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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
Selected images taken with my digital camera at the Hollywood Abti-War March and Rally. 02.15.03.
 miscprotest.jpg, image/jpeg, 521x500
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 buckfush.jpg, image/jpeg, 565x416
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 nazigw.jpg, image/jpeg, 621x470
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 cpwl_fullofsht.jpg, image/jpeg, 480x575
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 lkbush_dk.jpg, image/jpeg, 361x545
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 911_bushknew.jpg, image/jpeg, 435x600
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 stdrama.jpg, image/jpeg, 488x438
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 copslinedup.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x322
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 vets.jpg, image/jpeg, 425x519
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by Terrence R. Rorie
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:48 AM
trrorie@earthlink.net 626.826.0827
 bushsign.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x507
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Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 5:12 AM
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by Bush Admirer
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 8:03 AM
Just a pitiful mob of Saddam Hussein fans. Too bad we can't load them all onto boats and ship them to Saddam for safe keeping.
What these marches have accomplished is to show the world that we have a lot of dumbasses, but Europe has even more dumbasses.
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by Timothy Jones
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 8:09 AM
Better than just shipping them to Iraq, they should all become human shields, hence wiping out Husseins supporters as well as taking out important Iraqi installations.
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by I like the Row of Cops
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 8:23 AM
Thank you michael scott.
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by Michele
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 9:31 AM
You're the dumbass, asshole. Killing is wrong. Why don't you read some history books, and then perhaps you might get an inkling of why America is so hated. Violence breeds violence. You need love in your heart, and I feel very sorry for you.
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by Carol
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 10:21 AM
Hey Bush supporter - I guess your having had sex with your mother all these years has clouded your judgement. Your type is what shames the nation. Too bad we can't strap you with your Furor Bush onto a mama-fuchin bomb and drop your ignorant repltile ass over a desert somewhere. It's assholes like you that make the world stink. God bless those that don't drinkith the koolaid of hate and stupidity that is ruining this once great land. Hey why not get some duck tape and rap yourself up, stick your head between your legs breath hard and kiss your ass goodbye!
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by Diogenes
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 10:42 AM
The signs of REAL patriotism - standing up for MORAL AND ETHICAL Principles.
Pay no heed to the pitiful scoffers. It is their sour grapes that their side was able to maybe muster 400 people against half a million in the last D.C. protest.
"True patriots hate injustice in their own country more than any olther." - Clarence Darrow
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by Fa
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 11:01 AM
I'm pretty sure Bush needs someone to be wiping his ass for him, after reading your comment I thought you'd be perfectly qualified for the job!
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by johnk
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 12:03 PM
BA is just looking for attention. Don't be a sucker. Don't give it to him, and he'll go away to another website.
Also, with regard to the first comment. You're a hateful person. There's really nothing more to say.
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by vince clark
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 1:58 PM
Excellent pictures - and great banners and placards.
It's great to see that Americans are standing up and being counted, and not letting the Bush Junta get its way.
A European peace activist.
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by koko loko
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 3:10 PM
"You're the dumbass, asshole..... You need love in your heart, and I feel very sorry for you." Tsk, tsk, tsk... my, my, Michele, you are obviously a 'grown up' gurl otherwise you wouldn't be posting here, right? Hey, you should KNOW by now that these bushians ARE NOT Americans, they are Pig Israelis defending their last chance and only source of income for their f******* country, that is, we are their tetter for survival economically, cos their Jew Komrades, the international bankers, are so greedy, they will not give them nothing, in spite of all the money they rob the world through their schemes. They have to leech (suck) US (read, the U.S.) for survival. Therefore, anything against their Middle East 'conquering' agenda (at the expense of American soldiers and tax-payer paid war machinery) is against their LIFELINE! They HAVE to protest!! They don't WORK!! They only SUCK!! Please, be more understanding with these Pigs. Also, how can you expect them to have 'Love', if they are Pigs? Don't misunderstand me, though: real pigs (oink-oink ones) are really capable of 'loving' people. Maybe we should guide these un-American Pigs to a local piggery, for education.... after they finish wipping (licking?) duhBya's ass.... AND now you KNOW!!!!
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by Marshall
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 3:28 PM
now let's be clear who we're talking about when we say " the bush junta". are we talking about paul wolfowitz? richard pearl? mr. feith? mr. sharon? mr. netanyahu? who wants our american children to die in an unjust war against an 'enemy' that poses zero threat to the continental U.S.? if someone can make a calm realistic response without using the words'nazi' or 'anti-semite' you'll get ten points! oh by the way, I'm jewish american and ANTI ZIONIST!!!! shalom
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by koko loko
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 3:38 PM
Atta'girl! Let 'em have it! They are really pissed-off cos we are awakening from decades of indoctrination and dumbness, into which we have been put by the same forces that dumped duhBya's ass into the presidency. They really rule us, the almost 'own' us. Un-constitutionaly, but they almost do. My question is, where are all these assholes going to go, hide, evaporate, when all this mess we are in is finally OVER? Because IT WILL, DAMMIT!! They are just a few, including their asskissers. Powerful scum, but very few. And now the whole world KNOWS of their machinations, including US, We The Sheeple of this country! "Once man's consciousness is awakened, no man, no tyrant, no master will be able to have control over it." Remember it, it is Law. The Force is with US. We win, they lose.... it is just a matter of time.
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by koko loko
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 4:01 PM
Touched a cord? or an ulcer? U do sound like mossad underground feeding off duhBya's hand outs to your country, and returning the 'favor' by defending his megalomaniac agenda, which is, aftter all, Sharon's. By the way, i am for hanging by the balls, after a PUBLIC trial, of course, every s.o.b. tyrant, war criminal, mass murderer, traitor, and his collaborators, regardless of country they operate in. Fit the picture? But I am not for mass murdering innocent civilians in order to achieve justice for Humanity, this country, or any other.... much less for oil and economic power for duhBya's buddies.
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by koko loko
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 4:04 PM
Touched a cord? or an ulcer? U do sound like mossad underground feeding off duhBya's handouts to your country, and returning the 'favor' by defending his megalomaniac agenda, which is, aftter all, Sharon's. By the way, i am for hanging by the balls, after a PUBLIC trial, of course, every s.o.b. tyrant, war criminal, mass murderer, traitor, and his collaborators, regardless of country they operate in. Fit the picture? But I am not for mass murdering innocent civilians in order to achieve justice for Humanity, this country, or any other.... much less do it for oil and economic power for duhBya's buddies.
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by koko loko
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 4:23 PM
Sorry, bud, my lack of contact with the Jewish community fails me in immediately realizing the difference between a Jew and a Zionist (Jew?). It would be almost like saying all Americans are.... Bushians, since we all were born in the same country, get it? Next time i will be more careful, promise.
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by Spring Hope
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:16 PM
Koko Loko every American needs to know the difference! Please check this out and spread the word.
A Zionist is someone who can be identified by adherence to the political movement created in the 19th century based on an ethnic/racist myth of Palestine being the sole homeland of Jews. Historically this was never true, although it may be said that there was once, literally thousands of years ago, a Jewish state in a part of what is now Israel. There were at that time a number of competing groups with other religeous views living on the same land, so that to claim that Jews had a historic right to Palestine is many times more unrealistic than Native Americans having the right to toss us European immigrants out.
Over the century since Zionism was founded it was supported by the forces (especially the British colonizers of the Near East for oil) plus nourished by the infliction of genocide and indifference to it by the West, to become a movement with huge means at its disposal, including a huge amount of propoganda which obliterated the voice of Jews who kept saying not to equate being Jewish with Zionism and warned against founding a state on somebody else's land based on the Jewish religeon and citizenship qualifications based on having a drop of Jewish blood in one's veins.
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by fresca
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:44 PM
"A Zionist is someone who can be identified by adherence to the political movement created in the 19th century based on an ethnic/racist myth of Palestine being the sole homeland of Jews. Historically this was never true"
Unfortunately, what you've failed to mention is that history has No record of any "palestinian" people, culture, society, language, history, tec. Nothing that would, in any way, support the myth that "palestinians" as a group have evr existed. I know it doesn't "feel good" to be faced with this fact, but it is undeniably true (although I suspect you will try to deny it in short order. If so, PLEASE come to the table with actual eveidence.)
Bush Admirer is right. At the end of the day, the Israeli's are simply for advanced and worthwhile than the arabs. No big deal. I'm sure the arabs are all fine people, just not too evolved. No shame in that, but to resent the Jews for it is a bit silly, don't you think?
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by fresca
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:47 PM
 war.jpgnm1bhw.jpg, image/jpeg, 287x430
my favorite sign
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by fresca
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 6:51 PM
"Atta'girl! Let 'em have it! They are really pissed-off cos we are awakening from decades of indoctrination and dumbness, into which we have been put by the same forces that dumped duhBya's ass into the presidency. They really rule us, the almost 'own' us. Un-constitutionaly, but they almost do. My question is, where are all these assholes going to go, hide, evaporate, when all this mess we are in is finally OVER? Because IT WILL, DAMMIT!! They are just a few, including their asskissers. Powerful scum, but very few. And now the whole world KNOWS of their machinations, including US, We The Sheeple of this country! "Once man's consciousness is awakened, no man, no tyrant, no master will be able to have control over it." Remember it, it is Law. The Force is with US. We win, they lose.... it is just a matter of time"
I know it seems like that crosstown march to Starbucks was an"awakening" but bear this is mind. On Saturday, nearly 289 Million Americans showed their support for disarming Hussein by NOT marching. What is a hobby to you is a passing moment of amusement for virtually everyone else in the country. The administration is not corrupt and the majority of us know it. So, I suspect you'll be awaiting this "new order" for quite some time.
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by Jesus Admirer
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:02 PM
No, the majority of Americans are just too lazy too get off their asses.
Luckily the racist facsists like you are relatively few in number.
This administration isn't corrupt? Were you asleep through the whole Enron debacle?
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by Diogenes
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 7:22 PM
Fresca - are you sure you are not a reincarnate Greek Sophist?
Because the Sheep were unwilling to forego their "Bud and Ball" is not a prima facie case that they support the mass murder of innocent civilians. Mostly it just means they are unaware, misinformed, or timid.
The absence of presence does not constitute any support for the War nor Opposition to the war. It means they did not come. Nothing more nothing less.
Your illogical lies are amusing but easily proven false. Do you have a red nose too?
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by Ruth
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 8:11 PM
I propose that hateful name calling etc be ignored rather than returned in like fashion. MLK said that you cannot remove the dark with dark but only with light. Also I want to read worthwhile comments and they are all clogged up with senseless stuff that does not bring light and peace to us. Thank you.
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by Diogenes
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 8:54 PM
Sorry you find the interplay disturbing. The problem is that with the Shills if you don't swat them good and hard they keep buzzing. It's as bad as Western Australia - the land of 10,000,000 flies.
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by Pablo Quixiotic
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 8:57 PM
Good to see that you brought your conservative frat boy friends to back you up!
I have an organization for you man -- its called the KKK. Are you a member?
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by fresca
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 9:05 PM
"Luckily the racist facsists like you are relatively few in number.
This administration isn't corrupt? Were you asleep through the whole Enron debacle?"
So, I'm a fascist because I support disarming Hussein. If you say so. I guess I was unclear about what Fascism was.
And care to elaborate on that second comment. I know that's a very popular chant around your part of town, but really, any evidence of actual conspiracy would be great. Other than Bush is an "oilman". Bush also once owned part of the Rangers, so I guess the administration is to blame for last's year's All Star game debacle as well.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 9:22 PM
About fascism. Look at the symbol on either side of the speakers podium in the house of representatives. The facis or bundling together if sticks, with with the ax coming out the top. The merging of corporations and state. My father fought it durring the 2nd world war.
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by fresca
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 9:31 PM
"Good to see that you brought your conservative frat boy friends to back you up!
I have an organization for you man -- its called the KKK. Are you a member?"
I know you need to believe that any opposition to your bandwagonesque fantasy is from the mouths of testosterone addled redneck jocks but I know I could go toe to toe with you in any discussion about anything you might consider a distinquishing characteristic of your leftist sub-culture. Because at the end of the day, that's what it's really all about. A subculture which has uniform beliefs and mores. I've been to the marches. I look the part. I listen and make the right music. I watch the same films. I read alot more than most at the protests, but for the most part, the only thing that's different is my convictions. I have nothing but comtempt for those that base their beliefs on any loser with a microphone and a bushel of catch phrases. And, excuse me if this doesn't apply to you, but most at the protests fit into this category utterly and completely. The level of actual original thought and honest conviction, completely removed from hype and fashion is abysmal. Beleive me, ALL of my friends are "anti-war". Not ONE of them is the least bit informed about the security council, Powell's evidence, France and Germany's reason's for no support or their business connections with Iraq. None of them have any idea about Iraq's disregard for previous UN resolutions. But somehow they all have hauntingly similiar opinions about the issue. Where do these ideas come from other than mob rule? So, call me a dumb fratboy if you want(if you only knew). I couldn't care less. I'm right and you're wrong. God love ya.
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by zain
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 9:34 PM
 8.jpgwjxruz.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
http://www.zain.us/standup/ these are the pictures i took, for you people to view!!! thanks for participating
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by Sheepdog
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 9:50 PM
Thanks zane. Well Mr. Soft drink are you still unclear about fascism?
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by fresca
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 9:58 PM
Thanks. That rambling, train-of-thought discourse on Congress decoration cleared everything up for me.
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by fresca
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 10:03 PM
By the way, considering that there's time honored proof right on the congressional podium that we've always had a nefarious fascist government, I guess you'll agree that your father was quite the fucking idiot for fighting for America. Boy, was he an ass.
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by marshall
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 5:34 AM
gosh, I wonder where the word Palestine came from? I guess it just popped into someones "less evolved Arab" brain. Hey I'm so happy my tax dollars (13 Billion plus a year) go to support these thriving progressive israelies. They've managed to wake up a couple of billion muslims and now they're focused on America! Isn't this neat? "Hey Mohammed, look at those Americans, we 'hate their freedom' lets get some planes!" Wake up children, the real enemy has been in our midst for more than fifty years. Before israel, no problems. Since israel,many problems. Zionism is racism. I burn that flag! I am digusted that they have hijacked my gentle faith.
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by KPC
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 at 10:18 AM
Fresca: "I'm right and you're wrong. "
...so there!
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by X
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 3:55 PM
Fresca's argument is that just because the Palestinians weren't called "Palestinians" its ok to kick em out.
Thats really bad Fresca.
These were people who had their homes and farms there. Just because they speak arabic doesn't justify kicking them out of their homeland. Get that into your head. There is something called the universal declaration of human rights. read it. and why the fuck are you so racist?
As for Israel's success... could they have done it without the BILLIONS of dollars of aid? If Israel could do well on its own merit then maybe what u say would actually be worth listening to.
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by fresca
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 8:12 PM
"These were people who had their homes and farms there. Just because they speak arabic doesn't justify kicking them out of their homeland. Get that into your head. There is something called the universal declaration of human rights. read it. and why the fuck are you so racist? "
How is it that I'm racist. I know it's a fucking reflex to throw that out around here, but do you even know what that means? Everything I've ever said about the Israeli/palestinian situation is simply my take on it. I think the arabs have an equal if not more share of the quilt. I think they are wrong for attacking Jews to begin with in the late 1800's. I think a jewish run state will be better run than an arab run state if history is any indication. I believe that there is no historical record of a palestinian people. How does any of that make me racist? Must I declare with zombie-like enthusiasm that I love all arabs because zionists are "bad". Is that what it takes to be in your group? Forget it. Disliking a certain group (terrorists) does not mean I hate their race. When will you idiots understand that? Until you drop your childish view that only the Jews are to blame I'll continue to post the ugly FACTS that there are some very bad arabs out there as well. Call me a racist, if it turns you on, but you have no credibility. You're easily as hateful as you seem to think I am.
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by X
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 8:38 PM
"I'm sure the arabs are all fine people, just not too evolved. "
not too evolved? u mean the palestinians are the same as the "ape-like niggers"? they feel no emotion you mean? they cant get past their animal like desire to kill and eat each other?
you are racist fresca.
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by fresca
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 8:51 PM
""I'm sure the arabs are all fine people, just not too evolved. "
not too evolved? u mean the palestinians are the same as the "ape-like niggers"? they feel no emotion you mean? they cant get past their animal like desire to kill and eat each other?
you are racist fresca."
No , I wouldn't say that, but I will point out that the arabs seem to have a propensity to create barbaric, despotic ruled societies. Have managed to keep slavery alive and well. Have fostered a religion that does anything but preclude corporal violence towards other faiths. Have been able to keep tribal methods of problem solving in fashion (see Hama, Syria). Have given us the cute "suicide bombers" we're all so fond of. What else, Oh yeah, they just LOVE women. So, yeah. I guess you're right. They are a wonderful group and since I must never point out the faults of any group, lest I become a racist, I'll admit that they have really gotten 21st century civilization down as well as the next guy. I apologize and thank you for showing me the error of my ways. I will never entertain the notion that arab culture is anything less than perfect. And I now hate Jews, which, of course, is okay around here.
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by Mr X
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 8:52 PM
Anti-seitism is a key factor within the so called peace movement. These movements are organized by anti-seitics, communists, muslim extremists and various other low-lifes.
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by X
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 7:34 AM
fresca. islam was forced upon people by the sword. american manifest destiny was also brought on by the sword.
not all arab countries are barbaric and despotic. despotic maybe, but still far far more safe, peaceful and tolerant than the US will ever be.
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by koko loko
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 2:16 AM
I know the stuff. I have followed this country's hidden agenda (actually the NWO traitors) for longer than the barking dogs in this forum have lived, I am sure. Their pathetic ignorance is manifest. They probably are high school drop outs who never read a history book with an open mind, first, and second, most likely in a direct or indirect fashion will be affected if this country cuts off, as it should, all monies to support the most terroristic regime in the world, that of the beast called Sharon.
Next time they bark in your window, tell them to read The Grand Chessboard, or None Dare Call It Conspiracy, so they know WE KNOW why they exist as a nation, and how they are part of the Grand Unholy Scheme, the NWO.
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by koko loko
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 at 2:39 AM
Hey, fresca, bush-asskisser and the rest of the desert bandits... are you as ignorant and opportunistic as the rest of your zionist breed? (I think so) Or you just pretend ignorance to keep nibbling on OUR stolen tax money for your criminal and terrorizing survival in Israel? (I also think so.)
Read your own holy books, and learn, dumb-asses. You guys NEVER existed, you were the ancient Cannanites who left Cannan because of drought (unlike the rest of the valiant inhabitants who stood on their ground), landed in Egypt as squatters, were supposedly 'enslaved' (actually made to WORK for a living like the rest of Pharaoh's subjects), and, resisting to WORK (work=sin); (work=slavery); (work=goyim livelihood), (probably you just wanted to con everybody around), and were expelled from the country. HAHAHA! That's funny, cos you haven't learned your lessons yet!
You still believe 'you're the chosen ones' thanks to good ol' Moses and the PACIFIST Akhnaton (Ramses was NOT Pharaoh yet), who found a way to get rid of you lazy revolters, idol worshippers (remember Aaron?), gold-diggers, intrigue-instigators, cousin-spousers, self-appointed snob supremacists, democratic-government mutineers... and apartheid racists.
Read on, ignorant worms... when you 'returned' (tricked back, hehe), everybody around thought you were.... squatters!! Everybody tried to kill you, but good ol' Moses protected you because, being a HEBREW, he was really smart and holy, unlike you guys. Yes, you owe HIM a lot. The man grew white hair on you, but you never learned your lessons, especially gratitude. All the while, whatever-you-wanna-call-them, the other peoples were there all the time and rightfully deserved to chase you out, squatters from 'yond.
Anyway, the story goes, now the invaders-that-came-from-Egypt were called 'Israelites'.... No problem. Except, now you wanted to ensalve everybody (make THEM work) because, dumb as hell, you lost the hidden metaphysical meaning of your holy, sacred, transcendental scriptures, perhaps deservedly, (I personally vow to the Jewish Cabbalah and the Zepher-Yetsirah, which are most likely Hebrew), and you took LITERALY the very sublime message of 'I give you the earth and its kingdoms, so you may stomp your foot on every kingdom on earth and subdue them"... or something like that, have you read it?
And the wars raged on (and still DO!) because in your newly acquired ignorance and bloated ego, and disobeying the other holy book, the Zepher-Bereshit, you took the wrappings of the Law as the Law itself! Dumb! Read the admonition in it, and LEARN, moron criminals. The god 'Jehova' (you don't even know the REAL name by now, how pitiful), the Cabbalistic THIRD in descending order, told 'you', the spirit/soul being, the creature of the 'Sixth Day' (sixth level of Divine descending Consciousness), to 'conquer' the 'kingdoms' (weaknesses, sins, passions, ignorance) of the 'earth' (the physical creature of the 'second creation', the adamma and cheve, the creature from the 'Seventh Day', or simply, organic physical matter), and become A SPIRITUAL BEING on earth, a SPIRITUAL MAN, not a mass murderer and robber of land!
And now, 'forgetting' those 'lowly' Palestinians are your HALF-BROTHERS (read YOUR texts, idiots, and swallow it!), you zionist worms undertook the task of eradicating everybody from the Middle East, trying to aggrandize your shallowness, your emptiness, and your pathetic ignorance, killing... NO, murdering your own kind. Does it hurt?
Israel 'appeared' in the late 1940's, implanted by the world oligarchists to start revolt in the region, and eventually steal all the oil from the Middle East, as part of their global agenda of slavery of the world masses (are they all zionists?). Read history, morons.
So what are you claiming? Rejoice that you have a country, WORK, dammit, earn your living, stop being leeches of our tax money. Or ask the international bankers, exploiters of the world, to support you and your kind, after all, they are the same breed. And leave us, and the rest of the decent, working goyim, ALONE. We don't need you. Make sure you don't need US, especially the U.S., you cynical creeps.
WORK for your own subsistence, like everybody else, but honestly, decently, and maybe the rest of the world will get to like you. Else, you may be digging your own grave. You will be responsible for making the Biblical prophecy come true. Heed the warnings. Heed the admonitions. Re-learn the lesson you long lost. It is in your own sacred texts, it is your own Law. And repay Moses his work and sacrifice for you, by becoming humans again.
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by Jon
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 at 1:57 PM
Useful idiots as Stalin put it. Where are the signs demanding Iraq to disarm? Where are the signs demanding that they stop killing their own peopleby the 1,000's yearly? Are these protester to wrapped up in their own little agenda that they lost their common sence? Instead of holding signs with slogans and ridiculous statements why don't the come up with their solutions?
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by lancer
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 at 2:06 PM
Where are the signs demanding that they stop killing their own peopleby the 1,000's yearly? yeah, why aren't we demanding immediate bombing now so we can kill 1,000's in minutes?
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by g livingston
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:10 AM
These people just hate Bush. If he found a cure for cancer, they'd boo him. Well guys get use to him, He'll be there for another four years. Thank god.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:36 AM
We would never hear about it because cancer is good for the GNP
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 11:35 AM
Sure that was me (note sarcasm) The weasels are marching A cure for cancer would convince me.
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by wow
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 11:36 AM
wow again wow
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by ...____....-------
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:25 AM
Wow (echo chamber) Wow
. Hello again...
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by John
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 2:43 PM
I'm not pro-war, but I am for killing that stupid bastard Saddam who dropped VX and mustard gas on Kurdish Iraqis just b/c of their ethnic back ground. I have a friend from Iraq who has unjustly lost family and friends to that stupid prick named Saddam. Her and her sister fled to the USA to get away from him. She said they would like to move back home to be with her parents and aunt when Saddam is gone. She can't understand why people around the world are supporting him.
I hope all you Pro-Saddam idiots (a.k.a. anti-war protestors) and your families are the first one's to die when more terrorists (funded by assholes like Saddam) strike the USA.
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by m.c.
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:05 PM
Bet you could'nt do this in Iraq!
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by m.c.
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:07 PM
Bet you could'nt do that in Iraq!
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by Diogenes
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:19 PM
...that John above repeats the disinformation line on the use of gas with a new twist. VX gas was used now. You ignorant fuck - none of the reports of the Gassing mention VX gas you ignoramus. And the gassing of the Kurds was incidental to and exchange of Gas Barrages between IRANIAN and IRAQI TROOPS. The Kurds were "Collateral Damage" to use that quaint term favored by U.S. Military Attack Apologists.
As for m.c. you are simply a gibbering idiot and deserve no further notice.
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by oiu
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:21 PM
both sides denounce Saddam Hussein as a monster both sides claim to support "freedom" both sides say they "support" the troops both sides say they want to prevent terror attacks on the USA both sides say a war on Iraq will increase the likelihood of terrorist attacks against the USA both sides condemn the attack on the WTC both sides respect the "right to protest" both sides say they want peace both sides won't say they support a "war for oil" both sides have never been attacked by Iraq both sides say they want the UN to be "relevant"
one side is getting U.S. soldiers killed one side has violent contempt for the UN one side is led by oil executives one side supports curtailing civil liberties one side used to be friends with Saddam Hussein one side supports an attack on Iraq one side opposes universal health care one side used to be friends with Osama Bin Laden one side was in business with the Bin Ladens one side says we should stop "carping" and "get behind" the president one side says we should go out and buy duct tape
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by Simple Simon
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:30 PM
Kablooey! Another baby-milk factory goes down!
Hey, looks like 8,000 milkmen (Iraqi 51st Mechanized Division) just surrendered to the Coalition (er, I mean to the US which is acting unilaterally). They had 200 tanks (milk trucks).
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by Diogenes
Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:37 PM
...Baby Milk factory next to the Baghdad Bomb shelter that was hit by a Burrowing Incendiary Bomb in the last Gulf Massacre?
The Fire was so hot it literally melted the flesh of the 400 old men, women and children who had taken shelter there.
Or is it a different one - perhaps in a residential neighborhood destroyed as "Collateral Damage".
Your justification of evil is shrill and tuneless.
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by FreedomLover
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:15 AM
If President Bush and Saddam Hussien could swap jobs, 100,000 misfits in New Your City would have been gassed today and Iraq would already be free!
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by FreedomLover
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 12:15 AM
If President Bush and Saddam Hussien could swap jobs, 100,000 misfits in New Your City would have been gassed today and Iraq would already be free!
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by BigTex
Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 9:50 PM
I stand by America, our President and our brave service men and women 100%, but I have to admit I'm having a hard time trying not to hate the sad, pathetic .01% of our population that's trying to tear down everything that's right about our country, even though I know that what they are doing is only making us stronger by strengthened our resolve. I do hate the trash they're coming out with. If they really believe in their cause, why are they displaying such filth in their message.
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Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 11:44 AM
Thanks Big Tex and Freedom Lover for being two of our most loyal viewers. We just love the redneck demographic. We distort, you comply.
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by BigTex
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 9:50 PM
I know Fox News and you ARE NOT Fox News! You CNN freaks can be proud of the way you helped the career of Peter Arnett. Just kidding, sicko, you couldn't even work for Madd Magazine.
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by BigTex
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 10:00 PM
OK, you liberal wierdo"s, here come's our version of "Shock and Awe" Hope you're ready!
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by mcraig
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 10:22 PM
Posted by:
Pitiful by Carol • Sunday February 16, 2003 Sunt 10:21 AM
"Hey Bush supporter - I guess your having had sex with your mother all these years has clouded your judgement. Your type is what shames the nation. Too bad we can't strap you with your Furor Bush onto a mama-fuchin bomb and drop your ignorant repltile ass over a desert somewhere. It's assholes like you that make the world stink. God bless those that don't drinkith the koolaid of hate and stupidity that is ruining this once great land. Hey why not get some duck tape and rap yourself up, stick your head between your legs breath hard and kiss your ass goodbye!"
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by BigTex
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 10:59 PM
Who should I respond to, You or Carol?
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by Noreen
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 11:16 PM
yes Ms. Michele listen to loko koko YOU need love in your heart! She knows what she's talking about can'y you feel the love pouring off her?
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by Noreen
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 11:22 PM
Amen Big Tex! Isn't it strange how the police show up en masse at "peace" rallies??? Hmmm I wonder why that is? And don't you love how peaceful and responsible they act? Especially with their vulgar signs in front of children. But they'' ll be the first to use the mantra "for the children." Sickening.
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by Archer
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 12:08 AM
You guys are sick.
I guess when you realize that you are the small minority, you have to result to vulgarity to get your feelings across.
Feel sorry for everyone in this picture.
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by jlokay
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 6:27 AM
I sit back and read the post of this website for amusement purposes only. It amazes me that the LEFT, which the mjority of these posts represent, is so spaced out. I mean where is you proof on anything you say. All of your arguments rely on ether speculation or extreme conspiracy theories. COME BACK TO REALITY!!! I love to argue and it is healthy to disagree, but please come up with an argument that has some vality to it....
In fact, this site is disgustingly fictions that it erased some posts of a college of mine, Big Tex. Grow up you liberal panty-wastes.
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by Dergie
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 12:33 PM
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by CJ
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 12:41 PM
Yeah, too bad 80% of the country support the war effort. What a bunch of losers.
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by Barry L
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 12:50 PM
It's funny to see how confused and frustrated the protestors are. How misguided and obsolete their views are. How so very few have anything interesting or relevant to say.
Why do you think 78% of the clear thinking U.S. is for the liberation in Iraq?
The true heroes of this war will be those who supported President Bush, his Administration, our Allies and all the Troops.
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by Halcyon
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 1:01 PM
WHACK IRAQ!!!!!!!!!
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by Mr. Flyboy
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 1:03 PM
So how do you SADDAM sypathists breathe with your heads up your asses?
I'm so glad I risked MY life serving MY country so you all would have a place to protest.
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by Mr. Flyboy
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 1:03 PM
So how do you SADDAM sympathists breathe with your heads up your asses?
I'm so glad I risked MY life serving MY country so you all would have a place to protest.
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by Mr. Flyboy
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 2:07 PM
I'm also glad that I allowed myself to be used like tioletpaper just so the rich in this country could get richer. It's not like I know what's REALLY going on in the world. After all, I watch Fox News!
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by Dergie
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 2:07 PM
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by Bush Admirer
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 2:11 PM
Way to go, Dergie. Whenever we fascists don't have anything intelligent to say, we can always post pretty pictures for everyone to look at. Great job!
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by Just look at their language
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 2:23 PM
I'm tired of all you fucking hippies saying that you're just against the war. You are against a lot of other things too, aren't you? You not only criticize the war with Iraq, but you talk about the state of Israel, Bush, Republicans, Corporate Media, Conservatives, etc as if they were the enemy at the same time supporting the tactics used by Palistinian terrorists! You are just using the war as a tool to promote your insane beliefs. Plus the fact that you don't support the troops really pisses me off. I'll tell you something, I'm an American and I'm proud of our government. I'm not a Republican or Democrat, I vote for who I think will do the best work. Bush has done a fantastic job in this war and all you can do is insult him and compare hime to Hitler! I am a descendent of Jews who were murdered by Hitler in concentration camps so I have done a lot of research on that topic. You assholes don't have the right to make that comparison. You weren't even alive when that shit was going on! Hitler was out to rule the world and exterminate the Jews, Bush is only out to make the world safer. I see no 51st states here, what the fuck are you morons talking about? And you talk about the corporate media like they're constantly lying to you. Well, as a number one fan of Fox News, I can tell you that they only speak the truth. You assholes are just pissed off that they pay very little attention to your bullshit. So why don't they? The reason is that you make 80% of the American population sick with your disgraceful actions. I hope the police beat the fuck out of you all just for being antiAmerican, but we have laws here so they don't. You think its OK for you to break the laws though, don't you? Well, News Flash, the 60's are long gone, deal with it! Go back to your dumpy apartments or your parents basements and smoke a fucking joint and forget about it! Or you can move to Iraq to become a human shield for your homo buddy Saddam. Don't make us look at you. Just get a life.
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by Ariel Sharon
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 2:54 PM
Exactly, "Just look at their language!" I, like you, can't wait until all of those Muslim bastards are wiped off the face of the Earth! Please enlist in the Zionist army!
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by Do your movement a favor and shut up
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:17 PM
Man, I get one response to that post and it just proves my point that this is more than a protest against a war with Iraq, it is ProPalistinian and ant Sharon/Israel. fucking morons, gee, I'll just let some fuckhead blow himself up around innocent civilians in my counrty and not do a damn thing about it. This is how you all think and its Dangerous. Please research Rwanda and Kosovo to see what not getting involved will do. One more thing, fuck all of the Palistinians and their cause, once they resort to terrorism, they are no better than murderers. Sharon is not a killer, he is a protector. No, I am not against Muslims, I am against this radical version of Islam that promotes terrorism. I have Muslim friends that I drink beer with and play baseball with everday. They all want to fry Saddam and they love Fox News so please stop trying to say that all Muslims who used to live or do live in the Middle East support your position.
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by Do Zionists a favor and shut up
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:23 PM
You moron. That comment is PRO-ISRAELI. Stop thinking with your head up your rearend for once. You might also try "Reading Comprehension for Dummies."
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by Do you know what sarcasm is?
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:27 PM
That comment was clearly not from Pro Israel person. That is how this person thinks that Sharon sees the Palistinians. This is just sarcasm, I repeat sarcasm, try not to get too confused dumb hippy, OK?
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by Bob D.
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:48 PM
......are deafaulting on federal student loans? are collecting unemployment (must be nice to have time to march when most of us have jobs we have to go to)? have collected welfare? have lived in government subsidized housing? are art students who just can't understand why America will not cough up enough tax money for their avant garde "art" shows that usally deal with smearing their bodies with their own excrement to Billy Bragg songs? have taken advantage of the legal system on a minor pot bust that would get them thrown into prison in any of the workers paradises they praise? love to quote the Pope's oppostion to war but are stangely silent about his opposition to abortion? absolutely despise the capitalist system because they learned it from ivory tower Marxists who have never had to worry about actaually earning a living in that system? Just a few things I am curious about
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Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:54 PM
So....unless someone guzzles beer or their SUV guzzles gas, they have no right to an opinion?
WoW.....another supporter of the U.S. Constitution.*
*except for the 1st Amendment.
PS: Why the fuck aren't you over there....hmmmmm?
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by Troop Supporter
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:58 PM
...who CLAIM to support our troops also support the Republican Congress in voting to reduce the VA budget by $25 BILLION dollars? You people are so hypocritical, it's disgusting. You know where you can shove those American flags that you're so crazy about. Conservatives are totally incapable of independent thought. They just blindly follow the president like the sheep that they are.
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by Dergie
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 3:59 PM
March 29, 2003 -- American soldiers should suffer "a million Mogadishus" in Iraq, a Columbia University professor told thousands of students and faculty members at an anti-war forum. Nicholas De Genova said those inflammatory words - a reference to the Somali city where 18 U.S. soldiers were killed in the 1993 incident that inspired the movie Black Hawk Down - at an "anti-war teach-in" Wednesday at the school's Low Library. "The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military," said De Genova, an assistant professor of anthropology and Latino studies. De Genova also asserted that Americans who call themselves "patriots" are white supremacists. De Genova's hopes for an American defeat in Iraq was cheered by the crowd of 3,000 people who had gathered at the five-hour anti-war lecture. "If we really [believe] that this war is criminal . . . then we have to believe in the victory of the Iraqi people and the defeat of the U.S. war machine." De Genova said the U.S. Army is composed largely of men and women with a "treacherous lack of prospects for a decent life." The 35-year-old professor's mention of the bloody Somali ambush where American soldiers were dragged through the streets was largely met with silence from the stunned crowd of peaceniks. Two professors who spoke after De Genova immediately distanced themselves from his explosive anti-American comments. De Genova could not be reached for comment last night. In a statement released yesterday, a Columbia University spokesman said De Genova "was speaking as an individual at a teach-in. He was exercising his right to free speech. His statement does not in any way represent the views of Columbia University." History professor Eric Foner, who helped organize the event, said he did not share De Genova's opinions on the war. "I disagreed strongly and I said so," he said. "If I had known what he was going to say, I would have been reluctant to have him speak." Foner said De Genova was a last-minute invitee and one of 25 speakers who "did not represent the general tone of the event - which was highly educational." With Post Wire Services http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/33194.htm
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by Anti War or Anti America?
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 4:04 PM
http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.sht...003/3/30/124708 Peace movement leader and human rights activist, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, defended Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on Friday, saying that reports of his brutality were part of a U.S.-backed disinformation campaign. Asked about an eyewitness account of the torture death of an Iraqi dissident who was put in a glass cage and eaten alive by dogs while Saddam and other top leaders watched, Clark told WLIE-NY radio's Mike Siegel, "That's the most absurd story I've heard in a long time." "Propaganda can be pretty vicious," the antiwar activist warned before trashing the torture account a second time, saying, "If you believe that, you're a hopeless case." Clark did, however, acknowledge the truthfulness of reports that Saddam Hussein's son-in-law was murdered after he defected in the 1990's and was then persuaded to return, but he declined the pin the blame on the Iraqi leader. Instead the human rights activist blamed the man's execution on "people working for the [Iraqi] government, apparently." Asked if Saddam controlled the government at the time, Clark responded, "The government is a lot of people." The antiwar leader said that other accounts from Iraqi defectors who have described Saddam's brutality, as well as reports of terrorist training operations inside Iraq, were probably false. "I've worked with problems of defection and informers for years and years and they're not generally reliable," Clark told WLIE. "You have to be careful about who you're talking to. I also recognize propaganda. And I hear more garbage and propaganda coming out about how evil the Iraqi people are." He then chastised radio host Siegel for spreading accounts of Saddam's brutality, complaining, "I think you're just fantasizing with propaganda. It shows your own hatred and narrow-mindedness." Minutes later, the former U.S. attorney general condemned U.S.-backed economic sanctions against Iraq during the 1990s, calling them, "absolute genocide." JUST WHO DO YOU THINK IS FUNDING ALL THESE PEACE RALLIES? THEY AREN'T FOR FREE, YOU KNOW!
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by Bob D.
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 4:04 PM
Fuck off, you turd. I hate anyone who doesn't agree with me! But I love America!
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by Dergie
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 4:13 PM
Outspoken cultural activist Jesse Lee Peterson is blasting the organizers of anti-war protests occurring across the nation, saying they are "trying to rip our country apart from within."
Best known for sponsoring the annual "National Day of Repudiation of Jesse Jackson," Peterson, founder and president of the L.A.-based Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, released a statement today calling protest organizations such as A.N.S.W.E.R. and Not in Our Name "communist dupes." As WorldNetDaily reported, A.N.S.W.E.R. is affiliated with the World Workers Party, a quasi-Stalinist organization that supports authoritarian regimes and communist dictatorships.
Jesse Peterson
"It's a shame that in the name of 'peace' we have 'Americans' attacking police officers, destroying property, blocking streets and federal buildings, and disrupting the lives of law abiding Americans. These people must be stopped!" said Peterson.
Protesters wreaked havoc in San Francisco this week with some purposely vomiting on the grounds of the local Federal Building.
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Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 4:21 PM
While publicly promoting non-violent protest and humanitarian causes, some key leaders and prominent groups that organized and participated in the recent anti-war demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol and San Francisco are staunch supporters of terrorist groups and dictatorial regimes worldwide.
In fact, critics now charge that the "new" anti-war movement is being "hijacked" by this dominant network whose organizational power is increasing and whose political agenda is anathema to most Americans.
The Saturday, Oct. 26 rally, which focused on opposition to a U.S.-led war against Iraq and drew 100,000 protesters, featured speeches by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton, actress-activist Susan Sarandon, singer-songwriter Patti Smith, as well as a host of lesser-known figures. The protests also served as a platform for Democratic Party campaigning, as top politicos hobnobbed with the elite of the anti-war movement.
The large turnout signals an invigoration of the "new" anti-war movement, which has been increasingly dominated by the international A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition, an organizational front group formed by the International Action Center. Closely allied with IAC is the World Workers Party, a quasi-Stalinist organization that supports authoritarian regimes and communist dictatorships. The World Workers Party created the IAC in 1992, and put Ramsey Clark, now kingpin of the anti-war movement, at the head of it.
Also at the forefront in the weekend demonstration and current anti-war protests was the "Not In Our Name" campaign. NOIN spokesman Clark Kissinger represents that movement to the public and is an integral part of Refuse and Resist, an organization with close ties to the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, of which Kissinger is a member and writer for its newspaper.
The controversial ties of IAC remain almost completely unreported by the mainstream media, but increasingly are being exposed by a handful of enterprising journalists, including Michelle Goldberg of Salon.com, Ian Williams, United Nations correspondent for The Nation; Michael Tremoglie, Edward Immler and David Horowitz of FrontPage Magazine and Christopher Hitchens, a 20-year veteran of The Nation magazine, now writing independently.
The controversy has now spread to the commentary pages of Mother Jones and also has Justin Raimondo of Antiwar.com crying foul while bemoaning San Francisco's "Baghdad-by-the-Bay" protest experience.
"Pathetic" is how Raimondo described the protest, complaining that those in charge of the demonstration "weren't about to brook any criticism of either their ideology or their methods: this was the only show in town, and they weren't about to give it up."
Now, a small but growing number at both ends of the political spectrum, as well as libertarian activists and writers, are accusing the organization's elite of being sellouts to foreign dictators while giving lip service to humanitarian concerns. Some warn that this "patina of morality" obfuscates a surreptitious political agenda: the armed overthrow of the American republic.
Leading critics from both left and right now charge the leaders with supporting the very things against which they claim to be protesting.
"The International Action Center and the Revolutionary Communist Party [USA] aren't just extremists in the service of a good cause," says Michelle Goldberg, a writer with Salon.com. "They are cheerleaders for some of the most sinister regimes and insurgencies on the planet."
"Once people realize this," Goldberg adds, "it could easily discredit any nascent anti-war movement, unless a more rational group comes to the forefront."
Sock puppet for Saddam?
The founder of the IAC and director for A.N.S.W.E.R. is Ramsey Clark, who is introduced at IAC rallies as the former attorney general under the Lyndon Johnson administration. No mention is made of the fact that Clark, in his current occupation, has been retained by the State of Iraq to serve as legal counsel for the regime.
Not surprisingly, criticism of Saddam Hussein is not aired at IAC/A.N.S.W.E.R.-controlled protest events. No mention is made of Saddam's gassing of the Kurds, invasion of Kuwait, murder of an estimated 1 million of his own people, environmental terrorism, imprisonment, torture or execution of political prisoners.
The suffering of the Iraqi people is blamed solely on the United States, just as the suffering of Palestinians is blamed solely on Israel.
IAC/A.N.S.W.E.R leaders have aligned themselves exclusively with pro-Arafat groups. The only Jewish people truly embraced as "brothers and sisters" are those who equally denounce Israel or deny Israel's right to exist. A.N.S.W.E.R's pro-Palestinian march in April was regarded by many, in fact, little more than a thinly disguised public display of anti-Semitism masquerading as a "pro-Palestinian" march. Frequent mention was made at the march of a "supposed holocaust," and of a "genocide" in Jenin, despite the fact that New York Times reporters allowed into the area had already discredited such reports as erroneous.
The "genocide" claims dominated the rally, even though fatality estimates had already been downgraded from 500 down to 56-90, most of which, according to media reports, were said to be terrorists.
Clark represented PLO leaders in a suit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the elderly tourist who was shot and thrown overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise-ship by renegade Palestinian terrorists in 1986.
And while accusing the Bush administration and Israel of Nazi-like war crimes, Clark fails to mention his former client Karl Linnas, an ex-Nazi concentration camp guard in Estonia, where he had overseen the murder of some 12,000 resistance fighters and Jews. Linnas was at that time being deported from the U.S. to the U.S.S.R. to face war-crimes charges. Clark lost the case, but went to bat for his client in the public arena. According to media reports, Clark said that he questioned the need to prosecute Nazis "forty years after some god-awful crime they're alleged to have committed."
While consistently denouncing the American and Israeli "terrorist states," IAC leadership, headed by Clark, have defended dictator Slobodan Milosevic in the International Criminal Court. They also leapt to the aid of genocidal Hutu militias as the U.N. wrote up war-crime charges against their leaders for ordering the slaughter of half a million Tutsi civilians in 1994.
Clark client, Rwanda genocide indictee Pastor Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, was accused of telling Tutsis to hide in his church and then summoning Hutus to massacre them. The genocidal leader later led killing squads in the "hell on earth" that Rwanda quickly became.
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by Anarchism
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 4:30 PM
Their actions speak louder than words.
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by Draft the Bush Twins
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 4:41 PM
You and your Nazi friends are totally lame. Learn to do something constructive, please. If you are so gung-ho over this war, then: ENLIST!!! Get off your wides asses, out of your SUV's and go to Iraq, Chicken Hawks!!
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by F-Troop
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 5:44 PM
Does anybody know where I can get an industrial wood chipper. I have $2500 to spend. It has to be relativily clean, but I don't want any bone fragments chips in the blades.
Anyone, anyone at all?
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by Michelle
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 7:25 PM
Where's you love? Oh, you reserve it for people who torture and gas children and rape women. Prove me wrong. I dare you .
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by F-Troop
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 9:02 PM
I got a great job doing a competency job models for this country in the Middle East. Seems they have a job catagory called "Professional Rapist," Apparently its a civil service position in terms of pay and benefits. Problem is, no career path. I am supposed to design the job model so these folks can progress nomally up the civil servant ladder.
Problem is I have never done this before. I was hoping you liberals could give me some good advice since you apparenlty don't give a shit about what happens in that part of the world.
So should the entry level profesional rapist start with Children or with Women first. I mean what would take more skill?
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by of it all
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 9:19 PM
Hmmm... the women wears veils, also known as burkhas, over their faces. That might make it easier so that you won't have to recognize their pained and tortured looks. These veils are also quite useful in hiding away any semblance of humanity. Although, if you are a sick-o and enjoy that torture of it all, go for the children. You can watch them cry.
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by .
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 9:55 PM
shut up
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by Eat Shit and Die
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 10:03 PM
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by BigTex
Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003 at 10:29 PM
OK. I know there are probably a few of you liberals that were actually born in American, that have just been taken in by these commies. I know you're hurting, because you couldn't make it on your own in our free society and the reason you are always bringing up issues that pertain to free handouts by our federal government is because it's your only source of income. I know the commies make you a lot of promises, but you'll have to find out for yourself how well the keep them. My question to you is this - If we can pretend that your movement should overthrow our American government, what socialistic country would you want to rule over us?
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by fish
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 12:08 AM
THESE PROTESTING COMMUNIST MORONS ARE NOT ONLY BUTT UGLY, BUT FREAKISHLY STUPID TOO!!!!!! Just remember you freakin commies, most of us conservatives have GUNS, you try to overthrow our system of government, you communist pigs, we'll blow your damn heads off. You vomiting shitholes.
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by Hey, Tuna Face:
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 6:55 PM
 penis.gif, image/png, 100x100
Get fucked.
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by BigTex
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 8:11 PM
I guess when you people start using filth instead of reasoning, you have conceded the debate to those of us who oppose you. P.S. "This one is for you", I noticed while typing this, your "debate" went limp, just like your ability to debate.
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by David
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 8:31 PM
 chopper2.jpg, image/jpeg, 140x410
Another beautiful pro war demonstrator.
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by Collo
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 8:38 PM
This morning while he was making tea I went up behind him and fisted his shitty little arse.
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by fish
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 8:40 PM
Is that an old woman with a big nose?
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by fish
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 1:22 AM
That's fine. Us gun owning conservatives will shoot that off for you too. It doesn't look like it's of much use anyway. We'll just be doing you a favor.
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by Bush Admirer is a Dork
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 8:15 AM
 our_fuckhead_prez.gif, image/png, 293x325
Ya know, I cudda called you a butt-fucking asshole, but your feeble attempts at humor are totally lame. Geeez: Whassa madda with you? Grow up on 50's sitcoms?
Decided that you are just a boring dork with too much time on his hands. Just another neocon weenie.
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 11:40 AM
Will somebody please help me take my head out of my ass? It sure is dark in here!
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by Bush Admirer
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 11:56 AM
Battle cry of the left:
"Aid & Comfort Saddam Now!"
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by Einstein
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 1:49 PM
Looks like he STILL has his empty head up his anus.
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by Mary
Tuesday, May. 06, 2003 at 12:45 PM
I can't believe anyone could be so disrespectful. I couldn't stand your boy Clinton (who didn't deserve any respect AT ALL!!) but I would never think of doing anything like this. You need to just get over the loss and appreciate what you have!!!!!!
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Wednesday, May. 07, 2003 at 3:39 PM
Thanks for watching!
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by I support the President
Friday, Sep. 19, 2003 at 1:15 PM
This is great! Comic Relief, if you will! Let um' protest, thats what this country is all about! Thanks to our wonderful president , the right thing WILL be done reguardless of what these people think. Just thank god they ARE a small minority of people who think this way. Bush 2004!!! The crazy people have escaped the nutt house and they wont leave the president alone! Thats ok, Im sure the president doesnt give them a second thought, he has REAL LIFE to deal with.
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by @
Friday, Sep. 19, 2003 at 1:30 PM
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by dee
Friday, Sep. 19, 2003 at 1:32 PM
ohhh! That hurt! LOL!!!
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by dee
Friday, Sep. 19, 2003 at 1:34 PM
Ouch! That hurt! LOL
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by Committee to Rape, Pillage, and Murder
Friday, Sep. 19, 2003 at 1:49 PM
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by Robert Price
Monday, Apr. 12, 2004 at 4:38 AM
The only beneficiary to removing Sadam Husein is Isreal since Sadam with his missles within range was a direct threat to them. The only question is, which members of the junta were jewish.
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