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by webbcat
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 2:33 PM
Arnett on Iraqi television (3/30/03): ".. During the first Gulfwar, when I was the only reporter here, reporting for CNN. Whenever I gave a report about civilian casualities, or civilian installations destroyed or casualities created. the Pentagon and the Bush administration got very angry and called me a traitor.."
video: AVI at 5.7 mebibytes
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by Ted
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 5:59 PM
Yeah. The imbeds would rather suck Bush's dick than actually tell us what's really going on.
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by Matt
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 9:56 PM
Pretty tuff for the embeds to suck Bush off if they are in the war zone in Iraq. President is 10,000 miles away. On the other hand Arnett is right there in Baghdad, giving his opinion, not reporting the news.
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by Fox News
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 10:41 AM
Thanks, Matt, for being one of our most loyal viewers. Just keep your tv tuned to Fox. We distort, you comply.
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by LinkMichel
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 6:37 PM
This RealVideo file is a recording of the last part of the interview as broadcasted by Iraq Satellite Channel sunday afternoon 30-03-2003 Peter Arnett speaks english and the Iraq TV host translates in arabic.
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by michael
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 9:57 PM
I thank God, whomever He may be, that Peter Arnett was not reporting from Berlin during WWII. Clearly, he would have been Hitler's mouthpiece against America. The man's love of his country has dried and split apart. Would love to see this anti-American tried for treason for giving aid and comfort to the enemy during a time of war.
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Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 10:04 PM
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Get real, Mikey. Arnett is the one who is telling the turth. Your government is the one lying to you. But then I guess you don't know too much about government. Look up treason. And then find the US Constituion and read the First Amendment.
You are a shit stain, Mikey. You are a traitor to this country if you want people deported for exercising First Amendment rights. Why don't you go to some Nazi country. Sounds like you would fit right in.
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by Scottie
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 1:37 AM
Hmm interesting..
So would I be allowed to use my freedom of speach to accuse some peace activist of killing someone... So that I can get him to stop protesting on my streets and get him into a nice cell somwhere? If anyone found out Ill tell them its freedom of speach shall I?
Hmm I guess not I guess there has to be some limits on freedom of speach.
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by What a dolt you are Scottie
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 8:33 AM
Sheesh: Get a clue. It is also a crime to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire. Yes, there are limits. But the restrictions have been allowed through a balancing act between the constitutional right and what is called a "compelling state interest" which would curtail the right.
Geez: If you are gonna make an arguement, at least don't put out totally juvenile stuff. If you gonna talk about an area of the law, at least know how the fuck it works, Turkey. Okay?
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 9:37 AM
http://www.kdp.pp.se/chemical.html Firing that prick was too good for him. He should be caned, tarred, feathered, and expatriated back to Baghdad.
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Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 9:50 AM
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So, Eric the Asshole, find your local recruiting center and put you fat pussy ass on the line. War is great? Arnett should be punished for telling the truth? Geeez: You sure as shit support American ideals.
Why don't you go to Bagdad and get on the front line? Arnett is in his mid to late 60's and there he is where the bombs are flying. What the fuck did you do today? Polish your SUV?
Until then, Pussy Boy, read the sign and follow directions. Both you and your Nazi leader Dubya are full of shit. Get a life, Freeper Creep.
Your are a mommy's boy pussy. If you REALLY support the killing in Iraq, then put your ass on the line. What? You gonna tell us that you are only 12 years old or some bushit like that to avoid the real issue: You, Asshole, are chicken. Talk big and do nothing about it.
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 9:56 AM
through the first gulf war. now I'm fighting the battle against you terrorist cells here at home.
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Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 10:19 AM
I for one, am thanking Peter Arnett for going on my TV ststion and broadcasting anti-american truths. For sure his statements that the Americans were loosing and their plan was failing gave much moral support to my men to keep on fighting.
I feel that Mr. Arnett by giving hope and encouragement to my armies has helped me kill more American Soldiers. I salute Mr. Arnett and hereby declare him the New and Almighty non-infidel Star Reporter of Saddams TV Station. He is awarded 72 Virgins and since we are fresh out of Vergins he is given 72 sheep to fuck.
Please Mr. Arnett keep giving support and encouragement to my troops so we can kill as many Americans as possible.
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Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 10:24 AM
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Same question: What the fuck is keeping you from going? And....pussy ass....if you "can't" go, how about volunteering at your local VA Hospital. They cut the funding for our Vets, but they are making more Vets in Iraq to come home to NOTHING.
I protest the war, but I volunteer at my local VA Hospital. So, tell me, what's your volunteer schedule, Pussy Boy. Bet your SUV can get you down there.
You are an embarrassment. Get a clue. If you think war is so great, what are you doing CURRENTLY to support it? So you were in the service (like I really believe that statement from you), huh, Erikkkk?
You make me wanna hurl.
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 10:44 AM
about whether a marginalized, left-wing foul mouthed hippie liberal believes what I say or not. What in the world would make you think otherwise?? Typical liberal dementia I suppose.
What always trips me out about you peaceniks is how you talk that game about peace, and in the same breath attempt to incite violence against you. But then when the cops get fed up with your shit and cut loose on your pansy asses, you scream bloody-murder. Yo u folks are retarded, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Like I said, I already served my time. And if there's a need for more of us, and Uncle Sam rings the dinner bell, you better believe I'll come a-runin'. But right now, looks like my brothers are doing plenty good without my help.
In fact, I've done more for my country than you ever will.
As far as volunteering at a hospital, not exactly my cup of tea. I get queezy at the sight of blood ;)
Besides, not sure where I'd fit it in between volunteering at the elementary school, with the scouts, and the county Republican party!
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Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:02 AM
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Sheesh: So tell all of us, how many times have you been on the lines in any demonstration and dealt with the police? I have been doing this since the 60's.
Like you know about your big brave military service, I know what the pig cops are like and I know where the violence comes from. Majority of the time, it is because the fucking cops over-react.
BTW: Asshole, I have been on the lines in the Peace Movement for about 40 years now. While the travesty in Vietnam was going on, I would go to a vigil or a protest and then I would go down to the Vet's Hospital in Long Beach and volunteer my time. It is not the servicemen that are the problem. The problem is the immoral leaders such as Johnson, Nixon and both Bushits who have sent them with some pumped up and false mind washing about how they are supporting their country. Have you seriously talked to anyone who saw ground combat in Vientnam or in the South Pacific during WWII? War is not nice. It is hell and when it is being done for oil, it is totally immoral. George Bush sure as shit does not have to answer to me, but if he is truly a Christian (doubt this however), he has to stand before his Maker some day.
BTW: I volunteer in a school reading program and at an old folks home, too. I am a self-made millionaire several times over and hold a masters and a doctorate. And, BTW, Bushit Admirer, I made it by myself. My mom worked as a secretary and my dad in a machine shop. No family money here, asshole.
So if you don't like bloody things, what's the matter with sitting and reading to a Vet, writing letters , running errands her or she cannot do, sitting and just mother fucking talking to him or her? These people are some of the loneliest people I have ever seen. Used and forgotten by our government. Many are homeless and hungry. How many soup lines have you worked on, Chickenhawk?
Big fucking deal....you went to the Gulf ten+ years ago. Fucking kiss my libertarian ass, Freeper. So what the fuck have you done for your country lately? Voted for Bush and got your SUV detailed.
Kiss my ass you lame excuse for a good American. Get off your ass and do something. Sorry that I have to run, but I am going to the Vet's Hospital and then to a Peace vigil. Oh, BTW, my grandkids are going with me. Where the fuck are your kids?
Fuck you, you lame excuse for a man.
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:07 AM
Perhaps you'd like to tell that to David Mobilio's family.
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by Max Thrasher
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:12 AM
A mind truely is a terrible thing to waste.
"The problem is the immoral leaders such as ..."
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" - WJC
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:20 AM
Oh I'd just love to hear that story. Won't you please tell us how you've made so many millions of dollars while volunteering all of your spare time and protesting against all of these tyrants American dictators?
Without the freedoms you've enjoyed in this country, you'd never have made a penny. And those freedoms came with a price, you selfish turd. Many, many people fought and died so you could sit there, spout off at the mouth your anti-American vitriol tripe, invective after invective and flash your wallet full of greenbacks and shout E Fucking Pluribus Unim in God we trust and then tell me how terrible I am.
You are pathetic.
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Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:21 AM
No one forced David Mobilio to be a cop. He knew what was in it when he applied. What happened to him is, of course, awful....but it was his job, Eric. Get a clue.
Try talking to the family of Tyisha Banks.....Hmmmmm? Ever think about what she volunteered for when she stopped at a gas station? That sure as fuck was not her job.
Listen, Nazi Asshole, you and I can name victim after victim and it does not make it right. Body counts don't do it for me....but then....I am not you or George Bush.
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:25 AM
To have some looney wacked out idealist demented radical socialist idiot to sneak up behind him and put three slugs in him, just because he was a cop?
You are sick, retarded bastard.
And what about your story?? Are you ashamed to tell it?? We're all here and waiting...
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by Williams
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:33 AM
Did you read what what said, Eric? No one said what happened was okay. But, let's face it, Eric, a police officer is there to put his or her life on the line every day. That IS the job. Got it?
However, when the cops for no reason gun down an innocent girl parked at a gas station and sitting in a car, then what the fuck is the excuse for this. You made no mention of how wrong this was. Open your eyes. Bad things happen on both sides. But I have to tell you, the death of Tyisha Banks was particularly offensive to me.
Eric, I am male, a registered Republican and live in Riverside, CA, where this happened. I was totally shocked by what happened.
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 11:47 AM
Attrocities certainly are committed on both sides. No doubt. The human factor always enters into the equation. But the police are there to perform a service that is intended to be inherrently good, to improve quality of life in our country. If it were not for idiots Like Andy Mcrae, we'd not need them.
And it's not about body counts for me either. Trust me, I'm not here inspiring you to words because I'm a vicious tyrant or a blood thirsty warmonger. I'm without a doubt, a humanitarian of the highest order.
But I love freedom. Just the essence of freedom gives me chills. The mere thought of how free our nation is makes me proud. And I don't speak out of naivety. I am very well traveled and have seen many other nations. Up close and personal like. I'm talking about foreign government officials, dignitaries and diplomats. I consider myself very, very lucky. And so should you.
I was born into the good life, just like you, by dumb luck.
And I love it here. And I love freedom. And I'd like for everyone in the world to enjoy the same freedoms as me. Even the Iraqi people. And if I can't give them that freedom, I'm going to gloat about it as much as I can. Because that will make them envious of it. And out of envy comes discontent. And from discontentednous comes action. And from action they might achieve freedom.
And I helped them.
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Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 12:06 PM
Thank you for defending my regime and I love you all. PS why feel sorry for soldiers they like the cop are just doing their job so as I kill them remember they knew what they were signing up for.
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 12:10 PM
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my work is entirely about serving the United States, although I can't say exactly what it entails for reason I choose not to reveal.
But here's an example. I recently, very very recently, spent several weeks working in Pakistan. When was the last time you stopped by Pakistan on your family vacation there Mr. Multi-$$Bucks? Hmmm?
Certainly not lately. But that's where my work takes me.
While I was there, I got to visit a border between Pakistan and India. Seems they each perform a little patriotic ceremony while simultaneously lowering their flags every day. They each have stadium bleachers on each side of the border and the crowds cheer for their respective countries and try to "shout down" the other side.
Seems Americans aren't the only ones that are patriotic in this world. Not by a longshot. And the funny thing is, that it's entirely a peaceful demonstration. You really should get out there and see it some time.
Of course when you talk to the people, they don't have many good things to say about each other. One Pakistani told me that India is "a big fat liar" when they say there is rampant breeding of terrorism in Pakistan. Many others expressed similar sentiments. But the funny thing is, Pakistanis and Indians are practically the same culture. Other than religions, they eat the same foods, where the same clothes, have the same types of art and on and on. They're brothers.
Sorry for the rant.
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by Erid
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 12:17 PM
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And on "what have you done for your country lately".
And one more pic. Thus ends another day between peaceful nations. And may Allah keep it that way.
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by You Did Not Disappoint Me
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 2:28 PM
Like who the fuck cares where the fuck you have been? Obviously, you have NOT been enlightened and THAT is a place that does count.
Hey....wow....all that time and no SUV. Man, were you Jonesing for it? Suggestion: Go back to Pakistan. The US can use less Nazi Freepers like you.
BTW: Your photos are crap.
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by cannot make up my own mind
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 3:07 PM
This dude goes on and on about how he is a real american. Never addresses any issues in any forum. He is a brainwashed fascist, still programmed by the government, still believes that Freedom= Oppression Peace= War Love= Hate
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by Eric
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 3:11 PM
Tell someone that gives a shit!
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by Fuck Eric
Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003 at 5:53 AM
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He did, I do, and this is for you.
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by Eric
Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003 at 9:15 AM
I love how they bellow my name in every other post. My ego continues to swell!!
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by That's Nice, Eric
Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003 at 9:23 AM
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Glad to hear that your ego is swelling....cuz from what I have heard your dick sure doesn't!!!
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by Reuben
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:21 PM
In response to being kicked out Peter said that it was "hard to swallow", but after practicing on Saddam, I would have thought it easy for Peter....but of course "we just don't understand" Someone else was right when they expressed relief he was not a journalist on D-Day! We'd all be driving the Benz!
I say toss the bum out.
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by Shocked-and-Awed
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 6:15 AM
In 1946, the Nuremberg Tribunal rejected German arguments of the 'necessity' for pre-emptive attacks. "To initiate a war of aggression is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."
Two other points: 1. We have yet to see the alleged 'Weapons of Mass Destruction." But then, as Rumsfeld assured us, just because there is no evidence, it doesn't mean they're not there.
2. You guys sure obsess about fellatio!
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by Eric
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 6:52 AM
I wonder? You people are like zero for 10,000,000 in predicting historic outcomes. Name one thing you people have ever gotten right when it comes to history?!!!
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by Here, Eric, take a look
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 6:57 AM
Through the 50's and 60's I predicted that there was no communist comspiracy which would dominate the world. I predicted that the Berlin Wall would fall and I predicted just about when and why.
'Nuff said?
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by Eric
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 7:04 AM
Gee Mr. Edwards, can your supernatural abilities reach out and contact my long lost Boxer-bulldog Bruno? When I was eight he was run over by a pick up truck out in front of my house.
What's that Bruno? Is that you boy? Please Mr. Edwards, I was heart-broken...
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by Max Thrasher
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 7:07 AM
only took you thirty years to be proven right, after Reagan and SDI bankrupted the CCCP right?
"I predicted that the Berlin Wall would fall and I predicted just about when and why. "
Right. Good job. Now prove it.
Predict something else for us. Where's Saddam?
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by daveman
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 7:10 AM
And exactly why, Mr. Unknown Pundit, should we believe you about your predictions?
Me, I predicted Woolite, the Dewey Decimal System, the Jurassic Era, and the infield double rule.
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by Eric
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 7:12 AM
http://www.townhall.com/hall_of_fame/reagan/speech/sdi.html After I heard that speech, I predicted the collapse of Communism too...
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