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by builder123
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 at 5:39 PM
4-6-03 - Noam Chomsky speaks before a capacity audience at the Agape Peace Ministry.
 image601.jpg, image/jpeg, 548x428
A special thank-you to Mr. Chomsky and to all that made this event possible.
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by builder123
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 at 5:39 PM
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by builder123
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 at 5:39 PM
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by builder123
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 at 5:39 PM
 oimage1202.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
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by builder123
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 at 5:39 PM
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by builder123
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 at 5:39 PM
 image2401.jpg, image/jpeg, 483x426
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by albert the hoffmaaan
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 6:46 PM
aaah, noam.... one of the most prominent astronauts in human history.... it's simply amazing how at such an old age he still lives in space and commutes to earth every few weeks to give a talk.. simply amazing. Seriously though, there should be a law barring people from 'teaching' at colleges for more then a few years, it clearly puts the professor and his students to a smaller degree in danger of severe psychosis..
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by nim
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003 at 6:56 PM
Reduced the human language into a math equation. hey Bush A, Can you actually quote something of his and analyze it for us?
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by dfg
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 2:46 AM
"Reduced the human language into a math equation. " haha, quite a lowbrow way of saying what he did. Yes that was a good contribution to the world. But then the psychosis began to develop an he began to write/talk about world affairs.. a man so withdrawn from them, no matter how many books he reads, its not going to change that he has little contact with reality, and his writing and talking sounds like its coming from a senile old man with severe psychosis.
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by Bush Admirer
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 3:04 AM
Albert said: "it's simply amazing how at such an old age he still lives in space and commutes to earth every few weeks to give a talk.. simply amazing."
ROFL - so true.
Since Noam Chomsky has been confirmed to be the dumbest man alive, how dumb does that make those who would show up to hear him speak?
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by qwerqrwe
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 6:13 AM
yeah, there's no way you could compete with on an intellectual level with someone like noam chomsky -- so best to just resort to stupid insults.
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by daveman
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 6:59 AM
Way to go, Bush Admirer. Whenever we conservatives don't have anything intelligent to say, we can always resort to childish name-calling. Great job!
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by albert abdul jackson kwon
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 7:41 AM
“yeah, there's no way you could compete with on a intellectual level with someone like noam chomsky -- so best to just resort to stupid insults.”
What does this mean? The man is a great linguist, nothing else. The reason you think I can’t ‘compete’ with Chomsky is because you transferred your self-image of your intellect onto me, thinking it’s about the same. Meaning that you believe that you cannot compete with him. If you can’t even compete with someone on an intellectual level, why bother listening to him or reading his books? Logically you are not intelligent enough to understand the underlying concepts, which if you were able to understand you would believe that you could compete intellectually with Chomsky. …. This is all assuming the topic of your intellectual competition is something that has a good amount of attachment to reality. Chomsky’s writing on linguistics does and on world affairs often does not.
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by albert the commy hater
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 11:54 AM
woops, i think i misinterpreted the comment titles 'typical', i thought it was written by a indymedia-type, i didn't detect the sarcasm, hehe
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by albert the bush admirer
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 1:26 PM
oh c'mon, i just took it off, they said i could keep it off if i don't cause trouble!!!
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by Noam Admirer
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 3:34 PM
"Chomsky ranks with Marx, Shakespeare and the Bible as one of the 10 most quoted sources in the humanities - and is the only writer among them still alive. Even one of his staunchest critics, the philosopher Hilary Putnam, acknowledged that reading Chomsky was to be "struck by a sense of great intellectual power; one knows one is encountering an extraordinary mind", whose virtues included "originality and scorn for the faddish and superficial". That's why he's so dumb. People listen to him unlike Bush Admirer who nobody listens to.
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by Bush Admirer
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 3:34 PM
I see my fanclub member has been here impersonating me and putting up bogus posts again. Sigh.
Teenagers are such a pain, especially the 14 year olds.
But let's not deviate from the subject at hand which would be the world's dumbest man, Noam Chomsky. I can't believe MIT hired him. What a blow to their reputation.
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by Equal Rights
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 10:13 PM
 bush_is_saddam.jpg, image/jpeg, 520x385
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by daveman
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 11:33 PM
...Marx, Shakespeare and the Bible as one of the 10 most quoted sources in the humanities..."
Don't forget Homer Simpson!
"...and is the only writer among them still alive."
And that is because...he's so smart?
Seriously, though...what makes a linguist such an expert on world affairs?
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 5:15 AM
You're confusing 'eloquent' with 'smart' Noam Admirer. Chomsky is eloquent but he's not at all smart.
In that regard he reminds me of Gore Vidal, another eloquent but dumb commentator who, like Chomsky, always seems to get it wrong.
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by Noam Admirer
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 5:30 AM
That's two Bush Admirer and one daveman posts upon which only I have responded to. Out of courtesy. Nice lack of specifics again I see, just your worthless, unsupported opinion.
Keep bailing, friends it's amusing.
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by daveman
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 5:48 AM
Ah, and your opinions are, of course, facts.
And also of course, my opinion is worthless because it disagrees with your own.
I think not.
This is some of that free speech stuff. Because it applies to everyone, not just the Left.
Get used to it.
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by Noam Admirer
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 6:02 AM
As to my fisrt post. Go ahead, look up there, read it. Now. It quotes a real person who can read. Get the picture? I wont waste any more BW with empty wind. Keep bailing.
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by Noam Admirer
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 6:10 AM
You might select any of his numerous writings read them and dissect any false conclusions or information. But that would involve more than throwing worthless opinion without any thing more than your ditto head script.
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by daveman
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 6:15 AM
...example, it's the same one you gave.
So: a philosopher's opinion of a linguist means I should respect the linguist's views on world events.
You're doing it again: confusing opinion with fact.
Get the picture?
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by anti-empire
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 6:41 AM
the free speech clause of the first amendment of the constitution of the united states guarantees (even if it is unenforced in practice and undermined by corporate power) that all opinions are equal under the law.
HOWEVER--it does not in any way guarantee that all opinions are equally substantiated by the world.
the debate is democratic, but the truth is autocratic, and no matter how many ad hominem attacks or poising the well fallacies the right makes against chomsky, they can't rebut his arguments.
sure, clearchannel propagandists like limbaugh and beck can dismiss noam as "anti-american," but here they are relying on misguided and ahistorical patriotism; there's no chance in hell they can out-argue him based on the historical record.
and the same goes for the dittoheads and reichtards here.
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by daveman
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 7:54 AM
I wouldn't know "fact" if it bit me on my cellulite-laden, chickenhawk ass. I watch Fox News. They distort, I comply.
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by daveman
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 10:01 AM
...Chomsky's opinions are just that...
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by daveman
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 10:18 AM
I did not post the above comment. Stop using my handle, you liberal towelhead.
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by Josef
Monday, Apr. 21, 2003 at 10:54 AM
has been too long on campus. It distorts reality, his mind is not capable of discerning truth from facts which fit his pet theses. It's the classic pitfall of the academic.
Appaling to see how many suckers hang on his every word.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, Apr. 21, 2003 at 2:51 PM
This is the problem, Bush Admirer, you have a fragile grasp on reality. You know nothing of his work yet portend to know all about him. We know you have never had an original thought in your shallow plastic life and your parroting reflects this. You are the resident klown on this board with your boot licking, sycophantic apologies to the criminals who are eating this country alive.
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Monday, Apr. 21, 2003 at 7:37 PM
'Chomsky always gets it wrong." Such superficial commentary can only be the work of an infantile idealogue who holds no regaurd for intelectual responsibility. That is, one cannot just blurt out sinmplistic claptrap, but actually has to give evidence, no matter how little time the author would wish to devote himself to the subject. "Chomsky is wrong about Iraq because....." is the only way to make an effective argument. if you cannot rise to this minimal effort, then you should just admit that you have nothing credible to say.
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