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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 beating1_01.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x378
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 beating1_02.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x378
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 beating1_03.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x378
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 beating1_04.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x378
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 beating1_05.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x378
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 beating1_06.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x378
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:17 PM
 beating1_sgt_bixler.jpg, image/jpeg, 525x529
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by kim
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:01 PM
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by Jamie
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:02 PM
Jesus Christ. Who is the one who got hit? How is that person now?
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by 1984
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 12:06 AM
I saw that same cop, Bixler, beat another man with his baton on sunset. It was totally unnecessary. Is there anything we can do about him?
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by 1984
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 12:08 AM
Bixler was completely out of control. He was also involved with the stealing of an american flag from an unsuspecting protester as well as the assault on the women with M.S.
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by 1984
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 12:21 AM
I saw this cop Bixler, assault another man on sunset today. Bixler was also involved in the assault on the woman with M.S. He also stole an american flag from a protester. Is there anything we can do about him?
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by ouddacontol kkkops
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 12:46 AM
These cops were doing their job...To control us by "Any Means Neccesary"...Those orders are straight from the police radios!!!!We can't be intimidated...In SF, students are taking over the administration building at SFSU.., In Arizona, protesters blocked route 66,.. In Michigan, protesters blocked busses carrying military folks about to be sent over to Iraq...In SF, people are shutting the city down on a daily basis....LA needs to take these folks examples, and realize that we have right on our side, regardless if LAPD didn't read their "Protesters Rights" handbook before they got suited up for battle...We have the right to get a beating, for protesting against this war...that's what they've shown us so far, so you know what...We have a right to keep coming back stronger, and learn from our mistakes....Watch out for those undercovers!!!They are ridiculously out of place...They always cover their department hair-dos, and the mustache has to be there most of the time...
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by troy
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:12 AM
This guy, Sgt. Bixler, was involved in the altercation that initiated the very first instance when police surrounded the breakaway march.
As we were moving through the residential area (heading east), a row of bicycle cops showed up and placed themselves across the road to block us.
I didn't catch exactly what happened, but somehow, Bixler and a protestor collided (or one hit the other), and Bixler's bike got knocked over. This pissed him off to no end, and prompted the entire first ordeal.
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by Amanda Egge
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 2:14 AM
We are trying to compile a list of group info for all of those arrested for civil disobedience in relation to the war protests and all those injured by the police.
If you or someone you know has been arrested for civil disobedience over the last week or has been injured by the police at a protest in the last week please email me. We "The Arrested" (mostly a group of us from Saturday's arrests) had a meeting tonight at the Peace Center to discuss our next step. We plan on consolidating our cases and pleading not guilty as a group and are seeking legal representation and will be interviewing lawyers. We are also investigating pressing charges against the police for brutality.
Our next meeting is scheduled for THURSDAY MARCH 27th at 7:30 PM at the Solidarity Hall- 2170 W. Washington Blvd. (which is off the 10 at Washington and Western). All Arrestees and Victims of police brutality are urged to attend.
It is very important that we get in contact with all arrestees and injured ASAP.
Thanks, Amanda
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by Heidi Werntz
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 5:46 AM
This shit happened so fast I didn't realize that I actually knew the guy that got hit in these photos. He's fine, in case anyone was concerned.
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by The Id
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:08 AM
From the pictures shown above, it doesn't look like there was a beating at all. The first picture appears to show an individual grabbing on to the cop's arm (or the cop grabbing the individual's arm). The remaining pictures appear to show them both pulling against each other, and finally breaking free with the individual falling on to the ground.
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by Simple Simon
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:16 AM
Are you blind?
Can't you see? That young man (on his way to church to say a few prayers before volunteering the rest of his Saturday at the soup kitchen) was merely trying to get a little exercise, so he pulled his jaunty kerchief over his face and grabbed at the policeman's baton in a 'come let's wrestle' kind of way.
The policeman completely overreacted. PUSHING on the poor waif! Oh, the humanity. What's next? Electrodes applied to the genitals?
I mean, the appeasment movement is merely exercising their first amendment rights. Which, apparently include vandalism, destruction of private and public property, obstructing traffic, assaulting police officers, etc. So what's the big deal?
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by Skinner
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:19 AM
Actually Heide this photos are pretty good, so I would say keep up the good work. Please keep the crappy ones out thought. The photos do not convey any sense of police brutality, in fact just the opposite. As you can see the officer has backed away into defense position, so if your intent was to portray otherwise it has failed.
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by Jim
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:02 PM
Yeah!! Bixler should have beat that asshole to death!
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by justine
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 3:23 PM
Jim, are you calling yourself a citizen of the United States? Hm.
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by 114
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 4:00 PM
Im with you, no beating. The protester is so stoned he fell over.
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by .
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 4:13 PM
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by .
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 4:13 PM
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by .
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 4:26 PM
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by "police baton expert"
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 4:34 PM
Yeah, not exactly a beating - requires multiple blows to the person's body - but unless you've used one of those police batons, you would'nt understand the mechanics of action.
The baton pivots around the handle when swung; the longer end is heavily weighted; pendulum-like arc generates enough force to break knees and ribs, fracture skulls, etc.
The poor kid took at least one good shot to the midsection. Hopefully, it wasn't solid contact.
-police baton expert
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by mikey
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:23 PM
I can not believe that I saw the whole thing. After he was done I saw him eat a little baby whole. Then, he let a bunch of protesters beat him up. Personally, I think that he is not a tough enough cop...there is no blood or anything on his victim and he did not even shoot him. what a loser.
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by Doc Hollywood
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:43 PM
Hey, this Bixler guy is kinda sexy. I think he likes it ROUGH!!! But I think Bixler should have kick this protester's ass. The protester was out of control and threw something at the cop with the megaphone. Do you think Bixler is Bi??
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by Freedom
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:34 PM
The protestors want peace? I dont thinK they know what peace is. They are the ones causing disruption and making the police go out and try to keep the peace. Who do you think these protestors will call when they need help and just who do you think is paying for all of their Civil DOSOBEDIENCE?
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by Freedom
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:38 PM
I wouldn't know peace if it bit me on my redneck, warmongering ass.
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by Little One
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:23 PM
It is amazing to see how uninformed people can see a picture and assume they know everything about what happened. SGT Bixler was doing the job the hard working , tax paying citizens have paid him to do...keep them safe from people who are afraid to show their own faces because they are intent on breaking the law. In regards to the "Police Batton Expert", the PR24 batton in the picture, is not weighted. But please continue to post your inaccurate uninformed opinions because it just reinforces most peoples belief that you are truly that stupid.
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by systemfailure
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:38 PM
Bixler, we know who you are..but you don't know the people. They can come from anywhere, at anytime, These american patriots were standing up for the constitution.
What vandalism took place. Disruption of traffic?-- What about the disruption caused by the police themselves in blockading streets for the Oscar ceremony? It is only OK to block traffic for people riding around in limosines.
You stand for oppression and the corruption of the ideals of America. You fight for corporations and fascist politicians.
How could this man (getting hit) be a threat to you? Because he had his face covered? Because he loves freedom, the freedom that you dont want him to have. Because he tried to stop you from hitting him? Isnt that self defence? Was the protester armed like the cop was?
These crimes will be answered for.
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by cowboy
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 10:16 PM
If you people weren"t a bunch of traitors, and you were more concerned with the well being of OUR country and it's people. sgt bixler, could be enjoying a cup of coffee, and not be bothered with having to beat you communist protestors. This is America if you don't like it here get the hell out, wont bother us any BYE
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by The Id
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 7:40 AM
I don't buy it. The cop didn't hit him with the baton in the manner which you suggest -- however, he might have used the end of it to push the guy back. Too many things don't corroborate your statement: (1) the cop's legs are backing off, not leaning in; (2) the protestor is holding on to the cop -- if someone were beating you with a baton, would you hold on to him?; (3) the alleged blow from the baton would have caused the protestor to fall away from the cop; (4) a "police baton expert" should know that most of the force used in striking someone with a baton comes from the hips -- the cops never turned his hips to the right at all.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 8:10 AM
Systemfailure you're such a jackass.
Anyone looking at the sequence of pictures above can see that the police officer is being pulled by the protester, that the officer digs his feet in and pulls his hand free - and due to the immutable laws of physics (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction), the protester finds himself falling back to the pavement, and hits his little head.
No 'police brutality' just another little punk who thinks it's ok to grab a cop.
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by mike
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 9:35 AM
I think that the whole thing is being taken out of context. Bixler was trying to run away so that he could go and sit at starbucks and drink a mocha. It looks like the masked protester, Zorro, (why was he trying to hide his face? he must be disfigured) who I am sure was on his way to church, tried to stop that cop from getting his mocha. I guess he paid the price for it.
never NEVER never stand in the way of a cop and his mocha. It is obvious that THAT cop dosent eat donuts.
It also looks like bixler was trying to sit down on the job but was helped up by Zorro.
Good for Zorro for Taking chage and keeping Bixler from sitting on the job....
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by Bixler Fan
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 9:41 AM
Zorro is such a bitch, look at him on the ground cowering in fear.
What, not as tough as you thought you were pussy boy?
Better luck next time.
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by Og
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 12:09 PM
is it possible to support protest and dissent and at the same time support police? i guess not. i guess the police and everyone who supports them are against the idea of democracy.
oh well - no wonder more and more people feel more and more negatively about the police.
pretty soon it won't just be most people who hate you. it will be everybody.
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by kay ji
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 12:11 PM
- info copied and pasted from another page -
meeting is scheduled for THURSDAY MARCH 27th at 7:30 PM at the Solidarity Hall- 2170 W. Washington Blvd. (which is off the 10 at Washington and Western). All Arrestees and Victims of police brutality are urged to attend.
It is very important that we get in contact with all arrestees and injured ASAP. ------------------------------ PROTECT AND SUPPORT IAN CRAIG!!!!
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by tax payer
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 10:48 PM
Fuckin protestors breaking the law causing to police to pay attention to them and not the terrorists and gangsters that they should be arresting. I hope they become victims of crimes because of the police being busy with their kind.
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by systemfailure
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:45 AM
Your a very weird person simon In the "Rachel Corrie" article - you went to great lengths preaching about how pictures are quite inadequate to tell the whole story. But now You have the whole story down pat according to the pictures heres your comments: Monday March 17, 2003 Mont 10:43 AM your comments pertaining to use of photographs for evidence from "rachel corrie in her own words"----
WHAT FACTS ARE BEING REFUTED? You are offering an OPINION. You are not stating FACTS. There is a difference. You string together three still photographs ..., and arrogate to yourself the ability to understand what happened on that day, in that place. You are an insufferable blowhard.
The above sentance is an OPINION.
See the difference yet? fucking loser. do you work for cnn or fox news?
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by Simple Simon
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:21 AM
Look, I already know I'm an idiot. That's why i chose "Simple Simon" as my posting name. I'm such a simpleton, as I can only see the world in terms of black and white. You're either with me or against me.
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by useful idiot
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:37 AM
I'm a useful idiot with an ususually small penis. I will mock you all into submission.
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by Eric
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:51 AM
Wow! You know how to copy and paste the same message over and over on multiple threads? I was never able to master that. It is beyond my mental capablilities. Wait a second. I'll get my third grade buddy to show me how. After that, I'll screw his tight little butthole.
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by Paste
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 8:04 AM
Wow! You know how to copy and paste the same message over and over on multiple threads? I was never able to master that. It is beyond my mental capablilities. Wait a second. I'll get my third grade buddy to show me how. After that, I'll screw his tight little butthole
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by Simple Simon
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 9:13 AM
Systemfailure, the difference in the two situations is one of speed. In the Rachel Corrie pictures, we see three or four stills which show NO action. Only a picture of Rachel standing in front of a bulldozer, then two shots of her friends huddling around her after being struck. It is simply conjecture as to what actually took place.
In the M23 pictures, we have high-speed shots taken of the action, which clearly show what is occuring. The dynamics of the situation are not in doubt. Look at the Cop's legs in the second shot. He's either getting ready to take a crap or he is RESISTING being PULLED. Furthermore, the 'protester' is obviously PULLING the cop.
Now, someone could make the argument that both figures look like they are pulling equally, so it's important to look at the next couple of pictures. In the third picture the cop's right arm is behind him and the 'protester' appears to be sitting on the pavement. In the fourth picture, the 'protester' has rolled back onto his shoulder blades and hits his head. The combination of these two pictures CLEARLY show that the 'protester' fell backward and hit his head after his grip on the cop was broken.
The best shots are the fifth and sixth, of course. Suddenly Timmy, having freshly been kicked in the ass, decides that being a 'protester' isn't fun any more and wants to go to Jack in the Box before he goes home and calls his mom.
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by Timmy
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 9:21 AM
Hi I'm Timmy -
the masked kid in the photo. I had been giving Sgt. Bixler looks all afternoon. Then I saw my moment and acted. I attempted to hump Sgt. Bixlers leg, I hope someone got a picture of that, because it was RIGHTOUS.
Sgt. Bixler then removed me from his leg and I tried to run but since I had a hard on I fell on my back and went boom.
That's pretty much it.
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by Simple Simon
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 10:48 AM
Do you think Bixler would let ME hump his leg? Do you think he's into scat, as well?
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by mike
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 12:01 PM
I dont get it. So he pushed the guy on the ground. The fact that he hit his head is a mere consequence. Basicaly, all police can do is push people. What was he going to do? Give him a ticket?
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by Mike
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 12:15 PM
HOW COULD HE!!!!!!! Pushing a man who masked himself, assaulted an officer, and disrupted peace to exibit peace.
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by shooter
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 12:21 PM
First of all, where's the beating? I see a police office and a black bloc individual together and then the black bloc guy falls down. That's all.
Hopefully the day is coming when the police will deputize a citizen's militia where we can take to the streets during protests and plug these black bloc types point blank with our .45's. They are human debris and should be treated as such.
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by 9mm hollow point.
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 12:32 PM
We aren't all tofu eating treehuggers. Ever hear of stand off weapons? Bring your iron. Just what we need to start the party.
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by shooter
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 12:42 PM
No problem. At least make it sporting for us. Wear a bullet-proof vest.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 1:08 PM
The party invitations are premature. Any real shooting will be done with a 7mm mag at a REAL stand off distance. I like the part in Saving Private Ryan where thr last thing the german sniper sees is the flash. Pop.
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by Simple Simon
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 2:42 PM
He he he. Appeasement mongers talking trash.
Let's see, we've got one guy who hurts his widdle head when he falls while wrestling a cop, and the 'progressives' scream 'brutality'!
All while they are desperate to stop the United States from deposing a Dictator who has MURDERED untold thousands.
You guys have a serious serious problem.
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by systemfailure
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:04 PM
it must have been pretty hard for the protester to fight the cop with a water bottle in his hand the whole time.
the cop is obviously left handed as the way he holds his baton in the last picture. The strikes came from the left side (power side).
ask yourself this: if you were getting hit with a baton would you grab the baton to prevent yourself from further damage?
NO you would never be in the position to stand up for your constiutional rights, because you are a brainwashed program that goes along with whatever the mainstream tells you.
ps to the guys standing around watching a fellow demonstrator getting beat You are a disgrace to the Black Bloc
4 protesters standing around while a fellow citizen gets beat? shoulda taken the street that day
and taught bixler a lesson
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by Teddy Ruxipen
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:08 PM
Listen System,
I was there...that's me standing next to him. Bixler is a big guy in person, I'm not stupid.
What am I going to do jump on his back?
My friend (Timmy) on his back cried after it, I think it really hurt his feelings to be yelled at. And he did trip and fall.
The pictures don't tell the story.
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by Patriot
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:16 PM
If you wouldn't break the law, then maybe you wouldn't have so many problems. Police have a lot of stress in dealing with the daily social problems they have to battle everyday. You should respect the policeman by obeying their orders. They have the authority, this isn't some kind of anarchy just because you don't like the war. I amazes me that you go that far to protect a person like Saddam. Please stay home, you are making America look bad. People are laughing at you worldwide. I respect your right to protest, but I do not respect you!
God Bless our Police Officers for keeping us all safe!
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by .
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:23 PM
i'm just glad the protester was properly hydrated while all this was going on.
viva la aquafina!

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by .
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:24 PM
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by George Kastanza
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:27 PM
Pepsi, the Official Sponsor Of Protest 2003
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by zookeeper
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 3:46 PM
You are just going to stand there while some fascist pig tries to kick your friends ass? NO FUCKIN EXCUSE!!!!
"We must all hang together, or we will all hang separatly"
Now it is more obvious to me Cover your own ass While my brother lies in the street
ps It appears to me that this man couldn't have been holding on to the baton and wrestling with the cop and holding on to his "freedom spring water"
come on people United we stand divided we fall
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by Dr. Sigmund Fruit
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:02 PM
Okay, Simon. It's time for me to help you back into your straightjacket now.
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by Teddy
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:06 PM
Dude, it's not as easy as you think.
Where were you? I was in the middle of it.
Stand together unless you hide with the women, like you.
I don't see you claiming any wins on this battlefield.
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by zookeeper
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 5:06 AM
In the middle of what? The picture shows you standing there looking like your shocked. You are a fucking disgrace
If you were my homie, i would have beat you down. after i beat down the cop.
ps You dont know shit about me so dont pretend that you do.
I handle mine. I was there too
but i cant comment on my wrongdoings cuz the 5-0 is listening
listen dude. we have to stand up for each other today
dont get mad at me get mad at the system
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by God
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 9:02 AM
Sgt. Bixler should have stomped a mudhole in his ass. Sgt. Bixler was restrained and professional. Some stupid kid thinking that he was cool messed with the wrong cop. If you un-educated spoiled little bitches could hear how you sound, our forefathers, you know the ones who died for our rights would turn over in their graves. You protest everything but yet you fail to realize that you mean nothing. Keep on being the child and complain about everything and then live somewhere else. I heard that there will be some openings in Iraq.
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by Bush Admirer
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 10:16 AM
Whenever we conservatives don't have an argument, we can alsways resort to physical violence. Somehow, I always knew that you were a conservative Neanderthal.
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by Matter
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 5:39 PM
This Officer looks like he is in Real danger, such a violent crowd. But very restrained!
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by Matter
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 5:41 PM
WOW this officer should have shot the man trying to take away his Nite Stick
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by Bobito
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 6:42 PM
Come on Kim...be a leader, not a follower. Don't judge a book by its cover. You were not there, so you do not know the complete situation. The pictures do not lie. Check it out: The kids at a protest. The kid probably thought it was the Great American Skokeout Day, so he's probably a bit on the high side (how judgemental of me). Also, the number one thing to understand is that the kid has his face covered with a kerchief. Why??? Does he want to protect his identity?? For what reason??? What does he have to hide?? Or maybe he is expecting some tear gas because he wants to participate in some looting later. Anyways...he is grabbing at Bixler's arm (the picture shows that). How peaceful is that??? I may be wrong, but I learned that you don't go head to head with a cop during a protest (peaceful or not). For the most part, the cop will win. Common sense!!! So the next time you feel that you have nothing better to do than to mix it up with the PoPo, than let me know. This way I can be there with a videocamera...I don't want to miss a thing.
Make love, not war!!
P.S. Good thing that the other Bixler wasn't there with his Bro. I'd pay to see that one.
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by jeff
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 8:13 PM
Thank god for officers like Sgt Bixler. I am proud to have had a hand in training that outstanding young man. All you liberal sissies should be glad there is a man willing to stand tall for you "rights".....now shut the fuck up!
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by Lee
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 8:25 PM
I would have enjoyed it even more if the military would have gotten off the bus in Michigan and wooped the asses of the protesters that felt it necessary to impede their military purpose. That is to protect the lives of "their" sorry asses. They just don't get it and they never will. So why do we do it, you have to ask yourself? Why, is because their the tick on society that continues to itch and suck us dry like others in this world. Once in awhile you gotta grab-em by the ass and pull their head out of it. Justice will be SERVED!!!
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by William
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:04 PM
Oh look! See breakaway marcher (a.k.a. criminal) attack officer protecting law abiding citizens from out of control protesters. Now see criminal attempt to steal officer's baton by force...violation section 211 Calif. penal code. Robbery! See officer thwart robbery maintaining control of his property. Now see thwarted criminal fall down and go boom on his butt. See calm cop maintain composure and do his duty. Feel safe such brave men & women protect us from such ignorant marchers. Kudos to the cops!!!
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by Brian
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:22 PM
Beat all those protestinganti-american pussies!!!If they don'tlike it, go over to Iraq and live, punk ass bitches!!!!!!!!!
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by get some
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:29 PM
Sissy ass black bloc, go back to San Francisco where the cops will let you destroy their town! LAPD is there to protect and serve the law abiding public. Try to take on the LAPD, you will lose again!
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by time
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:38 PM
I think that the cops should be hitting these idoits who belong in another country in the head with their nite sticks. Maybe it would knock some sence into their drug laden minds!
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by Thankful citizen
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:49 PM
The idiot protester should thank his lucky stars that he didn't get O.C. sprayed. If the protester was proud of what he was doing why was his identity concealed in the first few pics??? Thank you LAPD the mass majorities appreciate what you are doing.
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by 3200fps
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 1:20 AM
Why is the black bloc have his face covered? let me answer a question with a question? WHy does the LAPD need to videotape the people DEMOSTRATING thier first amendment rights? WHy do they need to video them? Red files? The demonstrator was trying to grab the "baton" eh? while still holding on to his "freedom spring water" or was he trying to keep himself from getting hit?
Maybe it was a cop like my father who kept a picture of a "white power" fist on the inside of his police locker. Maybe is was the kind of cop who berates his fellow employees who are black, mexican , female, or gay? You think these cops give one flying fuck about anyone else exept another nazi flying a badge? You better think again ( to the cops that are reading this, you know its true)
The cops are real bad-asses eh? Ever see the footage from the start of the LA riots? See the pussies driving by in their black and white cars afraid to get out?
WHile the black bloc marches in the streets, the cops harass and search. What happened to freedom of association?
These crimes will be answered for...
Unless "Officer Perez "gets to me first..............
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by fresca
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 1:31 AM
Regardless of how assinine you sound with you're ridiculous "all cops are nazis" tripe, even you will agree that NOTHING is more laughable than the notion of middle-class white kids calling themselves anarchists and forming a blacbloc. Jesus, what fucking morons. The world looks at them and yawns.
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by oficer b
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 4:34 AM
Can you ever engage an argument fresca? Or are you the type who just likes to leave stupid sensless comments that make the rest of the readers yawn? All your posts are lame and you never really say anything. How was Ireland?
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by DJ
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 5:21 AM
I say to anyone who thinks this picture is police brutality to put on the Uniform , wear the badge, and do the job that Police Officers do everyday. These men and women that wear the badge have to wonder everyday if they are going to be going home to there families or be killed or injuried.
Until your LIFE is on the line everyday you have no business BITCHING about this photo!
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by Larry Cardenas
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 9:18 AM
Cops are not Nazis,,, get you history in order. The Nazi was a major foe not onlt you the United States but the intire world. Please don't compare the officers who protect our way of life with the gustapo. Try and think of a more well thought comeback in this quarral.....
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by fresca
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 9:30 AM
Yes, I DO love leaving stupid, senseless comments. It's what we fascists do best.
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by Eddy
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 9:59 AM
I guess I must have received the wrong pictures as try as I may I just can't seem to find any evidence of this 'beating' you're screaming about. Why do you people keep trying to make vast mountain ranges out of nothing. Protesters have a right to protest for what every reason. Sometimes, in fact most of the time, they seem to go too far and end up creating problems which, unfortunately, the police have to deal with. The protesters should realize that if they act responsibly then all will be fine but, on the other hand, if they act like assholes they should be dealt with as such. responsibly
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by Joe Citizen
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 1:52 PM
Maybe all you bunny hugging liberal cry babies should try being part of the solution by keeping your friends from participating in public acts of stupidity instead of being part of the problem by blaming the police for dealing with it. Try supporting law enforcement instead of condeming them for doing a job you are to chicken shit to do yourself. If you break the law except the consequences instead of whining about them, after all nobody makes you put on a protest so why should you get special treatment for being a public jack ass.
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by Support the LAPD
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 4:05 PM
That guy just got a scratch.... He should have left with a bleeding cranium.
You liberal protester make me sick. Our young men and women are protecting the very freedoms that you lets you walk down the street freely.
God bless the LAPD and sgt Bixler. The thin blue line protected the good from evil.
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by Fuck the LAPD
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 7:05 PM
Sheesh....they are nothing but dumb, fat-assed Nazis. Fuck them.
Clean Up the Streets of LA: Deport the LAPD - Send them to Fuher Bush.
Go fuck yourself. The LAPD are a bunch of Nazi cunts.
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by Officer Perez
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 4:24 AM
Thanks to all you folks for supporting the LAPD. I was able to write this because I got out of jail after only 3 years. I know I murdered citizens and was a major drug trafficer, but if I wasn't a cop, I would probably be doing life. thanks to all you brainwashed conservatives in Los Angeles. You've made my life much easier. AHHHAAGHH!!!! oh sorry I was so happy reading the fascist propaganda supporting criminals I just had to pull out a copy of the constitution and Jack off.....
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by Fuck Law Enforcement
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 5:35 AM
Did you go back to Ramparts and visit the scene of all of your crimes against the innocents of Los Angeles. Yep, the biggest criminals in that LAPD Division were the cops and not the citizens that you wrongfully convicted. And people wonder why and LA jury thought the LAPD framed OJ. The reason is because: They did!!! Ramparts is and was only the tip of the ice berg on the Nazi Freeper Creeps of the LAPD.
Most of them did not get caught. Look at the Blake case in Van Nuys. It's only gone through the prelim and it is clear that the LAPD fucked up again.
So, Perez, you got a book deal now? I guess there is a certain writer that rode along with Ito on Blake. Why don't you get in touch with him?
Yep, fuck the LAPD. They are the biggest criminals in this town.
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by Amy Williams
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 12:20 PM
Looks to me the Officer involved was doing his job. There's certainly NOTHING in the pictures that display police brutality-shame on you. Not this time.
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by Fuck the LAPD
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 12:34 PM
"Not this time..." Yeah, right. So all the OTHER charges of excessive use of force are true? Gave yourself away, didn't you?
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by Amy Williams
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 1:19 PM
Why don't you tongue-kiss my diseased snatch, you pinko?
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by Kathy
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:02 PM
Wow! I can't see where he beat anyone. It looked like a one on one struggle to me. There is no end to the idiots who try to undermine law enforcement, just like they are doing with our military
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by Kathy
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:03 PM
Wow! I can't see where he beat anyone. It looked like a one on one struggle to me. There is no end to the idiots who try to undermine law enforcement, just like they are doing with our military
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by rampartmania
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 4:31 AM
Fuck kathy and amy probally both fucking cops--literally of course, gonna be in love till he starts beating on you.. like most divorced cop[s do. fucking traitors to the constiution
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by Fuck the LAPD
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 8:27 AM
 freeper.jpg, image/jpeg, 340x250
Hey, BA, let's make the US even more of a Nazi state, let's NEVER hold the pigs accountable.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 9:57 AM
I think the point is to make them accountable when they actually do something wrong. By crying 'police brutality' when a cop wins a shoving match with a punk it cheapens the meaning of the phrase.
"If little faults, proceeding on distemper, Shall not be wink'd at, how shall we stretch our eye When capital crimes, chew'd, swallow'd and digested, Appear before us?" Shakespeare, Henry V Act 2 Scene 2.
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by There is something wrong with the LAPD
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 10:47 AM
I have been at the peace domonstrations. I am female and nearly sixty years old. I stand with my sign, on the side walk, and I am there exercising my First Amendment rights. I am not there to cause problems. I am there to express my total disagreement with the War in Iraq.
At the CNN march, I was on the side walk, minding my own business and walking in the direction from which we had come. An LAPC officer passed me on my left and gave me a rough shove to my left shoulder for no reason. This was done when he was directly beside me. Clearly, no one saw what happened.
I am a small, elderly woman and I walk with a limp. Because I have certain physical problems, I could not stay at the CNN building the entire time, so as I was leaving. I would have not thought too much of this shove other than "what a rude man," but the LAPD officer turned ever so slightly and looked at me and grinned and gave me a snotty look. (I taught Jr. High School. Trust me when I say I know what a snotty look is.)
Granted, there was nothing there to effectively complain about and no cognizable damage to me from the officer's conduct. But it happened and he got away with it.
He shoved and elderly, obviously handicapped, tiny woman - and grinned about it.
What does that tell you? Well, it tells me that there is something very wrong with the LAPD. Ramparts, IMO, was just the tip of the iceberg.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 11:32 AM
I think that all peace demonstrators should be executed.
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by You would think that way.
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 12:00 PM
Yep, and the First Amendment should be appealed.
Hey, Mr. Ashcroft, thanks for posting on this message board. You can drop the handle of Simple Simon now. We all recognize you.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 1:50 PM
What's wrong with what I posted? In addition, these executions should be performed by firing squads.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:35 PM
I can't tell you anything about your personal experience. I can only doubt it's accuracy. There are very few grown men in the world who would enjoy pushing an elderly woman. One must assume that the number of these men that have found their way onto the LAPD is extrordinarily small. Giving you the benefit of the doubt and taking everything that you say at face value, one wonders why you never pursued the issue? Perhaps you should have gotten the officer's name and badge number. But of course that was impossible. It never occurred to you to ask, nor to ask some more able-bodied protester to find out for you. So in the end we only have your unsubstantiated allegation, without any independent confirmation.
And you wouldn't have a political axe to grind, now would you?
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by Eric
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:38 PM
That's right, Simon. The cops can do no wrong, for they are angels.
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by The Little Old Lady
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:44 PM
Perhaps you should read more carefully for content before you comment. I stated I walk with a limp. I am handicapped. When the officer shoved me, he was side by side with me. He turned his head slightly backward to grin at me as he continued past me. After I recovered my balance, he was greatly ahead of me. His badge number and his name are not on his back. I would have loved to have his name. However, shouting "Officer" at him did cause he turn around.
There is no use in making a report. There is no one to name, no badge number to give, and no cognizable damages. It was merely a bully intimidating someone weaker than he and knowing that nothing would come of it.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:47 PM
Hey, Ginny, would you consider letting a little boy like myself have his way with you?
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by Sorry....
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:58 PM
 smilefem.gif, image/png, 100x100
...I don't do charity work.
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by Simons dad
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 2:17 PM
How could simon bone this old lady? we've already seen (thru his postings) that
1--he has no balls (conformist, can't thnk for himself)
2--she'll have to sit on top cuz he's a fuck-up (he hee)
3--bring some viagra, cuz he cant get it up unless, he reads kiddie porn, or masterbates with a flag and a bible. (like most conservative sheep)
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by Evan
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 8:45 PM
You've got to be kidding me. Is the damn kid dead? NO Is there any evidence that he is even hurt? NO For the love of god, the kid didn't even get arrested. Shit, I got arrested. It cost me a lot of fucking money too. I would have taken a smack on the head any day over that. You hippies need to shut the fuck up and find something real to whine over. Not just some random protestor getting smacked then walking away.
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by Rod
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 8:50 PM
The photos only show the aftermath of the incident. LAPD officers will only strike if and when needed. The officer shown is not going just hit someone because they feel like it. Lets see the pictures just before the baton strikes. This is ONLY what the media and/or photographer wants us to see. If these protesters promote peace then why are they causing so much trouble in the street.
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Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 10:16 PM
 ladogpoop_e0.gif, image/png, 190x136
Hey, let's just wait until they really go over the line and injure someone. No, Roddy-Doodie, don't call them on the use of ANY excessive force. God forbid an American citizen is allowed to exercise Freedom of Speech.
When you go back to you kennel, Roddie, I hope your mother doesn't bite you.
LAPD: Dis-Serve and Don't Protect.
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by Jason
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 10:46 AM
What are you, 13?
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by Janet
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 6:32 PM
Fired and sued for what? The man is doing his job. And I am sure doing a hell of a job as well! Sounds like you all need to go back to school and find something better to do with your lives. Police try to keep the peace and till you all come in and cause all the disarray
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Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 6:47 PM
 xwizard34.jpg, image/jpeg, 540x216
Ohhhhh.....I am soooooooooo upset by your little tirade against Peace Demonstrator - NOT!!!
You are a clueless bitch. Why don't you go find some middle class boring message board - like where they exchange recipes - and get the fuck out of here, k?
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by up yours
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 10:49 AM
yea i'll tell what u can do about it.......take your beating like a man u fucking punk ass pussy bitch.......if u jump in the ocean and taunt great white sharks your bound to get bitten u dumb motherfucker........u what to fuck with the police and receive no repercussions.......what are u fuckin retarded......???? u played the game and lost u dumb fuck.........deal with it
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by up yours
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 10:50 AM
yea i'll tell what u can do about it.......take your beating like a man u fucking punk ass pussy bitch.......if u jump in the ocean and taunt great white sharks your bound to get bitten u dumb motherfucker........u what to fuck with the police and receive no repercussions.......what are u fuckin retarded......???? u played the game and lost u dumb fuck.........deal with it
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by coplover
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 11:14 AM
dude, come on.....!! u can't comment on ur wrong doings becuz u weren't able to commit wrong doings... ..........becuz if u did u would have had ur ass handed to u on a silver platter by the lapd (just like ur homie)....u like to run ur mouth, well lets see it u fucking lil pussy... .....anyone can sit back and monday morning qurterback ......if u try to step up the police will be there to bitch slap u back down like the little commie pussy u are.......and i'll have a front row seat......i can't wait......... haahahahahahahahahahha
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by i'm glad he didn't hit him
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 12:07 PM
i think that little exchange tell the whole story of the left during recent history. From the pathetic little fight zorro put up to when he fell backwards and hurt his little bummy. Then that faggoty little look on his face right before he runs away to blend back in with the crowd. That was priceless. I like how all these protesters stood around with the same look waiting to see what would transpire. one word ties it up..WEAK.
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by floyd
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 11:51 AM
He looked so sad,with his wisky bottle,and hanky over his face,must of had a public education or better yet a commie education,crack the little shit heads skull
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by LAPD Supporter
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 1:04 PM
They are just doing their jobs. Gee, I wish we lived in an anarchy too, but for now we have to deal with laws. I guess if we wouldn't break laws, then we wouldn't have a problem. I hate myself for supporting Saddam.
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by General Colon Bowel
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 1:06 PM
I hate you for being a brainwashed fool.
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by They control Saddam Supporters
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 1:09 PM
Hey General, I bet you have shit for brains and you'd like to give it to Saddam. No not shoot him, you'd like to bang him. So when are you and Saddam going to enter into a gay marraige?
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by Bush Admirer
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 1:12 PM
Way to go. Whenever we conservatives don't have anything intelligent to say, we can always resort to hurling childish insults. Great job!
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by I'm justa communist
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 1:23 PM
I never supported the war, I think we should have taken it over and called it the 51st state damn it! I was out there protesting with you guys, but I never supported Saddam, I want that country to be a part of the US and theys say they arent staying. Plus I beta piece of real estateover there would go for real cheap. Damn war! We do need to do some more protesting but don't cry to me if you get a beating for breakig the law
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by Ed
Monday, Apr. 21, 2003 at 3:22 PM
Awsome photo of how police work should be done.
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by Trent Lott
Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003 at 8:26 AM
Hey, Ed, are you coming to the KKK rally tonight? I'll be there!
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by John
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003 at 6:59 PM
Way to go......Officer Bixler...... I'm sure that "Fine upstanding citizen" with the bandana over his face deserved whatever he got.... In fact maybe if a few criminals occasionally got thier ass kicked on TV once in a while..... Maybe some may get the idea that maybe it isnt such a great idea to break the law....
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by Joe
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003 at 7:03 PM
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by Trent Lott
Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003 at 8:36 AM
Hey, John, are you coming to the KKK rally tonight? I'll be there!
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by Jesse Petrilla
Monday, Apr. 28, 2003 at 7:48 PM
You Anti-American peices of crap need to support your country and support your troops. GOD BLESS AMERICA! WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AND PRESIDENT BUSH!
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by mkj
Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003 at 1:16 PM
did that nut case actuall post his e-mail imma gonna send em a couple e-mail bomz
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by An LAPD officer
Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 at 3:32 PM
I agree with you Ed. I printed out those pictures and sent them to LAPD's Training Division so that they can be used as a tool to train the new recruits on how to deal with assholes when they don't comply during "peaceful" demonstrations.
You guys make me sick!! I know Bixler very well & I was there that day. I have NO idea what the FUCK you guys are talking about, regarding him stealing a flag & beating up a woman with MS. That NEVER happened you IDIOTS!!!! I support freedom of speech and I applaude you for speaking out your mind, but are you so STUPID that you don't understand that you lose credibility when you make shit up????? Yeah, Bixler ate a baby whole!! Yeah, he is a monster!! He is actually half machine!
You guys are such narrow minded FUCKS!! You do not understand that we are also human, we all have families that we love very much and we all want to go home safe at night. Our family members (just like yours!) don't want anything bad happening to us. We owe it to our loved ones to make sure we make it home safe, so if we are confronted with assholes who get off on fighting the police we do EVERYTHING necessary to make sure we are the ones that go home that night. You better believe it! If it is me fighting for my life against anyone who wants to hurt me or my partner, I WILL WIN!! Does that make me different from any other person on this earth? Does that make me a monster? I don't think so!
Due to the nature of their job, police officers are confronted with more viloence than most professions. Officers are often required to use necessary force to eliminate the threat to the public (you!) and arrest the individual(s) who pose the threat. There are lethal and non-lethal uses of force. Every officer is required to use the least amount of force in order to stop the threat. If that does not work then the officer goes to the next level of force etc. EVERY TIME there is a use of force (lethal or non-lethal) there is an investigation. The results of these investigations go in the officer's personnel file, permanently. There is accountability for every action we take. It is NOT like the movies!!!!Officers are not some monsters who go out every day looking for easy victim's to beat up. Most officers give 110% to keep the strrets safe for all of you out there so you can take the streets and demonstrate without worrying about your kids getting molested at home or your cars getting stolen while you where gone.
If any of you make contact with a police officer during a traffic stop or a radio call and you comply with his/her orders you will not have any problems. But if you are combative, aggressive and non-compliant (like you where in this demonstration) you will get in trouble. It is the officer's job to keep the peace, that is why we are called PEACE OFFICERS!! Why is that so hard to understand?? If we tell you to do something or stop doing something we have a very good reason for it. It is usually caled PUBLIC SAFETY!!!!
Also, please remember that we are NOT superhuman. We feel pain and fear just like you. We are not machines. When someone comes running at me with a bat I will have to fight him to protect myself. What am I supposed to do? Just stand there and get beat? Does that make me the bad police when I fight that person and arrest him? If, in the process, he gets hurt is that my fault? I was defending myself and was trying to arrest a person armed with a bat!. He should blame himself for coming at me!
We have feelings and emotions too, and when someone keeps telling me what a fucking cunt I am and that my partner is a nigger, after a while it does get to us. I always treat people the way I want to be treated, but how would you feel if someone came to your job and told you "You fucking white bitch. I fucked you mom in the ass last night" just because you where just doing your job?? I am sure you wouldn't like it, right? So why are we (the police officers) supposed to be different?
When people have a chip on their shoulder and say nasty things to me, I try to remember that it is not personal. These people don't know me personally, they don't hate me, they hate the badge, they hate the uniform. Sometimes it is hard to remember this though, and it bothers me when someone talks to me like that. So next time you see or speak to an officer don't look at the badge and the uniform. There is a person under those symbols who is very much like you! So if you treat the officres with the respect every human being deserves they will also treat you with that same respect back. It is that easy...try it next time and you will be amazed!
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by LAPD Officer
Monday, May. 26, 2003 at 11:00 AM
You're an asshole....and I am BLACK!!!! Think before you open your fucking mouth. Not all officers are male whites you moron!
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by fresca
Monday, May. 26, 2003 at 2:40 PM
Not all officers are male whites you moron!"
They are as far as these scumbags are concerned.
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by luvall
Sunday, Jun. 22, 2003 at 9:09 AM
That sick evil dog needs mental help and he should be fired.
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by Paratrooper
Saturday, Nov. 08, 2003 at 6:18 AM
I am a Partrooper serving in Iraq.I totaly support ANY actions the police take against criminals and the rest of the scum that are infesting our great country.We captured several terrorists that were responsiple for the murder of one of my freinds when the set a bomb of next to his hummvee.We we also responsable for garding them.We made them stay awake for six days and were gla when they tried to escape because tht gave ue a reason to beat these subhuman monsters the way they deserved.If any of you think I am a criminal well to bad because ther are people out there that dont deserve to be classified as humans and the are not just here in Iraq but in the USA also.I alos plan to become a member of the LAPD when I finish my tour in the Army.I know that the LAPD is the finest law enforcement agency in the world.I was also an NYPD police officer for several years under Bratton who I know will br the best police chief in lapd history.So for all you LAPD officers who read this posting keep up the good work and I cant wait to become one of you.
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by ged
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004 at 8:50 AM
looks like bixler needed to take care of business and he did. unless you have stood on the line and took the abuse from angry people, who say they are peacefully demonstrating, yet spit at you, call you every name in the book, and throw things at you, then you may see the view of this officer. peaceful demonstration, yeh right! when the police say it is time to go, then start step'en.
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by Barney
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004 at 5:49 PM
I don't see any stick to head/body contact in those photos.
Anyway, if that snarling thug was supposed to be a peaceful protester marching for peace, wht was he wearing a mask over his face??
Well done to Buxler, he handled that hooligan very professionally.
If that dickhead had been in South Ameroca or Asia or just about anywhere else outside the EU he would have been kicked to death for challenging the authority of a police officer.
These people abuse their liberties.
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by Common sense guy
Sunday, Mar. 21, 2004 at 6:28 AM
The photos posted dont show any use of force by the Police Officer and they certainly dont show a "beating." The photos show a person with a mask (I assume to hide his identity) running or moving back quickly to increase the distance between himself and the officer. The photo also shows an officer advancing on this masked avenger. But the Photos dont tell us why.
You cant convict or accuse the police of inappropriate behavior anymore than you can convict someone of a crime without a trial. Posting action shots during a demonstration doesnt justify a Police Brutality charge.
You must remember, the police didnt organize that event and they only enforce the rules and laws, they dont create them. Anyone who breaks the rules or gets out of hand will find themselves in a situation that may involve force.
Has anyone seen those riot videos from europe or Korea? 50 cops standing there behind shields taking rocks, bottles and an occasional fire bomb. Police in america dont stand around awaiting masked Anarchists to pull that kind of crap here. And I dont blame them.
The photos dont show a beating. Change the title of this webpage and be fair, just like you always cry that the police arent. . .
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by B....A....
Sunday, Mar. 21, 2004 at 7:18 AM
I think the public would prefer to have these rebellious anti-American morons kept off our streets. Just like the homeless people they pollute our streets and parks.
I must commend our police for showing as much restraint as they do. It's got to be painful for them to put up with these jerks.
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Wednesday, Jul. 14, 2004 at 12:04 AM
WE, protestors, have to right to assemble & voice our opinions & beliefs....That is what our Ammendments state....and if you don't like what our Ammendments say about our rights, then get the FUCK out of the USA. LAPD is notorious for arrogant, unprofessional, abusive officers. See, cops think that because they have gone thru rigorous training & physical/psychological screeening prior to their appt. as a Police Ofcr, they think they are better than us, but guess what LAPD, you're not....so FUCK LAPD.
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by rick gesner
Sunday, Oct. 24, 2004 at 4:18 PM
look at the pis he was pulling on the cops night stick and fell the cop dident hit him at any time in the photos
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