Rev. Cecil Murray, pastor of First African Methodist Episcopal Church, supports our antiwar petition efforts. We are invited to collect signatures at their church at this Sunday's 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon services. It is Martin Luther King weekend, a most appropriate time to engage in action devoted to peace.
Cut and paste this into your browser: We are still seeking volunteers to collect signatures there. We need three more volunteers for each service.
If you can assist at one or both of these services, please reply directly to the email address below or telephone me at 323.550.1878
Thank you.
Bob Squires
evelynsq@pacbell.net B.
Here are some ways to help with the signature gathering effort to get a anti-war resolution from LA's city council....
The Chicago City Council voted 46-1 today against a unilateral military attack on Iraq.
The resolution said military action against Iraq would cost billions of dollars, and during the debate, council members discussed how federal budget cuts could affect programs that benefit Chicago residents.
Anti-war statements have been passed in others cities, including San Francisco, Seattle, Ithaca, New York, and Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Our chapter has signed onto a recent effort to have the Los Angeles City Council adopt a similar resolution. There are petitions being circulated throughout the City which are available at the ADA Office. If you would like to help circulate a petition in your area, please call our office at (323) 651-4440 or e-mail to us at
socalada@earthlink.net and we will make arrangements to send you the materials.
Warm Regards,
Susie Shannon
Executive Director
So. Calif. Americans for Democratic Action
323-651-4440 - 323-651-1163 fax
socalada@earthlink.net / www.socalada.org
Go directly to the Neighbors for Peace and Justice link above to read the resolution and print out your own.