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by americanjew
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 at 6:34 AM
Photos Shows Rachel Corey Was Murdered!
 rach3.jpg, image/jpeg, 235x196
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by mohamed
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:00 PM
dirty_love001@hotmail.com beirut
you are an example for humanity ...i am sure you are now in heaven watch us from up there taking care of us ..we fell inlove with you ..you are always in my memorie and you are my new heros...and heros never die
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by Diogenes
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:03 PM
...let it be a constant reminder of the humanity of Israel's "Defense" Forces.
The number of Refuseniks who are men of conscience and honor is now over 1,000. And growing.
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by Diogenes
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:05 PM
...of Israeli Humanitarianism.
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by Diogenes
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:06 PM
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by steve
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:53 PM
Typical Arab perversion of facts. There is a image missing in the sequence of the link you provided take a look at this link for the complete sequence of events and tell me if this guy was so innocent: http://www.radiobridge.org/archive042.html
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by Diogenes
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 2:02 PM
So, they ran a bomb sniffing Robot up to investigate. How does that refute the rest of the sequence?
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by muhammad nidal
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 2:06 PM
may Allah accept my prayers for you martyr and let me meet you some day and follow your steps. may Allah reward you the highest place in paradise may Allah help me to stop crying each time i think about you and what a crime they commited and still everyday. my sweetest angel ,I will love you forever.
syrian guy
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by steve
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 2:19 PM
Isnt it funny how all the anti israel sites happen to miss out that picture.
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by Diogenes
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 2:22 PM
...the question. What does that extra frame prove?
It is not necessarily biased to leave out extranneous frames.
I have seen the whole sequence elsewhere. The prescene or abscence of that frame neither adds nor detracts.
You are just engaging in a diversion from the point.
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by Akmed Unibomber
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 8:14 PM
Should have went to University of Washington, instead of the lezzo u.
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by dkon
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 3:00 PM
 dirge.jpg, image/jpeg, 800x600
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by Arafag
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 4:38 PM
What a sick, horrible monster Rachel Corey was! How can anyone who supports people who murder be considered a "peace activist?" Rachel openly supported those who murder jews. She was also too stupid to get out of the way of a large moving vehicle. Rachel Corey was a sick freak who got what she desirved. May she rot in hell!
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by Seth Ross
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 4:42 PM
Rachel Corey chose to put her own self in harm's way. This is a sad mistake made by a foolish young girl. It is so disgusting that the Palestinian media is using this terrible tragedy for their own selfish propaganda purposes. The Palestinians don't give a damn about Rachel Corey, or any American for that matter!
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by Steve H.
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 4:50 PM
The Palestinians are a bunch of damn murdering terrorist liars whose only goal is to murder Jews! All of Palestine is ancient biblical Israel. Rachel Corey was a young idealistic fool who was seduced into believing the filthy anti-semitic lies of these Palestinian jerks!
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by Ali Baba
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 5:13 PM
The Palestinian propaganda machine is going crazy exploiting the tragic death of this young American idiot protester Rachel Corrie. What about all of the American citizens who have been brutally murdered by Palestinian terrorist bastards within Israel?? What about that?? The Palestinians don't give a damn about Americans. Those sadistic, murdering jerks celebrated on September 11th, 2001. Let's not forget about that! Who gives a damn whether they get a state of their own or not! Not me!!!!
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by Diogenes
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 10:04 PM
...do not make them true.
Such hate and misinformed vitriol.
By the way Ali Blabba - those photos of the cheering Palestinians - didn't happen - they have been proven to have been plants by the Israeli Propaganda machine. The Photos represented to be Palestinians Cheering 911 have been proven to be Photos taken almost a year before 911 of a totally different event. It is another Israeli Lie.
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by h
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 12:22 AM
This reminds of a Chinese hero who stood in front of a tank at Tiananmen Square.. ...with one difference, the chines was human.
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by Nine
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 9:07 AM
Another zionists and antisemitism rethorics does not justify the killing of an innocent women who defends a bunch of people who are innocent. shame on you.
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by true
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 9:12 AM
"The Photos represented to be Palestinians Cheering 911 have been proven to be Photos taken almost a year before 911 of a totally different event. It is another Israeli Lie." Absolutely false. It did happen. However, the numbers were quite small and if you trust the European sources the event was staged. BTW, Diogenes, do you think 4,000 Jews (I mean, Israelis) did not show up to work at the WTC on 9-11? ************************************************* http://www.mac.drake.edu/jj/jmc103/eIowa%20Web%20site/urbanlegend.html "A popular Sept. 11 hoax said that video shown by CNN of Palestinians celebrating the attacks was actually footage from the Persian Gulf War. This false report was traced to Marcio A. V. Carvalho, a graduate student from Brazil. Although he later retracted the e-mail and CNN has shown that the film was recorded by a Reuters crew, the e-mail has continued to spread. " ************************************************* STATEMENTS FROM CNN AND UNICAMP: Statement from Eason Jordan, CNN's chief news executive: "CNN rejects as baseless and ridiculous an allegation claiming CNN televised 10-year-old videotape to illustrate Palestinians celebrating in the wake of the horrific September 11 tragedies in the United States. My colleagues and I applaud the UNICAMP for setting the record straight." The videotape in question was shot in East Jerusalem by a Reuters TV camera crew on September 11. Reuters TV can provide confirmation. Below is the statement from the university where the student who authored the email attends. Should you wish to follow up with the the school you can call Universidad Estatal de Campinas-Brasil directly. As you can see from the very candid statement from the university -- there is no basis in fact at all for this rumor. OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM BRAZILIAN UNIVERSITY UNICAMP: 17/09/01 UNICAMP would like to announce that has no knowledge of a videotape from 1991, whose images supposedly aired on CNN showing Palestinians celebrating the terrorist attacks in the U.S. The tape was supposedly from 1991, and there were rumors that the images were passed off as current. This information was later denied, as soon as it proved false, by Marcio A. V. Carvalho, a student at UNICAMP. He approached the administration today, 17.09.2001, to clarify the following: the information he got, verbally, was that a professor from another institution (not from UNICAMP) had the tape; he sent the information to a discussion group email list; many people from this list were interested in the subject and requested more details; . he again contacted the person who first gave him the information and the person denied having the tape; . the student immediately sent out a note clarifying what happened to the people from his email list. The original message, however, was distributed all over the world, often with many distortions, including a falsified by-line article from the student. He affirms that a hacker attacked his domain. Several E-mails have been sent on his behalf and those dating from 15.09.2001 should be ignored. Among the distortions is the fact that UNICAMP would be analyzing the tape, which is absolutely false. The administration considers this alert definitive and will be careful to avoid new rumors. ************************************************* I know what you're thinking. They're all liars, right? Well even indy admited the truth... http://www.themodernreligion.com/terror/wtc-celebrating.html Celebrating Palestinians: Scene was not old, but was staged The Independent Media Centre, 12 September 2001 A few days ago a Brazilian student, Marcio, claimed CNN was showing old scenes of celebrating Palestinians, claiming they were celebrating the WTC disaster. Well, the scenes were not old, but were manipulated! "In a recent statement CNN insisted that the famous footage was shot on the day of the WTC blast. Meanwhile, German reporters of the prestigious "Panorama" TV magazine investigated how the scenes were shot. What they found out was amazing. On German TV they aired, supposedly for the first time, parts of the entire 4-minute footage not previously shown. "It became clear that a person was animating a couple of children to cheer in front of the camera. The woman cheering was offered a candy to act cheerful. She later said she was shocked that her pictures were shown in the context of the terrorist attacks. She had no idea what they were for. A total view of the scene shows a street largely full of at best apathic people doing business as usual. Only a handful of people standing in front of the camera are celebrating. "You can see the video online on http://www.ndrtv.de/panorama/sendung/index.html. The link is below the second picture and in German. But you can still see the pictures in the report. Forward to 7 minutes 45 seconds and watch it until the end. "Furthermore, the highly regarded German magazine "Der Spiegel" has had an article on this. The article shows the picture of the woman getting candy and another one people showing more people in the background of the cheering kids. These people are passing by as usual. "Read the article on: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,158625,00.html Unfortunately, in German as well. You can still see the pictures, though." Here's a little synapses of the article in Der Spiegel (titled "What is the truth?"): Der Spiegel reports on the analysis conducted by Panorama. They point out that the pictures that went around the world only showed close-ups, never the whole street full of people celebrating. What Panorama found out, when watching the whole thing, was that there were shots of the street surrounding the cheering groups. These shots indicated that there were only a handful of people cheering while the majority of people passed by without participating (the second picture in the Spiegel article shows that).
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by Travis henderson
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 4:49 AM
To the family of Rachel Corey; thank you for raising a woman who at the age of 23 recognized injustice and was willing to do something about it. She is what our country needs in this time of conflict.
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by Dennis Borg
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 2:52 PM
What makes people think that they have a right to go to other countries and interfere with an ongoing war. Anyone that does so is a combatant. Why didn't these jerks stand infront of Nazi Arafats terrorists. Obviously she is was a terrorist and got what she deserved.
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by Danny
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 at 7:37 AM
The real question that I'm asking myself is why I and my fellow Israeli's couldn't find the time or the courage to be there in front of that tracktor instead of an idealistic girl who's only crime was that she burned a paper american flag handed to her by a first grader. IDF engineer Corps had been playing "chicken" with ISMers for weeks before Rachel's death. Who was the terrorist? Rachel? the first grader? All the other children? Palestinian Policemen? Farmers? German/Polish parents Jumped out of a burning window in 1939. We landed on the Palestinians. The correct response would have been "Oh My God are you all right?" and not "Hmmm nice place. You broke my fall quite nicely. Now, piss off."
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by Kahn Sulyman
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 8:12 PM
How tragic.... the young, beautiful, spirited young woman was flawed ... she was cursed with the defect of being S T U P I D !!!!
When a machine weighs several tonnes comes toward you, you DO NOT sit there... you MOVE !!!!
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by history
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 10:40 PM
"German/Polish parents Jumped out of a burning window in 1939. We landed on the Palestinians. The correct response would have been "Oh My God are you all right?" and not "Hmmm nice place. You broke my fall quite nicely. Now, piss off." "
A) Jews ALWAYS lived in the land around Jerusalem B) Major Jewish immigration started in the mid 1800's C) The Jews BOUGHT the land they settled on from the Turks. If the arabs have a problem with that, take it up with the Ottaman empire. D) There were no "palestinians" then OR in 1939. The term is a contrivence.
To sum up. Learn before you post nonsense.
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by Tom
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 9:14 PM
For you Christrians "BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS" For you Jewish Friends"THOU SHALT NOT KILL" Where is anyones place in this World with G#(*#@ DAMN FOOLS Such as yourselfs. And no I am not a political activist for any certain peoples. Just a simple person that gives a sh#t about our Human race.
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by Joe Stillman
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 12:29 AM
I am tired of these anti-Semitic Israel bashers. They talk of oppressed Palestinians. Must I remind you that it was Palestinians who rejected the peace offer in 2000 and not Israel. That same plan would've given them 95% of the land that they wanted. I guess the Intifada just couldn't have peace to continue though. What if I told you that, in proportion to the population of Israel and the United States (its about 20 Israelis equal 2,000 Americans) that Israel experiences September 11th almost weekly. How did we respond in Afghansitan? We carpet bombed villages and mountains. What does the Isreali army do? They actually put soldiers into harms way and search booby-trapped house by booby-trapped house. And don't even dare say that the terrorists are freedom fighters because I'll just point back to the Palestinian rejected peace plan. Go to www.us-israel.org to find out more enlightening facts that are actually true and documented
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Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:20 PM
the poster of topic article on this thread is NOT "american jew". It's just one more Hamas provocateur, posing as "jew" to defame them.
PLEASE, PEOPLE. Take a look to the san-francisco-bay indy site www.sf.indymedia.org and you can found there about 20 Aryan provocateurs masquerating as a "good Jew" trying to discredite them. They are real cunning White Aryan Nation (or Hamas)agents.!! When some nazi-scum post some crap "jews-are-bad-bad-bad" - then sf-indy editors delete it, BUT when the same idiot post the same shit UNDER "JEWISH" handle, something like "i'm an american jew, but I wanna tell you how bad we jews are"- then this Indy-imbeciles DIDN'T delete this crap !!
You see, how cunning nazis and other anti-zionist agents are !!
PLEASE, PEOPLE, take a look to the israel.Indymedia section. there are the WORST anti-semitic post, under fake"jew" names. HOW can Israeli authorities let be visible such Hitler crap ? They are tooooooo nice and tolerant !! And after that all anti-zionist racist WHINING about "zionist censorship" ??
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:23 PM
The above post is mine. I forgot to take my latest dosage of my antipsychotic meds.
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by Simple Simon
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 5:23 PM
The above post was NOT mine.
Some plagiarist stole my name.
fuck off
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by Jacob Burkey
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 10:00 PM
itsjake@cox.net SoCal
The death of any civillian in a conflict is a tragedy that can never be set aright. Unfortunately, when Rachel Corrie inserted her body between the cold steel of the IDF bulldozer and the home of a terrorist, she became a shield for the greatest evil to confront mankind in the 21st century. And though I mourn her, for she was clearly misguided, and her death is to me a tragedy, just imagine if her attempt had been successful? What if Palestinian terrorists, motivated by rampant religious extremism and the promise of becoming shaheeds, with the knowledge that the Arab regimes will send a fat check to their families, had no disincentive, no deterrent to blowing up Americans, Israelis, and the many foreigners that have died to suicide bombings? The nasty truth is that Palestinian families have turned in suicide bombers for fear of having their homes destroyed, preventing them from murdering countless civillians in the most heinous of war crimes.
Homes can be rebuilt, but people, once destroyed, are gone forever.
Now explain to me why saving the homes of terrorists is worth the lives of good-hearted but misguided protestors, or those of the civillians in Israel.
Equating the value of the home of a terrorist to her own life, Rachel Corrie cheapened the value of Life in general. That is, in fact, why terrorism and the Intifada are immoral - they despise life for things that are comparatively worthless.
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by Frances Wood
Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 9:53 AM
Don't let the Israelis or Americans cover this up! Publicise the murder of Rachel as much as possible to open American public awareness!
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by Human Shield
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 9:53 AM
May God bless you, as you unrevealed the bloody face of IDF again. Believe Me, The future of Zionists in US will not be different from their past in Germany
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by lou
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 10:54 AM
good people vs bad people
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by Nancy Baker
Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003 at 10:32 PM
Forgive us, Lord! Come Quickly.
Matthew 5 : Love for Enemies 43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor[8] and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[9] and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
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by Nancy Baker
Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003 at 10:39 PM
Yeah, tell Bush that with Iraq! War begets War. At Least Rachel Corey was standing for peaceful means. May the Lord bless you and have Mercy on you. We know Rachel is in Heaven.
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by Informed
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003 at 8:25 AM
Please understand this: Palestinians are only mirroring the events leading up to the creation of the Israeli state. Read your HISTORY! The Israelis did to the British what the Palestinians are doing now, to the Jews; the Jews will win. The Jews are much better at manipulating the media. The Jews faced the horrors of Nazi Germany, and fought for their state. The Palestinians are mirroring that. See also: American Revolutionary wars against British, India (Ghandi) & the British, Algeria and the French, etc. Understand the importance of history and try to Love to solve this situation. The Palestinians got screwed by the Israelis and by Syria. We need to learn a new paradyme of cooperation and understanding. Befor juding anyone, read some history--read both sides, then you can maybe begin to understand the complexity of a situation. Knee-jerk, black and white judgements cannot fathom the truth, my friend---
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by Informed
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003 at 8:33 AM
I did not say that Rachel Corey was murdered. How could I say that, not knowing personally what happened. How dare you put words in my mouth! Rachel Corey stood in front of a thirty ton vehicle, knowing full well, the intentions towards her could be bad. I do not run across the freeway at rush hour and expect to survive. I honor her for her bravery, committment, and mourn the loss of yet another life over a cause better worked out around a conference table instead of in front of a bulldozer. Your site sucks for putting extra words into a heading that does accurately reflectl what the person is saying. Journalistic trash!
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by Mostafa Hosny
Monday, Apr. 28, 2003 at 4:00 AM
All peacelovers in the world who look forward to the day when Jews and Moslems live together in peace on the basis of international law, will always remember Rachel Corey with love.
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by crusader bunnypants
Monday, Aug. 11, 2003 at 12:20 PM
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by Danny Dworsky
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 1:17 PM
That's Danny as in Srg first class IDF ID#2297771 Daniel (Bedrock) Dworsky. I've served in the occupied territories since 1976. Before that I attended Yeshivah for four years. I've contrived nothing. It's not black and white. Indeed some lands were bought but others were seized. Still, that's history. What is going on now is an insane land grab by Sharon and his people that serves no one but the twisted and sordid past of a sick man (Sharon) who wishes desperately to change the past to suit his conscience. Sharon did terrible things even before Sabrah and Shatillah with the 101rst and neglected his own duties as a father after the death of his wife. His own son was shot to death in his own home by a playmate weilding one of Sharons antique loaded rifles. He may as well have killed his own son by leaving loaded weapons around the house. In 6 years my son will be asked to serve as did I and my father before me. Incidently, where did you serve in the army and what right have you to call me a liar? I had to apologize to Rachels mother sister and father for telling Rachel that she could count on the humanity of my soldiers. What is happening in the occupied territories at the hands of "our people" goes against everything that once made me proud of my religion and heritage. Shame on you. Shame on all of us.
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by mr wilson
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 at 3:35 PM
...by the ISM.
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by M.R. Rose
Tuesday, Oct. 07, 2003 at 10:56 PM
The Israelis have destroyed 1000's of homes. These are often perfectly innocent families trying to eek out a living in a place that is hell on earth and their home. There is no hearing before a house is destroyed. The people don't even get notice to gather up belongings. Sometimes the people don't even get out .Often house are destroyed purely for military reasdons that have nothing to do with the occupants of the house. Israeli bulldozers drive through the houses so their soldiers can invade a refugee camp. The bulldoze through one room of a house to another. The soldiers call it,"mouseholing." How does that prevent terrorism?
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by El Cid
Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003 at 7:49 AM
look at the family of the bomber from Jennin who just murdered 19 people, they are all applauding her actions. Their house got bulldozed but no doubt they are going to receive many thousands of dollars from the Saudis which will more than compensate for the loss of the house. They can probably move to Beverly Hills and become KPFK subscribers.
When a family programs their sons or daughters to be murderers THEY ARE COMPLICIT IN THAT MURDER. The mother and father of this bomber should be tortured to death live on Al Jazeera. The people who send them money from Saudi Arabia or from Dearborn Michigan should likewise meet a sorry end and the warning should go out that IF YOU PAY FOR TERRORISM YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH.
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by Boxcutter
Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003 at 3:37 PM
The stupid twat got what was due her, so be thankful! The Gene Pool has one less defect to screw up the human race.
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Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003 at 8:08 PM
suck in the the bitch!
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by David Morgan
Friday, Dec. 05, 2003 at 7:34 PM
Rachel Corey was killed by Zion Jews !! Those fucking devils want Americans mad at Arabs, but we know it it the Zion Jews who are behind the destruction of America. They say the Arabs are the problem, but we know better. Jew Law makers are hard at work taking away America's freedoms, and then blaming the Arabs for doing it. The sick fucking Zion Jew Bastards must die ! It will happen, they are no good. Hitler needed help to finish, but they won. We need a final war to exterminate them all. Free palestine from the Jews, and we free the world !!
Seig Heil, David Morgan
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