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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
Thousands of protestors filled the streets in Hollywood today.
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Heidi Werntz
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:19 AM
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by Demonstrator
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:24 AM
Looks like you really know how to use a camera and have captured the spirit of the day.
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by Sammie
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 7:19 AM
Heidi: You are the greatest. I was at most of the scenes that you have photographed and, like Demonstrator said, you really capture it!!!
Thanks for what you have been doing. You are done very talented lady. It is just too bad that all media does not utilize your photos to let the world really know who the American public feels.
Bless you, Heidi!!!!
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by Regina Record
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 1:59 PM
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by Regina Record
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 2:01 PM
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by Regina Record
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 2:09 PM
PASADENA STUDENTS ARRESTED by invink • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 03:29 PM Two Pasadena students arrested today at a peaceful walkout rally; Protest police brutality and the PCC administration's wrongful charges Friday 3/21 at 3 PM!!! During a walkout rally today at 1:00 at Pasadena City College, students Victor Mendoza and Marco Martinez were assaulted with pepper spray and batons by Pasadena police officers and arrested for helping organize the lawful, First Amendment-protected student protest. Witnesses report brutal, unprovoked force used by police officers before the walkout had even begun. Several other students were pepper-sprayed, batoned, and detained, but Victor and Marco, members of Students for Social Justice and MECHA, respectively, were held on campus and then transported to Pasadena jail. As of this writing, Victor Mendoza is being released within the hour with a citation for public disturbance, while Marco Martinez is being held on much more serious felony charges for inciting a riot--a riot which never occurred. The only violence in this peaceful student walkout and protest came from the Pasadena police, who assaulted students and their First Amendment rights. Representatives will meet with Pasadena City College President Kossler tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. in the C Building. Supporters of Marco and Victor will also converge on the quad area outside the C Building to demand that President Kossler and the PCC administration have these charges dropped and protect their students instead of attacking them. Students are outraged that this school administration could allow the Pasadena police to attack its own students as they peaceful practiced their freedom of speech rights. But this is only the latest in a series of fascist crackdowns on freedom of expression on this campus. Several months ago, a shuttle driver was fired for playing KPFK radio in the shuttle while working. Please come join us Friday, 3/21, at 3:00 on the Pasadena City College campus. Demonstrators will gather in the quad area outside the C Building. Victor and Marco and all students of conscience need your support. The war on students has begun. add your comments Police Brutality at PCC by Jackson Baugh • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 04:52 PM herrkherrk@yahoo THURSDAY MARCH 27, CC LOUNGE 10:00a-12:00p & 1:00p-? PCC students will hold a forum on todays police brutality on campus. As someone who was myself detained by campus ploice, I witnessed the brutality first hand. The police punched, kicked, pepper sprayed, batoned, choked and stomped on heads (literaly). We will recap the order of events and discuss what actions to take next. add your comments ! by c71898 • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:12 PM I heard some PCC students at the rally in Pasadena tonight. Keep on fighting guys! Or should I say, Keep on being peaceful? Incidentally, people were being attacked on Colorado Blvd. while we were marching tonight. We were told that if we crossed the street against the light we could be arrested. While waiting to cross, a man crossed against the light and started hitting people around me. The cops were right there and took their sweet time coming over to break it up. I kept walking, a moving target is harder to hit... add your comments Deport non citizens now by Ron Unz • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:16 PM Did they loot the Gap again? add your comments e-mail by c71898 • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:17 PM the prez himself... add your comments Punks in Pasadena by Joel Siegel • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:23 PM Doesnt Pasadana City College house KPCC? Look where their bread is buttered, you future janitors add your comments no looting by c71898 • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:23 PM Families, children, older people, people with jobs. You know, your fellow americans. No we didn't loot the gap. I wouldn't want any of their clothes anyway. add your comments NON VIOLENCE by Gilbert Espino • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 09:10 PM Hello everyone, I am a student at PCC and also saw the police brutality on our campus. This was an unprovocked attack to slience our voice. However it did not work, a strong 100-120 of us still marched and were clearly heard on Colorado Blvd. My one concern is with our comitment to be peacefull and non-violent. I was in the building and some students began to hit cops and throw pack backs. Arent we for peace here guys?? "If you cannot contain yourself then leave" - Cesar Chavez. PCC we need to be non violent. Citizens of Pasadena WE NEED TO BE NON-VIOLENT. One love. add your comments police brutality by cd • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 10:12 PM The police brutality today at PCC was commited by the campus police. They were aware in advance of the planned walk-out and had agreed the night before to allow students to pass through the buildings and campus. Instead, the chief of campus police waited at the top of the interior stairs to the main building and confronted the students leading the group into the building. By violently apprehending these three students, other students were provoked by campus police into attempting to defend their friends and themselves. These detentions had no basis in anything. The campus police then obviously lied to the Pasadena Police Department and claimed that students were destroying property in that building. Several of us have walked through a few times and can find no evidence of any destruction. About an hour after the arrest incidents, Pasadena Police told us that they would not allow student protesters into any of the buildings because of this destruction (that didn't exist). We refuse to allow our people to be treated in this fascist manner. The PCC campus police and the administration of PCC have demonstrated their lack of any reasonable connection with students, and they have left themselves open for at least one or several serious lawsuits. We need to demand the dismissal of the Pasadena City College Chief of Campus Police. add your comments Contacts by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 12:18 AM Yes, be peaceful but stand your ground. I heard the story tonight and the students involved should know they are supported by a large network now. It was indeed moving to hear the voices of such wondeful activists, and it is outrageous that you were treated in this manner. I hope the ACLU and other legal help will be available. In the meantime, interested people (especially in the Pasadena area) should remember that PCC is governed by an elected board of trustees. The trustees are listed here: The next board meeting is next Wed. I plan to contact them, including the Pres. and the head of campus police (Philip Mullendore is the director of "Polics and Safety Services" at In general I think these people are reasonable so I think we should be respectful but outraged. The board page says the board is responsible for all policy and derives authority from the U.S. Constiution among other sources, so 1st Amendment may be a good place to start. In particular, I think an apology from the Pres to those involved, all students and the community and disciplinary action and criminal charges against the officers would be a good start. add your comments is there a connection by systemfailure • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 01:46 AM I cant believe that the police actually used CHEMICAL WEAPONS against thier own people. add your comments Mr. by John Gilbert • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 04:35 AM Fascist crackdowns, eh? Yeah right. Like all protesters and the Hollywood elite, you're just lusting for those sacred days of McCarthyism and the '60s, perhaps the only time your claims of brutality held any water. You're a bunch of walking cliches. If anyone's fascist, it's your increidbly peaceful San Francisco cohorts, who mauled and assaulted counter-protesters supporting America's troops. A hint: the Hitler moustaches on Bush are juvenile. You're convincing no one of anything but your own idiocy. add your comments Musing by Carm • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:10 AM Mr. Gilbert has some good points. i started reading Indy Media as (what I consider) and averaqe middle of the roader who wants to learn abit. Plus it is interesting reading. As a result I've become more 'left' thinking in some ways - particularly in my appreciation of the eco movements. However, I have become somewhat the opposite when it comes to the anti-war anti-capitalist crowd. maybe its because my imagine is colored by what is written here. Here are my beefs: 1) Don't call for revolution and then whine when you break the law and a cop arrests. This reinforces the imagine of spoiled middle class white kids out for a lark. Sadly much of what was written about Rachel Corrie is in this class. Its not the action so much as the tone that turns people off. 2) Dont' be so paranoid. For Goodness sake, police break up most large demonstrations, not just yours. If there really was a huge witch hunt for reds as some of the posters claim wouldn't they start by simply getting SF Indy and its detailed protest list off the net? 3) Everyone with a different view is not a facist. It is possible to look what you look at and get a diffenant opinion. I remember the postings on Alien registration> Anyone opposed to open borders was labeled a fascist racist pig. Hell, how many converts will come to you that way? 4) Conspiracy theories turn people off. Especially when everything is a conspiracy and many of these are pretty wild. After the WTC I even thought that trolls were posting many of the 'everyone but muslems did it' conspiracies about electronic ray guns, radio planes, disappearing airlines, etc. Some were so wild I figured they were there as smokescreens. Anyway, my five cents after a year of surfing indy. add your comments Idiots on the Left, read it and weep... by Rich • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:51 AM reagan.jpgrl8g7d.jpg, JPG image, 375x236 You people for "peace" for the Iraqi people are morons. Here's is your proof. And it will ONLY GET BIGGER. Are you starting to feel stupid yet? "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" U.S. Marines Rip Down Saddam Portraits 1 hour, 5 minutes ago By ELLEN KNICKMEYER, Associated Press Writer Milling crowds of men and boys watched as the Marines attached ropes on the front of their Jeeps to one portrait and then backed up, peeling the Iraqi leader's black-and-white metal image off a frame. Some locals briefly joined Maj. David "Bull" Gurfein in a new cheer. "Iraqis! Iraqis! Iraqis!" Gurfein yelled, pumping his fist in the air. "We wanted to send a message that Saddam is done," said Gurfein, a New York native in the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. "People are scared to show a lot of emotion. That's why we wanted to show them this time we're here, and Saddam is done." The Marines arrived in Safwan, just across the Kuwait border, after Cobra attack helicopters, attack jets, tanks, 155 mm howitzers and sharpshooters cleared the way along Route 80, the main road into Iraq (news - web sites). Safwan, 375 miles south of Baghdad, is a poor, dirty, wrecked town pocked by shrapnel from the last Gulf war (news - web sites). Iraqi forces in the area sporadically fired mortars and guns for hours Thursday and Friday. Most townspeople hid, although residents brought forth a wounded little girl, her palm bleeding after the new fighting. Another man said his wife was shot in the leg by the Americans. A few men and boys ventured out, putting makeshift white flags on their pickup trucks or waving white T-shirts out truck windows. "Americans very good," Ali Khemy said. "Iraq wants to be free." Some chanted, "Ameriki! Ameriki!" Many others in the starving town just patted their stomachs and raised their hands, begging for food. A man identifying himself only as Abdullah welcomed the arrival of the U.S. troops: "Saddam Hussein is no good. Saddam Hussein a butcher." An old woman shrouded in black — one of the very few women outside — knelt toward the feet of Americans, embracing an American woman. A younger man with her pulled her away, giving her a warning sign by sliding his finger across his throat. In 1991, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died after prematurely celebrating what they believed was their liberation from Saddam after the Gulf War. Some even pulled down a few pictures of Saddam then — only to be killed by Iraqi forces. Gurfein playfully traded pats with a disabled man and turned down a dinner invitation from townspeople. "Friend, friend," he told them in Arabic learned in the first Gulf War. "We stopped in Kuwait that time," he said. "We were all ready to come up there then, and we never did." The townspeople seemed grateful this time. "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" add your comments Idiots on the Left, read it and weep... by Rich • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:53 AM reagan.jpgi307af.jpg, JPG image, 375x236 You people for "peace" for the Iraqi people are morons. Here's is your proof. And it will ONLY GET BIGGER. Are you starting to feel stupid yet? "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" U.S. Marines Rip Down Saddam Portraits 1 hour, 5 minutes ago By ELLEN KNICKMEYER, Associated Press Writer Milling crowds of men and boys watched as the Marines attached ropes on the front of their Jeeps to one portrait and then backed up, peeling the Iraqi leader's black-and-white metal image off a frame. Some locals briefly joined Maj. David "Bull" Gurfein in a new cheer. "Iraqis! Iraqis! Iraqis!" Gurfein yelled, pumping his fist in the air. "We wanted to send a message that Saddam is done," said Gurfein, a New York native in the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. "People are scared to show a lot of emotion. That's why we wanted to show them this time we're here, and Saddam is done." The Marines arrived in Safwan, just across the Kuwait border, after Cobra attack helicopters, attack jets, tanks, 155 mm howitzers and sharpshooters cleared the way along Route 80, the main road into Iraq (news - web sites). Safwan, 375 miles south of Baghdad, is a poor, dirty, wrecked town pocked by shrapnel from the last Gulf war (news - web sites). Iraqi forces in the area sporadically fired mortars and guns for hours Thursday and Friday. Most townspeople hid, although residents brought forth a wounded little girl, her palm bleeding after the new fighting. Another man said his wife was shot in the leg by the Americans. A few men and boys ventured out, putting makeshift white flags on their pickup trucks or waving white T-shirts out truck windows. "Americans very good," Ali Khemy said. "Iraq wants to be free." Some chanted, "Ameriki! Ameriki!" Many others in the starving town just patted their stomachs and raised their hands, begging for food. A man identifying himself only as Abdullah welcomed the arrival of the U.S. troops: "Saddam Hussein is no good. Saddam Hussein a butcher." An old woman shrouded in black — one of the very few women outside — knelt toward the feet of Americans, embracing an American woman. A younger man with her pulled her away, giving her a warning sign by sliding his finger across his throat. In 1991, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died after prematurely celebrating what they believed was their liberation from Saddam after the Gulf War. Some even pulled down a few pictures of Saddam then — only to be killed by Iraqi forces. Gurfein playfully traded pats with a disabled man and turned down a dinner invitation from townspeople. "Friend, friend," he told them in Arabic learned in the first Gulf War. "We stopped in Kuwait that time," he said. "We were all ready to come up there then, and we never did." The townspeople seemed grateful this time. "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" add your comments The New X by The New X • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 09:30 AM The New X by The New X • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 04:33 PM the fear that Saddam will attack the US with WMD shows how PARANOID americans are. they don't really know why he will attack they just know he will "we don't know what a nigger is, but we're just gonna hate 'em anyway" AMERICAN HYPOCRISY TO ANY PRO-WAR ADVOCATE I DARE YOU TO REPLY TO THIS: The US government supported Saddam during his most murderous years. They supplied him with WMD and the technology to make his own WMD. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS A KNOWN TYRANT. Why? So that he would use them on the Iranians. Even after Halabja in 1988, the US government CONTINUED to support him. Now in the year 2003 (whether it is morally just or not), Saddam no longer wishes to play into US global strategy. So he is ALL OF A SUDDEN branded a TYRANT ------ EVEN THOUGH HE WAS A MURDEROUS TYRANT ALL THE YEARS THE US SUPPORTED HIM! Isn't it hypocritical that although he was even more murderous back then, he was considered an ALLY and FRIEND OF AMERICA simply because he was killing Iranians (if 5,000 kurds happened to be gassed in a single attack thats no big deal). Now he's still murderous but now the US actually acknowledges that he is a tyrant. Imagine if he was still following US wishes by fighting with Iraq, would the US be calling him a TYRANT? I DON'T THINK SO. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY. Until the US apologizes to the victims of Saddam terror DURING THE YEARS THAT THEY SUPPORTED HIM, this war will only be about US PARANOIA and its attempts at gaining a FALSE sense of security. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- war advocates only want to see sand nigger blood being spilled. they try to improve the body count 2,500 Americans (WTC) < 100,000 Sand Niggers. So they can feel better about themselves and feel as if they "won" the overall battle. Their oh so precious American pride was hurt on 9/11 and now they seek to get it back by killing sand niggers left rite and center (basically this is the whole starship troopers scenario) add your comments by • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 09:33 AM go here for anti-war stuff add your comments yes I weep by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 09:46 AM Yes I weep. For the United States, my country. I weep with shame for the US. I weep at the terrible things being done in my name. I weep with Sen. Byrd. I weep because students are assaulted and beaten for a peaceful march. I weep because of the loss of respect for the Constitution. I weep because people around the world hate me and my country more today than yesterday, and I have nothing to say to convince them they should not. But I have hope too because it has been seen that weeping is more powerful than war, and the last superpower has finally met its match. add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 10:07 AM You weep with Sen. Byrd? 'Sheets' Byrd? Shaddap already, you're embarrassing yourself. add your comments Byrd by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 10:14 AM Have you read the wonderful speeches of Sen. Byrd? A hero and inspiration. add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 10:17 AM Have you seen the sheet Sen. Byrd wore while a member of a certain association? Nice to know who you're inspired by. add your comments RANDY IS AN IDIOT by GOD • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 12:02 PM The left is a little paranoid but just to be safe who votes we send RANDY to fight in this war he preaches for! add your comments Against not for the war by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 01:23 PM Geez, at least read what I said or find a friend who is literate and can explain it. Or is this some obfuscation attempt because, like most of the chickenhawks, you can't really support this illegal, immoral and monstrous act with any shred of logic or truth? add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 01:56 PM What act are you referring to Randy? The liberation of Iraq? add your comments Perhaps... by Diogenes • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 02:04 PM ...he was thinking of the liberation from life of a lot of people who are NOT Saddam Hussein. Or perhaps he was sad over the use of U.S. military might to conduct an operationg that the German General Staff would have been proud of. add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 02:42 PM Yawn. Your overwrought predictions of massacre are not yielding much fruit, Diogenes. But keep your chin up. If a child so much as catches a cold in Iraq, I'm sure Reuters will be there to blame it on the US. add your comments Thus ... by Diogenes • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 02:44 PM display your "humanity". All the loving warmth of an Iron Maiden. add your comments Erin by Erin • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:00 PM Catch cold? What do you expect will happen as Bagdad crumbles? They can't exactly jump on their trusty Segway and scooter into the democratic sunset. And by the way, who doesn't love this spectacular spin going on? As if the point all along was to liberate Iraq. I'm ALMOST more angry with the news coverage, this "embedding" stuff and the Orwellian language going on, then I am with the war itself! "We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work of peace. " (when it's conveniant) -Bush I'm hooked on KPFK but I really don't want sides, I want NEWS. I want facts. And facts are sparse. When you do happen upon them they look just like the lies. And who can tell them apart? add your comments A CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED BY THE ISSUING AUTHORITIES ALL THE WAY DOWN THE CHAIN OF COMMAN by Regina Record • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 08:05 AM I found this flyer posted at Pasadena City College today. The Chief of Police on campus grabbed Victor by his broken arm (his arm was already in a sling) and tried to choke him and force him into a little room with a guard. It was a sting operation. They were waiting for us with police stationed outside all the doors on the main side of the C Building: there were guards outside the president’s office. I saw a policeman spraying a little can of chemicals into Cesars face. I cried and screamed "NO!". It broke my heart to see a human being treat another person like that. They used their batons to hit at least 3 people and the police broke a reinforced window of one of the doors with his baton. Policemen should realize they can be charged for carrying out illegal orders because what they did was wrong, immoral and illegal. “It's a sad day for a "happy hour" -- but that is community, they will have it on TV, it is seen as tragic and disgusting by everyone, and now with this merciless use of disproportionate force, I stand firmed against the path of "our" troops -- marching without lawful orders, in violation of the United States Constitution, which every member of the US Armed Forces took an oath to uphold, protect, and defend; against all enemies, domestic and foreign! When unlawful orders are given, a crime has been committed by the issuing authorities all the way down the chain of command. And it is every soldiers, sailors, marine and airmen to prevent war crimes from being perpetrated by those around them, and perhaps the wisdom to see the war itself is wrong, based on lies, deception, coercion, bribery, terror, assassination, and as always -- mass murder into the millions!” ~ Bill Mitchell, Friday, March 21, 2003 The Chief of Police tried to incite a riot, we started a spontaneous peaceful march around Colorado Boulevard that quickly grew from 15 to about 200 people. We chanted to end the war on Iraq and "Arrest Bush". We did a die-in in the quad to rise up with the people of the world. People carried signs calling for an End of Corporate Terror on Columbia, U.S. Out of Afghanistan, U.S. Out of Iraq, and End the U.S. Clandestine Occupation of Palestine. It should be noted that the largest military recruitment office in California is directly across the street from Pasadena City College. We have protested nicely for the recruiters to leave us alone. We want education not incarceration into an unjust war. We chanted "Peaceful Protest" and for Victor and Marco's release for at least 2 hours until they finally told us Victor was being released from the downtown Pasadena jail. I think the Chief of Police on the Pasadena campus needs to be suspended, fired and arrested at once for felony assault. Regina Record ----------------------------- flyer ----------------------------- PEACEFUL PCC STUDENTS ATTACKED, ARRESTED BY PASADENA POLICE PROTEST PASADENA POLICE BRUTALITY AND PCC ADMINISTRATION COMPLICITY FRIDAY 3/21, 3:00 pm QUAD AREA NEAR THE C BUILDING During a peaceful walkout rally today (Thursday, March 20, 2003) at 1:00 at Pasadena City College, students Victor Mendoza and Marco Martinez were assaulted with pepper spray and batons by Pasadena police officers and arrested for helping organize the lawful, First Amendment-protected student protest. Witnesses report BRUTAL, UNPROVOKED FORCE USED BY POLICE OFFICERS before the walkout had even begun. Several other students were pepper-sprayed, batoned, and detained, but Victor and Marco, members of Students for Social Justice and MECHA, respectively, were held on campus and then transported to Pasadena jail. As of this writing, Victor Mendoza is being released with a citation for public disturbance, while Marco Martinez is being held on much more serious felony charges for inciting a riot -- a riot which never occurred. THE ONLY VIOLENCE IN THIS PEACEFUL STUDENT WALKOUT AND PROTEST CAME FROM PASADENA POLICE, WHO ASSAULTED STUDENTS AND THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Representatives will meet with Pasadena City College President Kossler Friday 3/21 at 3:00 p.m. in the C Building. Supporters of Marco and Victor will also converge on the quad area outside the C Building to demand that President Kossler and the PCC administration have these charges dropped and PROTECT THEIR STUDENTS INSTEAD OF ATTACKING THEM. Students are outraged that this school administration could allow the Pasadena police to attack its own students as they peacefully practiced their freedom of speech rights. But this is only the latest in a series of fascist crackdowns on freedom of expression on this campus. Several months ago, a PCC shuttle driver was fired for playing KPFK radio in the shuttle while working. Please come join us FRIDAY, 3/21, at 3:00 ON THE PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CAMPUS. Demonstrators will gather in the quad area outside the C Building. Victor and Marco and all students of conscience need your support. THE WAR ON STUDENTS HAS BEGUN. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF STUDENTS AND OF ALL AMERICANS. add your comments Ms. by Gillian Loop • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 08:52 AM The reality of the situation is that we live in a police state. This country becomes more militant and violent every day. This disease grows within this country proportionate to the rate of destruction and violence inflicted internationally. Too many of us are imprisoned. Too many of us are attacked for having a voice or an independant thought. Too many of us afraid to speak out and afraid to protect even ourselves from this violence. The most frightening aspect is that the most violent and the most ignorant people of this country are the same ones proclaiming to be with God. They have perverted what was once good and have made it foul and unholy. Who would have imagined that the greatest evil of this millenium and (time will tell) all of humainty would be disguised as the most pious? This cold calculating darkness, this complete hatred and contempt of peace has a name and it is Bush. Be afraid. add your comments Military connection to Police brutality at PCC by will • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 11:30 AM oh yea, back to PCC. Students were brutalized by the campus police, there is no excuse for this. Campus Police should be armed with the responsability and training to be able to deal with a diverse group of non-violent student protesters in a way that does no harm and protects everyone's rights. Some of us beleive that the reason campus police are cracking down on us is because the chief is also working for the Army recruitment center across the street. There is also no excuse for this. While we have not proved that our campus police chief is directly paid by the recruitment center (the center that recruits the most kids in the state of california), we know that there is a connection. At one of our Anti-war rallies last semester we were using a megaphone to address our campus. The chief came up to us and said we were not allowed to use amplified sound on campus, but we had a permit. After he threatened to take away our bullhorn, we marched over to the recruitment center across the street. There, many of the students walked into the building and delivered to them a written message demanding that they pack up and leave as they are not welcomed by our community to prey on our troubled youth. Inside the office, sitting behind the desk, wearing the green uniform of a recruitment officer, was our chief of campus police. When I saw him sitting there, perplexed by our protest, I handed him our demand and said, "Oh, so you work here too." To which he replied, "And now I know who you are." He does not know me, I'm not sure if he ever will. I just hope he can find himsef and figure out wheather he wants to serve and protect the students of PCC or encourage them to give their lives to the US Army. Sadly, somehow it does not surprize me the way we were treated by a police force that is under the command of one who would like to recruit us all to fight and die for the United States Empire. add your comments Fight Back. LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD! by S.A.PCC • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 04:25 PM What happend at pcc last thursday should never be forgotten. Protesters and students saw first hand the awful police brutality by the campus police. They saw how innocent students were beaten and peppered sprayed for doing what this country is based on .FREDOM OF SPEECH! Students fight back and let your voices be heard! Let's not just look back ,but bring justice to the campus. Protester or not last Thursday what the campus police did was wrong. STAND UP FOR THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE. CAUSE THE THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE DON'T STOP!! add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 04:39 PM Looks like the power of the people got his widdle bwoken arm twisted - and it wealy wealy hurt. Go home junior, you don't want to get a boo boo. add your comments Real americans exercise thier rights by systemfailure • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 04:55 PM The real american patriots stand up for thier constitutional rights. Simon has become such a fascist that he doesent even support the 1st amendment of the Bill of Rights anymore.. But then again he is a lying sack of shit that claimed to be a special forces soldier when really he was in the coast guard. WHY DONT YOU GO READ THE CONSTITUTION DUMMY silly rabbit!!!!!!!! add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 05:11 PM I wonder if you'll ever get tired of repeating the same old lies. You know, I know, and everyone here knows the truth - that you're too ignorant to understand English. As evidenced by this latest incoherance. Pray tell, oh so smart one, how I have in any way suggested anything remotely like not supporting the 1st Amendment? add your comments Update? by Randy • Sunday March 23, 2003 Sunt 09:06 AM How about an update on the students and their situation? I know the ACLU has been asked to help, but they have a lot going on right now. Perhaps the students have been told to not discuss this since it will likely become a civil or criminal case against PCC and the officers involved? At the very least, the trustees and president have some apologizing to do to the community and students.
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by Regina Record
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 2:09 PM
PASADENA STUDENTS ARRESTED by invink • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 03:29 PM Two Pasadena students arrested today at a peaceful walkout rally; Protest police brutality and the PCC administration's wrongful charges Friday 3/21 at 3 PM!!! During a walkout rally today at 1:00 at Pasadena City College, students Victor Mendoza and Marco Martinez were assaulted with pepper spray and batons by Pasadena police officers and arrested for helping organize the lawful, First Amendment-protected student protest. Witnesses report brutal, unprovoked force used by police officers before the walkout had even begun. Several other students were pepper-sprayed, batoned, and detained, but Victor and Marco, members of Students for Social Justice and MECHA, respectively, were held on campus and then transported to Pasadena jail. As of this writing, Victor Mendoza is being released within the hour with a citation for public disturbance, while Marco Martinez is being held on much more serious felony charges for inciting a riot--a riot which never occurred. The only violence in this peaceful student walkout and protest came from the Pasadena police, who assaulted students and their First Amendment rights. Representatives will meet with Pasadena City College President Kossler tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. in the C Building. Supporters of Marco and Victor will also converge on the quad area outside the C Building to demand that President Kossler and the PCC administration have these charges dropped and protect their students instead of attacking them. Students are outraged that this school administration could allow the Pasadena police to attack its own students as they peaceful practiced their freedom of speech rights. But this is only the latest in a series of fascist crackdowns on freedom of expression on this campus. Several months ago, a shuttle driver was fired for playing KPFK radio in the shuttle while working. Please come join us Friday, 3/21, at 3:00 on the Pasadena City College campus. Demonstrators will gather in the quad area outside the C Building. Victor and Marco and all students of conscience need your support. The war on students has begun. add your comments Police Brutality at PCC by Jackson Baugh • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 04:52 PM herrkherrk@yahoo THURSDAY MARCH 27, CC LOUNGE 10:00a-12:00p & 1:00p-? PCC students will hold a forum on todays police brutality on campus. As someone who was myself detained by campus ploice, I witnessed the brutality first hand. The police punched, kicked, pepper sprayed, batoned, choked and stomped on heads (literaly). We will recap the order of events and discuss what actions to take next. add your comments ! by c71898 • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:12 PM I heard some PCC students at the rally in Pasadena tonight. Keep on fighting guys! Or should I say, Keep on being peaceful? Incidentally, people were being attacked on Colorado Blvd. while we were marching tonight. We were told that if we crossed the street against the light we could be arrested. While waiting to cross, a man crossed against the light and started hitting people around me. The cops were right there and took their sweet time coming over to break it up. I kept walking, a moving target is harder to hit... add your comments Deport non citizens now by Ron Unz • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:16 PM Did they loot the Gap again? add your comments e-mail by c71898 • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:17 PM the prez himself... add your comments Punks in Pasadena by Joel Siegel • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:23 PM Doesnt Pasadana City College house KPCC? Look where their bread is buttered, you future janitors add your comments no looting by c71898 • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 08:23 PM Families, children, older people, people with jobs. You know, your fellow americans. No we didn't loot the gap. I wouldn't want any of their clothes anyway. add your comments NON VIOLENCE by Gilbert Espino • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 09:10 PM Hello everyone, I am a student at PCC and also saw the police brutality on our campus. This was an unprovocked attack to slience our voice. However it did not work, a strong 100-120 of us still marched and were clearly heard on Colorado Blvd. My one concern is with our comitment to be peacefull and non-violent. I was in the building and some students began to hit cops and throw pack backs. Arent we for peace here guys?? "If you cannot contain yourself then leave" - Cesar Chavez. PCC we need to be non violent. Citizens of Pasadena WE NEED TO BE NON-VIOLENT. One love. add your comments police brutality by cd • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 10:12 PM The police brutality today at PCC was commited by the campus police. They were aware in advance of the planned walk-out and had agreed the night before to allow students to pass through the buildings and campus. Instead, the chief of campus police waited at the top of the interior stairs to the main building and confronted the students leading the group into the building. By violently apprehending these three students, other students were provoked by campus police into attempting to defend their friends and themselves. These detentions had no basis in anything. The campus police then obviously lied to the Pasadena Police Department and claimed that students were destroying property in that building. Several of us have walked through a few times and can find no evidence of any destruction. About an hour after the arrest incidents, Pasadena Police told us that they would not allow student protesters into any of the buildings because of this destruction (that didn't exist). We refuse to allow our people to be treated in this fascist manner. The PCC campus police and the administration of PCC have demonstrated their lack of any reasonable connection with students, and they have left themselves open for at least one or several serious lawsuits. We need to demand the dismissal of the Pasadena City College Chief of Campus Police. add your comments Contacts by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 12:18 AM Yes, be peaceful but stand your ground. I heard the story tonight and the students involved should know they are supported by a large network now. It was indeed moving to hear the voices of such wondeful activists, and it is outrageous that you were treated in this manner. I hope the ACLU and other legal help will be available. In the meantime, interested people (especially in the Pasadena area) should remember that PCC is governed by an elected board of trustees. The trustees are listed here: The next board meeting is next Wed. I plan to contact them, including the Pres. and the head of campus police (Philip Mullendore is the director of "Polics and Safety Services" at In general I think these people are reasonable so I think we should be respectful but outraged. The board page says the board is responsible for all policy and derives authority from the U.S. Constiution among other sources, so 1st Amendment may be a good place to start. In particular, I think an apology from the Pres to those involved, all students and the community and disciplinary action and criminal charges against the officers would be a good start. add your comments is there a connection by systemfailure • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 01:46 AM I cant believe that the police actually used CHEMICAL WEAPONS against thier own people. add your comments Mr. by John Gilbert • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 04:35 AM Fascist crackdowns, eh? Yeah right. Like all protesters and the Hollywood elite, you're just lusting for those sacred days of McCarthyism and the '60s, perhaps the only time your claims of brutality held any water. You're a bunch of walking cliches. If anyone's fascist, it's your increidbly peaceful San Francisco cohorts, who mauled and assaulted counter-protesters supporting America's troops. A hint: the Hitler moustaches on Bush are juvenile. You're convincing no one of anything but your own idiocy. add your comments Musing by Carm • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:10 AM Mr. Gilbert has some good points. i started reading Indy Media as (what I consider) and averaqe middle of the roader who wants to learn abit. Plus it is interesting reading. As a result I've become more 'left' thinking in some ways - particularly in my appreciation of the eco movements. However, I have become somewhat the opposite when it comes to the anti-war anti-capitalist crowd. maybe its because my imagine is colored by what is written here. Here are my beefs: 1) Don't call for revolution and then whine when you break the law and a cop arrests. This reinforces the imagine of spoiled middle class white kids out for a lark. Sadly much of what was written about Rachel Corrie is in this class. Its not the action so much as the tone that turns people off. 2) Dont' be so paranoid. For Goodness sake, police break up most large demonstrations, not just yours. If there really was a huge witch hunt for reds as some of the posters claim wouldn't they start by simply getting SF Indy and its detailed protest list off the net? 3) Everyone with a different view is not a facist. It is possible to look what you look at and get a diffenant opinion. I remember the postings on Alien registration> Anyone opposed to open borders was labeled a fascist racist pig. Hell, how many converts will come to you that way? 4) Conspiracy theories turn people off. Especially when everything is a conspiracy and many of these are pretty wild. After the WTC I even thought that trolls were posting many of the 'everyone but muslems did it' conspiracies about electronic ray guns, radio planes, disappearing airlines, etc. Some were so wild I figured they were there as smokescreens. Anyway, my five cents after a year of surfing indy. add your comments Idiots on the Left, read it and weep... by Rich • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:51 AM reagan.jpgrl8g7d.jpg, JPG image, 375x236 You people for "peace" for the Iraqi people are morons. Here's is your proof. And it will ONLY GET BIGGER. Are you starting to feel stupid yet? "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" U.S. Marines Rip Down Saddam Portraits 1 hour, 5 minutes ago By ELLEN KNICKMEYER, Associated Press Writer Milling crowds of men and boys watched as the Marines attached ropes on the front of their Jeeps to one portrait and then backed up, peeling the Iraqi leader's black-and-white metal image off a frame. Some locals briefly joined Maj. David "Bull" Gurfein in a new cheer. "Iraqis! Iraqis! Iraqis!" Gurfein yelled, pumping his fist in the air. "We wanted to send a message that Saddam is done," said Gurfein, a New York native in the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. "People are scared to show a lot of emotion. That's why we wanted to show them this time we're here, and Saddam is done." The Marines arrived in Safwan, just across the Kuwait border, after Cobra attack helicopters, attack jets, tanks, 155 mm howitzers and sharpshooters cleared the way along Route 80, the main road into Iraq (news - web sites). Safwan, 375 miles south of Baghdad, is a poor, dirty, wrecked town pocked by shrapnel from the last Gulf war (news - web sites). Iraqi forces in the area sporadically fired mortars and guns for hours Thursday and Friday. Most townspeople hid, although residents brought forth a wounded little girl, her palm bleeding after the new fighting. Another man said his wife was shot in the leg by the Americans. A few men and boys ventured out, putting makeshift white flags on their pickup trucks or waving white T-shirts out truck windows. "Americans very good," Ali Khemy said. "Iraq wants to be free." Some chanted, "Ameriki! Ameriki!" Many others in the starving town just patted their stomachs and raised their hands, begging for food. A man identifying himself only as Abdullah welcomed the arrival of the U.S. troops: "Saddam Hussein is no good. Saddam Hussein a butcher." An old woman shrouded in black — one of the very few women outside — knelt toward the feet of Americans, embracing an American woman. A younger man with her pulled her away, giving her a warning sign by sliding his finger across his throat. In 1991, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died after prematurely celebrating what they believed was their liberation from Saddam after the Gulf War. Some even pulled down a few pictures of Saddam then — only to be killed by Iraqi forces. Gurfein playfully traded pats with a disabled man and turned down a dinner invitation from townspeople. "Friend, friend," he told them in Arabic learned in the first Gulf War. "We stopped in Kuwait that time," he said. "We were all ready to come up there then, and we never did." The townspeople seemed grateful this time. "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" add your comments Idiots on the Left, read it and weep... by Rich • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:53 AM reagan.jpgi307af.jpg, JPG image, 375x236 You people for "peace" for the Iraqi people are morons. Here's is your proof. And it will ONLY GET BIGGER. Are you starting to feel stupid yet? "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" U.S. Marines Rip Down Saddam Portraits 1 hour, 5 minutes ago By ELLEN KNICKMEYER, Associated Press Writer Milling crowds of men and boys watched as the Marines attached ropes on the front of their Jeeps to one portrait and then backed up, peeling the Iraqi leader's black-and-white metal image off a frame. Some locals briefly joined Maj. David "Bull" Gurfein in a new cheer. "Iraqis! Iraqis! Iraqis!" Gurfein yelled, pumping his fist in the air. "We wanted to send a message that Saddam is done," said Gurfein, a New York native in the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. "People are scared to show a lot of emotion. That's why we wanted to show them this time we're here, and Saddam is done." The Marines arrived in Safwan, just across the Kuwait border, after Cobra attack helicopters, attack jets, tanks, 155 mm howitzers and sharpshooters cleared the way along Route 80, the main road into Iraq (news - web sites). Safwan, 375 miles south of Baghdad, is a poor, dirty, wrecked town pocked by shrapnel from the last Gulf war (news - web sites). Iraqi forces in the area sporadically fired mortars and guns for hours Thursday and Friday. Most townspeople hid, although residents brought forth a wounded little girl, her palm bleeding after the new fighting. Another man said his wife was shot in the leg by the Americans. A few men and boys ventured out, putting makeshift white flags on their pickup trucks or waving white T-shirts out truck windows. "Americans very good," Ali Khemy said. "Iraq wants to be free." Some chanted, "Ameriki! Ameriki!" Many others in the starving town just patted their stomachs and raised their hands, begging for food. A man identifying himself only as Abdullah welcomed the arrival of the U.S. troops: "Saddam Hussein is no good. Saddam Hussein a butcher." An old woman shrouded in black — one of the very few women outside — knelt toward the feet of Americans, embracing an American woman. A younger man with her pulled her away, giving her a warning sign by sliding his finger across his throat. In 1991, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died after prematurely celebrating what they believed was their liberation from Saddam after the Gulf War. Some even pulled down a few pictures of Saddam then — only to be killed by Iraqi forces. Gurfein playfully traded pats with a disabled man and turned down a dinner invitation from townspeople. "Friend, friend," he told them in Arabic learned in the first Gulf War. "We stopped in Kuwait that time," he said. "We were all ready to come up there then, and we never did." The townspeople seemed grateful this time. "No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!" add your comments The New X by The New X • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 09:30 AM The New X by The New X • Thursday March 20, 2003 Thut 04:33 PM the fear that Saddam will attack the US with WMD shows how PARANOID americans are. they don't really know why he will attack they just know he will "we don't know what a nigger is, but we're just gonna hate 'em anyway" AMERICAN HYPOCRISY TO ANY PRO-WAR ADVOCATE I DARE YOU TO REPLY TO THIS: The US government supported Saddam during his most murderous years. They supplied him with WMD and the technology to make his own WMD. EVEN THOUGH HE WAS A KNOWN TYRANT. Why? So that he would use them on the Iranians. Even after Halabja in 1988, the US government CONTINUED to support him. Now in the year 2003 (whether it is morally just or not), Saddam no longer wishes to play into US global strategy. So he is ALL OF A SUDDEN branded a TYRANT ------ EVEN THOUGH HE WAS A MURDEROUS TYRANT ALL THE YEARS THE US SUPPORTED HIM! Isn't it hypocritical that although he was even more murderous back then, he was considered an ALLY and FRIEND OF AMERICA simply because he was killing Iranians (if 5,000 kurds happened to be gassed in a single attack thats no big deal). Now he's still murderous but now the US actually acknowledges that he is a tyrant. Imagine if he was still following US wishes by fighting with Iraq, would the US be calling him a TYRANT? I DON'T THINK SO. HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY HYPOCRISY. Until the US apologizes to the victims of Saddam terror DURING THE YEARS THAT THEY SUPPORTED HIM, this war will only be about US PARANOIA and its attempts at gaining a FALSE sense of security. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- war advocates only want to see sand nigger blood being spilled. they try to improve the body count 2,500 Americans (WTC) < 100,000 Sand Niggers. So they can feel better about themselves and feel as if they "won" the overall battle. Their oh so precious American pride was hurt on 9/11 and now they seek to get it back by killing sand niggers left rite and center (basically this is the whole starship troopers scenario) add your comments by • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 09:33 AM go here for anti-war stuff add your comments yes I weep by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 09:46 AM Yes I weep. For the United States, my country. I weep with shame for the US. I weep at the terrible things being done in my name. I weep with Sen. Byrd. I weep because students are assaulted and beaten for a peaceful march. I weep because of the loss of respect for the Constitution. I weep because people around the world hate me and my country more today than yesterday, and I have nothing to say to convince them they should not. But I have hope too because it has been seen that weeping is more powerful than war, and the last superpower has finally met its match. add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 10:07 AM You weep with Sen. Byrd? 'Sheets' Byrd? Shaddap already, you're embarrassing yourself. add your comments Byrd by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 10:14 AM Have you read the wonderful speeches of Sen. Byrd? A hero and inspiration. add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 10:17 AM Have you seen the sheet Sen. Byrd wore while a member of a certain association? Nice to know who you're inspired by. add your comments RANDY IS AN IDIOT by GOD • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 12:02 PM The left is a little paranoid but just to be safe who votes we send RANDY to fight in this war he preaches for! add your comments Against not for the war by Randy • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 01:23 PM Geez, at least read what I said or find a friend who is literate and can explain it. Or is this some obfuscation attempt because, like most of the chickenhawks, you can't really support this illegal, immoral and monstrous act with any shred of logic or truth? add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 01:56 PM What act are you referring to Randy? The liberation of Iraq? add your comments Perhaps... by Diogenes • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 02:04 PM ...he was thinking of the liberation from life of a lot of people who are NOT Saddam Hussein. Or perhaps he was sad over the use of U.S. military might to conduct an operationg that the German General Staff would have been proud of. add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 02:42 PM Yawn. Your overwrought predictions of massacre are not yielding much fruit, Diogenes. But keep your chin up. If a child so much as catches a cold in Iraq, I'm sure Reuters will be there to blame it on the US. add your comments Thus ... by Diogenes • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 02:44 PM display your "humanity". All the loving warmth of an Iron Maiden. add your comments Erin by Erin • Friday March 21, 2003 Frit 08:00 PM Catch cold? What do you expect will happen as Bagdad crumbles? They can't exactly jump on their trusty Segway and scooter into the democratic sunset. And by the way, who doesn't love this spectacular spin going on? As if the point all along was to liberate Iraq. I'm ALMOST more angry with the news coverage, this "embedding" stuff and the Orwellian language going on, then I am with the war itself! "We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work of peace. " (when it's conveniant) -Bush I'm hooked on KPFK but I really don't want sides, I want NEWS. I want facts. And facts are sparse. When you do happen upon them they look just like the lies. And who can tell them apart? add your comments A CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED BY THE ISSUING AUTHORITIES ALL THE WAY DOWN THE CHAIN OF COMMAN by Regina Record • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 08:05 AM I found this flyer posted at Pasadena City College today. The Chief of Police on campus grabbed Victor by his broken arm (his arm was already in a sling) and tried to choke him and force him into a little room with a guard. It was a sting operation. They were waiting for us with police stationed outside all the doors on the main side of the C Building: there were guards outside the president’s office. I saw a policeman spraying a little can of chemicals into Cesars face. I cried and screamed "NO!". It broke my heart to see a human being treat another person like that. They used their batons to hit at least 3 people and the police broke a reinforced window of one of the doors with his baton. Policemen should realize they can be charged for carrying out illegal orders because what they did was wrong, immoral and illegal. “It's a sad day for a "happy hour" -- but that is community, they will have it on TV, it is seen as tragic and disgusting by everyone, and now with this merciless use of disproportionate force, I stand firmed against the path of "our" troops -- marching without lawful orders, in violation of the United States Constitution, which every member of the US Armed Forces took an oath to uphold, protect, and defend; against all enemies, domestic and foreign! When unlawful orders are given, a crime has been committed by the issuing authorities all the way down the chain of command. And it is every soldiers, sailors, marine and airmen to prevent war crimes from being perpetrated by those around them, and perhaps the wisdom to see the war itself is wrong, based on lies, deception, coercion, bribery, terror, assassination, and as always -- mass murder into the millions!” ~ Bill Mitchell, Friday, March 21, 2003 The Chief of Police tried to incite a riot, we started a spontaneous peaceful march around Colorado Boulevard that quickly grew from 15 to about 200 people. We chanted to end the war on Iraq and "Arrest Bush". We did a die-in in the quad to rise up with the people of the world. People carried signs calling for an End of Corporate Terror on Columbia, U.S. Out of Afghanistan, U.S. Out of Iraq, and End the U.S. Clandestine Occupation of Palestine. It should be noted that the largest military recruitment office in California is directly across the street from Pasadena City College. We have protested nicely for the recruiters to leave us alone. We want education not incarceration into an unjust war. We chanted "Peaceful Protest" and for Victor and Marco's release for at least 2 hours until they finally told us Victor was being released from the downtown Pasadena jail. I think the Chief of Police on the Pasadena campus needs to be suspended, fired and arrested at once for felony assault. Regina Record ----------------------------- flyer ----------------------------- PEACEFUL PCC STUDENTS ATTACKED, ARRESTED BY PASADENA POLICE PROTEST PASADENA POLICE BRUTALITY AND PCC ADMINISTRATION COMPLICITY FRIDAY 3/21, 3:00 pm QUAD AREA NEAR THE C BUILDING During a peaceful walkout rally today (Thursday, March 20, 2003) at 1:00 at Pasadena City College, students Victor Mendoza and Marco Martinez were assaulted with pepper spray and batons by Pasadena police officers and arrested for helping organize the lawful, First Amendment-protected student protest. Witnesses report BRUTAL, UNPROVOKED FORCE USED BY POLICE OFFICERS before the walkout had even begun. Several other students were pepper-sprayed, batoned, and detained, but Victor and Marco, members of Students for Social Justice and MECHA, respectively, were held on campus and then transported to Pasadena jail. As of this writing, Victor Mendoza is being released with a citation for public disturbance, while Marco Martinez is being held on much more serious felony charges for inciting a riot -- a riot which never occurred. THE ONLY VIOLENCE IN THIS PEACEFUL STUDENT WALKOUT AND PROTEST CAME FROM PASADENA POLICE, WHO ASSAULTED STUDENTS AND THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Representatives will meet with Pasadena City College President Kossler Friday 3/21 at 3:00 p.m. in the C Building. Supporters of Marco and Victor will also converge on the quad area outside the C Building to demand that President Kossler and the PCC administration have these charges dropped and PROTECT THEIR STUDENTS INSTEAD OF ATTACKING THEM. Students are outraged that this school administration could allow the Pasadena police to attack its own students as they peacefully practiced their freedom of speech rights. But this is only the latest in a series of fascist crackdowns on freedom of expression on this campus. Several months ago, a PCC shuttle driver was fired for playing KPFK radio in the shuttle while working. Please come join us FRIDAY, 3/21, at 3:00 ON THE PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CAMPUS. Demonstrators will gather in the quad area outside the C Building. Victor and Marco and all students of conscience need your support. THE WAR ON STUDENTS HAS BEGUN. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF STUDENTS AND OF ALL AMERICANS. add your comments Ms. by Gillian Loop • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 08:52 AM The reality of the situation is that we live in a police state. This country becomes more militant and violent every day. This disease grows within this country proportionate to the rate of destruction and violence inflicted internationally. Too many of us are imprisoned. Too many of us are attacked for having a voice or an independant thought. Too many of us afraid to speak out and afraid to protect even ourselves from this violence. The most frightening aspect is that the most violent and the most ignorant people of this country are the same ones proclaiming to be with God. They have perverted what was once good and have made it foul and unholy. Who would have imagined that the greatest evil of this millenium and (time will tell) all of humainty would be disguised as the most pious? This cold calculating darkness, this complete hatred and contempt of peace has a name and it is Bush. Be afraid. add your comments Military connection to Police brutality at PCC by will • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 11:30 AM oh yea, back to PCC. Students were brutalized by the campus police, there is no excuse for this. Campus Police should be armed with the responsability and training to be able to deal with a diverse group of non-violent student protesters in a way that does no harm and protects everyone's rights. Some of us beleive that the reason campus police are cracking down on us is because the chief is also working for the Army recruitment center across the street. There is also no excuse for this. While we have not proved that our campus police chief is directly paid by the recruitment center (the center that recruits the most kids in the state of california), we know that there is a connection. At one of our Anti-war rallies last semester we were using a megaphone to address our campus. The chief came up to us and said we were not allowed to use amplified sound on campus, but we had a permit. After he threatened to take away our bullhorn, we marched over to the recruitment center across the street. There, many of the students walked into the building and delivered to them a written message demanding that they pack up and leave as they are not welcomed by our community to prey on our troubled youth. Inside the office, sitting behind the desk, wearing the green uniform of a recruitment officer, was our chief of campus police. When I saw him sitting there, perplexed by our protest, I handed him our demand and said, "Oh, so you work here too." To which he replied, "And now I know who you are." He does not know me, I'm not sure if he ever will. I just hope he can find himsef and figure out wheather he wants to serve and protect the students of PCC or encourage them to give their lives to the US Army. Sadly, somehow it does not surprize me the way we were treated by a police force that is under the command of one who would like to recruit us all to fight and die for the United States Empire. add your comments Fight Back. LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD! by S.A.PCC • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 04:25 PM What happend at pcc last thursday should never be forgotten. Protesters and students saw first hand the awful police brutality by the campus police. They saw how innocent students were beaten and peppered sprayed for doing what this country is based on .FREDOM OF SPEECH! Students fight back and let your voices be heard! Let's not just look back ,but bring justice to the campus. Protester or not last Thursday what the campus police did was wrong. STAND UP FOR THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE. CAUSE THE THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE DON'T STOP!! add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 04:39 PM Looks like the power of the people got his widdle bwoken arm twisted - and it wealy wealy hurt. Go home junior, you don't want to get a boo boo. add your comments Real americans exercise thier rights by systemfailure • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 04:55 PM The real american patriots stand up for thier constitutional rights. Simon has become such a fascist that he doesent even support the 1st amendment of the Bill of Rights anymore.. But then again he is a lying sack of shit that claimed to be a special forces soldier when really he was in the coast guard. WHY DONT YOU GO READ THE CONSTITUTION DUMMY silly rabbit!!!!!!!! add your comments Simple by Simple Simon • Saturday March 22, 2003 Satt 05:11 PM I wonder if you'll ever get tired of repeating the same old lies. You know, I know, and everyone here knows the truth - that you're too ignorant to understand English. As evidenced by this latest incoherance. Pray tell, oh so smart one, how I have in any way suggested anything remotely like not supporting the 1st Amendment? add your comments Update? by Randy • Sunday March 23, 2003 Sunt 09:06 AM How about an update on the students and their situation? I know the ACLU has been asked to help, but they have a lot going on right now. Perhaps the students have been told to not discuss this since it will likely become a civil or criminal case against PCC and the officers involved? At the very least, the trustees and president have some apologizing to do to the community and students.
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by Adam Smith
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 9:46 PM
All I gotta say is... woohoo. Fuck CNN. They're bought out.
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