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by T. Party
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 at 3:37 PM
A royal message to the people of the United States - THE GAME (of democracy) IS OVER
![George W. Bush: An I...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2003/02/king_george_bush_ii.jpgmid.jpg) king_george_bush_ii.jpg, image/jpeg, 389x615
Attention all ye peoples of the United States. King George Bush II demands your immediate compliance. It has come to his attention there are rumblings of discontent, within not only his immediate empire, but within lands yet waiting to be acquired. I remind you it is HE who commands America's awesome military power, and whose soldiers obediently follow his every beck and call. It is HE, not the people, who will decide the American Empire's course of action.
The democratic experiment of government "for and by the people" is over. In 1775, King George III commanded a mighty monarchial empire. Then, led by an impassioned band of misguided American colonists, the people of America embarked on a long determined struggle towards equality for all. Now, over two-hundred years later, we find ourselves back at where we started. The authority of the ruling elite is once again steadfastly in charge. What an unnecessary and utterly useless waste of two centuries. It is time to give up your petty quibbling over peace, and yield to what surely has become obvious: the "people" sorely lack the conviction needed to maintain proper governing.
To all would be Patrick Henrys, Paul Reveres, and Samuel Adamses. To all hopeful Swamp Foxes, Green Mountain Boys, and Sons of Liberty. And especially, to all you "rowdies" who today embrace the raucous assembly known as the Black Bloc, GIVE IT UP! You are no match for the daunting might of George Bush's well-paid enforcers. Let's not misspend nary a single year more debating constitutional rights, morality of war or personal freedom. These are no longer your decisions for the making.
I beseech you to surrender. Lay your protest signs down and go home. Listen to the loyalist voices emanating from your major networks. Hand over the money demanded by your empire's rulers. Accept your proper role as humble subjects to the King, and for God's sake shut up and BEHAVE!
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by Wahington Grew Hemp
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003 at 11:55 AM
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by Lynn
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2005 at 3:08 PM
I suppose there are worse people to be subject to. aka saddam hussein, ossama bin lauden etv.
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by Sir Rob
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005 at 8:36 PM
Kats: All Your Base are Belong to Bush!
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by Sir Rob
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005 at 8:41 PM
Lynn your a blithering idiot. Justifying one mans crimes because there may exist in your imagination a more hainous monster is about the most apethetic garbage you can spew out upon your freedom loving neighbors. Your brand of dumbazz leads to complete enslavement.
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by True Patriot
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005 at 9:32 AM
Thinking like Lynn's is what allowed people like Hitler and Napoleon come into power. At their times, they approached a country in trouble and gave the impression that they were there to help. Once in power, they showed their true dark sides.
In our presidential elections, the last several campaigns are negative campaigns. This leaves the population of, what use to be the "United" States, to choose between the lesser of the evils. Unfortunately during our last election, the masses of miss lead religious people that supported the evil King in power, out numbered the more educated of us.
All those people who say we are not being patriotic because we are talking against our President apparently do not usderstand what being a patriot means. Our government was built to have checks and balances. The position of President is not a set in stone 4 year term. It is a constant popularity contest, where you have to remain popular with the majority of the country's people. The individual still has to be able to use the given powers for the people. A patriot is a person that watches for the protection of the country, not the President. Once the focus moves onto the President, the government becomes the monarchy we are witnessing today. Those mislead, so called "patriots," need to learn to read. There are no patriots in a monarchy, only the ruler's "subjects."
"Subjects" can be easily swept off to the side and ignored. Just as King George Bush II pronounced during his press conference yesterday. He does not care about "popularity," and he is running the country how he sees fit.
The people that are really getting the short end in our country are our troops. They are in a difficult position where they have to stand behind their Chief Commander, even if they do not believe the reasons they are given. We must remember that we can support our troops, while not supporting the King who commands them. The troops need our support, the King does not. Especially after his announcement yesterday, he does not even want it.
There is one statement I could follow that King George Bush II has finally made. He does not care for populatiry and therefore does not need our support.
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by not that it mattered
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005 at 12:12 PM
'Unfortunately during our last election, the masses of miss lead religious people that supported the evil King in power, out numbered the more educated of us. '
No I don't believe it. Not a bit. The sham of an election was even a fraud.
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by Brainiac groupie
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005 at 2:20 PM
Unfortunately during our last election, the masses of miss lead religious people that supported the evil King in power, out numbered the more educated of us.Yes, yes, yes, the elitists, the self anointed, the acne crippled robotic fuckwits who elevate themselves to the height of nosebleeds are better educated. The oh-so original "King George" gives it away. Where would we be without the self anointed and self absorbed terrorist fellating adolescents?
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