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Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 12:59 PM
Anti-War Resolution Passes West Hollywood City Council
The West Hollywood City Council approved Resolution 2U which opposes a war, and military action, in Iraq. The resolution was approved by all 4 city council members and faced hardly any opposition. Anti-War organizations, including A.N.S.W.E.R., Not In Our Name, and The Coalition for World Peace, all voiced their adament support for the Resolution. At the initial start of the meeting, a somewhat heavy media prescence was visible, including Channel 4(NBC), Channel 5 (CBS), and KCAL 9 news. What seemed to be a promising chance at media coverage, however, all but dissipated. After two hours passed, in which another resolution decrying and discussing the banning of the inhumane procedure of declawing cats, much of the media dispersed and so did the crowd. The only visible media who remained after the much discussed ban on declawing were volunteer youth documenting the resolution and the local public access channel. There were ten appellants who voiced support for the Resolution, including a man who commented “This resolution supports the declawing of George W. Bush.” Resolution 2U is the first Anti-War Resolution to pass a city council in Southern California. As such, many council members hoped that the City of West Hollywood would influence other councils within the area, including Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Culver City. Petitions have been circulating within the city of Los Angeles to put forward an Anti-War Resolution to the city council, and the momentum seems to be growing. To date fifteen cities have passed a resolution against a war on Iraq, including Seattle, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Oakland, Washington DC, Albaquerque, Des Moines, and Detroit. Although Russia is claiming that the U.S. will go to war in Iraq by a month, these resolutions clearly state the disapprovel of the American public towards any military action.
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by Jay Lowe
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 4:36 PM
All the way down to his torture chamber, where he will execute a few more political prisoners, knowing the that the Left in the US "has his back".
How pathetic that the same a---es who sucked up to Castro, Ho and Stalin are now sucking up to Saddam Hussein, and still expect us to think they give a s---t about peace and human rights!
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by Long Live the IMC!
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 5:17 PM
Disregard J Lo's idiotic post -- it's just part of the Right-Wing's concerted effort to disrupt indymedia.
Thank You West Hollywood City Council!!!
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by Toad
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 5:54 PM
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by fresca
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 6:30 PM
As a fine upstanding citizen of West Hollywood, I can hardly control my pride. This has got to rank right up there with the French pulling their support. Well, it would have been a beautiful war but I guess the people have spoken. Now, what I want to know is whether they ended the war before or after they decided to outlaw cat declawing?
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by Brad
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 7:29 PM
Yeah, and let's see what other "kooky", liberal left -wing cities have passed Anti War Resolutions: Detroit MI, Washington DC, Philadelphia PA, Santa Fe NM, Baltimore ML, Des Moines IA. Chicago IL, (and many, many, MANY more American cities) They all voted against having a war with Iraq, with Anti War Resolutions up-coming in a host of others American cities.
You war mongers out there, you better start talking to the guys who drive the cabs, teach your kids, handle your bags.....you better start talking to the hotel clerks, and the soccer moms, you better start talking to the executives, the retired, the cops, and the pensioners, and what you're going to find is: NO ONE wants this war, NO ONE (I take it back, you'll find one or two, and even they will be real luke-warm about their support). Starting to feel a little lonely? Tell you what, just join the Army and do your own fighting, and if you're too old, then send your son to do it for you.
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by duff
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 8:08 PM
Great Job... On to LA!!!
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by fresca
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 8:50 PM
I'd be willing to bet that , with the exception of a few bergs like berkeley, a popular vote in ANY town or city in this country would yeild a vote decidedly in favor of military action against Iraq. The votes of 4 to 5 person city councils means , oh, about nothing.
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by yeah!
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 at 9:17 PM
"The so-called 'anti-war crowd' just doesn't get it. This is not about war with Iraq, or killing civilians, or extended military operations. "
So, who does "get it?" Not most of the people in the world I guess. Just Fresca, you, a few million in this country and some kooks in the whitehouse? What breif are you privy too that were not. Is the secrecy president passing out documents to his fan base that he won't give to the rest of the world? Garsh, if he would just share his "evidence", his plans and ideas with the rest of the world, (Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Canada and Mexico) then maybe we'd trust your secret plan.
It would be nice if what you say is so. I just don't think so.
Im just thrillled that our city has a backbone.
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by fresca
Friday, Jan. 24, 2003 at 10:07 AM
What backbone is that? I don't remember anyone from "our" city coming around here and asking me what I thought about the situation. Seems to me that they sorta pulled this out of a hat on their own. I wonder what else I satnd for according to "my" city? And by the way, the secret info that myself, BA and "a couple of million" Americans (unbeleivable delusion) are privvy to is called common sense. You might have to get off Santa Monica Blvd. to find it, but it's there.
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by E
Saturday, Jan. 25, 2003 at 1:53 PM
Perhaps you are not familiar with the democratic process: by electing your city council members, you are choosing your representation in the city. Therefore, what the West Hollywood City Council members did was represent you. So, just because you disagree with them, does not mean that they were incorrect in speaking for you. That's just ridiculous.
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by Lonewacko
Monday, Jan. 27, 2003 at 12:42 PM
The Neighbors for Peace and Justice petition includes the following at the end:
"[Therefore, we oppose] any military action against Iraq unless as a response to a direct military attack..."
In other words, the City of Los Angeles should tell the world that we will only fight back if we're directly and militarily attacked.
So, the moment that the Iraqi navy comes sailing up the L.A. River to take downtown L.A., the Neighbors will be there, pitchforks in hand. I can't believe someone wrote the last bit unknowingly. More likely, I imagine they had a bit of a smirk on their face as they did so. Perhaps a more honest approach by the Neighbors would be to call this a Pre-emptive Surrender Petition/Resolution.
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by good
Monday, Jan. 27, 2003 at 1:19 PM
Lonewacko, you've been spending to much time by yourself.
If you didn't notice, we are not talking about the possibility of Iraq invading us. This whole war rhetoric says that we are under iminant threat by Iraq. But event the CIA says we are not under direct threat- meanwhile Bush says we have to stop Saddam before he becomes a threat. Putting the cart before the horse, making a problem where there is none. I am not a member of neighbors for peace and justice, but I think that they are saying that they don't see Saddam as a realistic threat- that only if he were a threat would they want to treat him as such. Hell, under Bush's logic, Namibia can be seen as a threat because someone there might have sneezed in the general direction of the red, white and blue.
Fact is, Bush has not made the case that Saddam is a threat to anyone but his ratings.
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by Lonewacko
Monday, Jan. 27, 2003 at 6:23 PM
The point I'm trying to make here only concerns the language in the "Neighbors'" petition.
It says we can only fight back if we're directly and militarily attacked, which is close to a near impossibility. In other words, a direct and military attack would be if the Iraqi army invaded New Jersey. That's probably not going to happen.
If, however, Iraq does attack us for some reason, it will most likely be done in either an indirect or paramilitary/terroristic fashion.
So, whoever wrote the Neighbors' petition inserted a pretty much impossible condition. It's as if I wrote a contract that promised to pay you money if I don't do something. However, I insert a clause that has various conditions that make it impossible for you to collect.
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by Jawn
Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003 at 1:09 PM
Hmmm Interesting reading. Suppose Iraq invaded, or activated various cell groups in the US to cause trouble. Good luck, We're all armed to the teeth. From us slackjawed country crackers to the boyz in the hoods of L.A. Its two in the turban fellas!
Nuke the Gay Baby whales
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by Nick
Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003 at 3:33 PM
While I think it is admirable that these cities are taking said action of passing anti-war resolutions, is there really any actual effect? Other than saying "the elders of these villages agree on a course of action" nationwide, is anyone going to take these resolutions seriously? I should think perhaps if the councils empowered people to take neighborhood surveys and then coordinated those surveys and each sent their to congress, that might make a point, but that's actual work as opposed to the ease of passing a "resolution".
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by Hans Angriff
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003 at 1:24 AM
West Hollywood must be populated by communists. But I believe that common sense will prevail. God bless George Bush.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003 at 6:42 AM
 bdi.gif, image/png, 300x303
For treason and murder.
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by irpy
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003 at 9:41 AM
wishfull thinking. not likely. funny video
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2003 at 10:32 AM
Now for the next skit and martial law. That'll be a real riot.
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by eric
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 12:43 AM
so finally west hollywood comes out of another closet huh? the anti-america one.
let me say this, if they are so supportive of Saddam and so against our country....let's see them move their little community into Iraq. Saddam, the evil dicator of a tyrannical military regime would be happy to have them...and i'm sure he'd support your right to fly your gay pride flag, have your parades, etc... and of course the muslim population would welcome you with open arms as well.
and if they don't, just pass a resolution and send it off to Saddam...
of course we know none of them would ever make that move. it's so 'hollywood' to come out against the war and spout of unresearched and unsupported rhetoric.
these anti american idiots need to wake up and smell the freedon that our country, its forefathers, soldiers, and patriots have given them.
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by Bush Admirer
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2003 at 3:18 AM
Eric - Right on with that post.
Michael Jackson is pretty disgusting, but no more so than Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, Danny Glover, Spike Lee, and the rest of those anti-American embarrassments.
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by Kathryn D. Simmons
Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 9:26 AM
Thank you for the anti-war resolution.
Every voice counts.
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by dn_68
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 at 9:06 AM
What a joke! Fortunately, the people that usually protest are the folks in the minority.
All these claims that the majority does not want this war is FALSE.
So go on with your false believes and temporary appeasements.
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by lancer
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 at 9:21 AM
I like your references and back up data. -chuckle-
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by Tom Boyce
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 5:21 AM
That's not a democratic process, it's a REPUBLICAN process. You see, in a DEMOCRACY, everyone votes on everything. in a REPUBLIC you elect officials to vote on important issues. Kind of like when we elected a president.
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by sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 6:26 AM
Love the new hidden software in the newimproved voting machinations. Gonna do an absentee ballot for my useless vote this time. Love that paper trail. Gets me on juries.
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by location location location
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 8:39 AM
I agree. West Hollywood would be a lousy place to have a war.
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by Simple Simon
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 8:50 AM
Yeah, no place to park the tanks.
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by Diogenes
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:08 AM
It occurs to, probably should have sooner but I'm a little slow sometimes, but this PR equation of
Opposition to the War = Supporting Saddam
has got to be a Focused Group PR line. I would guess that with the frequency that it is coming up that the "people" pushing the war are finding it difficult to get people motivated to killing another few hundred thousand people for a succession of reasons that have all been discredited. So, they are falling back on the "BIG LIE" technique. Lately this has been showing up in a lot of posts and everytime I turn on a Radio "Talk" Program you will hear that line every 5 minutes (or less). It would seem they are trying to implant that simplistic equation in the public psyche. Useful to know.
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by noPR
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:23 AM
It's being said because it's true. You can't have it both ways. If you're not in favor of removing Saddam, you're in favor of letting him stay cause he's not going of his own accord.
Now if you don't like being labeled pro-Saddam, that's not my problem. It's going to get hung around your neck and you will wear it whether you like it or not.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:29 AM
Will certainly help with the roundup after martial law. Frighten the sheep with false treason. Blame the patriots let the criminals do their work. Cowards, weasels and sheep have no place in a free land. MY LAND. You WILL have to take it by force. Come get some.
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by Diogenes
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 9:47 AM
Another thing useful to know is that it took less than 20 minutes for a pro-war SHILL to try to divert from the observation that the new mantra of the Hogs oops Hawks is:
And that it is more than likely a PR/PsyOps tagline that has probably been Focus Grouped and tested. In other words it is a PR line developed to discredit you slimy hippy peacenik commie fag communist appeasers. Guess I told you.
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by goodtimemusic
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 10:15 AM
>Will certainly help with the roundup after martial law.
Paranoia will destroya!
Oh, and Dinky, hit a nerve all you want. Whether or not it was focus group tested is irrelevant. But, if it was tested, it must have passed because the people tested found it to be true. Which it is. Wear it well.
Discrediting yourselves is something you do quite well on your own thank you very much and keep up the good work.
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by fresca
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 10:22 AM
Actually the newest mantra is
Commit that to memory.
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by KPC
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 10:45 AM
...is that the new math they're teaching in the 10th grade these days, Caducado?
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 10:52 AM
paranoia you only have to be right once.
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by rock
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 12:48 PM
>paranoia you only have to be right once.< Oh gee, thank you nessie's echo. Diogenes, KPC, Sheepdog: After you guys dry off the stain from peeing in your pants, here's a web site for you to go to and find the comfort from the fear that so easily besets you. http://uhs.berkeley.edu/updates/guidance.htm War is hell. People die, are displaced, suffer horrendous injuries. Oh, and up at the University of California, Berkeley, some folks are stressed out. The university's Student Health Service has set up a special Web page to minister to Berkeley's nervous Nellies: The threat of war on the horizon is shaking the nation. The political unrest touches all of us on some level and has evoked many kinds of questions and fears. In a community of our size and diversity, individual experiences will vary widely. The page includes several documents, including one called "How to Support Others During These Difficult Times", which offers this advice: Allow for emotions--crying, frustration, verbal expressions of anger. Avoid potentially trite remarks like "everything will be OK." Make room for people to have their feelings, even as you try to reassure them. Simply acknowledging feelings is important, as is being together. So to Diogenes, KPC, and Sheepdog, I offer you the world's smallest violin for all your cares and concerns.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 1:03 PM
I thought it was a keeper. And your point?
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by music
Friday, Mar. 07, 2003 at 1:05 PM
The violin's playing.
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by Gary
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 12:33 PM
When your boy clinton bombed Iraq and Kosovo where in the hell was Sue Sarrandon and all of the (now) anti war fanatics? They were all hangin out with Bill And Hill partyin' and totally supporting the guy. The truth is since the Majority of Americans have finally got fed up with all of the left wing crap and stood up to be counted (where it counts in the ballot box). Lefties no longer want to be Americans because the Dems are not in the Whitehouse nor do they control congress.That sickens me! When Billary was in the Whitehouse I, a conservative Republican,did not agree with his tax,economic, and foreign policy but I did support taking care ofbusiness in Kosovo. So just because your team didn't win the game(elections) be Americans first and foremost and support rooting out this miniacle dictator before he Chems any more people!
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by wow
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 12:38 PM
wow I feel your pain wow
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by hazard
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 12:40 PM
"When your boy clinton bombed Iraq and Kosovo where in the hell was Sue Sarrandon and all of the (now) anti war fanatics? "
This is the latest talking point Limbaugh and his clones are feeding to their braindead audience.
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by citizen kane
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 12:47 PM
Our boy Clinton? You have got to be kidding! Where were you during the bombing? Probably sitting on your fat ass like most Freepers. Notice: two of the anti bombing of Yugoslavia protest articles are from the World Socialists website. I guess that makes you a socialist, dumbass. Also, I remember an almost endless torrent of disrespect towards the prez from talk radio, the rightwing, and the Repug leadership. Anti-american because they didn't blindly support the Prez during a war? http://www.iacenter.org/yugdemos.htm http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/may1999/berl-m11.shtml http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/apr1999/lond-a09.shtml
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by meeper
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 12:50 PM
The rightwing are a bunch of anti-American dictator loving Milosevic appeasers for not supporting the bombing of Yugoslavia.
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by sheepdog
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 10:20 PM
I love West Hollywood It is where I can pick up young hairless nude Chinese boys To kill and cook as food.
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by Wolf Blitzer
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 10:24 PM
The post above is not Sheepdog it is our resident pervert again.
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by Diogenes
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:25 PM
That's right. The REAL sheepdog is a respectable fag basher homophobe like the rest of his bros here.
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by Mossad=Weasels who blow chunks
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:29 PM
Feel free to use my nick any time. ha ha
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by Mossad=Weasels who blow chunks
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:30 PM
I hate Jews (and niggers) Fags are cool though...
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by Mossad=Weasels who blow chunks
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:32 PM
Let's kill some lesbians!
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by Mossad=Weasels who blow chunks
Saturday, Mar. 08, 2003 at 11:38 PM
I blame everyone - Jews, facists, feds, in order to avoid looking at how sad and pathetic my own life has become. I thought I would amount to more, mommy said I would, but - of dear god.... what have I become. Must think about conspiracies! Must not think about self!
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by daisycutter
Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 11:09 AM
"The rightwing are a bunch of anti-American dictator loving Milosevic appeasers for not supporting the bombing of Yugoslavia. "
Turns out, however, Milosevic was right.
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by The Candy Man
Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 at 11:58 AM
In the early seventies, Martin Sheen murdered a transexual prostitute named Olive outside a West Hollywood bar. Jerry Brown covered it up.
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by American
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 7:28 AM
You rich, spoiled ultra-liberal pansies disgust me. Move to France or Russia and see how good your life is there. I supposed that terroism is over and Saddam is not a tyrant or a threat to the US or the world. His people are quite happy under his reign. Go live under his reign and check your happiness. Where were you when Clinton sent strikes int o Kosovo? Let's just let this guy do whatever he wants. And when the next attack occurs on us or his own country you sleep well. Everything is fine. I suppose North Korea should also be left unchecked. His missle can reach that Sodom we call Hollywood.... Peace Baby!
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 7:25 PM
 prowar.jpg, image/jpeg, 277x371
yeah, both gassed their own people and hitler's side could only be defeated by war, and all the talk about how war could ruin our economy is crap because WW2 helped our economy. oh and hitler lied on the peace treaty thing, and sadaam probably will too and when has peace ever done a damn thing? our country was made independent because of a war...
i'm sick of people bashing bush, by the way. he wants to liberate iraq too. he is concerned with human rights. Clinton was just a fucking draft dodger who liked to screw around.
p.s. i'm a libertarian, not that it matters but i just thought i'd point it out, though i come from a republican family. and i'm probably going to join the army
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 7:32 PM
oh yeah, and i think this hollywood stuff is a joke. like they even care. they're in their own little bubble world and don't give a damn about anyone else. most just go to their parties and lah ti dah award shows. but i know that tom cruise and harrison ford are for the war, and i say good for them, they're Real Americans not communists like most of hollywood.
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 9:10 PM
thanks! ugh, i was just on the phone with a friend about the war and i wanted to scream at her. she was saying how clinton was a better president than bush and foreign affairs were better and I said that bush couldn't help it that 9/11 happened when he was president and that iraq wasn't cooperating again, and i joked that hillary did everything anyway in the clinton admin and she got really mad, ha, and then i asked her later if she wanted Sadaam to keep on killing his people, and she said that it didn't affect her, and I said that that it didn't matter if it directly affected her or not (and i also wanted to say that what she said was horrible, and that it just might affect her someday), but we should get involved, and that america is criticized for being involved and also criticized for being isolationist, so we might as well do something to try to help! oh, and she was making fun of how Bush talked, and I didn't really know what to say but that hedidn't have to be perfect and lots of politicians probably talk like that. personally, l like the way he talks and i hated clinton with his awful sounding voice and accent, sounding so false and leering somehow.
and then i was telling her how i'm going to join the army in the near future and she thinks it would be horrible to shoot the Iraqis and I said that i wouldn't mind because it's for our country and it's my job and they're evil and it's self-defense, and then i said other things and i was getting really mad and i then i couldn't even think of what to say anymore
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by lancer
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 9:51 PM
you really sound like a 13 year old having trouble adjusting to puberty. Not too bright are you? The army sounds right for you as the education just isn't taking.
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 9:55 PM
I'd left a post at the 'Pro War Movement Springs into Action' page, one to you actually where I was scared at first because I addressed it to you and then the poster thing came up first and obviously the poster wasn't meant for you but for the Others, but anyway you get the idea.......
But the point of this post is because I must tell you that 3 people attacked me quite rudely, some of them, for my posts there. So maybe I'm not the most perfectly informed person and I'm not good at voicing my opinion or whatever, and I ramble on probably, but they were totally pissing me off, at first but then i was able to laugh at it and i replied to them 3 times. I think you should look at it, maybe. One even wrote, 'who did daddy bribe to get you into college' or something, ha. It might amuse you....
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 10:05 PM
oh lancer, i'm actually 21. and an alcoholic, so i'm not always thinking clearly, but that's just a stupid excuse, I suppose. yay, you're another one to add to the list of liberal losers who has degrading comments for the libertarian loser. such fun, isn't it
and i'm doing fine in school, not that it's any of your damn business. i'm certainly not polisci but in the arts, and I shan't tell you which one So There. i'm such an immature brat, i know.
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by lancer
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 10:18 PM
Hey you were the one who said you were mean. I was just trying to reassure you it wasn't just mean but also self absorbed and insensitive. Alcoholic at 21? What a shame; please try to reach out to others and develop some humanity.
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by lancer
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 10:31 PM
I detect immense self loathing. You might find compassion has rewards greater than you could ever hope for. I feel sorry that you hurt so much and want to hurt back at the world.
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 10:40 PM
i was just kidding about being an alcoholic, although i do drink a lot.
and i was exaggerating about the evil thing! i do have weapons, and people do call me evil, but it's only jokingly, and also because my one friend thinks i look a bit like fiona apple and she thinks she's evil, and i have an evil-looking stuffed cat that i throw at people. i would throw it at you but i have no idea where you are. so imagine that i just threw a big orange cat with evil eyes that take up most of its face at you.
i'm mean to some people, but not all.
i'll admit i'm self-absorbed and sometimes insensitive, but insensitivity can come with not always paying attention, so sometimes i don't know why i should be sensitive, so i just sit there and talk, you know?? well, maybe you don't, since you seem like a perfect human being - non-self absorbed, Mr. Sensitive Sober Good Guy!
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 10:49 PM
well, your last post was nice, and i'm not being sarcastic. i read it after i posted that last long one.
yes, i do loathe myself much of the time and i hate a lot of things. i have a therapist and psychiatrist and they sort of help, but i think i am destined to be like this sometimes but i don't know. and some say that you can't love others unless you love yourself or whatever, but i think i love some people so I dont think that's totally true. i am a wretched angry girl and you wouldn't want to meet me because i'm pathetic, and my posts are pathetic, and i should be doing homework instead of hanging around here but i don't care. it's almost 2 in the morning here
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by lancer
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 10:52 PM
Not the cat! And I'm not that much of a sober guy, I just don't like the idea of needless pain. But at the present moment I am just scared of hurting people, hurting people. This entire world is hurting and doesn't need anymore children crying for loss and hunger, parents crying for their children and more wasted futures and potentials.
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 11:17 PM
..the cat, named Pagan - named after one of my doctors, whose name is really Dr. Pagan..Dr. Mary Pagan. She's (or he - i said both) not here because I took her home over spring break (people on my hall were trying to steal her to be funny but i was sick of it).
I found a pic of her on my computer, as you can see...my sister got her for me for christmas a few years ago.
You do seem sensitive, and it pleases me that you don't want to hurt people. I just want to hurt certain people because of Things and it's horrible but I do. and that's great that you're not a sober one, ha ha. i'm not really supposed to drink because of my meds but i do and nothing really happens and that's one thing i wouldn't like about the army - you probably aren't allowed to drink but i guess that would be good for me
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by lancer
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 11:26 PM
Go too bed; get some sleep. Tomorrow's a new and maybe better day. I'll try not to be so quick to counter punch. Goodnight.
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 11:26 PM
 paganxmas.jpg, image/jpeg, 161x202
so it should be here now.
i think though, that if i joined the army it wouldn't be a waste of my future if i died because i would waste my future staying around here or wherever because i have no idea what the hell i'm doing and i'm sick of my major and i actually was going to drop out of college or try to fail out on purpose but then i would hate myself more but the army would be a good thing, i think, but i don't know, and today i actually called them and they're sending me info and i have to call the recruiter tomorrow and ask about if they accept people on certain meds. i hope they do but maybe i'll just get a desk job but i don't really want that.
ugh i'm rambling sorry
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by kat
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 at 11:29 PM
me too - about those things you said. i am generally an impulsive person and i have ten million other faults especially self absorption, i know. sigh
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by Larry Mcpherson
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 at 11:55 AM
I will not be going to see any Movie with any Actor who protest the war. they are done.. time to retire Mr. Penn, and the rest of you limp D..K SOB... the only reason you can say the things you do.. is because someone like me went and killed someone like Saddam.. this is what I have to say KILL SADDAM!!!!KILL SADDAM!!!!KILL SADDAM!!!!KILL SADDAM!!!!KILL SADDAM!!!!
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by lancer
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 at 3:26 PM
Shut the fuck up already or buy a gun ( I love this Winchester ) and get him yourself.
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by kat
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 10:14 PM
"Sometimes you're better off dead There's gun in your hand and it's pointing at your head You think you're mad, too unstable Kicking in chairs and knocking down tables"
-some 80s song, i just remember the first part.
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by kusd
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 10:19 PM
hey kat, you're alright -- just stay away from guns and whackos. and stay away from those military recruiters too. shit.
i like the picture of the cat
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by kat
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:28 PM
 thelma_and_louise_2.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x200
i like my cat too. i did call my army recruiter and i'm disqualified because i'm on meds, sigh. i like weapons and i have some of my own, none of them guns though.
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by ify45
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:37 PM
nice pic. hey -- isn't that susan sarandon?! KAt.... she is the "Hollywood Left" if anybody is. i happen to think she's pretty cool - - i'm just surprised at you.....
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by kat
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003 at 11:58 PM
i just didn't think enough about it. i like geena davis better, but for all i know, she's a leftist too. however, i haven't watched that movie in awhile, and i suspect that when i see it again, i won't think of sarandon as being anti-war. i'll just see her as a crazy gun-happy murderess. i can like someone as an actress/actor despite politics usually, because their politics don't really come through in their movies...not in T&L anyway...they had a little violent war going on between them and certain men - very admirable, very admirable indeed.
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by ify45
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 12:56 AM
hey kat, i'm getting dizzy like i'm going to fall down and hit my head. and i don't even drink or smoke or do drugs. i better go to sleep now.
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by kat
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 2:03 AM
 evil_sesame_street.jpg, image/jpeg, 527x406
hope you didn't fall. well i guess you're asleep now. i'm still awake and it's 4:50 and I have an appointment at 9. But sometimes i just don't feel like sleeping, so I didn't take sedatives tonight.
so no Anything for you? what do you do? the only thing i really do is drink..i've only smoked occasionally, but i hate the way it smells and i just don't like it and then it makes your hair and everything smell like it. and i only do legal drugs, occasionally overdosing a bit to mix it up, fun times. well not really i guess but just sleeping is nice.
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by Brad Harris
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 4:02 PM
Question. Is there ever a time when these cowards would actually come to the defense of their country? I think not.
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by Pissed Off in Ohio
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 5:03 PM
So you shut the fuck up you piece of shit warmongering nazi fuck.
And as for us being a bunch of cowards, dick, we have the safest military in the world. Especially against these skutterheads. What are they gonna do, throw a camel at us? Honestly in this battle it could be argued that the people at home have more to risk than those abroad, as we're just *begging* for another act against us.
Which our administration could once again ignore all signs of.
How much of your conclusions are based off any information outside of what the press crams down your throat?
And whatever Daddy told you doesn't count anymore either. The america Daddy knew is long gone.
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by ify45
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 5:25 PM
kat - - i'm beginning to think maybe you are not real.
anyway, i gotta get on the bus in about fifteen minutes but i wanted to say i like the evil photo. and about drugs: i used to but don't anymore. i am 32 and i feel ill enough without pushing my luck. i heartily recommend getting tons and tons of sleep. a lot of people say that is bad but i don't believe it.
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by kat
Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 at 5:53 PM
why am i unreal? and since you probably don't think i am, then who do you think i am?
i'm asking these questions nicely, of course. i'm just curious..
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by Matt
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 6:18 PM
To all you un human hollywood traitor f@#ks,you are all a bunch of pussies. What more do you need to take action, an atomic bomb and millions dead? oh what do you care you are a world away from reality.Just sit there by your pools and make millions of dollars, and be ignorant.You don't know how good you have it.If you don't support the President get the hell out of the US. Sean Penn needed a career boost.Not many things would make me want spit in someones face, but a traitor is on of them.holly sucks
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by wow
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 6:21 PM
wow mad Matt wow
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by ify45
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 6:38 PM
Matt's just like so many pro-war people - - driving more and more people into our anti-war movement with his ugly spasms of hate.
hi Kat! - maybe i was "projecting". maybe i'm the fake one....
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by realitycheck
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 8:01 PM
anti-war movement has peeked, they have blown their wad and are going to decompose into yesterday garbage. When the war is over they are going to look like such stupid fools.
The Majority has stood back because we don't want war, but time has run out for Saddam and we are fed-up the loud mout minority that has been making a lot of noise, but have no substance.
anti-war movement has been trashing America, but not mentioning what Saddam is doing and not offering any viable solutions. They are allowing themselves to be lead around by leftist groups that have their own agenda, and it's not what's best for the world.
anti-war movement your rally numbers have been over inflated and are having no impact on reality. You have the right to protest, but you sure in heal have not impressed those that count, Voters of America.
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by KPC
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003 at 11:31 PM
Wow...294 words about useless protests...
...hmmmm, do you always spend so much effort on the useless?
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by Geoff
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:53 AM
Well guess what. Their sons are out fighting, and I'm one of them. There is so much the public doesn't know or understand. I know full well the truth and wish you could to. But knowing this allows me to comfortably sleep at night, knowing I'm helping prevent certain groups from harming Americans. My biggest fear is not enough is being done and when another terrible tradgedy befalls the US, who will you blame? The government and military for not doing enough? You think your freedom to speech allows you to say whatever you want? Just remember, everything has consquences so be careful what you wish for. Do you think your outbursts will affect the government or military machine. Give me a break. The only one you hurt by your freedom of speech are the soldiers on the front line standing the watch.
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by Mathew Yellott
Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 8:23 PM
I refuse to get my political opinions from actors who in all reality just pretend to be other people for a living and I think that after this war is over what we will see in Iraq will surprise everyone, Rape chambers and men paid to gouge the eyes out of children to gain confessions from their fathers. And to anyone who thinks this is about oil I laugh, when is the last time that you went to the gas station and they said "sorry all out of gas today time to go to war." also now the us trades food for gas at a bargain rate keeping this up would make much more sense, Not to mention the fact that Kuwait is far more oil rich then Iraq. It is disgusting to take the selfish stance "what did he due to us?" as men and women of honor and given our vast prosperity I think that it is our duty to help those that live without freedom of speech or expression and to allow them to become the most realized human beings that they can be. If you do not believe that this war is right then you do not believe that people's human rights outside of this country matter.
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by dude
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 9:23 AM
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,81935,00.html go there....chemical weapons factory found!! "May the hammer fall hard on dissenters who choose treason over loyalty. If you don't like America then leave! No one is stopping you! But don't sit here and enjoy its freedoms paid with the blood of millions, while you hypocritically declare how its evil." (winwords7, www.anabolicminds.com) Do you people who choose to openly protest this "war" enjoy the freedoms that you have that enable you to do such actions. Actions that if done by an Iraqi citizen would have gotten them and their family killed in the next 24 hours..probably not with one quick bullet, but by torture methods.. are you folks aware of this.... http://www.flipsideshow.com/Fact_-_Methods_Of_Torture.htm I say this to you all, if you do not like our america, then by all means go move. Then when your newly found home in some other foreign country needs some assistance, whether it be monitarly or militarily, PLEASE...and i say again PLEAE do NOT come back to MY AMERICA and ask .....you will see nothing but the back of my shoulders. the war is on people...no matter how many anti war resolutions are passed or whatever..its going on right now....get it? SO with that said i suggest you put down your stupid signs and support YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS that are over there dying for what this country was built on and is all about FREEDOM,
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 9:33 AM
Put your lies away, we don't buy them. How conveeeeeenent. Of corse we found something (wink)
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by April
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:23 AM
Thank you JL! You're right on. I wish all these anti-war protestors would read their history books. When you wait to get hit first, it's already too late. Hello?? Just like we didn't hit Osama first and then look what happened, Sept. 11. This country was founded on war, and you need war sometimes to survive as a whole. If we'd decided to sit back and let the Brits run our lives, we'd all be speaking the Queen's English right now. Or if we stood back and let Hitler eat up Europe, don't you think we would have been next? You anti-war freaks need to wake up! Sitting at home watching the tub won't keep a bomb from falling in your lap! Support your country and your troops, or go to Iraq as a human shield, I'm sure our troops could use the target practice.
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by Sheepdog
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 7:29 AM
-look what happened, Sept. 11 [2001]- Wht don’t you tell us what DID happen Arpil. We’re dieing to have your information.
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by Bill
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:29 AM
My history book reminds me about Pearl Harbor.
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by Sheepdog
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:47 AM
Okay, Bill you tell us what happened on 7 DEC 41. People are dieing to know.
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by Simple Simon
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:53 AM
Don't get old Sheepy started. He's got a theory on Pearl Harbor, too.
I think it's got something to do with the Masons, a score to settle on a matter of honor pertaining to a close-fought game of football between Harvard and Yale, Daryl Gate's Maternal Grandfather (a Nazi, no doubt), and the Mayor of Roswell N.M.
Pearl Harbor - What really happened?
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by DepoMan
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 12:34 PM
Yeah. The war is wrong. Saddam is not an evil person who terrorizes his own people. He is honest and really has no weapons hidden. The world should be a big happy left wing family.
Anyways, while the point of this war is somewhat unclear, the removal of Saddam from power will be a positive thing.
The underlying cause of the Middle Easts hatred of us is the real issue. I won't delve into that topic here.
But in the end, if the american government says we are going to war, then I am behind it and the persons going to fight it. If the war had no possible positive results or if the war was unprovoked or not reasonable, then I would feel the same way as West Hollywood. But this war does not fit that criteria and I have never been to California.
Actually, I have been praying that California, and all that implies, would sink into the ocean.
Californication baby.
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by Sheepdog
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 3:09 PM
-The underlying cause of the Middle Easts hatred of us is the real issue. I won't delve into that topic here- *Damn right you wont. You would have to do some research and some thinking. Either of these would show your hollow and indifferent attitude towards the people we are now sowing real terror upon are also victims of a criminal evil you can't delve into. The facts are there for anyone who cares to look. I have met the enemy and they are us. May the fires of hell burn hot and bright for all who didn't try to stop this.
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by sm
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 8:24 PM
where to start???????? I'm really getting sick of these anti-war pansies acting like they represent the majority of US citizen's just because of all the press attention their little parties, oops I mean demonstations have been getting! As for Hollywood, what a suprise celebs looking for attention! I'm shocked! The fact is that if you are intelligent enough to see past the media attention given to all these anti-war morons that obviously are looking to be accepted, you'll find that most of America backs President Bush. How dare they pour their bleeding hearts and say it represents me! Shame on them!
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by P. Vincent McCartney
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 1:09 AM
This is excellent!
From a friend #1 Below is a letter from a fraternity bother of mine, Colonel Robert E. Milstead, Jr., Commanding Officer, Marine Aircraft Group 29, USS Saipan. Colonel Milstead, known by his friends as "Boomer", is right in the middle of the Iraqi war. I thought you might find his letter enlightening, as well as the response from Randy DeLay, Congressman Tom DeLay's brother. Boomer,
I am meeting with the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee of U.S. House of Representatives, Duncan Hunter, (who was a Marine and whose son is currently a Marine) this afternoon. I am going to deliver this message to him personally. God Bless
Randy DeLay
All's well, not nearly the bleak picture CNN would have you believe. Concerned about anxiety back home, I penned the following note for our MAG-29 website. It pretty much sums up how I feel. Feel free to pass it on. s// Boomer
March 25, 2003
Dear family and friends,
Do not worry needlessly, believe me, all is well. I know everyone depends on television to stay abreast of events, but you must take what they tell you with some reservation. Remember, they must create drama, for it is the drama that keeps you watching. Things are not nearly as bleak as they would lead you to believe. The outcome of our undertaking is not in doubt, nor has it ever been. Yes, we have taken some licks, but we are dishing it out much more than we are taking, and the ratio continues to widen. Do not be discouraged by the protests, we are not. It is a cherished American freedom. They only validate what we are doing. The Iraqi people do not share this same freedom to openly disagree with their government - this will change. Do not be discouraged by what many interpret to be a cautious advance. Nobody works harder in battle to reduce the risks for unnecessary damage or the loss of innocent life than we do; the value we put on human life is the reason we are here. Our success will not be measured by bloodshed, but by the manner we liberate the Iraqi people. We will always maintain the moral high ground. Their treatment of our POWs, their use of women and children as shields, and their false surrenders are all signs of frustration. This war was not started in Washington, but in Baghdad. Most will sit on the sidelines as history is written, few will actually participate. Your sons and daughters, husbands and wives, are all participating in a historical undertaking. It is a cause with honor, and one they will look back upon with pride. I will tell you again, I have never served with a finer group of men and women in my 28 years of service. Do not doubt us, do not doubt our determination, do not doubt our cause, and never doubt the outcome! God bless you.
Semper Fidelis,
Boomer Milstead Colonel Robert E. Milstead, Jr. Commanding Officer Marine Aircraft Group 29 USS Saipan
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by P. Vincent Mc.
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 1:15 AM
 image001.jpgs5hvva.jpg, image/jpeg, 328x426
Hey Sheepdog, you must be one of them Real-Man-a-phobes.
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by Blowjob Queen
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:50 PM
I, for one, am very much into "real men." That's why I don't date soldiers.
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by Way to Go, BlowJobQueen
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:56 PM
 bart-02.gifyojmj0.gif, image/png, 60x106
Shit, BJ Queen, gotta tell ya: I am middle-aged, female, white, yadda, yadda...and I laughed my ass off at your remark to that jerk about real men!!!!! I am even (gulp) a registered Republican.
^5, BJ!!! You rocked totally on that one. Some people just set themselves up for it and I just love it when they get it back and better!!!!
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by Here you Go
Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 2:58 PM
 _cid___2_017400008fc400507c6580256cee_.jpgghpjat.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Dirty Bitch
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by Simple Simon
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 9:06 AM
I just masturbated to that picture. That granny is one hot mamma!
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by Emile Zola
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 9:31 AM
Spammer is Wow. Spammer is Lynx-11. Spammer is Anonymous Volunteer.
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by Emile Zola
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 9:39 AM
I like gibberish.
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by CB
Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 9:24 PM
Thank you West Hollywood City Counsel for passing the first ban on the declawing of our beautiful felines. All the felines in the world thank you. It is the beginning of what will one day be the norm.
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