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by Mike
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 5:07 PM
I heard on the state run news station, FOX, that our demonstration was protesting "the media for being pro-American". No joke.
protest_5.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200
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by Mike
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 5:07 PM
protest_6.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200
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by Mike
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 5:07 PM
protest_7.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200
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by Brian Flemming
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 6:07 PM
Great pictures!
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by Bush Admirer
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 6:10 PM
These protests are an abject failure.
Instead of attracting people to your cause, they alienate people.
Americans are fed up with whiners and complainers - anti American twits.
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by Brian Flemming
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 6:48 PM
I was just posting a comment under an article about trolls here on LA Indymedia that referred to trolls like Bush Admirer. With the post above, he's provided us with a wonderful (for us) image of the pro-war side. As long as we don't respond to him with his level of simple-mindedness and vitriol, we win. It's that easy. He'll do our work for us. Thanks, Bush Admirer!
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by protester
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 10:48 PM
You are all enemies of mine and i would expect that from you right wing cowards who are sheep unlike the growing momentum of a WORLDWIDE movement to extinguish you once and for all! We see "RIGHT" thru you.
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by BushWhacker
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 6:30 AM
What is it you admire about Bush?
Is it his command of the English Language? His Scholastic record? His Business dealings? His wartime heroism? Maybe his skillful diplomacy? Truly can you tell me anything about this mans that warrants admiration?
Is it his tie collection? Maybe that's it...
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by Fed Up with the Right Wing
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 6:39 AM
Loved the above photo of you and your friend. Will you be protesting at the Oscars tonight too? Or do you and your friend in the pic have other plans?
Just wondering.
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by Fed Up with the Right Wing
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 6:45 AM
It's gotta be the tie collection...cuz...let's face it...there is NOTHING else to admire about the asshole. Great reply to Bush Admirer. I have been reading his comments and at first just kept thinking that Bush Admirer was a put on. What is the scariest thing about people like his is that he may really believe the shit he has been saying. OUCH!!!!!!!
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by Fed Up with the Right Wing
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 7:12 AM
Yep...Georgie got the best education that Daddy could buy!!!! Guess he also got the best Vietnam era military position that Daddy could buy too - the National Guard. Even from that Georgie ShitStain went AOL.
Hey, Bush Admirer...I did a google search on you. Don't you have anything better to do than found so many Indy Media sites?
You must be a Bush aide...wow...see what oil can buy us? A poster like Bush Admirer.
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by Hieronymous D
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:44 AM
Bush Admirer:
Your explanation to us of Bush's intelligence (or lack thereof), the patriotism (or unpatriotism) of Hollywood celebrities past and present, and the rest of your diatribe, however well you have crafted it, misses the point. You've done nothing to refute the palatably strong argument that this war is unjust. It is without international sanction -- defiant, in fact, of the need for it, right in the face of all our allies. It is elective war; it is pre-emptive war; it is not a war borne out of necessity. This defies precedent, at least rhetorically, for the United States in international relations.
Whether or not you accept, Mr. Bush Admirer, that this war is unjust, here is what you should understand. If I consider the war unjust, and I protest, I am not then unpatriotic, but rather, especially patriotic, because I am following in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers who did not fear authority that prevailed over them without legitimacy.
Bush Admirer, I get the feeling that, had you been a colonist at the time of the American Revolution, you would have disparaged Paine, Franklin, Hamilton, Washington et al for rebelling against King George. The shoe really does seem to fit, as you stand by another unelected George today.
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Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 4:31 PM
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by Fed Up with the Right Wing
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 5:01 PM
You are totally lame. I was a war protestor in the 1960's. I did not have wealthy parents and I managed to get earn a masters in education and a law degree - both at a well-known university. I WORKED my way through (unlike Georgie-Poo).
Big deal on Georgie. I wonder how much it cost Daddy Bush to buy Georgie's grades. So before you spout off with your Nazi mouth, maybe find out a few facts about some of us seeking peace.
Hmmm....never mind. You would not understand and just like King Georgie, the facts would just confuse you.
So...what have you done with your life when you are not some circus side show?
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by Bush Admirer
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 5:14 PM
I'm an entrepreneur with an engineering degree and an MBA.
GWB's educational achievements are nothing to sneeze at. Famous or wealthy parents won't help you coast through Harvard B School. That program is one of the toughest around and they are heartless when it comes to flunking out non performers. Anyone who can make it through that regimen deserves your respect.
GWB is, of course, a very accomplished man in the business world too, as is Dick Cheney. These are not career government hacks like Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
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by Fed Up with the Right Wing
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 5:18 PM
Does that mean you made it off government contracts?
Bet your engineering degree is in PETROLEUM engineering!!!!!
Get a real job....like one that deals with people. Hmmm....well, on second thought, from what I have seen of you all over the Internet...you people skills are NIL.
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by enough
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 8:21 PM
don't you people get it? his job is to divert discussions, fill up the server with crap, and bring indymedia down. the more you respond and encourage him, the more you help him earn his govt paycheck. PUT YOUR ENERGY ELSEWHERE ALREADY, THE SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN AND YOU'RE WASTING TIME RESPONDING TO HIS CRAP. WHO'S THE STUPID ONE?
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by peace
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 1:44 PM
Who cares what GW's education is. Look at his business practices. Look at his cabinet. Look at his ties. This war is for oil. To get one more squeeze out of these powerful oil families investments. To keep oil cheap and competetive before more efficient forms of energy are developed (Wind, Solar, Fuel Cells). You must have not hear about GW's clean coal incentive of $2 billion. It may burn help coal burn cleaner, but how environmentally friendly is the mountain you tear apart to get to the coal. Its little things like this that add up and make those of us who can think, question. Its our knowledge of history that shows us that this hasn't happend before, its just like every war. We will get it the oil one way or another, if we get through with this, and by then, you'll be protesting with brother. Continue your quest for knowledge, but beware of your sources. *Suggestion: Start with the 5 companies that own 90% of the market. Look at their ties, and why the support and portay themselves as they do. and it'll come to you. Good luck.
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by mr peace
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 6:45 PM
you can call me a commie, and you can call me a rebel, cause I want peace for my country and want the world to be stable.
We in the west are witnessing. Quietly at first but now with an accelerating pressure. The increasing dominance and power of the commercial giant, over our poitical institutions. A condition that will inevitably lead to a dictatorship of the left or of the right. General Eisenhower warned of it.
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by .
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 11:46 AM
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by x
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 12:23 PM
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by real patriot
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 7:34 PM
Bush Admirer,
I appreciate that you search out information to form an educated opinion. This is something people on all sides should strive to do. In the name of educated opinions, however, I would like to add to the unofficial C.V. we have just read on Bush II. Bush attended ivy league universities--true. But show me the percent of children of extremely powerful parents who do not attend such universities. Remember, Bush's daddy was already on his way to becoming a VP and then president of the U.S. Once again, of course Bush went to Yale or Harvard. Of course. This is why there are books written about him with titles such as “Fortunate Son”. (The author of this book was found dead in his hotel room and his book was pulled off of the shelves.)
Lets continue. Bush then went on to join the Texas Air National Guard. (BTW, he scored in the bottom quartile on his flight aptitude test. Makes you wonder how he managed to make it through those universities.) Unfortunately, nobody, not even the people who would have been his commanding officers can remember him. A further look at the record shows that this is because Dubya, chose to simply not show up for duty for about 18 months. (This is called AWOL, by the way, for the angry half-wit who keeps typing AOL. AOL is a sorry excuse for an internet provider, AWOL, is absent with out leave.) Bush claims that this is because he did his time over weekends for over a year, but a look at his orders show that this was not his assigned duty. Even then, Bush was showing his tendency to do things his way, no matter who his commanding officer is. (And for those of us who have forgotten, a “democracy”- the thing Bush claims to be fighting for so passionately- is a government run by the people. That would make the people the president’s commanding officer(s). We are not simply “focus groups” as he chooses to view us. Hmm, no wonder the intense media mis-information campaign to scare the people into support. Ever heard of demagoguery?)
Continue further. Bush washes his hands of the pesky Texas Air National Guard and all their rules and decides to become the boss of his own companies. In less than two decades he manages to run not one, but two, oil companies into the ground (Arbusto and Bush Exploration,) and nearly runs a third one into the ground (a loss of 23 million). The ruin of three companies in two decades is especially impressive when you consider that his Harvard degree was a Masters of Business Administration. Once again, makes you wonder how he really got through those universities.
Less than a decade later, Bush II would win one of the most controversial presidential elections in the history of the United States. Rumors of hindering voters ran rampant (to the point of having more credibility than a plain rumor) in a state that is oddly enough, run by his brother.
I won’t continue now because if I agree with you on one point, it is that there is not enough room here to begin to cover the accomplishments (or lack thereof) in our current president’s history. At the least, it is unsettling. I also won’t go into the history of the other people listed in the article that you pasted into your comment except to say, Colin Powell, truly a great man. My friends and I cry over his downfall every news conference we see. The rest of them, I also believe are generally intelligent people. Unfortunately, while Bush actions may be caused by him being a pampered, angry dimwit, the only cause I can think of for the actions of the others on your list on your list is some sort of innate evil. What a scary and powerful combination. But all that (Rumsfield, Cheney, etc.) is also another story for another time. Follow the power structure around Bush. See what they have in common. A true look should scare any red-white-and-blue blooded American patriot.
Once last comment for the people screaming back at "Bush Admirer", speak intelligently or please shut up. I am having troubling distinguishing you from the 'pro-war' protestors calling me "faggot" and waving redneck beers in my face.
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by 'nuck
Saturday, Apr. 12, 2003 at 11:37 AM
all of you "americans" (whatever that means) scare the shit out of me. your country is terrifying. please, don't be so "american"
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