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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
A collection of photographs from the marches in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
 la-3_15-052.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x432
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-010.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-029_copy.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x432
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-029.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-029_copy.jpgyig7iy.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x432
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-033.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-046.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-050.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x432
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-053.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-057.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-075.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-079.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-082.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-105.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-117.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-124.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-133.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-138.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-141.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by dtlocations
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:25 AM
 la-3_15-163.jpg, image/jpeg, 432x324
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by Marcus
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 6:51 AM
Those are incredible good pictures. Good job.
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by Skinner
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 7:00 AM
 rally4americasac.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x450
For those that have a different opionon: Support Our Troops and President Bush!
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by realpatriotsdefendtheconstitution
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 9:41 AM
to bad the "real Patriiot" can't spell patriot.
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by Hali
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 12:15 AM
Real patriots want peace. The best way to support our troops is to bring them home to their families, not to send them to die on an oil field.
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by Comment
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 10:16 PM
Poor, sad, pathetic, little corporate wanna-bees. Sheaple that you are, all you can do is attempt to emulate what you see.
Just stay home and watch your blasphemous "shock and awe". You'll all rot in hell soon enough.
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Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 1:40 PM
I do support our troops and this country which is the greatest achievement of humanity in five million years. I love my fellow citizens but I also loathe those who molest children, rape, murder and commit other henious crimes. In the same manner i also depise all murderous acts that our government commits against innocent human beings of this planet through these troops. Stop and think about it for a minute! Rebellion against God will bring about His wrath and we will end up loosing all that has been acheived through five million years of human endevors. Do you still think you love this country and you are supporting our troops by endorsing what they are up to at this time?
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by Skinner
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 1:43 PM
God will judge each one of us for what's in our hearts and don't forget that throught out history he has sent armies off to kill the whicked.
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by Rev. Lovejoy
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 1:52 PM
God will rain fire down from the heavens on all of you whicked whicked people. God knows whats in your whicked hearts as well as your whicked minds and he shall punish you all thoroughly for your whicked misdeeds against your whicked brothers and whicked sisters. The good book says, "judge not lest ye be jugded" and i'd just like to add to that that ye will be jugded upon all of those whicked deed that lurk in the whicked minds of you whicked whicked whicked people.
Just like those whicked Arabs in Iraq.
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by Skinner
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 1:58 PM
You need to reflect on your words, sounds like your judging the Arabs in Iraq. We are all condemned by sin, but can get salvation through Jesus Christ who was crucified for our sins.
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by Rev. Lovejoy
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 2:17 PM
Eternal salvation is mine. It is not up to I to judge those whicked arabs brother skinner. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. He's taken away my sins when he sent his only begotten son, to die on the cross, that whosoever believeth in him should not perishish, but have everlasting life.
But probably not those whicked arabs in iraq.
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by Eric
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 6:55 PM
Fuck off, you religious nuts.
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by Noah
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 8:47 PM
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel! -- Samuel Johnson
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by Bud
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 10:31 PM
So, 50,000 genetic defectives got off their asses long enough to show the rest of us that the biggest threat to freedom comes from within. But the good news is that 50,000 is only 3% of the population of LA. That leaves 97% of the pop. who haven't subscribed to the Whacko agenda. Bud
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by Eat Shit and Die
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 10:37 PM
...who sit on their fat asses, drive their gas guzzling SUV's, don't give a shit, and care more about what is on cable TV than the slaughter of innocent Americans and Iraqis by G W Bush.
Bud, you are a disgrace. Get off your fat ass and out of your SUV if you don't like what the rest of us are doing.
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by Dealer
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 10:41 PM
What's wrong with SUV's?
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by Impeach Bush
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 10:53 PM
There is nothing wrong with SUV's...it's the assholes that drive them that are the problems.
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by John Hancock
Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 at 11:03 PM
In 1992 an organization with the curious German-Spanish name of Amigos de Aufheben (Friends of Annihilation and Transformation), wrote what is basically a primer for the so-called peaceniks. This tome titled, ?Lessons from the Struggle Against the [first] Gulf War? [1] lists policies and procedures to be implemented in the event of military action in Iraq. Everything they describe and recommend is being said or done by International ANSWER, Not In Our Name, and Direct Action to Stop War These procedures and policies are:
Anti-War Strategy The experience of our class has shown us how capitalist wars can be effectively opposed. For the sake of analytical clarity this opposition may be divided into three separate strategies which are in reality particular yet inter-related aspects of the overall struggle. These may be roughly defined as:
i) undermining support for the war by stressing the class antagonisms involved;
ii) actively sabotaging the state's ability to conduct a war and;
iii) precipitating a crisis 'at home.' In order to successfully oppose the war it was crucial that the anti-war movement stress that the war was to be fought for the interests of the capitalist class alone, and to decisively situate itself in opposition to those interests. This could be done through the usual means of propaganda such as leaflets, banners, graffiti, fly-posting, public meetings, and through high profile actions.
Not only is this essential for building an opposition at home that knows why it opposes the war and can thus formulate tactics such as strikes and civil disorder, which reflect the class basis of that opposition, but also it is also essential to encourage 'disloyalty' amongst those troops expected to fight. Historical examples abound of desertions and mutinies making it impossible for rival capitalist interests to compete by means of war, not least in Vietnam where US troops were often more inclined to kill their officers than the supposed enemy. And there is evidence to indicate that a concerted refusal to fight in the Gulf War was not an impossibility. Even without the social unrest 'back home' that formed the backdrop to resistance in Vietnam, many troops refused to go to the Gulf, including at least 23 of the US's elite force, The Marines, who are currently in jail for desertion.
In August of 1990 a live TV show debating the Gulf crisis was disrupted by anti-war protesters with a banner reading: "There's always German money in weapons when there's any slaughter in the world." And on January 21st 1991, anti-war protesters attempted to make clear in whose interest the war was being fought by blockading the entrance to the Frankfurt stock exchange and pelting the dealers with eggs and paint bombs.
In Germany frequent attempts were made to blockade military depots and barracks in order to disrupt the mobilisation for the war. Transport command supplies were also blocked, holding up the movement of the raw materials for the military bases of the British and American troops stationed in Munster, Bremerhaven, Frankfurt, Berlin and elsewhere. The tactic of disrupting the transportation of military supplies was also used in France on several occasions, and in Holland, where trains supplying troops in Germany were persistently sabotaged, derailed, and blockaded.
No War But The Class War
NWBTCW was a loose collection of revolutionaries who came together in opposition to the Gulf War. As they clearly pointed out in their leaflets, their opposition to the war was firmly rooted in a class-analysis rather than some form of moralistic liberalism."We won't pay for the bosses war" was the headline on a leaflet distributed during the prelude to the war. "As in all bosses' wars, it's us who will be told to kill each other and die in the battlefields while those with most to gain from the war sit at home and count their profits " it continued. As well as providing the cannon fodder, "those of us not in the front line will have to pay in other ways..........it's us who will be told to tighten our belts and put up with cuts in jobs and wages."
This "policy manual" is revealing for many reasons. First, it describes in detail many of the propaganda philosophies of the "peace" groups leaders. Second, it provides some operational detail. Finally, and I believe most significantly, it reveals dissatisfaction with pacifists. One paragraph states, "Here in Brighton we belatedly began to take action to sabotage the war effort. The local Committee to Stop the War in the Gulf, dominated by pacifists and supported by the SWP, had reduced anti-war resistance to "peace vigils", standing peacefully and if possible silently around a statue in the middle of town. Not surprisingly this inspired no one and went unnoticed by everyone. What was written by Amigos de Aufheben is exactly what is happening now by the groups that blocked traffic in New York, Washington , Philadelphia, and San Francisco, evidence that these are premeditated acts by complex organizations. They made a poor attempt in Los Angeles, but most protestors probably had auditions to get to.
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by Bud
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 11:19 AM
I'm actually a patient in a Canadian mental ward. I'm only allowed out of my straightjacket long enough to post my innane drivel.
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by Mike
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 4:58 PM
Are you stupid? For all of you out there who are agaisnt the war. Would you rather wait for another terrorist acttack? Just sit back and let them use chemical weapons against us? It's not like we are asking you to fight! Everyone that is over there volunteered to do what they are doing. So shut the hell up and get a life!
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by KPC
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 5:03 PM
....I also fear acne, body odor and halitosis...can the war help me with that too? If so, then put me down for some of that there product!
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by KPC
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 5:40 PM
Whenever we liberals have nothing intelligent to say or add to the conversation, which is 100% of the time, we consider the fact that it is our nature to crawl in our shell like a turtle rather than face reality.
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by jim
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 5:44 PM
Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born Into this world we're thrown Like a dog without a bone An actor out alone Riders on the storm
There's a killer on the road His brain is squirmin' like a toad Take a long holiday Let your children play If ya give this man a ride Sweet memory will die Killer on the road, yeah
Girl ya gotta love your man Girl ya gotta love your man Take him by the hand Make him understand The world on you depends Our life will never end Gotta love your man, yeah
Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born Into this world we're thrown Like a dog without a bone An actor out alone Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Riders on the storm
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by KPC
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 5:51 PM
Ad Infinitum: "liberals...consider the fact that it is our nature to crawl in our shell like a turtle rather than face reality."
No wait...I'm a buyer, I got the money....you just gotta work on the packaging....you gotta SELL that fear....
Get to work!
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by .
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 5:55 PM
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