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by Marcus
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 2:55 AM
Four heroes laying down in the middle of Wilshire for the name of peace. They will all be taken to jail.
 4laydown.jpg, image/jpeg, 504x378
Four heroes laying down in the middle of Wilshire for the name of peace. They will all be taken to jail.
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by Marcus
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 2:55 AM
 daybest1.jpg, image/jpeg, 504x378
Crossing Wilshire Boulevard in the name of peace
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by Marcus
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 2:55 AM
 daybest2.jpg, image/jpeg, 504x378
On Wilshire boulevard, we stopped traffic in the name of peace.
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by Marcus
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 2:55 AM
 woman1.jpg, image/jpeg, 504x378
Let me tell you. This woman knows how to move a crowd. She is awsome.
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by Marcus
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 2:55 AM
 bestcop2.jpg, image/jpeg, 504x378
Wilshire Boulevard at 7:30 p.m. Days and nights, we won't allow them to sleep.
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by Kris (guy in the yellow)
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 3:54 AM
kris at tdubc dot com
Dear Concerned Parties, As the only adult (and seemingly the only person who had an intent which reached beyond appearing on television and bad-mouthing police officers) arrested today, I'm Shocked and Horrified. I'm disappointed at everyone. I watched people look me straight in the eye as I asked them, "Aren't these your streets too?" They complied to police threats like sheep. I expected more from Los Angeles. I expect more this Sunday. (Not that I'm any sort of authority, of course, but make me feel like spending those hours in the holding cell were worth it, please.)
Also, I would like to place a formal complaint with the term "hero" being applied to my persons. As activists, progressives, whatever, we are bound to the words of Ralph Chaplin: "What force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one?"
It's about direct, collective action, not heroism.
Solidarity Forever, Kris
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by Kris (Guy raping the burnt corpse of Hussein)
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 3:58 AM
I'm ashamed, too bad you can't be here with me to suck Hussein's burnt cripse cock with me and Diogenes. You guys should be ashamed. America is evil, support Hussein, my sexual loving making Master!
No! Diogenes, not that hard, his penis may fall off from excessive cock sucking action!
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by Liz
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 11:37 AM
If you aren't for being called a hero, don't place yourself on such pedestal. How uninspiring you comments were. To criticize those who don't get arrested, what point does it make, except to be divisive and superior. So you were held for a few hours, how did that make a difference? Seriously, it could have made a difference, but it also may have not. It made you feel heroic is obvious, though you pretend not to play it that way.
Be happy that people are there in the first place, honor all those who show their face in the first place. Your no better or worse than they, take your criticism and put them were they truly belong, on the War mongers. Spending energy to "shame" your fellow protesters is wasteful, and again divisive and plays right into the oppositions side. You sound like Aesop's Sour Grapes fable, if you can't get what you want, you call the grapes sour. So your fellow protestors are sour?
Look, I don't feel like getting arrested, and I am glad others do, I support your action, but not your attitude.
I take my actions in different ways; I commute by bicycle, to work to shop to play. I want everyone to bike ride instead of use oil and continue to fuel corporate wars against humanity and the environment, but if I want others to join me, bad mouthing them will only insure that they stay far away from the bike saddle. So I hit the road everyday on my bike, hoping someone will see me and think, "hey maybe I should do that", I go to all the rally's on my bike and people ask me questions about commuting, especially when we rode to the last one in the rain. I got a big ego too, but we have to tame ourselves in our mightier then thou demeanors. It ain't attractive, meaning it doesn't attract people to take our same positions, it repels. You want to change the world, you want others to join you, than just be simple. Set the example through your actions, that is far more inspiring than berating others for not being like you. Ask others to join you, by telling what your experience was like, why you did, why you think others can and should do it. Humble yourself brother, and through humility you will truly inspire others to make sacrifices.
So I may have a Jesus complex, and maybe I need to jump off my pedestal now too after writing this, but I had to tell you what I felt, and that was hurt. I don't feel any shame for not being arrested, I don't think your better or lower than me, I just want you to help others to act, however they see fit for themselves, because we need all the friends we can get right now.
LA has the fastest growing peace movement in the country, I am not sure if you are familiar with LA past participation during crucial moments like these, but it was not on the map, like it is today. There is nothing disappointing about LA involvement. If LA shows up, then what's disappointing about that, be grateful were out there, and that people aren't hiding their heads in the sand and staying home. There are other Peace activist that get arrested and spend years in jail for there sacrifice, are you willing to do that, spend 6 moths to 6 years in jail for your activism like Philip Berrigan of the Plowshares movement, who took hammers and whacked missiles in silos and splashed his blood on them? He never once criticized any of us for not doing the same as himself. If you aren't willing to do more than a couple days, how committed are you? But should I question your commitment? Or should I be glad your there in the first place regardless of what action you take, as long as you take an action.
Sincerely Liz
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by Marcus
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:13 PM
What you did Kris was very inspiring for all of us. It was another heartfelt experience to be there among all those beautiful people like you. Don't you agree Kris? Please turn your anger on the government, not on us. Maybe tomorrow Hundreds of people will go to jail.
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by oug
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:39 PM
Kris, you say: "They complied to police threats like sheep. I expected more"
i was one of those people. i was told to get back behind some yellow tape. and i complied. i am on probation and don't want to wind up in prison for a long time.
your expectations are warped. if you don't like hero worship and authoritarianism, you should stop behaving like an authoritarian hero.
it's okay to be frustrated and have ideas that you don't think are sufficiently appreciated. but you need to ask other people what their perspectivce is also. other people may have lessons to learn from you but you should hope you always have lessons to learn from them. if you remember this next time you will not be so "Shocked and Horrified".
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by Scott Galindez
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 6:00 PM
I have been arrested and have spent time in jail, but i would never be critical of others who aren't ready to take that risk.
My first arres in 1987 was a lower risk than i volunteered for because Phil berrigan talked me out of taking a huge risk my first time.
Everyone who attends these demonstrations is a hero, you don't have to risk arrest to be heard. I support those who do and those who don't.
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by Claire- the girl with the purple hair
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 6:15 PM
I was out there with Kris too getting arrested. And I support him in what he says. I thought that more people should have been out there with us. Everyone should back off on bashing him after what he said. I don't think everyone should get arrested but why are you coming to an anti-war rally if you are not willing to make a sacrifices for what you believe in. I hope at the protest to come that more people will actively take part in the protest and civil disobedience! Leaving 4 people alone in the streets is just being a coward. Please take a stand for what you believe in, if you want to stop this war!
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by Kris
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 6:41 PM
kris (at) tdubc (dot) com (818) 339-7255
Dear Liz, I think you're misunderstanding (or more likely, I'm misrepresenting) what I meant. I don't think people are wrong for not laying down in the streets. What I was referring to is the sentiment of the movement. People seem to be more concerned with having the wittiest sign, or the catchiest chant. It's the horrors of Star Bucks Liberalism. Protest has become the fashionable thing to do. One of the kids that were arrested with me seemed to want nothing more than to appear on television. THIS is what shocks and awes me. I think thousands of people taking to the streets to protest an unjust war and an unjust government stateside is a noble thing, however, we need some direct action. If there is one thing to be learned from the peace movement of the Vietnam era, it is that just asking for "peace" is not the answer. We need to combat complacency. We need to combat compromise.
As for the matter of heroism, I don't see how I pedestal myself by putting what I did into the category of duty. Giving up a pristine criminal record to fight for the lives of innocent peoples, abroad and otherwise, should be the BASIC DUTY of every human being. Heroism is laying down in front of a tank. Heroism is giving up EVERYTHING for the betterment of humanity. Spending a few hours in jail is hardly heroic, and I think putting the action on a pedestal like that causes people to disassociate themselves from simple acts of civil disobedience. Dissent is our duty and collective dissent is the only way we're going to accomplish anything. My going to jail that night was a complete waste of time, not because going to jail is a waste of time, but because I was the only one.
I am but one; weak, but together we are many; we are strong. My actions mean nothing. My convictions mean nothing. It's about OUR actions and convictions.
I apologize profusely for any offense I may have caused by my poor choice of words.
Solidarity Forever, Kris
P.S. If anyone wants to get together with some friends for some black bloc-induced costume fun at the oscars, call me.
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by FluxRostrum
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 9:56 PM
I'm not experienced in this sort of thing but shouldn't those arrested be taking up as much of the cops time as possible by not cooperating ... walking ... carrying ID .... I dunno are there more?
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by Marcus
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 12:19 AM
Ok let's not argue about this. Why don't you two tell us what happen...please. The story of your experience in jail might inspire more people to do sit-ins, like you did. Also it could appease people anxiety about going to jail. That would be cool. Would you do that? Please Post a message.
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by Carie
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 11:07 PM
I am offended by what you said about, "catchiest phrase", etc. I think you lack appreciation for other people and what they have contributed to the action. who says that your way is the only way, the right way? The point is not to get arrested, the point is to stop the war. What you did is your contribution, don't slam the contribution of others. Peace.
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by AA
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 1:00 PM
Good Grief, what are you people doing? This is a movement for unity, for peace, for understanding that we are ALL brothers and sisters out there and we are doing this because we believe the Iraqi people are worth it and that we would do the same if it was our country, yet you people sit here bickering like children with nothing better to do over a few petty words from someone who sacrificed his time and his energy and his record for the movement you all support. While I was in jail, from Hollywood, we all discussed about how some of our friends who claimed to be "with us" just left because they did not want to go through the process, which was to me, a great experience and relatively easy, and pain-free. Yes, we concluded that at this time there are people becoming active who have never taken the time before, and it's hard for them to take these risks, that's why we have to educate and hopefully they will understand. When we saw people leaving the sidewalks because the police told them to disperse, we were definately affected by this. The sidewalk is public property, and it's ridiculous that the people just followed what the police said, haven't we been protesting because we know of the lies that are out there and how Bush and his administration keep trying to herd us like sheep into the same old trap of terror this and the safety of the people bullshit! I'm glad a group of people came back after we got arrested, and shouted at us while we were on the bus, yet it would have been nicer if they did it while we were being cuffed and taken away. This movement is not about your fears or your resentment towards one individual for their opinions (which is ridiculously childish at that, and I'm tired of all the bullshit egos of everyone not able to cooperate for a greater good), this movement is about millions, you hear MILLIONS of peope gathering all across the WORLD, not just you, so get over yourself, and take the sacrifice, because in Yemen, if any of you are aware of where that is, it's on the Saudi Arabian peninsula, and 3 people sacrificed their LIVES for this movement, because they take it personally. It's an attack on their religion and their culture. Yet our country is the one funding this slaughter, and you people don't want to sacrifice 7 hours in jail??? Hopefully, like other movement it will culminate, because if it doesn't stop with Iraq, it will spread, and this movement is connected with Free Palestine, stop the WTO, and transnational corporations, environmentalism, etc, because we are human beings here, and we are part of a whole. So if you continue to bicker, and spend minutes or hours trying to slam one person or another in some fickle, pathetic way, when you could be writing a letter to your congressman, then you will continue to look ridiculous in the face of the movement. It is time to look beyond ourselves, it is time to realize that freedom is not free. btw, I'm not trying to lecture or bitch, I just think this is a beautiful thing, and peace and justice will always be beautiful, and arguing, and bickering are just so ugly, so is war, and the brutality it produces. I do not want to come off as some ego also that thinks I know everything about the movement, I am just speaking from my own experience, and it is best to listen to each person's perspective and respect each other than to slam one another, while I slam bickering at that. Ok... peace in the middle east, Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone - Pablo Picasso
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by Sanders
Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 at 6:05 PM
Thank you for exercising your right to demonstrate and make a disturbance, etc. We'll continue to sweat and die in hot, distant lands so you can continue.
It is the Soldier, not the reporter who has given us freedom of press
It is the Soldier, not the poet who has given us freedom of speech
It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer who gives us freedom to demonstrate
It is the Soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.
Father Dennis Edward O'Brien
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 at 6:26 PM
Thank you Sanders! That was GOOD!
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