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by eeyore
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:00 PM
pix from our peaceful rally where the stormtroopers went haywire
 imag0019.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
how true this picture is
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by eeyore
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:00 PM
 imag0045.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
could this be an excessive show of force?
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by eeyore
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:00 PM
 imag0027.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
this is the moron who wouldn't do anything but yell at us when we didn't understand why we weren't allowed to stand on the sidewalk anymore. also the same asshole who kept his damned billyclub in my back until lawyer's guild (thegreatest bunch of people there is) pointed it out.
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by eeyore
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:00 PM
 imag0034.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
this is when the cops charged the crowd and started beating people who were just standing there. i was 10 feet away and still have no idea why the stormtroopers did what they did.
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by eeyore
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:00 PM
 imag0037.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
as the crowd is chanting "the whole world is watching!" these cops continue to beat and kick these people. bratton must be so proud.
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by Confused
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 2:32 PM
Uhhh, I keep looking at the pictures and I dont see anyone beating anyone. Everyone keeps saying people were being beaten, but with all of the people with cameeras out there, why are there no photos of this brutality? It doesn't make sense...
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by Kodak
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:10 PM
The reason you don't see anyone being beaten, is because it didn't happen.
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by Fuck Bush
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:35 PM
Were you there?
I was. The LAPD Nazi Squads were way out of line.
Face it: The LAPD are pigs. Ask any one in the LA Sheriff's Department. Even they cannot stand the stink coming off the rot at the LAPD.
All you need to hear are two words: Ramparts Division.
If you are not familiar with this scandal, read it and tell me who you believe: The LAPD or the people who were there and saw what happened.
BTW: The pics are in safe keeping with an attorney. It's called a Bevins action. Fuck those pigs.
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by Yea?
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:43 PM
Where the fuck is Ramparts Division?
haha, uneducated putz
you's wants to axe me a questions, you be ejewmacated.
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by I would lock you up
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:45 PM
In America, we have laws, you break them, you pay. IS that too hard to understand. I'm glad that they put some of you in jail. I also feel no sympathy for any of you if they hit you! Chances are, you deserved it. Thank God for the police. If there are any reading this, then I thank you for protecting all of us and letting me get to work the other day. You assholes blocked the road, I have something called a job. In order to make money, I had to drive through that street. You see, I couldn't be out there running around supporting Saddam and getting high--- if I don't show up for work, I get fired. I hope they do hit you, you dumbasses, maybe a thump on the nogan might knock some sense into you. You could gather those last two brain cells up and figure out that what you were doing was wrong and to get the fuck out of the street.
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by Fuck the LAPD
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:17 PM
Try a Google search with Ramparts and LAPD as the search info. Read and learn what the LAPD is really all about. OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! These people are EVIL.
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by Confused
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:21 PM
I cant help but wonder how the person trying to deliver their ailing mother to the UCLA hospital must feel when they get caught in traffic due to a "die In." Oh, thats right, maybe I do know, because I experienced this frightening moment. I was panicked and angry at the people who have every right to dissent, but do not have the right to keep me from getting my mom to the emergency room as quickly as possible. You are so busy with your senseless dramatics that you are endangering the people you pretend to represent. Stay on the sidewalk! Your "civil disobedience" is endangering lives and keeping the police from doing the job they prefer, namely catching criminals. And while you are busy cursing the police, I imagine you believe that if they weren't there, the world would be a rosy place, but that just shows you have no concept of the real world. Predators are preying on regular people every day via street robberies, domestic violence, child abuse and other types of assaults. The police are the folks that taxpayers like myself pay to take the risk of arresting those people. No one, including the cops from what I have heard wants them to have to deal with protestors. You require it by thinking that "civil disobediance" will solve any issues. Can you name even one time in recent history that blocking traffic resulted in a major change in US policy?
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by Impeach Bush
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:34 PM
I was at the Westwood Federal Building. Tell me what time you tried to allegedly get your mom to UCLA medical center. I know what times the streets were blocked and where.
Maybe you can sell your BS to others, but us that live in the area of the Westwood Federal Building know that it does NOT block Westwood - LeConte where the Medical Center is located. Are you trying to sell that the only way to get to UCLA Medical is down Wilshire, past the Federal Building? Oh, please!!! What a crock.
Sell your sob story elsewhere. If you mom was so ill, why didn't you call an ambulance? Hmmmm? You may be able to pile your shit some places, but not here.
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by Confused
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:49 PM
Because on Wed. evening when I was trying to go to the Hospital I was coming from Santa Monica. Mom's HMO requires her to go to UCLA to avoid a large copayment. It took over an hour to get from Federal and Wilshire to the hospital. There are several alternative routes, but they were all packed as well due to rush hour freeway traffic trying to use those roads because of the backup on Wilshire. Perhaps you dont understand the cascade effect of a traffic tie up to neighboring areas, but there was grid lock all around UCLA that evening. And the point is not whether one person like myself was inconvenienced, or whether mom was so ill that I should have gone to the additional expense of an ambulance. There were also innocent people trying to get home to their kids after work (laborers alongside the devil corporate types). There were people trying to get to work so they could feed their kids and put a roof over their heads who were late due to protester antics in the street. This is the stuff you dont consider when you perform this kind of street action. Like the people you are protesting against, you are failing to consider the collateral damage to innocent lives.
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by c
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:54 PM
when protests like this one last week happen, it's punishing the wrong people. i honestly asked on this board last week what the point of stopping traffic was and immediately got called "a cog in the machine" and it was assumed that I work for Occidental Oil or something, therefore I deserved to be gridlocked for an extra hour trying to get off of the UCLA campus, where I work as a cancer researcher, trying to pick up my kids from daycare, which of course I was over an hour late getting to.
i just don't see the logic in punishing those of us who are just trying to make a living. i am not pro-war by any means, nor do i have the luxury of not having a job or the time to protest along to the tunes of some dippy drummers on Wilshire.
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by Sammie
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:02 PM
I live in the area of the Santa Monica airport. There are a ton of ways to get to UCLA Med Center. I know. I go there all the time. I am handicapped and all my MD's are there.
Pico, Olympic, National, etc., to Westwood were all clear. I know. I went to UCLA that evening to see a friend's father. Took me the normal amount of time.
Tell you story to someone who doesn't live in Santa Monica. And, BTW, if it was such an emergency, did you try and tell it to a cop? There were a ton of them around Wilshire and Sepulveda....or didn't you notice?
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by Confused
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:05 PM
Okay, so you found me out. I'm a liar. I just figured that you, like us conservatives, would believe ANYTHING that's told to you. I had no idea that you had critical thinking skills. I just figured that you were without them, as we conservatives are.
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by Sammie
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:10 PM
Critical thinking skills are not necessary to spot the BS that you were putting out. Took a simple glance. You are a liar and were using some phoney sob story to make the people demonstrating for peace look bad. Like I said, I live in Santa Monica. I knew what you said was total BS.
What you did is totally lame. If you have something to say, then at least don't lie. People think unkindly enough of the Bush administration as it is. If you support him, then don't lie to make him look good.
I am totally against Bush, but at least I don't have to lie and use my ill mother as some excuse. Shame on you. What you did was really low. You used your own mother to support a lie.
Man, you have no morals. No wonder you support the killing of Iraqi mothers and innocent children. Talk about "family values" that the right wing is always shoving at people, where the heck are yours!?!?!? Shame on you.
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by Confused
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:13 PM
Hey, we conservatives aren't allowed to have morals! We are only allowed to dictate what everyone else's morals should be.
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by The real confused
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:33 PM
I did not make that goofy "confession" you seem to enjoy so much. I was out there trying to get to the hospital. It was urgent enough to go that night instead of the next day. Yes, I did talk to a cop. No I did not realize I was in trouble until after I passed Federal on Wilshire and if you know the area so well, then you know there is no place to turn around unless you cut through the VA or get to Sepulveda. And the area around Westwood was all jammed, by the time I got stuck in it Olympic and Santa Monica were no longer options. UCLA and Westwood east of the freeway were gridlocked! Geez! Did you read the post from the cancer researcher? It wasn't just me, it was all of those people, whose stories you dont know and obviously dont care about who got stuck in this mess for an hour or more. Why did you decide I am for the war, because I dont understand the point of ruining the daily lives of innocent people to get attention? Many fo the people in that traffic mess do not support the war, but they dont support your tactics either. They have responsibilities their families and this type of street action impacts the wrong people in a negative way. Just think about it.
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by Sammie
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:55 PM
The VA hospital ground were completely open that night and they were allowing people through. There were officers posted there, but if you had a legit reason, you got through. All you had to do was do down Sawtelle and across anyone of several main streets to Westwood. Or...how about turning around and going back? That ever dawn on you?
Your story does not pass the "smell" test. Stop using deal old Mom as an excuse.
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by Fuck the LAPD
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:04 PM
Geeeeeez: There were more cops there than protestors. If you are going to put out blame, then look at everyone. Law Enforcement was traveling on Whilshire on the wrong side of the street most of the time and snarling traffic all over the place - and running Code Threes all the time. There were CHiPies, Sherrifs and LAPD. Oh, yeah, and the Federal Police - who make the LAPD look like fucking angels. And where did all these assholes end up? Behind the Federal Building - hundreds of black and whites and they were sitting around doing nothing.
The response was way over excessive - it was ridiculous. Then there were all the little police explorers on their bikes. Geeeez: what a bunch of immature snot nosed kids. They were rude and arrogant.
You care about old people - since you say you were taking Mom to UCLA Med Center. You should have heard the disrespect in the way these little creeps spoke to people. They particularly chose off on older women. And I don't mean 30+. I mean those that looked 60 or better. Blocked their way when no reason to do so and spoke rudely. Yep, and shoved people. How about if one of these elderly women fell. Ever hear about how easy it is for an older person to break a hip?
Give me a break. I live in LA. The traffic at Veteran and Wilshire always sucks. I agree with Sammie. Your story is Bushit.
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by jean
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 10:08 PM
I agree...Ive SEARCHED all these pages and pictures and see NOTHING indicating any police acted anything but professionally! They were very POLITE to my group and explained why we could not block alleys etc... You all dont want right to protest...you want to denounce any form of authority....ANYWHERE...I disagree...the police facilitated our demonstration and NOWHERE did I see brutality....now really...neither did you... I love the above caption..." EXCESSIVE SHOW of FORCE" and they police were just standing there ! What is an excessive show of force??
what if YOU called the police and no one came...
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by Fuck You, Jean
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 10:21 PM
Like "...what if YOU called the police and no one came..." Get real, bitch.
What the fuck do you think goes on all the time? Unless the crime was at a mother-fucking do-nut shop. GMAFB. The LAPD sucks. Let those bastards ESAD.
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by Skinner
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 10:26 PM
The protesters are made up several groups;
The Black Bloc type who want to hide their identity so they can run wild in the streets causing mayhem,
The leftist who are against every thing that is American,
The Groupies who are there for the social seen,
The curious and
The Pacifist who are against war (The only legitimate Protesters.)
Mainstream America sees this mixed bag and finds very little creditability, since 80% of the group is there for other then the war. And we don’t see anyone condemning Saddam and his Thugs or suggesting real solutions, just a lot of bad mouthing this country.
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by Fox News
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 11:06 AM
Thanks for being one of our most loyal viewers, Skinner. We count on our redneck demographic to bring in the cash. Just keep your television tuned to Fox. We distort, you comply.
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