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by Tony
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 6:52 PM
Whittier Witness for Peace Every Sunday.
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Whittier Witness for Peace Every Sunday. From 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. At the Intersection of Painter and Whittier Blvd
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by Tony
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 6:52 PM
 image2.jpg, image/jpeg, 881x593
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by Tony
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 6:52 PM
 image3.jpgy5ljta.jpg, image/jpeg, 888x597
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by Tony
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 6:52 PM
 image4a.jpg, image/jpeg, 747x571
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by Seth M. Johnson
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 7:49 PM
When has the UN done anything for World Peace? Who stopped Hitler's Nazi Germany? Who stopped Japan's might military? Who ended the Cold War causing the fall of the Soviet Union? The UN? NO! The United States of America. Why are there so many American citizens attacking their own nation that protects them and gives them so much freedom? We are not going after the Iraqi citizens, we are going after Saddam Hussein. We are trying to liberate the Iraqi citizens to grant them freedom which they, like all humans, deserve! Why are people protesting the U.S.A. and not Saddam Hussein??? Who is it that is keeping his own people from being free? Saddam. From liberating the French, to freeing Yugoslavia from Milosevic, to stopping the Communist oppression of the Soviets over their own people, to saving South Korea from North Korea/China aggression. We, the U.S.A., have faced the full brunt of Enemies of Freedom, yet we are despised by many, and some of our own people. Think any nation can do better? Think again! And God Bless America!
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by Dorothy Hernandez
Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003 at 4:17 PM
The UN was established AFTER WWII…because of WWII – to keep rouge nations and dictators from invading other nations and causing death and destruction. The Soviet Union imploded on itself. America’s military had something to do with it – but so did the end of the cold war and the treaties put in place. We are not “attacking our own nation” by protesting. We are simply voicing our opposition to what this “elected” administration has decided to do in the name of Freedom and Democracy.
Being the aggressor in a war is not what America, Freedom or Democracy stands for. Annihilating Iraq with “Shock & Awe” first wave attacks – surely to kill thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of innocent Iraqi citizens in the capital of the country - is NOT “liberating” the citizens of Iraq. It’s killing them. It’s what the Bush Administration stands for, yes – but not the people of this country. They tell you what they want you to know – but not what’s really going on.
With the frightening roll back of our own civil liberties that Mr. Ashcroft has implemented in the past year and a half (Total Information Awareness, The Patriot Act I & II) we have already begun to feel what it’s like to have our freedom taken away. Freedom of dissent, information, privacy – forget about it! Try reading up on what you’re lamenting about – you will be just as mad as I am.
We have to let the UN do what it can to stop this immoral and illegal war. The rest of the world agrees that inspections must be allowed to progress. Isn’t that what your Mom taught you – talk it out, don’t fight. Barbara must be beside herself with shame right now. The US – under this Bush administration – is just a big bully. They want control. We ARE NOT THE RULERS OF THE EARTH. We have to work together to save ourselves, to love each other and to stop this war. God Bless the Protesters!
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by Pro War
Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003 at 4:31 PM
Dorothy, I'd like to thank you for your comments. As a matter of fact , you should be the Head of the UN so you can save the world by telling everyone to hold hands and love eachother. You obviously live in a dream world. The UN is no more effective than the Articles of Confederation. So what happened to that? You probably don't know what I'm talking about because you don't currently understand why we are going to war. Why can't we just go up and give that Saddam Hussein a hug and tell him that we 'd like him to stop being a murderous dictator. Saddam does not understand this language, you should know that. Not everyone understands why we shouldn't go to war and Saddam is one of them. You can talk all you want with him, but he will always screw you over in the end. OK, 17 resolution, why not one more. I wonder, why not one more resolution? Gee, I don't see a pattern here. He's 0 for 17 now, maybe he can be 1 for 18. You're a moron, I suggest that you maybe read more.
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by knifeyes
Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003 at 4:57 PM
...still getting paid by the word or are you salary?
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by take the red pill
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 8:41 AM
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I love all this propaganda about how the US has to make the world safe for democracy. The US is and empire just like the old europian empires. Any of you right wing idiots ever read history. The us is only interested in makeing the world safe for its own economic interests. Thats why we went to war in Afganastan and thats why were are going to Iraq. Open you eyes and take a look at whats going on wherever their is oil being extracted there is represion of the local indeginous peoples. Perfect example is Nigeria in the Niger Delta.In Indoniesia Surato, a Us backed killer dictator killed millions of peasants and invaded East Timor and massacred more people with the blessings of Trickey Dick and our infamous war criminal Mr Kissinger. It goes on an on, look around the world and you will see the Iron Fist of the US Empire repressing the local people with some kind of pupet regime or economic sabotage. People of the world are not only opposed to this war they are opposed to this Empire! Step out of the Matrix and take the red pill and fight the empire for a better world and a more just and sustainable economic society.
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by Strangelove
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 11:58 PM
lil brain johnson from UC Davis? do they have books in your university, how about history professors? a damn shame and a waste of a college slot that could have been filled with a well rounded student
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by KPC
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 at 12:14 AM
Slow Bore: "Not everyone understands why we shouldn't go to war and Saddam is one of them."
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