly don't see indymedia as "liberal"--
--mainstream media...... is that they are owned by right wing, fascist republicans."--
There's your problem. You don't know your "right" from your "left".
If you don't see indymedia as liberal, you can't recognize liberal.
Liberal and conservative has nothing to do with pro-corporate or anti-corporate. It has everything to do with pro-big government (liberal) and anti-big government (conservative).
If you are pro-universal health care, you're a liberal.
If you are for expanding government to take care of you from cradle to grave (expanding the social safety net), you're a liberal.
If you are in favor of government regulating who can and who cannot own and operate radio and TV, you're a liberal.
There's more, but that should keep you busy.
And don't come back with this "what if government expanding the military, etc etc etc...." cause if you don't get it by now, you never will. And that's fine. Just stay out of my neighborhood and away from people so as to not corrupt them with your childish ways.
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by KPC
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:34 AM
umm, seems that you forgot that the airwaves are owned by the people, and the free market (bow your head in adoration as you read that) dictates that people who own it can set the rules, or "regulations".....that is the American way....these media corporations are only tennants
...oh, I get it...you're one of those anti-American America-hating socialist.....
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by rvbnblu
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 11:52 AM
So what planet are you from? did most of the kids at the rally get there, on their pied-mobile? I am pretty sure there were some protesters who drove away in a nice and luxurious SUV...is it not true??
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by Rick
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 2:35 PM
Ther the fool says " Liberal's are for big government and connective's are for a small government" what a bunch of BS. That's why spending in our government is at a all time high with Conservatives in control of the Senate the House and the Executive branch. And our deficit is at a all time high of 600 billion per year and growing. It amazes me how ignorant so many people are. "Ther" must get all his news from Fox. What a dumb ass.
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by Mr. King
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 at 3:00 PM
http://www.bushflash.com/faith.html Reclaim America in the name of truth, justice, humanity, and all the is still good and right in our country... Remove Bush and his cartel from office either by election or impeachment. Mr. King
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by john buttemiller
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003 at 9:20 PM
Good thing those bitches know what the name ( I mean the nam ) was, you people are a joke, and you know it.
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by nothumb
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 11:44 AM
the entire political spectrum is not dominated by the liberal/conservative bias. people who use the term 'liberal' as an insult forget that "liberalism" as an economic doctrine hinges on capitalist expansion and so-called "free-market" trade policy, etc. etc... to a major degree all of our presidents since WW2 have been 'liberals' in this sense. furthermore, the spectrum extends to the right of conservatism and the left of liberalism... indymedia, for instance, is not a liberal organization. the majority of its contributors and organizers are progressive/radical political types.
people who use 'conservative' as an insult also forget that, until the years following ww2, conservatism did not necessarily mean hostility to environmental concerns, working in the interest of big business, etc. some of the most profoundly anti-capitalist writers and thinkers of the early 20th century were conservatives: JRR Tolkein, TS Eliot, etc. these men observed and condemned the destruction of the environment and the alienation of capitalism/industrialism from a totally different perspective than we currently tend to.
people who debate politics in the narrow conservative/liberal terms that are currently popular among our elected officials have a very skewed take on the meanings of these terms in a historical sense. the majority of mainstream american politicians - even the naderites and the reform party types - fall within a very narrow spectrum of political thought, a fair mix of 'liberalism' in the economic sense and either liberal internationalism or neorealism when it comes to foreign policy.
if you use the term 'liberal' to insult a collective that is clearly NOT liberal, you are only going to draw attention to your ignorance as to the meaning the term.
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by nonanarchist
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 12:12 PM
From http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=3981 If you've ever come to a protest without your clothes... If you spell America with K's while writing in English... If you think the United Nations is a bona fide governing body... If you believe that the U.S. deserved to be attacked on 9/11 for its policies around the globe... If you believe that Zionism is a form of racism... If your main form of protest is destruction of property... If you actually used the phrase "coming home to roost" in the past year... If you think that a "global corporation" is evil by definition... If you believe that "all property is theft"... If you refer to Noam Chomsky as a "dissident"... If you think that the proper response to terrorism is to "understand" the "root causes" of "Muslim discontent"... If you think that the U.S. is a terrorist state... If you think that Israel is a colonial power... If you think that "world peace" will be accomplished by happy songs and "anti-war resolutions"... If you honestly think that there is no connnection whatsoever between Islam and terrorism... If you are a member of any organization with "Socialist," "Communist," "Marxist," "Leninist," "Aryan," or "Revolutionary Council" in its title... If you seriously believe that there is a "corporate ruling class"... If you think all cultures are equivalent, and there is no moral difference between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia... If you are convinced that some six million J-E-W-S are in control of the United States, a nation of 280 million people... If your primary form of protest involves large puppets... If you would rather watch people starve than let them eat genetically modified "Frankenfoods"... If you have ever harmed people in order to protest testing on animals... If you believe that the post-9/11 appearance of American flags is a sign of "jingoism"... If you have ever worn sheets in public, and it wasn't Halloween... If you have ever held up a "People's Republic" as an example for the West to follow. If you equate strong criticism or public disgust with censorship and "McCarthyism"... If your main form of protest involves stupid slogans that were old by 1969... If you really think that the 9/11 attacks were God's punishment for our "deviant ways"... If you refer to terrorists strictly as "militants" or "activists"... If you insist on having a theoretical argument about reality ... You think that Europe has the moral authority to lecture the United States on any subject that doesn't involve cheese... You believe that the use of military force is always wrong, unless it is being used against Israel... If you believe in 'Moral Relativism'... If you want to destroy America from the inside out and you were born here and are white.. If you think the Alaskan people should not benefit from natural resources like you have so you can summer there and they can sell you beads thus not raising their standard of living to yours... If you believe there should be no mention of America or god in America by using the American constituion to enforce de-americanizing Americans... If you believe security and democracy is a contradiction and there is no way to have both.. If you think the PC revolution of the 1990s was not like 1984 the book and was and is good for americans. If you think Liberals are not the Neo-Facists Americans see them as for enforcing the PC governement controll on Americans thoughs and actions... If you think School vouchers that can uplift minority and poor children from bad schools and poor neighborhoods is a bad idea because then you will be out of a job telling them the reason they are poor is someone else's fault so don't bother doing anything about it yourself, stey where you are... If you think the only way blacks can get better jobs is by governments forcing employers to hire them on a curve, you don't think they can do it on their own merits and that there are plenty of smart and capable black people out there that they all need a government enforced shoe lift into the door. If you think perpetuating class and race warfare is in your better political interests even if most Americans see it as either irreleveant or on an extrme decline which would put you out of a job blaming people and force you to do something, like get a real honest job and a raise a decent family.. If you beleive the minorty should control the greater 'dumb' majority (better known as despotism, tyranny, and facism)... If you don't see the irony of holding a summit on sustainable development that draws 60,000 delegates, produces tons of waste paper (all the better to pen anti-US screeds on...) and consumes more lobster meat than the entire continent of Africa is likely to see in a generation... If you use the term oil as an epithet... If you believe hundreds of Florida voters who were too stupid, careless or ignorant to mark their ballots clearly were "disenfranchised"... If you believe negotiating from a position of weakness, or with an avowed unwillingness to use force, will lead to peace... If you think having our President rush hither and yon around the world apologizing for America's imagined misdeeds will win us respect... If you've ever used the phrase, "Who are we to judge others?" to refute criticism of barbaric practices in other cultures... If you refer to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton as "civil rights leaders"... If you consider your employer's expenditure of $500,000 per year on salary for its new "Vice President of Diversity" as a good thing... If you believe there's a fixed amount of wealth in the world, and it's the government's main task to ensure that it gets "distributed equitably"... ...You might be an idiotarian.
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Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 1:02 PM
Totally true, and well written. BRAVO!
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by that bastard
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 2:27 PM
if you C&P from freerepublic and then pat yourself on the back for being so clever! oh wow, oh wow! giggle snorf!!
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by thomaston
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 3:15 PM
I could probably pull a list of stereotypical viewpoints out of my ass too, its not very hard, all you have to do is hate yourself enough, submerge yourself in ignorant thought, and then project away like a babbling gossiping old lady who finds herself becoming more and more unhappy with her life. maybe your views will survive with your offspring. I wouldnt worry much, you have many years of institutions backing you up, with a pride that will never faulter no matter how riduculus it sounds. and the price of gas goes up because a pipe breaks in arizona.
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by nonanarchist
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 3:28 PM
...you guys have absolutley NO sense of humor.
Hey, that bastard...if you look closely at the link I posted, you will find it's from little green footballs...NOT free republic. Moron.
thomaston: "...all you have to do is hate yourself enough, submerge yourself in ignorant thought, and then project away like a babbling gossiping old lady who finds herself becoming more and more unhappy with her life."
You're projecting, thomaston. Not everyone shares your emotions.
Why do you assume I hate myself? Because I don't blindly wallow the imc party line, and thus can't stand myself?
Get over yourself. I know that's asking a great deal, but give it a shot.
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by osprey
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 3:52 PM
can't you see that no one here is falling for your drivel anymore? Go back to your used car lot and try and push those old Yugo's and SUV's to lameass patriots from the suburbs...we are not buying your pathetic wars and racial purity line.
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by nonanarchist
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 4:02 PM
My handle is "nonanarchist". I realize it looks a lot like "monarchist", but there is a difference.
No one's falling for my drivel? Ahh, but hope springs eternal...
It's amazing how you guessed my occupation! Let me try yours: Birkenstock salesman? Tofu chef? Protest sign artiste? Let me know if I'm getting close.
Please cut and paste posts of mine that espouse any form of racial purity, please.
I can't wait to see them.
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by osprey
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 4:13 PM
The only thing that springs eternal (to use a lame cliche) are shills who continue to sell anyone that will listen the old tired wrong line that capitalism is great, bush is great, and anyone who disagrees with that deserves death.
Hope is something completely unbrelated. What you seek is continued death and enforced slavery. It's repulsive and disgusting.
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by nonanarchist
Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 4:38 PM
No, there's one more thing that springs eternal...hate-filled fools that refuse to take responsiblity for their lot in life, and would rather blame their failures on the government, and who gladly embrace any failed political philosophy that allows them to abdicate the responsibility for their lives.
Now answer my earlier question: where have I espoused any form of racial purity?
And this one: where have I demanded death for those who disagree with me?
Here's a hint: the voices in your head don't count.
Come on, I haven't got all night.
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by tHINK!!!!!!
Friday, Aug. 29, 2003 at 3:56 AM
Oh yes man bush is great in bombing woman and children, hospitals as also killing reporters stealing works of art to sell them in the USA, killing his own people (marines) and make idiot statements with no meaning. What do you have to say??? Come on i dont have all day!!!!!!!!!!!
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by smashtheleft
Friday, Aug. 29, 2003 at 4:07 AM
I have changed my posting handle to "nonanarchist." I was tired of getting my ass handed to me in every thread, so I changed my name.
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