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by brenda-n p. behan johnson
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:16 PM
The following photos were taken at the Anti-War rally near the Oscars around 5:30pm, March 23, 2003.
 _03-03-23__lapd__1.jpg, image/jpeg, 508x348
The LAPD, in a rather common display of their complete disregard for human life, continued the domestic war against democracy in the streets of Los Angeles. One protestor, a local Chicano man, speaking to the line of baton- and tear gas-wielding officers minutes before the official termination of the protest permit, summarized the tension best when he commented, "We came here with signs, posters, our voices, and our bodies. You're the ones with the fucking guns. You're the ones with the fucking batons. We didn't bring violence--you did."
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by brenda-n p. behan johnson
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:16 PM
 _03-03-23__peace_concert.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x512
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by brenda-n p. behan johnson
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:16 PM
 _03-03-23__lapd_2.jpg, image/jpeg, 384x307
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by brenda-n p. behan johnson
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:16 PM
 _03-03-23__protestors.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x512
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by brenda-n p. behan johnson
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:16 PM
 _03-03-23__lapd_3.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x512
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by tester
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 5:23 AM
 snds_sdts_sara.jpg, image/jpeg, 65x80
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by Impeach Bush
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 7:48 AM
What are you going to do about the Nazi officers on the LAPD? Each and every protest I have attended has been marked by use of excessive force by the LAPD. You have been there each and every time. Why haven't you stopped them?
There is a very GOOD reason that the LAPD has the worst reputation of any police department of which I know. Your officers intentionally injured a handicapped woman tonight while she was lawfully exercising her First Amendment Rights.
And why do I say "intentionally?" Because your officers were on notice that she was at the head ot he group they were trying to (illegally) move away from the bright lights of Hollywood.
Shame on you and these goons who claim to "serve and protect." The question becomes: "Who is it that they serve and protect?" It certainly is not the common citizen of Los Angeles.
The First Amendment exists as the First Freedom which our Founding Fathers in their wisdom guaranteed to us. What right do you and your goons have to infringe upon the same.
Shame on you, Chief Bratton, shame on you. I am sorry you ever came to Los Angeles. I thought you might bring about some long needed changes. I find that I am wrong.
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Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:16 AM
Quit yer whining if you don't like to see the cops stay off the street they are not happy to see you trators. Yesterday the scumbags executed American prisoners and you are bitching about the LAPD to bad they did not ecxcute your ass bitch.
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by wow
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:19 AM
wow still on duty deputy?
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by Fed Up with the Right Wing....
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:21 AM
Suck my dick, you Nazi Creep Freeper.
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Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:37 AM
ITS WACKAPROTESTOR, not Watchaprotestor. Can't suck what you dickless, ballsless, commie faggots are missing. You protest causes a hugh waste of money and time to the police and bet this motherfucker.
If I came after your ass the first thing you would do is SCREAM FOR A COP. I for one am sick of you hypocritical fucking bastards. I support America, I support our troops, I do not support terrorists which you are now aiding by taking secuirity forces off the streets. I surely do not support Saddam and his murdering enslaving henchmen. You do, and that makes us enemys so don't ever let me see your sorry ass...... bitch.
PS assholes I've never been an "officer"
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by Lt. Slake
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:41 AM
?Would you like to come on down to the office for an interview? Good benefits, union rates and health?
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by brenda-n behan johnson
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 11:05 AM
We're the "hypocritical bastards"? The whole world is against this war. There is no credible that the stupid Bush regime can even produce that connects Iraq with terrorism--in fact Osama and Saddam are long time enemies. Not that that mattered to Reagan who developed Saddam's chemical weapons program during the Iran-Iraq war, which resulted chemical attacks in Teheran that killed around one million people. Or how about the billions in weapons that the Reagan regime gave to Osama? Now whose the hypocrite? We did the same with Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and Noriega and the Panamanian Defense Force: arm them to consolidate their authoritarian power, wait until they stop following imperial orders, then move in, bomb thousands of innocent people (in the case of Cambodia, over 300,000), and put the same cronies in place who were working for the dictators we had in the first place.
If you think the US stops terrorism, then what are we doing supporting the Colombian government? The Pastrana regime killed more lawyers, independent journalists, labor rights activists, peace protestors, and human rights observers than even Turkey did in the same period of time. You tell me whose the one spreading terror. Not the US government. The rest of the world knows this. WHY DONT YOU?
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by Fed Up with the Right Wing
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 11:46 AM
Yes, you have never been an officer...nor a gentleman. Perhaps you should apply for the LAPD. You would fit right in...unfortunately.
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Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 11:50 AM
You think we supplied the Kimer Rouge with AK-47's asshole? Please spare me. And if we attacked the government of Columbia you would be protesting that jerk. You would cry we were attacking for imperialistic reasons to kill the poor od Columbia. It's always the same shit from your assinine faces. You are the people that kill by allowing the likes of saddam to go on forever.
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 12:11 PM
Yet another freeper weasel. Here to waste time and spew your line.
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by SomeAnarchist
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 2:39 AM
I do not disbelieve the truth about the U.S.' history with terrorists, dictators, and similar types. Hell, the FBI even armed a right-wing Native-American militia both before *and* after they shot at U.S. marshals attempting to negotiate with the AIM at Wounded Knee in the 1970s. However, I believe you're mistaken when you say we would be the first ones calling for a cop. Certainly some people protesting against the war would, including some of the more radical members. Speaking only for myself, I can say that I would most certainly *not* call a police officer if a fascist like yourself attacked me. But then, I never liked the "liberals" who called for gun control either, because I recognize the racist origins and basic nature of the gun control laws. I also demand the right to fight back when attacked, whether by police or people like you.
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by free thinker
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 12:53 PM
Those people who think that cops are good and "necessary" should go and join a herd of cattle somewhere. All who choose to remain ignorant slaves, "patriots" and rednecks are polluting the very air I breathe! If you are scared of the power of the mind, do me a fucking favor and kill yourselves!
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by Currin Jane Walvoord
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 10:56 PM
MoonSkate7@aol.com Los Angeles
What are we doing? Why are we reading this thread, checking out this website, sitting before this computer screen searching for a source of independent media?
Because we want ANSWERS: answers about Iraq, about Saddam, about Bush, about our troops ... but American citizens at home are in the dark. Does it not seem just a little ODD to ANYONE that we STILL have NOT been told WHY exactly OUR country has decided to send forces into this foreign land?
Right now, we need to be asking ourselves, "Do I SUPPORT the TRUE motives of this governmental occupation?" Whether we are talking about the LAPD in Hollywood or the U.S. troops who are now taking over Iraq, we need to consider that this is OUR democracy at work here. The police are there to protect us. Bush wants to eliminate Saddam and liberate the Iraqi people. The LAPD presence at these peace protests, particularly on March 23, the day of the Academy Awards, was for our own protection, right? We are at war in the name of freedom for all of humanity, right?
Well, this is at least what we are encouraged to think. But do we believe them?
It is the suspicion of MANY that the REASON for all of this occupation is not to protect but to control. These FEW who are in power in this country, who are serving as REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, are robbing us on our own streets and robbing the Iraqi people in their own country of our/their RIGHT to FREEDOM in general, whether it be freedom of speech or freedom of choice of government.
I urge everyone to THINK ABOUT HOW WE, as a people who stand for liberty and justice for ALL, can SUPPORT a WAR that seems to be attempting to achieve the exact objectives we claim as a society to condemn. We are not permitted to fully understand for ourselves what is happening overseas or right here in Hollywood because we are the masses. We are considered in the eyes of the "officials" as the ignorant Mob whose mentality is considered not only volatile but also easily manipulated.
Now, I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't appreciate: 1. Being misrepresented by a greedy, power hungry, not even properly elected "President" 2. Being considered ignorant and easily manipulated 3. Living in a country that is so HYPOCRITICAL that it uses the justice and freedom it claims to be founded upon as a means of disguising something that is actually rooted in values that promote quite the opposite objective of anyone who truly supports "liberty and justice for all."
The air smells of blood and lies, of elitism and dictatorship, of mistakes and missiles, of unheard cries for peace and justice. There are people in charge and they have agendas and guess what, their TOP PRIORITY is not to protect the masses, but to control them so that they don't manage to interfere. We are being avoided, ignored, disregarded, and tossed aside. "Freedom" is not their agenda's objective, but its selling point. But alas, anarchy will only fail us in the end for we will be left searching in smaller circles for protection which will only lead us back to this same impasse in the future. So what are we to do? We cannot rise up nor can we stay silent. Well, we can protest, we can promote peace and try to instill justice right here at home by using the law against the law. Get them with their own guns ...
Do you really believe that the U.S. is trying to protect the civilian, non-violent peoples of Iraq who are too weak to rise up on their own? Are our troops really dying simply to LIBERATE and DELIVER these people from the iron fist of an insane dictator? Are we there to put a stop to Saddam and his decidedly "evil" regime? To avoid chemical and nuclear warfare? Well, maybe PARTLY... but don't we have reason to believe that it is more than that? It seems not only counter-productive but also illogical to unleash the dogs of war upon the very people we claim to be attempting to liberate, protect, and offer aid and (eventually) freedom to. It is this INCONSISTANCY that instills doubt in my belief that liberation could possibly be the only motive behind this war. So then there is a lot of room left open for the consideration of OTHER possible motives as well. It seems then that there is some NEED that is not being directly stated by the U.S. government for the United States to gain control of the Arab world.
Some people seem to be aware of some of the more underlying reasons for this war (i.e. a lust for "black gold" or a wish to instill the same "holy righteousness" that has cursed this particular portion of the world for centuries.) But, as American troops are dying, fighting, enduring along with all of the other OCCUPANTS of this part of the world, the question of WHY have WE joined them still goes unanswered. And not only has the FULL OBJECTIVE FOR THIS WAR NOT BEEN EXPLICTLY STATED, it has also not been LEGALLY JUSTIFIED OR ALLOWED by the United Nations or the rest of THE ENTIRE WORLD who IS WATCHING ... hopefully, very closely.
As each day of this war passes, we become further and further removed from the truth and fear is increasingly used as a means of governmental control. The government says to us, the ignorant masses, "Oh, we are at war now! So we need more protection," i.e. the LAPD, "heightened security," i.e. the handpicked news and carefully controlled information that is leaked to the public through the media as truth, "and, oh yeah, don't forget that you must support us. We are a democratic government, the people's government. We are yours, so be patriotic! Support the war! Drive your Hummers and your SUVs! Buy! Consume! Eat a hamburger, or better yet, eat two! And, oh yeah, we'll be needing your sons, brothers, and husbands, too. But don't worry about them; we will give you plenty to distract yourself with! And if your heart grows cold, just remember the honor you bare just by being an American."
Perhaps my elaboration is a little ambitious, but I do feel this great sense of injustice growing and thriving … and without explanation! I can do nothing but hope and wonder and have faith ... all things that leave me, as an academic, quite unsatisfied. And so I leave you with these thoughts:
Whatever our government's motives, one must remember that, during the Nuremburg trials when the Nazis were being tried for crimes committed against humanity, Jackson stated that when considering crimes against humanity, one regime's INTENTIONS ARE IRRELEVANT. The ONLY time the LAW permits violence and war is, of course, in the realm of DEFENSE. Are we defending ourselves by occupying Iraq? Well, partly. After all, the American CIA did educate, train, supply, and place Saddam in the Arab world with all the knowledge and materials he needed to produce and execute biological, chemical, and NUCLEAR weapons. So naturally, we feel responsible, but it seems clear to me that this idea of America cleaning up its own mess is being used as a veil for other motives that seem to be deeply seeded in a combination of fundamentally Christian beliefs and a lust for oil. So greed and righteousness stare us in the face again. And people are dying. Everyday. Think about it because this is war is in your name and my name, too. We are a democracy. It is up to us. And, whatever the outcome of this conflict, the rest of the world will be holding AMERICANS RESPONSIBLE. Remember 9-11, I don't doubt that it can get worse, especially with nuclear weapons involved, do you?
Consider for a moment how Bush rose to power? Was he elected? It is questionable. Does most of the population support him? Not exactly. Is he communicating clearly and truthfully with the American population? No. It seems very convenient that the war has already started because now our government has even MORE excuses to keep all of us - students, parents, taxpayers, voters - from obtaining the FACTS. These FACTS are not only our means of making educated decisions but also do we not have a RIGHT to know the what is being done and why. After all, it is OUR President who is conducting this war, OUR tax dollars that are funding those missiles, OUR troops who are flying those bombers, and OUR FUTURES AND OUR CHILDREN'S FUTURES that are really at stake here. Are we not living in a supposedly FREE country? Or is democracy simply a term with no manifestation in reality. Surely, we know that what is occurring is FAR FROM DEMOCRATIC.
IS THIS WHAT WE WANT??? We have Bush who seems to more closely resemble a dictator than a president. And now, with this invasion of Iraq, our dictator is leading our "free" country into a war that is (for the most part) unsupported, by its own people and by the rest of the world. Hmm? Does this remind you of any similar scenarios of the past? To me, it looks a lot like the situation that arose with a guy you may be familiar with: his name was Adolph Hitler. What did Hitler do? Take over Germany, lie and spread FALSE propaganda to the German people to gain support, invade other countries in an attempt to occupy those countries and impose NAZI VALUES and a NAZI FORM of RIGHTOUSNESS by imprisoning the Jews and many others. So, today, we have THIS country, veiling in its professed objective of justice, displaying the same type of blind, arrogant righteousness as that of Hitler and his Nazis: our "President" has attempted to occupy a foreign land using force for reasons that have not been explained or justified to the ENTIRELY TOO PASSIVE American population. Our televisions and radios blare news stories of heroes and missile attacks while our President addresses us with the reassurance that "America will prevail." Does this not precisely MIRROR the objectives of Hitler in Nazi Germany?
Sure, we remember Hitler and his brutality and of course wimpy little George Dub-Yah does not seem nearly as inhumane, but perhaps he is just not as blatant, not as consciously murderous because his mission is veiled (perhaps even to his blind eyes) by a commitment to deliverance. However, there are SEVERAL UNDENIABLE SIMILARITIES between the general feelings, stated objectives, and motives of these two very powerful men.
But this is 2003, not the 1940s, and we feel secure. We have our CNN and our SUVs and our competitive markets and plenty of food on our tables. We are educated and seemingly civilized ... so we are inclined to think that we are at least close to the truth. But it is a deceptive thing, this closeness, because we forget that being “close to the truth” is the same as being in darkness. Because at the end of the day, close is no cigar, remember?
So why do I feel so unsatisfied? I don't WANT to believe that Bush resembles Hitler in his tactics or that our country is actually a terrifying regime in and of itself. But then again, I bet the Germans didn’t want to believe in Alshuitz either. And as I think of the people of Iraq and I can't help but get the feeling that we are NOT learning the past.
And so, I encourage you, for my own PEACE of mind and your own, to take to the streets! Ask questions! Look for answers! Quit bickering with each other and calling each other dicksuckers and assholes and the like. No one is the enemy, not even Bush or Saddam ... we are all humans here, so let's try not to act so PRIMAL! Rise up, write letters, protest, get involved, stand for something, and then pass it on. Get the message of peace out there and tell our DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT TO STRAIGHTEN UP ... or better yet, LET'S SHIP OUT THOSE ELITIST FEW AND PUT THE POWER BACK INTO THE HANDS OF THE MANY so that we may achieve balance and move on to create and just make this world a better place in general. You have to fight for your right to LIVE YOUR LIFE! Love, and hope that others will join you and do the same. Let's stand for peace, the balance that transcends the bounds of right and wrong and allows for all of us to live here on this Earth in harmony, together. -Currin Jane, a Texan currently studying in Los Angeles
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by fresca
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:14 PM
"Does it not seem just a little ODD to ANYONE that we STILL have NOT been told WHY exactly OUR country has decided to send forces into this foreign land? "
What are you waiting for? A note from the Whitehouse. We've all been told over and over again. Wake up gal.
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by Bush Admirer
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 8:21 AM
fresca, you being a conservative, are you also into scat? If so, I would love to be your lover!
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by Sick of Bush's Nazi Bullshit
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:32 PM
Take your blinders off, stand up tall, and pull the pig dick out of your butt.
The LAPD is only protecting and serving themselves, their Nazi leaders, Hollywood's limousine Elite, and don't give a shit about your "bitch-ass" either, unless you are pig as well.
In Hollywood, the pigs committed crimes against the United States Bill Of Rights by blatantly using police brutality and harassment against citizen protestors (Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights) and enforcing ILLEGAL SEARCH POINTS (Amendment 4). The pigs claimed they were protecting Hollywood from terrorism. However, the LAPD TERRORISTS inflicted terror, obstructed traffic, and worst of all, took a big dump all over our BILL OF RIGHTS.
When questioned, "WHO are you protecting with your UNCONSTITUTIONAL SEARCHES and POLICE BRUTALITY?" the cops said nothing.
When questioned who will protect US from the LAPDs terrorism, the pigs said nothing.
When questioned why the pigs were not defending, protecting, and serving the United States Constitution, one pig at the head of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL SEARCH claimed, and was convinced, that he WAS protecting the Constitution.
Then a protestor questioned the pig, "Have you even READ the constitution?"
The brilliant pig laughed and squealed, "Ya, ya, I'll read it when I get home..."
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by Sick of Bush's Nazi Bullshit
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:35 PM
Take your blinders off, stand up tall, and pull the pig dick out of your butt.
The LAPD is only protecting and serving themselves, their Nazi leaders, Hollywood's limousine Elite, and don't give a shit about your "bitch-ass" either, unless you are pig as well.
In Hollywood, the pigs committed crimes against the United States Bill Of Rights by blatantly using police brutality and harassment against citizen protestors (Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights) and enforcing ILLEGAL SEARCH POINTS (Amendment 4). The pigs claimed they were protecting Hollywood from terrorism. However, the LAPD TERRORISTS inflicted terror, obstructed traffic, and worst of all, took a big dump all over our BILL OF RIGHTS.
When questioned, "WHO are you protecting with your UNCONSTITUTIONAL SEARCHES and POLICE BRUTALITY?" the cops said nothing.
When questioned who will protect US from the LAPDs terrorism, the pigs said nothing.
When questioned why the pigs were not defending, protecting, and serving the United States Constitution, one pig at the head of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL SEARCH claimed, and was convinced, that he WAS protecting the Constitution.
Then a protestor questioned the pig, "Have you even READ the constitution?"
The brilliant pig laughed and squealed, "Ya, ya, I'll read it when I get home..."
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by Kevin
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:35 PM
Are you kidding me? You people make me sick. Trash talking is all you are good for. Get a life man. If it wasn't for people with the courage to fight, you wouldn't be able to protest. You people are a joke. And when in trouble, who do you call? The first ones you call-----------THE POLICE
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by Jack
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:39 PM
God Bless President BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless our victory in Iraq. God bless the majority of the country with the courage and conviction to fight. And god bless all you protesters who give me and the rest of this country something to laugh at everyday.
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Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:42 PM
 dad__dog_beat_me.jpg9ds4mr.jpg, image/jpeg, 529x411
....a total one if you believe the crap you are spouting. Go fuck yourself.
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by To: Jack
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:45 PM
So you think that thousands of dead people is great and this is a victory? You need to re-think a few things. There is no victory here. Only the dead and the maimed. I am so glad to see you delighting in the pain of others. You need help.
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by Bolshevik Worker
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:49 PM
 did_you.jpg, image/jpeg, 477x716
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by TO: Bolshevik Worker
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:51 PM
We don't need to spit on anyone. Bush has done enough of that for every man, woman and child of this world.
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by systemfailure
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 12:28 AM
 ann.jpgvdz68a.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x360
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by daveman
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 12:37 AM
...from the left:
THOSE LAPD PHOTOS ARE OBVIOUSLY DOCTORED! There were only 3 cops there! Anybody with half a retina could see that!
Look! Blow it up a thousand percent and count the pixels in the 2nd from the left cop's face, adnd the face of the cop in the back 7th from the right! THEY'RE IDENTICAL!!!!!
There, now...see how silly that sounds?
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by systemfailure
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 12:46 AM
is that why we see the same 5 min. of footage over and over on all the networks? NOthing else to see eh? Are they hiding somthing? WHy was Arnett kicked out of Iraq? Different viewpoint from what the government wanted you to hear of see? Bombing of Al-jazeera. Geraldo heckled by NBC? See how silly that sounds....
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by daveman
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 12:53 AM
...Arnett was kicked out of Iraq by the BUSH administration?
Even if the government had him fired, HE'S STILL THERE! He's still reporting! How did the government keep him from telling me what's going on?
Geraldo was heckled because he's a self-aggrandizing showboat...in other words, he deserved it.
Arnett was fired because he's got his head up Saddam's butt.
Face it...the left sees any pro-American reporting as simply being bought and paid for by the government.
And nothing will change your mind.
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by systemfailure
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 1:03 AM
Dont think the media has anything to do with the republican government eh? Better read my article titled
Who owns CNN? MSNBC? ABC?
do some research and get a fucking clue... You think I invented this shit.. Im good, but not that good.....
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by daveman
Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 2:32 AM
...you invented it.
But you know what? I got a little news flash for you.
Just because YOU say it , don't make it so.
But like I said: was Arnett silenced? NO!
If my government is gonna silence somebody, dangit, they'd better do a better job than that!
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