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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
Some more pix showing the diverse, beautiful folks who chose to brave the storm together.
 antiwaq_la_15m03_koreansagainstwar.jpgftbvoq.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x218
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_ocstudentsagwar.jpggmkqq3.jpg, image/jpeg, 550x413
Orange County?
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_outagainstthewar.jpg7rpwxh.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x228
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_impeachbush.jpgwo7own.jpg, image/jpeg, 800x306
hmmm... Now that you mention it...
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_escuelassiguerrano.jpgvqew42.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x285
For the spanish-impaired, that's "schools yes, war no."
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_endisraelioccupation.jpgqyvmfj.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x191
Consistent application of the rules. Why is this a radical idea?
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_codepink.jpg31gfcr.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x304
Now here's a color system I could get into.
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_drumcircleinrain.jpgytmk0a.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x286
Rhythm. Ecstatic rhythm!
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_axisofreason.jpgdvtgyt.jpg, image/jpeg, 550x524
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_umbrellasdowntheline.jpgu8zpwd.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x604
That's a lot of soggy people.
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by Matthew Fitt
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:00 AM
 antiwaq_la_15m03_boredcopinrain.jpgphudxo.jpg, image/jpeg, 276x500
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by lainie siegel
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 at 12:01 PM
My friend, Meeno took some amazing photos of the Los Angeles peace march & rally. He is a pro photographer and the passion and commitment he was able to capture are truely amazing! see: http://www.meenophoto.com/peace_rain_or_shine/ Los Angeles should be proud. Meeno's contact info is: meeno@meenophoto.com
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by Matthew Fitt
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 at 9:24 PM
This set of photos is... ummm... rather similar to the previous set. Sorry. I waited for over an hour after posting them before, with no response from the site, so I figured that they hadn't gone through.
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by Don Joeh
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 1:09 AM
Letter from a free man to free men.
We could discuss entire years about good people, bad people, misguissed people, and so on. But, while we talk, there are millions of people triying to survive one more day. I saw it on CNN. I saw their faces, do you?
I consider myself a free man. As such, I can't just watch around as the biggest crazy on the world kills the same innocent people whose freedom is to be "protected" from some other crazy.
I think I can make a difference. All of we, free men, can make the difference. How? Who do you think that is financing this (about to be) war? We!!!
So, as far as I am consequent, I'll stop financing them. I'll use my right to free choose to who I'm beneficiating when I spend money. And surely not to cold blood killers. I'm not going to acquire products from the same ones that kill innocent people. I can just buy from another one(s). There are lots of countries that are against a war. I can survive without my Coke.
If conscience makes us humans, it may diferentiate us from killers. I'm saying NO TO WAR, and acting in consequence. Do you?
Think about it. Unconscience allows the murder of innocent people. Rights is a forbidden word to too much people. Creating new martyrs is not the way to give them rights. Other, may be new, world is possible and necessary.
If you agree, do it, distribute it and let them know. Maybe then we can make THEM to think about it.
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by Cliff Lemme
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 10:29 AM
Yes you are free free to do what you want when you want where you want. But has anyone thought about why they have this right to speak out? Because of brave men and women who have fought and died for you and me to go down to the corner and bitch that our latte isn't foamy enough. It's time people stop thinking they deserve everything, have rights to everything, and are entitled to everything. We are a privlaged nation who has the ability and the means to help underprivlaged nations be free anyone who believes this war is against Iraqi children or innocents is uneducated, and just jumping on a bandwagon of make beleive. The truth is this man is dangerous. he rules by fear and torture. These are facts. We will not keep our wonderful lives by throwing flowers at a man who wants us dead. please look at the facts before you say something stupid.
Thankful to be an American who has the right to speak out, and knows why.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 10:42 AM
Cliffy:"The truth is this man is dangerous. he rules by fear and torture."
OK Cliffy...let's look at the facts...
What man are you talking about?
Is there any other guys out there more brutal to his own people than Saddam, who rule by fear and torture?
Well, how about Than Shwe of Burma.
Does the US have relations with Burma?
Yes, including past training of the Burmese military intelligence.
Are there other such governments that the US is supporting?
Is the US reviewing it's current policies to determine if it is making tomorrows Saddam?
If this war is truly about freedom and democracy, why is it that the US is showing such concern for the plight of the Iraqi people but have actually taken the side of the oppressors of the Burmese people and have stood against democracy?
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by Lisa Kohane
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 4:39 PM
I recently became involved, a brief involvement, with a male student from Orange County. He said he counts on people like us to maintain the justice. he leaves it up to others. thought that was interesting. he calls himself an artist. we are trying.
No Massacre.
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by Boxer IV
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 7:00 PM
The guy from Orange County sounds pretty lame! If you don't make the effort to be informed and you don't vote the don't complain. Hell the idea of you take care of it, I'm to busy, is realy stupid.
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by Adelina
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 1:42 PM
I'm just glad the sign was finished. I had actually started working on it and I'm glad that the good students at OCC were able to finish it while I was stuck in class. I am proud of that sign and hopefully, I'll be seeing it again at many more rallies and I hope we'll have it at April 5.
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