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What Happened in Westwood/405?

by me Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 4:49 PM

SF IMC posted some crazy goings on in Westwood, what happened? Nothing posted and sights been down?

SF Imc newswire posted something about arrests and 405 blockage, police cheif on the site, as well as mentioning LA IMC being down, and "cell phones" being disrupted?

I certainly couldn't open this sight up, nor regen. Nothings been posted here since noon?

News outlets weren't reporting any traffic incidents around the 405/westwood? However I checked the LA Traffic (sig alert site and caltrans
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I found this...

by michele Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 4:52 PM

from the AP:

In West Los Angeles, a group of anti-war protesters chanted and some banged drums as the crowd grew slowly at the federal building.

At one point, officers began hitting protesters with clubs after the group, estimated by police at about 300 people, left the sidewalk and spilled into the street, said LAPD spokesman Jason Lee.

The confrontation subsided quickly, but protesters remained seated in the street.

Arlette Chew of Glendale said she works for a defense contractor and had been supportive of the Bush administration until the last few days.

"I didn't have any trouble with Bush's decision making until he decided to ignore the U.N.," she said. "What he's doing is totally unprecedented and uncivilized."

Several blocks away, about a dozen British citizens demonstrated in front of the British Consulate in Los Angeles. The group presented a letter declaring they want to dissociate themselves from the British government's "shortsighted and ill-conceived" policy in the Iraq crisis.

Fresno peace activists planned rallies immediately after the war begins. At a city council meeting Tuesday, residents against the war proposed a peace resolution. City leaders declined to take action.

Peace Fresno is planning organized demonstrations, not civil disobedience, said the group's spokeswoman, Camille Russell.

"What we're really interested in doing is just calling attention to the fact that there are people who vehemently are in disagreement with the war plans," Russell said.

-The Associated Press
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from a list serve

by re-posted Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:12 PM

There was a confrontation during he Westwood demo at about 2:15 PM (PT), police
block the march and started to drive people back by billy clubs.
A few hundred are sitting in the street, said to be made of a lot of high
school students from Palisades High.
Might be mass arrests.

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Tried to use motorcycles

by Yogi Mi Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:23 PM

The crowd (maybe 600) marched for about an hour east from the Federal Building. When they returned and tried to move west from the Federal Building, they got about 1/2 block and were blocked by the police. They then brought in about 20 motorcycles with sirens blowing and tried to slowing edge. They lunged the motorcycles into the crowd, pushing them towards the sidewalk. This tactic was thwarted when the crowd sat down. The crowd at this point included one brave woman in a wheel chair. To be sure, there were some belligerent kids in the mix, and that is what you will see on TV, not the woman in the wheel chair.
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What better place than here..What better time than now

by systemfailure Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:40 PM

Did anyone remember to bring your 2nd amendment rights to the protest?
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reports from Wilshire demo

by kpfk listener Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:42 PM

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by Julie Marsh Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:42 PM

They never effectively represent protest during War Time. In 1991 in Santa Barbara, there were unbelievable protests. My sister worked for the police and said there were even bombs planted on the UC campus by an anti-war group calling itself 'Rites of Spring'. Never reported anywhere.

CNN right now has no news on this event in Westwood or any other protest ANYWHERE I can find by searching. Nor does CBS. I can see choppers over Westwood from my location at 5:40 but I'm guessing only police choppers over the Fed Building, so not likely to be news coverage.

So it begins.
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Mr Entropy

by Heywood Jablomi Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:44 PM

You guys sicken me. You're just a bunch of spoiled Trustafarian brats. Get the fuck out of the US you worthless pieces of shit.
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What kind of American are you?

by face in the crowd Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:50 PM

At the first sign of a little dissent, you tell people to friggin' leave. How American is that?

Get your hairy ass out of your lounge chair, put down your beer and get out on the front-lines.
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What better place than here..What better time than now

by systemfailure Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:51 PM

Did anyone remember to bring your 2nd amendment rights to the protest?
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No But I did Bring . . .

by Boxcutter Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 5:53 PM

I did bring some Exlax for the anti-war ptotesters!
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by e.belmont Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 6:07 PM

today at westwood 34 peaceful dissenters were arrested, courageous people of all ages. i found it interesting that there appeared to be 1 cop per protester. cops with billy clubs poised and ready to attack the gathering made up of grandpas and grannys like myself, my daughter and my grandaughter, high school students.......
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by End of Line Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 6:10 PM

Hey Granny did you get any? A thumping I mean!
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"Boxcutter", "End of line"

by Redblooded Patriot Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 6:16 PM

Why don't you take yourselves off to Iraq and work for Saddam Hussein? Obviously you don't believe in our constitution and you're not interested in Freedom and Democracy. Iraq and the Hussein regime sound like the place for you chumps!

Go for it Granny!

If those little boys came up against ya ya could always switch their fat asses until they learnt some manners.

Be a Patriot, protest the illegal war!
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Views of America

by thomas paine Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 6:17 PM

Its always interesting to hear the views of some Americans. I definitely get the feeling that they have a very different concept of what America is than I do.

I believe in America, the land of the free. The America that was founded in the belief that all people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Yet I come hear and read this site, and I see people who claim to be patriotic Americans, but they tell people that anyone who doesn't agree with the American government that they should leave the country.

There seems to be another view of America. A view of an America where people are proud to be "number one". Proud to claim that they are the greatest nation on earth. When you ask them why they think America is great, they'll usually use the words "free" or "freedom" in the answer.

But you can tell from their actions that they really don't believe in freedom. At the very best, they believe everyone should be free to be just like them. As long as you believe in their religion, support their politics, and probably cheer for their college football team, then you are free.

But as soon as anyone dares to present a view different from their own, then the lines about getting out of the country come out. And the threats about bringing guns to the opposition rallies.

I hate to tell them, that what they support is not America. I think most of the Founding Fathers would be appalled by their actions. This country used to tolerate a free and open debate. But not anymore.

I wish some of these people would go learn more about the views of the people who founded this country. Go read some of the views of George Washington, and his views of "foreign entanglements". Go read some of the views of James Madison, and his view on what wars do to the liberty and freedom of a country. Read the views of the Founding Fathers and how they feared the power of a strong central government, and how they feared that control of this power would get away from the people of this country.

Go read some history, and discover that most early Americans were opposed to even the concept of a standing army in peacetime.

We don't need much of an army today to defend us from Mexico and Canada. We need this $400 billion a year army because we've become an imperial empire.

The Founding Fathers of this country, whom so many honor by name, but whom so few could say what they believed, would be appalled by this war. They would be appalled by what's happened to the civil liberties of Americans. They would be appalled by the media control and virtual censorship that exists in this country.

And they would be appalled by people who claim to be patriots, but who then tell anyone who disagrees with them to get out of the country.
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but what about OUR media?

by IMC, KPFK / stop blacking out Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 6:27 PM

we can't expect the corporate media to treat us like other news. we are potentially a threat to the existence of corporate media. they know this.

but that doesn't explain why OUR media (LA-IMC, KPFK) fails to keep pace with our protest movements. we POUR tons of money into KPFK, hoping that they will do what the corporate media won't. and while things seem to be getting better, these frustrating lapses in coverage keep happening. Unexplained LA-IMC blackouts keep happening.

MIchael Slate's show today around midday was great. around 4pm, Alan Minsky did a report from the protest. But that's not enough. We should have had live coverage, or call-ins all afternoon at the very least. Our agenda is just too huge for a handful of people to handle. And our movements are getting bigger and bigger. We need more than individual devotion to our movements, we need some sort of new structures and processes that guarantee that our movements will get the extensive full coverage they deserve from our media. People who know about work being done in L.A. on process and structure, please talk to us about this stuff. it's not enough to talk amongst yourselves. Talk to the public.

LA-IMC please tell us how we can help prevent blackouts.
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KPFK autocratic power structure

by kpfk listener Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 8:05 PM

KPFK is hamstrung by an inept general manager whose autocratic style is bolstered by our local interim Pacifica National Board rep and the Local Advisory Board chair who are managing the station with the GM as their puppet.

They are clearly more involved in building an unassailable power base at the station than in serving community needs.

The much vaunted sponsorship of the Jan 11th rally was a PR stunt to boost the GM's credibility, as she had been fired by the Executive Director in early December for gross ineptitude and dishonesty, but the National Board saved her bacon when a virulent race-baiting campaign was launched by some of the usual suspects plus a few newbie-type local characters.

Since then the GM has claimed credit for everything but the global peace movement.

There's a whole lot of ego goin' on here, and for some strange reason the otherwise impressive new News Director is in New York (can't you spell 'BAI?) while the sh** is perhaps hitting the fan in the streets of L.A.

Are you surprised yet? Not those of us on the ground, watching this all unfold. Minsky's minute of reportage was good, but clearly with the News Director out of town there was nobody around to seize the moment and get live coverage as arrests were being made on Wilshire.

Maybe that's for the best. The GM has a substantial history of exaggerating police abuses, which only damages our credibility when genuine, documented abuse occurs.
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Easy Solution

by Bush Admirer Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 8:11 PM

The GM is irrelevant.

The solution is both simple and elegant.

1. Arrest Amy Goodman for sedition.

2. Ship her to Guantanamo where she can be with her own kind.

3. Play elevator music on KPFK 24/7
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So Speaks The American Bund

by Diogenes Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 8:15 PM

B.A. isn't that a wrinkle in your Brown Shirt? Better go Iron it before you get gigged for a messy uniform.
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"We should have had live coverage,"

by SF-IMC volunteer Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 8:44 PM

We're doing it up here. Enemy Combatant Radio:
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hungry cops

by eangel Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 9:33 PM

leaving the protest two cops turned on their light and siren to pass us then stopped traffic on the next intersection to speed by and on the following block we came on them turning into jack in the box! isn't it illegal for them to use their siren to go get fast food?
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by L.A. Activist Lawyer Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 9:38 PM

If you have pictures or footage of the Westwood event on March 19, 2003 please post this material on Indymedia or e-mail it to a pro bono legal organization (preferably the National Lawyers Guild at

Pictures of police misconduct and abuse are particularly necessary and useful. If you observed the misconduct, your contact info would also be helpful. However, if you prefer to provide information anonymously, that's fine too.

Thank you. May peace prevail.
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Ambulance Chasers looking for Work

by T Rex Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 9:50 PM

You can tell things are getting a bit slow, Ambulance Chaser looking for any kind of work. So folks pleases send this these bottom feeds some pictures or videos that they can doctor up to blackmail the city.
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KCAL at eight had a report

by edie godwin Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 10:09 PM

it was pretty disturbing. I'm surprised they showed it at all. There were what appeared to be a line of protesters in the street. The cops were advancing on them and it got pretty rough pretty quickly. The kids were backing away and the cops were beating them in the legs and then over the head with batons.

The first contact appeared to be between a police officer and a girl who was filming the event with her camcorder.

He hit her a few times, she backed up, took the camera down. Pretty scary business. The people in the streets were as peaceful as could be.

Someone may want to try and contact KCAL news (Channel 9) an try to get this footage. They said there'd be a full inquiry into what took due to the blatant and obvious police brutality, but I have a feeling this story's going to be buried by tomorrow.

Oh, yeah. They beat up a sixty-year-old woman, too.
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by Rowdy Yates Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 10:13 PM

Hell, I've been beat-up by a sixty year old a couple of times!
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by nick Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 10:29 PM
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Listen ignorants

by Marie Jones Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 11:33 PM

To all who want to stain their hands with inocent blood. You stupid people who don't know nothing about all this Bush's garbage, You GET to read good things no cheat. But, What we expect from brutality people like you if you only think in you and you stinky and tiny brain (if you get one).......Out there are women,kids like ours and don't need to die for people like you. We are humans and like them we got kids, mothers, sisters and brother...DO YOU WANT KILL YOU OWN BABY ? THINK ABOUT IT....
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Report of the Police Today at Westwood

by Regina Record Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 11:58 PM

I went to protest U.S. covert occupations of Palestine and Columbia as well as the current wars against Iraq and Afghanistan today at the Westwood Federal Building in Los Angeles. There was a call out to not go to work or school in order to attend the protest. I am attending Pasadena City College where our second summer session has been completely cancelled in order to pay for the impending war! And I had a research paper due today. My plan is to get certified in automotive technology so I can start a non-profit, mostly girls mechanic shop where no one earns enough money to file federal income tax, everyone gets full benefits and short work days. Since the company will be non-profit, we won't be paying taxes either. I went to see my professor before class to turn in my protest research paper before cutting out to Westwood. The rest of my report follows the research paper. In case any readers want to skip it, paragraph 2 of the first introduction outlines a solid plan to get away from petroleum based fuels.

Overhead Valve vs. Single Overhead Cam/Dual Overhead Cam Engines Under Protest

Introduction I. I was required to make a research report comparing two (overhead cam versus overhead valve engines) for an English class in automotive technology. In reality, I would not recommend either of these two engines to anyone I know. It is my firm belief that automobile manufacturers and oil interests are using their power to collude and control the transportation market and keep us in the dark ages with archaic technology, using fuels that are hazardous to the health of every person on our planet, earth. The overhead cam versus overhead valve argument seems intended to distract us from any effort to find real solutions concerning the quality of peoples' lives.

If the choice were mine, I would choose a series of topics for research beginning with the countless patents and designs that have been bought, buried and sabotaged by hostile forces. Then I would show how simple it is to convert any carburetor equipped automobile (carburetor engines are being phased out by manufacturers) to use alcohol rather than fuel to drive in the carpool lane with only one person in the vehicle because there would be zero emissions and no pollution. I could follow that paper with a Gandhiesque plan for civil disobedience to make alcohol at home. If we break the chains that now bind us, we could even recreate the extensive train networks we once had to move us quickly, affordably and happily from place to place. I write this paper under protest and therefore withhold my permission to quote me on any part of it, without including the entire Introduction I.

Introduction II. My preference for simple designs is the main reason why overhead valve design would be my personal recommendation rather than the overhead cam for street driven automobiles, in spite of acceleration concerns. Overhead valve engines are more cost effective to purchase and to maintain than overhead cam engines. For racing applications however, there is no doubt that acceleration is of maximum importance and maintenance costs are not a factor. Therefore, I would recommend OHC for racing.

Cost, Ease of Installation and Maintenance. OHV costs less to manufacture and maintain. Maintenance costs are also lower for OHV because there are fewer valves to be adjusted (Lum Para. 10). OHV engines cost approximately $750 less to manufacture because there are fewer parts than in OHC engines (Popely Para. 13-14).

Power and Performance. Overhead cam engines offer better torque and acceleration (Popely Para. 15). But OHV engines have more horsepower. Horsepower = (torque x RPM)/5252 (Lum Para. 7). Mathematically, this indicates revolutions per minute must be higher in OHV engines. If OHC has more torque, and if horsepower is torque multiplied by revolutions per minute divided by a constant; then the only way to make that number bigger is to increase RPM. And if the OHV has more RPM's, then it must get its power from the engine rotating faster. If OHV has better Horsepower, top speed is sustained. But I found a contradiction to this thinking in (Huber Para. 9). Therefore, from the sources I was given it is not possible to draw a conclusion to the issue of power and performance.

Emissions and Fuel Economy. OHV data shows better efficiency and less pollution in the "real world" but there is not much data to support the claim from any reliable source. The Environmental Protection Agency is a political organization with no credibility. Christy Todd Whitman, was appointed by George W. Bush. Neither is a trustworthy source since Bush stole the presidency of the United States and both people are corporate sponsored politicians. But since this is a pretend research paper and my references are pretending like the EPA is a legitimate agency, the EPA finds OHV and OHC emissions to be equal in real world mileage (Popely Para. 16-17). A seemingly unbiased expert says OHV has better fuel economy. Ford, a company that prefers OHC engines, says OHC engines get better mileage (Popley Para. 9).

Reliability. Ford is better if you ask Ford. And Ford says OHC is more reliable (Popely Para. 18). But you cannot say that Ford is being objective about itself. The OHC has more, smaller valves that are physically closer to their respective camshafts, which does entail smoother running at high speeds. I am inclined to think this would cause less stress on the engine, though I found no data to support it.

Racing Applications. In racing, acceleration is of maximum importance and labor costs are not a factor since most of the people involved are mechanics, by trade. So, I would recommend OHC over OHV for track racing. In case of a cross-country race however, I would recommend a high speed train - such as a maglev train like those in China and Europe. Magnetic levitation trains can achieve speeds up to 300 mph to compete with passenger jets! (Spotts Pg. 1).

Racing - Cost Effectiveness. As stated earlier, the OHV is more cost effective to produce and maintain (Lum Para. 10) and (Popely Para. 13-14). The OHV is easier to install because there are fewer valves and it is a smaller engine. But there is no shortage of willing mechanics in the racing world so this is not a practical problem.

Racing - Other Factors. The OHC stays in gear longer (Lum Para. 8). Intake and exhaust valves are physically closer to their camshafts, so performance is enhanced (Huber Para. 8). Speed is better in OHC (Popely Para. 4). But a combination OHC/ Ferrari might work well to overcome acceleration difficulties that were found (Nice Para. 24).

Works Cited

Huber, David Bradley. "How Many Cam Shafts Do I Really Need?" Woman Motorist.

27 Jan. 2003 <

01.shtml >.

Lum, Dave. "OHV vs SOHC vs DOHC and 4-valves/cyl." 26 Feb. 2003


Nice, Karim. "How Camshafts Work." How Stuff Works. 27 Jan. 2003


Popely, Rick. "Technology; Valves vs. Cams? For GM, It's No Contest; The Automaker

Cites Cost, Power and Quality Advantages in Choosing Overhead-Valve

Design for Future Engines." Los Angeles Times 4 Dec. 2002: G1. Proquest.

Shatford Library, Pasadena. 15 Jan. 2003 < >.

Spotts, Peter, "Magnetic Attraction." The Christian Science Monitor 13 Dec. 2001: Pg. 1.

The traffic was really backed up at the Wilshire Boulevard exit on Northbound 405 because the police had positioned a squad car and motorcycle to stop anyone from using it. When we took the opposite exit it was apparent there was no reason for them to do this since there were no accidents or anything else blocking the streets. Just when I got off on the north side of Wilshire, the police put cones across every single eastbound lane of Wilshire - again for no reason whatsoever. They just shrugged their shoulders and told oncoming traffic to turn left or right onto Sepulveda Boulevard. One man in a vehicle protested and tried to go straight but they stood directly in front of his car and made him back up. I turned left onto Sepulveda Boulevard and parked in the Federal Building parking lot. Several helicopters hovered overhead. When the parking lot policeman saw me walking with my Free Palestine protest sign, he threatened that I would be ticketed. I told him it is a public building and the signs say I can park for three hours. He said "No you can't." But I kept walking. I learned a couple of things about parking at the Federal Building at the end of this report.

There were only about 50 people protesting besides Abraham and Diane who were playing drums with a few people on the northwest corner of Wilshire and Veteran. All day long I only saw about 4 people I knew and they were all in the first moments of my late arrival. It was already past 1PM. The other person I knew pointed up the street to about 700 protesters who were marching west on the north side of Wilshire - about a block away. All of them were walking sensibly along the sidewalk and waiting for crosswalk signs before crossing. Still the police blocked all the traffic. The only apparent reason for the police to block the traffic was to annoy the drivers who were mostly honking and cheering in support of the procession anyway. I caught up to the end of the march and asked where everyone was going. As soon as the last protesters crossed Sepulveda Boulevard, the POLICE BLOCKED ALL THE TRAFFIC EVEN THOUGH WE WERE STAYING ON THE SIDEWALKS the whole time walking west! Police even blocked a freeway exit trapped and refused to let the cars go anywhere at all for more than half an hour. Talk about dangerous! What if someone needed to get a drink of water in the blazing heat, sitting in car? When we got to the next corner, we decided to do a die-in. The police had blocked the street off anyway, so why not? I calmed the people down who thought we would do something obnoxious since I had heard how fun the die-ins actually are. "They only run out and lay down in front of the traffic during the red light. As soon as it turns green, they let the cars go. I have heard that it is a lot of fun and that drivers seem to enjoy it too", I said. "Oh, well that sounds okay, the people responded." We didn't get our big chance because the police blockaded us from moving any further west with hundreds of squad cars, helicopters, motorcycles, bicycles, ambulances and fire trucks. We did some chants I haven't heard in ages like "We Are the people, the mighty, mighty people…." And Whose streets? Our streets! Whose world? Our world! I saw a sign that had a big picture of the My Lai massacre on it that said: "Liberating Vietnam, Kill 3 Million." There was another one that said "First we make 500,000 people die from our embargo, then we declare a humanitarian disaster, and kill 250,000 to liberate them. The cowboy doesn't care." My sign had a picture of a terrified little boy being apprehended by dozens of Israeli troops in Palestine. We were completely isolated from any traffic while we did our rally.

When we all start counting backwards to zero WE ALL FALL DOWN on the street and play dead for about 5 minutes. Then the fun part is when we shout "RISE UP WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! RISE UP WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!" over and over again while JUMPING UP AND DOWN LIKE A BUNCH OF MASSAI WARRIORS until we got tired. I went to talk to the lady about her My Lai poster and stood off to the side to eat a couple of tangerines. It was pretty hot and I didn't have any water with me.

We all decided to walk back together down the left four lanes since the traffic was blocked in both directions anyway. This time, instead of cooperating when the police tried to force us to walk on the sidewalk (as we had before while walking westward), we refused. I don't know why one of the motorcycle police decided to pick on me. Maybe he thought 'There's a blonde, I'm going to intimidate her.' I had moved over one lane to let the motorcycle cops go by but I didn't see any reason to go scrunch up single file on the sidewalk. The group could get back to the Federal Building a lot faster and let the traffic go by sooner if we just went ahead and used that whole half of the road. But this policeman shoved me over one whole other lane with his big motorcycle, while trying to force me onto the sidewalk. I asked him why should I bother since the whole street is blocked off anyway. I told him he was being unreasonable. We can get back sooner and let the cars pass if we go ahead and use four lanes. He kept shoving me across and blocking my path with his motorcycle but finally left me alone when I told him to take off his silly uniform and get naked. I said I wouldn't take a million dollars a year to wear that ridiculous outfit and bully people the way that he does.

On the way back, I was worried that I might have got a ticket. Someone advised me to buy a 34 cent stamp at the federal building post office to show in court but I must have been the only car that did NOT get a ticket, in spite of the "Don't Attack Iraq" sign in my window. When I got back all the cars had $25 tickets on them. Another person said he had contested one such ticket before, and lost. I think we should fight all traffic tickets and force the city to find ways of making money that do not oppress people, but that's just me. On the 405 southbound freeway, the Wilshire exit was blocked by a big CalTrans truck. Again, this was causing unnecessary congestion at about 2:45PM. Even the protesters were 2 or 3 blocks away by that time.

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thanks for the reports....

by gum Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 2:39 AM

thanks for the report on westwood action.

i heard that four or five kids in black block got arrested sometime last night about a block away from where everyone else was. if anybody knows who these kids were try to get in touch with your arrested friends and the National Lawyer's Guild because it wouldn't surprise me if black block kids get singled out for harsh punishment. especially if the rest of us don't know they are in jail. kids who think black block is a piece of cake should think twice - protesters who used this tactic four or five years ago generally had a lot more experience with different kinds of direct actions and diverse tactics, including jail solidarity strategies, traditional cd lock downs etc. kids today who mask up with a few friends and funtion autonomously from the mass of protesters are taking BIG risks, especially because of the legal problems activists have had in southern california trying to resist the rising tide of repression since the DNC. we need to stand up for the young people who take the risks and we need to fight back and start to win back the losses in protest rights we have suffered but i don't want to see the next generation trying to win back our lost ground by themselves, isolated.
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thanks to kpfk listener....

by ewing Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:49 AM

thanks for the insights into kpfk....

about Georgia, Fertig, and Brazon:

i get the same feeling. what are the prospects for building enough new domocratic structures to overshadow the effect of these power hungry people? or do we have to confront them frontally? other people on the LAB whose voting and comment / no comment patterns seem either shameless or ignorant include Ami and Kwazi.... there are others. Fertig seems to openly favor top down structure. when you see objectionable votes please post them here.

about KPFK PR stunts:

i got the same feeling but don't know the facts. but the insincerity of the activist paint job is really hard to miss and sickening as well. it is degrading to have to keep wondering whether a fake friend is better than an honest enemy. i don't like hearing Sonali refer to Emma "Goldberg" either.

about KPFK egos:

.... i heard Karthik was opposed to the expansion of Democracy Now, called Amy a primadonna. that's funny right? there is truth in it but that's not all there is.

NOTHING could be worse than global village midmorning all week during a fuckin USA war. i vote for Democracy Now unless they have some other program that can do better and without the superstar syndrome.. but i would be pleasantly SHOCKED if such a program materialized. considering that the patient is only barely clinging to life, it's a little past high time that Pacifica wrote a simple statement into it's bylaws opposing the national disease of hero worship.

at least the Heroes of the hierarchical mainstream are required to consider themselves LUCKY. "anchormen" and "anchorwomen" obediently take their place in the pecking order - BELOW some faceless businessman. these are only the rats who won some stupid race. But the Heroes of Democracy - - oh my god - the only way we can stand the sound of their voices AT ALL is by humiliating ourselves a little. we say this is for the cause.

a KPFK celebrity? eww. yuck. gross. i have a dark place in my heart where i hate these people. i have a feeling a lot of people feel the same way - atleast until we're beaten down by this sick society and we crawl back to KPFK for a drop of news from our long lost solidarity. thank god the IMC seems to maximize the solidarity of anonymity and minimize the star factor.

you know, i think if kpfk just did all live call-ins all day and night it couldn't be worse than it is now.

but what about LA-IMC? ....and we need to do more than complain. we need some alternative structures that run right through the walls that divide and paralyze our protest communities.

BTW, i heard that around 100 protesters were still at the Westwood Federal at 11:30pm - - maybe some folks stayed even later.
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by Sheepdog Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 6:10 AM

Wait a sec; sometimes they have speakers the mainstream
would never in their life air. Ralph Shoenman John Judge
and others who don't pussy foot the information, but like
the net, you have to know your sources and when to listen.
Taking Aim and Gun & Butter are really cutting. Weaponry and Expert Witnesses are also quite pithy. IMO
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minute by minute

by dragtag Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 9:44 AM

right this second, instead of Democracy Now, kpfk is playing the same thing as the rest of the countries corporate media: Ari Fleischer.

minute by minute, the protest movement is being silenced.
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I've been listening to WBAI

by Sheepdog Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 10:30 AM

The link to LA sucks and requires constant demand for up dates.
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As I have commented before...

by Diogenes Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 10:36 AM

...Pacifica, like PBS, is funded by "Charitable Foundations" run by the Rockefellers, the Pews, and other Elititists.

He who pays the Piper calls the tune.

Follow the money.

The illusion that the alternative broadcast media is an alternative is an illusion. Do not be deceived.
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by Rich Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 10:54 AM

cukoo_.jpg, image/jpeg, 121x91

And there is a vast conspiracy (Vast, Vast! I Tell You!) to keep you in the dark! Be not deceived, my fine conspiratorial friends! These charitable foundations are really... eh... charitable ...foundations... eh... with editorial powers, no less! Everything is run through these er... different... charities and secretly run through a magic... eh... Right Wing ... Thought... Approval System!!!! Yeah! That's it. All dissent must be crushed!

Hmmm. Yes.... I see it now (maniacally rubbing hands together)...

All the news that's fit to print!
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any minute now....

by feral Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:09 AM

protesters are supposed to begin gathering at the Westwood Federal Building any minute now.

kpfk is stuck regurgitating slimy versions of corporate play-by-play.

who will do full extensive reporting on the protests? not our fair weather friends at kpfk.
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Any minute now...

by .... Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:21 AM

Any minute now......
protestingforidiots.gifenvqg7.gif, image/png, 452x600

You will see this man at the Fed!
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we shouldn't expect anything from the corporate media

by play dough's kave Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:29 AM

uhh.. Pacifica is not funded by PBS. it is funded by the CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting). we can and should put an end to that.

as far as the corporate media, it would be irrational for us to expect top down organizations to keep us up to date on radically democratic movements of opposition. that'll never happen. we shouldn't even want it to happen. we should replace the corporate media with our own media. discredit, dismantle, overthrow, and constrain all top-down organizations.

Pacifica SHOULD be a different story but sometimes it seems like...... we should never have stopped protesting outside kpfk.

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Excuse me...

by Diogenes Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:54 AM

...Rich did I say anything about "Right Wing"? No.

I said elitists and I meant elitists. Because you are too lazy to actually look and think I guess the distinction escapes you. Like many other things do.

I repeat: The so-called alternative BROADCAST media are largely funded by ELITIST run foundations.

One Third of National PBS's funding is provided by the Rockefeller Foundation. Mrs. Jay Rockefeller is Chairman of the Board.

The "Pew Charitable Trusts" provide a large measure of Pacifica's funding.

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

They are not providing all that money out of the goodness of their nonexistent hearts.
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Pacifica Funded by it's Listeners

by Listener/Activist Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:54 AM

Only a tiny part of Pacifica's budget comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Pacifica is in debt due to its recent successful struggle to reclaim the network from a group that wanted to make it sound like NPR (and to sell off one or more stations for profit), and so cannot afford to get rid of that money, and the CPB is required to provide it whether they like what Pacifica is doing or not, so this money does not imply that Pacifica is warping its coverage to please the CPB. Almost all of Pacifica's budget comes from listener donations.

Listen to KPFK 90.7 FM. This is not some phony antiwar support. KPFK announces the demonstrations, sponsors them, and encourages people to attend them. There's not a single other station that does that.

Not just the General Manager, but members of KPFK's Local Advisory Board, and members of its listener movement, including the Free Pacifica Neighborhood Network, have all been involved in organizing these demonstrations.

There is a group of deposed former KPFK programmers and staffers who were part of the attempt to NPR-ize the network and these are probably responsible for most of the posts attempting to alienate peace activists from the network. Don't let them come between you and the only source of news that supports peace in the L.A. media, including the corporate-owned phony liberal rag the L.A. Weekly(which attacks real movements whenever it gets the chance), where some of these deposed programmers have now made their home.
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Let The Sun Shine IN

by Hedgehog Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:50 PM

Aluminized Mylar- Buy a roll cut into reasonable chunks you can hold and direct. Reflect a little sunshine the cops way. They look cold in all that black absorbant leather.

Have Fun out there and be safe.
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by -divib- Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 2:48 PM

pay attention - read the thread before you throw around accusations.

"Listen to KPFK 90.7 FM."

by all means. listen to kxlu too. and k-jazz for that matter. and kabc too. listen as broadly as you can. nobody asked anybody to stop listening to anything. try to be a normal person - at least normal enough to relate to other normal people please.

"This is not some phony antiwar support. KPFK announces the demonstrations, sponsors them, and encourages people to attend them. There's not a single other station that does that."

i support kpfk to the extent that it is the voice of our marginalized movements for constructive social change. if you haven't noticed that most of the programming on kpfk is NOT that, that just means you don't really listen to kpfk.


if kpfk can't manage to give full coverage to our amazingly committed local protests at a time like this, then they deserve a protest outside THEIR doors.

evidently you hold opposition movements to an awfully low standard.

"Not just the General Manager, but members of KPFK's Local Advisory Board, and members of its listener movement, including the Free Pacifica Neighborhood Network, have all been involved in organizing these demonstrations."

which makes the unlistenably poor technical quality of the special war coverage and the virtual blackout on protest coverage not just a question of principle but a question of competence. when people hold opposition movements to a standard that is below the level of minimum competence - it is inconceivable that they can be sincere in their support for a real opposition. shame on kpfk and those who would excuse the inexcusable in a time of grave danger.

"There is a group of deposed former KPFK programmers and staffers who were part of the attempt to NPR-ize the network and these are probably responsible for most of the posts attempting to alienate peace activists from the network."

are you talking about Marc Cooper? i personally demanded his ouster along with a minority of other protesters outside kpfk and elsewhere. did you? i really want you to tell me. DID YOU? or were you one of those people who thought it was imprudent to name names and worried about confronting Cooper directly?

why don't you name names? personally, i would like to learn more about the banned and fired black programmers. why don't you tell me what you know about that? why is there no radical african american presence at the station? why have they not been apologized to? what is going on?

it's clear you haven't read the thread if you think the people who are criticizing kpfk are Schubbites. so many of you kpfk people act like a freakin' cult! it's about time that discussions about that station start happening over here at the IMC. don't be afraid of free speech and open discussion in public - i know it's an awfully exotic experience but maybe your children will get the hang of it some day if you can't.

"Don't let them come between you and the only source of news that supports peace in the L.A. media"

YOU people are the only thing standing in between us and OUR media institutions. we are trying to open up the dialogue, bring the movements together, involve outside people. you do nothing but try to stop that. you should be ashamed of yourself.

"including the corporate-owned phony liberal rag the L.A. Weekly(which attacks real movements whenever it gets the chance), where some of these deposed programmers have now made their home."

the LAWEEKLY is not relevant to protest movements. why even bring them up? activists care what the LAWEEKLY says about as much as radical people of color care what Bodhi Tree bookstore has to say (or Alan Watts, for that matter). if you are a white or wannabe white person, you may need that comparison spelled out for you. please ask for clarification and maybe some radical person of color will take the time out of their busy life to explain it to you.

the main problem with the LAWEEKLY, for all those fake activists too corrupt to think clearly, is that the LAWEEKLY is one of the most disgracefully offensive blatant impositions of brutal patriarchal mental illness in town. wake up kpfk person. every free LAWEEKLY distribution box in town ought to be emptied into the garbage can for that reason alone. please do this today. it's thursday and tons of people like you (but mostly the "next generation" you care so much about - college kids mostly) will try to just ignore the latest batch of laser vaginal rejuvenation for college girls and oriental massage ads etc. etc. etc.

until kpfk activists can get at least slightly real about participation, politics, democratic structure, and free speech, kpfk needs a LOT more harsh public criticism from below.

i hope you respond. but you probably won't
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figures that your a lawyer!

by jioe Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:15 PM

How funny that the only thing so far that I have read from you is (please submit any footage of wrongful police action is that so you can make a penny at the cost of trying to control crowds that should at this point be supporting our troops-NOT OR GOVERNMENT that would seem more productive don't you think? To all our troops that might few this site know that there are plenty more people suppoting you than giving negative comments towards the job you have in front of you. GOOD LUCK GUYS MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU ALL!!!
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Support the Troops

by 99% of us Supoprt YOU GUYS Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:16 PM

We are all very proud and hope to see victory soon

God Bless America
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by oih Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:20 PM

wouldn't the troops be better off at home?

why would you want someone to be in harm's way if you "support" them?
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by Jarles Cranson (III) Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:35 PM

Divib, I don't understand how the LAWeekly is such a horrible waste of paper. Sure, they have many sex advertisements, but I doubt their articles are being influenced by phone sex companies. Is there something that they're doing wrong? I know they've been providing great coverage of the antiwar movement, as well as other liberal activities.

"the main problem with the LAWEEKLY, for all those fake activists too corrupt to think clearly, is that the LAWEEKLY is one of the most disgracefully offensive blatant impositions of brutal patriarchal mental illness in town."

I'm not a fake activist, and really want to know the truth about them. Not opinion, but the truth. Who's funding them, etc.

Also about KPFK: I agree they are not doing the best job of providing full coverage of peace movements such as the one wednesday in westwood. However, shouldn't we be thankful that we have something better than the corporate media such as NBC, which is part of General Electric, who makes missiles for the war on which NBC is reporting on. KPFK is making progress, considering they had over $1 million dollars for the winter fund drive, I'd say they're on their way to being funded completely by the people for which they broadcast to.
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by GOD BLESS AMERICA Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:35 PM

They are doing a great job
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by american Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:40 PM

Gee whiz! We're attacking one of the poorest most bombed over countries in the world, second only to Afghanistan in weakness! And we had the UN go and disarm whatever was left! Wow! What an honor! When they had an army we rolled over them in a few days! Gee, we're so tough!

More proof that these rightwingers are the biggest cowards and chickenshit war cheerleaders on the planet. Beat up on the weak and then crow about how tough you are. Get a spine! Evolve, for fuck sake! Or maybe YOU should shut up and go die for oil! Leave the country, PLEASE!
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by joe Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 3:53 PM

You know its fuuny that you put the blame on us for bombing this "poor counrty" your right they are poor ( the people of Iraq" but their leader is not but that's obvious when he write checks for 25,000 for suicide bombers famillies. but you rigth we should just sit back and allow people like HIM to rule by terror. And don't tell anyone who is an american citizen to leave his country when we are all just say what we believe is right! Just remember that every time you raise a banner that says NOT IN OUR NAME that eben if one soilder sees it you are not helping him to make it threw this time of needed support!!! theres nothing you can do now that it has started how about supporting you r young (18-20) men and women that are fight to keep you free from futrue attcks from terroist that could be given weapons of destruction fro people like Saddam
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to Jarles Cranson: cut the kpfk-think

by kubkub Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:02 PM

sheesh Jarles,

maybe you should turn off "Global Village", step out of your white liberal mental mush world and IMAGINE that you are a NORMAL person who still believes in mental clarity. ...

for starters:

1. when you know something, don't immediately forget it and ask other people as if you don't know the answer. this annoys normal people.

2. think about how money works. next time you get a million bucks from someone to promote your racist and sexist exotic new age massage parlor world, don't tell THEM to be grateful. that will make normal people very angry.

3. just act like you understood this all along. if you exclaim "OOHHHH!!!!", we will be annoyed.

4. read what you wrote re-arranged (below). don't be too hard on yourself.


"many sex advertisements, but I doubt their articles are being influenced by phone sex companies."

"I'm not a fake activist, and really want to know the truth about them. Not opinion, but the truth. Who's funding them, etc."

"KPFK.... had over $1 million dollars for the winter fund drive, I'd say they're on their way to being funded completely by the people for which they broadcast to."

"shouldn't we be thankful that we have something better than the corporate media?"


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In Re: Westwood Protest/Palisades High School Students

by L, a Pali High student and protester Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:34 PM

In regards to rumors/news reports involving students from Palisades High School at the protests Weds, at the Westwood Federal Building:
The Palisades High School Students Against War (SAW) club organized a student walk-out and rally at the Federal Building and arrived around 11am (first protesters to arrive) with approx. 100 students. NO PALISADES HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WERE ARRESTED, despite reports that this was the case and that our students were "rioting" "provoking police" or otherwise causing unnecessary trouble. One student was hit by a police officer with a baton (this was shown on the news during live coverage).
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by concerned citizen Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 5:53 PM

hey Bush Admirer, anyone who attempts to undermine or destroy the Bill of Rights is committing treason and also needs to be shipped to Guantanamo. Don't assume all conservatives are on the side of louts like you.

Sedition, indeed.

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by Aman Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 6:05 PM

There is only one thing that can stop this war...An embargo by China...Bush will drop to his knees...why don't we protest the Chinese consulate on Shatto St???
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Hoppin Mad

by Hoppin Mad Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 6:46 PM

Local NBC affiliate just showed protest at WLA Fed Buliding. The LAPD stormtooping up Veteren ave with batons knocked down numerous people including a reporter. At least 1000 people are there. Traffic shut down.

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--> Concerned Citizen

by Bush Admirer Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 6:46 PM


n : an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government

That's Amy Goodman's game. Sedition is what she's about. Sedition is what Pacifica Radio is about.

George Bush and John Ashcroft are the government. She advocates their overthrow.

Let's turn the tables on her and ship her to Guantanamo where she belongs.
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In your dreams

by Sheepdog Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 7:20 PM

bad monkeyboy.
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LAWeekly schroeders

by Jarles Cranson (III) Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 10:21 PM

Seriously, I asked to know what other companies or special interests LAWeekly is tied to besides those callgirl advertisements. As for the sex ads, I don't think there is a conspiracy that the writers are trying to spread sexist/racist views.
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to Bush Admirer

by Bill Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 10:39 PM

Why don't we give your wang a good snipping.
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Hey motherfuckers

by crankshaft Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:07 PM

You hippes are gonna get you asses kicked this weekend, trust me. Save up for dental bills.
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hey crankshaft

by oi-h Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 11:37 PM

whoops, your ugly threats just drove another handful of reasonable people into the peace movement.
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by 7 Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 12:06 AM

;P yeah
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by v Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 12:15 AM

"As for the sex ads, I don't think there is a conspiracy that the writers are trying to spread sexist/racist views."

i don't think there was any mention of a conspiracy. just thatthe LA Weekly was the "most disgracefully offensive blatant impositions of brutal patriarchal mental illness in town".

there's a difference, right? imposition versus conspiracy. you do see it, right?

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by merit Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 12:23 AM

You say 99% of us agree with war......Stupid lie, you are blinde o getting crazy....Most of the people IN THE WORLD don't want a fucking war..Pray for them, but please don't lie and open you eyes
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right, v

by h-j8 Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 12:34 AM

right. how could it be a conspiracy? would you pay money for a secret ad that nobody could see?

if you want to know who buys ads, just allow yourself to KNOW something next time you read your favorite piece of shit liberal bullshit racist sexist snot white boys weekly guide to antisocial escapism.

an LAWEEKLY conspiracy against radical protest movements would be a waste of time because the LAWEEKLY is about as irrelevant to our movements as any paper could ever be.

why are we talking about the LAWEEKLY anyway?!.. gross!!

drag you brain out of the toilet.
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Only 75% approve of the war

by Bush Admirer Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 10:50 AM

Poll: War support continues climb to 76% approval

By Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY

The number of Americans who say they favor a war in Iraq has surged now that war is underway. (Poll results)

A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Thursday night finds more than three of four, 76%, approve of President Bush's decision to attack even though the United Nations Security Council did not support the use of force.

The latest finding marks a sharp uptick in public support for war over the past week as efforts to get Security Council approval fell apart.

In early February, just 34% approved of going without U.N. blessing. And as recently as last weekend, only 47% approved of striking if the U.N. said no. That jumped to 66% by Monday after diplomatic efforts were scrapped and Bush gave Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein 48 hours to leave the country or face a U.S.-led attack.

Overall, 20% of those polled Thursday disapprove of going to war.

Of those who approve of Bush's action, 60% are strong in their approval and 16% are lukewarm.

However, more than half of all Americans say going to war makes them feel sad and worried. But most also say they feel confident and proud.

Bush finds himself with a level of support from the American people similar to that his father had in 1991, when he led a coalition in the Persian Gulf to drive the Iraqi army from Kuwait. The elder Bush had 79% approval when airstrikes began.

Also, while several key nations, including France, Germany, Russia and China, remain skeptical of the wisdom of going to war now and wanted to wait longer to let weapons inspections work, most Americans now disagree with those overseas critics:

70% say the United States waited long enough and it was time to attack.

27% say the United States should have waited longer.

Now that the fight has begun, most expect the war to last less than three months. Nearly two of three expect the number of Americans killed or wounded to be no more than several hundred.

At the same time, fear of terrorist attacks in retaliation for the U.S.- led war is not a major concern for most Americans, even though security has been heightened throughout the country and federal officials have raised the national alert status to orange, or high.

Overall, 34% say they feel more danger where they live and work, while 65% say they do not.

News reports that Saddam was a target of the first U.S.-led airstrikes on Baghdad on Wednesday night, and subsequent uncertainty about whether he survived, failed to convince the overwhelming majority that he might be dead. Ninety percent say they believe he is still alive.

A slim majority of Americans believe that killing or capturing Saddam is not essential to success in Iraq.

52% say the war would be a success as long as he is removed from power, regardless of whether he is killed or captured; 43% say the war would not be a success under that scenario.

The March 20 poll of 602 adults has an error margin of +/-4 percentage points.
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Boots on

by JA Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 11:06 AM

*>The March 20 poll of 602 adults has an error margin of +/-4 percentage points.<*
____________ = BS
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Watch the margins chang...

by Diogenes Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 11:45 AM

...when the Bodybags start coming home. It's only cool when some poor bastard you don't know loses his son. When it your son, or your brother, or your dad, or your best friend etc.,... it takes on a new meaning.

People really do die in war.

You better damn well be sure it is the only option before you committ to that choice.

When people speak to you about a preventive war, you tell them to go and fight it. After my experience, I have come to hate war. War settles nothing. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
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That sixty year old woman is my teacher

by Mocherz Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 1:42 PM 310.635.1372

she was just trying to take pictures of the event and she tried to focus her lens on the cop, she didnt even see him swing at her! she was focusing her camera! if anyone has a copy of the video please email me. ill make sure the city hears about this! luckily she is alive. but she does have many bruises from taht stupid ass cop! she is the sweetest lady i know and she is the last person to deserve that kind of treatment!
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war support?

by ... Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 9:21 PM

"Poll: War support continues climb to 76% approval"

to this i say: POLL ME!
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