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by writers cramp
Friday, Feb. 14, 2003 at 1:59 PM
I just spoke with France's UN office. They are BEGGING us to flood their offices and the other UN offices with emails to STOP the WAR. France needs to know that Americans are with them on this. PLEASE forward this to everyone you can. The UN email addresses are below for the Security Council.
S.E. Ambassador M. Jean-Marc de LA Sabliere france-presse@un.int (212) 207-9765 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Sergey Lavrov rusun@un.int (212) 628-0252 H.E. Ambassador Wang Yingfan chinamission_un@fmprc.gov.cn (212) 634-7626 H.E. Ambassador Sir Jeremy Greenstock uk@un.int (212) 745-9316 H.E. Ambassador Mr. Stefan Tafrov bulgaria@un.int (212) 472-9865 S.E. Ambassador Martin Belinga Eboutou info@cameroonmission.org (212) 249-0533 H.E. Ambassador M. Fran
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by here's UN contact info
Friday, Feb. 14, 2003 at 3:53 PM
avoid email. It's never as potent. Go here http://milwaukee.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=2106&group=webcast to get fax numbers All you have to do is make a single page that is a generic statement and then fax to the contacts (or if you have fax software in your computer, that's a good way to go). Or call them. In general email is ignored. It should be used only as the last best option
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by Harold
Friday, Feb. 14, 2003 at 6:48 PM
I called both the French & the German consulate, and they were so lovely, it sounded as if they had been getting a lot of hate calls. I called the german tel. above in Washington, and a very nice voice said that they had been getting a lot of negative responses, until a couple of days ago, and then the tide turned, and they're getting lots of positive feed back from Americans.
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by repost
Friday, Feb. 14, 2003 at 8:57 PM
Send Thanks via this petition You can send thanks on this form --------------------- With war looming so darkly and protests around the world planned for this weekend, AlterNet.org has initiated a global letter, in conjunction with MoveOn.org, to the people of Europe. Please join us in thanking our European friends for their support in our allied struggle and urge them to demonstrate this weekend and encourage their governments to stand for peace: http://moveon.org/openletter/ moveon.org/openletter/
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by re-re-post
Friday, Feb. 14, 2003 at 9:07 PM
They blocked movement of troops through the country and Rummy is pissed off about it! www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=2225778&fromEmail=true Gerhard Pfanzelter Ambassador of Austria to the United Nations 823 United Nations Plaza 8th Floor New York, New York 10017 Tel.:(212) 949-1840 Fax:(212) 953-1302 http://www.un.int/austria/ austria@un.int
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by george
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003 at 6:14 AM
I talked to a very nice person at the UN and they said that they're getting a lot of responses. Let's keep it up!
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by My parents were born in Iraq
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 6:40 PM
I spent some time with a group of gentleman as a study. All of these men were from different parts of the middle east. All in different status from High ranking officers in there milatary to goverment officals. They have seen and lived with the beliefs of what the Muslim religion teach. They took me all the way back to Muhammad bin Qusim in 712 Ad all the way to 1947 when Pakistan came to be right up to today. The religion has been violent from day one. It is the only religion that teaches it's people to kill non-belivers. To a extreme muslim, if you do not belive, you are an infindel and must be killed. They told me that America is the only force that could stop people like Saddam and Osama and that it had to be done and that they agree with President Bush and respect him. They all agreed that it had to be done soon before the followers were too big of a force to be stoped by any one nation. They also all agreed that if Saddam or Osama could, they would kill every single person including children on this planet who is not a Muslim. While i realize and was reminded that not all Muslims are as extreme. So it comes to this... The hollywood group is at it again Holding anti-war rallies,screaming about the Bush Administration,running ads in newspapers,defaming the President and his cabinet every chance they get, to anyone who will listen. They publicly defile them and call them names like stupid, morons,and idiots. Jessica Lange went as far as to say she was embarrassed to be an American. So, just how ingorant are these people running the country? Let's look at the biographies of these stupid, ignorant leaders and then the celebrities who are castigating them.
President George W Bush: Recieved a Bachelors Degree from Yale University and an MBA from Harvord Business School. He served as an F-102 pilot for the Texas Air National Guard. He was elected Governor on November 8, 1994 with a 53.5 percent of the vote. In a historic re-election victory, he became the first Governor to be elected to consecutive four-year terms on November 3, 1998 winning 68.6 percent of the vote. In 1998 Governor Bush won 49 percent of the hispanic vote, 27 percent of the African-American vote, 27 percent of Democrats and 65 percent of women. He won more counties, 240 of 254 than any other Governor besides Richard Nixon and is the first Republican gubernatorial candidate to win the heavily Democratic border counties of El Paso, cameron and Hidalgo. (Someone began circulating a false story about his I.Q being lower than any other President. If you belive that you might want to go to URBANLEGENDS.COM and find out the truth.
Vice President Dick Cheney earned a B.A in 1965 and a M.A in 1966, both in political science ( Note, if you check the second group of biographies you wont find any degree's in political science) Two years later, he won an American Political Science Association congressional fellowship. One of Vice Presidents Cheney's primary duties is to share with individuals, members of congress and foreign leaders, to secure our homeland and win the war on terror. In his offical role as President of the Senate, The vice President regulary goes to Capitol Hill to meet with Senators and members of the House of Representatives to work on the Administration's legislative goals. In his travels as Vice President, he has seen first hand the great demands of our military.
Secretary of State Colin Powell was educated in the New York City public schools, graduating from the City Collage of New York (CCNY), where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in geology. He also participated on ROTC at CCNY and recieved a commission as an army second lieutenant upon graduation in June 1958. His further academic achievements include a Master of Business Administration Degree fron George Washington University. Secretary Powell is the recipient or numerous U.S and foreign military awards and decorations. Powell's civilian awards include two Presidential Medals of Freedom, the President's citizens Medal, and the Congressional Gold Medal, The secretary of state Distinguished Medal. Several schools and other institutions have been named in his honor and he holds honoary degrees from universities and collages across the country.
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Attended Princeton Univ on Scholarship (AB, 1954) and served in the U.S Navy (1954-57) as a Naval avaitor; Congressional Assistant to Rep. Robert Griffen 1957-59. U.S Representative, illinois, 1962-69; Assistant to the President, Director of the office of Economic Opportunity, Director of the Cost of living Council, U.S ambassador to the President, Director of White House Office of Operations, White House Chief of Staff, 1974-77 Secretary of Defense, 1975-77
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice: Enrolled at the University of Denver at the age of 15, graduating at 19 earning her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the univ in 1974; her Master's from the univ of Notre Dame in 1975 and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of international Studies at the univ of Denver in 1981. Both of her advanced degrees are also in Political Science. She has been awarded Doctoratets from Morehouse Collage, Univ of Alabama, and the Univ of Notre Dame. At Stanford, she has been a member of the Center for international Security and Arms Control, A senior Fellow of the institute for intrenational Studies, and a fellow of the Hoover institute. She has addressed audiences in settings ranging from the U.S Ambassadore Residence in Moscow to the Commonwealth Club to the National Conventions. From 1989 through March 1991 the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she she served as the director and the Senior Director of the Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Affairs. She served as special Assistant to the Director of The Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1997 she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Genger- integrated Training in the Military. She was a member of the Board of Directors for the Chevron Company, the Charles Schwap Corp, the Williams and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Univ of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P Morgan, and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors. She was a founding board member of the Center for a New Generation. Her past board service has encompassed such organizations as Transamerica corp, Hewlett Packard, the Carnegie Corp, Carnegie Endowment for international Peace, The Rand Corp, the Mid-Peninsula Urban Coalition and KQED. Im just trying to figure out how all these celebrities and seems to be very uneducated people have all this inside information?? Who are these people? What is there education? What is their experience in affairs of State or in National Security? While i and our brave men and women who are proudly fighting for these people to express their opinions do belive they have the right. I think that if they are going to call into question the intelligence of our leaders, we should also have the facts on their educations and experience in Global and National affairs.
Barbra Striesand: Completed High School - Career Singing and acting Cher: Dropped out of High School in the 9 th grade - Career Singing and acting Martin Sheen: Flunked exam to enter University of Dayton - Career Acting Jessica Lange Dropped out of college mid freshman year - Career Acting Alec Baldwin Dropped out of George Washington Univ - Career Acting Julia Roberts Completed high School - Career Acting Sean Penn Completed high school - Career - Acting Susan Sarandon Degree in DRAMA - Career Acting Ed Asner Completed High school - career Acting George Clooney Dropped out of Univ of Kentuckey Career - Acting Michael Moore Dropped out of first year Univ of Michigan - Career Director Sarah Jessica Parker Completed High school - Career- Acting Jennifer Anniston Completed High school - Career Acting Mike Farrell Completed High school - Career Acting Janeane Garofelo Dropped out of collage - Career Stand up comedienne Larry Hagaman attended Bard collage for one year - Career Acting The list goes on and on........... These celebrities have no intelligence - gathering agents, no fact finding groups, no insight into the minds of those who would destroy our country. They only have a deep seated hatred for all things Republican. By nature, and no one knows quite why. The Hollywood elitists detest Consertive views and anything that supports or uplifts the United States. The silence was deafening from the left when Bill Clinton bommed a pharmaceutical factory outside Khartoum, or when he attacked the Bosnian Serbs in 1995 and 1999. He bomed Serbia itself to get Slobodan Milosevic out of Kosovo, and not a single peace ralley was held in Hollywood. When our Rangers were ambushed im Somalia and 18 young Amereican lives were lost, not a peep was heard from Hollywood. Yet not after our nation has been attacked on its own soil, after 3,000 Americans were killed by freedom hating terrorists while going about their routine lives, they want to hold rallies against the war. Why the change? Just becuse a Republican is in the White House. The same argument keeps coming up now, (Saddam had no ties with Osama!!) well if you listen to something besides CNN there is evidence of this. Another is (Where's the WMD's) This guy has had 10 years to sink bunkers in the vast dessert. You can't really belive that he just said (ok i give up i'll get rid of my weapons) Please. If we are to belive the word of a man that did unspeakable things to his own people, then we are truly sittings ducks.
Another irony is that in 1987, when Ronald Regan was in office, the Hollywood group aligned themselves with disarmament groups like SANE, FREEZE and PEACE ACTION, urging our own goverment to disarm. In order to promote world peace. It is courious that now, even when we know that Saddam has used chemical weapons and was trying to optain neuclear weapons, there was no cry from Hollywood for Saddam to disarm. They belived we should just have left him alone in his quest for these weapons even though it was certian sooner or later they would find there way to our city's and make 9/11 look like a walk in the park. Once again if we are to belive that would'nt have happend then we are truly sitting ducks. Why didn't Saddam use WMD's in the initial invasion? Well we can start with (1) There was writted documents from Russia, France and Germany stating they would disconnect all ties with Saddam should he use anything but conventional weapons. I'm sure you can still find this on the Drudge report. (2) Saddam was told should he use WMD'S that a nuclear attack would be used. Therefor he would no longer have an impire to fall back on. His only hope was for his allies (in witch they had investmints with Saddam) would stop the invasion. Should anyone want to detest any of this information feel free to investigate and gather information on this such as i have for the last year.
So why the hype out of Hollywood? Could these celebrities belive that since they draw such astronomical salaries, they are intitled to also determine the corse of our Nation? That they can make a viable decisions concerning war and peace? Did Micheal Moore have the backing of the Nation when he thanked France? Does Sean Penn fancy himself a Diplomat (or just a DIP) in going to Iraq when we were just weeks away from war? Does he belive that his High School Diploma gives him the knowlage to go to a country that is controlled by a maniacal dictator, and speak on behalf of the American people? Or is it the fact that he pulls in more money in one year that the average American worker will see in a lifetime ( the arogance is astrronomical) Does his bank account or the fact that he has played in a few movies give him clout? It's all truly amazing!!!!
The ultimate irony is that many of these celebrities have made a shambles of their own lives, with drug abuse, alcoholism, numerous marriages and divorces, scrapes with the law, publicized temper tantrums, exc. How dare they pretend they know whats best for an entire nation!! What is even more bizzarre is how many people will listen and accept their views, simpley becuse they liked them in a certian movie, or have fond memories of an old t.v sitcom.
It is time for us as citizens of the nation to educate ourselves about the world around us. If future generations are going to enjoy the freedoms that our forefathers bequeathed us, if they are ever to know peace in their country and their world, to live without fear of terrorism striking in their cities, we must assure that this nation remains strong. We must make certian that those who would destroy us are made aware of the severe consequences that will befall them.
Yes it is a wonderfull dream to sit down with dictator and terrorists and join hands, singing Cumbaya and talking of world peace. We did not stop Adolf Hitler from taking over the entire continent of Europe by simply talking to him. We sent our best and bravest that this country is known for. President John F Kennedy did not stop the Soviet ships from unloading their neclear missiles in Cuba in 1962 with words. He stopped them with action, and the threat of immediate war if the ships did not turn around. We did not end the cold war with conferences. It ended with the strong belief of President Ronald Reagan.....PEACE through STRENGTH.
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by Barney
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 7:10 PM
You're wasting trees people.
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