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by Todd
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 4:05 PM
Group of students protesting against war on Sepulveda Blvd. in San Fernando Valley on Wednesday afternoon
 no_war-group.jpg, image/jpeg, 416x577
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by Todd
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 4:05 PM
 no_war-5_students.jpg, image/jpeg, 447x640
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by Todd
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 4:05 PM
 no_war-2_students.jpg, image/jpeg, 480x601
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by Bill Mitchell
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 5:11 PM
Venice High School in LA burst into antiwar fever when hundreds of hundreds of chanting students charged from buildings with a sea of placards dancing in the air. The AP, ABC and other media were there and so was the LAPD and school principal, who kept the students on the lawn and non-students on the sidewalk. I addressed the students by bullhorn on the illegality of aggressive under international law, as in ratified treaties which are binding under Article VI (2) of the US Constitution as, 'the Supreme Law of the land.' I quoted from and handed out copies of the Nuremberg Principles. And called for the indictment, prosecution, conviction and execution of George Bush for War Crimes. The smiling students cheered in delight at the prospect. A question came to my mind afterwards, how many Venice High School students died, wounded, or went to jail during the US imperial Indochina War, specifically, Vietnam? How many of the 60,000 + US killed and hundreds of thousands wounded and thousands of amputees were recruited from high schools? How many of the high school and college student activist in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, and around the world today know the names of these from your schools that were killed in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf I, Somalia, Afghanistan and in awaiting the unlawful order to attack Iraq? Could student gain this information, compile it, and disseminate those from their schools currently in the military and tell them NO WAR! Your orders are illegal and you are required to disregard them by the US Constitution that you are under oath to protect and defend, as is the president, but he isn't above the law and neither are you! Strike for Peace, listen to the people, as in: 'We, the people of the United States ... (Preamble of US Constitution). Take this idea into action, and use it as a teach-in aid,and outreach tool, to bring about peace and disarmament in the Middle East, including the Israel. We should conduct our own National Referendum on Middle East policy with an antiwar activist initiative to be in opposition to the fascist imperialist genocidal agenda of the US criminal plutocracy -- who can only be overruled by Direct or Pure Democracy. All else is folly, for the truth is -- WE ARE THE SOLUTION! Bill Mitchell seriousrad@attbi.com
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by Regina Record
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 7:49 AM
We, the people of the United States, exercise the power to enact and repeal laws by direct popular in 22 states. The Bill of Rights amends the preceding articles of the US Constitution, specifically, the 9th and 10th Amendments.
It is our right, our duty, and our responsibility to make public policy by directly making Public Law on the national level as well. Great wealth has long corrupted the basis of 'representative government' and only by direct self-government, as in Pure or Direct Democracy, can common sense and social justice prevail.
The US Constitution is the people's contract or treaty, between ourselves and the federal government, and it is the federal government that has broken the contract by ruthless acts of without the consent of the governed.
Therefore, We the people must initiate and bring to fruition, government of the people, by the people, for the people -- by DIRECT POPULAR VOTE NATIONALLY TO GOVERN OURSELVES!
Please fill out the attached ballot and put in ballot box.
If you are interested in participating in this project, please fill in the information below and put in box as well. You will be contacted. Thank you.
Email address______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (if you prefer to be contacted this way.)_____________________________
Best time to call__________________________________________________________________
Direct Democracy Ballot
Propositions.................... [For]......[Against]
1. Repeal of The Patriot Act, Anti-Terrorism Act,Crime Bill, National Security Act of 1947............................... ....... [ . . .].......[ . . .]
2. Israel withdrawal to 1967 borders or be cutoff of all aid, trade, and travel with US.................................... [ . . .]......[ . . .]
3. Audit for Forfeiture of all multi-million dollar assets from the illicit drug trade...................................... [ . . .]......[ . . .]
4. Impeachment of US Supreme Court Justices for rigging the 2000 Presidential Election................................... [ . . .]......[ . . .]
5. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution ............................................[ . . .]......[ . . .]
6. US military occupations terminated in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Okinawa, and Yugoslavia................................. [ . . .]......[ . . .]
7. Transfer half of US military and Intelligence budgets to Complete-Universal Health Care................................ [ . . .]......[ . . .]
8. Public ownership of Utilities, Agriculture, our natural resources and electronic media........................... [ . . .]......[ . . .]
9. Free half the prison population and parole half of those remaining within 6 months..................................... [ . . .]......[ . . .]
10. Replace the privately owned Federal Reserve System with money from the US Treasury................................... [ . . .]......[ . . .]
11. Ratification of International Treaties on Environment, Arms Control, and ICC ........................................... [ . . .]......[ . . .]
12. Limit the disparity in net personal income to a 4 to 1 ratio by progressive income tax................................. [ . . .]......[ . . .]
Composed by Bill Mitchell and Therese Dietlin
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by Regina Record
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 7:56 AM
The Pure Democracy Manifesto - Speech Given at the Venice Peace March - Sunday, February 2, 2003
I can't see democracy if it's not Pure Democracy; it's just a Plutocracy under the bourgeoisie.
If we are smart enough to vote for public figures and know what they are supposed to stand for - then we are smart enough to make laws by direct popular vote - with no advisories and no petitioning.
All public laws must be made, not merely under the cruel pretext of "'consent of the governed'", but by the people themselves.
For where has our consent ever been requested or required for a compulsory military draft, enslavement into the unjust war of Vietnam and all the wars since Vietnam?
Where has our consent ever been requested or required before the looting of Social Security?
Where has our consent ever been requested or required in the prevention of a comprehensive health care system?
Where has our consent ever been requested or required to prevent education through the graduate level from being funded at government expense?
Where has our consent ever been requested or required for the degradation of the environment?
Where has our consent ever been requested or required before putting the living conditions of we the people BELOW the private profit of the super rich?
Never. Our consent has never been given and our government never representative of we the people of the United States, but only the most wealthy 5 percent.
They have abused, misused and disgraced us and as a consequence have violated the contract between the government and the governed, leaving us no other moral or legal recourse to restore our personal and national honor but to reclaim and pursue self government by pure democracy alone – without veto or amendment by any central body, elected or otherwise.
These people have made a lie out of the Declaration of Independence then conspired to commit high treason against the Constitution and the people of the United States for their own selfish purposes. Acts of genocide have been committed without our consent and often without our knowledge.
I am adamantly opposed to the policies of the government because otherwise I would be complicit in their criminality.
Through no other proposition would I give my allegiance, tax, sweat or tears nor that of my progeny.
But dissent is not enough to wash the blood from our hands. So we must join hands, hearts, minds and soul to determine and declare the policies by which we would rule our nation by direct popular vote.
This proposition I will defend with my life and my honor, so help me God. The United States Constitution is my shield; the Declaration of Independence is my sword of liberation. And this is my new Declaration of Independence.
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by Regina Record
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 8:14 AM
Since We, the People did NOT Agree... - Speech Given at the Venice Peach March - Sunday, February 16, 2003
Democracy is where we, the people, decide every law, directly - WITHOUT veto or amendment by any central body, elected or otherwise.
Since the people did not agree to bypass the constitution to print money for private profit.
Since the people did not agree to the invention of the quote unquote "National Debt" - that only serves to enrich Greenspans and Rockerfellers.
Since the people did not agree to enact the NAFTA agreement, which bypasses the United States Constitution and allow private enterprises to sue the people for damages if the people "choose" NOT to use their products - EVEN WHEN THOSE PRODUCTS POISON OUR LAND, POLLUTE OUR GROUND WATER AND LACE THE AIR WE BREATHE WITH TOXINS THAT CAUSE ATHSMA, ALZHEIMER'S, AUTISM, LUNG AND HEART DISEASES AND BIRTH DEFECTS.
Since the people did not agree to drop Agent Orange from U.S. military aircraft abroad, causing birth defects in the offspring of generations of Vietnamese people - to this day born deformed as a direct result of Agent Orange.
Since the people did not agree to give poison vaccinations to U.S. soldiers and prisoners that caused birth defects in the soldier's offspring and AIDS in the prisoners.
Since the people did not agree to allow United Nations declared war criminal, George H. W. Bush to order the massacre of 4000 Panamanian civilians - 4 days before Christmas in 1989.
Since the people did not agree to the bulldozing of those 4000 Panamanian bodies from the flattened neighborhoods where they had lived when they were alive - into ditches and mass graves using U.S. military personnel, tanks and equipment.
Since the people did not and do not agree to train 60,000 notorious terrorists in the U.S. Army School of the Americas that is based in Atlanta, Georgia - to overthrow democratically elected governments in Chile, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Iran, Yugoslavia, El Salvador, etcetera.
Since the people did not agree to allow political refugees immigrate to this country for selective, political reasons rather than real reasons. (Philippinos who fear for their lives are allowed to enter but people from El Salvador are not.)
Since the people did not agree to forced government drugging because a few pharmaceutical companies needed more customers in California, New York, Texas and Florida.
Since the people did not agree to the Joint Chiefs' plan to attack out own military compounds, World Trade Center and Pentagon - call off U.S. Air Force defenses, make it look like Cuba and Bin Laden did it - AS A PRETEXT FOR DECLARING WAR on Cuba, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Since the people did not agree to assassinate President Kennedy after he renounced this plan and the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve.
Since the people did not agree to assassinate Robert Kennedy, Martin King, Judy Bari, John Kennedy, Jr., Mel Carnahan, Paul Wellstone, John Lennon, Tupak Shakur, Bob Marley and countless others who talked about Love.
Since the people did not and would not agree to the U.S. military interventions that have killed millions more civilians than Hitler ever dreamed of - since World War II.
Since the people did not agree to these acts and in most cases - were not even asked, the idea that this is a democracy - representative or otherwise - is completely unfounded.
And I propose that the people get together and do something about it.
Democracy is where we the people decide every law, directly - WITHOUT veto or amendment by any central body, elected or otherwise.
I propose that we vote on this issue right now, or forever hold our peace - to throw out every law that is not in the U.S. Constitution, its 25 amendments or the Bill of Rights, and strip all public politicians of their undeserved legislative powers - cut off their funds, welfare and benefits, release all nonviolent prisoners and insist that all future laws be written in easy to understand language.
Let's talk about it coming soon to a ballot near you.
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by Sheepdog
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 8:33 AM
You are talking heresy, Bless you. There are things worth dying for and this is the best reason I've heard so far. It might come to that and you know why. These roach droppings LIKE playing god and will use every device in their bag to prevent real democracy. They have been embarked on a program of rule by violence and deception for millennia.
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