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UPDATE: Orange County Anti-War protest

by none Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 3:16 AM

lots of fun!

At least 13 schools participated in Walk Outs against War in Orange County including:

El Modena High School,

Estancia High School,

Loara High School,

Dana Hills High School

Newport Harbor High School

Fullerton High School,

Orange Coast College,

Saddleback College,

Santa Ana College,

Chapman University,

Soka University,

Cal State Fullerton,


Students, teachers, and proffesors in a show of solidarity and supported walked out of classes in protest against a war with Iraq. Later on at 1:00 PM many students, local activists, parents, teachers, proffesors, and community residents converged on to the Ronald Regan Federal Building located on 4th Street in the middle of Santa Ana.

They staged a protest in the middle of the day right in front of the federal building (where police had also put barricades and riot gear cops every around corner) Media teams were asked to stay behind police barricades "in case there are any problems, we don't want media cameras or equipment to be damaged" said officer Niento of Santa Ana PD when asked by a protestor why media could not come near the protesters.

Even with the ever present police harrassment the protest went on, WITHOUT any permits, or microphones, but instead with signs, banners, and megaphones protestors started a march around the block of the federal building using their voices and dances on the street to bring the afternoon crowd in the middle of Santa Ana to their feet.

After the march, there was an "open-mic" session on the megaphone, speakers from all different walks of life talked about the many reasons they are against war. Students wrote anti-war slogans and pictures in chalk, but were eventually stopped by federal officers who told them that they needed to clean all of the chalk from the sidewalks and walls of the federal building. Students instead just decided to disperese since it was already 3 PM (the time the protest was supposed to end) Police tried to stop people and make them clean the chalk, but protestors just walked away peacefully, refusing to clean up what some had written.

These protestors are very new to Orange County. Most residents here are not used to seeing things like this. But the anti-war movement is growing around these parts. With weekly vigils being held all over the county (see many people are coming out in support, and are showing up in amazing numbers. The past 2 large anti-war protest drew between 1,200-2,500 people ( a HUGE number for this coservative area)

we are very happy with the ever growing movement, and look to helping put on a lot more anti-war and anti-globalization events.

todays event was put on by the Orange County Peace Coalition, Orange County Revolutionary Collective and Orange County Students Against War Alliance

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It was alot of fun!

by BG Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 3:41 AM

I'd like to add, I came from UCR , and am from OC( since I knew of no events in the IE) and brought some classmates from UCR as well. ( one of which spoke in the open mic) I'm looking forward to future events in OC.

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what a great day

by Kenny Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 4:59 AM

I walked out of class today at El Modena High School and came to the federal building in Santa Ana for the protest. It was a lot of fun, im glad we were able to come together and take a stand against war with each other.

Im real glad that you all put the event on and hopefully the next one will be bigger and a lot of more students walk out and attend. It's really important that we all say no to war

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Powerful Rally at UCLA

by A Bruin Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 3:26 AM

A campus-wide walkout started at 11:15 with more than a thousand students converging in the main plaza, listening to speakers from UCLA's Students for Global Peace and Justice, a diverse coalition that used the national day of action to show opposition to the war, and to shed light on budget priorities that involve cuts in student programming and proposed student fee increases of up to 00. The rally was followed up by a huge march to the Chancellor's office, a panel of speakers about Women and Peace featuring young organizers and students from all over California, and an anti-war concert.

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by MadMaxim Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 7:07 AM

Hey Way to go Canoga park!

I guess it's ok to cut class and hold up a gas station... as long as you're chanting "no blood for oil" while robbing the place.

Saddam loves ya!

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It is okay

by KFC Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 7:10 AM

It is okay as long as you are a person of color oppressed by the white man for so long you have not one drop of self confidence. Did I mention I hate the Jews (and Koreans) because I do. Fags aren't too cool either. Viva Mexico!

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Hey Kenny?

by Diogenes Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 7:12 AM

How old are you? You sound hot. Are you a top or bottom?

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Above is not the real Diogenes

by Troll Patrol Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 5:23 PM

Anal Pastrami is a talentless little troll. However, it probably works for a government agency or the ADL.

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Most likely

by Master Borg # PRIME 23098657 Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 5:27 PM

This has all the earmarks of the agiprop used at

Palestine IMC

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Sounds about right

by Troll Patrol Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 7:39 PM

Yes, but then again. I am tweaking balls out. My mother looks like a chicken.

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Strike & Protest

by Robert Mayer Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 10:03 PM

I applaud all the students for following their convictions that the United States is about to engage in an illegal and immoral war and turning out to the protest at the Ronald Reagan Federal Building.

I am a elementary school teacher at a site blocks from the Federal Building. Adults tell children to solve problems with words, not by fighting. The message children receive from our current war policy is that it's OK for adults to solve problems by fighting. We must all stand up and act against a war in which so many more lives of children will needlessly be extinguished. The massive destruction of innocents will not likely be forgiven or forgotten. Nor will it likely bring the security we want for our children.

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by fresca Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 10:18 PM

Now, now Robert, be fair.'re an idiot. There's a reason why you're a teacher.

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Rob the fag

by justncredible Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 8:36 PM

Robby boy, you must not have had a father growing up or maybe he was a faggot like you. My father taught me to fight back. You would rather the children of Iraq be raised under Saddam, your a very sick person. You should hang your head in disgrace for wanting the children of Iraq to be held under the iron fist of saddam. It is scary such a disturbed person such as robby to be in a school where he can spread his socialist lies.

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by Protesting for Idiots! Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 8:52 PM

protestingforidiots.gifrsjjkf.gif, image/png, 452x600

Pick up YOUR copy today!

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Death to trolls

by hazard Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 8:54 PM

Death to trolls...
rumsfeld-saddam.jpgjfvjrj.jpg, image/jpeg, 468x350

"justncredible": You are a stupid moron. Your buddies were the appeasers of Saddam. It must be tough being a bitch shill for a collection of draft dodging corporate crooks. The stunning ignorance, hypocrisy, and naviete of you Bush whores never ceases to amaze me. Shut off O'Reilly and get informed. Or, better yet, get your ass over to Iraq. When you come back covered in depleted uranium, maybe you'll shut the fuck up.

You are also a homophobe. You should really look into that. Stop suppressing your gayness. Embrace it. Come out. Get a boyfriend.

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The thoughtless sheep should have there posts removed

by Jebodiah Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 8:14 AM

You can use all the bad words you want to bash the jews, gays, and the anti-war poeple, but you only paint yourself into a corner with your ignorance. Saddam is evil and shouldn't be in power but as the photo shows and as the CIA director in the 80's once said" Saddam is a son of a bitch but at least he's our son of a bitch" American Foregien policy created the situation we are now dealing with. We sold Iraq their chem and bio weapons. But of course you wouldn't know that because your probably only 14 years only, never read, spend all your free time playing video games, afraid to come to terms with your own sexuality ( the biggest gay bashers are more often then not themselves "fags"), and raised to hate what you don't understand.What did a jew ever do to you? WAKE UP LITTLE BOY! this war is illegal, unjust, and will haunt you and the rest of the world for the rest of our lives. I might be anti-war but if I ever run into you in an ally, I'll fuck you up. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. Do yourself a favor. Get an education, read, read, and read. Get the facts, then maybe you can debate this issue. I'm a student at OCC, 24 years old, and all I want is for the American people to realise what's really going on. All you gotta do is open your mind and heart and it is all SELF-EVIDENT, John Locke can tell you all about it. Don't know who he is? I'm not the least bit surprized.Moderator, please delete and ban these jack asses posts

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You anti-war conspiracy theorists need to stop

by You anti-war conspircy theorists need to stop Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:52 AM

You anti-war conspircy theorists need to stop smoking your crack and coke, theres also a photo of the allies with stalin, and why were we allied with them? To fight against a bigger enemy, the Axis powers.

You guys show me this picture and you guys have an orgasism over it. ''LOOK! SEE! THIS PROVES AMERICA IS EVIL! I SUCK HUSSEINS COCK!''

Blah blah blah.

We allied with Iraq in the 80s and gave them weapons, because of Iran, you stupid idiots. We didnt want Iran to conquer Iraq and then the rest of the middle east, so of course we gave them weapons. What would you have done? Let the Iraqis be taken over to die under the oppressive Iranian regime? Let Americans die when its a war between two of your foes?

You mental retards cant think as advanced as the silent MAJORITY of Americans, sadly. So fuck you and your anti-american rallies and do us a favor, become a human shield and die for your beloved dictator Hussein!

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What a ...

by Diogenes Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:55 AM

... jackass. All those words and still did not make one valid statement.

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Haha, tell me where my statement is invalid

by Haha, tell me where my statement is invalid Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:58 AM

Cant prove that my points are wrong? Huh, bitch? Get used to democracy, the SILENT MAJORITY, is smarter than you, too bad you dictator lovers never learn.

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by Diogenes Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:00 AM

...that big lump of drool is going to fall on your nice Brown Shirt.

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Haha, cant stop the war Diogayness!

by Haha, cant stop the war Diogayness! Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:04 AM

The timeline is over baby! Daschle is a nazi-dictator whore!

You dems, liberals, anti-war bastards lost! We win! We win!


Go do your protests, we the silent MAJORITY still win!



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Tell me...

by Diogenes Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:12 AM you jack off to pictures of corpses?

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the weasels are happy

by Sheepdog Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:24 AM

And when I look at my children I feel so sad.

There are other parents looking at their children

with sadness I can not imagine. They love them as much as I do. Waiting for hell to rain down on them, weeping.

Snipers on the rooftops in our cities and troops on

the soil of our land ready with live ammo to be used on

american citizens. Yup, here we go all right.

This is the evening of our illusion of the land of the

free. I hope my children will live to see the dawn of light.

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Looks like the anti-war forces of evil lose!

by Looks like the anti-war forces of evil lose! Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:26 AM

Suck my balls Hussein lovers. Freedom and righteousness win out.

Sorry, get used to it. YOU LOSE! BYEBYE!

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by zz Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 5:43 AM

Many people here are very immature. Some people here make me sick. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I myself am against this war on Iraq without UN support. It's a mistake.

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Well zz

by Skinner Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 6:10 AM

I'm for this war and I support Our Troops and the President. You are entitled to being against the war.

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Dr. Peacenik

by Sandy Bottom Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 7:22 PM

Students at Troy High Scool also walked out!


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War Is NEVER the Answer

by Stephanie Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 at 3:22 AM

What gets accomplished by killing each other? In the end the resolution is settled in a little room, far, far from the bloody battle fields. I don't know why you guys call yourself the silent majority proudly. Are you proud that you support the death of American citizens, Iraqi ivilians, and yes, Iraqi soldiers they too are human beings. A person need not be a college, liberal, communist to believe that murder of innocents is wrong, no matter what the situation is. Oh yeah, another thing any one pro-war is a hypocrite. You guys weren't mad at Iraq in the 80's when they were helping America with Iran, and guess who helped us put that "evil" Suddam Hussein in office, yep that's right the U.S. So before any more of the pro-war people bash those who don't want people to die in the name of greed, deciet, and hypocricy, become more informed on the truth of the situation

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taking advantage of freedom

by kittdawn Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:10 AM

I most likely will not reply to emails.

All these protesters just don't get the idea, they have full freedom to protest and oppose their government, and most of them have signs that I just roll my eyes at ""I thought USA was about Freedom"" yada yada...well look at what you are doing~! Some of these protest hold a great deal of morons.

First time it started it was okay, now its just ridiculous, kids going out of college throwing away hundards to walk down the street, I think most of them are doing it now just to cut classes. My teacher told us straight up, if you want to protest on your own time thats fine, but skip this class, you get marked, you lose a grade, you are out.

I dislike the war too, but disrespecting a federal building? That has pretty much nothing to do with it, only reason they go for it cause its apart of the government; yelling at works who have kids and dislike the war too; stopping traffic...practically ruining the economy (costing a single city millions) by doing this.

Now most of the Protest have turned violent...what was this peace these people where preaching earlier? How is turing over a trash can and mocking cops showing Anti War? It just makes you look like a small time criminal and a fool.

Now this gen has literally turned Anti American, and I am not talking about the government, I am talking about actually havesting enough hate to hate an entire country!!

It makes me feel like I should be ashamed, but you know what I'm not~! Yes it makes me feel bad, but these protest, other countries, and media make me feel like ending it all. Like I should hate myself for being who I am and what country I live in.

I never believed this was about Oil, if it was a war would have started 4 years ago. All I hope is that Saddam is out soon (dead or alive) and it just stops~! I keep having this dream that I tell Bush to have all the troops go home and they do and pretty much everything just stops.

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Now most of the Protest have turned violent

by Sheepdog Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:17 AM


What are you typing about?

TV will rot your mind as much as your 'teachers'.

Get out of the house and visit a library, before

you are branded an ignorant. This is your last warning.

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too late

by kittdawn Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:21 AM

I've been branded an ignorant ever since I was able to speak. Mom has a scrapbook dedicated to my ignorance.

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You spund like kat

by Sheepdog Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:28 AM

Are you?

It's okay if you are.

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using others names?

by kittdawn Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 3:51 AM

using my name to make a comment is pointless and unimaginative, who cares I am out of here

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The REAL kittdawn

by kittdawn Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 at 5:42 PM

I did not post the above response.

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Strike and protest

by Terry Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 at 6:44 PM

Just exactly what is illegal about this war? Our Constitution is clear about the governments’ obligation to provide for defense of our nation. Additionally, if you believe that the United Nations is required to “sanction” a war, they did. UN Resolution 1441 required Iraq to disarm or face “serious consequences”. The war is also justified by previous resolutions. As quoted below:

“Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular its resolutions 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990, 686 (1991) of 2 March 1991, 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991, 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991, 707 (1991) of 15 August 1991, 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991, 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995, and 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999, and all the relevant statements of its President,

Recalling also its resolution 1382 (2001) of 29 November 2001 and its intention to implement it fully,”

I’m not saying you have to agree with the war, but please have a factual reason for opposing it. Coalition Forces have uncovered many violations of the cease fire agreement signed by the Iraqi government in 1991.



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Terry, you dolt

by What the fuck are you talking about? Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 12:25 PM

Terry, you dolt...
ban_impeach_bush.gif, image/gif, 828x216

"Serious consequences" does not mean having the shit bombed out of you by the USA. The UN is a PEACE keeping organizationl. Dolt, "serious consequences" to them are things like being expelled from the UN.

At least your post gave me a major laugh. At firt I thought it was a joke because no one could be THAT fucking dumb. Then I realized you believe the shit you wrote. No wonder you support Bush. Shit...birds of a feather!!! LOL

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by Why Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 12:36 PM

Why is it that someone who opposes your liberal

agenda must, obviously, be working for some

government agency?

You need to get out of this dream world that you live in

where the government is the only source of support

for military action.

You also need to get rid of this delusion of grandeur

that makes you think that the federal government

actually gives the least bit of a shit about your pathetic

little protests.

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by Mike Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 4:42 PM

Human rights are rights regardless of color, nationality,...etc. But, if the medicine doen't work when your dog has rabies, then you have to put them down or risk your children getting bit.

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by Mike Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 at 5:02 PM

Why can't some people believe?

If you are still in school, (High, Jr High, college) then stay there. Walking out has no learning benefit. The only ones who benefit are your teachers getting a break from incitful and impressional little sponges who look for a chance to defy authority.

I'm sorry, but, teenagers have absolutely no benefit to society except the future. Be good to yourself and learn. Maybe someday when your old and gray you can be a judge.


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God and War Don't Mix

by Steph Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 11:05 PM

I keep hearing people, both pro- and anti- war, say "god bless the troops" "god bless america' etc. I wont get into a long debate about my own beliefs on god, but I am pretty sure he/she wouldn't want people murdering other creatures all in the name of greed and power. Since this is a war based a lot on the greed of our leaders, it is very funny considering that's one of the seven deadly sins. I just wish people would leave god out of, no matter how much comfort it provides, because people are being murdered, and no god can accept and forgive that.

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God and War Don't Mix

by Steph Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 11:06 PM

I keep hearing people, both pro- and anti- war, say "god bless the troops" "god bless america' etc. I wont get into a long debate about my own beliefs on god, but I am pretty sure he/she wouldn't want people murdering other creatures all in the name of greed and power. Since this is a war based a lot on the greed of our leaders, it is very funny considering that's one of the seven deadly sins. I just wish people would leave god out of, no matter how much comfort it provides, because people are being murdered, and no god can accept or forgive that.

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Ah Steph

by Pissed Off in Ohio Friday, Apr. 11, 2003 at 11:14 PM

You obviously haven't heard of Kmart distributing toy soldiers in their easter baskets this year, haha.

Don't you know Jesus supports cluster bombs when their dropped on the heads of people being oppressed by brutal dictators?!? Oh yay, that means WE get some cluster bombs too!! YAY cluster bombs for everyone!

Just like grandma used to bake...

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Strike & Protest 2

by Terry Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 10:54 PM

To: What The Fuck Are You Talking About

It is interesting that you are unable to respond to my posting without resorting to name calling. Why is the protester crowd generally unable to state their position without getting emotional? Your position could be respected if it was based on facts and reason.

I also find it telling that your hatred for President Bush seems to be overwhelming. The percent of the US population that supports the current military operation is about 73%, the which leaves about 25% in disagreement.

The President’s approval/disapproval poll numbers are almost identical to the above mentioned numbers. It would appear that in the United States at least, people who view the President in a favorable light approve of his job performance.

What would the legal justification be for impeaching President Bush? Please try to hold your response to facts, calling him stupid or whatever word you choose is not generally an impeachable offense.



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Mike I agree with you!

by Terry Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 11:14 PM

Just a suggestion to student/teacher walkout folks.

Maybe the students and teachers would do well by staying in school and studying the issue. Comments by most protesters show a complete lack of knowledge of why they are against the current military operations. I believe some just want to be “anti-establishment”. News Flash: The 60’s are over, and you missed it.

Remember, war has never ended anything other than Nazism, Slavery, Fascism, and Communism. Not a bad thing if you think about it.



P.S. If you've seen the news lately there seems to be quite a few Iraqi cititzens glad that it brought an end to Saddam Hussein regime.

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This one is happy

by #1 Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 11:34 PM

This one is happy...
menino_queimado.jpgbfx4uk.jpg, image/jpeg, 399x280

See the smile?

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This little guy is just dying to show how grateful he is

by #2 Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 11:56 PM

This little guy is j...
12yearold.jpgmq4flu.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x262

See his tears of joy?

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by Terry Monday, Apr. 14, 2003 at 12:11 AM

I'm sure you can produce many more pictures like this. It is sad and unfortunate, however the Hussein regime caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. You have also seen the photos of children intentionally killed by the regime when he used chemical weapons on his own population? Or women and children that had been shot or tortured to force family members to do his dirty work. This photo while graphic, may just as well be the work of the Iraqi Army/para-military. You may not want to believe it but Coalition forces do not intentionally shoot women and children. The Regime seems to have a habit of using them as shields.

We all want this to end as soon as possible so that the Iraqi people can carry on with their lives. Lives that will be much better and happier without the "Butcher of Baghdad".

R/ Terry

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And this little angle

by #3 Monday, Apr. 14, 2003 at 12:13 AM

And this little angl...
27c44010.jpgbefmfi.jpg, image/jpeg, 324x257

This little one is also waiting to show gratitude

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Pity the Poor Bush Sycophant - he is really quite a wretch.

by Diogenes Monday, Apr. 14, 2003 at 12:26 AM

The above is vintage Bush Admirer i.e., PsyOps.

The point he is setting up with the outrageous filth preceding it is to get you outraged and feeling impotent to set you up for the kill.

The real point is this line: “3. Are the Anti-War Protesters completely irrelevant? I think yes. Does anybody really give a shit what they think? The resounding answer is "NO!"”

The affect being attempted here is to demoralize you and make you feel small and impotent.

Once you know what it is it should have the opposite effect. Why? This is basically an admission by Bush Sycophant that the protests worry his masters. The one thing they fear the most is a populace awakened to how their country, and their freedom, is being stolen before their very eyes.

Protests get peoples attention. That is why the Controlled Media do their best to underreport and mis-report. The fear is that more people will become awakened. Whether or not the Sheeple attend the Protests is to some degree irrelevant. The protests force people to become aware that something is occurring. That something troubling is going on. Some will start asking questions. Be there with the facts to answer those questions.

First and foremost inform yourself so that you can answer with something other than bullshit. Do not overfeed someone just beginning to ask questions. Don’t frighten them by going into material they are not ready for. If you violate their reality they will be frightened or turned off. If you answer all their questions at one shot they will go back to sleep. Give them just enough to want more. Then suggest they follow up on it. You might have a couple of well sourced, credible, books that expose the underbelly of the beast to recommend. If you can afford it carry a couple of your favorites around. Don’t give them away though - sell them for what you paid for them. If they don’t pay for it they won’t value it enough to read it.

And ignore Bush Sycophant. He is really a pitiable sort. Anyone who must peddle hatred and fear for their living is in a really sad way.

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by daveman Monday, Apr. 14, 2003 at 10:20 AM

"...the protests worry his masters. "

"The fear is that more people will become awakened."

Does your stuffed shirt come with a little compressor to keep it inflated, or is there a little tube you have to blow in?

"Anyone who must peddle hatred and fear for their living is in a really sad way."

In case you didn't notice, that's exactly what you're doing with your anti-government agitprop.

Can anyone say, "double standard"?

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by billy Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2003 at 10:31 PM

funny, and true

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by billy Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2003 at 10:35 PM

everyone worth their salt knows that students and professors are not realists. they dream of a peace world that cant exist because of human nature. if zombies ever came to those high schools, they would turn the other way because of the lack of "brainsss...."

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by things Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2003 at 10:40 PM

how can you say this war is immoral when you dont belive in morals, comrade. and talking out of things only works if your dealing with countries that arent ruled by tryants. dictators are just big bullies, just like the ones in high school that threw shit in your hair no matter how much you pleaded, and tryed to rationalize with them. so please, GROW UP

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by billy Wednesday, Jul. 16, 2003 at 2:22 PM

I'm gonna get my daddy to beat you up. he's a mess hall seargent and he'll kick your ass!

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