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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
Instead of an isolated hyper-radical froth that police and the media could easily blow away, an impressive consolidation of mature and grounded activists has emerged from the first phase of our struggle against U.S. imperialism.
 teachingpeace.jpglf5xvi.jpg, image/jpeg, 506x716
The antiwar movement has passed its second important test.
The first test was when we turned out in unprecedented numbers to oppose a war of aggression even before it started and while it was underway.
But now, as an eventual military victory over a nearly-defenseless nation seems all but assured, we face our second test--that of transforming our understanding from "thou shalt not kill" to "thou shalt not dominate and repress the nations of the world."
If today's demonstration in Hollywood is any indication, the antiwar movement is well on its way to making that fundamental and necessary leap. Yes, our numbers were somewhat reduced, perhaps to seven or eight thousand today by my own informal estimate. But the quality of those who remained was strong, and both the signs and the people were grounded in a solid understanding that this is not just a sunny day's outburst of anger but a long-term struggle, with a world to win, and lot more to lose than our chains.
Our demographic continues to remain broad-based, as well, covering the entire range of ages, ethnicities and national origins.
Now is our time to consolidate, to build secondary leadership around our original core group of organizers. As soon as it becomes apparent beyond denial that Iraq is just the beginning--that now we are in for a long-term occupation, and that the U.S. military intends to find fault with and invade as many oil-rich Middle Eastern nations as it can--a new wave of demonstrators will take to the streets.
This time, we will draw them into long-term strategic organizing, building a solid movement that does more than show up for a day of marching and listening. The people I saw today, all of you, are just the ones who can do it.
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 abcinterviewsprotestor.jpgcbovoc.jpg, image/jpeg, 794x818
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 corporationsshowtheirstripes.jpgt4vkiw.jpg, image/jpeg, 739x978
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 endisraelioccupation.jpgixsvoj.jpg, image/jpeg, 1632x1224
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 endtheoccupation.jpgzell9i.jpg, image/jpeg, 1632x1224
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 evendeathhassecondthoughts.jpgy13uia.jpg, image/jpeg, 837x1145
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 fundingthemovement2.jpgrewx4c.jpg, image/jpeg, 932x1469
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 liberatingiraqsoil.jpgyudpz7.jpg, image/jpeg, 722x836
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 lookingtowardstagefrommediaplatform.jpgzfwyud.jpg, image/jpeg, 1622x904
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 mannsantiwartheater.jpgm2s8uc.jpg, image/jpeg, 1148x1623
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 maythespiritofpeacewatchoveryou.jpg5dyiim.jpg, image/jpeg, 491x459
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 muslimsforpeace.jpgkeagzn.jpg, image/jpeg, 983x1010
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 nooccupationofiraqbyevildinosaurregime.jpgbi2rbz.jpg, image/jpeg, 1430x1008
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 notourchildrennottheirchildren.jpgw6qoyd.jpg, image/jpeg, 994x1327
Artist Mark Vallen Distributes his Latest Drawing, "Not Our Children, Not Their Children."
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 peoplewhocareaboutstrangers.jpgbkxfrj.jpg, image/jpeg, 1632x1224
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 peoplewhocareaboutevilandsocialinjustice.jpgky1oy1.jpg, image/jpeg, 1616x965
...and who are opposed to the bleeding crowd.
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 preemptivewarmakesusthebadguys.jpgxwk1bl.jpg, image/jpeg, 870x1521
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 recyclingproject.jpguuc9jv.jpg, image/jpeg, 527x1342
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 teachyourchildrenwell.jpg7cvemg.jpg, image/jpeg, 1557x1020
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 2:57 PM
 youthforworldpeaceatmannstheater.jpgcvehx4.jpg, image/jpeg, 1463x1218
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by Point
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 3:33 PM
I didn't make it, so thanks for sharing the photos of all the good people who did. . .
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by Bush Admirer
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 3:39 PM
These people are an embarrassment to themselves, their families, their country, and their pets. They really really suck! They're just a truly pitiful bunch of losers.
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by Alternative Vision
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 4:14 PM
When people make comments that have no specific content but are simply insulting, please don't respond to them. It just takes up space on the page and time for those reading.
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 4:18 PM
The dark clouds gathering in the back ground, the colors of resistance in front. Cool
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by Bush Admirer
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 4:25 PM
Alternative Vision - How could you defend the losers at this Pro-Saddam anti-American protest rally? What a dork you are.
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 4:40 PM
Mr. Admirer; I'm all out. Stop rubbing your little blue ass againts the cage. No one wants to watch. I have a suggestion. Could we have a standard geometry maximum in order to maintain the wrap? Thanks for the high quality shots.
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by Bush Admirer
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 5:11 PM
Sheepdog - I'm simply trying to inform these anti-war protesters. They're being looked upon as lepers or outcasts in American society. No one wants to have anything to do with them. They're untouchables.
I think they should know.
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by Clown
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 5:51 PM
Thank You. I'm glad to be an untouchable, I fact, you'd have a time trying to touch me with that cold heart of yours. Immigrants that forget they're children of immigrants often think they own the place and may do whatever they wish. This place is so free, yet the limitations of your mind keep you from seeing, but your close, so close. That's why you keep coming here to check out what's going on. Because your real inner desire is to fly. Keep it up.
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by Clown
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 5:56 PM
Thank You. I'm glad to be an untouchable, I fact, you'd have a time trying to touch me with that cold heart of yours. Immigrants that forget they're children of immigrants often think they own the place and may do whatever they wish. This place is so free, yet the limitations of your mind keep you from seeing, but your close, so close. That's why you keep coming here to check out what's going on. Because your real inner desire is to fly. Keep it up.
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by daveman
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 5:22 AM
Way to go, Bush Admirer. Whenever we conservatives don't have anything intelligent to say, we can always resort to childish name-calling. Great job!
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by Alternative Vision
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 2:58 PM
These guys are only trying to screw up our dialogue with infantile insults. IGNORE them! They are the ones who are making fools out of you, not the other way around.
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by anarchist
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 3:49 PM
..far right if all they have are women, old-fat hippies, and ethnics the white male aristocracy is safe for another 20yrs.. lookin forward to it. like the plague
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by Lawrence
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 4:47 PM
Anybody who wants to buy the stop bush t-shirts email me at lawrencee23@hotmail.com, they are only 10 dollars. if you don't know what they look like I will email you a picture of it. thanks
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by daveman
Friday, Apr. 18, 2003 at 2:04 AM
"...Becomes Anti-Imperialist Movement"
Because the aint-war movement didn't work.
Better luck next time!
Don't you just hate it when events pass you by?
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by thomaston
Friday, Apr. 18, 2003 at 3:29 AM
What distorts your perception? Is it TV?
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by daveman
Friday, Apr. 18, 2003 at 5:50 AM
I watch Fox News.
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by Turn of the 19th Century
Friday, Apr. 18, 2003 at 12:12 PM
nice to see the antiwar movement has wised up to what really is going on. it isn't war in general that is worth protesting, it is the message the wacky ideologues are sending to the world-- "be a good boy, and we'll give you a glass a water...um a mean, democracy."
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by Jeri Allison Kenney
Saturday, Apr. 26, 2003 at 2:42 PM
No matter who initiates the act of war, it is basically a failed attempt at communication and negotiation. They teach corses on these subjects, even in our public schools. Why men of power feel the need to dominate is the real question that should be debated here. Just because an opposing view, lifestyle, religion is on the other side of the argument, there is ALWAYS common ground to negotiate a mutual agreement. ALWAYS
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by Bush Admirer
Saturday, Apr. 26, 2003 at 3:53 PM
Photos like the above simply reinforce the fact that there are a lot of dorks in the liberal crowd.
The fact that they show up with signs and make themselves a pain in the ass certainly doesn't stimulate support for their point of view -- quite the opposite.
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by Katherine West
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 at 11:11 AM
I have been following your groups' efforts, and the article really hit home for me. I came across it surfing on the Internet awhile ago.
Today when I was on the Washington Post web site, I saw a few of the same points being made by Dennis Kucinich. Dennis Kucinich's plea to bring our troops home hit the presses on Nov. 2, and that is when I signed up to be on his team. He is the only canidate that has enough hutzpah to tell it like it is. Bush was wrong! Bring our soldiers home! There was never any proof that their were weapons of mass destruction.
Saddam Hussein is a madman, but what did he have to do with terrorism anyway? Nothing! It was a sad attempt by Bush to put his own "spin" on world affairs, which actually wreaked havok with U.S. foreign policy. If anything, it was a bit of redneck bigotry at the very least.
Iraq and Aphganistan are two different issues.. I have heard stories about Bush not being that bright, but this just proves that anyone that can not chew a pretzel properly should not be President.
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by Camembert
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 at 7:05 PM
These "people" are walking stereotypes - old fat hippies and bored middle aged public servants.
Pathetic rabble, blew their brains on drugs in the 60s.
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