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by builder123
Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 4:49 PM
May 11th 2003 Santa Monica CA Dennis Kucinich at
 emailimage501.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x483
Dennis Kucinich has always been a huge favorite with progressives around the country as well as conservative constituents back in Ohio. Whether fighting to save Cleveland’s publicly owned utility or rallying fellow Democrats to oppose an illegal war, Kucinich seems bound by principal. Articulating his platform isn’t a problem, having the money to be heard is. Success in the early primaries will be vital if this breath of fresh air is to become the winds of change. Candidate Info: http://www.bop2004.org/dtaweb/bop2004/default.aspx?SECTION=CANDIDATE&CID=10
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by builder123
Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 4:49 PM
 emailimage602.jpg, image/jpeg, 657x461
Dennis Kucinch with Iraq mother and school teacher Um Haider. One son was killed in Gulf War 1 and another injured in the recent U. S. bombing campaign.
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by builder123
Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 4:49 PM
 emailimage1401.jpg, image/jpeg, 528x385
The election cycle has begun.
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by builder123
Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 4:49 PM
 emailimage4501.jpg, image/jpeg, 583x504
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by builder123
Thursday, May. 15, 2003 at 4:49 PM
 emailimage3901.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x500
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by Don't vote it only encourages them
Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 5:32 AM
Kucinich should not be backed by progressives. The illusion that Democrats are any better than Republicans is easily squashed when one looks at the current criticisms of the Bush regime: attacking foreign countries, neo-liberal trade policies, attacking the poor, enhancing the "security" apparatus of the Sate. Now go back and look at the record of the Clinton administration: attacked and bombed Sudan, Yugoslavia, Somalia, (continued the occupation of Vieques), introduced the FISA (precursor to Patriot Act), introduced "welfare reform".
Voting for someone to make change is an illusion. The only difference between the two parties is that the lies they tell to get elected are different.
Add to this that Kucinich has a long history of being anti-abortion and it results in DO NOT VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS. DO NOT VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICANS.
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by blue
Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 6:43 AM
kucinich is definately the lesser of two evils, but allowing bush to maintain his control of this country is a dangerous idea.
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by bigtop
Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 7:10 AM
Kucinich, Braun, and Sharpton are nothing but sideshow acts. The other sorta offer consideration. It's going to be between Leiberman and Kerry. And baring any unforseen circumstances, neither of them will defeat Bush.
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Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 8:02 AM
Heil Bush!
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by Sheepdog
Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 8:06 AM
These elections are all circuses. the myth of representative democracy boils down to 1 vote per dollar. A sickening cacophony of sounds bites, half truths and outright lies. In other words, a carefully choreographed show. kinda like the academy awards night. These total shams of the ‘peoples’ will’ are just that. What will it take, besides endless war on enemies of our own creation and martial law in a failing society with its shrinking quality of life, and diverted, destructive production to get the public pissed off instead of confused? oh, BTW...
P.S. Kill your TV before it kills you.
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by S.King
Friday, May. 16, 2003 at 6:26 PM
Check his http://www.house.gov/kucinich/ http://www.bop2004.org/dtaweb/bop2004/default.aspx So he changes he postion sometimes... more for the people and NOT for the corporations and those who wish to take away our freedoms in violation of the U.S. Constituion and women's rights means he's learning and evolving. Is this something politicians should not be allowed to do? He doesn't accept corporate campaign contributions. He's for the people. Go Dennis!
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, May. 18, 2003 at 5:13 AM
For the office. He seems like a perfect candidate.
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by fresca
Sunday, May. 18, 2003 at 6:27 AM
If by some unexpected miracle the DEms nominate this ass to run, it will spell CERTAIN victory for Bush.
The midterm elections showed that thecountry is tired of inneffectual liberalism. Runnning a candidate that amplifies that very trait would be akin to Bush running unopposed.
By all means, please back this guy.
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by fresca
Sunday, May. 18, 2003 at 6:43 AM
Unfortunately, if this bunch is behind him his chances at nomination are virtually nill. Conservatives aren't the only ones who consider the typical views around here to be nonsense. Even the vast majority of those who consider themselves liberal would read this catalogue of pathology and cringe. Our friends here comprise, oh...about...none of the American public.
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, May. 18, 2003 at 11:55 PM
not even me? damn, your right. we are surrounded. The bullhorns outside tell me to give up but my fingers caress the tacky linseed oil finish on the stock of my rifle. Sand bags three deep long for the medium stuff, frag & thermal perimeter flags out and holding to deadman switch. Hope I don't have to use the scalar stuff. The neighbors hate that.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, May. 19, 2003 at 12:02 AM
I apologize, carry on with your drivel... oh....uh, way to go, Dennis.
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by S.King
Thursday, May. 22, 2003 at 12:57 PM
Many Kucinich for President activists have complained about how mass media marginalize our candidate, belittle our chances, attack our policies. The complaints are valid, but such coverage is exactly what we expected. Given their bias and boosterism on the war, one could hardly expect these same outlets to fully and fairly cover the presidential candidate who led antiwar opposition in Congress. The Kucinich campaign is no ordinary campaign; it is a movement campaign. The mainstream media are not going to be any friendlier to us than to the movements that animate our campaign: peace, labor, environmental, family farm, consumer rights and every civil rights movement for equality and dignity. Kucinich supporters have to be brave enough to keep building, recruiting and organizing our grassroots campaign without validation from mainstream media. "Don't count on the mainstream media to lead a social revolution," a former New York Times reporter once said. "They won't even know about it for six months."(In Seattle in 1999, when Kucinich joined thousands of labor and environmental activists in protesting the WTO, no group was caught more off-guard by events than mainstream media.) We will of course continue fighting for access to mass media forums, reaching out to conscientious journalists who work in the mainstream, and responding to media attacks (often with your help/ see bottom) -- but our strategy must rely in the coming months mostly on grassroots organizing, plus independent, alternative outlets and the Internet. Let's face it: as a result of deregulation that Dennis Kucinich has long opposed, today's media are dominated by huge conglomerates. The three cable TV news channels are now right, righter and rightist, and conservatives dominate opinion shaping from radio and TV talkshows to syndicated columnists. Outlets formerly seen as "liberal," including public broadcasting, are corporatized, timid or both, and the spectrum of mass media opinion typically extends from GE to GM. U.S. coverage of the war was denounced worldwide, even by the head of the BBC, as sanitized and propagandistic. Given the narrowing center-right media spectrum, when Dennis Kucinich proposes common-sense programs that are popular with most Democrats, and often most Americans -- national health insurance, ending unfair trade treaties, returning Social Security's retirement age to 65, cutting the bloated military budget, reversing a reckless foreign policy to conform with international law and treaties -- he is deemed beyond the pale by elite punditry. To mainstream pundits, Lieberman has "serious" foreign policy views... because they're so indistinguishable from Bush's. Gephardt has a "bold" health plan... because it keeps the private insurance bureaucracy in the center of healthcare. Dean is the "peace candidate"... because of a shallow critique, free of any talk about cutting a military budget that almost equals the military spending of all other countries combined. Due to the grassroots nature of the Kucinich campaign and late start, our fundraising and organizational apparatus are just getting going. Both will be upgraded in the next months. While mainstream media may take note of that, we should not count on mass media to legitimize a progressive campaign that -- unlike those of Dean and Gephardt and Kerry -- seeks to transform the policies of the Democratic Party and the nation. The insurgent campaigns of Jesse Jackson in '88 and Jerry Brown in '92 got little help from mainstream media and a lot of ridicule -- but they persevered in spite of media attacks, and rocked the political process. In recent weeks, Kucinich has been attacked by leading conservative commentators and operatives -- including George Will and Mary Matalin. This is good news. Let's keep building, recruiting, fundraising, organizing in Iowa and elsewhere, and we'll earn more such attacks! But don't count on the mainstream media to help us build a movement to transform the party and country. They won't even know about it for six months... until we rise up in the Iowa caucuses come January. *** Spread the word about the Kucinich campaign [ http://www.kucinich.us] Contribute to the Kucinich campaign [ https://www.kucinich.us/contribute.php] Check out our new web feature 'Responses to Media' [ http://www.kucinich.us/responses_media.htm], and join our effort to challenge biased coverage. If you would like to be removed from this mail list please click here: http://www.kucinich.us/email/manage.php?key=ttcPwshBmoTp
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by brigg
Thursday, May. 22, 2003 at 1:05 PM
The most fun we could have with Kucinich in the race is to get up a pool and place bets on which primary he'll be in last before he finally drops out.
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, May. 22, 2003 at 1:41 PM
Yep, Brigg, and the hilarious thing is that many of these clowns actually think Kucinich is a viabble candidate :-)
What Kucinich stands for is the dutiful conifscation of other people's money which he then proposes to squander on an ever increasing list of government run entitlement programs.
In San Francisco the homeless people are paid monthly salaries by the taxpayer. With Kucinich in the White House that sort of nonsense could be extended nationwide.
He's a tax and squander liberal in the mold of Al Gore. The guy's a joke.
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, May. 22, 2003 at 1:41 PM
Yep, Brigg, and the hilarious thing is that many of these clowns actually think Kucinich is a viabble candidate :-)
What Kucinich stands for is the dutiful conifscation of other people's money which he then proposes to squander on an ever increasing list of government run entitlement programs.
In San Francisco the homeless people are paid monthly salaries by the taxpayer. With Kucinich in the White House that sort of nonsense could be extended nationwide.
He's a tax and squander liberal in the mold of Al Gore. The guy's a joke.
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by Ann Coulter
Friday, Jun. 06, 2003 at 7:01 AM
I'm even less than zero. You'll still buy my tripe-filled books, though.
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by Jeffrey O.
Monday, Jun. 09, 2003 at 3:55 PM
Total Nuclear disarmament? A peaceful future? To have a presidential candadate utter such things seems to me to be impossible. But I will stand behind anyone who has the courage to envision a world without war, regardless of what he looks like.
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by Britt
Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003 at 2:14 AM
brittmiaow@hotmail.com 020 8342 8752 49 nelson Road, london n8 9RS
I think Kucinich is a refreshing alternative — exactly what America and the rest of the world needs now. Kucinich is more of a visionary than another standard-issue politician. He is a rarity: he is dazzlingly erudite and one of the most ethical and courageous individuals in American politics today. Throughout his entire career he seems to have been motivated by principal, doing the right thing. He even sacrificed his political career as mayor by standing up to the banks and refusing to sell Cleveland’s power company, which he insisted belonged to the people and wasn’t his to sell.
Americans are fearful right now and the bush admin is prying on those fears. McCarthyism has come back to haunt Americans. We’re losing what’s dear to our country. We have a foreign policy that’s setting the stage for new wars. If you want to know more about the corrupt, greedy Bush family see www.bushbodycount.com to see how many people Bush has had KILLED, writers, critics and others who try to expose the truth about Bush’s illegal Iran-Contra deals.
America desperately needs someone like Kucinich. A follower of Ghandi and Dr Martin Luther King Jr, he is also an advocate of non-violence who is pressing the US government to “create a Department of Peace”, a pro-labour environmentalist who marched in the streets of Seattle and Washington DC and a vegan who believes in “the sacredness of all living creatures” and wants the inhumanity of factory farming to stop. In Kucinich’s own words . “I’ll be there on the side of workers, on the side of the animals and the environment, on the side of human rights and fair trade. I want to bring back the old-time Democratic values.”
Britt Collin, London, UK
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by Chris Brock
Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003 at 2:50 AM
Yes I can see how using the American working man and woman's tax money to help homeless people is a lot less sensible than using it to fund tax cuts for bloated, greedy, rich corporations and their cohort of incompetent and often fraudulent directors. I can't believ you guys ever even voted for Bush...oh, I forgot, you didn't
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by lurker from hell
Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003 at 3:18 AM
very nice, yes sir. thank you Chris. waiting for my good family to join me down here. me and the tortured others down here have made a spot for The rest of our Bushes to burn. We have all the time in the world to wait. It will be worth it.
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by let's see here
Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003 at 3:25 AM
president Kucinich, say it in your head cause thats the only place your ever going to actually here it. It's too european of a name and for this reason alone will prevent him from ever being president. sad but true. plus he's pretty goofy looking. if you add it all up then you'll understand. These are the rules and I didn't make them.
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by builder123
Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003 at 5:13 PM
Saturday June 14th Taft High School 5461 Winnetka Ave at Ventura Blvd 11:00 to 12:15
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by Jacques
Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003 at 6:29 PM
So, is he coming to get his diploma, or what?
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by builder123
Friday, Jun. 13, 2003 at 3:17 AM
Seats are limited. RSVP ASAP 323-655-6618
didn't mean to be cryptic -- my bad.
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by Gary Head
Sunday, Jul. 27, 2003 at 7:35 PM
garyhead@yahoo.com 586-463-0594 346 Wellington Crescent
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by Bush Admirer
Monday, Jul. 28, 2003 at 2:32 AM
Suppose we had 5 candidates running for President (5 different parties) as follows:
Kucinich GW Bush Tom Delay Al Sharpton Ann Coulter
Bush would win by a landslide with the other candidates finishing in the following order: Delay, Coulter, Sharpton, Kucinich.
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