The Los Angeles IMC is holding an orientation meeting for new members this Saturday March 1, 2003 at 10:00 am at Expresso Mi Cultura coffee house, 5625 Hollywood Blvd., at the corner of Hollywood and Grammercy, west of Western, in Hollywood. Get off at the Metro Red Line Western station.
This is an excellent opportunity to get involved with the LA IMC collective and get your voice heard on the issues that matter to you the most.
You can become the media!
This orientation and training will feature:
--A brief history of the IMC and IMC principles of unity;
--An LA-IMC consensus training;
--An overview of opportunities for involvement with LA-IMC working groups.
For more information, e-mail
It's great to see IMC's doing things like this because skill sharing is very important to the advancement of popular communiy media. Developing community capacity is key! At my local IMC
Thunder Bay, we try to take a community focus as well. One thing that you may want to consider is trying to give presentations at highschools. We have had a lot of sucess with them, it helps if you know a teacher or two but once they let you give one, the word of mouth spreads and you have lots of teachers emailing your list for a presentation. You can even customize the presentation depending on the course, ie. media, politics, tech, radical/conservative.
In solidarity, Keep up the Good Work!
I hate Jews.
Isreal sucks.
They only like gentiles
For the war mongering big bucks.