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by Paul King
Sunday, Jun. 22, 2003 at 9:28 PM
After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between HIV and immune supression had been established a High Court found the claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first legal trail of the HUV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$ Inc.
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson The United Nations Centre for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva 8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland To all Heads of Government and all Heads of State To all NGOs Legal proceedings against the "Deutscher Bundestag", the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany: Because of the intentional continuation of acts of killing and manslaughter (§ 220a StGB Germany) by the German Parliament. During the last six years proofs have been collected for the following actions that have taken place inside Germany: The State intentionally is using non-valid tests to persuade healthy persons to take a deadly long-term medication. The persons, being healthy before being tested die during the long-term-medication. The German Parliament, since years intentionally is securing that this crime continues. Course of Events on January 15th 2001 at the District Court (Landgericht) of Dortmund: Judge Hackmann announced the statement of the "Bundesgesundheitsbehörde", the Federal German Health Authorities, which says that in connection with AIDS there has never been isolated a virus (Dr. Marcus, Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) Berlin). The judge figured out that the German Bundestag had been backing the lie of the Federal Health Authorities (RKI, Dr. Marcus, 9.3.95) about a successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS in the course of a petition (Art. 17, Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, Pet. 5-13-15-2002-010526). The trial was based on actions of the defendant which were caused by the misleading statement made by the RKI (Dr. Marcus) on the 9th March 1995, that there were photographs of the isolated HI-virus inside the publications of Montagnier (1983) and Gallo (1984). The judge proved the untruthfulness of this statement using Dr. Marcus‘ statement itself. The court imposed a suspended sentence of 8 months of jail because of attempted coercion of the authorities to adhere and act according to law and order. The document of the German Bundestag DS 12/8591 holds proof that the Bundestag had already known in 1994 that neither Montagnier (1983) nor Gallo (1984) had isolated any virus in connection with AIDS. Based on this the Bundestag safeguarded the persistent lie of the AIDS information campaign (RKI) from 9th March 1995 about the successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS. As a consequence of non-tolerating this lie and because of non-tolerating the deadly consequences of this lie, the trial took place on 15th January 2001. It is impossible – as far as laboratory conditions are concerned – to develop a valid Virus-antibody-test, if the virus has not been isolated before. Every layman understands that an individual proof for an infection with a virus is impossible, if the existence of the virus has never been generally proven. This knowledge of the German health authorities, that the tests are not validated, can be proven via the authorities‘ documents themselves. The error concerning the test’s validity is spread and supported by the authorities – against better knowledge. With two more petitions the Bundestag safeguarded the default of the responsible authorities, not to carry out the law (§63 AMG, Stufenplan II), to do studies and observations to protect persons taking the AIDS-Medicine, the chemotherapy AZT (Pet. 5-13-15-2002-058744 and Pet. 5-13-15-212-023567a). The health authorities and the Bundestag know that there will be no test method to prove an HIV-Infection, as long as HIV has not been isolated. And there is no doubt that AZT – as well as the HIV-medications in general – are deadly themselves when used as long-term-medication. In the course of the proceedings of the petitions the Bundestag created an apparent peace of law – by means of deliberately untruthful statements. President of the German Parliament Wolfgang Thierse regards untruthful behaviour of this kind (as shown by the Bundestag) as being justified by the Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court). A videotape documenting an interview (28th June 1995) shows that his predecessor in office, Prof. Rita Süssmuth did know, that there had never been any proofs for a virus in connection with AIDS and that there are no proofs for the claims of infectivitiy. Still pending in the Bundestag is the petition Pet. 2-14-15-212-02608. It is lodging a complaint against the legal authorities, which stayed passive after getting the attention of the proofs for these act of killings. Enclosed with the complaint were so many proofs, which had made it necessary for the Bundestag to take actions right after perusal, to stop the continuation of these acts of killings by the state. Within the last six months every single member of the German Bundestag was informed six times via mail about these acts of killing by the state. The intention of the German Bundestag to safeguard killings by the state after gaining insight into the facts must be regarded as proven, especially because of the fact that several petitions were rejected by means of untruthful statements. The German Bundestag and every individual member of the Bundestag intentionally safeguards acts of killings by the state by deliberately misleading the public. Healthy people are intentionally lead into a deadly medication via tests with invalid results - and then die. The criminal law of the BRD and especially § 220a StGB (Genocide) protects citizens from act of killings organised by a state which is deliberately misleading the public. It also protects the citizens binding the legal authorities to take actions after perusal. The prosecuting attorneys attended the trial on 15th January 2001 at the Landgericht Dortmund and learned about the facts – in front of the public. Their passivity afterwards serves as a further proof for their further intention in this matter. (LG Dortmund, Ns 70 Js 878/99 14(XVII) K 11/00) Karl Krafeld and Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dortmund and Stuttgart, 14.3.2001 Science, Medicine and Human Rights (Wissenschaft, Medizin und Menschenrechte e.V.), Germany Albrechtstr. 17, D-44137 Dortmund, 0711 2220601, for other studing of hiv and aids you can see this very intresting site: or the forum
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by Paul King
Sunday, Jun. 22, 2003 at 9:30 PM
The AIDS researchers in Africa including those from the CDC has existed for a considerable time and this has not been due to HIV: "Africans are frequently exposed to hygienic conditions and other factors, to a wide variety of viruses, including CMV, EBV, and HSV, all of which are known to modulate the immune system...Furthermore, the Africans in the present study are at an additional risk for immunologic alterations since they are frequently afflicted with a wide variety of diseases, such as malaria, trypanosomiasis, and filariasis, that are also known to have a major effect on the immune system" [CMV=cytomegalovirus; EBV=Epstein-Barr virus; HSV=herpes simplex virus]. Although the Bangui definition does not require a test for immunodeficiency, the definition states that a patient is considered an AIDS case only "in the absence of known causes of immunosuppression such as cancer or severe malnutrition or other recognised etiologies" (WHO, 1986).
Thus, since eminent HIV/AIDS researchers admit that sick Africans have many causes of immunosuppression then, by definition, there should be very few, if any, African AIDS cases. Thus one must agree with the WHO and other researchers that acquired immune deficiency (AID) and certain diseases (S) are long standing in Africa, but are not induced by HIV. Nevertheless, the same researchers presume that the world will willingly accept that we are in the midst of witnessing a new phenomenon in Africa caused by a new virus.
The evidence for the existence of HIV in Africa is based on the random testing of Africans for the presence of HIV antibodies. (Ironically, the test in not required for the diagnosis of AIDS in Africans and in fact surveys have indicated that only approximately half of African "AIDS" cases have a positive test. The HIV antibody tests (the "AIDS test") relies on the presence or absence of reactions between antibodies present in patients' blood and certain proteins which are believed to be unique to HIV. Because non-HIV antibodies can react with the "HIV proteins" producing positive tests in individuals who are not HIV infected, before the test is used to diagnose HIV infection the test's specificity must be determined. This means that one must determine how often false-positive tests occur, and the only scientifically valid method for ascertaining this fact is by an examination, in a large number of suitable individuals, of the results of antibody testing performed concurrently with HIV isolation. Bizarre as it may seem, even today, no such data has ever been reported, neither in the West nor in Africa. The AIDS scientific literature remains silent on this most basic requirement of test evaluation (Papadopulos- Eleopulos et al., 1993).
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by Jo Hagstorm
Monday, Jun. 30, 2003 at 7:17 AM
Paul, Is there some way we can verify the authenticity of your post, which looks like a UN correspondence? Where did you get it? When was this sent to Heads of State? Why didn't we hear about the mentioned verdict when it happened in January of 2001? I do know some of the background on this case, but I would like to verify this current information. Thanks
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by Ted Thompson
Monday, Jun. 30, 2003 at 7:43 AM
What is your agenda? Why are you upset that the international community of scientists think that HIV causes AIDS?
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by Dr. Daniel H Duffy, DC
Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003 at 11:47 AM
AIDS is a myth generated by criminals in the CDC. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed based upon the myth. There has never been an AIDS epidemic and there is no AIDS epidemic presently. AIDS is not a transmissable disease and cannot be transmitted even by a blood transfusion. The original cases in NY and LA were homosexuals who were destroying the immune systems with recreational drugs and then succumbing to pneumonia via pneumocystis carinii. No virus has life. Every particle described as a virus is either the metabolic waste of cellular metabolism or a fragment of cellular debris that escaped phagocystosis. No virus has life therefore no virus can DO anything. The very notion of a "live" virus defies common sense. Doctors who continue to pursue this myth belong in jail, not in public service.
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by william thomson
Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003 at 9:40 AM
must not have to take molecular biology or biochemistry to get their crackpot degrees. come on, man! even if you don't believe that HIV causes AIDS, you must accept the fact that although viruses are not living organisms, they nevertheless can use the molecular machinery of living cells to reproduce themselves (and incidentally, make the host pretty sick with all those foreign proteins and nucleic acids floating around). ooh, i just felt a sublexation in my dorsal energy field open up, gotta go....
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by Scottie
Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003 at 2:57 PM
computer viruses arent alive but they can screw up computers by replicating etc etc
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by Fred
Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 at 5:42 AM
> No virus has life therefore no virus can DO anything.
I guess the flu I had last year was all in my imagination. That's a relief.
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by Keith
Saturday, Feb. 21, 2004 at 6:41 PM
The body reacts to many substances that in themselves "do not do anything" - ie they are non-living. Your 'flu symptoms were caused by the body's immune system responding to what it saw as a foreign invader and releasing potent substances (hystamines etc) into the system.
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Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004 at 10:27 AM
Please visit (forums, chat, dating, guestbook, member photos, anti dissident action group, etc) to learn the truths (AIDS EXISTS).
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by Stephen Strain MIAT
Wednesday, Jul. 14, 2004 at 2:57 AM
Of course he can't verify it because it is a forgery.
Paul King stop spreading your twisted views.
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by Stephen Strain MIAT
Wednesday, Jul. 14, 2004 at 3:00 AM
Absolute crap
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by GOD (gaining on dissidents)
Saturday, Aug. 14, 2004 at 9:13 PM
AIDS Apologists VS AIDS Dissidents - Truths About AIDS Denialists
**Dear webmaster, we see your group/forum is being attacked by AIDS dissidents (we have had the same problem from sites like dissidentaction and virusmyth or from paulking, so we are warning you). Please make sure you block domain names listed on . You must do what you can to stop these web terroists/trolls before they take over your web site and any rational conversations! It may be a good idea to remove this entire thread...
AIDS apologists are those who know HIV leads to AIDS (proven by science, so much scientific proof) and we are defending the scientifically known fact that viral pathogenesis and progression of 'HIV to AIDS' causes the eventual need for combination therapies to prolong life. Mixed "AIDS Apologist" links here or find comments here from both sides (dissidents and the scientific community), but still about AIDS Apologist activities... AIDS dissidents (better known as AIDS Denialists who are AIDS dissidence, dissidence is anti-establishment like, against science and progression, argumentative) deny HIV causes AIDS and claim the medications kill the patients (AZT "over use" alone started this myth in the late 80s, but medicine combo/therapies are working today in the year 2000+). Basically a group of non doctors and non scientists who challenge the conventional HIV/AIDS model or hypothesis and do not accept the proven evidence. These dissident groups seem almost fanatical by them posting the same message multiple times to a targeted list of internet websites (non dissident sites of course, clogging up the normal flow of reading material with intentions of shutting the sites down) and insulting/bashing anyone who may not agree. What are AIDS dissidents? Find out who, what, where, when and why: What are AIDS denialists all about? See the myths exposed:
Learn about how they are murdering HIV positive people:
AIDS DissiDUNCE Exposed Blogs
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Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004 at 11:35 AM
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Saturday, Oct. 16, 2004 at 11:48 AM
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by DaveyBoy
Monday, Nov. 15, 2004 at 5:24 AM
FREE HIV/AIDS CHAT & POZ DATING UPDATES 2004 is a large project consisting of thousands of categorized web links for people to educate themselves on HIV and AIDS. I reprogrammed a newer simpler (Google Style) HIV/AIDS search engine on where all you have to do is type in a keyword relating to HIV/AIDS and hit the search button to get all the details you could ever need! Good areas to seek HIV/AIDS support/knowledge sites!
I reprogrammed to be much better and safer for us POZ people, the new site is where over 3,500 HIV+ members have free ads. Free to post ads, free to search, free to upload photo, free to reply to POZ ads, free to join, free to remove, free to do anything (no cost, no charge)!
I also made a new chat room layout without any confusing links, a direct link to HIV+ chatters on (has different layout for IRC chat than offered on and makes it easier for newbies to figure out or to remember the domain name). We hope the new domain name ( will increase search engine rankings as the domain already holds 3 important keywords for HIV/AIDS chat. By increasing rankings will bring more new POZ people for our current members to meet.
Also working on some medical sites (not done yet), one strickly for HIV/AIDS medications on
Thanks, DaveyBoy (DaveyBoy)
My POZ blog on :)
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by Jack Collins
Saturday, Jun. 11, 2005 at 11:21 AM 303 333 1237 1374 Saint Paul St Apt 7 Denver, CO 80206
I was first told I had AIDS in 1984 in a small hospital emergency room in Tarboro, NC. In 1994 I was diagnosed with Full Blown Aids with a T-cell count of 24 and told IT was impossible for it to go up at this point, and that I had at the most six months to live. THREE different doctors all agreed. I DIDN"T. IT is now 2005, I take no medications, live my life and in 2001 began college to study photography and art. I have samples of work created over the past four years at I believe STRONGLY that HIV is a HUGE money making machine for this nation, and FEAR fuels the machine. IT also fuels OUR GOVERNMENT which LOVES FUEL. I want others to learn that AIDS is NOT a death sentence and that OUR governement DOES NOT have our safety or well -being at interest. OUR voices are NOT being heard, and I am seeking any means necessary to tell my story. Thank You.
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by Dr. Stefan Lanka
Friday, Oct. 07, 2005 at 8:51 PM 0711 2220601 Ludwig-Pfaustr.1b, D-70176 Stuttgart
NONSENSE about HIV, there is NO such thing as HIV virus it doesn't exist and never existed. Course of Events on January 15th 2001 at the District Court (Landgericht) of Dortmund: Judge Hackmann announced the statement of the "Bundesgesundheitsbehörde", the Federal German Health Authorities, which says that in connection with AIDS there has never been isolated a virus (Dr. Marcus, Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) Berlin). The judge figured out that the German Bundestag had been backing the lie of the Federal Health Authorities (RKI, Dr. Marcus, 9.3.95) about a successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS in the course of a petition (Art. 17, Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, Pet. 5-13-15-2002 010526). The trial was based on actions of the defendant which were caused by the misleading statement made by the RKI (Dr. Marcus) on the 9th March 1995, that there were photographs of the isolated HI-virus inside the publications of Montagnier (1983) and Gallo (1984). The judge proved the untruthfulness of this statement using Dr. Marcus' statement itself. The court imposed a suspended sentence of 8 months of jail because of attempted coercion of the authorities to adhere and act according to law and order. The document of the German Bundestag DS 12/8591 holds proof that the Bundestag had already known in 1994 that neither Montagnier (1983) nor Gallo (1984) had isolated any virus in connection with AIDS. Based on this the Bundestag safeguarded the persistent lie of the AIDS information campaign (RKI) from 9th March 1995 about the successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS. As a consequence of non-tolerating this lie and because of non-tolerating the deadly consequences of this lie, the trial took place on 15th January 2001. AIDS is not related to HIV virus and there is NO medically valid tests to diagnose the virus which doesn't exists! The diagnosis of HIV is just another medical FRAUD!
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by Dr. Stefan Lanka
Friday, Oct. 07, 2005 at 9:06 PM 0711 2220601 Ludwig-Pfaustr.1b, D-70176 Stuttgart
**Dear webmaster, we see an idiot claiming that despite the lack of scientific proof of alleged HIV Virus he claims that it exists! Please remove th post of that moron as thee is NO scientific proof that HIV virus exists or was ever found! There is NO room for such idiocratic posts as the one made by that pro HIV /AIDS clown! Course of Events on January 15th 2001 at the District Court (Landgericht) of Dortmund: Judge Hackmann announced the statement of the "Bundesgesundheitsbehörde", the Federal German Health Authorities, which says that in connection with AIDS there has never been isolated a virus (Dr. Marcus, Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) Berlin). The judge figured out that the German Bundestag had been backing the lie of the Federal Health Authorities (RKI, Dr. Marcus, 9.3.95) about a successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS in the course of a petition (Art. 17, Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, Pet. 5-13-15-2002 010526). The trial was based on actions of the defendant which were caused by the misleading statement made by the RKI (Dr. Marcus) on the 9th March 1995, that there were photographs of the isolated HI-virus inside the publications of Montagnier (1983) and Gallo (1984). The judge proved the untruthfulness of this statement using Dr. Marcus' statement itself. The court imposed a suspended sentence of 8 months of jail because of attempted coercion of the authorities to adhere and act according to law and order. The document of the German Bundestag DS 12/8591 holds proof that the Bundestag had already known in 1994 that neither Montagnier (1983) nor Gallo (1984) had isolated any virus in connection with AIDS. Based on this the Bundestag safeguarded the persistent lie of the AIDS information campaign (RKI) from 9th March 1995 about the successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS. As a consequence of non-tolerating this lie and because of non-tolerating the deadly consequences of this lie, the trial took place on 15th January 2001. If there is no evidence that HIV virus exists we can not afford such blatant lunacy! ** Dear webmaster, we see your group/forum is being attacked by AIDS dissidents (we have had the same problem from sites like dissidentaction and virusmyth or from paulking, so we are warning you). Please make sure you block domain names listed on . You must do what you can to stop these web terroists/trolls before they take over your web site and any rational conversations! It may be a good idea to remove this entire thread... AIDS apologists are those who know HIV leads to AIDS (proven by science, so much scientific proof) and we are defending the scientifically known fact that viral pathogenesis and progression of 'HIV to AIDS' causes the eventual need for combination therapies to prolong life. Mixed "AIDS Apologist" links here or find comments here from both sides (dissidents and the scientific community), but still about AIDS Apologist activities... SHOW ME THAT PROOF! AIDS is not related to HIV virus and there is NO medically valid tests to diagnose the virus which doesn't exists! The diagnosis of HIV is just another well known medical FRAUD!
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by TruthPlease!
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006 at 11:56 PM
If you want to see a free short version video documentary on the HIV/AID$ debate you can visit this site. The program lays open the entire fraud with 10 scientific reasons that explain why HIV can NOT be the cause of AIDS, and then exposes the mass genocide that has resulted from this international quack "science." You can also get links from this site to scientific documentation backing this infromation and other helpful websites.
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by Ministry of Biologic
Friday, Nov. 24, 2006 at 9:57 PM
>>> HIV is the ONLY virus known that you are well until AFTER your body makes the anti-bodies, THEN you get sick. <<< No, Becky, this is not quite true, though your statement is less false than the dangerous anti-HIV propgaganda designed to increase rates of infection amongst the gullible. Given the barrage of official lies confronting the average westerner on a daily basis, it is understandable that alternative theories would surround a phenomena as big as AIDS. But the alternatives don't stand up to rational scrutiny. HIV causes destruction of the immune system: it exists, it has been photographed with scanning-tunneling electron microscopes, it has had its proteins mapped, and those highly profitable anti-retro-viral drug combination therapies (precipitated by theory) targeting mapped HIV proteins have significantly improved the lifespans of those infected (who can afford them). However, becky, shortly following infection (app 2weeks, iirc), the immune system produces the largest number of HIV antibodies it will ever produce. The response is called seroconversion, and is associated with a range of symptoms indicative of acute viral infection. There is a very brief window of opportunity *immediately* following HIV infection and much preceeding seroconversion, during which anti-retro-viral Post-Esposure-Prophylaxis can be used to "prevent or abort transmission"; to completely halt viral duplication at an early point: === What do we know about the effectiveness of PEP for HIV? Retrospective case-control studies support the efficacy of PEP for occupational exposure to HIV, and 4 factors are associated with increased transmission rates: 1) deep injury, 2) visible blood on device, 3) needle placement in artery or vein, and 4) late stage HIV disease in source (this risk factor was identified prior to viral load testing, thus high viral load is likely an independent risk factor). Evidence of the effectiveness of nonoccupational PEP comes from small observational human studies, extrapolation of data showing the interruption of maternal-infant transmission, and animal studies showing some degree of protection from genitally and intravenously acquired HIV. Even with optimal implementation, the degree of protection afforded by PEP is incomplete. Studies of PEP have demonstrated the greatest reduction in HIV transmission when antiretroviral medications are administered immediately after exposure to HIV-infected blood and body fluids. The efficacy of PEP is diminished after 36 hours and is minimal after 72 hours. === If HIV duplication was not the cause of AIDS (HIVIDS), PEP would not be effective. (Q.E.D.) thanks for your time.
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by Chris Noble
Thursday, Feb. 01, 2007 at 4:54 PM
Landgericht Dortmund, 14 (XVII) K 11/00
Stefan Lanka's version of the events regarding the court case in question is completely opposite to the actual facts.
Far from ruling that HIV has not been proven to cause AIDS the actual case concerned someone that Lanka had confused with pseudoscientific nonsense and ultimately made threats of physical violence against public health officials. The person was fined and sentenced to 8 months prison.
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by justme
Friday, Mar. 23, 2007 at 10:18 PM
It's "bollocks" not "bullocks" (a young bull or castrated bull) Einstein.
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by the one and only
Wednesday, Jul. 11, 2007 at 12:36 AM
And LAKA is right.
The morons from medical establishment, the craftsmen of medicine are brainless!
Should doctors not be as much as they are stupid, we could consider medicine is a science!
Tom Cruise was right putting Matt Lauer in the right place.
Psychiatry as well as the education of psychiatrists and their practice is nothing but the cons game!
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by Is Malnutrition EVER misdiagnosed as AIDS?
Wednesday, Jul. 11, 2007 at 8:09 AM
Instead of spending time disputing the link between HIV and AIDS (requires a virtual degree in microbiology for most), another arguement AIDS dissidents could use is to investigate the MISDIAGNOSIS of AIDS in people who exhibit immuno-deficiency symptoms that is actually caused by non-sexually transmitted "illnesses" such as malnutrition, malaria and unsanitary water in Africa.. Of course all three of these above causes of immune deficiency are poverty and ecologically based and cannot be fixed by any PHARMA product!! Are we discussing deaths from AIDS or deaths from poverty induced MALNUTRITION? Another question could be "Has ANYONE in Africa EVER been misdiagnosed with HIV/AIDS when their illness was actually caused by MALNUTRITION??" (Then substitute and/or add unsanitary water, malaria, etc..) Of course the multifactorial effects of malnutrition, unsanitary water AND malaria combined is even more a guarantee of immune system malfunction. There are very few people who would answer "NO" to this question if they have any awareness of the physical health problems faced by people who are unable to obtain a healthy diet, sanitary water, etc.. Follow up; IF people in Africa are indeed misdiagnosed with AIDS when they suffer malnutrition, THEN how is PHARMA influencing their government's HIV/AIDS testing program and distribution of PHARMA products to use as test trials for later sales in the US?? Here in the US the gay community is not subjected to the same poverty induced problems as in Africa, though at times malnutrition is also a component in the US gay community. Here the fast and easy access to PHARMA AIDS products such as AZT ensures that the AZT drug itself will be capable of causing significant damage to their system. AZT is a chemotherapy based product that is essentially cytotoxic, as in kills human cells. Compound that with the real depression faced by individuals upon hearing the diagnosis of this life ending disease, and a progressive worsening of the human immune system will follow. Not too mention the "party til you die" atmosphere found in the lively Castro, hub of the gay urban community.. Sadly enough, the so-called "liberal" defenders of the gay community & their allies are the last ones in line to challenge the PHARMA AIDS establishment under their claims of "human rights" and "pharma pills for the sick" when the supposed "cure" for AIDS presented by PHARMA is actually a major component in people's deaths! Instead they defend the PHARMA AIDS establishment at the expense of their friends in the gay community. The road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions.. This mimics the response by the so-called "liberal" community to water fluoridation (see; Arcata rejects defluoridation), another so-called health benefit for all where toxic fertilzer/aluminum waste byproduct fluoride compounds are added to our water supply so that the lower income people will get less cavities?? OH, and did we ever mention that refined sugar and refined flour products can BOTH weaken the human immune system AND contribute to cavities? Better not talk too much about that refined sugar or the Anti-Castro Cubans from Miami (aka Miami Mafia) will be hot on your tail ,as they profit immensely from their slave (Haitians/Jamaicans) plantations of sugarcane in South FL!! What exactly are all those Africans doing working sunup til sundown on the corporate coffee, tobacco and sugar plantations (sprayed with mucho pesticides!) when they would naturally (ie., pre-colonialism) be growing a diversity of drought tolerant AND nutritionally vital native food plants instead? Can PHARMA solve that or is that a direct result of wealthy western nations corporate induced consumption patterns?? This from Food First; "Within Southern Africa--where, for example, tobacco production has expanded by 50 percent per year over the past three years in communal, small-scale, and resettlement areas(25)--the most desirable land is continually used for export agriculture, and food production is sacrificed to boost agricultural production. After each year's harvest the soil is often left unprotected, accelerating erosion.(26) And small farmers are pushed ever farther into marginal land. This marginalization is not trivial: it affects the African majority, who remain wage laborers and small-scale farmers without savings or capital to devote to expansion." article cont's @; AIDS dissidents are paranoid? Who are you kidding?
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by DC
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2008 at 12:19 PM
Goodbye Hiv Aids! To say goodbye to hiv is to say goodbye to big pharma and getting healthier.
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