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by builder123
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:18 PM
Protest continued into the night at the Westwood Federal Building
 blood04.jpg, image/jpeg, 587x412
The intensity increases as the bombs begin to drop
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by builder123
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:18 PM
 peacesign02.jpg, image/jpeg, 485x426
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by builder123
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:18 PM
 peacesign01.jpg, image/jpeg, 282x429
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by builder123
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:18 PM
 reflect03.jpg, image/jpeg, 611x395
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by ben clifford
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 8:23 PM
I took about 88 pictures yesterday afternoon and evening, that are at http://www.hawaga.org.uk/antiwar/
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by Ezra Shenanigan
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 8:28 PM
You guys are all dupes.
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by Ig
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 8:37 PM
Shouldn't PETA get involved when they paint a poor cow red for their own nefarious purposes? The poor cow had no choice.
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by fathomer
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:30 PM
your a cop I can smell it. !
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by ....
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:42 PM
who is being aggressive/offensive/snide
and then ask why
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by A next-continent guy
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 5:57 AM
i send you this article i've translated into english. it has been published by la repubblica, the main italian daily newspaper. it mirrors the feeling of billions of people all over the world, i think also of the majority of the americans. please feel free spread it to your friends. i think that your country isn't democratical, because less than a half of the citiziens vote. you have to fight because a non democratical country takes dangerous decisions like this war. dangerous for you common citizens for the reaction that your foreign policy will determine. you cannot continue any longer spreading your nuclear waste over the people, in the sea and the air: you are committing suicide and killing the world. you have to fight to change this because our fathers have been exploited by you for a life, we are exploited too and i think that the usa cannot speak about freedom if don't allow our sons not to be exploited.
AMERICANS the time is here of irrevocable decisions.
Someone unilaterally raised doubts about my mental health. I'll prove they wrong with this clear speech, written by myself. God inspired me and Rumsfeld explained me how to grab the biro.
We cannot wait any longer jeopardizing world's peace. If our ancestors had waited, America nowadays would have been under redskin rule and there would have been a bloodthirsty Apache named "Little Bramble" or "Buffalo W. Junior" in place of me.
It's time for the American federalism to find its true vigour again and for the warlike Texan spirit to clear out thievish Manhattan's centralism and southerner Californians. I cannot accept unwarlike diplomacy's vetos anymore.
America must carry the world on its back. If the world falls, never mind.
I inform yo! u with infinite and preventive enthusiasm that American troops set on dictator Saddam's Iraq.
Our men are the best in the world and in just a few weeks we will bring peace to that anguished country. Modern American war technology, joint with Tony's - my pitbull - perfect training, and geometrical power of Italian railways' network, is in motion and nothing could stop it.
We didn't wait for United Nations because Saddam's and Osama's accomplices nest just there, the French in particular.
We have proofs of a crowded and well trained Islamic base, on the seaside, ready to harbour vessels filled up with chemical weapons. The secret base's name is Marseille. Our bombers, which are the best in the world, are razing this snakes' nest to the ground.
Lazybones Germans demonstrated connivance with terrorism too. We have the proofs that Mullah Omar escaped away from siege on a BMW bike. There are plans for a biolog! ical war in order to farce our quarter- pounders with sauerkraut. The Germans just tryed to confuse us by escaping to plenty of places, but we located and we'll thump them anywhere. We've already attacked Berlin, Wien, Bern and Bozen, dropping our parachutists, which are the best in the world. The strong wind, probably nourished by peace-mongers, determined half of them to land over Norway. Since we were at it, we razed Oslo too: who's neutral today could be hostile tomorrow.
We also attacked Venezuela, where the political and oil situation called for a ready answer. For an howler in order transmission's typing, besides Venezuela objective also Venice objective has been bombed. Prime minister Berlusconi, loyal ally of ours, forgave us. His reaction has been: "So much so that it was sinking, in this way it suffered less".
Americans, East as well is about to know global peace! A plane carrying one of our nuclear ! bombs, the best in the world, overflyed Korea with slight deterrent purposes. But we didn't use the bomb, we are not irresponsible insanes. Unfortunately while the cargo was reverting its course, due to a rubber band breakage, the bomb dropped over Bejing. We'll pay compensation for damages. Avoid being a pain in the ass.
But the one who we struck with resolute and preventive firmness had been the White Rais, the one who hampers us more than any other one: a dictator elected by a scanty elite who claims to represent millions of people, who rambles about peace inciting the mob from the balcony or from his awful armoured car. A man who claims to represent the Good (which is well known for being an USA patent) without paying us the copyright. The name of that man is vampire-like "Wojtyla". This morning, bishop dressed private first classes, with bazookas heroically dissembled in their own anatomy, attacked the Vatican. ! We knew that hired pontifical troops had a secret weaponry called Halberd, but we have the best fencers in the world and after an extraordinary duel we get the cathoterrorist lair. The White Rais was talking to a bearded man disguised like a franciscan, immediately identifyed as Osama Bin Laden. Altough CIA guaranteed that Osama died 14 times, of which at least seven times seriously, the bastard gave proof of unexpected viability by rebelling, shouting he was monk Joseph and blaspheming God infra dig. Investigations proceeds.
Americans don't be afraid: global peace operation doesn't end here. Sea lion and drilled squid troops, the best in the world, attacked with underwater bombs the city of San Francisco, well known as an hippy pacificism den and defeatist. We've also surgically destroyed 5,000 Asian restaurants: not a single grain of cous-cous will pollute anymore our holy ground.
The global peace operation ! obviously entailed also perils and dangers, especially for me. A commando of terrorists in nurse disguise surrounded my apartaments at the White House. Condoleezza and I repelled them with revolvers. After this episode, immediate countermeasures have been adopted. Ten marines, in nurse disguise too and led by a psychiatrist-dressed colonel, rescued me to a safe place called Fort Quiet, even if, in order to deceive terrorists, outside plate says "Lunatic Asylum".
I'm addressing you these words from Fort Quiet's TV and Diversion Hall and those there, you can see them playing bingo in pajamas, in reality are my bodyguards, the best in the world. It's certainly a sacrifice staying locked up here, but being the President of the United States of America, I'm too precious to expose myself in a so difficult situation, in any case I've my tin soldiers and water mattress. I'm looked after by kind psychomarines which give me th! e best drugs in the world. I met also a fun old guy, Napoleon Bonaparte, a former military. There's also one who believes to be Berlusconi, but he's basically honest and this caused him an interior interests' conflict with schizophreny result.
Americans, be confident! I know operations are proceeding out of here and our army passes from conquest to conquest, the globe is being filled up with Stars and Stripes like a joyful porcupine. Every night I meet Colin Powell (he's in Fort Quiet too). We walk up and down the corridor in pajama and mimetic mules and prepare the final solution. We'll launch into orbit Final Fantasy, a satellite with an extremely thorough laser beam able to destroy all the lands above sea level, except for America. This is the only way we can guarantee a true safety throughout the world. But that pain in the ass which Powell is, insists in saying: and who will we make war to then? We wrangled, he punched my bedpan and I filled up his drip with mayonnaise. How we laughed!
The doctor marines sayd that for now I cannot go out, the situation is too dangerous. I know that you'd like your president to be in operation area with a bomber jacket and a Colt in his hand. But trust me: as my assistants say, the only true hope for global peace is make me staying locked here for a little while. When I'll come out, we'll be planet's masters and then we'll attack the solar system.
American citizens, your president George W. Bush says hullo from Fort Quiet alias Lunatic Asylum. God bless America and cinder its enemies and damn Colin Powell if he pinches again my stewed apple.
(Original in Italian by Stefano Benni)
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