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by Wavemaster
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 at 5:55 PM
Anti-war protestests taken over by pro-war Sean Hanady fans
Anti-War protests at the corner of Imperial Hwy and Brea BLVD. were taken over by right-wing, flag waving , pro-war Bush Supporters. Between 10 and 20 activist having been gathering there on Saturday and Sunday between 12pm and 6Pm for the past few months. We are dedidcated peace activist who face alot of abuse and ridicule in this area of racisist Suv driving, conservative republicans. People throw things at us, give us the bird, try to run us over and shout intelegent things like,"nukem all" or Fuck Sudam. They even threaten us with violence. But I could not belive what I saw last Saturday when I got to the intersection at 12pm. There were atleast 25 pro-war demonstartors not just at our corner but at all four corners of the intersection. All of them waving flags and signs that said kill Sadam and remember 9-11. I found out that a right wing talk show host named Sean Hanady on radio station KABC 790am told his fans to go to the intersection and take it over. It was a real drag because we wound up arguing with them all day and it really killed our normally high spirits. Also they totaly outnumbered us. But get this, here is the ironic part. Sean Hanady is going to be doing his show live next thursday, 2-27-03, 12 pm at the rehdondo beach performing arts theater. This would be a great opportunity for an action. I think we need to stand up to this doctrine of hate a pro-war redoric being broadcast on a daily basis on our air waves, especially when they come after us. I am asking all peace activist to come to the brea anti-war demonstration next weekend and help us hold on to our little corner of resistance and stand up to these ignoratnt fools.
United we Stand! (we can use there little slogans as well) Please e-mail me if you need any assistance getting there or more info. Lets build a movement and stand in solidarity against the war machine
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by archie
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003 at 2:55 PM
Sorry to bring down your normally high spirits, you little chump. Here's a slogan for you, Give War A Chance!
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by KPC
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003 at 3:41 PM
Geez, you sound more like Jugghead than Archie....
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by JC
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 at 1:06 AM
I cant believe this pro-war stupidity. Stop listening to main stream corporate run media and find other sources of news: nation magazine, progressive, 90.7FM and the like. Get the truth!!!! I am going to do my part to stop this war and stand up with my fellow activists, especially when they are being harassed for speaking the truth and their mind. I'll be there this weekend to show my support!
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by Dr. Paul Proteus
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 at 9:03 PM
...and he's an absolute fucking moron.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 at 9:10 PM
My brother was on a flight with him a short time ago...I told him he shoulda poked the fucker in the eye....
..he coulda called it a "pre-emptive" poke...because he knew Sean would eventually be an asshole and say something stupid...there is no reforming this man...
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by wavemaster
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 at 10:17 PM
Sorry but the hannity show is actually next thursday March 6th 12pm at the Redondo Beach preforming arts theater I think it would be cool to infiltrate the show and and disrupt it . Ya know like those animal rights activist who jump on the runway with signs that say furr sucm. Or like Media Benjamin did at the Pentagon to Rumsfeld. He really is a mouth piece for the bush administration who bashes the answer coaliton and the anti-war movement on a daily basis. I guess this means we are getting to him.
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 5:21 AM
Sean Hannity is a rising star. His best selling book, Let Freedom Ring, is about Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=2TD1801QUA&isbn=0060514558&itm=1 Sean makes a whole lot of sense on the issues of the day. He's hated by liberals because he has their number. They squirm but he nails them every time.
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by Jeff
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 6:39 AM
"racisist Suv driving, conservative republicans" Oh my god, what an ignorant person. I guess if I was Martin Sheen and driving an SUV it would be ok. Oh I am sorry they do not drive SUV's they ride in Limo's. I guess that is different. I am not a conservitive or a liberal. Here is my proposal. Let us give Sadam anothe 18 resolutions for him not to comply with. Leave him alone and make him a trading partner. Then at some point when he does this country severe damage I want to listen to the ignorant doves ask whe this administration did nothing to prevent it. Same story, different chapter.
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by lancer
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 7:56 AM
What's he going to do, flick bugies at us?
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 1:11 PM
No, he's going to supply a terrorist like Ramzi Yousef with funding and a passport. Mr. Yousef will travel to the United States on an Iraqi visa, rent a truck, load it with explosives and cyanide gas, and attempt to bring down a skyscraper.
Alternatively, he could furnish a Mr. Yousef type with a tactical nuke or a dirty bomb or a biological vector.
And when that happens, I suspect it'll be real quiet around this den of traitors.
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by Samson
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 1:56 PM
Thanks for the fear-mongering, Dr. Simple Goebbels. Will Herr Bush save me from these swarthy individuals (and business partners)? You think carpet bombing Baghdad is gonna save me from that? Carpet bombing Baghdad and the chaos it will unleash will ENSURE this happening. Speaking of traitors, you, being a stupid fucking war-monkey, are ensuring death and destruction, except, of course, for the Bush cartel, who will be hiding in their little fuhrer bunkers. Hell, why don't you get your fat ass over to my house and dig me one.
I hold you and your buddies responsible for the past terrorist attacks (no protesters to demonize back then, how inconvenient) and the future ones following this hideous joke of a war (massacre, actually, war involves two armies).
I imagine the CIA is funding the next blowback in one of the central asian Stans, ruled by your buddies, or maybe Columbia (more of your buddies), even as we speak.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 1:59 PM
Uh, Samson, it's not fear mongering. It's a historical fact. Mr. Ramzi Yousef entered the United States on an Iraqi visa in 1993. He then rented a truck and packed it with explosives and cyanide and attempted to demolish the World Trade Center.
So not only are you stupid, but your mom dresses you funny.
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by lancer
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:03 PM
Grasping at straws to stay afloat in your sea of childish paranoia. And you talk about wacky conspiracy theroies. Your proof?
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by KPC
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:04 PM
Don't look now, Pvt. Fido, but I think Saddam is in your kitchen eating all your Oreos...
...my GOD man, when will you stand up to the cookie threat!
Paranoid loon, probably think your own fuckin' shadow is a terra-ist with a nuke....
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by Samson
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:08 PM
Y'know, Simple, it's offensive when you assume that the folk here are as stupid and ignorant as yourself, I mean really.
Next thing I know, you're gonna explain the Unabomber and Timothy McVeigh to me, or maybe remind me about the Anthrax terrorist. When is Asscroft gonna find your buddy the Anthrax terrorist? Remember, the guy who sent letters to Democratic leaders, full of good old home grown and engineered patriotic anthrax?
I hold you and the other rightwing traitors resonsible for these attacks on the American people, Simple, remember that.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:15 PM
What proof do you have that the Anthrax terrorist was domestic, Attorney General Samson? Golly you're really well informed.
And what the hell does it mean that you hold the Right responsible for the terrorist attacks? Do you mean that the Right's policies have led to the terrorist attacks? Or are you as deluded as Diogenes and think that the RNC and the Freemasons orchestrated the attacks for financial gain? If you are in the first group, it would appear that the terrorists themselves seem to disagree with you. If you are in the second group, you have my sympathies.
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by Samson
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:18 PM
It's just too bad there isn't a draft right now for you and your buddies to dodge, all the while cheering on the war of the day. Doesn't that break your heart, Simple? I mean, if there was a draft for you to dodge, you could emulate all of your Chickenhawk heros, like Shrub, Cheney, Rush, Lott, DeLay, Wolfowitz, Perl, Fleischer, and all the other war-monkeys.
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:24 PM
Hey, Samson, dummy, I'm already in the service, and have been since 1985. So go bark up another tree.
But you haven't answered the question. What do you mean by you hold the Right responsible for the terrorist attacks of 11 Sep 01?
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by Samson
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:49 PM
You built the jihad in Afghanistan, biggest CIA project ever. You put bases in Saudi Arabia. You gave Saddam the greenlight to invade Kuwait. You have instituted coup after coup after coup against democratically elected governments around the world, creating rage towards my country. You trained Osama. You propped up Saddam. You run the oil companies. You run the Pentagon. You run the National Security apparatus. You run COINTELPRO. You run MOCKINGBIRD. You created OPERATION PAPER CLIP. You own the media cartels that keep us stupid. You are deploying troops to Columbia. You tried to overthrow Chavez. You create the policies that benefit the rich and fuck the rest of us. You are polluting the air and water. You have single handedly turned world wide sympathy in the aftermath of 9/11 into world wide fear, mistrust, and scorn. You block any sort of legislation that would ever benefit the bottom 80% of this nation. You block health care reform. You block environmental regulation. You cut funds to the Vets. You cut funds that help children of deploying troops. You cut funds for school lunch programs. You cut funds for libraries. You cut aid to the states when 48 out of 50 are in the worst financial crisis since world war II, thanks to your tax cuts to the rich. You have skyrocketed the national debt to 400 billion. You created the deregulation schemes that have led to wide spread corporate fraud and corruption. Should I go on?
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by lancer
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:51 PM
Little boy with a keyboard. This fellow is certainly ready for the rubber gun squad. Right/Left, utter crap. You're confused and angry. We understand.
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by lancer
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:56 PM
Not you Samson, the 'solder' on the keyboard thirsting for blood.
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by How do you tie it all together?
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 2:57 PM
The military cut taxes?
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 4:04 PM
For Samson, So that he will understand:
1.The ‘Jihad’ in Afghanistan was called by Islamic fundamentalists opposed to the SOVIET INVASION. Remember that? It was on the TV. I’m sure you watch a lot of TV. Yes we funded the Mujahedeen, and it was a good decision to do so. How does funding them and arming them have anything to do with September 11, 2001? Their religious fundamentalism is certainly not our creation, and they didn’t launch Stingers at the WTC or the Pentagon. In fact, none of the hijackers were old enough to have been Mujahedeen fighters, nor were they Afghans.
2.The bases in Saudi Arabia were put there to enable us to deal with the small problem of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Again, it was on TV. The Saudis said it was Ok by them to build the bases, and these bases enabled us to liberate Kuwait. I guess you don’t think that was a good idea, huh?
3.There is no question that the United States has been involved in coups in various countries. There was a cold war on, and we were playing to win. Which we did.
4.Osama was trained as a Mujahedeen. What he later did is on his own head. If Diogenes was trained by the Army, but then goes on to be a weak-kneed apologist for fascist murderers its not the Army’s fault. It’s his own.
5.We used Saddam as a bulwark against the Iranian Islamic Revolution – and were very successful. Iran spent thousands of lives and millions of dollars fighting the Iraqis, and this stymied the spread of militant Islam. One shudders to think what the Iranians could have achieved if they had been allowed to use all their riches and all their disciples in pursuit of a greater Islamic Republic.
6.The Pentagon and the National Security apparatus protect our country, and has a nearly spotless record of doing so. They even protect traitorous snakes.
7.The oil companies are run by the Right? All of them? What about the one that Al Gore owns a majority of? Is Al Gore on the Right now? Don’t you guys want him any more?
8.Colombia is in the grip of a Communist insurgency allied to Narcoterrorists. It is our duty to oppose and eradicate these animals. Or do you like non-democratically elected organized crime figures running things? You from Chicago? Or Massachusetts?
9.Chavez is a Castro lite. The people of Venezuela have had enough of this ‘populist’. Soon he will lie in a shallow grave covered with quicklime. Death to Communists.
10.I have no knowledge of COINTELPRO, MOCKINGBIRD, or PAPERCLIP. And that’s my final answer.
11.The Right owns the media cartels? Only in Indymedia is Ted freaking Turner a member of the Right. And I don’t think you need any help staying stupid.
12.The policies that benefit the rich and fuck the rest of us. Hmm, care to spell them out? KPC once made a similar stupid claim, and went off to sulk after much cursing. Best of luck.
13.The Right is polluting the air and water? Really. Any evidence to back up this accusation? Is the Right pushing old folks in front of trains as well?
14.The sympathy of the World is not something we aspire to achieve. National security and the welfare of our citizens are paramount. If a small minority of European nations, who trade heavily with the Iraqi regime, are opposed to our policies, so be it. The vast majority of European nations are in our camp.
15.Give me examples of where the Right has opposed helping the bottom 80% of wage earners in the US. The tax cut that the President provided helped all taxpayers. But I suppose you just spent your refund check and forgot who provided it to you.
16.Health care reform. Do you mean Socialized medicine? Absolutely we are opposed. If you want to reform health care, then stand up for Tort reform. The cost of malpractice insurance is driving doctors from the profession, and raises costs everywhere.
17.Environmental regulation. Again, provide me examples. Or are you referring to the ridiculous Kyoto protocols? If you are, then count me proud to oppose.
18.I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but the funds to vets and children of deploying troops are more generous than ever. The Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act provides handsomely for the deploying soldier.
19.School Lunches and Libraries are normally funded through the States. Are you saying that the Left would fund school lunches and libraries better than the Right? Why don’t you look at historical examples? Michigan – before Gov. Engler and during his tenure. New York City – before Mayor Guliani and during his tenure. Massachusetts – before Governor Weld and during his tenure. Wisconsin – before Governor Thompson and during his tenure. The Right straightens out the mess that the Left makes, restores financial stability and provides a higher level of service to the citizen. The Left gives away the farm and then fees the citizen to death with extra taxes to pay for pet projects.
20.The condition of the States is much of their own doing. California, for example, is a one-party political system which lavishly spends and will now reap the whirlwind of fleeing corporations, inflation, higher taxes and lower services. The reason? Because the LEFT spent itself into a hole, botched deregulation of the energy market, botched the electricity crisis fix, and re-elected a known politician-on-the-take. But what else would we expect from the Party that gave us Bill Clinton?
21.The national debt is increasing because we have to repair the damage that eight years of neglect by a Leftist President has done to our National Security apparatus. We have to pay for tanks and bullets and bombs.
22.This deregulation you speak of, when did it occur, and when did the wide spread fraud and corruption take place? The Enron pyramid collapsed only 18 months after President Bush took office. Are you saying that the moment Bush became President all these companies suddenly decided to change their accounting procedures? They switched all their accountants over to ‘evil’? No, son, the scandals are part and parcel of the 90’s – the real decade of greed, presided over by the worst President of our time – Bill Clinton.
23.Yes, please do go on. Swatting these birdies is easier than badminton.
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by josh
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 4:06 PM
the right cut taxes, making everyone not benefiting from these cuts suffer, including veterans. have you ever wondered, my good man, why every president (regardless of party) since eisenhower has increased the militaryy budget ahead of inflation and yet every generation of vets since wwII has got a worse deal? the cost of living increace for disabled vets pay checks is a mere shadow of what congress votes as increaces to the military brass and pentagon bueracrats. that's right, i said "pentagon bueracrats." $350 billion/yr is the worlds biggest buerocracy. the right supports this, and yet calls itself libertarian. for shame.
it never ceases to amaze me that folks like these counter demonstrating in brea say they "support the troops" when its the anti war demonstrators that know of the experimentation this government does to its troops, or about depleted uranium dust they knowingly expose them to, or how they treat vets who lose part of themselves in war. mabey its because anti war demonstrators are more concious of the homeless that we are the ones that realize such a large portion of those poor people living on the streets of downtown la are veterans that can't even afford one of those shallow plastic made in china flags that the right so proudly displays from thier suvs. support the troops? go to www.gulfwarvets.com and volunteer and leave the demonstrators trying to bring our boys home alone!
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by C Garcia
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 4:15 PM
Mr. Zealot Park the SUV ,get off your fat ass ,grab the family and you and the clan go fight this war ,You leave your blood and your childrens blood, in Iraq.......................... But...not me, not my son nor my brothers or sisters will fight this dirty war for "power ,oil and money" Anyone that uses the slogan "Give war a chance" is obviously a pathetic fascist sociopath
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by Simple Simon
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 4:21 PM
Didn't retards like you call for the lifting of the 'inhuman' UN sanctions just 12 months ago? Now they are a-o-k with you? Are you double jointed? A switch like that has got to make your neck hurt.
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by wavemaster
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 4:46 PM
It's funny how the media talks about the many countries who will join us in a coaliton of the willing. President Bush hails countries like Italy, Spain and England as having the courage to stand up to the evil ones. 90 percent of the people in all these countries who are informed with actual news instead of just government propaganda, are against this war of hypocrasy. Whats even a bigger joke is how they have to bribe the Turkish Government to use their land for a northern invasion. Is it just me or is a democracy a government who listens to public opion. This administration is an empire not a democracy, and we fight the corporate media's lies and take our government back from these facisists war mongers!
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by C.Garcia
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 8:18 PM
What a laugh !!! Coalition of the Willing!!!! It's really called......intimidation ,bribery,manipulation of the Coalition "isn't that against the law" After all, it's George The shrub, is spending our money as if , it were his own ..making promises that he can't keep...... While our economy is tanking ....more homeless ,health care is going through the cieling But ,we have the best military.......
if I were the "so called" Allies I'd get the money up front
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by BonScott'sBarfbag
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 8:24 PM
In protest to your rabid crack fueled tyrade, I am boycotting your taco truck.
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by Sandy
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 8:41 PM
I'm sorry but I don't get the point of the original post. Are you suggesting that it's not OK for others to disagree with you and voice their opinions? Many protesters take pride in 'getting in your face' to many others. Now that these others have gotten in your face, you protest them, who were protesting you, when you were protesting. All of this protesting is really something. Be thankful that you do not live in Iraq or other countries where this would not be possible. Other matters, I have found the vast right wing conspiracy at http://www.thevrwc.org ... perhaps its not hannity that's pulling the strings after all?
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by fresca
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 8:46 PM
 war.jpgyj9rrv.jpg, image/jpeg, 287x430
Good lord man! The inhumanity.
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by me
Friday, Feb. 28, 2003 at 5:36 PM
I think it's good to have the right and left talk things out (or maybe the anarchists and the liberatarians). Protests and counters-protests are great news, they allow the sharing of ideas and the forming of new ideas. I am anti-war, I am an anarchist, but I have become so talking to people, listening to their ideas. The call of the article is suggesting disrupting the pro-war meeting and propaganda, like they did ours (counter protests and riot cops), I say fairs, fair, but lets have a rally for truth neither pro-war, or anti-war, and just discuss the issues, exchange flyers and such. That would be fair more productive than an anti-war, pro-war rally.
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by Dr. Paul Proteus
Saturday, Mar. 01, 2003 at 1:04 AM
"Taking a strong stand publicizes the opposite position" from Jenny Holzer's "Truisms"
thanks Sean!
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by Peter James Kenyon
Saturday, Mar. 01, 2003 at 2:19 PM
George Bush fainted after eating a Pretzel. How does that work? I guess only someone as stupid as Bush could accomplish that.
Perhaps the US military could drop Pretzels on Afghanistan. Maybe Omar or bin Laden would suffer the same fate!
We could try this on Saddam too. Let's tell Tony Blair about this idea... It may save a lot of money by sending over Pretzels instead of Troops.
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by Peter James Kenyon
Saturday, Mar. 01, 2003 at 2:38 PM
So "Simpleton Simon" sez he has no knowledge of COINTELPRO or Operation PAPERCLIP (bringing Bazis into the US following WWII), and "that's that," so to speak. Well, such stupidity -- or is it ignorance or both? -- qualifies him to be a Republican. Yep, the old "Don't confuse my fragile little mind with facts, it's made up, and thinking is too hard and hurts too much."
If this is the quality of our militatry minds we can expect a lot of Neanderthal casualties as soon as they get their asses shipped to Iraq. The sooner the better, I s'pose... --- If I hear that "liberal media" bullcrap one more time, I'll lose my mind. *BOOM!* Too late. OW! I can't see. I can't hear. I can't think. Guess I'll have to become a Republican now...
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by josh
Sunday, Mar. 02, 2003 at 5:02 PM
just got back from brea. a few observations:
1) there are ignorant people on both sides. one of the things i didnt like about the brea protest when i went to it a few months ago was the way protestors would shout, "fuck you" back to the hostile cars. i protest peacfully, but i didnt say anything cuz i figured, "hey, it's thier demo." but when i talked to chris, the guy who started the counter demonstration, he said that was one of the things that made him decide to come out. i also heard about all of the... altercations from last week from both sides and i gotta say doesnt sound like a lot of saints at this intersection. when i went over with a few folks to a solidly pro-war corner we were almost run into the street and really the reason i had crossed was to engage some of these folks in dialogue. just like some on the peace side, there was just no speaking with some of these people. they video taped me and got right in my face with thier flags trying to block my sign and as the kept screaming and i was being civil, one of them had the balls to say to his buddy, "stop confronting him, it's what he wants."
2) surprise! some dialogue was possible. i got many of these pro war people thinking about how shitty the government treats it's servicemen. i said if you say you support the troops by supporting the job they're doing, and we say we support them cuz we want them home, we're both hippocrytes to invoke the name of the troops in the first place cuz we're doing nothing about the homeless vets, noything about the experimental vaccines, nothing about depleted uranium or vet's shrinking benefits in the midst of military budgetary increase. i was sick of hearing all the pro war people say, "support our troops!" and all the antiwar people saying, "we do, bring them home!" it wasnt about the troops at all. its prowar/antiwar. period. the troops are just an icon both sides are trying to use. the bottom line is that our armed forces treat our boys like guinea pigs and then leave them high and dry. every generation since wwII has got a worse deal. this is incorrigable, and i got a lot of these right wingers thinking on that, i think.
3)a quick interchange: i was about to cross a corner and saw a lady about to cross with me with a "god bless usa" (i assume the other side side "and fuck everyone else") sign saying to her friend, "they're all just so ignorant." i advised her that's incorrect, that i don't see myself as ignorant. i told her about the many right wing publications i read such as national review and american conservative and new republic. i let her know there is a large contingent of right wingers opposed to military action in iraq if for nothing else the financial implications. i advised the conservative libertarian oc register has weekly editorials denouncing unilateralist intervention. i said to her mabey she didnt know of such columnists on the right as pat buchanon and george will who have serious misgivings about this impending war. i then suggested we find a pen so i could write a few of these publications and/or thier websites down for her. she responded, "well, you know, i just think that you and everyone who feels the way you do should just go to iraq and never come back." and I'M ignorant?
4) we need more people there. i dont want confrontation, but they need to be outnumbered to the point where they give up. i wasnt there to do anything more than represent for peace. im glad i started some dialogues, but let's get down to business. everyone who was there today, come back next sat with two friends and get there early.
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by Peter James Kenyon
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 10:14 AM
Yesterday in Brea, Behind the Orange Curtain (03/01/02)
We went to the intersection of Imperial and Brea yesterday after hearing that that asshole Sean Hannity had been mustering his stooges to counter the anti-war,anti-Bush demonstrators. we got there just after 12, and there was already quite a crowd.
At first it was the usual pro-Bush, pro-war sycophants. Now, the first thing that was obvious was that these were no spontasneous demonstrators. No, they were operatives. How do we know this?--simple. They had professionally-made "Bush-Cheney" posters and professionally-made MIA flags and brand spankin' new American flags. There were some over the course of the day with hand-made signs, but it's obvious that we're dealing mostly with "professionals" here, people who are paid or have their expenses met to counter us opposing the Smirking Schmuck. They aren't to be taken seriously.
But generally, over the course of three and a half hours, it was mutually cordial. Sure, there were taunts, and jibes, and heckling, but both sides --and over the course of the day it was pretty evenly divided, 50/50 -- tolerated each other pretty well, and were cotnent to show off thei signs to passing motorists.
Except for one asshole -- a real jerk, pro-war butt-head, who took on an ant-war vet -- he was the exception. And it was obvious that he didn't know shit from Shinola about "war" -- he'd never been shown a severed arm in a body-bag and been asked to identify it as a Marine or not. One time he yelled at the other guy, "You're a Marxist!!" -- as if that's a BIG INSULT! -- and I chimed in, "WHOA! THE 'M' WORD!" Another time he yelled, "You're a communist!" -- and I chimed in, "Communists have better grass!" Both times he ignore me and just lit into the ex-Marine. Funny, he realy seemed to want to punch the guy, but he was a little twerp and the vet was 6-foot-7 and 260 lb. Finally he took his sorry ass across the street.
[The vet pointed out a big arc skid-mark on the sidewalk, still there from a week ago, where, he said, three young skinhead punks tried to ram him last week with their car, going up on the curb a good two-feet-plus at the widest spot of the mark. He related how they then got out of their car and approached him saying, "We're going to kick your ass!" He said that he had told hem, "Fine." And when the tallest came up to him, he reached up to the guys sternum. Needless to say the punks didn't carry out their threat.]
Over the course of the day, the make-up of each contingent on each corner changed. Sometimes a corner would be all-pro-Bush, then all-anti-war, then mixed, then something else. Two anti-war guys with plastic buckets and makeshift drumsticks kept the energy up. Their chops wre pretty hot, too. I noticed they used mostly triple meter.
Most of the (hand-made) anti-war signs were predictable, such as "NO WAR," but there were some good original ones too -- a mock-up doll's head morphing Bush into Satan, a mock-up thousand-dollar bill with Smirk as its icon, and signs such as "BUSH _IS_ A MORON," "IMPEACHMENT TIME!!!" and "FOX NEWS BLOWS RHINOS!"
We got a few assholes flipping us off, especially old people who will be dead soon (haw haw!), but I was really amazed at the sheer number of people in support of the anti-war side. Lots of waves, horns honked, and peace signs (someone, thoughn, ought to tell the Mexican lady that the way she did it is French for "fuck you!"). Of course, the pro-Bush people got a lot of honked horns too, especially from truck drivers.
Channel 7 KABC sent out a lone cameraman.
At one point, some guy with a professional "Bush/Cheney" sign yelled at me, "Hey, the '70s rocked, the '60s sucked!" (how can ANYONE think the '70s rocked??), and I said back to him, "The '60s ruled!" and then I pointed to a hand-made "Love it or Leave it!" sign and said, "That takes me back to 1969!"
To sum it all up, it was a good day for the First Amendment for both sides. It's obviousd that the anti-war people are dedicated and spontaneously demonstrating their feelings and taking their own time to come out, while the pro-Bush people are about half-and-half the same kind of decicated people and professional bodies who aren't worth taken seriously. And this is in Orange County!! Oh, and the pro-Bush people made sure they got us on the the side on camera and video.
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by X
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 10:22 AM
"All of them waving flags and signs that said kill Sadam and remember 9-11"
This PROVES my point about the psyche of American pro-war advocates. This whole Saddam war is a paranoid knee-jerk reaction to 9-11. All they want is blood spilled for those killed in 9-11. What the fuck does Saddam have to do with 9-11?
Oh Oh I forget he and Osama have sex regularly and he gives Osama millions of dollars in funding. He also paid for the airline tickets of the 9-11 terrorists and provided them with daily meals from denny's.
What the fuck? such stupid redneck bbq right wing conservative american bloodlust. fuckin animals i tell you. savages they are. all they want is steak and death. motivated by greed they are. MONEY MONEY MONEY for me, death to those "damn islams"!. Fuck saddam go USA, can u imagine them "yeeeeeeeeah MIKE! I'M WITH YOU ON THIS ONE. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!
fuckin savage animals man. murderers. common greedy ass criminals. these are the kinds of people who would kill their own dogs for steak if the world ran out of cattle. assholes. bloodthirsty mufuckin savages they are.
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by X
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 10:25 AM
btw the two fingers in v sign with ur fingernails facing the person
for fuck you.
it spread to the french but the ENGLISH were the first people to use it.
I bet you've been to Europe once so now you can say you're all "cultured:" and such an "international" person.
shut the fuck up bitch
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by X
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 11:02 AM
Fuck off, you faggot!
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by P.J. Kenyon
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 11:49 AM
Yes, another reichwingbot crawled out from under a garden stone to remind us all about Neanderthal life in America.. .I never thought for a moment in 1969-70 that over thirty years later, the effect we had on these morons would be so lasting. They're still foaming at the mouth! BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! This is what makes the Loon Right at once so funny yet so dangerous.
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by josh
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 12:22 PM
i ended up talking to a couple guys who had bush/cheney posters. i told them about new republic's (another right wing publication) cover story, "the september tenth president" about how all of bush's tax cuts should be going to states in serious financial trouble especiallyi n the area of attack preparidness. it stated police, fire and emergency response are in sad shape and the bush administration squanders fiunds on an ineffectual color system, a homeland security reviasal seen as ineffectual and a burning, expensive obsession with iraq. i asked them, "what about that? what if we're not prepared for what might be coming and too preoccupied with this war?" the one guy replied, "hey, i'm not pro-bush, i'm anti-iraq." "oh," i said. "you confused me with the whole bush/cheney sign."
"well, it's the only one i could find," he retorted. then he added, "uh, look... i gotta go." and he and his buddy took thier bush signs and went home.
i highly advise everyone to read some right wing propaganda before showing up next week. besides getting knowing the counter-arguments which is always healthy, they also give you great ammunition to use against these people.
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by X
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 12:44 PM
fuck off you faggot! gay liberal asshole!
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by Josh
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 at 2:44 PM
Ever since I can remember,I've lived on a farm with our horses. Horses have always been the best friends in my life because I don't usually get to go out much because of all the farm work.
Today,I'm going to tell you about an incredible experience I had with one of our best horses...and my best friend at that...Swift.
We called him Swift because he was very fast and he looked amazing when he galloped in the wind with his mane flying everywhere...he's gorgeous,has a brown fur,and has huge blue eyes.
I was alone in the barn and had finished cleaning out all the stalls except for Swift's. I wanted our moment together to be just right.
I took off all my clothes,folded them neatly and put them in the tack room. My body shook as I approached the horse's stall but I managed to open the door and shut it behind me.
As Swift had never seen me naked before,this was a little bit of a shock to him and he came over to me immediately sniffing me with his soft nose. That tickled,I thought to myself.
He sniffed me all over and then he let out a lick to my face with his big,soft tongue. Ooh,did that feel good. I sat down and spread my legs. He continued licking me with his warm big tongue and going up and down my belly cleaning me up. I was in heaven,being naked with a horse and in addition to that,he was giving me a tongue bath! Things went up a notch though when Swift came to my penis and balls and gave them a lick.
I went into an erection and almost cummed right there. But I held back and enjoyed the moment for as long as possible.The horse continued his swift motions of licking up and down my shaft and balls coating me with his saliva until I couldn't take it anymore and cummed! Some got all me and Swift's face.
This seemed to give Swift some sort of message because the next thing he did was well...let me put this way,it was hot all of a sudden. Laying down enjoy- ing the feeling of being spent I didn't realize what was happening until I felt this tinkle on my forehead. I looked up and all of a sudden a shower of horse piss flowed from Swift's penis right all over my body and into my mouth!
Not wanting to scare the poor horse,I let him have his way and opened my mouth letting the piss poor in. The taste wasn't as horrible as I thought it was so I swallowed as much as I could get in. As the piss continued to flow, I found myself aroused by the smell of the piss itself and then let it flow all over my body getting my all wet. The horse then stopped suddenly making me sigh.
I got an idea just then and licked his giant penis up and down his shaft like a dog. I then proceed to rubbing his balls to please him which he give a whin- ny at. I continued my tongue massage on his shaft when I reached up and felt under his tail. He seemed to like that so I got out from underneath him and went behind his ass.
I then proceeded to lift up his tail and gazed at his gorgeous ass hole. It was black and almost clean as a whistle. Not wanting to make this horse wait, I massage his enormous ass checks and then kissing the ass hole on this horse. The horse back up into me wanting more, so I did so continuing to kiss and lick his asshole reaching in my tongue as far as possible and tasting his shit which was amazingly not that bad either. With that, the horse let out a fart and I sniffed it in sighing with content. I couldn't hold in any longer...I had to do it with this horse!
Seemingly sensing my desire, Swift lay on the ground for me so I could mate with him. Taking this opportunity,I lifted the tail and poked my penis at his hole pumping in and out slowly until he let me penis all the way in. With that, I humped and humped into the horse's shit filled ass until I came too and spewed my seed into him. I sighed and took my horse shit covered penis out of his ass.
I fell backward,sighing with content. I looked up and saw Swift's penis erect again. Looks like I not done just yet!
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by josh
Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 at 8:19 AM
i'm flattered i'm obviously smart enough that instead of counter-posting and debating, people who respond to me have to forge my signature on animal porn. very classy. if anyone would like to respond to my real posts with real dialogue i'll be here. if you want to be like the ignorant ones in brea, keep posting farm porn. im so glad im on the right side...
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by Brian Lancaster
Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 at 6:47 PM
I'm a veteran and my younger brother is in kuait as I write the message "freedom isn't free" The only reason you can protest on your little corner is because of patriots who fought and died for you. Do you think you could do your little protest over in Iraq? Lets give the Iraq people a chance to live free like we do.
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by truth teller
Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 at 6:54 PM
You're a bit confused, Brian, about how we Americans won our freedom. It wasn't from some emperial power dropping bombs on us, destroying our power and water supplies and then installing General Tommy Franks to rule over us. Perhaps all that depleted Uranium you were exposed to has affected your mind.
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by sheepdog
Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 at 6:56 PM
We don't need it. Not here. We ARE standing in FRONT of our beloved country and people. You are in OUR way.
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by truth teller
Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 at 7:22 PM
Americans fought for their freedom. Now murderous scum like you and Brian Lancaster want to murder Iraqis, supposedly to free them. But but trying to reason with cretins filled with blood lust, raised on video games, is pretty hopeless, I guess.
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by truth teller
Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 at 9:28 PM
The comparison is between Saddam and King George III, dumb fuck.
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by wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 8:41 AM
 8.jpgmubeki.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
http://www.home.earthlink.net/~ltackwel/ACTIVISM/PRO-WAR.jpg" > pro war demonstrators control the corner at 12pm | Pro-war and antiwar demonstrators squared off again in Brea last Saturday continuing their weekly showdown. The so called "Pro American" freedom lovers waved flags and held signs that read support our troops and free Iraq. They also claim we should remember 9-11 as you can see from their sign in their picture. As the day went on more peace activist showed up and eventually took over their corner and the warmongers were forced to move to the other three corners of the intersection. In fact some of the peace activist took the bold move and walked over to the other corners and stood shoulder to shoulder with the counter demonstrators. They tried to carry their anti-war message of peace to the pro-war supporters. The only incedent I know of was one of the peace activist got pushed into the street. | It was quite a day with activists on both sides debating the issue of war. The anti-war crowd was diverse, from young college peacenicks and hippies from the 60's, to Senior Citizens and soccer moms. The pro-war crowd was equallly diverse. I especially liked the guy yelling at the peace activists calling them all communist traitors and marxist cowards. I think he was left over from the McCarthy era and somebody forgot to tell him the cold war ended. He crossed the line though when he yelled at sweet young little peacenick and made her cry.
The peace activist were met with their usuall resistance from motorist, with people yelling at them and old ladies giving them the finger and all the usuall stuff. One guy even threw a bottle of gatorade at the crowd. But things started getting more interesting as the day went on. A kid who looked like a young repulican came over with a megaphone and started yelling obsentaties at the peace corner and was trying to bait the activist into fighting. What this fool didn't know is there were two Brea Police enjoying their Starbucks frapachino in the background. They quickly grabbed the provacatour and took his batteries from his megaphone and gave him a $150.00 ticket. The peace activist started yelling"support the police!" as the man was taken away. Then three skinheads came up holding up Bush bumper sticker. They said they didn't care how many Arabs we killed as long as we get our gas. Finally a man came over to the peace corner with a sign that said terrorists are people too! mocking the activist as to say that they were sticking up for terrorist. The man then boldy said I'm comming back next week with my friends, clearly trying to bait the ant-warvdemonstrators. It almost worked, as one of the demonstrators threatend to beat his ass but then calmed down. | http://www.home.earthlink.net/~ltackwel/ACTIVISM/pw.jpg" > Anti-war demonstratons get their corner back | Occasionally the peace demonstrators do loose their cool and let their emotions get the best of them but for the most part when someone gets rude they just laugh it off. Its really the reason they come to this conservative area. They enjoy debating the issues and getting the anti-war message out that doesn't get covered on the corporate media. This is a political junkies dream, with people from both sides hotley debating the issues. I know that some of the pro-war people are starting to think different and are acutally making friends with the peace activists. Marcus, the most vocal of the protestors, is a vietnam vet. He is 6'7" half Indian with a loud and booming voice and is truely funny the way he comes back with one liners in the face of angry and rude motorist. Another man, a senior citizen in a wheel chair just tells everyone to read their bible. | I think the main diffrence between the anti-war and the pro-war people is the issue of race. Any one who is pro-war seems to be dividing race and nation in a sort of us against them. The anti-war people are genuinley not racisist and do not belive the orwelian propoganda that they sholud hate the muslim world cause they are out to destroy America.
This intersection is a perfect place to have a demonstration. It is very busy with alot of cars and has excellent visibility giving the protestors the ability to get up close and personal with their message of peace or war depending on your point of view. Also there is plenty of parking and a great cortyard with starbucks coffee and other restuarnts with patio seating right there. This demonstration started with three guys coming out with signs and now has exploded, capturing the attention of the city. You have journalist students, local televison media, and counter demonstrators all gathering for quite the spectical. Also there is a nice park down the road with a skatepark and basketball court. |
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by wavemaster
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 9:15 AM
 provac.jpgfgdbaa.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400

pro war demonstrators control the corner at 12pm
Pro-war and antiwar demonstrators squared off again in Brea last Saturday continuing their weekly showdown. The so called "Pro American" freedom lovers waved flags and held signs that read support our troops and free Iraq. They also claim we should remember 9-11 as you can see from their sign in their picture. As the day went on more peace activist showed up and eventually took over their corner and the warmongers were forced to move to the other three corners of the intersection. In fact some of the peace activist took the bold move and walked over to the other corners and stood shoulder to shoulder with the counter demonstrators. They tried to carry their anti-war message of peace to the pro-war supporters. The only incedent I know of was one of the peace activist got pushed into the street.
It was quite a day with activists on both sides debating the issue of war. The anti-war crowd was diverse, from young college peacenicks and hippies from the 60's, to Senior Citizens and soccer moms. The pro-war crowd was equallly diverse. I especially liked the guy yelling at the peace activists calling them all communist traitors and marxist cowards. I think he was left over from the McCarthy era and somebody forgot to tell him the cold war ended. He crossed the line though when he yelled at sweet young little peacenick and made her cry.
The peace activist were met with their usuall resistance from motorist, with people yelling at them and old ladies giving them the finger and all the usuall stuff. One guy
even threw a bottle of gatorade at the crowd. But things started getting more interesting as the day went on. A kid who looked like a young repulican came over with a megaphone and started yelling obsentaties at the peace corner and was trying to bait the activist into fighting. What this fool didn't know is there were two Brea Police enjoying their Starbucks frapachino in the background. They quickly grabbed the provacatour and took his batteries from his megaphone and gave him a $150.00 ticket. The peace activist started yelling"support the police!" as the man was taken away. Then three skinheads came up holding up Bush bumper sticker. They said they didn't care how many Arabs we killed as long as we get our gas. Finally a man came over to the peace corner with a sign that said terrorists are people too! mocking the activist as to say that they were sticking up for terrorist. The man then boldy said I'm comming back next week with my friends, clearly trying to bait the ant-warvdemonstrators. It almost worked, as one of the demonstrators threatend to beat his ass but then calmed down.

Anti-war demonstratons get their corner back
Occasionally the peace demonstrators do loose their cool and let their emotions get the best of them but for the most part when someone gets rude they just laugh it off. Its really the reason they come to this conservative area. They enjoy debating the issues and getting the anti-war message out that doesn't get covered on the corporate media. This is a political junkies dream, with people from both sides hotley debating the issues. I know that some of the pro-war people are starting to think different and are acutally making friends with the peace activists. Marcus, the most vocal of the protestors, is a vietnam vet. He is 6'7" half Indian with a loud and booming voice and is truely funny the way he comes back with one liners in the face of angry and rude motorist. Another man, a senior citizen in a wheel chair just tells everyone to read their bible.
I think the main diffrence between the anti-war and the pro-war people is the issue of race. Any one who is pro-war seems to be dividing race and nation in a sort of us against them. The anti-war people are genuinley not racisist and do not belive the orwelian propoganda that they sholud hate the muslim world cause they are out to destroy America.
This intersection is a perfect place to have a demonstration. It is very busy with alot of cars and has excellent visibility giving the protestors the ability to get up close and personal with their message of peace or war depending on your point of view. Also there is plenty of parking and a great cortyard with starbucks coffee and other restuarnts with patio seating right there. This demonstration started with three guys coming out with signs and now has exploded, capturing the attention of the city. You have journalist students, local televison media, and counter demonstrators all gathering for quite the spectical. Also there is a nice park down the road with a skatepark and basketball court.
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by Wow
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 at 10:43 AM
Wow Well Crafted post Wow.
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by Bill
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 9:53 PM
You are not living in reality, and please do remember what was done to America on 9-11-2001.
And re-read your own text, then see who the bigots and the racists are...
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by ....
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 9:53 AM
you stand for a just cause, don't let ignorat fools stand in your way
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by SPC Parry
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:45 PM
Fuck all of you little anti war bitches and your dumb ass little whining. you dont know shit about defending the nation and you all talk from college campuses and other little hippie communes around this country that has to support filth like you. i think that its been shown that the weapons are there, and that saddam is going to get his ass kicked. i think that when we are done with him, we should move in and start bombing the anti americans who would rather chant peace than fight for what they believe in.
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by bagger
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:49 PM
you'll just drive more people into the peace movement with whacko talk like that
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by Hold on There SPC!
Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 4:58 PM
I support Our Brave men and women in uniform as well as the President, but bombing the protesters mock what they are fighting for. I understand your anger towards these individuals who have the special rights we all have as Americans, instead of attacked them. Be strong and go out and counter them with your support for our troops, take back the attention the protesters are getting from the media. Join the Support America Rallies, can't find one in your neighborhood then start one.
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by Steve
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 7:39 AM
Quote: Sorry to bring down your normally high spirits, you little chump. Here's a slogan for you, Give War A Chance!
Tell that to the 4000+ innocents that died because attitudes like your pathetic views. Or of the dozens of Americans that died, because we did not give polotics a chance.
News flash: People die in war. We better be damn certain that is the ONLY answer before we "give it a flippin chance". Get some reason, logic, knowledge behind your profound and useless statement. Sounds like something Hitler would say to me.
How about this, put a revolver to your head with 3 bullets taken out, and say give pulling the trigger a chance. Thats the odds you face in surviving this action. If we attack anyone else, our soldiers wont be dying by the dozens, our citizens will be dying by the millions. All because Bush acts without wisdom, speaks without thinking, and gets bafoons like you to listen.
I am anti-war, not because I am pro-Saddam, because I SEEN WAR, have you? I was there the first time we invaded Iraq, I saw what happened, the devistation that caused environmental effects world wide. Killed thousands in the first few days, and starved many more. The Innocent we are heart set on protecting, are inpoverished because we destroyed their crops, the least we can do is give them a bit of aid. In the meantime, listen to the UN, otherwise no one will watch our back, perhaps not even our bed buddies the Brits.
Speak your mind if you will, but make sure it is yours, and not something your repeating from some other parrot. First do some reasearch, analyze the reality of everything, see all sides, then and only then do you have something to say. Everything else you spout off is someone else's to say, so let it be and let them say it. Educated does not mean smart. If you cannot do anything but spout of stupid little slogans stated by others, you are a waste of human life, change my example to 1 bullet missing, and pull the trigger twice. I don't mind what side you take, but at least take it because you looked at both, not because your a blind republican that believes the president can do no wrong. Or a fanitic liberal that thinks war is always the wrong answer for no reason. Live in reality not dream land, if you have an opinion make it yours. This is what being free is supposed to be, not ruled by Bush the dictator, but by your own morality and views. With that we can tell the government what to say and do, but it requires people research the issues instead of lettting someone else decide for us what we will think.
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by Steve
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 7:48 AM
anti war bitches by SPC Parry
Hmm, what a direct show of the lack of intelligence.
Hey SPC, what war did you fight in? When did you die fighting for something you were told to believe in? What of your family endangered because the leader of your country is as quick mouthed as you.
If you want to convince people of something, at least do it with some class. A few hints, instead of calling someone a dumb-ass, try using something they would not understand like my first sentense.
I have friends that support the war, I do not, guess what we are civilized and intelligence people, we debate it with real information, strong sense of rhetoric, and a knowledgable and educated background. Something hard to find in your neck of the woods apparently. So take a clue, get your GED and perhaps attend a little skoolin.
To all the edumakated types here, I appologize for talking down to a couple of individuals here, but you have to admit, no matter what "side" they support, they sure are dumb. Makes me wonder if everyone on their side is as stupid.
To these people: If you want people to follow your true inner views, support the anti-war people, with idoitic responses like yours, it will quickly discredit them as tangible views and filled with idiots.
Hmm, a soap box, how did that get here, guess I will step down from it now. Btw, instead of irritating my like you think, I find it funny how people are so enraged they forget to think before they open their mouth. Hmmm, like leader like sheep.
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by Steve
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 8:48 AM
counter=counter=counter=counter protest by Sandy • Wednesday February 26, 2003 08:41 PM post summary. She did not get the origional post, read the first sentense and posted a reply perhaps. So for her sake, the origional post in my intepretation states while they are outnumber in view, they are getting a chance to announce their views. I have never heard an Anti-war group say: I am going to kill those pro-war types (I just suggest they do it themselves, before suggesting others should go fight their precious little war while they sit home and watch it on tv while eating popcorn.) Other matters, I have found the vast right wing conspiracy at http://www.thevrwc.org ... perhaps its not hannity that's pulling the strings after all? Nice link, tons of conservatives there, all closed to reality. While I am not a liberal to the full extend, I would never be caught dead calling myself a conservative. What does conservative mean: The old way worked all these years, so it must be the right way. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Why risk change when we can be secure in what has already gotten us here. Generally summary of their psychology. Pros: Some of the old ways did indeed work, and still have a place today. Cons: Um, the world has changed, those ideas no longer work. We did not get built up as a super power for bussiness because of War, we became dominant in WW2 because we were already a trade super power. History is a bitch isn't it? Yet conservatives don't remember that far back in general. Conservatives are all for religious freedom as long as everyone is their religion. Conservatives ignore science after all the old ways worked right? Times change, conservatives do not, the future is now, change needs to happen. As a programmer you need to change your code every few years, because the basic hardware you attatch to has changed. Using an old dos program on a windows system is somewhat backwards isn't it? Yet conservatives suggest it is the best way to run a country. Liberals: Pros: Embrace change and difference. Support all views and ideas with as much validity as the next. Keep progress of government up to date with progress of the people it governs. Embrace new technology not reject it through fear. Cons: reality is sometimes a new idea is too soon, would cause too much chaos to instigate, and often will cause more problems than it can solve. The truth of where I lie: My ideals are liberal, but I understand that change needs to take time. And slower steps need be taken than most liberals try. But no change is far worse than even the dramatic changes suggested by liberals. Also the pure cost of change can outwiegh the heafty price of no change. But as stated, there is a heafty price of living in the past, one we cannot afford. The problem as I see it, is we have a two party system: Everyone gathers on one side or the other, and like a game of redrover, they call names out and try to get them to come over. The target tries to break down their strengths, and if failing to do so, that party gains prestige. This vicious cycle has serious problems, America has no individuals. The great ideas of freedom are destroyed by grouping us into two groups. You may argue that other groups exist, but when is the last time one of those actually had the chance to stand up and speak in the debates. Parrot was the closest runner up, at the cost of personal millions. Why can't we just ditch parties, and deal with individuals. Who really cares that Cliton had an affair, the only difference is he got caught, while the other presidents did not. Political BS is all it is, yet we eat it up like blind little school kids. Let me ask you this, what is worse for someone in charge, someone having a little sex on the side, or sniffing coke? Coke impairs judgement, even after its out of the system. So we gave up sex for drugs? So whats next, rock and roll president, sex, drugs and then rock and roll, hmm, lets vote in Ozzy. Then he can be the real anti-christ he wanted to be :)> Truth is, with Ozzy as president, we would probably get more done than in the past 20 pesidents. We would actually probably have more peace, a better economy, and Mtv would replace CNN.
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by Steve
Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 at 8:50 AM
Hmm, Liberal Psychology
Change it now before we change our minds.
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by blow me
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 2:13 PM
You guys still dont get it 3,066 dead on 9/11. saddam hussien helping the terrorists that did it. saddam hussien killing his own people with poison gas or a bullet in the head. saddam hussien invading a peacful neighbor and looting that country bare,killing its people,setting its oil wells on fire that took 9 months to put out. polluting the persian gulf waters killing truck loads of wildlife in its waters. launching missles at countries not becuase they were a threat but because of the peoples religion or that they called him a murdering peice of shit, which he is.
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by AMARICA!!!1
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 2:25 PM
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Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 3:51 PM
Thanks for being one of our most loyal viewers. Yes, Saddam Hussein masterminded 9/11. We distort, you comply.
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by frank johnson
Friday, May. 09, 2003 at 7:40 AM
I don't care for sean hanady and the extreme right as they make everything black and white.All republicans and everything they do are wonderful and ditto democrats are evil. But when I look at this site and see the crap being spewed by the extreme liberals it almost makes me think he isn't that bad. I think the points you make are fine but the fact that you have to make them using every swear word in the book just shows how childish you are and does nothing for your cause. I am not religious but people who spew their ideas in that manner even if they are right are going to turn most people away from them.
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Friday, May. 09, 2003 at 7:42 AM
Thanks for watching! Would you like an autographed "The O'Reilly Factor" windbreaker?
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by Tim
Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 at 10:57 AM
I have noticed on several instances in here that a number of left-wing "unintelligents" called media "corporate" run, inferring it is somehow Conservative-owned?
You cannot be serious in your ascertations? Outside of talk-radio (admittedly conservative dominated), the rest of the media world in the United States is left wing - from hollywood, to news, from cable, to broadcast tv, to print media.
Please come correct
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by KPC
Thursday, Jul. 17, 2003 at 1:13 PM
First of all, Timmy, they are not "ascertations" or assertions...it is a fact. The majority of all media outlets are owned by a few huge corporations...including General Electric....which, by your comment, must be a long known bastion of communist activity...and nothing is "inferred" that this means "consevative-owned", whatever that means....
So, explain to me how GenElect, Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, AOL et al are "Left-Wing"?
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by piperakis
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003 at 5:37 AM
usafsarge7@aol.com 625calmace dr dixon
my country.right or wrong,but my country.dam bush the liar.dam davis the crook.
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by Paul Snow
Tuesday, Oct. 07, 2003 at 2:04 PM
I respect you opinion but why on earth would you be against the war? A discusting, evil man who was killing and torturing his own people has been overthrown. I personally think that Bush, while he's made some errors, is doing the right thing. I live on a college campus where anti-war protests are everywhere, (and have even been turned into a sort of trend for people with no real knowlage of the subject, who have nothing better then you.) I identify with you in being in the minority when it comes to opinions on the war, but from the opposite perspective. Later.
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by nonantichrist
Tuesday, Oct. 07, 2003 at 2:21 PM
It is apparent that you really are the one who is confused or lazy or both. Do you even know the history of how Saddom got into power? hint: ask the CIA or do some research.
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by Daniel Ma Gill
Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003 at 10:36 AM
Just remember where you where when the towers fell -- as you stood by singing cumby ya (sorry for the spelling). Someone has to defend this country from cowards both inside our boarders and outside. If you are afraid to fight, that's fine, but don't get in the way of real heros. You would have a leg to stand on if we were plundering other countries, but were not. You like your life style, but won't defend it. Just remeber Delta is ready when you are, flights leave every hour -- get on one and see the real world!
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by Vesta
Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003 at 12:49 PM
I find it quite amazing that those people who call themselves "Peace Activists" are the same ones who are fighting against a war that is about bringing peace to war-troubled areas. Perhaps these same people should see the pictures or talk to the people who had to endure tortures, death of family members, and much much more all at the hands of Saddam Hussein and his government. This is along the same lines as an anti-abortionist blowing up a health clinic with several people inside. You are about peace, as long as it is under your twisted terms.
Don't speak out of both sides of your mouth. You want peace, then fight for peace. But make sure you know all the facts first. By standing against this war, you are implying that people such as Saddam are ok, as long as they are not in your area.
Personally, I am extremely proud of our President (who had the courage to stand up in the face of opposition and do what was right not only for our country, our people, but humanity worldwide) and our brave soldiers, who are there to ensure that every human being has the right to live. Not our way of life, but simply to live.
So you go ahead and fight against the war, and who knows perhaps the day will come when another Hitler or Hussein will come along and another Clinton will be in office, ducking under the skirt of his latest intern and no war will be there to save the tortured people. Then you can rest, knowing that your actions were responsible for no action.
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