here to download
here to stream
The Guns & Butter radio program yesterday aired a
presentation by Lawrence Teeter, Sirhan Sirhan's attorney. Teeter spoke at
"Killing Hope," the event sponsored by the Coalition on Political
Assassinations [COPA] & Citizens for Truth About the Kennedy Assassinations
The attached mp3 runs for just under an hour and is about
13.5 megs (apologies in advance to those with a dial-up modem, but if you're
interested in the subject, it's worth downloading).
More info:
In the FreeSpeech.org link I posted above under "more
info," you'll notice that the RealAudio and RealVideo files on that page
are no longer active. I hunted around and found
and was able to get the RealAudio program to play. So, here's an mp3 as an
additional archive file. It's an interview featuring Larry Teeter, Rose Lynn
Mangan and Adel Sirhan (Sirhan Sirhan's brother). It's an audio track from a
community access cable TV show, "Over the Shoulder," with Glen Lynch;
Runtime: 28:11; I doubt the show is still around. Lynch talked about using Media
One studios (which was bought by AT&T and then Comcast). I'm not sure when
the show was made, but I'd guess around 2000.
Some real pungent information belatedly uncapped. Again it shows our toilet paper legal system used by the forces of darkness. Democracy by assassination, business as usual.
thanks for posting the Teeter interview. Its an excellent supplement to our feature story (I've linked it on the front page) and very interesting in general as well.
I'm trying to upload (2) mp3 files.
They about 7,000 kilobytes each.
For some reason once I hit "publish" in a minute or so the message comes back website not responding.
Any ideas.
Thanks gang.
imc volunteer, I saw your link. You're welcome.
:-) I knew folks here would dig it. Maybe you can comment on
builder123's question or flag it for others to look at. I had the exact
same problem. I assumed it was due to the size of the file. So, what
I did was publish the main mp3 files over on SF IMC (if you look at my html code
or look at the file URLs in your browser's status bar when you put
your cursor over the file links you'll notice that -- but most non-geeks
wouldn't notice :-) Then, I made a tiny text file with the code to make
the SF IMC-housed mp3 files stream off the DC IMC stream server, and saved that
single text line as a tiny "fake" mp3 file about 2 k in size.
The fake file is what this is:
You'll see that link at the top of my original post.
It "tricks" LA IMC software to think a full mp3 has been uploaded,
gives me the little
icon for the headline listings on the right of the top page and files the story
appropriately under all the audio files -- i.e., my story pulls up if one
clicked on the
near the top-left front of the page.
If anyone downloads (rather than simply clicks on) that
"rfk-stream.mp3" file and then opens it with a standard text editor (not
an audio player) you'll see that it has nothing but the following URL inside:
...part is the "preface" that makes it stream off
the DC IMC server, and that's what they do with all the front page audio files
over at radio.indymedia.org
builder123, follow what I'm saying with the
above? These tricks are handy for situations when the server chokes on a
large file. But it's also handy for reproducing and formatting a story,
with the master "meaty" files housed somewhere else. For
example, you could post your story over on San Diego IMC and then do one on LA
IMC that links to it, either with just a generic link, or you can do real html
and make it look smooth like what I did, including the "fake" tiny mp3
file in my original post above. Post here with follow-up questions if I've
lost you. I'll see it.
imc volunteer, since builder123 appears to have experienced
the same problem I experienced, it's probably not a fluke. It's likely
either a software bug or a disk space issue. When/if I see it again, I can
report the "bug" - and perhaps someone tech-side can look into this.
I knocked R. Kovic's speech down to 32 bit and it uploaded. Still digesting your above info.
Kucinich audio very poor.
Thanks again,
Those with an interest in the RFK case might like to take a look at my webpage. I argue that the notorious 'girl in a polka dot dress' was Kathy Ainsworth and the man who actually shot RTK was possible her boyfriend Tom Tarrants, a man who also has an enigmatic connection to the MLK assassination.