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Hollywood March to CNN

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Photos of Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Eddie Vedder, Pedro Almodovar, and more

Hollywood March to C...
tim-robbins.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x386

Check my weblog for more info on the demo.

First photo is Tim Robbins

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Susan Sarandon

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Susan Sarandon...
susan-sarandon.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x362

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Eddie Vedder

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Eddie Vedder...
eddie-vedder.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x387

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Pedro Almodovar

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Pedro Almodovar...
pedro-almodovar.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x341

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Press Whore!

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Press Whore!...
presswhore.jpg, image/jpeg, 300x394

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Scott from ANSWER

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Scott from ANSWER...
scott.jpg, image/jpeg, 394x422

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Blase Bonpane

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Blase Bonpane...
blase.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x300

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African Muslim.

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

African Muslim....
africanmuslim.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x288

(don't know his name)
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Speaker from ANSWER

by Bob Morris Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:00 PM

Speaker from ANSWER...
answerwoman.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x347

(don't know her name)
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hollywood id

by eeyore Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:05 PM

the speaker in the beret is shiva rose mcdermott. you should know this by now--she's at everything and has been arrested at cd's for our cause. she's also dylan mcdermott's wife.
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more photos

by SK Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:18 PM

more photos...
cnn.jpgnnnjry.jpg, image/jpeg, 717x608

more phots might come later. enjoy
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more photos

by SK Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:19 PM

more photos...
realwmd.jpg, image/jpeg, 512x384

sorry for the board in front.
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more photos

by SK Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:19 PM

more photos...
drummer.jpg28hlwx.jpg, image/jpeg, 384x512

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more photos

by SK Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:20 PM

more photos...
policemen.jpg, image/jpeg, 596x462

looks like a "jackass" poster.
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more photos

by SK Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:20 PM

more photos...
diein.jpg, image/jpeg, 819x614

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Thanks for the Great Pics!!!

by Sammie Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:21 PM

Thanks for the great photos on this page. I was there today and had to leave after about an hour and a half. Loved the pics!!!
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I guess that's what the cops call a car-pool

by joe Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 7:49 PM

heh heh


Nice pictures. Thanks!
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by Ted Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 8:51 PM

Great pictures and thank to everyone who was there opposing evil CNN. Sadly, I couldn't be there.

I bet everyone and their mothers have already linked to this Guardian article, but it should be linked to again.,12823,919382,00.html?=rss
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This is ridiculous

by John Gilbert Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 9:04 PM

CNN is not a conservative news outlet. In fact, for eight million Americans last Wednesday, the plurality of the television audience who tuned into FOX news, CNN was clearly too progressive a voice. I do not know why you have directed your anger towards CNN. It's your ally, my anti-war friends.
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Good Grief

by Ted Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 9:04 PM

Interesting cite to the article about CNN getting kicked out of Baghdad. It's always exciting when p"civil rights" rotesters get enthusiastic over the pronouncements of totalitarian dictatorships.

Keep it up. Your extreme views guarantee a George Bush presidency until January 20, 2009.
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by zed Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 3:25 AM

thanks for these pictures - the march looks much more civilised than that that took place in brussels.
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Good things about America

by Sheepdog Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 1:44 PM

It has people who think and listen then act.
Are our numbers are growing.
Real Americans who can smell shit without having their
face rubbed in it.
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The Great Propaganda Spectacle

by Gary Sudborough Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 4:17 PM

I have noticed a couple of glaring contradictions in the way the corporate mass media are covering this war. With constant repetition, they portray the missiles and bombs which are striking Baghdad as precise, satellite-guided weapons that invariably strike their targets within a few feet of intended impact, causing very few civilian casualties. If these missiles are so accurate, why did several of them veer way off course and hit Iran?

Donald Rumsfeld has stated that Iraqi television showing the captured American soldiers is a violation of the Geneva Convention. I noticed that American television is showing pictures of the captured Iraqi soldiers. What's the difference? Also, the United States is really in violation of the Geneva Convention for torturing Afghan prisoners at Bagram air base in Afghanistan and keeping the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba shackled and hooded. Denial of sunlight and sleep leads to severe mental problems and is a terrible form of torture.

CNN, MSNBC, and Fox are treating this war more like a gigantic fireworks display than as something which causes intense human suffering. During the Vietnam War, there were courageous journalists who showed the reality of that war-the children running with napalm burning their flesh, the huts burning, the My Lai massacre and the fear and anger on people's faces. Not any more. Grenada, Panama, the first Persian Gulf war, Yugoslavia and now this war against Iraq have all been very controlled, sanitized versions of the reality of war. One sees maps and discussions with generals and military analysts about strategy and tactics. There are other discussions about the intricacies of all the various weapons systems. No opponents of the war are allowed to question its morality or the possible economic and political reasons for it. If pictures of wounded Iraqi children are shown, there are always commentators there questioning whether these aren't fictitious creations of Iraqi propaganda.

Then, there is the rampant lying that always accompanies war. How many times have I heard that Umm Oasr, Nasiriya and Basra have been captured, only to later find out that fierce fighting was still going on there? Neither side tells the truth about casualties. I heard a story that the Republican Guard is using civilians as human shields. Do they really need to do this? Those Iraqi parents who have lost children by the thousands to sanctions and cancers from depleted uranium are certainly angry enough to fight themselves. I am confident that after the conclusion of this war, weapons of mass destruction will suddenly be "discovered" so that they can adequately justify this mass destruction of Iraqi civilization.

CNN is immediately calling every American soldier who is killed a hero, and they then conduct interviews with family members of soldiers involved in the war, showing their wives and little children. They repeatedly ran a quote by the father of a soldier who was killed saying that antiwar demonstrators could better spend their time working for charity or picking up litter. These are blatant propaganda techniques. Are the American people so anesthetized by decades of sophisticated propaganda by the mass media and in school that they simply can't visualize the motivations of the American government as being anything other than noble and protective? If so, we are going to be subject to one war after another on behalf of corporate power and control, which is what really motivates all wars of aggression by capitalist nations.
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by Mariangela Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 12:48 PM

Cari amici e amiche, non vi arrendete, per favore!
La guerra è il peggiore dei mali e sarà causa di molte altre rovine.
Fermiamo la guerra! diamoci forza tutti insieme.
Un abbraccio
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by coitus Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 1:45 PM

mariangela- ci stammo provando- e sara molto tempo finche vediamo successo....pero revolta succedde, abbraci
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by Tim Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 2:31 PM

I'll say something about the brave men and women who are in Iraq-I want them to come home.
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Never stop speaking your mind, Ed!

by Lorraine Luciano Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 7:05 PM 908-353-9516 19 aberdeen rd, elizabeth, nj

As a long time fan of Pearl Jam and Eddie Vedder, as much for their/his polotics as the music, I am proud to see Eddie Vedder at this protest gathering. He's one guy who walks the talk. He and those like him may be in the minority, but that just makes me like him more.
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You're the best,Eddie Vedder!!!

by Ela Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:07 PM

I am so proud to see my favorite artist in the whole world up there with everybody else protesting this freaking war!!!
Everybody who's cheering for this war is just as much to blame as the evil government there is right now in power,for killing innocent people just to get out of the economical problems there are in this country!!!
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by Sheepdog Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:37 PM

Doing good. Lots of goons around though.
I would love to see any of these pro war
types do something but drive by with a garbled rant or
an unintelligible word with a finger signaling their
one working neuron.
We are braver than them. We are real.
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by P Eliasson Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 8:48 PM

I'm against the war. I'm not american, I live in sweden. What I CAN'T understand is why you ppl across the big Atlantic can't accept some ppl don't think like you! Why do you call eachother names and make fun of eachother. Instead be creative! Make a speach in one of those protestmarches!! Tell everyone what YOU believe in! Maybe you can convince someone else tu change sides!! "What a f***head he is" doesn't make anybody anything else but mad. Why fight amongst yourselves when your friends, your neighbours, your, sons, your fathers, your classmates are in Irak DYING!!!

Sincerely a Swedish observer.
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by Bernadette Roberts Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 9:36 PM

Although small for turnout, only several hundred, Seattle's protest got a little zoo-ey with just as many cops as protesters. As in, I felt like a trapped animal just trying to walk down the sidewalk, and they had m16s while we just had signs, drums, mikes and poetry... we heard LA had a protest and cheered cuz people say LA doesn't get out there so often.

Right on LA, nice to see my favs out there walking the talk-- Eddie and Susan thanks!!!
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Eddie Vedder

by DBurba Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 9:50 PM

He's the lead singer of Pearl Jam, as everyone should know.
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by b3 Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 10:44 PM

Why is prowar people post stupid comment?

Maybe because war=stupid
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Hollywood, The Media, and The War

by George Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 2:16 AM

A lot of us have seen the reports of the Gulf Conflict on the news, but a lot of us have seen how some of Hollywood's Elite have acted as well.

It is too late to say ant-war protests, the war has already begun, what we all need to do now is support our troops and our allies and hope they come home safely.

The Oscars is a special moment for most Actors, Actresses and people in the Film Industry, even though there is a war going on, some of the people who were there had to make their own statements concearning the war.

It is nice being a star in Hollywood, but don't be a show off to make a statement, or be a jerk like Michael Moore, don't people realize no matter what they say, the war will not end until the Government decides it is over.

Michael Moor should be banned from attending any event because of his rude behavior and crappy movies.

When in a public place we all must be presentable and make a good impression, Michael Moore kinda reminds me of a German Dictator from WWII
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Eddie Vedder

by Katy Hyde Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 4:35 AM 0403815263 Western Autralia

Okay all of u people that r putting down Eddie Vedder have no right to because how many of you know him personally... so therefore shut the hell up and stop saying stuff about people that hav done nothing wrong to u. they hav an opinion just like u and they r entilted to theirs. if u disagree with wat they r saying then who cares u can just say that u disagree with wat THEY ARE ALL SAYING not just Eddie or Susan. so all of u get a life and grow up!!
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Thoughtless babble

by Matt Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:31 AM

For those of you who have no coherent thoughts and just a bunch of junior high recess insults about people who have the courage to voice their opinions about the mass slaughter of our troops that has begun and will only get worse in the coming days, I say grow up. If you have serious, thoughtful comments speak up, but the name calling just shows the lack of intelligence and maturity that you fuels your rantings.
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A song I feel represents how I feel

by Mel the PJ Fan Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:02 AM

"For What It's Worth" ~ By Buffalo Springfield

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, now, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

Fits now just as it did all those years ago I think. I think this war is the only thing that anyone can come up with that's going to deal with this, which makes me sad. I'm proud of these people to stand up for what they think and I'm ashamed of anyone who thinks they are better off dead because they have a different opinon. And I refer to both sides of the argument.

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by wafflehousejukebox Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:08 AM

it's very interesting to see that all the "pro-war" people feel they must resort to petty namecalling and making fun of people they don't even know. perhaps because they HAVE NO LEGITIMATE REASON TO SUPPORT THE WAR except "it's what Big Brother told me to do" ??

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What a shame

by Babs Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:30 AM

It is a sad thing that at a time like this, the only thing some people can comment on is how bad Susan looks, or how geeky Eddie looks. That tells me all I need to know about you. Right On Eddie! MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR!
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Eddie Vedder?

by DPmaster Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:42 AM

Eddie Vedder is the lead singer of Pearl Jam. He is considered by many to be one of the best songwriters of all time. His band and others like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains helped bring alternative music into the mainstream in the early 90s. A lot of rock bands today used Pearl Jam as a basis for their music (i.e. Creed). That's why the mid-to-late 90s was considered to be the era of the Pearl Jam clones.

Concerning the war, I think we need to take out Hussein as soon as possible as he is a threat to the rest of the world. I DO NOT believe in war though as I've had some family members die in previous wars. Unfortunately war seems to be the only answer to get rid of Hussein so I hope we get it done quickly.

Some of the posters here seem to have no idea about the war or how it started. This war is partially a cleanup of the mess we (U.S.) made years ago. We should have gotten rid of Hussein the first time. I bet some of you didn't know that the U.S. were the ones that allowed Iraq to invade Kuwait in the first place. I've even got articles and pictures of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein and pledging our support for Iraq in the early 1980s. Every country has skeletons in their closet. That's just the nature of things.

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eddie vedder at LA protest

by Joe Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:46 AM

someone needs to coach eddie vedder on the proper way to draw a peace symbol. unless he's protesting in the name of mercedes benz.
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clearly, an illiterate

by jams Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:59 AM

brilliance abounds. don't know enough words, so you shout in all caps instead?
go out and buy a copy of riot act. read the lyrics. think about them. then read lyrics from the other pearl jam albums. then research how much money they've donated to local and global charity. research the 400,000 they raised this past december alone. then research what kind of car Ed drives - a gas guzzling Mercedes SUV? nope. wrong again. maybe you should keep in mind that he still lives in west seattle, not hollywood. in a modest house. maybe you should read about the work he and pearl jam have done for WM3. maybe you should notice that the guy wears the same damn thrift store clothes almost every day. or maybe you should just continue to lambast someone (s) you clearly know nothing about. just because someone has been successful, does not mean they have sold out. do your research.
and I suggest you do some on the true doings of our government over the past 100 years. you'll have to look deeper than your local news, but it's out there.....

a mind is like a parachute, only functions when open.

regardless of my feelings about this war and our government, I at least, know why I feel the way I do. do you????
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by Patrick Sullivan Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:03 AM

It's exaxtly that kind of thinking that we're protesting against! The war won't end until the government wants it to? Is this not the USA? If the people speak loudly enough and clearly enough, the government has no choice but to end the war or find new jobs in 2004. The stars that didn't speak up during the oscars should be ashamed of themselves. They had a platform from which to speak for 45 seconds and most of them didn't say a damn thing and that's a damn shame. It's thanks to people like Micheal Moore and Ed Vedder, and others that the truth gets heard. I just finished Moore's latest book and maybe if some of you radicals out there would put down your copy of "The Savage Nation" and "The No Spin Zone" and actually read what you're so busy bashing you would at least have a basis to make these rediculous claims you spew out. There is no validity in your rants. Go watch some more fox news channel and drive your SUV off a cliff.
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Well, Sullivan

by Art Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:14 AM

I guess you want to bash anyone who does act as you feel they should, but that's typical for the leftist. I drive an economy car and listen to Fox News. Also think that the celebirties who don't agree with you and Moore have a right not to not stand up spout what you think they should.
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patriot, anyone?

by last one Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:17 AM

And the rivers shall open for the righteous
And the rivers shall open for the righteous, someday

I went walking, with my brother
And he wondered, oh, how I am

Said what I believe with my soul
Ain't what I see with my eyes

And there's no turning back this time

I am a patriot, and I love my country
Because my country is all I know
I wanna be with my family
People who understand me
I got no place else to go...I am a patriot...

I went walking, with my girlfriend
She looked so fine, I said baby what's on your mind
She said I wanna run like the lions
Released from their cages
Released from the rages burning in my soul tonight...I am a patriot...

And I ain't no communist, and I ain't no socialist
And I ain't no capitalist, and I ain't no imperialist
And I ain't no democrat, I sure ain't no republican either
I only know one party, and that is FREEDOM,
I am, I am, I am
I am a patriot, and I love my country
Because my country is all I know

And the rivers shall open for the righteous (2x)
And the rivers shall open for the righteous, someday
Someday, someday, someday
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Unknown Soldier

by Ghandi Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:18 AM

Remeber Ghandi

Rember Cesar Chavez

Remember Mother Teresa
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by George Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:23 AM

And your point is????? They are great people, but their cause were different, except for one thing Human Dignity.
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I agree with you Scott!

by Les Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:33 AM

We have our opinions too! Listen up, it looks as though we all are having difficulty with anti-war and us pro-war protesters! Maybe we should try to get along and not get so upset! What good is it doing for our troops? Is it going to bring them back any faster? NO! Is it going to make the WAR end? NO! Let's all get a grip and just pray that our troops will come home safely and that we GET SADDAM IN THE END!
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Eddie Vedder???

by Sarah Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:46 AM

I have never heard of him personally, but I know of Pearl Jam! I'm stuck in the middle, sometimes I like the fact that we are bombing overseas, but then I fear for the outcome of all this!
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I hae never heard of Eddie or Pedro!

by Kevin Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 10:06 AM

I am for the WAR and I just want our troops to come home safe! I do have one question! Isn't it too late for the anti-war people to be protesting? We are already at war and that isn't going to bring the troops back to us! I was just curious! I don't mind Tim or Susan, as long as it isn't that whore lady "Jane Fonda"! I would love to have someone kick her ass!
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Sorry for my spelling errors above!

by Kevin Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 10:08 AM

hae=have Don't you hate it when you are trying to make a point and you fuck up the words?
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Freedom of Beliefs

by Kevin Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 10:50 AM

I am a firm believer that everyone has a right to their own opion or belief. Leave Eddie alone, he is just standing up for something he believes in, afterall isn't that what your guys are all doing too?!
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I didn't know any members of Pearl Jam...

by Stephen Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 11:06 AM

could even read let alone fight against the war! I'm impressed, even though I'm for the WAR!
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You are an intelligent bunch!

by Jen Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 11:23 AM

Reading this posts from the pro-war supporters just made me even prouder to be against this war. I'm so glad I'm not alligned with you bumbling, incoherent, childish fools. So we're fighting for democracy in Iraq but god forbid anybody here actually express their freedom of speech - otherwise string 'em up, right? Your personal attacks (Eddie Vedder is a geek, Susan Sarandon looks old, etc.) are especially enlightening. Why don't you all crawl back into your caves. And don't worry - if you rub hard enough the red will come off your neck.
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more photos

by x Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 12:03 PM

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No war

by Ryan Fish Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 12:47 PM

No Bush, No war "I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs"- Pearl Jam
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Thanks Ed

by Fishman Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 12:56 PM

Thanks for the inspiration, don't listen to these idiots who claim they have never heard, they will hear this summer, see ya at the shows.
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the summer shows

by jams Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:14 PM

start in one week in fact, fishman!

*basks in glow of ticket confirmations*

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by Smiffy Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:15 PM

I must say, and I am a European(no not french), that I am laughing my ass of, when I read the comments from you ignoranat, arrogant, stupid non-educated ppl that are supporting this war. If u had any I dea, of what the rest of the world thinks of u...u would have closed your mouth looong ago. My goodness, u really are som arrogant fahks. ..and the worst thing..your president is the dumbest and most arrogant one..

I definetly support the ones among u who dare to stand up an demonstrate.
And to lash out against the bes musician we have, Ed.Vedder..thats just makes me stop reading your comment..absolutly nothing to do with this what so ever..he is just one of millions of ppl that are against this wake up.. and realize that there are different points of view to this than the arrogant -wannabe-patriotic-but-ends-up-disgracing-your-country point of view that u pro-ppl have..

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by Smiffy Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:16 PM

I must say, and I am a European(no not french), that I am laughing my ass of, when I read the comments from you ignoranat, arrogant, stupid non-educated ppl that are supporting this war. If u had any I dea, of what the rest of the world thinks of u...u would have closed your mouth looong ago. My goodness, u really are som arrogant fahks. ..and the worst thing..your president is the dumbest and most arrogant one..

I definetly support the ones among u who dare to stand up an demonstrate.
And to lash out against the bes musician we have, Ed.Vedder..thats just makes me stop reading your comment..absolutly nothing to do with this what so ever..he is just one of millions of ppl that are against this wake up.. and realize that there are different points of view to this than the arrogant -wannabe-patriotic-but-ends-up-disgracing-your-country point of view that u pro-ppl have..

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by Smiffy Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:16 PM

I must say, and I am a European(no not french), that I am laughing my ass of, when I read the comments from you ignoranat, arrogant, stupid non-educated ppl that are supporting this war. If u had any I dea, of what the rest of the world thinks of u...u would have closed your mouth looong ago. My goodness, u really are som arrogant fahks. ..and the worst thing..your president is the dumbest and most arrogant one..

I definetly support the ones among u who dare to stand up an demonstrate.
And to lash out against the bes musician we have, Ed.Vedder..thats just makes me stop reading your comment..absolutly nothing to do with this what so ever..he is just one of millions of ppl that are against this wake up.. and realize that there are different points of view to this than the arrogant -wannabe-patriotic-but-ends-up-disgracing-your-country point of view that u pro-ppl have..

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by Smiffy Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:16 PM

I must say, and I am a European(no not french), that I am laughing my ass of, when I read the comments from you ignoranat, arrogant, stupid non-educated ppl that are supporting this war. If u had any I dea, of what the rest of the world thinks of u...u would have closed your mouth looong ago. My goodness, u really are som arrogant fahks. ..and the worst thing..your president is the dumbest and most arrogant one..

I definetly support the ones among u who dare to stand up an demonstrate.
And to lash out against the bes musician we have, Ed.Vedder..thats just makes me stop reading your comment..absolutly nothing to do with this what so ever..he is just one of millions of ppl that are against this wake up.. and realize that there are different points of view to this than the arrogant -wannabe-patriotic-but-ends-up-disgracing-your-country point of view that u pro-ppl have..

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Thanks Eddie!

by Juliana Scherz Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:22 PM BRASIL

Hey Eddie, thanks for being a great person! And thanks for writing songs that touch our soul. That´s why I´m flying to USA only to see Pearl Jam shows, even in the middle of this war. Show the world that is better to sing a love song than make war. I agree with you: STOP THE WAR! Instead of making war, the politics should help people! There are so many children living in the streets in the city I live in, so much violence... As you said in Melbourne show..."I wish I was the president... keep us out of war... that´s what friends are for...that´s what love is for..." :)
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Tim Robbins - "PEACE" activist

by Rich Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 1:34 PM

Elsewhere at the Vanity Fair bash, Tim Robbins confronted Washington Post columnist Lloyd Grove, who recently interviewed Susan Sarandon's mother, a rock-ribbed Republican who complained that the leftist parents of her 13-year-old grandson were brainwashing him. Robbins warned Grove: "If you ever write about my family again, I will hunt you down."
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by EDDIE Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 2:10 PM

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by ralf Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 2:28 PM

i am from belgium and i am proud that i see eddie vedder ( the greatest artist in the world ) sharing my opion !
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Listen up People:

by Joe America Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 3:08 PM

Do to the very sensitive nature of "Engaging" the enemy in combat and war tactics within this Iraq conflict, bye our American soilders. They are being ambushed, tricked bye civillians into fake surrender tactics and must get military JAG permission to engage. Because of the "Politcal correctness" hypersensitivity driven bye "Anti-war" activitist in part, our troops are unable to defend themselves in these illegal and immoral battle techniches.

How you can defend a regime who is hiding behind women, children, religious buildings and hospitals is ridiculous. And in the same breathe you are shunning our troops and efforts for a free and truly liberated Iraq.

The Iraqi regime has more than proven to myself and the world how evil and disgusting in regaurd to humanity they are. And you "Anti-War" activists are condoning this. My thoughts are to add another Billion dollars to the War budget to fund transportation for all of you to go and live in Iraq. Then you can live in "peace" and "true democracy" as you wish.
~Lets Roll!~
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by DPmaster Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 3:14 PM

If you haven't heard of Eddie Vedder then you're either younger than 16 or older than 50 and you don't listen to rock music. Like others have said, he's the singer of Pearl Jam, the most influential and probably the best rock band in the last 15 or so years. For those too young to remember, they came out in 1991 and took the music world by storm by helping to bring alternative/grunge music into the mainstream. For the kids of today, think Eminem but more popular.
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Vedder Protesting the War

by JKarm Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 3:17 PM

I'm happy to see Vedder and the others out there speaking their minds. It takes courage to do so. Vedder's always been outspoken about his views, which has had a positive influence on many, including myself.

I notice that people posting here against his appearance have little constructive to say in opposition of Vedder's stand and have resorted to personal insults. Apparently they have nothing of substance to contribute, so they contribute nothing but noise.

Not only does this reflect immaturity in the extreme, I am also left with the impression that they have nothing of worth to say to shore up any counter-agrument that they may have with Vedder and his stance. Any thinking person knows that arguments ad hominem are fallacies.

So, anyway. A tip of the hat to Vedder --and everyone else speaking their minds. And a hint to the detractors--try an argument that would at least leave people thinking you have some ideas in your head worth considering.
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Now I Understand....

by B3 Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 3:34 PM

After hearing some comments from pro-war people....
NOW I understand why there's a war.

Jebus, I never thought ppl like you existed, no wonder we have a war. It's because there ARE arrogant, ignorant, and harsh peple like you.

On the other side, I don't think Bush is stupid. It all came down to politics and money.
It's not about Saddam, or Iraqi freedom, they just need a reason to validate the war.
But c'mon, wha't do they do first when they came to Iraq? Protect the oil !
'It's for the future welfare of iraqi people' they said. Bullshit.
This war has already spend lots of US money , and they're gonna take something back.

On another note, comparing academic achievement of politician to celebrities is not fair, lol.
It's not their brains we're having problem with, it's their moral.
This world is fucked up because greedy smart people do whatever they wanted by decieving people who believe everything they say, as long as it's from the mouth of 'smart people'. They stop using their brains at some point and become ignorant bunch.

And I can't believe there are people who don't know who Eddie Vedder is!
Where am I??!

Pardon for my english... ;-)
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role model?

by jams Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 3:55 PM

who awarded that title? i can gurantee most anyone given the moniker would prefer they not be referred to as such. most of the 'role models' people embrace are just normal people, who have been lucky or persistent enough to succeed in a public arena. do you think they ever intended to be viewed as role models? not likely. we're all human. we all do things we'd like to undo. we all make mistakes. we are allowed to change our minds on topics. people in the public eye are not exempt from this.
it's also good to know that who you date dictates your level of integrity. believe me, i'm very aware of the lyrics
"model...role model.....roll some models in blood"
i'm sure he is too. he wrote them. broad generalizations can bite you in the ass. but, to assume every person who is a (insert descriptor here) is a BAD person, will only serve to keep you in a very small world. There are good and bad people in every profession and walk of life. if you choose to pre-judge individuals with broad generalizations, it is you who loses, I assure you.
new ways of thinking can be scary. but not nearly as scary as having someone dictate whether or not you can have access to new ideas....THAT is much, much scarier.
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War,.. what is it good for? Absolutely nothing

by Haro Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 5:15 PM

what is it good for?
what is it good for?
what is it good for?
absolutely nothing!
war, what is it good for?
absolutely nothing!
what is it good for?
what is it good for?
what is it good for?

no war!
no war!

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Re: Take a Step Back

by JKarm Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 5:45 PM

About Saddam murdering over 1 million of his own people...let's not forget he had help with that in the form of the US sanctions. Your post implies he went out and did all by his lonesome. Nice spin, but not terribly accurate. When confronted with the fact that over 500,000 children had died as a result of US-imposed sanctions in 1996, Secretary of State Madeline Albright said she affirmed that "we think the price is worth it." Not even Albright is arguing that we didn't help with the killing of Saddam's people.

Saddam is a vicious tyrant and a murderer and all the bad things you want to say about him....and more. But it is *very* simplistic to paint him as evil and us as good. The world is not that simple. And we are not that pure.
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Do you have minds of your own? (To Anti-War protesters)

by Scott Peterson (real name) Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:19 PM

By all means, everyone "American" has a right to his/her opinion! Even though their opinions against the WAR are wrong! Another thing, anyone desperate enough to believe only what their favorite Rock Star, or Actor believes in is ......CRAZY! (Ahem....Pearl Jam Fans!) You guys think this Eddie Vedder person is a GOD! If he's GOD, I will gladly go to hell in PRIDE!!
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I have no mind of my own

by Scott Peterson (Bush puppet) Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:25 PM

GW Bush is THEE GOD! I do anything and believe everything he says. I just LOVE being a simplistic hypocrite.
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American Citizen

by David Q. Publik Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:36 PM

I am but a typical American, which is why this country is so FUCKED UP. It is inhabited by oblivious fools like me who believe ANYTHING that the government and the corporate media tells them.
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I love Fox News!

by Scott Peterson (the real one) Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:45 PM

I just LOVE not having a mind of my own and then accuse SOMEONE else of not having a mind of THEIR own. I just LOVE being so blatantly hypocritical. It's too bad that I can't make a living at it.
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Damn, I need it bad!

by Jeff Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:47 PM

Hey, Scott. Would you consider giving me another golden shower? Just remember to drink ALOT of beer.
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I think they are gonna know which posts are mine you fool!!

by Scott Peterson the IV Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:49 PM

No big deal, you're a's cool!
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I think they are gonna know that I'm oblivious to your cause

by Scott Peterson (the real one) Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:52 PM

If you're a moron, I'm the FATHER of all morons! I just LOVE letting you know how much you're getting under my skin.
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by Les Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:53 PM

Damn the post was so close to the truth it was unreal!
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by Scott Peterson Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:54 PM

I just love Eddie Vedder, isn't he just so much better then GOD??? I will do whatever it takes to be just like him and believe everything he believes in! I am EDDIE!
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I know someday l'll have a beautiful life

by Scott Peterson Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 6:56 PM

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Eddie Vedder is gay isn't he? Is he dating a model?

by SI Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:03 PM

A male model, right? I can't beleive he is still around! Makes an interesting topic. I think that people like Eddie because he's so against Corporate America! He is just an aging Rock Star who's learning the hard way that no one likes him anymore! By the way Eddie, I like how your new album is in the TOP 40........Oh I'm sorry, you are not even in the Top 100! Grunge is OVER! Hope you saved your pennies...or you will end up looking at children porn on the internet like your old buddy "Pete" Townsend! Good Luck!
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It is BUSH who is my GOD!!!

by Scott Peterson (the real one) Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:07 PM

Even if Bush invades Colombia to seize its oil reserves, I'll be in agreement. Why? Because I'm Bush's favorite puppet. He also gives me golden showers whenever I ask him to.
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Guess ehat? I am GW's puppet and proud of it!

by Scott Peterson the IVII Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:14 PM

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Hello, ladies present!

by Sylvia Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:21 PM

Why are there so many hateful people on this board? Must you cuss so much? I am not for this war and I find it appalling for anyone to call me stupid and dumb because of it!
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No-War and No North-Americans

by André Felipe Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:25 PM

well... first of all... i'm not north amercian ... i'm Brazilian from Recife. i would like to say that this war is not right... Saddam is a fucking ditador... but Gorge Bush is a ditador too... i hate both... they have to die...
i'm totally against the war... but as long as it begun... i rather the iraq wins the war... all of you north americans be shamed like happened in Vietna...
Who you think you are ??? you're not better then anybody else... we're the same... there's anybody better then others.... you have to learn this... or others 9/11 will happens again.... even me and you wants this... so it's better you change your mind.... the whole world is against you... i'm just warning... be carefull and change your behavior
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I almost forgot

by Richard M. Dayton Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:33 PM

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I wish Eddie were gay!

by JKarm Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:38 PM

Eddie made me want to come out of the closet, and I'm happy I did! Now I an suck all the cock I want, and for free this time! Eddie made it be okay to be gay!
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fuck you americans...

by Andre Felipe Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:49 PM

i'm not Jealous.... here is so much better then there... where only live assholes... you can be rich.... but i'm not in a war with no reasons... you should be shamed to you country.... i love my country... my city...
thanks ...

i hope you burn in fucking hell....
(i'm not telling about ALL north americans...) only who think they're better then someone else.... it makes you be worse
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Just a question

by João Paulo Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:53 PM

Why the hell are you supporting this stupid war? Just to see some of your closest persons get lost into the war? Come on, I'm not saying Saddam is a little angel... He's a fucking murderer, but what has George W Bush JUNIOR with that? Is he the world policy or anything? What does he think he is, to walk through ONU decisions? Saddam should be taken away by pacific ways, not with the brutality that will end up killing thousands of soldiers, combatents and innocent people, that has nothing to do with the little child (your fucking president)'s desire to be powerful and rich with what iraquian people took decades to build.
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My apology

by Richard M. Dayton Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:55 PM

I'm sorry for being a simple-minded, uneducated American redneck.
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Note to my psychiatrist

by JKarm Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:01 PM

Okay, I'm through typing now. Go ahead and put me back in my straightjacket.
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Now I see...

by João Paulo Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:03 PM

Reading these comments, I got to see how ignorant americans are... you can't just discuss about a thing. You have to go crazy and start saying off-topic stuff... But, noooo you are all AMERICANS and you LOVE each other, 'cause there's so much UNION between you... Once I heard Mr. Vedder singing a Steven Van Zandt song that went like this:
"I am a patriot, I love my country, because my country is all I know"
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Why the hostility

by Keiv Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:07 PM

I do not understand why people feel the need to make derogetory comments about others in this forum. What does this accomplish?

I do not support killing. The USA government has poor evidence and justification for creating a war in which American, Britans, Iraquis, Syrians, Australians, Kuwaitis, and others are now dying.

George Bush and those who work with him want this war. I do not know exactly why, but I know it isn't good.

Good people of the world will speak out against this unnessary killing. I hope we can all live in peace soon.
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Oh good!

by Jenny Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 1:04 AM

Now those freaks from the Eddie Vedder Stalkers website have come out of the woodworks. Congratulations pro-war supporters. You know have some of the world's biggest nitwits in your corner. Your hatred for Eddie is beyond frightening. Get a grip & get a life you losers.
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Who cares if Eddie's gay or not, I just want him and all the

by Louis Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 5:09 AM

other "artists" stop helping us out by being retards! I can't believe they say some of things that come out of their mouths! All I know is that I'm against this WAR and I'm against "actors who don't do anything positive in life, but act like they do"! Give us all a break, you people in Hollywood show your lack of knowledge in this Nation's Affairs! What dimwits! Please STOP acting like you're educated, we all know the truth!
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WHAT??? Response

by Matt Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 9:04 AM

Who the hell are you??? Since when does looks matter when supporting an issue? Where the fuck have you been not to have heard about Vedder and others? Seems to me you may have been spending too much time caring about what people are looking like and not what the root cause of some of the problems are. I'll tell you this much....the so called "losers" of the protest will be the ones remebered long after some stupid fuck at the Oscars who did not have the balls to stand up for what he believes in (Moore)...instead hiding behind their boos in the audience...Travolta and other fucks.
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I hate Hollywood! They all are

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 9:06 AM

Hypocrites!! Why oh why do they open their mouths?
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by no fuckin war Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 9:43 AM

You've turned a conversation about war into a discussion about if pearl jam sucks or if eddie vedder sucks or his sexuality!!!!
What the hell are you thinking!?!?!?!?!
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Re: You Make Me Laugh, Americans

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:01 AM

Don't you know that it's more important to insult a well-meaning celebrity such as Eddie Vedder than to talk about the war? If you talk about the war, you might have to talk about the issues--support your position. If you insult Eddie Vedder, you don't even have to think. Besides, it's entertaining to insult Vedder, and as Neil Postman noted in his brillian "Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business," we love to be entertained at the expense of everything we hold dear. The intellectual health of our society is in sorry shape and the measured attention we should give the war is diverted--not by Vedder, but by the fools who would rather "intellectually" masturbate over him than pay attention to the shape of politics around them right now.
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I didn't know who Eddie Vedder was until I saw a picture of him and I'm older then 16 and

by Jason Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:07 AM

younger than 28! I think their music sucks anyways! Now, As for the war, I'm not for it or against it, I just want our troops to come home soon! So if oyu don't like that, then "bring it on"!!
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Who cares about Eddie or Susan or that idiot with the beret?

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:14 AM

If you actually have to have your opinion the same as them because you idolize the famous, then you are a pathetic person! I'm not for the WAR, because I don't think Bush is a good President and I think he doesn't even know what he is getting us into! I have no idea why you people can't think for yourselves!
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Re: I'm Against This Silly War, But People....

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:16 AM

I didn't post this about Jenny, etc. It's an obvious forgery, but I thought I'd mention it.
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by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:16 AM

Real Americans have opinions that are their own and not used by the "Artists"!
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Kind of like last night huh JKarm?

by Scott Peterson (real name) Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:18 AM

Weird isn't it?? I'm for the WAR, not because Travolta and Bruce Willis are!
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Bush is my master

by Scott Peterson (real name) Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:21 AM

I'm for the WAR because my puppet master BUSH is! HEIL BUSH!!
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Re: Celebrities Aren't Qualified to Speak...

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 11:29 AM

By your own reasoning, you are not qualified to speak out. What access do you have to security briefings, etc.? Exactly none, is my bet.

Formal education does not equal wisdom. Anyone who thinks it does has not experienced much that life has to offer.

I am not impressed with the mindset that only the "experts" can tell us what to believe and that only "experts" know the truth. Experts have their own biases and are often bought by those who realize the herd tends to see something magical in "expert" opinion, not realizing that it has often been shaped to accommodate the lastest source of funding. PR campaigns are *not* created for our own good, but for the good of an influence peddler.

Wake up. If you are a literate American who bothers to read on all sides of an issue--and not just what the "experts" feed you--you are well-qualified to speak your mind. Exercise your right to free speech before the "experts" and their handlers take it away.
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Wassa Madda, JKarm?

by Eat Shit and Die War Mongers Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 12:10 PM

Jealous? You probably can't even get it up, let along fuck a good looking straight model. :-)
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So Eddie's girl isn't HOT, who cares?

by David Parks Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 12:45 PM

He's still a great person standing up for what he believes in!
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No she's not pretty, but looks can be deceiving!

by Karl Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 1:21 PM

I still think Eddie Rocks and the WAR SUCKS!
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by TRUTH Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 1:27 PM

Let's make it clear if 70% country is white and 2/3 of the country suppors the war, then overall those that support war are 95% are fuckin red-necks. Minorities who fight for the fuckin racist country get sent to the front lines to die; they act as a shield for white trash who lay back in thier f-14's , f-18's, tanks, while we get killed. We live in the poorest slime filled filthiest ghettos, wo/jobs, and daily are victims of racism and these motherfuckin white politicians
say it's about freedom. Bull shit!. MOTHER FUCKERS If we get bombed again I hope it's a rich, fat, gay ass red-neck area. OH AND ONE MORE THING WHEN WE SAY THE WORLD HATES US IT MEANS WHITE FUCKIN PEOPLE AND THE MOTHERFUCKIN GOVERNMENT. ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jill fucking Mc Cormick is ugly, for the record!
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Truth About Protesters

by From Reuters Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 1:29 PM

Truth About Proteste...
kill_jews.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x313

A Pakistani student wears a headband with the words "kill jews," during an anti-war rally at a university in Islamabad, March 26, 2003. The students of Quaid-i-Azam University gathered on Wednesday to protest against the U.S.-led war in Iraq. REUTERS/Mian Khursheed
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yes you anti-war potesters are real

by Les Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 1:49 PM

INTELLIGENT!! You should feel so proud!
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I b so dumb

by Les Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 1:58 PM

I wouldn't know intelligence if it plucked out my ass hairs.
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by If only they knew the real truth! Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 1:59 PM

fucking babies!!
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Gee, I can pluck them for you since I'm such a faggott!

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 2:02 PM

I live for big hairy dicks too!
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Oh my god, the freaks are so out today!!

by I LOVE IT! Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 2:47 PM

Thanks for being humerous in this time of grief!
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by American Admirer Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 2:52 PM

I'm all done watching movies or TV programs starring Martin Sheen, Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon, Eddie Vedder (?) etc...

They're history for me. I've watched them for the last time.

If I were to attend one of their movies, a fraction of my ticket price would find it's way into their pockets. That's flatly unacceptable because I'd then be supporting anti-American traintorous scumbags. Thanks but no thanks.
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Bush is the Best!

by American Admirer Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 2:54 PM

I'm also through with my use of critical thinking skills. Whatever Bush says is the truth. Yes, I'm REALLY that naive.
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American Freedom

by Alice Hays Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:14 PM

"you have the right to free long as... you're not dumb enough to actually try it"
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Nice comment! What grade are you in again?

by Jeff Day Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:33 PM

You anti-War people are making us other people against this war look as shitty as the Prowar ones!
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why don't u write the _real_ reasons to be pro-war?

by elaynek. Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:50 PM

I don't understand why pro-war americans don't write points of view about THE WAR! Why are u pro-war? Why u believe that is the better way?
The pro-war posts have only idiot comments! If u don't know the person, please, don't be an ignorant writing about the need of botox to that actress or if that singer is dating a model! Show us _why_ is right to be pro-war! Show us your ideas! Show us that u have your own brain! ..but before this, make a research about the real situation in front the war, but don't use the cnn ...'cause remember: USA lost the popular suport on the Vietnam war because the report of journalists on the fronts. it's so ironic the cnn's numbers and.. have you seen images of hurt american soldiers?
ps.: If u don't know eddie vedder, please, shut up. He is a great guy, make good music and he knows why to be against this war, he has an opinion about this, he argue about this.. so why don't u argue? show us u have a brain!
sorry for my not-so-perfect english!
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Re: Pathetic Loser

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 5:30 PM

A pathetic loser would be a person that has to "impersonate" others to try to raise hell for them.
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by TOY Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 6:06 PM

Anyone else notice that Tim Robbins is losing his hair...interesting.
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Maybe that old ugly bug eyed Susan sarandon is driving him fucking crazy and it's all due

by JKarm Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 7:13 PM

to STRESS!! I hate those people!
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by JETMAN Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 7:19 PM

IN THE JUKEBOX BABY! If only Joan Jett and the blackhearts were still around!
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by Jeff Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 7:27 PM

Well said, For the war or against the war, state your case and talk about it.
Foul language and name calling does nothing to educate anyone on what you believe is right.
I am not for war, but I do believe that Sadam really needs to go.
If we have a viable UN we could hae accomplished this already with out war. I also fully expect that we will see the real picture in the end. We will see how Russia, France and Germany are connected to Iraq, and don't want everyone to find out. This has been a UN problem for many, many years now and they have done nothing. I am still learning so educate me.
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Eddie Veeder

by Jeff Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 7:41 PM

Most people think that entertainers opinions are far more valid that us ordinary people. But most if not all of them are as flaky as they come. They just do not relate with us little people.(nor do they try)
Example: Down on evil SUV's Up on Limo's
Down on guns Up on their body guards having guns.
I believe it is called a double standard.
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how pathetic

by tedd Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 9:21 PM people are truly idiots.....
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Wow us anti-war peole are truly idiots too!

by tedd Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:53 AM

We can't win!
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by Innocent Bystander Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:26 AM

What the fuck is wrong with you people being so damn shallow when it comes to the way people look? Not everyone was born with a beautiful face and a vicious heart like some of you! How dare you insult someone who isn't as attractive as someone else! Who cares if a person is overweight, thin, unattractive, etc... Does that make them less of a person?? I can't believe you would call Jill Mc Cormick a name! I can't believe you would call Susan Sarandon a name! I can't believe half of you are anti-war protesters! I'm ashamed of you, I could give a shit if you are for or against this fucking WAR! You people are as bad as Hollywood Executives!!
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by Les Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 5:34 AM

Why does it bother you so much? Are you ugly? Are you dating an ugly Model? Are you dating someone else that is ugly? What's the point of your post? The whole world LOVES beautiful people, it's something we all LIVE with. So quit the bitching.....if you're are ugly, get plastic surgery!!
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Come on people!

by JKarm Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:03 AM

That statement from Innocent Bystander "is something only ugly people say"! If your chick is ugly, get one that is HOT! Who would bang an ugly chick? Besides Vedder and Robbins? Maybe that's why they're Bi-Sexual! Who cares??
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SI, You have always been a piece of shit, Whats wrong with your brain.

by Rock of Ages Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:05 AM

Pearl Jam people are only rude to fucking idiots like you. Stalker Chick
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I'm a rightwing perv

by tedd Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:07 AM

Is anyone here into scat? If so, please post a response!
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TRUTH, You are truly a FUCKHEAD. Trail on down that Deliverance river and get ass fucked.

by Rock of Ages Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:10 AM

You are fucking an idiot if I have every seen one.
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Innocent is RIGHT! Look Inside

by Rock of Ages Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:45 AM

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Another shot of pure beauty

by Rock of Ages Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:47 AM";>
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Another shot of pure beauty

by Rock of Ages Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:48 AM

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by useful idiot Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:35 AM

I'm a useful idiot with an ususually small penis. I will mock you all into submission.
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I'm so impressed

by Eric Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:48 AM

Wow! You know how to copy and paste the same message over and over on multiple threads? I was never able to master that. It is beyond my mental capablilities. Wait a second. I'll get my third grade buddy to show me how. After that, I'll screw his tight little butthole.
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I am a stalker

by Jenny Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 8:48 AM

Opps sorry I was describing myself!
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Jenny the stalker bitch

by Jenny Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 8:53 AM

I am really a stalker but feel the need to put them down since I don't want to admit how often I stay outside of his house for hours.
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Those pictures are like three years old!

by Les Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 9:41 AM

she was cute back then, every picture I see her with Ed nowadays she looks like hell! Come on Eddie, get with another Model, one who's profile isn't jacked up!
the girl is ugly now! No big deal!
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She's got a horse face! I hate big faces on women! She sin't ugly though!

by PJ Fan Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 9:48 AM

I would think Eddie could have gotten a whole lot better! Did you ever see his x-wife! She looked like Marilyn Manson. The guy's taste is horrible to be a Rock Star!
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I don't think she's much, but "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"!

by Jeff Day Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 10:03 AM

She's alot better looking then his first wife!!
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Yes it's true, his girlfriend doesn't look like that anymore! That wasn't anything great

by Steve West Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 11:23 AM

anyway! I do have to admit, she is so much better then Beth! that lady was god awful! She did sort of look like Marilyn Manson! Shit, too bad Eddie can't hook up with Carmen Electra or a "Victoria Secret's Model"! Now that's a MODEL! Jill does sort of have a horse face!
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I don't think she's pretty at all, I do however think she should eat a little more! She

by Pearl Jammer Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 12:16 PM

needs some bigger breasts! Eddie Vedder is cool and I don't think he judges people the way we do! He's probably in "love" for the first time in his life! To each his own! He has a great voice! I'm against this fucking WAR!
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Let's get to the real question

by We are being distracted Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 1:42 PM

Those who feel the need to prove the competency of our government, remember two things:
1) Having to prove that they are intelligent in the first place should tell you something.
2) I want you to also add to their list of "credentials" all of the connections EVERY SINGLE one of them has to an energy, oil or defense company and then prove to me that our troops aren't in Iraq right now dying for big business. That would be truly telling.

We really need to connect the dots in our lives with those who have lobbying power in WDC. As consumers we have the power to change legislation, if that isn't scary I don't know what is.....
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CNN IS NOT progressive

by Cody Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:11 PM

CNN is not progressive. Sure Fox is a conservative dream but to call CNN progressive is very misleading. CNN shows pictures of big buildings blowing up and the whole time they show no concern for the PEOPLE who may be harmed by those "smart bombs". Such concern might show that CNN is progressive. Also, CNN is not critical of the information that is provided them by the US government. They show explosions and then glorify the violence by showing the viewer a graphic of the "technologically advanced Smart bomb". To call CNN progressive shows the need to explore other media outlets. I think it is important to consume a "balanced diet" when it comes to media intake. Please see the URL I have included. Remember that social responsibility does not end at being an American.
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by Simple Simon Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:15 PM

Just shut the fuck up and watch Fox News. They are fair and balanced. Why? Because they SAY so.
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Hot Hot Ho

by Not Not Not Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:16 PM

That bitch Susan Suranden has sure hit the wall.

Think we can get a cutier spokesperson?
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by Simple Simon Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:20 PM

Hey, I've got one. Ann Coulter. I've been arrested multiple times for stalking this fascist fox. I sure would love to drink her bathwater.
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by Simple Simon Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 4:34 PM

Oddly enough, our little spammer isn't entirely wrong.

Ann Coulter is really good looking.

So is Laura Ingraham.

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Alot better looking then Sarandon's wrinkled ass face! Damn she's old!

by JKarm Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:23 PM

she is a fucking cunt!
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Note to Simpleton Simon

by Dr, Sigmund Fruit Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:25 PM

It's straightjacket time, again.
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CNN & Media Hogtied

by Studio2003 Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:27 PM

It's too bad that CNN & the others have been forced to become the mouthpieces of the govenment. In exchange for first-hand access to Iraq they've had to agree to report on only what they're allowed to report on so everything we get here is bleached a nice pale shade of truth.
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Let's see if this points out the kind of guy Eddie Vedder is:

by BooBoo Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:30 PM

clearly, an illiterate
by jams • Tuesday March 25, 2003 Tuet 08:59 AM

***brilliance abounds. don't know enough words, so you shout in all caps instead?***

caps make a difference? not a very good start to yer arguement

***go out and buy a copy of riot act. read the lyrics. think about them. then read lyrics from the other pearl jam albums.***

and then go out to the rest of the world and take in everything to form your opinions, not just the lyrics from pearl jam records

***then research how much money they've donated to local and global charity.***

what's the percentage of their incomes that they give? that's a lot more telling than dollar amount, they aren't any better than anyone else because they have more money to give.

***research the 400,000 they raised this past december alone.***

sure it's great that they were part of raising funds, just like someone who raises funds for their church with a bakesale, and it's not like the boys gave $400,000 of their own money, it was mostly fan money wasnt it? and it's not like they had to do any hard work to help raise the money. it's a good thing, but no reason to glorify them, a lot of people take part in fundraisers, i betchya that the person you have issues with here probably had bought a box or two of girl scout cookies or something like that, if that's what someone has the resources to do then they are not any less special than someone who has the name power to help raise $400,000.

***then research what kind of car Ed drives - a gas guzzling Mercedes SUV? nope. wrong again.***

lots of people don't drive SUV's, why should this get pointed out in trying to show someone's value? maybe the man doesnt like SUV's, maybe he liked something else better, it's not like the man really really wanted an SUV but refrained for social reasons. sheesh! what kind of car a person chooses to drive or not drive doesn't determine their value to the world. if a family has two parents and four kids, plus an elderly grandparent living with them and two dogs and the kids and parents are into biking, canoeing, etc, they need a way to transport their shit, and car manufacturers are not offering a lot of alternatives, they are gettting their needs met with what is available.

***maybe you should keep in mind that he still lives in west seattle, not hollywood. in a modest house.***

yes, he has a modest home in west seattle (not really all that modest, but not extravagant either) but it's not like he spends all of his time there. he spends more time surfing his life away in tropical locations than he does hanging out at his pad in west seattle.

***maybe you should read about the work he and pearl jam have done for WM3.***

not really all that much, nothing to stand out, ratm has done a lot more.

***maybe you should notice that the guy wears the same damn thrift store clothes almost every day.***

he like to dress like that, it's his image, he's not an expensive suit kind of guy. why should he be praised for wearing thrift store clothes? lot's of people do it.

***or maybe you should just continue to lambast someone (s) you clearly know nothing about. just because someone has been successful, does not mean they have sold out. do your research.***

just because someone is a successful rock star, it doesnt mean they need to be put on a pedestal for doing the same things less famous people do every day, you haven't pointed out anything truly extraordinary that makes them deserving of "moreness" than other people.

***and I suggest you do some on the true doings of our government over the past 100 years. you'll have to look deeper than your local news, but it's out there.....***

agree with ya there

***a mind is like a parachute, only functions when open.***

you arent really showing your own open mind, you are just using pearl jam's goings ons to make your argument, you havent shown any of your own original thoughts to change this guys mind, you are just berating him for pointing out that eddie made a funny boo boo, so what?

***regardless of my feelings about this war and our government, I at least, know why I feel the way I do. do you????***

you feel that way because of reading pearl jam lyrics, yay for you.

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Can I lick your twat?

by Sheep Dog Likes It In The Ass Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:35 PM

And I'm just the man to do it for him.
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by Eric Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:41 PM

The above post is mine.
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Nice comeback!!

by Pearl Jammer Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:43 PM

You must be so proud !!!
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My comeback

by Eric Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:43 PM

I am! Mommy is impressed, too!
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by BooBoo Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:45 PM

What's the matter Fatima, do you think you wrote this? You don't know how to read let alone type!
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This sounds like See Ya or SI!

by BooBoo Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:53 PM

WOW, I knew you two were the same person!
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Note to BooBoo

by Dr. Sigmund Fruit Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:57 PM

It's straightjacket time again, you paranoid schizo.
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Cowgirl On Acid

by Fatima Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:01 PM

hi! could you please not copy and paste my words from another board? it's pretty rude. get yer own words. thanks!

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Okay, I have to say something:

by JKarm Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:01 PM

I am really getting tired of people using my alias! I'm also getting tired of all the damn e-mails I've been getting about gay porn! Just because I'm gay doesn't give you all the right to make me feel like shit! I think it's gross and I also think it's gross that you say "Jill Mc Cormick is ugly and that Ed's first wife Beth Liebling" was ugly too! So they're ugly, who cares, you don't have to sleep with them! I'm tired of all the bullshit! LEAVE ME ALONE!!
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Hey JKarm (freak)

by Fatima Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:06 PM

MAYBE you shouldn't POST your E-mail address if you don't want hate e-mails!
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by BooBoo Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:08 PM

Go back to your board of heavy stalking and masturbating while looking at Jill and Eddie together!
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Cowgirl On Acid

by Fatima Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:09 PM

by BooBoo • Thursday March 27, 2003 Thut 06:45 PM
What's the matter Fatima, do you think you wrote this? You don't know how to read let alone type!***

please stop being an ass, and if you can't refrain, at least try to make sense. do i think i wrote what? you make no sense.

also, some of yer game playing is pretty funny, i'll give you that mr. superalias, but leave innocent people alone, or else you might find a supersonice jet flying up yer ass at top speed, karma works like that, ya know.

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You are such a big loser!

by BooBoo Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:11 PM

Did I hit a nerve???
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Cowgirl On Acid

by Fatima Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:17 PM

***You are such a big loser!
by BooBoo • Thursday March 27, 2003 Thut 07:11 PM
Did I hit a nerve???***

didn't hit a nerve with anything you've said to me or about me, it's your impersonating innocent well respected members of the pj community that strikes a nerve with me. why don't you leave her alone? she has never ever done anything bad to anyone in the pj community.

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Leave who alone?

by SEE YA Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:19 PM

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Cowgirl On Acid

by Fatima Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 7:24 PM

***Leave who alone?
by SEE YA • Thursday March 27, 2003 Thut 07:19 PM

leave jkarm alone. there's lots of other things you could do, lots of other people you could continue to impersonate, why her? she's never caused trouble for anyone.

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What the hell are you talking about?

by Karen Goins Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 4:51 AM

You people make no sense! No matter what side you are on, you are making yourselves look like total asses!
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by Innocent Bystander Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 5:14 AM

Since when do Americans make any sense? I'm ashamed I live in the same nation as the half of you! I'm American, but with this War going on, I'm only half! I can't believe what BUSH and Powell and the rest of those fuckers in the White House our doing to this Country and to Iraq!! It's terrible! You people who judge other people on how they look are fucking awful!
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by Jeff Day Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 5:20 AM

Why does it bother you if we call Jill Mc Cormick ugly? Do you personally know her? Why do you care if we call Eddie Vedder a loser? Do you personally know him? (In both cases they're true) I think Eddie Vedder's a loser just like you are. If you are ashamed of America, get the FUCK OUT!
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by Les Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 5:36 AM

I hate to admit this, but Jeff, I agree with you from the Jill thing all the way to where you tell Innocent to "get the fuck out of America if you are so ashamed"!
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by Tom d. Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 9:59 AM

America is killing Iraqi's boohoo, George Bush isn't a good President, boohoo, all anti-war protesters can leave the US if they aren't HAPPY!!!!
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Congratulations Tom

by Bush Admirer Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 10:07 AM

Way to go, "Tom d." Whenever we conservatives don't have an argument, we can always resort to the original "love it or leave it." It really shows thinking people what Neanderthals we are.
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Robbins Glasses

by Dr. Yosef Bagara Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 10:09 AM

Yes, I would like to remind everyone that Tim Robbins glasses frames are worth over 500 US dollars enough to feed a small village in Iraq.

What about it to put you money where your mouth it?
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by Simple Simon Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 10:11 AM

Yosef, care to put your cock where my mouth is?
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Can anyone tell me wher I can find a pace on the

by Jeff Day Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 1:40 PM

internet that doesn't have so many FUCKING ASSHOLES against this WAR???
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Can anyone tell me

by Jeff Day Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 1:49 PM

where I can buy a BRAIN and some CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS???
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by american Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 1:50 PM

Yeah Jeff. Go over to the Freak Rezpublik. You'll feel right at home with the other braindead socially retarded zitfaced fat asses that support this idiotic war. There, you can masturbate all over yourself to your hearts content.

You don't want to stay here, because you may actually get informed, instead of propagandized. You wouldn't want that!
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Thanks american

by Jeff Day Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 1:51 PM

Sounds good!
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ok Enough!

by JKarm Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 1:55 PM

Someone signed me up with!!! Enough already!
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JILL Mc CORMICK is as ugly now as Susan Sarandon and that cow Geena Davis

by Scribing C-Ment Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 2:11 PM

has been all their lives! EDDIE VEDDER IS A COWARD FUCKER WHO CAN't EVEN SURF WITHOUT ALMOST FUCKING DROWNING! HE's always stoned and wasted! fucking idiot! Jeff Day and JKarm, cna kiss my ass! I'm against this fucking war, but I hate HOLLYWOOD!
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To Scribing C-Ment

by Jeff Day Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 2:13 PM

Fuck off, cameljockey.
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Good comeback Jeff Day!

by Scribing C-Ment Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 2:25 PM

I'm impressed.....asshole!
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Hey Scribing

by Jeff Day Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 2:26 PM

Thanks! It took a long time to think up that one!
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ANybody else want to fuck my mom when I'm done

by JKarm Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 2:39 PM

with her???
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by Simple Simon Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 2:40 PM

I'll take some of that action! I do hope she's old and wrinkled.
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Not quite as old and wrinkled as you are, but hey.....

by JKarm Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 7:03 PM

who cares, right??
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Don't you just love anti-war protesters and how stupid they look while trying to

by Dennis Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 7:36 PM

convince their "stalkers" (fans) that this WAR is terrible and for oil?!?! I can't believe all these anti-American people living in this GREAT COUNTRY!! I mean, what the fuck??
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Maybe becasue you're an asshole fucker who can't keep hi fucking shitty ass mouth shut

by Ryan Fish Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 8:00 PM

about this stupid war and dumb President! I hate PROWAR PEOPLE!!
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Were you trying to make a point to me, all I saw were spelling errors little boy!

by Dennis Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 8:02 PM

Isn't it past your bedtime??
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Yes Ryan, You make us Anti war people look mighty fucking stupid when you can't even

by John Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 8:04 PM

spell a simple word! Stupid ass Punk!
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Anyone else notice that Susan Sarandon needs some cream on her neck?

by Jimmy Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 8:06 PM

Damn, that is awful looking!
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Why is Eddie Vedder alive???

by Jim Newby Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 9:55 PM

I thought he was dead! I couldn't believe it when I saw him! I could have sworn that piece of shit Faggot was gone! Jesus, what a fucking asshole he is! Him and Tim Robbins must fuck each other along with that old ass bitch Susan watching! What a disgrace him and all the other assholes are against America! It makes me sad to know that a "stoned surfer" (who i thought was dead) is against a Country that has been so good to him! It shows that celebrity's care about themselves and themselves ONLY! Nice glasses Tim! Fucking hypocrite aging assholes!
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How come it seems like all the "loser" selebrity's are against this war?

by "Rex Marks" Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 10:18 PM


Susan Sarandon- need I say more?

Tim Robbins- Jacob's Ladder was a real FLOP!

Michael Moore- Fat slob

Salma Hayek- fucking can't even speak English

Jennifer Aniston- She became famous because of her dad being on Days of our lives for so long

Sean Penn- Made one good movie, and three hundred bad ones

Richard Gere- Does Gerbil mean anything to you?

Eddie Vedder- GOD, where the fuck do I begin? there are so many thing swrong with that idiot!

Sheryl Crow- Does anyone know her songs? What a loser!

Dixie Chicks- The music is BAD! The little fat one has always been annoying!


Brad Pitt- Give me a break, if it wasn't for his looks he wouldn't be in the movies! He's can't fucking at worth a shit!

Julia Roberts- Damn, can you close your mouth for one minute?

I can't go on...........

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I think Julia is for the war! she's still ugly and over-rated !

by Jim Beam Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 10:43 PM

You know, if only they would keep their mouths closed! You are so right about that!
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you left out a few

by truth teller Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:00 PM

Not surprising, since all decent people oppose this war.
Here are some:

Gillian Anderson
Edward Asner
Rene Auberjonois
Kim Bassinger
Ed Begley, Jr.
Jackson Browne
Diahann Caroll
Jill Clayburgh
David Clennon
Peter Coyote
Matt Damon
David Duchovny
Mike Farrell
Mia Farrow
Laurence Fishburne
Larry Gelbart
Melissa Gilbert
Danny Glover
Elliot Gould
Robert Guillame
Ethan Hawke
Helen Hunt
Anjelica Huston
Samuel L. Jackson
Casey Kasem
Jessica Lange
Wendie Malick
Camryn Manheim
Marsha Mason
Richard Masur
Dave Mathews
Chris Noth
David Rabe
Bonnie Raitt
Carl Reiner
Tony Shalhoub
Martin Sheen
Armin Shimerman
Loretta Swit
Lily Tomlin
Dennis Weaver
James Whitmore
Alfre Woodard
Peter Yarrow
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you left out a few

by truth teller Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:00 PM

Not surprising, since all decent people oppose this war.
Here are some:

Gillian Anderson
Edward Asner
Rene Auberjonois
Kim Bassinger
Ed Begley, Jr.
Jackson Browne
Diahann Caroll
Jill Clayburgh
David Clennon
Peter Coyote
Matt Damon
David Duchovny
Mike Farrell
Mia Farrow
Laurence Fishburne
Larry Gelbart
Melissa Gilbert
Danny Glover
Elliot Gould
Robert Guillame
Ethan Hawke
Helen Hunt
Anjelica Huston
Samuel L. Jackson
Casey Kasem
Jessica Lange
Wendie Malick
Camryn Manheim
Marsha Mason
Richard Masur
Dave Mathews
Chris Noth
David Rabe
Bonnie Raitt
Carl Reiner
Tony Shalhoub
Martin Sheen
Armin Shimerman
Loretta Swit
Lily Tomlin
Dennis Weaver
James Whitmore
Alfre Woodard
Peter Yarrow
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No need to post those "cowards" twice now!

by Jen Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 9:21 AM

What's up with hitting your send button twice?
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I love Fuhrer Bush!

by Jen Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 9:26 AM

I just can't wait until all Iraqi people are wiped off the face of the Earth!
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by The real SI Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 11:04 AM

Perhaps you need to find something better to do with your time. Stop trying to cause problems by using other people's aliases. Grow up child. I haven't posted any of these anti-Ed messages on here.
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by Robert Jordan Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 11:19 AM

Please come support the cause. Massive Anti-War Rally and March!!!!! Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 12 noon. Starts in Downtown LA at Pershing Square (6th and Hill) march to (Los Angeles and Temple) Federal Building.

Remember: No one should be ashamed to march for peace. Those who tell you it is wrong to do so are very misguided.
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by USMC. Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 1:28 PM

For what it's worth, whoever posted "Patriot" should know that it is an *ANTI-POLITICAL* song. Great song and one that Pearl Jam covered numerous times. We all know Pearl Jam....The band....with a guy named Eddie Vedder in it. Thought not.
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Si, we all know who you are and we all know what you are trying to do! There

by PJ Fan Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 6:32 PM

seems to be enough people on here that hates Eddie and anyone who is friends with him without you coming on here and fucking it up worse! You're a fucking groupie that's pissed off because Ed and the rest of Pearl Jam turned you down backstage! They know that all groupies are whores and skanky ones at that! Leave Eddie and our stupid comments to yourself... it's getting quite old! Go back to the STALKER board with all the other FREAKS!
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For the record, I can't stand Eddie Vedder or his fans, but you do seem to have a really

by Les Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 6:42 PM

weird problem with Eddie!
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Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, this is probably the stupidest post about eddie Vedder I have ever

by Scott Peterson (real name, real man) Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 7:07 PM

seen! Groupies? We have an actual groupie on this board? Wasn't that the thing in the 70's & 80's and maybe early nineties? I think it's time to hang up your stockings there oldie!
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I think groupies stopped in 1985!

by Steve West Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 7:35 PM

I can't believe women actually admit that they were groupies! What skanks!
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Shit man, you took the words from my mouth! Actors and musicians

by Jimmy Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 8:56 PM

actually think the majority of America listens to their ass! Isn't that funny, to think we care what they think? I love this shit! AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL!!! I am for this WAR and for our troops and for AMERICA!!
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Great Job Eddie!!!

by Davi P. Ribeiro (BRASIL) Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 9:30 AM

Eddie, first of all, great job! This war is just one more fucking way to get oil and to destroy Iraqian people. I dream someday to go to a Pearl Jam's show to see and hear love songs from my favorite band, not bombs or destruction that we hear on TV. Hey guys come to Brasil!! :^)

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by Davi P. Ribeiro (BRASIL) Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 9:41 AM

Hey Kyle, this text is like a stupid one. Not even the smartest or those who have more culture, studied more can make a better government. Open your eyes, stop your stupid patriotism and see that Brasilian current president doesn't studied in university and he's doing better than our last president that graduated from 2 universities and speaks 6 languages. So open your eyes to the world and reflect a little bit more about this article. STOP THE WAR! BEFORE BUSH KILL MORE CIVILIANS!
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by Davi P. Ribeiro (BRASIL) Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 9:42 AM

Hey Kyle, this text is like a stupid one. Not even the smartest or those who have more culture, studied more can make a better government. Open your eyes, stop your stupid patriotism and see that Brasilian current president didnt study in university and he's doing better than our last president that graduated from 2 universities and speaks 6 languages. So open your eyes to the world and reflect a little bit more about this article. STOP THE WAR! BEFORE BUSH KILL MORE CIVILIANS!
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Hey, it looks like we have "the real talented actors and celebrity's on our Pro-war s

by Thank GOD Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 2:54 PM

Disgusted by the constant blathering idiocy spewing from a number of talking heads from Hollywood, I decided to make a list of pro-liberty and pro-American thinkers in Tinseltown.

My initial guess was that the list would not exhaust my supply of fingers. I was amazed to discover that perhaps Hollywood isn't as pinko as I previously believed.

Some of the folks below are towering intellectuals who transcend traditional party boundaries. Other are simply hard-core conservatives. Some are supermen and superwomen who feel more at-home on this side of the political fence, while others are just good common people.

Charleton Heston Charleton was ranked #28 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. Charleton is the Co-chairman of the American Air Museum in Britain. Charleton was elected First Vice-President of the NRA in 1997 and was elected President in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. Charleton was President of the Screen Actors Guild from 1966 to 1971. Charleton volunteered his time and effort to the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, and marched alongside the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on a number of occasions. In the original (uncut) version of "King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis" (1970), he appears as a narrator.
Charleton Heston at Harvard Law School

Arnold Schwarzenegger Born the son of a police officer in Austria, Arnold is the very defnition of a self-made man, and Arnold because a U.S. citizen in 1983. Arnold graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Superior with a major in international marketing of fitness and business administration. Arnold has received an honorary Doctorate from his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin Superior and from Chapman University in Orange, California. Arnold was ranked #20 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list.

Kim Alexis Supermodel Kim Alexis has over 500 magazine covers and had worked in the fashion and beauty world for over 22 years. Kim was the international spokeswoman for Revlon and has done numerous commercials and print work. Kim has also been featured in 6 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues. Kim's broadcasting included three years as the Fashion Editor of Good Morning America (ABC), the host of Parenting and Beyond (CBS), Your Mind and Body (Time Inc.), Healthy Kids (Family), Ticket to Adventure (Travel), and Network New York (British Airways). Kim was recently seen on the A&E Latin Dancesport and was the fitness and nutrition correspondent for the 700 Club (Fox Family). Kim guest hosted many shows including Attitudes (Lifetime), Oprah (with a fashion show), The Home Show (ABC), and the Miss World Pageant. As a fitness expert, Kim has competed in 7 marathons and two triathlons. Kim has combined fitness with broadcasting and ran the LA Marathon for a fashion segment for Good Morning America, did a week long fitness series for ABC in LA, and worked for ESPN right after completing a triathlon! A published author as well, Kim wrote with A Little Luck, a fictional book on the modeling industry and A Model for a Better Future where Kim tackles the challenging topic of Christianity and morals.

James Woods James grew up in Warwick, R.I. He graduated from Pilgrim High School there in 1965 near the top of his class and attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he majored in Political Science. James serves as a Reserve Los Angeles Police Officer. James has an IQ of 180 and scored a perfect 800 on his verbal SATs and a 779 on the math section.
"I love George Bush right now and I always have. I’m the only guy in L.A. who voted for him."

James Reynolds James is best known for his roles in Days of Our Lives and Generations. James served as a United States Marine in Vietnam.
USO Launches New Celebrity Tour Program

Bruce Willis Bruce was born in Idar-Oberstein, West Germany and grew up in PennsGrove, New Jersey. Bruce attended Montclair State College in Montclair, NJ. Bruce's recording of "Respect Yourself" reached #5 in January of 1987. Bruce was named Man of the Year by Harvard University's Hasty Pudding Theatricals. In addition to acting, Bruce is a producer, a writer, and a composer.

Bo Derek Bo emerged as a political conservative when she campaigned successfully for George W. Bush during the 2000 Presidential campaign.

Wilt Chamberlain Wilt was born in Philadephia and graduated from the University of Kansas. NBA Rookie of the Year (1960). Wilt was named the NBA Most Valuable Player four times (1960, 1966, 1967, 1968) and was named an NBA All-Star thirteen times (1960-69, 1971-73). Wilt campaigned for President Nixon in 1968 and served as a Nixon delegate to the 1968 Republican Convention.
Read Wilt's bio on

Clint Eastwood Clint was elected Mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California in 1986. Clint was ranked #2 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. Clint served in the U.S. Army. Clint was sworn in as parks commissioner for state of California at Big Basin Redwood Park, Santa Cruz, CA, 8 June 2002. Clint received an honorary Cesar award in Paris, France for his body of work. Clint received the Career Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival.
"Abuse of power isn't limited to bad guys in other nations. It happens in our own country if we're not vigilant."

"At Waco, was there really an urgency to get those people out of the compound at that particular time? Was the press going to make it look heroic for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? At Ruby Ridge, there was one guy in a cabin at the top of the mountain. Was it necessary for federal agents to go up there and shoot a 14-year-old in the back and shoot a woman with a child in her arms? What kind of mentality does that?"

"Those in power get jaded, deluded, and seduced by power itself. The hunger for absolute power and, more to the point, the abuse of power, are part of human nature."

Patricia Heaton Best known as Debra Barone on Everybody Loves Raymond, Patricia is also the honorary chairperson of Feminists for Life

Emilio Navaira Emilio Navaira, along with his brother Raul, were one of the hottest Tejano/Country Duo's of the 90's, earning numerous awards, achievements and top record sales. Emilio, who grew up in San Antonio, Texas, dreamed of becoming a singer since he was a small child. At the young age of four, he received his first guitar. Emilio has earned over twenty Tejano Music Awards, including Album of the Year six times, Male Entertainter of the Year five times, and Humanitatian of the Year.

Rick Schroeder Rick is best known for his roles n Silver Spoons and NYPD Blue, where he earned a Viewers for Quality Television Award nomination for Best Actor in a Quality Drama. Rick spoke at the Republican Convention in 2000. Rick has been an NRA member since the age of 16.

Lee Greenwood Lee's career stands as a shining example of the American success story. From his humble beginnings on a farm near Sacramento, California, Lee has taken his natural talent and achieved worldwide recognition in the entertainment business with a career so far spanning three decades. Only two years after the release of his debut album, he won the coveted Country Music Association's Male Vocalist of the Year award. He won the same award again, as well as a Grammy for Best Male Country Vocal Performance the following year. Continuing his streak, Greenwood won the 1984 ACM Male Vocalist of the Year award. His first three albums achieved gold status, and his Greatest Hits quickly went platinum. In 1985, a less publicized facet of his talent was recognized when the CMA awarded him Song of the Year honors for penning both the words and music to "God Bless The USA." After the Gulf War in 1991, Lee was one of the most in-demand performers. Because of his support for the military and veterans during that time, Lee would often play two and sometimes three shows per day, traveling to and from in private jets. The staying power of this dynamic performer throughout fifteen successful touring years remains evident in every Lee Greenwood show. Thirty albums, numerous TV appearances, and hundreds of radio interviews are all vehicles through which this tireless performer maintains his visibility with the public. His celebrity tours with the United Services Organization (USO) are one of the many high-profile charity organizations to which this humanitarian donates his time. Since the tragedies of September 11, Lee has seen his signature hit "God Bless The U.S.A." take on yet another life. Since the attack on America, airplay has increased ten fold, skyrocketing "God Bless The U.S.A." back into the top 20 of the Billboard country airplay chart, and sending Lee's 1992 album "American Patriot" to the top of the sales charts. The album was certified gold in October 2001 & platinum in December 2001.

Sara Evans While growing up poor in rural Missouri, Evans performed with her family's band -- at the age of four -- and even recorded in Nashville several years later. She eventually married and moved to Oregon in 1992, but continued to perform, as Sara Evans & North Santiam. The group opened for Willie Nelson and Tim McGraw, among others, but Evans eventually returned to Nashville to re-make her career. After her debut album Three Chords & the Truth was released in July 1997, Evans earned a special honor by being hand-picked by George Jones to open a special show in Nashville. No Place That Far followed a year later, and in 1999 she resurfaced with Girls Night Out; Born to Fly was issued the next year. Sara's Husband, Craig Schelske is a Republican candidate for congress from Oregon.

Sara and Craig with President Bush

Charles Barkley Charles played 16 seasons in the NBA with the Philadelphia 76ers (1984-85 to 1991-92), Phoenix Suns (1992-93 to 1995-96), and Houston Rockets (1996-97 to 1999-2000). Charles was voted one of the NBA's fifty greatest players of all time. Barkeley is contemplating running for Governor of Alabama on the Republican ticket.
Read Barkley Bites on

Ann-Margret Born in Sweden but adopted by America, she is the consummate entertainer. One of the world's most glamorous and versatile superstars, she has twice been nominated for an Academy Award, won five Golden Globe Awards, and received five Emmy nominations. She draws sell-out crowds in Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Radio City Music Hall and is a three-time winner of the "Female Star of the Year" award given by the United Motion Picture Association.

Ted Nugent Ted is a member of the NRA and has been on the Board of Directors since 1995. Ted has also founded his own hunting group "Ted Nugent Sportsmen of America. Ted has recorded 29 albums which have sold over 30 million copies. Ted is the editor and publisher of Adventure Outdoors Magazine and is the author of several books. Ted was honored on the floor of the U.S. senate in 1994. Ted was named Michigan Conservationist of the Year in 1999. Ted has served as a Michigan County Sheriff's Deputy since 1978.
Read Ted's interview with Hannity and Colmes.

Larry Gatlin Over 40 years ago, Larry, Steve, and Rudy Gatlin started singing in their hometown of Abilene, Texas, and from there went on to make music history. Over the course of a four-decade career that has taken the Gatlin brothers from dusty Texas stages to White House performances, from Broadway to Grammy Awards to the top of the country charts, there has been one unifying element, music. There’s no harmony quite as pure as family harmony. Gatlin harmonies spin with high and light precision and their music bleeds and screams of love and a lot of living. Beginning in 1993, Larry spent part of four successive Christmas holidays entertaining military personnel via USO tours. Those treks took him literally around the world, making stops in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Somalia and Japan. In '94, Larry's trip to Haiti made him the first American entertainer to travel for the USO to visit troops on that island.

Emma Caulfield Emma is best known as Anya Emerson on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Emma has been a recurring character on various shows, such as: "Saved By The Bell: The New Class," "Renegade," "Silk Stalkings," "Weird Science," "Nash Bridges," and "Beverly Hills: 90210." Emma found herself on the wrong side of Hollywood politics when she announced she was a big fan of Elizabeth Dole and would voluteer for her Presidential campaign.

Dennis Miller Dennis was born in Pittsburgh and graguated from Point Park College. Dennis has won five Emmy's, two CableACE awards, and two Writers Guild of Aerica Awards. Dennis has published two books The Rants and Ranting Again. Dennis supported Gore in 2000, but has recovered and is feeling much better now.
"[Referring to George W. Bush] He's my President and I'm proud of that... ...makes me proud to be an American again. He’s just a decent guy"

Pat Sajak Pat was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1946 and attended Columbia College. Hired at his first job in broadcasting in 1967, he left college in 1968 to volunteer for the Army and was posted to Vietnam, where he served as a morning disc jockey on Armed Forces Radio. Following his discharge, Mr. Sajak's broadcasting career brought him to television station KNBC in Los Angeles, where he performed weather duties and hosted a weekend talk show. Wheel of Fortune creator Merv Griffin hired him to host the then-daytime game show in 1981, adding the syndicated evening version in 1983. Since then, the program has been the most watched show of any kind in syndication. Mr. Sajak's honors and awards include three Emmys, a People's Choice Award, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In addition to his broadcasting career, he owns a radio station in Annapolis, Maryland, a television production company (in association with Sony Pictures), a music publishing company and a record label. He has performed readings with, and guest-conducted for, the Dallas, Pacific and Florida Symphony Orchestras, and serves on the boards of the Claremont Institute and the American Cinema Foundation.
Read The Disconnect Between Hollywood and America by Pat Sajak

Kathy Ireland In addition to her enormously successful modeling career, Kathy is the author of Powerful Inspirations: Eight Lessons That Will Change Your Life. In her goal to promote fitness, health and well-being, Kathy became a certified fitness instructor in 1994, and has since released her best-selling fitness videos, which include: Kathy Ireland's Total Fitness, Kathy Ireland's Body Specifics, and Great Buns in 12 Minutes. Partly fulfilling her journalistic interests, Kathy is a contributing editor to Fitness Magazine. Kathy is the Entertainment Industry Foundation's Ambassador for the National Women's Cancer Research Alliance, the Honorary Chairperson for the March of Dimes WalkAmerica program, and the National Chairperson of Family Services and Parenting for Athletes and Entertainers for Kids. Kathy is also active in the Special Olympics, Feed the Children, Casa Julia de Burgos in Puerto Rico (for battered women and children), the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission, Project Inform in San Francisco (disseminates HIV/AIDS treatment information nationwide), among many other charities and important causes.

Al Leiter New York Mets All-Star Al Leiter campaigned for George W. Bush in Florida for his 2000 election. Al is an avid coordinator and participant in aid organizations. After signing a four-year, $32 million contract with the Mets in 1998, Al publicly pledged to donate $1 million to kids' causes, mostly through a foundation he and his wife started and ran. Among his gifts to the communities was his establishment of a tutoring project in Harlem and a $100,000 donation for the construction of a Little League baseball field in his hometown of Toms River, New Jersey. Al is contemplating a campaign for the U.S. Senate from his home of New Jersey in 2008.
Read Al's bio on

Lisa Kennedy Lisa is most famous as the host of the TV game show Friend or Foe. Less well-known is the pink Republican elephant tattooed on her upper left thigh.
"I think that people should have the freedom to do what they want with their lives, regardless of whether somebody else finds it to be immoral. There shouldn’t be as many laws when it comes to things like marijuana. Gay people should be allowed to marry, it’s not up to moralists to decide who people love."
"I don’t believe in the kind of strict, totalitarian gun control that we have in this country, and I believe in free trade and open markets. People should decide what’s right for them. I believe in liberty. The government needs to step aside."
"People feel that so much is taken from them that they have lost control. They don’t understand why so much money is being taken out of their paychecks. Why can’t they make decisions as to how to spend their money themselves? I’d like to see an itemized tax return. You check where you want your money to go. We’d have a set amount that goes to schools, highways and police officers. The rest you decide for yourself. You decide if you want to put your money in schools and whether it goes to primary education or secondary education or perhaps to offset student loans. Or, you might want to put more money in defense or hiring more police officers."

Tom Selleck Tom received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. He was chosen because of his outstanding character and ethic. He is a board member of the non-profit Michael Josephson Institute of Ethics and co-founder of the Character Counts Coalition. Tom was a member of the California National Guard and was activated for the Watts riots. Tom is a member of the NRA and has apeared in ads supporting the NRA. Tom received an Emmy for his role as Magnum P.I. Tom is a registered independent.

Martina McBride "The breathtaking soprano of Martina McBride is one of the greatest vocal instruments in contemporary popular music. That she applies it to songs of uncommon integrity makes its impact all the more thrilling.

Jesse Ventura In November 1990, professional wrestler turned actor Jesse Ventura was elected to a four-year term as mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. In November 1998, Ventura, as a member of the Reform Party, was elected Governor of Minnesota. Jesse is a former U.S. Navy SEAL.

Shannen Doherty Best known for her roles on 90210 and Charmed, Shannen received quite a bit of heat from leftist Hollywood for leading the Pledge of Allegiance at the Republican National Convention.
"I'm a conservative. I was an avid supporter of Ronald Reagan; I thought he was fabulous."

R Lee Ermey Best known for his role in Full Metal Jacket, R. Lee Ermey was in the Marine Corps for eleven years. He rose to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, and his Marine service included one and a half tours in Vietnam. After injuries forced him to retire from military service, he moved to the Phillipines, enrolling in the University of Manila, where he studied Criminology and Drama. He has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award and has won the Best Supporting Actor Award from the Boston Society of Film Critics.

Pete Nice Brooklyn native 3rd Bass rapper Pete Nice counts himself as one of the most hip-hop members of the Republican Party.

Jimmie Vaughan Fabulous Thunderbirds guitarist Jimmie Vaughan is far more than just one of the greatest and most respected guitarists in the world of popular music. As Guitar Player magazine notes, "He is a virtual deity--a living legend." Jimmie's web site includes not only a US flag, but also links to the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Kim Serafin You may know Kim from Spin City, The Single Guy or Boy Meets World. You may not know she served as Deputy Press Secretary to NY Major Rudolph Guliani. Kim was also an Honors scholar at New York University.

James Earl Jones Best known as the voice of Darth Vader, James won Tony awards for The Great White Hope and Fences. James is graduated from the University of Michigan. James is a former Officer in the U.S. Army
"All people have to be prepared. If we are going to be the police, we also have to be the guardians. We can no longer play games."
"I was not against the war in Bosnia. I was against it taking so long. I was not against the war in Somalia. Again, it took too long, and we didn't finish the job. We should've stayed and finished the job. About this pending war, I just think we should've finished that war the first time."

Cheryl Ladd Cheryl is best known for her role as Kris Munroe on Charlie's Angels. Cheryl has also recorded two albums, Cheryl Ladd, and Dance Forever. Cheryl is the co-author (with her husband Brian Russell) of The Adventures of Little Nettie Windship.

Cheryl Ladd in Saudi Arabia in 2001

John Malkovich John won an Obie Award in Sam Shepard's play "True West", an Emmy for "Death of a Salesman", an Academy Award nomination for "Places in the Heart", and nominations for both the Academy Award and the Golden Globe for "In the Line of Fire.
"America's left wing wants criminals coddled, and no one wants anyone punished," he says. "I would have no problem pushing the switch while having dinner."
"We're all going to die, so it should just be called the early death penalty."

Heather Locklear Best known for her roles on Melrose Place and Spin City, Heather is the most sought-after television actress in Hollywood. "I think there are very few proven, successful television stars today, and there's no doubt Heather Locklear is one of them," NBC Entertainment President Jeff Zucker told Daily Variety. "She's funny, she's dramatic, she's lovable. She's a proven winner." In a "Parade" magazine article, the blue-eyed, blonde- haired actress admits she is part African and Native American. Locklear says her last name is very common to members of a tribe called the "Lumbee," and she traces her roots back to that tribe way back on her father's side. She attributes her Caucasian-dominated looks to her mother's side of the family, which is predominantly Scottish.

See Heather Locklear go to Marine Corps Bootcamp with Marie Claire!

Drew Carey This U.S. Marine Corps veteran lists himself as a Libertarian.
"The less [government] the better. As far as your personal goals are and what you actually want to do with your life, it should never have to do with the government. You should never depend on the government for your retirement, your financial security, for anything. If you do, you're screwed... That's all the government should be: Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines (laughs)." "I think a lot of people are afraid of freedom. They want their lives to be controlled, to be put into a box... Why should someone put a limit on how much fun I can have, how much I can accomplish?" -- interview in Reason magazine. "

Kurt Russell At the Cato Institute 20th Anniversary Banquet in 1997, Russell said he's been a libertarian for more than two decades.

Marie Osmond Marie was first thrust into the spotlight in 1963 on "The Andy Williams Show" when the host placed the three-year old on his lap and introduced her as "the youngest Osmond Brother". Marie began to make a name for herself at 13 years of age when she exploded onto the music charts (#1 country/#5 pop) with "Paper Roses", marking the first time in country music history that a female artist debuted with a #1 record. Marie earned a gold record and Grammy nominations for Best Female Country Vocal Performance and Best New Artist. Marie released In My Little Corner Of The World (1974) and Who's Sorry Now (1975), the title track of which went Top 40. Among the many TV guest appearances she made, one featured a duet of "I'm Leaving It All Up To You" and a guest hosting role with brother, Donny. That, in turn, led to their weekly television variety series "The Donny & Marie Show" (1976-81). In 1979, Marie starred in the Christmas Classic TV movie "The Gift Of Love" with James Woods and Timothy Bottoms. Marie would later co-host the television series "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" (1985) and lend her voice-over and singing talents to children's videos such as "The Velveteen Rabbit" (1985), "Rose-Petal Place: Real Friends" (1987), "Buster and Chauncey's Silent Night" (1998) and "O'Christmas Tree" (1998). Marie returned to recording country music with There's No Stopping Your Heart (1985) which featured two #1 country hits: the title track and "Meet Me In Montana", a duet with Dan Seals which won the CMA's Vocal Duo of the Year award. I Only Wanted You (1986) earned her a CMA Vocal Duo of the Year nomination, this time with Paul Davis for the #1 country hit "You're Still New To Me". Two other albums followed, All In Love (1988) and Steppin' Stone (1989), as did a 1989 nomination by the Academy of Country Music as Top Female Vocalist. For many years, she toured "Marie Osmond's The Magic Of Christmas" show in major venues across the United States during the holidays. She continued her acting career performing the lead role of Maria in the national touring company of Rodgers & Hammerstein's "The Sound Of Music" in 1994-95 (reprising her role on a Southeast Asia tour in the summer of 1997) and in the 1995 television sitcom "Maybe This Time" with Betty White. In 1997, she made her Broadway debut as Anna in Rodgers & Hammerstein's "The King & I", opening to rave reviews. In the spring of 1998, she headlined the national touring production in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Marie co-founded, with John Schneider, the Children's Miracle Network, a project of The Osmond Foundation. The largest annual broadcast in fundraising history, it has raised in excess of 1.8 billion dollars since 1983, 100% of which has stayed in the local area in which it was raised for medical treatment, research and assistance, benefiting children's hospitals throughout the U.S. and Canada. In 1989, the Country Music Foundation presented Marie with the prestigious Roy Acuff Award in recognition of her efforts on behalf of children.
"I'm a Libertarian. I think a lot of people are libertarians and are afraid to admit it -- or don't know."

Pell and Teller Penn Jilette and Teller are both Libertarians. Teller is a Mencken Research Fellow at the Cato Institute.
"....At some point, you've got to go -- and I realize that people don't even hear this any more -- with the First Amendment defense: Congress shall make no law. As Justice Douglas said, those are the only words you need in that amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...." Do we need to see it [before we decide to censor]? No: Congress shall make no law." (Penn)

Russell Means Russell is a world-renowned figure with achievements in many areas. Actor ("Last of the Mohicans," "Natural Born Killers," "Pocahontas"), author (Where White Men Fear To Tread), political activist (founder of AIM, the American Indian Movement; candidate for Libertarian Party presidential nomination in 1988), singer, entrepreneur, and much more.
"Freedom is for everyone, whatever lifestyle they choose, as long as it's peaceful and honest -- from high-tech entrepreneur to hippie in a commune and everyone in between..."

"American Indians are caught in the same dilemma as libertarians. We're neither left nor right. We're just for freedom. The left only came around when they needed martyrs. When we wouldn't be martyrs, they abandoned us."

"I'm for a free market. I only oppose the misuse of technology. A libertarian society would not allow anyone to injure others by pollution because it insists on individual responsibility. That's part of the beauty of libertarianism."
Read India's interview in Cigar Aficianado

Barret Swatek Barrett is best known as Cheryl on the hit WB series "7th Heaven."

Barret with Sean Hannity

Tracy Scoggins Tracy is best known for her role as Captain Elizabeth Lochley on Babylon Five. The first time the public at large learned of Tracy Scoggins, she was three years old and the Galveston Daily News did a feature article on the youngest citizen ever to apply for and receive a library card. The following fifteen years saw numerous reports of Tracy's athletic accomplishments. Her parents home was filled with trophies from her victories, often for sports in which many told her she was too tall to excel (i.e. gymnastics, springboard diving). "There is no inspiration more powerful to me than the opposition of some joyless nay-sayer," she smiles, "so Hollywood provides the perfect setting for my prosperity." In addition to her film, television and stage work, Tracy takes on other projects that she believes in. This was made evident when she teamed up with Black Entertainment Television's popular talk show Other Voices host, Bev Smith, to host the video Rape is Not An Option. The video makes a convincing case for rape prevention, providing several highly effective, common-sense self-defense techniques which require no special skills. Rape is Not An Option was "Highly Recommended" in both Library Journal and Video Rating Guide. Known for her athletic prowess, Tracy was a natural to star in two workout videos. In Tough Stuff, which she also produced, she leads a plyometric workout with friends Marcus Allen, former world champion boxer Carlos Palomino and pro-beach volleyball player Randy Stoklos. The second video, Mind Your Body on ABC Home Video, combines a high energy workout with Tracy's motivational coaching.

Edward Hermann It should not come as a suprise that the star of Harry's War is a Libertarian.

John Larroquette John won a record four Emmy's for his portrayal of Dan Fielding on Night Court. John is a member of the Libertarian Party.

Denis Leary Denis is a self-described libertarian. Denis founded the Leary Firefighters' Foundation charity in response to the Dec. 3, 1999 warehouse fire that killed six firefighters in his hometown of Worcester, MA. His cousin Jeremiah Lucey was among the six heroic firefighters killed. Leary also established a second division of LFFF, the Leary Firefighters' Foundation Fund for New York's Finest in response to the FDNY's losses in the Sept. 11th attacks.

David Ruprecht Libertarian David Ruprecht, former co-host of NBC's "Real People," is currently best known to television audiences as the host of "Supermarket Sweep." David also spent two years as Dan Ryan on "Days of Our Lives," before his recurring role on the hit sitcom of the 1980s "Three's Company." Television audiences also know Ruprecht from his frequent guest star appearances on a number of top-rated series, "Family Law," "Sisters," "Beverly Hills 90210," "Full House," "Family Matters," "St. Elsewhere" and "Moonlighting," for starters. He starred as Thurston Howell IV in "The Harlem Globe Trotters on Gilligan's Island," opposite John Huston in "Minor Miracle," with Cloris Leachman in "Perfectly Frank" and has also graced the Broadway stage. Ruprecht was also the radio voice in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan." A member of the Writer's Guild of America, Ruprecht is also a Hollywood scribe with five episodes of the sitcom "Small Wonder" credited to his quill. He has sold two screenplays, "Finding Home," and "Charlie's Wake," co-written with Dick Christie.

Aaron Russo Aaron is a top Hollywood producer. His films -- which include "The Rose" (starring Bette Midler), "Trading Places," and "Missing Pieces" -- have received six Academy Awards and two Golden Globe nominations. He was the first producer in Hollywood history to command a $1 million fee. Russo has been remarkably outspoken in his opposition to run-amok government. In 1994 he attempted to launch a new political party, the Constitution Party, which had a platform almost identical in theme to that of the Libertarian Party. Shortly thereafter he produced and starred in a sizzling hour-long videotape, "Aaron Russo's Mad As Hell." In the tape -- which was sold via mail and also aired in some late-night "infomercial" spots -- Russo goes after government abuses in a slash-and-burn style, sometimes humorous, sometimes angry, sometimes poignant. Among the major targets are the IRS -- which stands for, he says, "It Really Sucks" -- the War on Drugs, the Social Security scam, and the FDA. In 1998 Aaron ran for the Republican nomination for governor of the state of Nevada. In 2000, he supported the Libertarian party.
"My principles are freedom for all people... I'm trying to wake up Hollywood. It's been a bastion of freedom but they're being deceived, suckered into this indoctrination of the federal government which is leading toward a totalitarian country. They've lost sight of individual liberty."

India Allen India was Playboy Playmate of the Month for December 1987 and Playmate of the Year for 1998.
"I am incredibly conservative, I dress conservatively. I live conservatively. I have a very strong belief in God. I watch Rush Limbaugh on television. I'm a die-hard Republican. It never occurred to me that I couldn't pose nude and still be a Republican. Just because you're a Republican doesn't mean you have a closed mind. I believe in conservative values, traditional family values. I believe in doing my best to do the right thing, to live the right way and do the best for my daughter."

Howard Stern The self-proclaimed "King of All Media," shock-jock Stern's syndicated radio program is the number one-rated talk radio show in America, reaching an estimated 20 million listeners every week. Howard has authored two national best-selling books: Private Parts and Miss America. He stars -- as himself -- in the film "Private Parts," based on his autobiography. "Private Parts" was a smash at the box office and received much critical praise as well. Howard had expressed sympathy for libertarian ideas and the Libertarian Party on his radio show since the mid-1980's. In 1988 Howard gave Libertarian Party presidential candidate Ron Paul a brief plug. In 1990 Howard endorsed the Libertarian Party candidate for governor of New York. In March 1993, Howard announced he would run for governor of New York as a Libertarian Party candidate. The announcement set off a wave of national publicity for the party and for Howard. Howard dropped out of the race after winning the nomination, after learning he would have to comply with state-mandated financial disclosure laws. Howard has publicly argued for many libertarian positions, including ending the War on Drugs, repealing victimless crime laws, privatizing virtually all government functions, supporting a free market, and others. He has had a running battle with the Federal Communications Commission over free speech issues. He is currently fighting FCC fines totaling over $1.5 million. Needless to say, he joins with other libertarians in calling for the abolition of the FCC. Howard graduated magna cum laude from Boston University in 1976 with a major in broadcasting and film. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Allison, for 15 years, and they have three children.
"I'm for personal freedom. I'm for freedom of the marketplace."

"And if Donald Trump delivered the mail, you could send letters for 12 cents, and also gamble with the stamps."

Neil Peart Drummer and chief lyricist for the dynamic rock band Rush, Neil Peart first discovered libertarian ideas through the works of Ayn Rand. Rush's 1976 album, 2112, was inspired by Rand's novel "Anthem," and in the liner notes Peart declares his admiration for "the genius of Ayn Rand." Rush's last 16 albums have gone either gold or platinum, and the band has been a top live attraction since their first album in 1974. Peart is one of the most highly-praised drummers in rock music today. Rush's songs often reflect a strong libertarian and individualist slant. Their best-known song, "Tom Sawyer," celebrates individual freedom. Among the lyrics: "His mind is not for rent/To any god or government." Neil is a supporter of Artists Against Racism.

Loretta Lynn To millions of people worldwide, she is country music. Since the 1960s, Loretta Lynn has been one of country’s modern pillars, a woman whose rise from hardscrabble poverty to the heights of fame remains the quintessential success story. A member of the Country Music Hall of Fame, she has long been considered a legend, someone whose talent, perseverance, and personality continue to embody all the best that is country music. Loretta's autobiography, Coal Miner’s Daughter, became a #1 New York Times best-seller and then a critically acclaimed movie. Loretta was named one of the ten most admired women in the world by the Ladies Home Journal. She was the first country entertainer ever to appear on the cover of Newsweek. Her A&E Live By Request special was their fourth highest-rated ever. She has sung with both Conway Twitty and Luciano Pavarotti, and she has received an honorary doctor of arts degree from the University of Kentucky. Loretta has released 70 albums, 17 of which went to #1, and has had 80 chart hits, including 55 top ten singles and 27 #1 singles. Her legacy of hits includes Don’t Come Home A Drinkin’ (with Lovin’ On Your Mind), Fist City, You’re Lookin’ At Country, One’s On The Way, Hey Loretta, The Pill, and She’s Got You. She has won more awards than any female artist in country music history--21 CMA, ACM, and Grammy awards to date, along with a host of others. She was the first woman ever named Entertainer of the Year by both the CMA and the ACM.

John Popper John's vocals and harmonica give Blues Traveller their distintive sound. John played The Star-Spangled Banner on the harmonica at Florida Governor Jeb Bush's inauguration. Popper, describing himself as "a Libertarian who is a Republican when pushed," said it was likely the first time the national anthem had been played on a harmonica at an inauguration. Freedom loving firearm owners will particularly enjoy "Business as Usual from the Straight on Till Morning CD."

Lauren Bush Lauren isn't just the latest and prettiest Tommy-Girl model for Tommy Hilfinger, and she isn't just the niece of President Bush. A model for several years now, Lauren has graced the cover of Town and Country (September 2001 issue), the London fashion magazine Tatler, Vogue, W, Talk, and Vanity Fair. Pirelli chose Lauren as the cover model for their limited edition 2002 calendar. As busy as she is, Lauren has devoted her time to public service in typical Bush style. Lauren has done work on behalf of children's shelters, hospitals, women re-entering the workforce, and various animal rights groups. Lauren is also working with Anthony Shriver and Kip Forbes on behalf of Best Buddies -- a non-profit organization based in Houston dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with neuro-developmental disabilities.
"I'm a new conservative. I was a bleeding-heart liberal until I got a job."

Dr. Demento Dr. Demento, America's undisputed king of weird and way-out music, has been a libertarian for years, and has dee-jayed parties at Libertarian Party national conventions. Dr. Demento is host of the appropriately-named "The Dr. Demento Show," a weekly syndicated radio show that has aired for over 25 years. Dr. Demento has described his show as "Mad music and crazy comedy from out of the archives and off the wall. Rare records and outrageous tapes from yesterday, today, and tomorrow." Dr. Demento (aka Baret Eugene Hansen, aka Barry) graduated from Oregon's Reed College in 1963, but went back for a master's in folk music. While in college Barry Hansen began reviewing records for Rolling Stone Magazine. The good doctor supposedly got his name when Barry was playing "Transfusion" by Nervous Norvus on the radio one day, and someone said, "You've gotta be demented to play that!" Shortly thereafter, the DJ before him announced, "And now, ladies and gentlemen, here's... Dr. Demento!" A star was born. The Dr. Demento Show is heard on 200 stations in the U.S. and on the Armed Forces Radio Network.

Dave Barry Dave is a libertarian, and has been one for years. He credits libertarian writer Sheldon Richman with converting him to libertarianism.
"With the federal deficit running at several hundred billion dollars per year, Congress passed a transportation bill that, according to news reports, includes $30 million for a 'high-tech' moving sidewalk in Altoona, which happens to be in the district of Rep. 'Bud' Shuster, the ranking Republican on the surface transportation subcommittee. "I don't know about you, but as a taxpayer, I am outraged to discover that, in this day and age, Altoona residents are still being forced to walk around on regular low-tech stationary sidewalks. I'm thinking of maybe organizing a group of us to go there and carry Altoonans on our backs until they get their new sidewalk. I'm also thinking that maybe we should donate an additional $10 million or so to build them a high-tech computerized Spit Launcher that will fire laser-guided gobs onto the moving sidewalk, so the Altoonans won't have to do this manually. 'What have I done today to help keep 'Bud' Shuster in Congress?' is a question we all need to ask ourselves more often."

Chuck Norris Chuck Norris is an Executive Producer of Walker, Texas Ranger as well as the actor in the title role. Norris is familiar to fans worldwide as the star of action films including The Hitman, Delta Force, and Delta Force II. He also starred in Missing in Action and its sequels, Firewalker and Sidekicks. Norris was born Carlos Ray in Ryan, Oklahoma. The eldest of three children, he helped his mother raise his two younger brothers in Torrance, California, where his family moved when he was 12. Norris joined the Air Force after graduating from high school. During a stint in Korea, he began to study the Asian martial art of Tang Soo Do. After returning home, Norris worked for Northrop Aviation and moonlighted as a karate instructor. Two years later, he was teaching full-time and running a number of martial-arts schools. In 1968, Norris became the Professional World Middleweight Karate Champion. He held the title undefeated until he retired in 1974. He is a black belt in Tang Soo Do and Tae Kwan Do, both Korean fighting arts. In 1969, he earned the Triple Crown for the highest number of tournament wins, and was named Fighter of the Year by Black Belt magazine. By the time he was 34, Norris had established 32 karate schools and had been a champion for six years. In 1996, he became the first Westerner to be awarded an eighth-degree black belt in Tae Kwan Do. Chuck is the author of the books The Secret of Inner Strength and The Secret Power Within - Zen Solutions to Real Problems.. He works for many charities, including the Funds for Kids, Veterans Administration National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans, the United Way Make-a-Wish Foundation, and Kick Drugs Out of America, a nonprofit organization he created to help battle drugs and violence in schools. Chuck campaigned for President Bush in 1998. Chuck received the "Veteran of the Year 2001" honor at the 6th Annual 'American Veteran Awards'.

Gerald McRaney Gerald McRaney, star of TV's "Major Dad" and "Simon and Simon," is a USO veteran. The actor has traveled to what he calls some of the "world's garden spots" frequented by American troops. He's signed autographs and shaken hands with troops in Haiti, Somalia and other hotspots. During his USO travels, McRaney said he's often met up with the Army's 10th Mountain Division. "They're always deployed," he said. "If there's trouble going on, 10th Mountain is going to be in the middle of it. I visited with them in Saudi Arabia. I saw them in Somalia and then again in Haiti." Gerald was honored with the Audie Murphy Patriotism Award at the Spirit of America Festival.

Gerald with Defense Secretary William S. Cohen in March 2000.

Linda Davis The complete entertainer is the only way to accurately define the colorful career of Grammy winner Linda Davis. She has built a reputation as a world-class entertainer and is considered one of the best female vocalists in the business by some of her most well known peers. CMA and TNN Music City News awards flank her Grammy to prove that they’re not alone in their opinions.
"(What is your favorite thing to do on a day off?) Trap or skeet shoot."

Fred Thompson Most recognizable as DA Arthur Branch on Law & Order, Fred was elected in 1994 as a United States Senator from Tennessee.

Kelsey Grammer
"I think he [President Bush] makes a lot of sense and he's had some clarity when it was very important."

"The thing I most respond to in the political arena is people that actually don't play politics, and I think President Bush comes from a place that is sincere."

John Gavin John served as an Air Intelligence Officer with the U.S. Navy from 1952 to 1955. John was President of the Screen Actors Guild from 1971 to 1973. John also served as the US Ambassador to Mexico.

Delta Burke Delta Burke is best known for her portrayal as Suzanne Sugarbaker in CBS's Designing Women which ran for five seasons. Delta received two Emmy award nominations for Best Actress in a Comedy Series. Delta represented Florida in the Miss America Pagent, and won a talent scholarship, which she used to attend a two-year study program at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. Her first television role came after only one month of her arrival in Los Angeles. Delta starred in two mini-series, The Seekers and The Chisolms. Delta had the leading role in the series Filthy Rich and a starring role in HBO's first weekly series, First and Ten. Through her own production company, Perseverance, Inc., Delta produced and starred in the ABC television series Delta. Delta actually sang in the series and dyed her dark hair blonde for the role. Delta was reunited with Designing Women creator Linda Bloodworth Thomason when she starred in and produced Women of the House. Much of her time now is spent designing clothing and managing her New York company, Delta Burke Design, which is becoming very successful.

Tony Danza Tony received an Emmy Award nomination for a guest-starring role in the series "The Practice" and critical acclaim for his performance in the Broadway revival of Eugene O'Neill's "The Iceman Cometh." He is best known, however, for his loveable sitcom personae. Following a five-year run in "Taxi" (1978), he starred in "Who's the Boss?" (1984) for eight seasons. He also starred in the comedy series "Hudson Street" (1995) and "Tony Danza Show, The" (1997), for which he was executive producer.

Robert Klein Robert supports President Bush on the war against Iraq and the war on terrorism.

Wayne Newton Wayne's heartfelt patriotism has mirrored his enduring career in entertainment. He has entertained troops in Vietnam, in Lebanon after the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks, and most recently in the Persian Gulf. (The US Defense Department gave Wayne its highest civilian award for being the only America entertainer to perform in all three spots. At the invitation of President Ronald Reagan, Wayne drew 350,000 people to the rain-soaked grounds of the Washington Monument for the July 4th concert. He also has a penchant for helping others. He is highly visible as a contributor of time, energy and talent to telethons and fund raisers for various causes. He serves on the board of many charitable and philanthropic organizations, including the National Association for Missing and Abused Children. All of this--the wide appeal, the longevity, the patriotism, the selfless service--has made Wayne Newton a favorite of his many fans. He is one of the most widely acclaimed and honored entertainers in history. Wayne has been the recipient of many prestegious awards, some of which include, "Medal for Distinguished Public Service," the "Jimmie E. Howard Award," "Founders Award of St. Jude's Hospital," the VFW Hall of Fame Award," the "Humanitarian Award of the American Cancer Society's Cancer Research Center and the "American Legion's Exceptional Citizen Award." He has also been awarded the National Jaycees' Ten Outstanding Young Men of America. There is also a Wayne Newton star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Bob Hope Bob was born in London and moved to Bristol before emigrating with his parents to the USA in 1907. After some years on the stage as a dancer and comedian, he made his first film appearance in The Big Broadcast of 1938 singing "Thanks for the Memory', which became his signature tune. In partnership with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour, he appeared in the highly successful Road to ... comedies (1940--52), and in many others until the early 1970s. Bob and is wife Dolores have 4 adopted children: Linda, Anthony, Kelly, and Nora. Bob has entertained the troops overseas in every war from WWII to the Gulf War. Queen Elizabeth conferred honourary Knighthood on Bob in 1998. Bob served as United States Overseas (USO) Entertainment Coordinator from 1941 - 2001, when he retired his post at age 98 in favor of Wayne Newton.

Johnny Grant Johnny Grant and Hollywood are synonymous. He is a two-time Emmy-winning television producer and host, who for 20 years, executive produced the nationally telecast "Hollywood Christmas Parade," the Ceremonial Mayor of Hollywood and Chairman of the Walk of Fame Selection Committee. He was the creator and producer of the "Welcome Home Desert Storm" parade and observances in Hollywood honoring America's fighting men and women from the Persian Gulf War. Television audiences around the world regularly see him dedicating stars on Hollywood's Walk of Fame and helping immortalize the world's greatest motion picture stars in cement in the forecourt of the fabled Mann's Chinese Theatre. Johnny is Hollywood's most recognized spokesman and its greatest booster. During World War II, while serving in the Army Air Corps, Johnny broadcast from Seymour Field, North Carolina, and was aired on his "alma mater" station WGBR. He also was heard over New York's WINS Radio, where he hosted a special daily show for the millions of servicemen and women stationed, living, and simply passing through New York City on military duty. The show was called "Strictly GI," and featured not only news of interest to the troops, but interviews with some of the greatest and most popular entertainment stars of the day. Johnny is one of the most enthusiastic, energetic and vocal supporters of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. His service to his country includes 14 trips to Korea and 14 gut-wrenching tours to combat bases throughout Vietnam ... in all, a monumental 50 USO and personally organized visits to bring laughter, encouragement and the spirit of America to GIs overseas. Mr. Grant's 12th trip to Vietnam brought high praise from General Creighton Abrams, Commanding General of the U.S. Forces there, as he pinned Mr. Grant with the Army's Outstanding Civilian Service Medal. Since then, his amazing dedication to our armed forces personnel has been recognized with Distinguished Civilian Service Medals from the Department of Defense, Department of Army and Department of Navy on behalf of the Marine Corps. Mr. Grant spent Christmas of 1982 and 1983 entertaining Marines in Beirut, Lebanon, and was the only Hollywood personality to make two trips to visit our troops in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield/Storm. Johnny made three visits to the Balkans to spend Christmas with the peacekeepers stationed there. During these trips, he had an opportunity to reestablish a long association with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service by appearing on the Christmas Day Specials on the AFN in Frankfort, Germany, whose radio signal covers almost half the world. During both the Korean and Vietnam wars, Mr. Grant hosted daily hour-long disc jockey shows for AFRTS. Mr. Grant is a retired Major General in the California State Military Reserve, the all-volunteer backup and support force of the California National Guard. In 1982, the State of California showed its appreciation for Mr. Grant's 30 years of service by awarding him The Order of California, the State's highest honor. Governor George Duekmejian, in an unprecedented act, awarded Mr. Grant a second Order of California at the State Capitol in 1990. General Grant is also the recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal. Mr. Grant served as chairman of the California Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. In this role, he headed the statewide committee that assured members of the reserve forces that they would receive fair treatment by their employers, would not be penalized for absences for military service, and would be guaranteed their old jobs after demobilization. Bob received the General Matthew B. Ridgeway Award for patriotic and valorous service above and beyond the call of duty. Among his other major awards are The Variety Club's Heart Award, an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Pepperdine University, Childhelp USA's Annual Sweetheart Award, Holland's Golden Heart Award for his service to the Walk of Fame/Europe, The Order of Merit from Russia and the USO's Distinguished American Award, which puts him in th company of President Gerald Ford, General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, Bob and Dolores Hope, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Nancy Reagan and General James Doolittle. On December 5, 1997, Mr. Grant was the first recipient of USO's highest honor -- The Spirit of Hope Award -- presented to him aboard the USS Intrepid.

Richard Lee Jackson Richard played Ryan Parker on the NBC television series "Saved by the Bell: The New Class," and has had a recurring role on Lifetime's series "Any Day Now." Richard and his brother Jonathan campiaigned for President Bush in 2002.

Jonathan Jackson Jonathan won three Emmys for his role as Lucky Spencer on ABC's "General Hospital." He also co-starred with Michelle Pfeiffer and Treat Williams in the movie "Deep End of the Ocean." Jonathan and his brother Richard campiaigned for President Bush in 2002.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica aboard the USS Harry S. Truman in 2002.

Fred Grandy Fred graduated from Harvard in 1970 and was an aide to U.S. Representative Wiley Mayne in 1970 and 971. Fred then wet into acting and is best known for his role as Gopher on The Love Boat. Fred then served in the U.S. Congress as a Republican Representative from Iowa from 1987 to 1995.

Pat Boone Pat graduated magna cum laude from Columbia University. Pat had a long string of successful movies including "State Fair", "Journey To The Center Of The Earth", "April Love", "The Cross And The Switchblade", "The Greatest Story Ever Told", and many more. As an author Pat's first book - Twixt Twelve and Twenty - became the number one nonfiction best seller for two years. From 1955 to 1962, Pat registered 54 hit singles. For four consecutive years, 1955 to 1959, he was never off the pop charts. Pat has served as chairman of the Advisory Board at Pepperdine University. Pat served as National Spokesman for the March of Dimes, National Association of the Blind and other worthy charities; that all came into sharp focus when he was asked to be the entertainment chairman and host of the National Easter Seal telethon. Pat served in this capacity for 18 years - raising over 600 million dollars to help handicapped and disabled kids and adults. Pat, his wife and son-in-law Dan O'Neill, initiated a grassroots volunteer organization, originally called "Save The Refugee", in response to the Cambodian refugee crisis, which was reported frequently on network news in the mid 70's. Eventually, "Save The Refugee" metamorphosed into "Mercy Corps", one of the world's most respected humanitarian relief organizations, currently operating in over 22 countries and responsible for delivering over 550 million dollars in food and services to date. With Doug Wead, advisor to several presidents, Pat helped start the annual Washington Charity Dinner, a major political/social/humanitarian event on the Washington, D.C. calendar. This major event has resulted in millions of dollars in humanitarian aid donations. Yearly, for over 20 years, Pat has hosted the golf tournaments benefiting Koinonia Foster Parents program Sacramento, Bethel School and Orphanage in Chattanooga, as well as other worthy charities including Easter Seal tournaments in various parts of the country, including Baltimore, Phoenix and Seattle.

Connie Stevens Connie's international reputation has made its mark in show business history, having performed for 4 U.S. Presidents at the White House and the Kennedy Center, and her dedication overseas for the U.S. Military in Vietnam and the Persian Gulf as one of Veterans Across America's all time favorites. Connie continues to headline in Las Vegas and continues to perform in live concerts in Atlantic City, New York, Los Angeles, and every other major concert venue worldwide. Connie's first documentary film, "A Healing", shot in Vietnam has won 4 film festival awards dedicated to the women and the young warriors of Vietnam. She produced, directed, and edited with proceeds going to many Veteran charities. It is this tireless work and support to others that brought Connie the coveted 1991 'Lady of Humanities" award from Shriners Hospital and "Humanitarian of the Year" by the Sons of Italy in Washington.

Joe Bonsall Joe has been traveling the roads of America with the legendary country music group, The Oak Ridge Boys, for the past 30 years. In that time he has been honored with 6 Grammy Awards, 1 Double Platinum Single for the Song "Elvira", 14 Gold Albums, 4 Platinum Albums, and 1 Double Platinum Album. Joe is the author of G.I. Joe & Lillie, a story about his father and mother and WWII.

Dixie Carter Dixie is best known for her roles as Julia Sugarbaker on the long-running comedy hit, Designing Women, and more recently as Randi King, the smart, sharp tongued lawyer with a southern rasp on Family Law. In addition to her many television credits, Ms. Carter also has an extensive theatre background and began her acting career at the Front Street Theatre in Memphis. Born in McLemoresville, Tennessee, Ms. Carter attended the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and Rhodes College in Memphis, from which she has since received an honorary doctorate. She is a graduate of the University of Memphis. Dixie identifies herself as a Libertarian.
"...this will make all my friends in Tennessee mad at me if they hear this. But, we should be talking about, should we legalize prostitution and legalize drugs. I mean, we've lost the drug war. And probably we've lost the war against prostitution because it continues to go on."

Jimmie "JJ" Walker The term "maximizing one's potential" could have been coined to describe the life of Jimmie Walker, who strode out of the New York ghetto first to educate himself and then to become one of the best-known television personalities in the United States. Walker was born June 25, 1947, in the depths of New York's South Bronx, famed for burnt-out buildings, pervasive neglect and disrepair but, to a very young boy, it was nothing more than "the neighborhood." Walker has been doing hard-hitting political and issue oriented talk radio for over a quarter century and has worked for a number of stations around the country, including "710 Talk in LA," WHIO in Dayton Ohio, WOAI in San Antonio, and WLS in Chicago. Jimmie 'JJ' Walker can be heard on HuskeRadio 1290 KKAR in Omaha, NE from 3pm to 6pm every weekday. Walker currently tours the country 25-30 weeks a year doing his stand-up comedy, and also performs on late night T.V. and game shows. In his spare time he writes scripts for T.V. and movies.
Read Jimmie's political views on
Read Jimmy Walker in Jewish World Review

Dale Dye Dale graduated as a cadet officer from Missouri Military Academy and enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in January 1964. Dale served in Vietnam in 1965 and 1967 through 1970, surviving 31 major combat operations. He emerged from Southeast Asia with numerous decorations, including a Bronze Star for valor and three Purple Heart medals for wounds suffered in combat. Dale spent 13 years as an enlisted Marine, rising to the rank of master sergeant. He was chosen to attend officer candidate school and was appointed a warrant officer in 1976. He later converted his commission and was a captain when he was sent to Beirut with the multinational peacekeeping force in 1982-83. He served in a variety of assignments around the world and along the way managed to graduate with a BA degree in English from the University of Maryland. Dye worked for a year at Soldier of Fortune magazine after his retirement in 1984. He spent time in Central America, reporting and training troops in guerrilla warfare techniques in both El Salvador and Nicaragua before leaving the magazine in 1985 and heading for Hollywood. He is the founder and principal of Warriors, Inc., which provides technical advisory services to the entertainment industry worldwide. Services included performer training, research, planning, staging and on-set advisory for directors and other key production personnel.

Statler Brothers The Statler Brothers are America's #1 award-winning country music group. The Statler Brother show was #1 on TNN for seven seasons. A 1996 National Harris Poll conducted to name America's favorite singers found The Statler Brothers to be number two in the nation, right behind Frank Sinatra.
Read about the Statler Brothers annual July 4th Happy Birthday USA concert.

Jim Nantz Serving as lead play-by-play announcer for CBS Sports' college basketball coverage for 12th consecutive season, Jim has called play-by-play on more network broadcasts of Final Four and championship game than any other announcer in history of Tournament. Jim also co-hosted Tournament and hosted Final Four for five years (1986-90) Jim earned 1998's National Sportscaster of the Year Award. Jim joined CBS Television Network in 1985 as host of college football studio show and currently serves as anchor of The NFL Today. Jim earned a degree in radio/television in 1981 from University of Houston. Jim received an honorary doctorate of humane letters from his alma mater in May 2001 in recognition of his contributions to his profession and university. Jim was also a news anchor at KSL-TV Salt Lake City.

Gary Chapman Gary came to early fame with "My Father's Eyes," made popular by Amy Grant. Gary has also had songs recorded by T.G. Sheppard, Kenny Rogers and other country artists.

Fred Vail Fred Vail's accomplishments in the music and entertainment industry are legendary. A 43 year veteran of the broadcasting and recording communities, Vail began his career in 1957, at age 12, working as a teen news announcer and radio station "gopher," becoming a disc jockey at 15 and country music program director and DJ at 17. Vail, a member of the Country Music Association since 1961, served five years on the Advisory Committee of the Canadian Country Music Association, is a Life Member of the Republican National Committee, a past Vice President of the Nashville Chapter of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, a former Governor of NARAS and serves in several capacities for the Association for Independent Music. Vail is the recipient of numerous honors, including fifteen gold and platinum awards.

Red Steagall Red Steagall has always be
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by concerned citizen Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 2:54 PM

Pro War rally!!! Come support our Troops!! We are all going to "protest" a war we are for!!! Oh no,,, actually we are going to protest the people who are there to stop this war. Most of these anti war people have to realize that George bush is right, and he is our truest moral compass through these times of uncertainty. We'll have more flags than a nazi war parade. Come scream at some hippies!!!
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Thank GOD

by Bush Admirer Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 2:58 PM

Way to go, Thank GOD. Whenever we conservatives don't have anything intelligent to say, we can always "copy and paste" some fascist tripe in a pathetic attempt to look like we're not oblivious to what's really going on.
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grow up

by Your parents Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 3:32 PM

There is a war going on and all some of you losers can do is sit around and insult people and let this board become nothing but a garbage dump full of petty comments and junior high kid games.

Some of you people claim to be patriotic and supporting the troops who are dying for you and the best respect you can show them is to reduce the seriousness of this war into some stupid ass name calling reminiscent of grade school. Congratulations you have shown the rest of the world the worst view they can possibly see of Americans. And people say the French are idiots.
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Yeah, why are you calling Jeff a redneck when our IP has Ark on it? LOSER! I'm from New

by Tim Reed Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 6:35 PM

York and for this war, am I a fucking redneck punk ass mother fucker! (literally)
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by Tim Reed Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 6:36 PM

God damn, you suck ass!!
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by Jessica Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 1:49 PM

What are these "stars" thinking? There are so many more people that support the war then are against it. They've just destroyed their careers. Not that Eddie Vedder had much of one anyway.
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Eddie Vedder and the rest of Pearl Jam is a sell-out!

by Jason Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 8:48 PM

Here in Ohio, we have assholes like him protesting this war, but yet no one is listening! I might run some over, that would be great! The "stars" have a voice, but yet they just keep putting their big fat feet in their mouths!
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by Bob Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 4:50 PM

Ha ha, lets stop traffic and bother hard working people traveling to and from their jobs. I have a question. Did that stop the war? Did that do anything besides make all of you look like fools? The war is almost over. It has done nothing.
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by charlie Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 7:36 PM

because of her I didn't watch Children of Dune
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You wanna get sued asshole!!!

by bob Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 12:49 AM

You better quit showing people where I work!!!!!!!!!!
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by WHOCARES Saturday, Apr. 12, 2003 at 1:20 PM

If you want to protest, fine, don't suopport the men and women dieing for you who have no chioce but to defend their country, but you DO NOT have the right under the law of the United States to stop traffic and block other people hwo are trying to go to work to feed their children from getting there! It is called sabbatage, read the laws before you do stupid things.
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Hye BOB faggot, you're an anti-American asshole! If I ever see you here on the streets of

by David Parks Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 2:44 PM

NYC, I'll make sure I run you over three or four times...until the job is done!!
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Bush sent the troop to Iraq.

by Ruth Monday, Apr. 21, 2003 at 4:26 PM

Pres. Bush sent our soldiers to Iraq to kill and be killed. Hold him responsible for their deaths. Each soldier swore to uphold the constitution. It says that only Congress can declare war. Place the blame where it is---the selected president, Bush.
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by citizen Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003 at 8:28 AM

Bush is an angel. Fox News told me so.
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Sarandon is a Terrorist's Whore

by What a bitch Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2003 at 12:03 PM

Sarandon is a Terror...
bowling.jpg, image/jpeg, 289x414

For those of you that don't know it, Sarandon was also the cunt that marched to support a picture of the Vigin Mary done in shit.

Why would anyone care what this bitch has to say...
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by TAP NAGAER Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003 at 9:20 PM

I would like to say that i am outraged at the gall of you people. i served and flew missions into afghanistan and iraq and i saw what was going on, i was there you speak of humanity well.. ingorant ass that is precisly what we are preserving! i put my life on hold for you my family my WIFE, and for what so you could bash me and my comrades

i am truly dissaponted in some of my
"fellow americans"
p.s. i will still fight, kill, help, and defend our country and you for your right to bash me
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i'll say somthing about america

by Oregonian Sunday, Jul. 25, 2004 at 7:18 PM

I live in Oregon and every day it seams that my state has lost another person to the war. I have even known three of the slain. I don't feel any safer and I don't think Iraq was a threat. Even our inspectors couldn't find weapons of mass destruction. My friends didn't die for national security, they died in vain and that hurts me every day. So before you go blasting the protesters, think to your selves, are you ready to loose your son or daughter? War is not a end to all means, it is a last resort that should be avoided at all cost. Oregon has lost about 109 brave solders to the war.
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by Jacob Messer, Putnamville, IN (start somethin Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004 at 8:47 PM

I just read this guy saying something about saying something good about America. What America? We are run by the wealthy. They have chosen our President. They have chosen to start a war that needn't be started. THERE WERE NO WMD. THERE WAS NO PROGRAM. There's a hell of a lot of oil though, and Halliburton is making a hell of a lot money AT THE COST OF BRAVE AMERICANS LIVES!
FUCK YOU, YOU IGNORANT SELF LOATHING FUCK! Hey, they say ignorance is bliss. So, keep your eyes shut to the countless deaths of all those innocent bystanders. And don't even get me started on the depleted uranium tipped missles...
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U're fascist

by Teresa Sunday, Jan. 01, 2006 at 8:06 AM

U're fucking fascist like u are amazingly stupid president, with no brain and no feelings. I really hate people like u and i'm very happy in Europe all hate Bush and his asholes friends...and the people who voted him. PEACE & LOVE 4 EVER!!!!!!!
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by QuebecCity Monday, Jun. 05, 2006 at 9:01 AM

I agree with the last post.
the american (don,t you know we are, in
Canada american too!)
majority in the U.S. of A think they live in the
greatest nation in the world, Hitler once say that too
as well as Mussolini, this is what fasiscm is based on ;
superority. So you fell superior? You think that kids
and families in Iraq have to die? Do you know even why?

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Hannah Banana

by Hannah Saturday, Apr. 21, 2007 at 11:44 AM

Well I think this whole discussion has gone absurd. the last 30% of the dialogue is about eddie's old girl being ugly. And any pearl Jam fan would know Eddie would probably laugh at some of your comments. Honestly I didn't think PJ fans could be so superficial. I am also anti-war and I don't exhonerate Eddie for being an activist, but i simply enjoy that me and Eddie have something in common. A real Pj fan would just appreciate that, that you politically think like Eddie. Don't defend Eddie from stupid people, he don't need anybody to. A conclusion will never be reached, just face it some people don't like PJ ( don't know why the fuck not) I am 19, and I am in disbelief that so many people can be so simple minded. I know some people mentioned being in their 40's. That's just immature. Yes, as a fan it is good to see Eddie at the protest, however thats not what its about.
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