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by Wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 7:47 AM
 mix.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x233

pro war demonstrators control the corner at 12pm
Pro-war and antiwar demonstrators squared off again in Brea last Saturday continuing their weekly showdown. The so called "Pro American" freedom lovers waved flags and held signs that read support our troops and free Iraq. They also claim we should remember 9-11 as you can see from their sign in their picture. As the day went on more peace activist showed up and eventually took over their corner and the warmongers were forced to move to the other three corners of the intersection. In fact some of the peace activist took the bold move and walked over the the other corners and stood shoulder to shoulder with the counter demonstrators. They tried to carry their anti-war message of peace to the pro-war supporters. The only incedent I know of was one of the peace activist got pushed into the street.
It was quite a day with activists on both sides debating the issue of war. The anti-war crowd was diverse, from young college peacenicks and hippies from the 60's, to Senior Citizens and soccer moms. The pro-war crowd was equallly diverse. I especially liked the guy yelling at the peace activists calling them all communist traitors and marxist cowards. I think he was left over from the McCarthy era and somebody forgot to tell him the cold war ended. He crossed the line though when he yelled at sweet young little peacenick and made her cry.
The peace activist were met with their usuall resistance from motorist, with people yelling at them and old ladies giving them the finger and all the usuall stuff. One guy
even threw a bottle of gatorade at the crowd. But things started getting more interesting as the day went on. A kid who looked like a young repulican came over with a megaphone and started yelling obsentaties at the peace corner and was trying to bait the activist into fighting. What this fool didn't know is there were two Brea Police enjoying their Starbucks frapachino in the background. They quickly grabbed the provacatour and took his batteries from his megaphone and gave him a $150.00 ticket. The peace activist started yelling"support the police!" as the man was taken away. Then three skinheads came up holding up Bush bumper sticker. They said they didn't care how many Arabs we killed as long as we get our gas. Finally a man came over to the peace corner with a sign that said terrorists are people too! mocking the activist as to say that they were sticking up for terrorist. The man then boldy said I'm comming back next week with my friends, clearly trying to bait the ant-warvdemonstrators. It almost worked, as one of the demonstrators threatend to beat his ass but then calmed down.

Anti-war demonstratons get their corner back
Occasionally the peace demonstrators do loose their cool and let their emotions get the best of them but for the most part when someone gets rude they just laugh it off. Its really the reason they come to this conservative area. They enjoy debating the issues and getting the anti-war message out that doesn't get covered on the corporate media. This is a political junkies dream, with people from both sides hotley debating the issues. I know that some of the pro-war people are starting to think different and are acutally making friends with the peace activists. Marcus, the most vocal of the protestors, is a vietnam vet. He is 6'7" half Indian with a loud and booming voice and is truely funny the way he comes back with one liners in the face of angry and rude motorist. Another man, a senior citizen in a wheel chair just tells everyone to read their bible.
I think the main diffrence between the anti-war and the pro-war people is the issue of race. Any one who is pro-war seems to be dividing race and nation in a sort of us against them. The anti-war people are genuinley not racisist and do not belive the orwelian propoganda that they sholud hate the muslim world cause they are out to destroy America.
This intersection is a perfect place to have a demonstration. It is very busy with alot of cars and has excellent visibility giving the protestors the ability to get up close and personal with their message of peace or war depending on your point of view. Also there is plenty of parking and a great cortyard with starbucks coffee and other restuarnts with patio seating right there. This demonstration started with three guys coming out with signs and now has exploded, capturing the attention of the city. You have journalist students, local televison media, and counter demonstrators all gathering for quite the spectical. Also there is a nice park down the road with a skatepark and basketball court.
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by Wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 7:47 AM
 wingnut.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x233
Someone forgot to tell this guy the cold war ended
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by Wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 7:47 AM
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Pro-war demonstrator shows off his hand made sign
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by Wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 7:47 AM
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Marcus points to tire tracs left by someone who tried to run him over
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by wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 8:12 AM
 provac.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
Is it just me or does the guy with the beard look like a paid protestor?
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by wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 8:14 AM
 bush.jpgfnmvzh.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x233
Anti-war demonstrators confront skinheads
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by wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 8:27 AM
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Peacenick Chicks
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by Skinner
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 10:57 PM
It’s obvious that you communist lackeys don’t get! Just because we think that appeasing Iraq and their French whores is dangers for America does not mean we are pro war.
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by Brown Shoes Don't Make It
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:03 PM
What does that have to do with the fact that I love nude and hairless Chinese boys covered in melted butter Explain...
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by Joe Sabet
Monday, Mar. 10, 2003 at 8:01 PM
I am in the picture. I was that guy in the blue denim shirt and jeans. I had the privilege to meet Marcus and he is the one pointing to the skid marks. This guy is a true patriot. The anti-war sentiment is growing and I'm so glad to be a part of it.
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by MadMaxim
Monday, Mar. 10, 2003 at 8:24 PM
Mr/ms "Ben Seatle" asks, "Where should we take the anti-war movement next": http://la.indymedia.org/news/2003/03/34575.php THIS is where he wants to lead you: http://struggle.net/proletarian-democracy/pd.htm?benh=2 Hmm... been there, did that: Nazi-SOCIALIST party Baath-SOCIALIST party (iraq/Saddam) U.S.S.R (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republic)
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 12:22 AM
So I guess the Peoples REPULIC of China is actually a republic...just like the good ol' US of A...?
...pretty fuckin' stupid...
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by MadMaxim
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 12:41 AM
Define "Republic".
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 12:43 AM
Define "socialist"...
...this ought to be interesting....
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by MadMaxim
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 12:55 AM
ho-chi Ben Seatle seems to have defined it pretty well: http://struggle.net/proletarian-democracy/ It seems to be a philosophy (an unprovable set of ideas) that sounds great in the Ivory tower class rooms lots of Oooos and ahhhhs from the parots. But ya know it's funny, all these "socialists" go on and on abot the people this and the workers that... Why is it they all seem to end up resembling military dictatorships? With starving people? And why is it they have to build walls to keep their people >IN< ??
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 1:04 AM
Well, I have to admit I was wrong...
...that wasn't interesting at all....
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by MadMax
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 1:10 AM
If it's such a great system of government, why do they have to build walls to keep their people IN?
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 9:03 AM
Glutious Maximus, you are a hack!
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by redandblackattack
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 at 3:17 AM
A N A R C H Y G O O D F O R Y O U G O O D F O R M E What is the meaning of ANARCHY? According to the The Harper Collins Dictionary of Philosophy, the word "ANARCHY" is from Greek, prefix a, meaning "not," "the absence of," or "the lack of", plus archos, meaning "a ruler," "chief," "person in charge." The Greek words anarchos, and anarchia meant "having no government" . The Encyclopedia Britannica entry for ANARCHISM says that it is, "...a social philosophy whose central tenet is that human beings can live justly and harmoniously without government and that the imposition of government upon human beings is in fact harmful and evil. ANARCHISTS are distinguished from Marxists and other socialists in that the latter believe that the state must first be taken over before it can "wither away"; anarchists are too suspicious of the corruptions of power to believe that this is desirable or even possible." Both of these definitions have nothing to do with "violence" or "lawlessness" which people usually associate with anarchy. If fact, anarchy has more to do with a UTOPIAN VISION of people being able to get along peacefully without governmental supervision. SO FUCK YOUR BULLSHIT REPUBLICS AND BULLSHIT SOCIALISM
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by MadMaxim
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 at 9:05 PM
>>UTOPIAN VISION of people being >> able to get along peacefully >>without governmental supervision.
Do you have an example of a society that has implemented and sustained this ideology?
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by MadMaxim
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 at 9:29 PM
There seems to be some disagreement among your fellow Anarchists regarding the exact definition of Anarchy.
According to Mikhail Bakunin, Anarchy is "Stateless Socialism"
It has also been described as "Ever reviled, accursed, ne'er understood, Thou art the grisly terror of our age..."
It has not worked in its previous incarnations - what makes you believe it will work this time?
I think all you will do is create CHAOS.
Be careful what you ask for - you just might get it.
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by MadMaxim
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 at 9:30 PM
There seems to be some disagreement among your fellow Anarchists regarding the exact definition of Anarchy. According to Mikhail Bakunin, Anarchy is "Stateless Socialism" http://flag.blackened.net/daver/anarchism/bakunin/bakunin2.html It has also been described as "Ever reviled, accursed, ne'er understood, Thou art the grisly terror of our age..." http://flag.blackened.net/daver/anarchism/emma/emma1.html It has not worked in its previous incarnations - what makes you believe it will work this time? I think all you will do is create CHAOS. Be careful what you ask for - you just might get it. Max
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by Skinner
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 1:24 PM
Peaceniks, un-American? They ‘re demonstrations are financially supported by Communist Worker’s Party and groups supporting terrorist groups! Call them what you will, fools or assassins of the American people.
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by Pissed Off in Ohio
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 1:43 PM
Skinner, You are a traitor to your people. You are helping the bush administration perpetuate the biggest swindle since hitler. He and his mob are taking over the american government for fun and profit. Ever heard of the Reichstag fire of 1933? Probably not, it doesn't sound like you do your homework. If you did, you would be VERY speculative of the claims our government makes. http://www.rense.com/general24/operationnorthwoods.htm Read that. Yes I know its on rense and thus you don't trust it. It sites its sources though and they're good ones. No one ever "proved" the nazis set the reichstag fire either but its pretty damn obvious if you ask me. What isn't even debatable is that the german people's descent in nazism began with the loss of their civil liberties. And it was done under the exact same pretense that our government uses today, except everywhere our government says 'terrorist', the germans said 'communist'. Such short memory we have. Read this too: http://www.geocities.com/onemansmind/hr/nazi/Weimar02.html Thats where we're going. Thats what bush and his mob are trying to do. Make up your own mind, stop copying and pasting freeper crap here thinking you're going to sway some opinions or change some minds. You aren't. Rarely are matters so clean cut and binary as 'right and wrong', but we exist in one of those rare circumstances now and i beg you, please, as an american, do the right thing. Open your eyes, stop accepting everything crammed down your throat, blindly, in the name of patriotic nationalism. Real american's don't invade other countries. Real patriots defend their civil liberties. Mindless drones just accept, and I say they do not deserve the right of calling themselves americans or patriots. They certainly don't have the right to judge me a 'communist terrorist loving traitor'. Normally, you can get by just accepting our governments leadership. They're corrupt, self serving swindlers, and have been for a long time.... and generally, you can just ignore that and move on. But we're establishing some scary precidents here, and you have to ask yourself if you really support whats happening. And if you don't support everything about it, completly, you must oppose it, fiercly, right now. And if you do support it, you should come up with some better arguements than some unsubstantiated crap you copy and paste out of an email or website or whatever. Use some common sense man. BTW: No one supports me. No one gives me anything to do this. The $3 it took to make my signs came out of my wallet. The time i spend making these arguements are not done on anyone's clock. And I love my country, fiercly.
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by Skinner
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 3:40 PM
Silent those that disagree with the Peacniks. My previous posting which goes to la.indymedia was deleted by them. Sure looks like silencing those that dare to oppose their views! “Wednesday March 12, 2003 Wed 01:24 PM”
Peacenik say nay, we are not supported by Communist Worker’s Party, but it has been widely reported in various news services that A.N.S.W.E.R is funded by them and they pay for the big rallies. |
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Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 3:54 PM
*attempts to fix skinners idiocy*
They're removing your posts because you insist on using poorly formed HTML that's fucking up the rest of the page?
The sysadmin here seem to only censor as an extreme last resort, or in the case of technical
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Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 3:57 PM
I will bust out some funky javascript voodoo death grib on your punk ass if you insist on corrupting this forum with your halfbaked idiotic html anymore.
Not to mention the tripe you keep actually saying within your lame ass html. ANSWER isn't shit to me. And actually, the only time i've even heard of them is when they get trashed on this forum. No ANSWER love here.
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by MadMaxim
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 6:48 PM

Does this refresh your memory? The red poster with the sad looking child seems to be poping up all over the country.
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by Pissed Off in Ohio
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 7:31 PM
Nor, honestly, do i give a rats ass. international answer can kiss my ass, but hey, if they're opposed to the war, GREAT. if they're financed by communists, i don't fucking care, they're still opposed to the war, and thus the senseless killing it would bring.
what the hell is so damn evil about communists anyways. I don't hear them banging their war drum. Like i could hear anything over the chickenhawks squawking.
Moreover, what the hell do they have to do with anything. You warmongering assholes just keep trying to lend credibility to your cause by attacking ours, more often than not by associating some other assholes with us.
I damn all of you, here and now. For what you're doing today, for what you're trying to get away with doing tomorrow, and the children you will murder the next day.
You are such an embarassment to this country, to humanity as a whole, and our high and might 'advanced' society. I am truly ashamed to be anything like you assholes.
I'm not much for religion anymore but watching all this unfold almost makes me wish i could believe in all that for the sheer satisfaction of knowing that when you do eventually die you will keep your date in hell.
But i fear that god is dead. I have utterly lost faith. We are, at best, a big fish bowl for "god" to amuse him/herself with. I suspect he/she is a toddler, relatively speaking. And every so often they plug a car battery into the waters, to see how many of us sea-monkeys belly up.
You greedy murdering treachorous bastards. And to think that half of you are commiting these murders and getting this blood under your nails in in the name of god, under the flag of goodness and compassion.
Worse than the damn crusades. I hate you all.
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by Skinner
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 8:40 PM
 saddam-2.jpg, image/jpeg, 329x432
This is who the Pacifist what to protect. Pissed Off in Ohio, you need to craw back in your hole.
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by u
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 8:45 PM
you might as well add Dracula and Satan to the picture.... sheesh.
you'll never convince anybody of anything if you don't show a little respect for reality.
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by realitycheck
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 8:55 PM
 saddam_and_osama.jpg, image/jpeg, 336x450
For "by u" dont have dracula, but this is better.
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by Pissed Off in Ohio
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 9:28 PM
Skinner Yeah you better break out that swastika, you assholes will be giving that bastard a workout soon.
And fuck you btw, despite whatever you may say, anti-war does not mean pro-misery.
He's sat on the burner for 10 years after we (?wtf?) left after kicking his ass the first time, he can sit on the burner another couple months as we restore our shattered european alliance and move in with international cooperation that we didn't have to pay for.
And that MOAB whatever the fuck it is doesn't need to be involved at all.
And if france wants more time to collect payment on a debt owed to them by iraq, then as our ally we owe them that. He's sat for 10 years or more, a little more time wouldn't be the end of the world. Some countries actually have realistic budgets that don't pull money out invisble hats, and as such need to balance their books.
Oh and madmaxim i was looking at that picture you posted a little more. Are you sure that's not cuba? Looks like it could be... in which case a communist supported activist group would seem to jive with a... communist government... go figure. For that matter, who cares if they recieved a donation from a commie. And you acuse us of playing connect the dots. Damn.
And reality check, all your propoganda still can't generate a link between osama and saddam. They're arab, thats it. The moment that starts making someone guilty of conspiring against us is the moment we have begun a new genocide.
Yeah better warm up that swastika... Fucking nazis
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by Realitycheck
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 9:36 PM
Pissed Off in Ohio, doesn't take much jerking on your chain to get you dancing like a monkey. Better use some mouth wash before you kiss Saddam good night or he wont let you do him.
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by OYT3
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 9:41 PM
how about getting serious for half a second? how would you feel about another very successful terrorist attack on the USA? does it bother you? does it seem funny?
do you think that bombing the hell out of Iraq will make such an attack less likely? does it matter?
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by realitycheck
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 9:46 PM
If we do nothing with Iraq is there any guarantee that there will not be another 9/11? I would rather take action instead of hiding in my house!
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by lancer
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 10:10 PM
Dumb? Yeah like it’s dumb to put a fire out with lighter fluid. Only by bombing every single potential enemy in the world into meat scraps will we be ‘safe’.
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by KPC
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:13 PM
RealityCheckBounced:"If we do nothing with Iraq is there any guarantee that there will not be another 9/11?"
Is there any guarantee if we do ANYTHING in Iraq? Class?
"I would rather take action instead of hiding in my house!"
If the action you take does not achieve the desired results, you might as well do nothing, or hide in your house.
Fools rush in where wisemen fear to tread.
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by guk
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:21 PM
geez, the way some USA people talk it's as if we were losing our marbles living in Beirut or something. like ohmygod - we've been through such hell we don't even remember what "safety" means anymore!
hello.. we're like the last people on earth who have a right to be so hardened.
it's amazing that the best argument that the ruling establishment can offer is like - "oh my god we're in hell. there's no way out. all we can do is just blast through as far we can!!"
SAFETY is a real variable!! you put on safety googles before you start cutting brick.
earth to pro-war people.. hello? anybody remember the real world?
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by realitycheck
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:26 PM
We get to make three choice with every situation: Right, Wrong and None. The worse is making none, you can't fix-it. So rather then make no choice, I rather Bush make the best possible which he has done.
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by KPC
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:31 PM
Actually, by definition the worse choice is the "wrong" option...
...your argument just blew up in your face....
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by ok
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:33 PM
so if you make the WRONG decision, that's better than not making a decision? pretty unconvincing philosophy you got there.
anyway i see you've taken yourself out of the decision-making process. you want Bush to decide for you.
okay.. but don't expect anyone else to follow your pathetic example.
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by KPC
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:36 PM
I haven't the slightest idea what you are grunting about...all I said is that your argument was flawed. By definition, the wrong choice is always the worse choice, you can bark or bray or crow like a halfwitted rooster all you want, but you'll have to do better than that .
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by ok
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:39 PM
hey KPC.... my message is directed at realitycheck. i can only type so fast.
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by KPC
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:40 PM
Shit! No wonder I was confused...it's late...cut me some slack!!!
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by realitycheck
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:52 PM
The choice Bush has made is to put maximum pressure on Iraq to comply with 18 UN resolutions. If we go to war is because Saddam has played his game of "Cheat and Retreat" for to long (12 years.) You slackers want to sit on your hands and do nothing, if it wasn't for the USA we would have gotten him to be this far in disarming. The truce signed in 1991 called for him to do it then. If Iraq had distroyed the WMD back in 1991 as they claim don't you think they would have made a big deal out of it so they could get the sanctions lifted. Why waited 12 years, they say oh by the way we did this back 1991. You guys need a Reality Check!
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by KPC
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:54 PM
...now that sounds more like the barking or braying or crowing that I expected...
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by realitycheck
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 12:00 AM
I noticed that your comments are basicly one liners with no real sign of any brain wave pattern. Do you think Iraq has chemical or biological weapons?
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by KPC
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 12:35 AM
What kind? That's a pretty broad category that I bet you would include a strong cologne or a good cheeze in...
...and don't go gettin' all francophile on me, now....
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by four legs good two legs bad
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 10:24 AM
Oh but dont forget about those remote control planes hannity was warning us about on the radio yesterday. I think they were pieced together by some fifth graders for their sience project. Reports are they are powered by lawnmower engines and held together with fabric and wrapped with tape. They were compared to planes built durring the wright Brothers era. The propaganda never stops. How about that staged arrest of mohamad, Osamas right hand man, in Packastan. The whole world knows this war is about Bush and his Junta filling their pockets and the pockets of all the US weapons manufactures like Raytheon and Haliburton.
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by Joe Sabet
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 10:03 AM
The reason Russia, during the cold war, had so many starving people is because they were in an arms race with the US. These other countries like China, North korea, Cuba, etc., are doing the same. But it's important to note that these countries are not highly industrialized like the US or the other top 5 countries. These communist/socialist dictatorships are not what socialists like myself advocate. Look at Denmark or Sweden. Thats closer. Universal healthcare, education all the way to the University level, etc. is what we want. This can be done here by taxing the fuck out of the rich and cutting down our ridiculous military spending. PEOPLE BEFORE PROFITS
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by David Johns
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 11:03 AM
 silent_protest.jpg, image/jpeg, 3304x2168
More pictures from Brea
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by David Johns
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 11:07 AM
 war_and_peace.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x152
Views from opposite corners, and opposite sides of the street - in Brea
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by David Johns
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 11:12 AM
 war_and_peace.jpgpmu5kw.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x152
Views from opposite corners, and opposite sides of the street - in Brea
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by David Johns
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 11:14 AM
 war_and_peace.jpgggdydl.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x152
Views from opposite corners, and opposite sides of the street - in Brea
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by Piece
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 2:25 PM
I wouldn’t mind have a piece of that! Yea that wearing the bluejeans and black top, flashing the peace sign!
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by The Solution
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 2:50 PM
 america2.gif, image/png, 322x300
I see you got two choices.
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by David Johns
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 3:19 PM
 brea_montage.jpg, image/jpeg, 960x488
More photos from the Brea protest scene
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by John
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 at 7:53 PM
The regimes of which you spoke of weren't socialist in the first place. The regimes of China and Russia or Maoism and stalinism are not socialism. Actually these regimes are more closely tied to Capitalism. What about the Bush regime. Under this regime thousands of people are unemployed, starving, on the streets, without healthcare. This regime wants to go to a war that a good chunk of the nation does not support. THis regime was not even elected into office. A majority of this country did not vote for this regime.
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by John
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 at 7:59 PM
The truth is anarchy doesn't do shit. It doesn't solve any of the fucking problems in the world it just complains about them. So fuck your anarchy bull shit!!!! Socialism is great you anarchist/republican fuck!!!
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by John
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 at 9:00 PM
Something that we (anarchist/socialist) can all agree on is that Bush if a fucking asshole who is a complete dumbass, racist, sexist, nazi fuck and that anyone who agrees with Bush or the war is the same.
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by loyalty demans dissent
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 12:02 AM
Maybe you should study your history a little better. If it weren't for Rumsfeld Saddam wouldn't need to be "disarmed".
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Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 at 8:50 PM
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by hank hulkkonen
Friday, Apr. 25, 2003 at 9:37 AM
i once meet the finest light infantry on the face of this earth on that tet of 68, and they damn me for the job i did. don't you just love the third infantry div and usmc. when i look at what they did it make my heart beat with the pride of one who understands the price of liberty that is paid for by our fighting men,now and in the years to come. let no one leave this site and not say a pray for our servicemen.
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by Elaine Boyd
Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2003 at 6:57 PM
This "Marxist Leninist Lice" guy picketed at our vigil corner in Whittier the week before last. We were featured in the Whittier Daily News the previous week, so I guess he discovered us in this way. On the back of his sign it says "American Hero Elia Kazan." I've heard he belongs to the John Birch Society and writes letters to the editor on the anti-Communist theme.
It's so great to see a strong group behind the Orange Curtain. Previously, I lived in Fullerton for a few years. I didn't realize there were potential activists there. How refreshing!
Let's collaborate real soon. Elaine WAPJC
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by Greumach
Monday, Apr. 05, 2004 at 9:25 AM
Uh, the Cold War may be over but the Marxist-Leninist influence in the so-called anit-war movement exists.
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by Greumach
Monday, Apr. 05, 2004 at 9:43 AM
ANSWER was created by pro-North Korean reds.Peace is just term the communists use to fool naive people such as those in the so-called anti-war movement.
Communists have killed more people than anyone.
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